Qhse Manual

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Quality, Health, Safety &

Environmental Management System

(QHSE) Manual
Based on ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007


Office # 155, ADCB Golden Tower Building,
Corniche Road, P.O. Box - 106799,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Phone No.: +971-2-6271505

Fax No.: +971-2-6271504

Web: www.deltadesign.ae

Designation Name Signature

Prepared By QHSE Management Representative Lijo Mathew

Checked By General Manager Hadi Hamra

Approved By General Manager Hadi Hamra

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means wholly or
partially, or disclosed to any person outside Deltadesign without written permission

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2.1 Scope of Application 5
2.1 Application & Exclusions 5
2.1 Reference 5



4.1 General Requirements 9
4.2 Documentation Requirements 9


5.1 Management Commitment 11

5.2 Customer Focus 11
5.3 Quality Policy 11
5.4 Planning 11
Environmental Aspects and OH&S Hazards Identification and Risk
5.5 12
5.6 Legal and Other Requirements & Evaluation 13
5.7 Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authorities 13
5.8 Communication, participation and consultation 14
5.9 Management Review 14,15


6.1 Provision of resources 16

6.2 Human Resources 16
6.3 Infrastructure 16
6.4 Work Environment 17


7.1 Planning of Product Realization 18

7.2 Customer related Processes 18
7.3 Design and Development 19
7.4 Purchasing 19
7.5 Service/Product Provision 20
7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices 21
7.7 Emergency Preparedness & Response 22


8.1 General 23
8.2 Monitoring and Measurement 23,24
8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product 25
8.4 Analysis of Data 25
8.5 Incident Investigation 26
8.6 Improvement 26


9.1 A-Quality Policy 27

9.2 B-Organization Chart 28
9.3 QHSEMS Processes Interaction Chart 30

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Amendments Sheet

Revision Page Section of Amendment Amended by Date


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Section 1

Deltadesign Décor LLC is a leading finishes specialist contractor involved in designing,

supplying and installing all types of Suspended and Decorative Ceilings, Drywall and Solid Wall
Partitions, Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG), Decorative Cornices, General Architectural Fit-
out Works, Painting and Coating Systems are also among our Speciality Services. Our
workforce has more than 15 years experience in the UAE and has constructed and maintained
commercial buildings, governmental buildings, schools, retail, restaurants, villas and many
more remarkable structures.

Our commitment is to offer a complete integrated range of products and services, to make
customer satisfaction our satisfaction, to enhance teamwork, courtesy and quality excellence,
completing projects successfully is our business and building a successful career for all.

Deltadesign Décor LLC has already been awarded many prestigious contracts because of its
proven track record for delivering large and challenging projects on time within budget.

Deltadesign Décor LLC’s address and communication details are identified on the cover page

Approval: QHSE Manual has been prepared by QHSE Management Representative and
reviewed and approved by General Manager.

Amendment Process: All amendments to this QHSE Manual are verified by QHSE
Management Representative and approved by General Manager. The revision, updating and
distribution will be the responsibility of QHSE Management Representative. He will be
responsible for retrieving the obsolete copies of the manual.

In case of minor changes requiring the revision of one or several pages of QHSE Manual, the
entire manual will be revised. Whenever practical the change in the document will be
highlighted by drawing a vertical line adjacent to the revised portion on the amendment.

Distribution of the QHSE Manual: QHSE Management Representative shall control

distribution of QHSE manual. Controlled copies of the QHSE manual will be issued in
accordance with the established distribution list.

QHSE Management Representative will ensure that the controlled copies will be updated
promptly; he will distribute all amendments to the QHSE manual to all holders of the controlled

Uncontrolled copies of the QHSE Manual can be issued to the customers on demand for
reference purposes. The uncontrolled copies shall not be updated and will be identified as
“Uncontrolled Copy”.

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Section 2.0

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has developed and implemented a QHSE Management System
to better satisfy the needs of its clients, comply with applicable laws and regulations and
improve the QHSE management system of the company. The QHSE management system has
been organized to comply with the requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2008,
ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007.

QHSE management system demonstrates DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC ability to consistently

provide products and / or service that meets or exceeds the requirements of the client and
applicable regulatory (if any). In addition to this, it also aims to enhance customer satisfaction
through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement
of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable regulatory

2.1 Scope of Application

The scope of the QHSE system covers –

“Provision of Suspended Ceilings, Drywall Partitions, Painting & Coating Systems”

2.2 Application & Exclusions

Clause 7.3 – Design & development of ISO 9001:2008 QMS standard is identified as exclusion
in the Management System.

Justification: This clause 7.3 Design and Development is not applicable in the scope of work
of DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC as all of the provided services (Decorative False Ceiling, Dry
Wall Partitions, Coating, Decorative Painting) are done according to submitted client
specifications and requirements which are in various forms (e.g. bills of materials, drawings,
designs,….etc.), hence no design activities are performed by organization and therefore the
clause 7.3 is not applicable.

2.3 Reference:

ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management System – Fundamentals & Vocabulary

ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management System requirements
ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management System requirements
OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System requirements

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Section 3.0
Conformity Fulfilment of specified requirements

Contract Review Systematic activities carried out by the supplier i.e. DELTADESIGN
DÉCOR LLC. in this QMS, before signing the contract to ensure that
requirements for quality are adequately defined, free from ambiguity,
documented and can be realized by the supplier.

Defect Non-fulfilment of an intended usage requirement or reasonable

expectation, including one concerned with safety.

Inspection Activity such as measuring, examining, testing or gauging one or more

characteristics of an entity and comparing the results with specified
requirements in order to establish whether conformity is achieved for each

Management Review Formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the
quality system in relation to the quality policy and objectives.

Objective Evidence Information, which can be proved true, based on facts obtained through
observation, measurement, test or other means.

Preventive Action Action taken to eliminate the causes of a potential non-conformity, defect or
other undesirable situation in order to prevent occurrence.

Procedure Specified way to perform an activity

Process Set of inter-related resources and activities which transform inputs into
outputs (resources may include personnel, finance, facilities, equipment,
techniques and methods)

Product Result of activities or processes

Qualification Process Process of demonstrating whether an entity is capable of fulfilling specified


Quality Assurance All the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality
system, and demonstrated as needed, to provide adequate confidence that
an entity will fulfil requirement for quality

Quality Control Operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil requirements for

Quality Management All activities of the overall management function that determine the quality
policy, objectives and responsibilities, and implement them by means such
as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality
improvement within the quality system.

Quality Manual Document stating the quality policy and describing the quality system of an

Quality Plan Document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and
sequences of activities relevant to a particular product, project or contract

Quality Planning Activities that establish the objectives and requirements for quality and for
the application of the quality system elements

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Quality Policy Overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard quality, as
formally expressed by the top management

Quality System Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to

implement quality management
Quality Degree to which a set of inherent characteristic meets requirements.
Record Document which furnishes objective evidence of activities performed or
results achieved
Specification Document stating requirements

Traceability Ability to trace the history, application and location of an entity (a product,
process or an activity) by means of recorded identification

Verification Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that

specifies requirements have been fulfilled
QHSE Quality, Health, safety & environment

HSEMS Health, safety & environmental Management System

OHS Condition & Factors that affect or that could affect, the health and safety of
employees or other workers (temp/contract), visitors or any other person in
the workplace.
Environment Surrounding in which the organization operates, including air, water , land,
natural resources, flora, fauna, Humans and their interrelations.
Supplier Subcontractor or Vendor

Document A source for communication of information and evidence of conformity to

specified requirements of an internal / external standard(s).

External Document shall mean applicable standards and codes that are not originated from
within the company. (Client guidelines, local & international standards)
Retention period The time period, up to which the record shall be kept before it is either
discarded or sent to store
Environmental Aspect An aspect is an element of an organization‟s activities, products or
services, which can interact with the environment.
Hazard Source or situations with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health,
damage to property, damage to the work place environment, or a
combination of these.
Risk Combination of the Likelihood (probability) and Consequences (severity) of
a specified hazardous event occurring.
Tolerable Risk Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be endured by the
organization having regard to its legal obligations and its own HSE policy.
Consequence/ severity Is the loss that can be inflicted if the hazard event occurs.
ALARP means to reduce a risk to a level which is „As Low As Reasonably
Practicable‟ and involves balancing reduction in risk against the time,
trouble, difficulty and cost of achieving it. This level represents the point,
objectively assessed, at which the time, trouble, difficulty and cost of further
reduction measures become unreasonably disproportionate to the
additional risk reduction obtained.
Emergency An emergency is any unplanned event that can cause deaths or significant
injuries to employees, customers or the public; or that can shut down the
business, disrupt operations, cause physical or environmental damage, or
threaten the facilities financial standing or public image

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Incident Work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity)
or fatality occurred, or could have occurred
An accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or
An incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be
referred to as a “near-miss”, near-hit”, “close call” or “dangerous
An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.

Ill health identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made
worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation
Lost time accident Any work related injury or illness, which prevents that person from doing
(LTI) work after the accident.
Audit Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence
and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria
are fulfilled.
Internal Audits Internal audits, sometimes called first-party audits, are conducted by, or on
behalf of, the organization itself for internal purposes and can form the
basis for an organization’s self-declaration of conformity.
Audit Programme set of one or more audits planned for a specific time frame and directed
towards a specific purpose.
Audit Criteria set of policies, procedures or requirements used as a reference
Audit Evidence records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the
audit criteria and verifiable.
Auditee organization/person being audited
Auditor person with the competence to conduct an audit
Non-Conformity Any failure to address a specified requirement of the standard, failure to
achieve the fundamental aim of a system requirement and failure to
achieve legal or statutory requirements.

Observation An area of concern, a process, document, or activity that is currently

conforming that may not if improved, result in a non-conforming system.
Nonconformity non-fulfillment of a requirement
(Note - A nonconformity can be any deviation from relevant work
standards, practices, procedures, legal requirements, etc. &QHSE
management system requirements.)
Nonconforming When one or more characteristics of a product fail to meet specified
products requirements, it is referred to as a nonconforming product.
Customer Complaint any communication from the customer, whether written or verbal, in which
he expresses dissatisfaction with the product/ service provided by the
Continual Recurring process of enhancing the QHSE management system in
improvement order to achieve improvements in overall QHSE performance
consistent with the organization’s QHSE policy
Corrective action Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.11) or other
undesirable situation in order to avoid recurrence.
Preventive action Action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity (3.11) or other
undesirable potential situation in order to avoid occurrence.

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Section 4.0

4.1 General Requirements

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established, documented, implements and maintains

a QHSE Management System (QHSEMS) with an aim and commitment to continually
improve by meeting the Policy and Objectives.
The QHSEMS comprises of processes identified and sequentially implemented
considering the interaction between the processes is controlled through criteria and
methods communicated to the appropriate level and monitored through measurements
and analysis to achieve planned results and continual improvement.
In case organization is choosing to outsource any of its processes that could affect the
product conformity with requirements, it will select only approved sources and control
the processes in accordance with the defined parameters in the section 7.4 as per
Purchasing Process.
Such outsourced processes may include Workforce subcontracting, Decorative False
Ceiling, Dry Wall Partitions, Coating, Decorative Painting and Water Proofing Works,
Calibration & Laboratory tests, Maintenance activities, Publicity/ publication services etc

4.2 Documentation Requirements

4.2.1 General

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC QHSE MS documentation includes in addition to this

QHSE Manual, procedures, list of legal and other requirements and forms to ensure
effective operation and control of the processes.
The QHSE Management System is documented to an extent necessary, to meet the
requirements of QHSE Standards. The documents related to QHSE Management
System are divided into three defined levels:

1. QHSE Policies, QHSE Objectives, QHSE Manual (Level-1)

2. QHSE Procedures, Work Instructions, Specifications/Standards/plan (Level-2)
3. QHSE Records (Level-3)

4.2.2 Quality Manual

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established and maintains a QHSE manual, which
explains how, the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS
18001:2007 have been incorporated into the QHSE system. Furthermore references of
the QHSE procedures, documents, plans and records are given in the manual wherever
Description of the interaction between the processes of the QHSE management system
has been identified in the Annexure – C - QHSEMS Processes interaction chart.

4.2.3 Control of Documents

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established, documented, implemented and
maintained the documented procedures for control of all documentation relating to the
QHSE Management System.

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These procedures facilitate to locate records and control issuance of forms and
procedures. The availability of Quality System Operating Procedures and cancellation
and withdrawal of superseded documents are identified through this procedure.
The procedure defines adequacy of documents prior to issue. It reflects the status of
the changes and current revision of documents identified as well as relevant versions
available at points of use. The procedure also defines how external origin documents
are identified and how its distribution is controlled. It prevents the unintended use of
obsolete documents.
Reference Procedure: Control of Documents & Records - # QHSEP-01

4.2.4 Control of Records

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established a procedure for identification, collection,

indexing, access filing, storage, retrieval, protection and disposition of records
necessary to demonstrate the requirements for QHSE are met and the QHSE system is
working effectively. Pertinent QHSE records from the subcontractor are also controlled.
The QHSE records are legible, readily retrievable, and are stored in suitable
environment to prevent damage, deterioration or loss.
The procedure defines, where and by whom the records are maintained. The procedure
also provides for the disposition of QHSE records after prescribed retention period is
over. When contractually required, the customer shall be afforded access to the QHSE
records pertaining to the relevant contract.
The procedure addresses the control of electronic data fed to the computer. The
backup of this data is produced and all backup operations are monitored and recorded.
Safety and security aspects of backup data operations are defined in the procedure.
Reference Procedure: Control of Documents & Records- # QHSEP-01

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Section 5

5.1 Management Commitment

The top Management of Organization firmly believes in continual improvement in the

business growth and stability through the establishment of QHSE Management System.
It has communicated to all members of the organization the importance of meeting
customer as well as statutory & regulatory (legal) requirements.
DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC top Management has established QHSE Policies &
Objectives at relevant functions & processes. Organizations management is committed
to provide adequate and timely resources for the implementation of the system and
conduct management reviews at planned intervals to assess its’ effectiveness.

5.2 Customer Focus

Customer satisfaction is an essential part of the QHSE Policy and the top management
will ensure that the current & future needs and expectations of the customer are
identified with an aim to not only meet them but to exceed them.

5.3 Quality Policy

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC QHSE Policies are defined and approved by Top
Management (General Manager). This Policy is part of this Manual. The contents of the
QHSE Policies are disseminated throughout organization. QHSE Policies are
communicated and understood at all levels in the Company and reviewed for continuing
suitability in the Management Review and provides a frame work for establishing and
reviewing QHSE Objectives.
QHSE Policies are also available to interested parties & public.
Reference: Annexure A for Quality Policy, Health, Safety & Environmental Policy

5.4 Planning

5.4.1 General
DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC management has identified and established resources
required to satisfy the requirements of its customers, both regarding equipment and
personnel and to achieve the QHSE Objectives
Top Management are responsible to ensure that adequately trained personnel are
assigned to manage, perform and verify work affecting Quality of product and services
supplied to clients, the Health & Safety of the employees or those working on
organization’s behalf and the Environment.
Adequacy of resources including trained personnel, equipment, machines, etc., with
regards to meeting the client’s QHSE requirements, are reviewed periodically by
Projects Manager/ Project In-Charges during the Project Reviews/ Management Review
and necessary actions are taken.
The management also ensures that any change process is controlled and does not
affect the integrity of the QHSEMS.

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5.4.2 QHSE Objectives

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established measurable objectives that are consistent
with the QHSE Policy and pursued at relevant levels and functions in the organization.
Some of the objectives pertain to the project requirements and all the objectives aim at
continual improvement of the QHSEMS.
Objectives and Targets:
DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC defines set objectives and targets for QHSE Management
System to enable and prove to be continually improving QHSE performances. QHSE
Management Representative and Project/Department Managers are responsible for
setting QHSE objectives and targets on an annual basis. Objectives & targets are
prioritized on the basis of customer requirements, significant HSE Aspects/Impact &
legal requirements.
The following inputs are considered for setting objectives:
 QHSE Policy;
 Legal and other requirements;
 Customer Requirements;
 List of significant HSE aspects/hazards and risks;
 Views of interested parties;
 Operational and business requirements; and,
 Financial and technological options.

Organization will establish and maintain documented QHSE objectives and targets at
different levels of the company. Actual performance against specified targets will be
measured and documented periodically. At the Management Review meeting, each
objective shall be reviewed, evaluated, and maintained, updated, or replaced as
appropriate. QHSE objectives will be monitored and be met within the time frame
QHSE Management Programs:
Organization will establish and maintain annual QHSE Management Programs &
identified in the format. QHSE Management Program will address the following:
 Responsibilities for achieving objectives and targets; and,
 The means and time scale by which they are to be achieved

5.5 Environmental Aspects and OH&S Hazards Identification and Risk


Identification of Health, Safety & Environmental aspects and their associated impacts
are performed by various functions whose activities are relevant to QHSE management
system under the guidance of the head of relevant Project/Department. Similarly, risk
assessment is performed to ensure that all activities associated risks are considered
while setting objectives & targets and management programs.
The management of risk is based on identification, assessment, and control of risk. Risk
Management is a loss control program where identification of risk and its potential
consequence is the key element. Therefore, all employees should be trained to
recognize potential hazards, think defensively and anticipate problems through
preparation and planning, to carry out the operation with the proper protection, training,
awareness, coordination and skill to avoid incidents.

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HSE aspects and associated risk of organizations activities are maintained and these
will be reviewed and updated as per the procedure for identification of HSE aspect and
assessment of risks.
Risk assessment is an important factor in the effective planning of all organization’s
HSE activities. All significant HSE aspects associated with organization’s business are
identified, existing control measures assessed, and the required risk control plans
All identified risks shall be reported to the Project/ Department Managers and QHSE
Management Representative, these are categorized, analyzed and prioritized with
respect to areas of operations with high potential for loss to be re-appraised and
effective changes to be determined, documented, communicated, implemented and
Reference Procedure:
Environmental Impact & OHS Risk Assessment - QHSEP-02

5.6 Legal and Other Requirements & Evaluation

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has ensured that these applicable legal requirements
(Local, Governmental HSE Rules & Regulations of UAE) and other requirements (Client
/ Consultant HSE requirement) to which the organization subscribes are taken into
account in establishing, implementing and maintaining its QHSE management system.
Organizations management of HSE protection for all its operational activities is
governed principally by the applicable legal, other and any specific Client requirements
pertaining to these operational activities.
The organization will maintain list of all applicable legal & other requirements and will
keep this information up-to-date.
QHSE Management Representative has the responsibility for advising top management
and departments of all applicable legal requirements affecting organizations operational
activities. When new legal requirement(s) is/are introduced, QHSE Management
Representative will inform all departments/projects likely to be affected, and provide
advice on project/departmental strategy and implementation. It will be the responsibility
of QHSE Management representative to review, update and incorporate these new
requirements into the system.
Consistent with organizations commitment to compliance in HSE Policy, the
organization has establish, implement and maintain a process for periodically evaluating
compliance with applicable legal & other requirements and records of the results of the
periodic evaluations shall be maintained.
The frequency of periodic evaluation is annually & as well whenever changes in the
legal & other requirements occur.

5.7 Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authorities

5.7.1 Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authorities

Organization chart of DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC is defined and illustrated in the

Management system. (Organization chart -Appendix B)
The Roles, responsibility, authority, accountability and the inter-relationship of all
personnel who manage, perform, and verify work affecting QHSE have been defined,
documented and communicated to them through the job description. A master copy of
all job-descriptions is maintained by QHSE Management Representative and/or HR.

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5.7.2 Management Representative
DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC top Management has appointed a member(s) of
management with specific responsibility for QHSEMS, irrespective of other
responsibilities, as Management Representative. The Management Representative
works under the authority of the General Manager and reports directly to him, with the
following responsibilities and authorities:
 Ensuring that the QHSE management system is established, implemented and
maintained in accordance with this QHSE Standards - ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS
18001:2007 & ISO 14001:2004 requirements.
 Ensuring that reports on the performance of the QHSE management system are
presented to top management for review and used as a basis for improvement of
the QHSE management system.
 To promote throughout the organization, the awareness of meeting Customer
requirements and thus achieving Customer satisfaction through effective
implementation of all these processes.

5.8 Communication, participation and consultation

5.8.1 Communication
Documented procedures have been developed and implemented which clearly shows
internal communication among the various levels and functions of the organization,
communication with contractors and other visitors to the workplace & receiving,
documenting and responding to relevant communications from external interested
Organization will not communicate with externally about its significant environmental
Project Manager & Management representative is responsible to ensure that
communication from external parties is received, documented & responded to in an
effective manner.

5.8.2 Participation and consultation

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC have establish, implement and maintain a documented
procedure for the participation of workers & consultation with contractors where there
are changes that affect their OH&S.
Reference Procedure:
Communication, Participation and Consultation - QHSEP-03

5.9 Management Review

5.9.1 General
Top management shall review the DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC’s QHSE management
system, once a year, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
All the key personnel like process/department heads will participate in the Management
Review. If the formal meeting is conducted then shall be chaired by General Manager
and if any key person is absent, MOM will be sent to him.

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5.9.2 Review Input
Agenda (Input) of the QHSE Management Review is as below minimum.
 Follow-up actions from previous management reviews;
 QHSE Policies
 The extent to which QHSE objectives & target have been met;
 Results of QHSE internal & external audits
 Evaluations of compliance with applicable legal requirements and with other
requirements to which the organization subscribes;
 Customer feedback and Relevant communication(s) from external interested
parties, including complaints;
 The results of participation and consultation
 Process performance & product Conformity
 The HSE performance of the organization;
 Status of incident investigations
 Status of corrective actions and preventive actions;
 Changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other
requirements related to OH&S & Environmental Aspect;
 Changes that could affect the Management System.
 Recommendations for improvement.

5.9.3 Review Output

The Review output shall include decisions & actions regarding:
 QHSE policies and objectives, target
 Improvements of the effectiveness of QHSEMS and its processes
 Improvements of product/ service related to customer requirements.
 Resource needs
 OH&S performance;
 Other elements of the HSE management system.

Relevant outputs from management review shall be made available for communication
and consultation.
Minutes of the Management Review are recorded and filed by QHSE Management

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Section 6.0

6.1 Provision of Resources

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC Management has identified and established resources

required to implement and maintain the QHSEMS and continually improve its
effectiveness and to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

6.2 Human Resources

6.2.1 General

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC General Manager with the process owners like
Department Managers and Project Managers etc, ensure that the personnel performing
work affecting product quality are competent on the basis of appropriate education,
training, skills and experience.

6.2.2 Competence, Training and Awareness

Documented Procedures are established and maintained by DELTADESIGN DÉCOR

LLC for the identification of training needs and for providing training to organizational
personnel, whose activities affect quality. Personnel performing specific assigned tasks
are qualified. They are chosen with the required experience and/or are trained
The procedure defines how training requirements are identified and how evaluation of
the effectiveness of training is provided.
The organization gives great importance to ensure that all personnel performing
activities affecting quality have adequate education and experience. This is achieved
through recruitment of suitably qualified personnel and the provision of adequate
The procedure also requires the review of the training needs of personnel, at least once
every year. This is achieved through staff appraisals and where training requirements
are identified, a plan for further training is established. The procedure also assigns
responsibility for the provision of any further training.
All the records pertaining to their training, performance, education and experience are
maintained by personnel department.
Reference Procedure: Competence, Awareness & Training - QHSEP-04

6.3 Infrastructure

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has identified, provided and maintains necessary facilities
to achieve the product as well as HSE requirements. The facilities include workspace,
appropriate equipment, hardware and software, associated utilities and supporting
services like preventive maintenance, transport, accommodation, communication
systems etc.
The facilities are reviewed for adequacy and suitability for the existing and future
requirements through different forums/meetings.

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6.4 Work Environment

The management has determined and manages the necessary work environment
needed to achieve conformity to the product/service requirements.
ORGANIZATION identifies and manages the Environmental, physical and other factors
of the work environment needed to achieve conformity of the product. These are
included in the QHSE Plans, procedures, work instructions and safety practices as
appropriate. Every project execution starts with the mobilization phase of equipment,
offices and temporary accommodation for the employees as per the project
requirements and conditions.
The work environment is reviewed for adequacy and suitability for existing and future
requirements in the internal audits/ inspections/meetings

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Section 7

7.1 Planning of Product / Service Realization

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC not only maintains but also to improve the quality of
services by ensuring the effective controls on the processes. Management plan &
develop the processes needed for service/product realization, which will be consistent
with the requirements of the QHSE MS.

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC carries out Quality & HSE planning based on project
specific contract documents, procedures and work instructions that are prepared from
customers’ specifications, international codes and practices and internal expertise and
experience. The customer requirements & quality objectives are identified at an earlier
stage (Contract review stage) and are incorporated into the “Project/contract specific
QHSE Plans” or appropriate document required by client which are prepared for each
project outlining all QHSE issues and how they will be managed.

The procedures specify processes, equipment and controls. The persons using the
procedures are qualified and skilled. Where contractually required, the QHSE plans are
agreed with the clients.

7.2 Customer-related Processes

7.2.1 Determination of Requirements Related to the Product

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC gives adequate consideration to identification of customer

requirements, which include product requirements, specified or unspecified by the
customer but required for the intended use, requirements about availability, delivery and
support and legal and regulatory requirements.
All the defined /undefined customer requirements are part of our contract reviews
therefore the customer requirements are properly identified and evaluated at the
preliminary stages.
The management will review all new contracts in accordance with the client’s
requirements and ensures that each agreement is reviewed for:
a) Thorough documentation of requirements.
b) Complete resolution of differences in understanding requirements.
c) Issues that may challenge the capability of organization to fulfill the intended
Changes to contracts can only be made by co-agreement between the designated
representative of organization and the client representative.

7.2.2 Review of Requirements Related to the Product/Service

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC reviews the requirements related to the product. The
review is conducted prior to the Company’s commitment to supply a product to the
Customer (e.g. submission of tenders, acceptance of contracts, acceptance of changes
to contracts or orders) and ensures that:
 Product/project requirements are defined
 Tendering process which include review of tender documents, site visit,
clarification for details and ambiguities from Client, preparation of purchase
inquiries, quantity takeoff, submission of tender are carried out in a systematic
way in line with the set procedures.

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 Receipt, review and acknowledgement of orders are performed in strict
compliance to procedural rules. Any conflict between tender submitted and order
received are resolved prior to job execution.
 Modifications to contract either proposed by the Customer or by organization are
recorded and transferred to all departments for incorporation during execution of
the job. As required cost implication of such proposed changes are submitted to
Client for approval.
 Records of the results of the review and actions arising from the review are

7.2.3 Customer Communication

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has determined and implemented effective arrangements
for communicating periodically with the Customer at different levels :
 Customer feedback in terms of suggestions or complaints related to products
and/or services received are prioritized and relevant actions taken and properly
recorded along with corrective and preventive action procedure and client
feedback form.
 All communications related to products are maintained in the relevant project
files including inquiries, orders and amendments.

Reference Procedure: Tendering and contract review - QHSEP-05

7.3 Design and Development

Excluded, not applicable

7.4 Purchasing

7.4.1 Purchasing Process

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established documented procedures to ensure that

procured material, equipment and services are conforming to the Client’s requirements
and that the HSE requirements are met.
 Evaluation and selection of suppliers/ vendors/ sub-contractors based on their
ability to meet subcontract requirements with respect to QHSE. Criteria for
selection and periodic evaluation are defined and results of the evaluations and
follow up actions are recorded.
 Communication of adequate details of requirements to vendors/ subcontractors,
 Receiving inspection and verification of purchased products.

7.4.2 Purchasing Information

Purchasing documents clearly and completely describes the ordered products and the
QHSE requirements including where applicable.
 The type, class, grade or other applicable precise information.
 The title, and applicable issue of specifications, drawing process
 Requirements for approval, or qualification of product, procedures, processes,
equipment and personnel.
 QHSE Management system as well as project specific requirements.
The purchasing documents are reviewed for accuracy and adequacy prior to release
of the documents.

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7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Product

Verification of purchased products is carried out through an inspection process.

Materials receiving inspection ensures that only Quality approved items are procured.

If verification of materials is required at supplier’s premises or by Client’s

representatives, the arrangements for, the same shall be specified while a purchase
order is placed. If required, the Client and /or his representative shall be given access to
verify at source that the products are in conformity with the contract requirement.

Reference Procedure: Purchasing - QHSEP-06

7.5 Service/Product Provision

7.5.1 Operations Control

All activities of DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC that affect QHSE Management System are
planned and controlled so that staff can perform a task correctly under various
operating conditions including emergency situations.

Assigned Project Manager or lead shall collect all related information, requirements of
the Customer and establish the mobilization plan and construction plan where he shall
describe the scope of work and details, all the possible activities to execute the project
within the defined time frame. The construction activities/services are executed in
accordance with the client or our Project Quality Plan & HSE plan. In case of changes,
all amendments are recorded and controlled.
Controlled conditions that may include the following:
 Availability of work instruction, applicable procedures, Quality Plan, HSE Plans,
ITP’s, method statements as applicable.
 Availability of resources including equipment’s & monitoring & measuring
equipment’s to perform the activities
 Implementation of monitoring & measuring activities including inspections,
product release, delivery and post-delivery activities in controlled conditions in
accordance with the Project Quality Plan, HSE Plan & Inspection & Test Plans
as applicable
 Procedures to control the operations associated with the identified significant
HSE aspects/risks of the company’s activities, products and services, and these
are communicated to suppliers/contractors.
 Implement controls related to purchased goods, equipment and services and
control related to contractors and other visitors to the workplace;

Reference Procedure: Projects Planning and Management # QHSEP-11

7.5.2 Validation of Processes for Production and Service Provision

When DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC uses processes where the resulting product cannot
be fully verified by subsequent measurements and monitoring, the processes are
validated to demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve the desired results. The
validation includes qualification of equipment, personnel and procedures, records to
support the validation and specified interval of revalidation.

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7.5.3 Identification and Traceability

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established, documented and maintains systems to

ensure that the product/ service is clearly identified during all stages from receipt to
delivery and is traceable where contractually traceability is required.
Processes are established to ensure that product or services can be traced to their
source and quality by:
 Identifying documents in relation to the service provided during specified stages
of the service.
 Identifying the personnel performing work at each stage in the preparation and
supply of the service.

7.5.4 Customer Property

The status of Customer properties and facilities handed over during project execution is
recorded. While receiving such Customer property the suitability and working condition
are notified to the Customer.
The Project Manager / Lead is responsible for the implementation of this process.

In the case where clients provide DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC with certain properties
includes intellectual properties (engineering drawings, specifications, agreements,
personal data or any other type of documents) special conditions and actions are taken
at organization for:
 verification of customer supplied products,
 care (Storing & protecting) for such customer supplied products,
 Communicating any loss or damage of customer supplied products which may
occur on them while still under organizations custody.

7.5.5 Preservation of Product

Several methodologies are established, documented, implemented and maintained to

preserve the conformity of product/item during internal processing and delivery to the
intended destination. This preservation includes identification, handling, storage and

The receiver will be provided with a copy of the purchasing documents (e.g. LPO) in
order to be able to verify that the received items are according to specifications,
All received items are subject to receiving inspection (refer to 7.4), if found acceptable,
they are accepted in the workplace / site store according to special documentations
(e.g. receiving vouchers…etc).

Where rejected items are identified, they are either marked or placed in designated
rejection areas at the project site and segregated from other conforming items until a
decision is made regarding them in accordance with accounts / GM.

7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Equipment

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC. determines the monitoring and measurement to be

undertaken and the monitoring and measuring equipments needed to provide evidence
of conformity of product to determined requirements. The organization establishes
processes to ensure that monitoring and measurement can be carried out and are
carried out in a manner that is consistent with the monitoring and measurement

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Where necessary to ensure valid results, measuring equipment are calibrated or
verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable
to international or national measurement standards; where no such standards exist, the
basis used for calibration or verification are recorded, are adjusted or re-adjusted as
necessary, are identified to enable the calibration status to be determined, are
safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result, are
protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage.

In addition, the organization assesses and records the validity of the previous
measuring results when the equipment is found not to conform to requirements. The
organization takes appropriate action on the equipment and any product affected.
Records of the results of calibration and verification are maintained.

When used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, the ability of
computer software to satisfy the intended application is confirmed. This is undertaken
prior to initial use and reconfirmed as necessary.

7.7 Emergency Preparedness & Response

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established a procedure for ensuring that it has
identified the potential emergency situations, established preventive measures and
response plans to respond at any time to accidents, emergency and hazardous
situation involved in its operations. These have been developed in such a way so as to
provide an effective response to any foreseeable emergency to mitigate the HSE
impact associated with them.
These emergency procedures have been formulated and developed based on the
information obtained from Aspect/Hazard identification and risk assessment process
and will be reviewed and revised on a regular basis. In particular after the following:
 The occurrence of any accidents or emergency situation; and,
 After periodical testing
Organizations emergency procedures will compliment and support all client emergency
response arrangements.

Drills and Exercises

Emergency response exercises will be conducted periodically, wherever possible. All
emergency response exercises will be carried out in such a way as to comply with
organizations QHSE Policies, aims and objectives and meet all client emergency
response requirements.

Drills and exercises reports are documented and recorded.

Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment

Fire Fighting and Life Saving Equipment are provided at organizations Head office &
project sites. This equipment are surveyed and certified periodically.

Reference Procedure: Emergency Preparedness & Response - QHSEP-07

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Section 8

8.1 General

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has planed and implemented the monitoring,

measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed to demonstrate conformity
to product /service requirements, to ensure conformity of the QHSE management
system and continually improve the effectiveness of the QHSE management system.

Organization will include applicable methods, including statistical techniques and the
extent of their use during the analysis of data.

8.2 Monitoring and Measurement

8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction

Management System performance of the organization is monitored by getting

information through the customer feedback/ Satisfaction Survey or meetings or
compliments relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met
customer requirements.

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC management encourages introduction of innovative

schemes for obtaining customer response. The analysis of the feedback, including
complaints is done by QHSE Management Representative, using appropriate tools like
statistical techniques as required. The feedback is used as a key performance indicator
for the QHSE MS.

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC process requires that customer’s complaints whether

written or verbal are recorded and reviewed by authorized personnel to establish if they
are justified. In case of unjustified complaints a reasonable explanation is offered to the
customers. All justified complaints are subject to analysis in order to determine
immediate correction actions as well as to establish the root causes of the problems
and to implement suitable corrective actions. Customers are notified of immediate
correction measures as well as informed of what corrective action will be taken to avoid
recurrence. Controls are established to ensure the processing of customer complaints
in timely and effective manner. The results are discussed in the management review

8.2.2 Internal Audit

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established a documented procedure to ensure the

QHSE activities and related results throughout the organization are regularly audited to
check their compliance to plan arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the
QHSE Management system. Audits are scheduled on the basis of the status and
importance of the activity.

The procedure requires that each activity to be audited periodically. QHSE

Management Representative establishes an annual internal audit plan. The procedures
ensure that in all cases the auditors are independent from the persons responsible for
the area being audited.

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All non-conformities discovered during the audit are recorded separately and the audit
report is established. The results of the audit are communicated to the Management
after audit or in the management review. The respective department/project managers
are responsible for taking the agreed corrective actions in a timely manner.

The procedure requires that the implementation and the effectiveness of the corrective
action is verified and recorded in the follow-up audit, which is initiated by QHSE
Management Representative.

Reference Procedure: Internal Audit - QHSEP-08

8.2.3 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

While QHSE Plans or specified procedures are prepared for each project, the process
control activities are identified and inspections are to be conducted as per inspection &
test plan or any other requirements identified through specifications, drawings etc.
Records of such inspection results shall be maintained as evidence of conformity.
When planned results are not achieved, correction and corrective action shall be taken,
as appropriate.

8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Product/Service

Inspection and Testing Activities are carried out in order to verify that the specified
requirements for the product / service (projects) are met.

Inspection and checking of all incoming materials is carried out to verify the compliance
with the requirements. Organization ensures that no incoming product is used until
inspected. Consideration has been given to the amount of control exercised at the
customer premises to tailor receiving inspection accordingly.
Provision is made in the process for enabling the used of material for urgent needs prior
to verification. In such cases, the procedure however, ensures positive identification of
such material to enable immediate recall, if found non-conforming in subsequent
inspection to specified requirements.

All products/ services are inspected at appropriate stages to ensure that they meet the
contracted requirements.

Complete product/ service is subjected to final inspection and is not considered as

complete unless the final inspection has been carried out in accordance with
documented procedures or inspection and test plan, the product/ service conforms to
specified requirements and the associated data and documentation are available and

The acceptance criteria for final inspection and testing are defined in relevant quality
procedures/ inspection and test plans. In some cases, interfaces with the customer will
be explored to find out how the customer assesses the quality of service provided.

Inspection records are maintained to demonstrate that required inspection and test
have been undertaken and clearly indicate the pass/ fail status of the products/ service.
In case the product/ service fail to pass inspection and/or test; the procedure for control
of non-conforming products applies.
Inspection records clearly identify whether the product/ service was satisfactory or not.
The inspection authority is identified in the records.

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The inspection and test status is clearly shown to ensure that only material that has
passed inspection and test is stored or released to the customer, and service will not be
regarded as complete until all the inspection and tests have been completed.
The inspection and test status of the materials and service is identified in the records.
The Projects Manager is authorized to deliver the final product / services to the

8.2.5 HSE Performance measurement and monitoring

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established, implemented and maintain a process to

monitor and measure HSE performance on a regular basis. This procedure(s) shall
provide for:
 both qualitative and quantitative measures, appropriate to the needs of the
 monitoring of the extent to which the organization’s OH&S objectives are met;
 monitoring the effectiveness of controls (for health as well as for safety);
 proactive measures of performance that monitor conformance with the OH&S
programme(s), controls and operational criteria;
 reactive measures of performance that monitor ill health, incidents (including
accidents, near-misses, LTI etc.), and other historical evidence of deficient
OH&S performance;
 Recording of data and results of monitoring and measurement sufficient to
facilitate subsequent corrective action and preventive action analysis.

8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established a procedure for identification, recording,

evaluation, segregation (when practical), disposition and immediate reporting of any
instances of non-conforming incoming material, in-process products and final delivery of
The authority and responsibility for review and disposition of non-conformities in
materials, products and services are defined in the procedure.
Non-conforming material/ product/ service can be:
 Reworked/ Redone to meet specified requirements
 Accepted with or without concession which shall be reported to the customer or
customer’s representative
 Rejected
The procedure requires that, in addition to the immediate disposition, the reason for
non-conformities are analyzed for root cause to determine corrective and preventive
actions required to avoid recurrence. In all cases, information concerning a non-
conforming material, product or service is fed back to appropriate personnel.
When the non-conformance is rectified by rework, it is re-inspected in accordance with
the documented procedures.

Reference Procedure:
Control of Nonconformity, Corrective & Preventive Actions - QHSEP-09

8.4 Analysis of Data

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC collects and analyses appropriate data to ensure the
suitability and effectiveness of QHSEMS.
The analysis of data provides information relating to customer satisfaction, Suppliers,
conformity to product/service requirements and characteristics and trends of processes
and products, including opportunities for preventive action

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8.5 Incident Investigation

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established, implemented and maintain a procedure

to record, investigate and analyse incidents in order to:
 determine underlying OH&S deficiencies and other factors that might be causing
or contributing to the occurrence of incidents;
 identify the need for corrective action;
 identify opportunities for preventive action;
 identify opportunities for continual improvement;
 Communicate the results of such investigations.
 The investigation is performed in a timely manner.

Any identified need for corrective action or opportunities for preventive action is dealt
with in accordance with corrective action or preventive action procedure. The results of
incident investigations is documented and maintained.

Reference Procedure: Incident Reporting & Investigation - QHSEP-10

8.6 Improvement

8.6.1 Continual Improvement

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has continually improve the effectiveness of the QHSE
management system through the use of the QHSE policy, QHSE objectives, audit
results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and management review.
PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACTION philosophy/ process approach is followed.

8.6.2 Corrective and Preventive Action

DELTADESIGN DÉCOR LLC has established documented and implemented a

Corrective and Preventive procedure and has taken/ determine action to eliminate the
causes of nonconformities/ potential nonconformities in order to prevent recurrence/
occurrence. Corrective / Preventive actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the
nonconformities encountered/ potential problems.
Reference Procedure:
Control of Nonconformity, Corrective & Preventive Actions - QHSEP-09

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Annexure A

Quality Policy
HSE Policy

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Annexure B

Organization Chart

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Annexure C

QHSEMS Processes Interaction Chart

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