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Range Element Tutorials

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Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Range Software
Software for Engineering Simulations
Finite Element Analysis

Version 2.3.0

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

1 Import a Model and Manipulate With It...........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Create a new project..................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Import an STL model................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.1 Open model.........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2.2 Post-execute action – Auto mark faces...............................................................................................................5
1.3 Display model entities...............................................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 Show / hide model entities..................................................................................................................................7
1.3.2 Change element group display properties..........................................................................................................7
1.4 Manipulate the model................................................................................................................................................8
1.4.1 Translate.............................................................................................................................................................9
1.4.2 Rotate..................................................................................................................................................................9
1.4.3 Zoom...................................................................................................................................................................9
1.5 Retrieve information..................................................................................................................................................9
2 Create a Simple Geometry..............................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Create a new project................................................................................................................................................11
2.2 Create a new model.................................................................................................................................................11
2.3 Draw cylinder..........................................................................................................................................................11
2.4 Create a hole............................................................................................................................................................12
2.4.1 Display element edges......................................................................................................................................12
2.4.2 Create a new face entity (element group).........................................................................................................12
2.4.3 Translate face....................................................................................................................................................13
2.5 Extrude face.............................................................................................................................................................15
3 Repairing Geometry and Generation of a 3D Mesh.......................................................................................................17
3.1 Import a STL model................................................................................................................................................17
3.1.1 Display element edges......................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Simplify geometry...................................................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Collapse small edges........................................................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Find remaining small edges..............................................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Display element nodes......................................................................................................................................19
3.2.4 Delete nodes and close hole..............................................................................................................................19
3.2.5 Auto-mark faces...............................................................................................................................................20
3.2.6 Merge faces and swap triangle normal - optional.............................................................................................20
3.3 Fix overlapping triangles.........................................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Delete triangles.................................................................................................................................................21
3.3.2 Close hole in the faces – create triangles..........................................................................................................22
3.3.3 Swap triangles and auto-mark faces.................................................................................................................23
3.4 Save the mesh..........................................................................................................................................................24
3.5 Generate 3D mesh...................................................................................................................................................24
4 Advanced Mesh Generation...........................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Open model..............................................................................................................................................................27
4.2 Generate 3D mesh...................................................................................................................................................27
4.2.1 Set-up regions...................................................................................................................................................27
4.2.2 Apply volume constraints.................................................................................................................................28
4.3 View the final mesh.................................................................................................................................................29
5 Stress-Strain – Simple Beam..........................................................................................................................................30
5.1 Create a new project................................................................................................................................................30
5.2 Prepare model..........................................................................................................................................................30
5.3 Problem set-up.........................................................................................................................................................31
5.3.1 Select problem..................................................................................................................................................31
5.3.2 Environment set-up...........................................................................................................................................31
5.3.3 Apply boundary conditions..............................................................................................................................32
5.3.4 Check material settings.....................................................................................................................................32
5.4 Solve problem..........................................................................................................................................................32
5.5 Post-process results..................................................................................................................................................33

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

5.5.1 Load results.......................................................................................................................................................33

5.5.2 Create display variables....................................................................................................................................34
5.5.3 Apply display variables....................................................................................................................................35
5.5.4 Adjust scales.....................................................................................................................................................35
5.5.5 Display results range........................................................................................................................................37
6 Shape Optimization........................................................................................................................................................38
6.1 Open project............................................................................................................................................................38
6.2 Shape optimization set-up.......................................................................................................................................38
6.3 Check problem set-up..............................................................................................................................................38
6.4 Solve problem..........................................................................................................................................................39
6.5 Post-process results..................................................................................................................................................39
6.6 Load optimized model.............................................................................................................................................40
7 Problem Coupling...........................................................................................................................................................41
7.1 Prepare model..........................................................................................................................................................41
7.1.1 Load model.......................................................................................................................................................41
7.1.2 Create pointer to a model..................................................................................................................................41
7.2 Problem set-up.........................................................................................................................................................41
7.2.1 Heat-Transfer problem set-up...........................................................................................................................41
7.2.2 Stress-Strain problem set-up.............................................................................................................................42
7.3 Solve problems........................................................................................................................................................42
7.4 Post-process results..................................................................................................................................................42

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


This tutorial will describe how to import a STL model and manipulate it.

1.1 Create a new project

Before any model can be opened or created a new project must be created. This project can be any time
saved and later again opened to continue in started work or to be transferred to another computer.
To create a new project go to File->New Project as shown on the figure below.

Figure 1: File menu - New Project

1.2 Import an STL model

1.2.1 Open model

After the project was created an STL file ca be opened in Element. Go to File->Open as shown on the
figure below.

Figure 2: File menu - Open Model

In the file selection dialog select Chabot.stl and click Open. The file selection dialog is shown on the next

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


Figure 3: File chooser dialog

1.2.2 Post-execute action – Auto mark faces

When the model is successfully loaded a Post-execution dialog is shown offering an option to
automatically mark the faces.

Figure 4: Post execute dialog

Click the Auto Mark Faces button. This will close the Post-execution dialog and will show the Auto Mark
Faces dialog.
The Separation angle should be set to 40. If not change it. This is the criterion that will be used to divide
face elements into groups.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 5: Auto mark faces

When the auto mark procedure is finished your screen should look similar to the figure below.
Notice that the model manager has become populated with many face groups. These face groups can be
merged, removed etc. For further information on Geometry editing functions please refer to the manual.

Figure 6: Loaded model

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

1.3 Display model entities

1.3.1 Show / hide model entities

Figure 7: Loaded & marked model

To show or hide model entities toggle the Display check button in the model manager. The model
manager is the window on the far left showing details about the model entities. To show the whole model
toggle the check button in the line showing the model name.

1.3.2 Change element group display properties

The appearance of the model or model entities can be adjusted in the Properties of the element group
dialog. To open this dialog right click on the entity you would like to adjust (in the model manager). A pop-up
menu will be shown. Select a Properties menu item as shown the figure below.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 8: Model manager pop-up menu

You can change several options in this dialog. For example you can set a particular face to be shown as
a wired model. This is shown in the figure below.

Figure 9: Wire-frame display

1.4 Manipulate the model

When the model is displayed you can manipulate it. Available actions include zooming, rotating and

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


1.4.1 Translate
To translate the model press down the left mouse button and move to desired direction. The model will
be translated accordingly.

1.4.2 Rotate
To rotate the model press the middle mouse button and move the mouse while holding the button.
If your mouse does not have a middle button you can use the combination of Shift key and the left

1.4.3 Zoom
You can zoom in on the model either with the right button or the scroll wheel.
You can also specify a region to zoom in. To do so hold down the Ctrl key and with the right button
create a window to zoom in. This is shown on the figure below.

Figure 10: Zoom window

1.5 Retrieve information

To retrieve information about the model or model entity you have to change to information mode. This
can be done by clicking the following icon:
Click anywhere on the model and information will be displayed in the ELEMENT INFO box in the 3D
area, also detailed information will be shown in the text area. These locations are highlighted in the figure

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 11: Information pick

This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


Element supports creation of simple geometries like hexahedron, cylinder, cone or sphere. By using
transform tool they can be edited and transformed to new shape.

2.1 Create a new project

Do the same as in section 1.1.

2.2 Create a new model

Before drawing anything there has to be a model created. It can be an empty model. To create one go to
File->New Model
A new window will open. Enter a model name and click Create button.

Figure 12: New model dialog

2.3 Draw cylinder

Go to Geometry->Draw->Draw Cylinder / Cone. A new dialog will open. Leave all values as they are but
change Axis div. From 1 to 3. This will cause that the resulting cylinder will be constructed from three layers
of elements created along the main axis of the cylinder.

Figure 13: Draw cylinder

After clicking OK button a new cylinder will be created and added as a new face entity to your model.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

2.4 Create a hole

Hole can be crated by translating (moving) a face inside the geometry. Element supports sweep-like
functionality. This mean that by by translating a face new face will be created along the path of translation.

2.4.1 Display element edges

For further editing it is important to see the structure of the surface mesh, therefore enable display of
element edges as displayed on next figure 14.

Figure 14: Show element edges

2.4.2 Create a new face entity (element group)

Now new face entity (element group) can be created. To do so use function Geometry->Edit Faces-
>Create Face Group. New face will be created by manually selecting two triangle elements. Whole process
can be seen on the figure 15.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 15: New face entity (element group)

2.4.3 Translate face

Once new face entity is created only thing which needs to be done to create a hole is to translate inwards
the geometry. To do so first select the face which was just created in the model manager on the left side and
afterward open the Transform Model dialog Geometry->Transform Model and select Translate tab.
Hole should be 0.1 m deep, therefore enter -0.1 for X translation. This means that face will be translated
by 0.1 in opposite direction along the X axis. Next select Selected radio button. This tells the program to
translate only the face which you have selected. Also enable Include shared nodes (nodes that lie on the
edges of the face), Detach / split shared nodes (face will be cut-off from the other faces) and Sweep
nodes (new face will be created connecting detached nodes.)
Above mentioned setup can be seen on the figure 16 and expected result on the figure 17.

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Figure 16: Modify model (translate face)

Figure 17: Translated face

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2.5 Extrude face

Last thing in this tutorial is to create an adjacent cylinder to the main geometry by using Scaling and
Translating the face.
As in the previous step a new face needs to be created. This time it will not be created by manual
selection of the elements but by using the Mark Face tool.
Mark Face will connect neighboring elements into one face entity. Criterion which determines which
elements should be included is angle between two neighboring faces. To mark face go to Geometry->Edit
Faces->Mark Face enter the criterion angle (in this case value less than 90 is good) and click Pick button
which will temporarily hide the Mark Face dialog so you can pick arbitrary element which should be part of
the new face. Once element is picked Mark Face dialog will be shown again with element number entered.
After Mark button is clicked program will create (mark) a new face entity. Whole process can be seen on
the figure 18.

Figure 18: Mark face

Now open Transfer model dialog again. This transformation will consist of two steps which are Scaling
and Translation. Setup is shown on the figure 19.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 19: Scale and translate face

After the transformation is done your model should look like as the one on figure 19.

Figure 20: Final geomety

This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


This tutorial it will describe how to import a STL model, correct geometry errors and generate a 3D
tetrahedral mesh.

3.1 Import a STL model

Open the 'Multi-body.stl' file. You will be asked whether you want to auto mark the faces. Click cancel.
You will then see model loaded in Element as shown on figure below. For now do not worry about
intersecting triangles.

Figure 21: Loaded model

3.1.1 Display element edges

Right clicking on a face in the model manager will display a pop-up menu, from this menu select the
Properties menu item.
In the properties dialog turn on the Show Element Edges check box as displayed on the next figure.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 22: Properties of element group

3.2 Simplify geometry

3.2.1 Collapse small edges

In this model there are some very tiny (slim) elements which can be removed. These elements do not
have an influence on the geometry precision nor the accuracy of the final problem solution. They will cause
the mesh generator to generate extremely small tetrahedrons in that area, therefore they should be removed.
This can be done automatically with “Geometry->Edit Faces->Collapse Face Elements” function.
In the dialog enter 0.001 in the “Minimum edge length” text entry. This means that all triangles which
have an edge smaller than this value will be deleted. Click OK.

Figure 23: Collapse face elements edges

3.2.2 Find remaining small edges

After the automatic edge collapse process has been completed there can be still some tiny triangles
remaining. This is due to the fact that the algorithm was not able to delete them without damaging the
surface mesh. Therefore they have to be removed manually. The remaining small edges are marked in the
next figure.

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Figure 24: Tiny edges

3.2.3 Display element nodes

To begin the manual removal process the element nodes need to be displayed. This can be achieved in
the “Properties dialog” in the same way as element edges were enabled in the previous step.

Figure 25: Properties of element group

3.2.4 Delete nodes and close hole

To delete the node and automatically close the hole which will be created by node deletion click the icon

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

shown here: and then select the node to be deleted. But first zoom to the place where the two nodes are
displayed so you can clearly see that there are two near nodes.
Repeat this step for the three remaining triangles.

3.2.5 Auto-mark faces

After the node deletion is done you can mark the face groups. “Geometry->Faces->Auto Mark Faces”.

Figure 26: Auto mark faces

3.2.6 Merge faces and swap triangle normal - optional

In the case illustrated below there are two separate faces which can be merged into one (this is an
example only and may not be true in every case). These faces are displayed on the figure below.

Figure 27: Faces to be merged

To merge the faces use the function “Geometry->Faces->Merge Face Groups”. Enter the first face UID
(shown in the model manager) into the “Face group UID” entry and click ‘Add’. Repeat the process for the
second face. If you can not find the UID then click on the Pick button and select the face from the screen and
click add.
When the two faces are added click OK.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 28: Merge face groups

After the merging the two faces it can be seen that the two triangles have different colors. This is
because their normals are pointing into the opposite directions. To fix this click on the icon shown here:
and select one of the two triangles. This will swap the triangle's normal.

3.3 Fix overlapping triangles

As can be seen in the image shown here the model still has some overlapping triangles. The mesh
generator will refuse to generate a 3D mesh from a model that has such flaws, therefore this has to be fixed
before proceeding.

3.3.1 Delete triangles

Figure 29: Triangles to be deleted

Triangles that needs to be deleted are highlighted in the figure above. To delete a triangle click on the
following icon: and select the triangle to be deleted. Repeat this step for all triangles as needed.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

The result should resemble figure below.

Figure 30: Deleted triangles

3.3.2 Close hole in the faces – create triangles

This hole needs to be closed manually. To do this you will need to enable element nodes on all faces to
which we would like to connect new triangles. Faces with enabled nodes are displayed in Figure 21.

Figure 31: Enabled element nodes

To create a triangle click the following icon: and select three nodes. After the third node is selected a
dialog will pop-up confirming your action. Details on the creation of this new triangle are shown in the figure
To close hole a Close hole function can be also used.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 32: Triangle creation

3.3.3 Swap triangles and auto-mark faces

When all necessary triangles are created some of the triangles may be connected to different face
groups or have incorrect normal orientation. An example is shown in Figure 13. Triangles with opposing
normals are marked with red crosses.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 33: Triangles with opposite normals

Swap the normals of these triangles.
Now run the auto mark faces again and your model will be repaired.

3.4 Save the mesh

Save the mesh as 'Multi-body.tmsh'

Figure 34: Surface mesh

Now 3D mesh can be generated.

3.5 Generate 3D mesh

To generate a 3D mesh (bodies) click on the mesh generation icon . The dialog shown below will

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 35: Mesh generation dialog

Please refer to the user manual for a detailed explanation of this dialog. To generate a 3D mesh click the
Generate button. A process window will appear. Wait until the mesh generation program is finished and
follow the instructions in the process window. If you are using a Windows XP operating system then you are
required to press Enter after the process completion.
Once the mesh generation process is finished and the process window is closed a 'Post-execute dialog'
will be displayed showing options to review the Log file and Load generated mesh.

Figure 36: Post execution dialog

At this point the mesh generation is completed and you can load a new model which contains the
generated 3D tetrahedral elements.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 37: Multi body 3D mesh

This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


This tutorial will describe how to generate a 3D tetrahedral mesh with various regional refinements.

4.1 Open model

Open the model named as 'Multi-body.tmsh'. This is the model that was repaired in the previous tutorial.
Please note that the previous tutorial must be completed before beginning this one as it is not possible to
generate a 3D mesh on a model which contains errors.

Figure 38: Loaded model

4.2 Generate 3D mesh

This model will result into three bodies and we can control the mesh refinement on each of those bodies.
Each control is defined as a region. Regions are volumes enclosed by surfaces. In this model we have three

4.2.1 Set-up regions

The Mesh refinement must point into the region. This is done by creating regions in the Generate mesh
dialog. Enter the number 3 into the Number of regions text entry.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Apply the following coordinates for the three regions. Double-click on the value and enter a new one.

Region X coordinate Y coordinate Z coordinate

1 4.80 2.00 0.50
2 0.80 2.00 0.25
3 2.50 2.00 0.10
Notice when a row within a region is selected that the helper axis moves with respect to entered

4.2.2 Apply volume constraints

Once the centers of regions are set Volume constraints can be applied. This value tells the mesh
generator what should be the maximum volume of created tetrahedron in that region. The smaller the
number the more refined the resulting mesh will be.
For this example the following values were used:

Region Volume Constraint

1 0.10000
2 0.00001
3 0.00100

Figure 39: Regions

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Now click Generate button and wait until the mesh generation finishes.

4.3 View the final mesh

Figure 40: Multi body mesh

Once the mesh generation process is finished you can load the generated mesh into Element. After
showing the body groups and enabling the element edges you should see something similar to the figure
As you can see bodies have different mesh density. This is caused by applied volume constraints.
This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials


In this tutorial a Stress-strain problem will be examined.

5.1 Create a new project

Figure 41: New project

Give the project a suitable name as shown on the figure below and click Create.

Figure 42: New project dialog

5.2 Prepare model

Open the file 'Beam.tmsh'. This model is a simple beam model which is suitable for this tutorial.
The second step is to generate a 3D mesh. This can be done in the usual fashion. Generate a mesh with
Global volume constant equals to 1.0e-7. This will produce a fine mesh which can be then used in next

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

5.3 Problem set-up

5.3.1 Select problem

First a problem type has to be selected. Open a Select problem dialog by clicking on the following icon:

Figure 43: Select problem

In the dialog select 'Stress Strain' and click OK.

5.3.2 Environment set-up

Once the problem is selected we need to change the problem settings. Click the Environment setup icon
Here a gravity force and environment temperature can be applied. Gravity force has three components
which are X, Y an Z. For this model a gravity force is acting in -Z direction therefore set the values for the
body force same as shown on the figure below.
Environment temperature can be left as it is.

Figure 44: Environment setup

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

5.3.3 Apply boundary conditions

The next step is to apply boundary conditions. To do so open a Boundary conditions dialog. Use the
following icon: .

Figure 45: Boundary conditions dialog

To apply a boundary condition on a face select 'Faces' in the Select entity drop down list and select a
face with the name Left in the list below. Then in the Select boundary condition drop down list select
displacement and click Add. Now you should see that the face Left has been added to the displacement list.
Apply boundary conditions as described in the following table.

Face Entity Boundary condition X value Y value Z value

Left Displacement 0.0 0.0 0.0
Right Displacement 0.0 0.0 0.0
Load Traction force 0.0 0.0 -5000.0
Values can be edited by clicking the Edit button.

5.3.4 Check material settings

Open a Materials set-up dialog and inspect applied materials. The dialog looks and behaves very similar
to Boundary conditions dialog.

5.4 Solve problem

Once the problem is set-up, boundary conditions and materials were applied than problem can be

To solve this problem open a Solve dialog by clicking on this icon: .

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 46: Solve dialog

In the Solve dialog click execute. This will run the solver program. In this case it is a stress.
When the solver is finished you will see the result as shown below.

Figure 47: Solver

5.5 Post-process results

5.5.1 Load results

After the process window is closed a Post-execute dialog will be shown (example in the next figure)
offering an option to review the log file, load the results or cancel.
In the event that an error occurred and the solver did not finish successfully review the log file and try to
find where the problem was caused.
Otherwise click Load results button.

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Figure 48: Post-execute dialog

Once the results are loaded into the program a display variables needs to be created.

5.5.2 Create display variables

Display variables can be either scalar or vector values. To create display variables select at maximum
three computed variables, give it a name and click add. Variables will be created after you click OK or the
Apply button.

Figure 49: Create display variables dialog

Since program Element is able to create most general display variables automatically no variables need
to be created in this tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

5.5.3 Apply display variables

Once the display variables are created they can be applied on model entities such as bodies.

Click Apply variables icon .

Figure 50: Apply variables dialog

In the dialog select Bodies in the drop down menu on the right and select Body 1 in the list on the left
Now select a variable you would like to apply. In this case select Displacement, check the Apply toggle
button and select the Displacement radio button. This will result in the display variable named Displacement
being applied as displacement.
Repeat this process for Von Misses Stress (This should be applied as Magnitude).
Now click OK.

5.5.4 Adjust scales

Sometimes the values of computed results are not so significant therefore they should be magnified. This
can be done by scaling them. Only vector display variables can be scaled. It does not male sense to scale

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 51: Scale display variables

To scale the variable open a Variable scales dialog by clicking on the following icon: . A dialog will
appear. Change the displacement by factor 500 as shown.
This scaling should produce results similar than those which are shown on the next figure.

Figure 52: 3D display area

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

5.5.5 Display results range

Figure 53: Variable ranges dialog

Element also allows us to display the ranges of the computed results. This can be done in the Variable
ranges dialog. This dialog is shown on the figure above.

Figure 54: Final look

This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

This tutorial will describe how to optimize model geometry based on a Stress-strain results.

6.1 Open project

Open a project from previous tutorial 'Stress Strain Tutorial.tprj'. If you have saved the project under a
different name then open that one.
For this tutorial a very fine mesh is needed. If the mesh which was generated during is coarse then
please regenerate it. Suggested number of tetrahedral elements is > 100 000. In this tutorial number of
volume elements was 381 865, which was achieved by using Global volume constrain = 1.0e-8 during mesh

6.2 Shape optimization set-up

To enable shape optimization open a Shape optimization dialog by clicking on the following icon:

Figure 55: Shape optimization setup dialog

In this dialog only two values need to be specified.
Optimization limit – All elements at which stress has lower volume than this one will be removed.
Stop criterion – If stress at any element will become higher than this value, simulation will stop and last
known shape will be restored.

6.3 Check problem set-up

The problem is now completely set-up but before executing a stress-strain solver program can validate
the setup. Check problem function which can be invoked by clicking on the following icon will try to
detect errors, inconsistencies or possible conflicts in the problem set-up. Results of this validation is then
printed in the dialog as shown on the next figure.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

Figure 56: Problem setup status dialog

6.4 Solve problem

Just like in the previous tutorial. Problem->Solve Problem(s)

6.5 Post-process results

Load results and check menu option View->Display Only Computed Elements. This hide all elements
which were excluded (removed).

Figure 57: Results on optimized geometry

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6.6 Load optimized model

During the shape optimization process an optimized shape was also produced.
This shape is saved in the file which name is constructed according to this template. <Original base-
name>-optimized-<n>.tmsh In this case it should be 'Beam-volume-optimized-n.tmsh'

Figure 58: Optimized shape

This is the end of the tutorial.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

In this tutorial a coupling of Heat-Transfer and Stress-strain problems will be examined.

7.1 Prepare model

7.1.1 Load model

Open the file 'Beam-volume.tmsh' which was already generated. If not, than generate it from Beam.tmsh.
Process how to generate 3D volume mesh was described in the Advanced Mesh Generation.

7.1.2 Create pointer to a model

Once the model is loaded a pointer to it needs to be created. In this tutorial Heat-Transfer and Stress-
strain problems will be solved on one geometry, therefore there is no need to load another model. Pointer to
a model is just a virtual copy. This mean that whatever change is done to the model or pointer than this
change will be effective also in its counterpart (pointer or model).
To create a pointer select the model in the Model Manager and right click on it. Then from the pop-up
menu select entry Create Pointer to Model.

Figure 59: Create pointer - pop-up menu

7.2 Problem set-up

For this simulations two problems need to be set-up. Since this is coupled simulation one problem (Heat-
Transfer) will be applied on a model and second (Stress-Strain) on its pointer.

7.2.1 Heat-Transfer problem set-up

Apply boundary conditions as described in the following table.

Face Entity Boundary condition Convection Temperature

Surface Convection 100 293,15
Load Temperature NA 373,15
Left Temperature NA 273.15
Right Temperature NA 273.15

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

7.2.2 Stress-Strain problem set-up

Apply boundary conditions as described in the following table.

Face Entity Boundary condition X value Y value Z value

Left Displacement 0.0 0.0 0.0
Right Displacement 0.0 0.0 0.0

Also set ambient temperature to 293.15 K. Ambient temperature can be specified in Problem Setup

7.3 Solve problems

First save the project to file 'Heat - Stress Tutorial.tprj'.
Once the problem is set-up, boundary conditions and materials were applied than problem can be

To solve this problem open a Solve dialog by clicking on this icon: .

Figure 60: Solve dialog

Notice that in the Solve dialog check buttons Solve all models and Link initial conditions are checked.
Now click Execute button. This will run the solver program. In this case it is a heat and afterward stress.

7.4 Post-process results

After the two processes are finished computed results can be loaded. To load results of particular
problem, select a model on which that problem was applied and open Load Results dialog by activating a
menu option File->Load Results.
There should be two result files.
1. Heat – Stress Tutorial-0.tres – Heat-transfer part of the results – need to be loaded when model is
2. Heat – Stress Tutorial-1.tres – Stress-strain part of the results – need to be loaded when pointer is
Load these two result files.

Or you can just click on the reload results icon.

Range Software - Element - Tutorials

After creating a display variables and applying them on the model entities you should see something very
similar as on the next picture.

Figure 61: Heat-Transfer & Stress-Strain coupled results

This is the end of the tutorial.


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