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_____ A_p_p_ea_ls_fi_1·_m_n_M_a_g~_·s_tr_at_e_s'_O_o_u_rt_s ___[_C_a_p_._1_6_ _ _1_25

1. Short title.
2. Definitions.
3. Appeals from Magistrates.
4. No appeal on plea of guilty.
5. Limitation.
6. Petition of appeal.
7. Appellant in prison.
8. Copies of petition to be served.
9. Payment into court of fine and of costs of appeal.
10. Security for costs of appeal when plaintiff or complainant appeals.
11. (1) In case of imprisonment appellant to pay or give security and to
remain in prison until security be given.
(2) Amount of security.
12. Nature of security.
13. Appellant imprisoned may require his being taken to Freetown gaol.
14. Transmission of record of appeal.
15. Additional grounds of appeal.
16. Notice of time and place of hearing.
17. Procedure in absence of both parties.
18. Procedure where one or both parties attend.
19. Powers of the Appeal Court.
20. Order of Appeal Court to be certified to lower Court.
21. Suspension of sentence p,ending appeal.
22. Abatement of appeals.
23. Case stated.
24. Recognisance to be taken and fees paid.
25. Magistrate may refuse to state a case when he thinks application
26. Procedure on refusal of Magistrate to state a case.
27. Appeal Court to determine the questions on the case; its decision to
be final.
28. Case may be sent back for amendment or rehearing.
29. Powers of Magistrate after decision of Appeal Court.
30. Appellant may not proceed both by case stated and by appeal.
31. Contents of case stated.
32. Appeal Court may enlarge time.
33. Arrest of respondent in certain cases.
34. Appeals to West African Court of Appeal.
35. Finding, judgment, sentence or order when reversible by reason of
error or omission in charge or other proceedings.
36. Forfeiture of security if order not obeyed.
37. Issue of subprenas.
38. Penalty for disobedience to subprena.


S.L.-VoL. I-13
126 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

24 of 1935. An Ordinance to make provision for appeals from the decisions
7 of 1945.
29 of 1946. of Magistrates.
33 of 1947. [25TH NoVEMBER, 1935.]
20 of 1954.
Short title. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Appeals from
Magistrates' Courts Ordinance, and shall apply to the Colony
and the Protectorate.
Definitions. 2. In this Ordinance-
" Appeal Court " means the Supreme Court;
" party " includes any prosecutor, complainant or m-
Appeals from 3. (1) Save as hereinafter provided, any person dissatisfied
with a decision of a Magistrate in any civil or criminal pro-
ceedings to which he is a party may appeal therefrom to the
Appeal Court.
(2) The Attorney General may appeal to the Appeal Court
from the decision of a Magistrate even though he was not a
party to the proceedings.
{3) An appeal to the Appeal Court may be on a matter of
fact as well as on a matter of law, provided that there shall
be no appeal against an acquittal on a matter of fact.
No appeal on
plea of guilty.
4. No appeal shall be had in the case of any accused person
who has pleaded guilty and has been convicted on such plea
by a Court of summary jurisdiction, except as to the extent or
legality of the sentence:
Provided that there shall be no appeal against a sentence of
imprisonment passed by such Court in default of the payment
of a fine, when no substantive sentence of imprisonment has
also been passed unless such sentence in default is an unlawful
Limitation. 5. Every appeal against any judgment, decision, order or
sentence of a Magistrate's Court established in the Colony shall
be entered within fifteen days of the date of such judgment,
decision, order or sentence, and every such appeal against any
decision of a Magistrate's Court established in the Protectorate
shall be entered within thirty days of the date of such judgment,
decision, order or sentence:
r ~-----A_p_p_e_a_ls_fi_ro_m_M_ag_~_·st_r_at_es_'_C_o_u_rt_s
_ _ _[C_a_p_._1_6_ _ _I_2_7

Provided that the Supreme Court may for good cause shown
e:xtend the aforesaid periods in such manner as it rna y think
6. Every appeal shall be made in the form of a petition in Petition of
writing containing the grounds upon which it is intended to appeal.
prosecute the appeal, presented by the appellant or his solicitor
to the Appeal Court, and every such petition shall state briefly
the substance of the decision appealed against:
Provided that in the Protectorate, and notwithstanding the
provisions of the. immedia~ely. preceding .s~cti~n, a~:zr per~on 33 of 1947.
desirous of appealmg may, mlieu of a petltwn m wntmg, giVe
notice of appeal orally and in open court immediately after the
decision of the Court is pronounced, in which case he shall make
a contemporaneous oral statement of the grounds of appeal.
The fact of such appeal and the grounds thereof shall be recorded
in writing by the Magistrate and transmitted by him to the
Court of Appeal.
7. If in the case of a criminal appeal the appellant is in Al!pellant in
prison, he may present his petition of appeal and the copies pnson.
accompanying the same to the Director of Prisons, who
shall thereupon forward such petition to the Registrar of the
Appeal Court.
8. Upon receipt of a petition of appeal the Registrar of the Col!i~s of
Appeal Court shall notify the Magistrate and call for a record f::t~!~~:l~
of the case and shall cause a copy of the petition to be served
upon the respondent.
9. If the Magistrate's decision be for the payment of any ~ayment
fine or money, the appellant shall pay the amount thereof into :rt~::!~
court within the fifteen days allowed for appealing, together of costs of
with such further amount or sum of money as the Magistrate appeal.
shall be reference to the Schedule and section 36 consider
ample and sufficient to cover the costs of appeal, or give security
in double the said amounts within such time to a bide the
judgment of the Appeal Court.
10. If the decision or judgment be in favour of the defendant, Securitl for
or a non-suit or dismissal of the plaintiff's claim, or of the ~~~!a~ when

charge or complaint against the accused, the plaintiff or com- plainlif! or
plainant, on appealing, shall in like manner pay into the ~~~!~~ant
) Magistrate's Court the sum of money fixed by the Magistrate

~~::.:~ba::e costs of appeal, or give security in double the

128 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to any appeal

instituted by the Attorney General.

~n ca:se of 11. (1) If the sentence be imprisonment, in addition to or

'imprisonment • h fi h .
appellant to wit out any ne, t e appe11ant shal, 1m respect to such fine, pay
pay ~r gived the amount into Court, together with the amount fixed for the
security an
to remain in costs of appeal, or giVe
· sueh security
· as a.Loresai
.!' "d ; and m
· respect
priso~t u~til to such imprisonment the appellant or person sentenced to be
;~~~ Y e imprisoned shall be detained in gaol to abide the judgment of
the Appeal Court unless or until he shall give security for the
costs of appeal and to abide the judgment of the Appeal Court
and to surrender himself into the custody of the Court or of the
Sheriff or Director of Prisons to undergo such sentence.
Amount of (2) The amount of such security in respect to such imprison-
security. ment shall be in the discretion of the Magistrate; and upon such
payment being made and security entered into as herein
required the appellant or person sentenced to imprisonment shall
be discharged from custody.

Nature of 12. The nature of the security hereinbefore required to be

given shall be in the discretion of the Magistrate, and may be
by the written undertaking of the appellant and one or more
substantial sureties, entered on the record of the case and signed
by them and attested by a witness or witnesses, to pay the
amount fixed by the Magistrate, or by depositing in Court, if
the Magistrate shall so .allow, any article of property of the
plaintiff or of his sureties in value sufficient to cover the amount
fixed by the Magistrate, or security in such other manner as
the Magistrate may think proper to allow or accept.

Appellant 13. If the appellant be detained in custody in any district

may require other than the Police District of Freetown by reason of his not
his being being able to give the required security he may demand that
taken to
Freetown he be taken to Freetown and there be detained in custody in
gaol. gaol until the appeal be heard or the money be deposited in
Court or security be given as aforesaid, or as may be fixed by
the Magistrate or by the Appeal Court; and he shall thereupon
be taken to Freetown, and on his arrival in Freetown the
Director of Prisons shall immediately notify the Registrar of
the Appeal Court of such appellant being in the Freetown gaol.

of record of
14. Upon payments being made and security entered into
appeal. in compliance with the foregoing provisions, a copy of the
record of the case certified under the hand of the Magistrate
as a true copy and the original documents connected therewith
Appeals from Magistrates' Courts [Cap. 16 129

shall be forwarded without delay to the Registrar of the Appeal

Court and on payment of the required fees copies of the said
record and documents shall also be furnished by the Magistrate
to the appellant and respondent:
Provided that the Attorney General shall be entitled to
receive any such copies without payment.
15. An appellant may amend or add to the grounds of his Additional
apEea1 at. an.y tm:e. Wit . d a11owed b y sectiOn
. hin t h e peno . 5. on grounds of
givmg notice m wntmg to the Appeal Court. After the exp1ra- 29 of 1946.
tion of that period no such amendment or addition shall be
made except by leave of the Appeal Court.
16. The Registrar of the Appeal Court shall thereupon cause ~otice of
notic~ to be given to the appellant or his solicitor and to the ~~:e a:rd
respondent or his solicitor of the time and place at which such hearing.
appeal shall be heard.
17. If neither party be present on the day on which the P~oceduref in
appeal is to be heard, the hearing thereof may be adjourned, ~o~~n;:r~ies.
or the Appeal Court may proceed to deal with the appeal upon
the evidence taken before the Magistrate, and for that purpose
shall have all the powers conferred upon it by section 19.
18. If either or both parties appear the Appeal Court shall P~ocedure
proceed to hear the appeal, and may deal with it on the evidence ;ot~ep:~~esor
taken before the Magistrate, or may examine all or any of the attend.
witnesses called before the Magistrate or receive such other
evidence as it thinks fit before dealing therewith. In either case
the Court shall have all the powers conferred upon it by section
19. The Appeal Court may dismiss an appeal or reverse, vary r~w1rs of 1
or amend any judgment, decision, order or sentence which shall Co~rt~pea
have been given contrary to law, or allow an appeal on any
ground of law or fact, or vary the punishment inflicted by the
Magistrate by substituting therefor any other punishment,
whether more or less severe, which the law allows, or remit the
case to the same or another Magistrate for re-hearing or taking
further evidence therein. In every case the Appeal Court shall
give all consequential directions which may be proper or
necessary; and in every case the costs of the appeal shall be
in the discretion of the Court.
20. (1) When a case is decided on appeal by the Appeal ~rder ff
Court, it shall certify its judgment or order to the Court by c~~:tto be
certified to
lower Court.

L __
130 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

which the judgment, decision, order or sentence appealed

29 of 1946. against was recorded or passed. Every judgment of the Appeal
Court shall state the substance of the question arising for
determination, the decision of the Appeal Court thereon and
the reasons for the decision.
(2) The Court to which the Appeal Court certifies its judgment
or order shall thereupon make such orders as are conformable
to the judgment or order of the Appeal Court, and, if necessary,
the records shall be amended in accordance therewith.

Suspension 21. (1) After the entering of a petition of appeal by any

of sentence
pending person entitled to appeal, and pending the hearing of the same,
appeal. the Appeal Court may, for reasons to be recorded by it in
writing, order that the execution of a judgment, decision, order
or sentence, appealed against be suspended, and also in the case
of a criminal appeal, ifthe appellant be in confinement, that he
be released on bail on his own recognisance or on such other
terms as to the Appeal Court shall seem meet.
(2) If an appellant be ultimately sentenced to imprisonment
the time during which he is so released shall be excluded in
computing the period for which he is so sentenced.

Abatement 22. Every appeal from a Magistrate (except an appeal from

of appeals.
a sentence of fine) shall finally abate on the death of the

Case stated. 23. After the hearing and determination by a Magistrate

of any summons, charge, information or complaint, either party
to the proceedings or the Attorney General even though he was
not a party to the proceedings may, if dissatisfied with the said
determination as being erroneous in point of law or as being in
excess of jurisdiction, apply in writing within fifteen days after
the said determination to the said Magistrate to state and sign
a case setting forth the facts and the grounds of such determina-
tion for the opinion thereon of the Appeal Court, and such party,
hereinafter called the appellant, shall within fifteen days after
receiving such case transmit the same to the Appeal Court, first
giving notice in writing of such appeal, with a copy of the case so
stated and signed, to the other party to the proceedings in which
the determination was given, hereinafter called the respondent.
Recognisance 24. The appellant, at the time of making such application
to be taken
and fees paid. and before the case shall be stated and delivered to him by the
Magistrate, shall in every instance enter into a recognisance
before the Magistrate, with or without surety or sureties, and
Appeals from Magistrates' Courts [Cap. 16 131

in such sum as to the Magistrate shall seem meet, conditioned

to prosecute without delay such appeal, and to submit to the
judgment of the Appeal Court, and to pay such costs as may
be awarded by the same; and before he shall be entitled to
have the case delivered to him he shall pay to the Magistrate's
Clerk the fees prescribed in the Schedule.
The appellant in a criminal case, if then in custody shall be
liberated upon the recognisance being further conditioned for
his appearance before the Magistrate, or, ifthat is impracticable,
before two Justices of the Peace, within seven days after the
judgment of the Appeal Court shall have been given, to abide
such judgment unless the determination appealed against be
Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to an
application for a case stated made by or under the direction of
the Attorney General.

25. If a Magistrate be of opinion that the application is Magistrate

may refuse to
merely frivolous, but not otherwise, he may refuse to state state a case
a case, and shall, on the request of the appellant, sign and when he
deliver to. him a certificate of such refusal: application
Provided that a Magistrate shall not refuse to state a case
when the application for that purpose is made to him by or
under the direction of the Attorney General, who may require
a case to be stated with reference to proceedings to which
he was not a party.

26. When a Magistrate has refused to state a case as afore- Procedure on

refusal of
said it shall be lawful for the appellant to apply to the Supreme Magistrate to
Court within fourteen days of such refusal, upon an affidavit state a case.
of the facts, for a rule calling upon such Magistrate and also
upon the respondent to show cause why such case should not
be stated, and the Supreme Court may make the same absolute
or discharge it, with or without payment of costs, as to the
Court shall seem fit, and the Magistrate upon being served with
such rule absolute, shall state a case accordingly, upon the
appellant entering into such recognisance as is hereinbefore

27. The Appeal Court shall (subject to the provisions of the Appeal
next succeeding section) hear and determine the question or ~~:!~e

J questions of law arising on the case stated, and shall thereupon the questions
reverse, affirm or amend the determination in respect of which ~~ l~~i~f::\o
the case has been stated or remit the matter to the Magistrate be final.
with the opinion of the Appeal Court thereon, or may make
132 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

such other order in relation to the matter and may make such
other order as to costs, as to the Court may seem fit, and all
such orders shall be final and conclusive on all parties:
Provided always that no Magistrate who shall state and
deliver a case in pursuance of this Ordinance or bona fide
refuse to state one shall be liable to any costs in respect or by
reason of such appeal against his determination or refusal, and
provided further that no costs shall be awarded against the
Crown except where the Attorney General is the appellant.

Case may be
sent back for
28. The Appeal Court shall have power, if it thinks fit-
amendment (a) to cause the case to be sent back for amendment or
or re-hearing.
re-statement, and thereupon the same shall be amended or
re-stated accordingly, and judgment shall be delivered after
it has been so amended or re-stated;
(b) to remit the case to the Magistrate for re-hearing and
determination with such directions as it may deem necessary.

Powers of
29. After the decision of the Appeal Court has l:>een given
after decision on a case stated, the Magistrate shall have the same authority
of Appeal
to enforce any judgment, decision, order or sentep.ce which
may have been affirmed, amended or made by the Appeal Court,
as such Magistrate would have had to enforce his determination
if the same had not been appealed against, and no action or
proceedings whatsoever shall be commenced or had against the
Magistrate for enforcing such judgment, decision, order or
sentence by reason of any defect in the same respectively.

Appellant 30. No person who has appealed under section 3 shall be

may not
proceed both entitled to have a case stated, and no person who has applied
by case to have a case stated shall be entitled to appeal under section 3.
stated and
by appeal.
Contents of 31. A case stated by a Magistrate shall set out-
case stated.
(a) the particulars contained in the charge, summons,
information or complaint;
(b) the facts found by the Magistrate to be admitted or
(c) any submission of law made by or on behalf of the
prosecutor or complainant during the trial or enquiry;
(d) any submission of law made by or on behalf of the
accused or defendant during the trial or enquiry;
(e) the judgment, the grounds of the determination and,
in the case of conviction, the sentence of the Magistrate;
Appeals from Magistrates' Courts [Cap. 16 133

(j) any question or questions of law which the Magistrate

or any of the parties may desire to be submitted for the
opinion of the Appeal Court;
(g) any question of law which the Attorney General may
require to be submitted for the opinion of the Appeal Court.

32. The Appeal Court may, if it deems :fit, enlarge any period Appeal
of tune prescn"b ed by sectiOns
· 24 or 26.
0 ourt may
enlarge time.

33. When an appeal is presented against the acquittal of a Arrestdof

. stated b y a Mag1strate
person or a case Is . a f ter an acqmtta
. l respon ent
in certain
the Appeal Court may issue a warrant directing that the accused cases.
shall be arrested and brought before it and may commit him
to prison pending the disposal of the appeal or case stated or
admit him to bail.

34. (1) The Attorney General of his own motion and any :Wp:a~?
other person if aggrieved by a decision of the Appeal Court in co~rt of wan
a criminal appeal may appeal to the vVest African Court of Appeal.
Appeal on a matter of law (not including severity of sentence)
but not on a matter of fact.
(2) Every such appeal shall be entered within eight days of
the order appealed against and subject to Rules of Court made
by the West African Court of Appeal, the provisions of sections
6 to 22 inclusive shall apply mutalis mutandis to appeals from
the Appeal Court to the West African Court of Appeal:
Provided that the West African Court of Appeal may for 20 of 1954.
good cause shown extend the aforesaid period in such manner
as it may think just.

35. Subject to the proVIsiOns hereinbefore contained no ~indding,t

. d gment, d emswn,
JU .. ord er or sentence passed b y a Court of JU gmen '
sentence or
competent jurisdiction shall . be reversed or laltered order ~bhlenb
.. . . onh appeal revers1ey
on account of any error, onnss10n or nregu anty In t e com- reason of
plaint, information, summons, warrant, charge, proclamation, em;>r ?r .
ord er, JU• d gment or oth er proceedings b e1ore
or d urmg
• t h e tna,
•1 OmiSSIOn ill
charge or
unless such error, omission or irregularity has in fact occasioned othdie: pro·
a f:ai"lure of JUStice:
· · cee ngs.

Provided that in determining whether any error, omission or

irregularity has occasioned a failure of justice the Court shall
have regard to the question whether the objection could and
should have been raised at an earlier stage in the proceedings.
134 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

Forfeiture of 36. If the order of the Appeal Court be not obeyed, or the
security if
order not amount paid within the time limited and as directed by the
obeyed. Appeal Court, or if the person sentenced to be imprisoned do
not surrender himself if at large within such time as the Appeal
Court shall direct, the security given by and on behalf of the
appellant shall become forfeited, and the Appeal Court, or the
Magistrate by whom the original order was pronounced, may
order execution to issue and a levy to be made upon the goods,
chattels, moneys and securities, and in default thereof or of
a sufficiency thereof, upon the real property of the persons who
shall have given or entered into such security, without any
action, suit or other proceedings being had or taken against
them in respect to such security; and the proceeds of such
levy, after paying the amount of the security and of the costs
and expenses of the levy, shall be paid to the person or persons
whose property shall have been so levied upon; and if there
shall be any dispute between such persons, as to the division
between them of such balance, the same shall be paid into the
Court of the Magistrate before whom the proceedings were
originally had, to abide his decision thereon, and such decision
shall be final.

Issue of 37. (1) Either party may take out, from the Court or
Magistrate by or before whom the proceedings were heard and
decision pronounced, subpamas for the attendance of witnesses
at the hearing of the appeal, and such subprenas shall be issued
accordingly, and a note thereof by the Magistrate or Clerk, and
of the name of each witness and of the party by or for whom
subprenred shall be made on the proceedings and proof of
service of the subprenas attached thereto for the information
and guida.nce of the Appeal Court.
(2) No witness from the Sherbro Judicial District shall be
required or compelled to proceed to Freetown, whether
subprenred or not, unless he shall have received from or been
tendered by the person or party who shall require his attendance
a reasonable sum of money for his expenses or probable expenses
consequent on his coming to and returning from Freetown and
stay thereat for the hearing of the said appeal, which sum of
money shall be settled and determined by the Magistrate of
such District, who shall make a note thereof on the proceedings,
or of the refusal of the witness to receive the amount; but the
amount thereof shall not '9e allowed in costs, between party and
. party, beyond the sum which would be allowed to such witness
if he had come from any other district, unless the Appeal Court
shall otherwise order; and the Appeal Court may at the hearing
Appeals from Magistrates' Courts [Cap. 16 135

of the appeal add to or lessen the amount allowed and paid or

tendered to any witness.
Penalty for
38. Any person subpa.mred as a witness and tendered his disobedience
expenses according to the lower scale of the Schedule or as to subprena.
shall be settled by the Magistrate under the last preceding
section, who shall not attend at the hearing of the appeal,
shall be liable to the same pains, penalties and punishment to
which a person subpa.mred by the Supreme Court is made liable
unless good cause be shown to the contrary.

SCHEDULE. Section 9.

£ s. d.
For making up a copy of the record of the case for the Appeal
Court-for every folio of seventy-two words 0 0 4
For serving any written notice mentioned in this Ordinance,
including proof of service thereof 0 1 0
Attendance by attorney to take out subpcenas ... 0 0 6
To the Crown for each person subpcemed 0 0 6
For serving each subpcena, the same as allowed in Magistrates
Attendance in person at the hearing of the appeal, same as
allowed to witnesses ...
Atte~t~~~ec~[e lega~.:ract~~~oner,.~ccor~~~g to .~~e i~~~rtan~~}
. 0 10

3 3 0
To counsel or attorney for examing the proceedings, according} 0 5 0
to the length and importance of the case .. . ... . .. to
2 2 0

Attendance of witnesses as under:-

Labourers for the day

.J 0 0

0 1
0 1

Mechanics and artisans
··} 0 3

Clerks and petty shopkeepers

.J 0 2

0 5
0 5

Merchants and gentle~en
··} to
0 10 0
136 Cap. 16] Appeals from Magistrates' Courts

Double the amount to witnesses coming to Freetown from places

distant beyond six miles.
Only one day's attendance shall be allowed unless the Judge shall
otherwise order.

Fees to be taken by Magistrate under section 24.
£ s. d.
For drawing case and copy-
When the case does not exceed five folios of one
hundred words each 0 10 0
When the case exceeds five folios, then for every
additional folio 0 1 0
For the recognisance to be taken in pursuance under
section 24 0 5 0
For every enlargement or renewal thereof 0 2 6

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