Nursing Reference Card (For Duty)

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 HBR - high back rest  METHODS - medications, environment, treatments &

 HGB - Hemoglobin visit to physician, health teachings, observable signs &

 I/O - intake and output symptoms, diet, spiritual
 IBW - ideal body weight  MGH - may go home
 ICP - intracranial pressure  MHBR - moderate high back rest
 IM - Intramuscular  MI - myocardial infarction
 IVF - intravenous fluid  ML - main line
 IVTT- intravenous through tubing  MSCC - mid-stream clean catch
 KPS - kidney punch sign  MVA - motor vehicle accident
 KSS - keep set sterile  NABS - normoactive bowel sounds
 KUB - kidneys, ureters, bladder  NBS - newborn screening
 KVO - keep vein open  NCCF - no chocolate-colored foods neb - Nebule
 LBM - loose bowel movement  NGT - nasogastric tube
 LLQ - left lower quadrant  NIL - not in labor
 LMP - last menstrual period  NOD - nurse on duty
 LOC - level of consciousness
 NPO-PM - nothing by mouth - post-midnight
 LOF - limit oral fluids

 PLT – by
 NPO-PS - nothing Platelet
mouth - post-supper
 PNSS - 0.9%
 NSS - normal saline solution sodium chloride solution po - by mouth
("per os")
 NSVD - normal spontaneous vaginal delivery o.d. - right
eye ("oculus  post-BT
dexter")- post - blood transfusion
 PRN - as needed
 o.s. - left eye ("oculus siniste")("pro re nata")
 o.u. - both eyes ("oculustouterque")
 PTA - prior admission
 OD - once a day ("omni die") tuberculosis
 PTB - pulmonary
 PTC tube
 OGT - orogastric - prior to consultation
 OGTT - Oral Glucose
PUD - Peptic Ulcer Test
Tolerance Disease
 PUFT - pregnant
 ORS - oral rehydration solutionuterus full -term
 OTC - over thePxcounter
- Patient
 RLQ - right lower quadrant
 PB - Piggyback
 ROD("post-cibum")
 pc - after meals - resident on -duty
 RTC -are
 PERRLA - pupils round the clock
equally round and responsive to
 RUQ - right upper quadrant
light and accommodation
 Rx - Prescription
 PL148 - plasmalyte 148
 S.O.S.
 PLR - lactated ringer's- if needed
solution("si opus sit")

 S/E - OPEH - stool exam - ova, parasite, Entamoeba  ttt - Treatment

histolytica  TURP - transurethral resection of the prostate
TWC - terminate when consumed
 - status post
- testicular S/S-examination
self - signs and symptoms
TTS - turn to side

 SBR - strict bed rest S  U/A - Urinalysis

 OB - shortness of breath  U/S - ultrasound; ultrasonography
 SQ – Subcutaneous  URTI - upper respiratory tract infection
 Sx - Surgery  UTI - urinary tract infection
 T.S. - to start  UTZ - ultrasound; ultrasonography
 TAHBSO - Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral  V/S - vital signs WCR - wheel chair ride
Salpingo - Oophorectomy
 TBSA - total burn surface area
 TID - three times a day ("ter in die")
 TPN - total parenteral nutrition
 TPR - temperature, pulse & respiration
 TSB - tepid sponge bath
 TSE - testicular self -examination

 TTS - turn to sides

May be used in CVGH only: May be used in CVGH only:
 AP - attending physician  PGI - post-graduate intern
 FMIOD/FMIIC - family medicine intern on-duty/family  SIOD/SIIC - surgical intern on-duty/surgical intern in-
medicine intern incharge charge
 FMROD/FMRIC - family medicine resident  SROD/SRIC - surgical resident on-duty/surgical resident
on-duty/family medicine resident in-charge in-charge
 MIOD/MIIC - medical intern on-duty/medical intern in-  S.O. - significant other
 MROD/MRIC - medical resident on-duty/medical
resident in-charge
 OBIOD/OBIIC - OB intern on-duty/OB intern in-charge
 OBROD/OBRIC - OB resident on-duty/OB resident in-
 OIOD/OIIC - Ophtha intern on-duty/Ophtha intern in-
 OROD/ORIC - Ophtha resident on-duty/Ophtha
resident in-charge
 WBC = 4500-1100
 RBC = 4.5-5.5
 PLT = 150,000 – 450,000
 HgB = F: 16 g/dL ; M: 13 – 18 g/dL
 HCT = F: 36% - 48% ; M: 39% -54A%


 Sodium (Na) = 135 – 145 mEq/L
 Potassium = 5.0 mEq/L
 Chloride = 95-105 mg/L
 Calcium = 9 – 11 mg/dL
 BUN = 7 – 20 mg/dL
 Creatinine = 0.6 – 1.2 md/dL
 Albumin = 3.4 – 5.4 g/dL
 Magnesium = 1.4 – 2.1 mEq/L
DD/DOH x V = A  Total protein = 6.2 – 8.2 g/dL
 a.c.- (ante cibum) before meals (given ½ hour before a  p.m., P, PM = (post meridiem) afternoon (given in the
meal) afternoon)
 ad lib. = (ad libitum) at pleasure (given freely, as much  p.o. = (per os) by mouth, orally (given into the mouth)
as is wanted)  NPO = Nothing by mouth (nothing is given into the
 b.i.d. = (bis in die) two times a day (given 10am and mouth!)
4pm)  p.r., IR = by rectum, intrarectal, rectally (route of
 buc = (inside cheek, cheek pocket (route of administration; inserted into the rectum) p.r.n.,
administration; held inside the cheek) gtt. = (guttae)  PRN = (pro re nata) abbreviation meaning "when
 drops (given in forms of drops) h= (hoora) hourly (given necessary" (given when needed)
on each hour)  p.v. = by vagina, vaginal (route of administration;
 ID = intradermal (route of administration; injected into inserted into the vagina)
the skin)  q.d., QD = (quaque die) once a day (give one time a
 IM = (intramuscular (route of administration; injected day, also stand for daily
into the muscle)  q.i.d. = (quarter in die) four times a day (given at 8am,
 IV= (intravenously (route of administration; given into 12nn, 4pm, 8pm)
the vein) p.C. = (post cibuma) after meals (given ½ hour
after a meal)
 q. h. = (from "quaque", every and the "h" indicating the  EBF - exclusive breastfeeding
number of hours)  EBM - expressed breast milk
 q.h., qgh. = every hour (given on each hour, hourly)  EOF - encourage oral fluids
q2h.,  FBC-CDU - Foley Bag Catheter - Close Drainage Unit
 q2h = every 2 hours (given at 6am, and continues on  FBS - fasting blood sugar
even hours day and night!)  FDTW - full diet to watcher
 q.3h., q3h =every 3 hours (given at 6, 9, 12, 3, day and  FHT - fetal heart rate Fr – French
night!)  Fx - Fracture
 q.4h., q4h = every 4 hours (given at 8, 12, 4, day and  g - Gauge
nighti)  GCS - Glasgow Coma Scale
 SC, sub-Q, SQ, subcu = subcutaneously (route of  GIT - gastrointestinal tract
administration; injected under the skin, into fatty  gtt - Drops
layer!)  GUT - genito-urinary tract
 Stat= immediate order (given immediately one time as  h.s. - at bedtime ("hora somni")
ordered)  H/A – Headache
 t.i.d., TID = (ter in die) three times a day (given three  HASMINE - health teachings, anticipatory guidance,
times per day, usually with meals) safety, security & spiritual, medications, incision care,
 ut dict. = (ut dictum) as directed (given as explained by nutrition, environment
the physician or medical staff, sometimes written as "as

What to expect during rounds?  CA - carcinoma; cancer

• Introduce yourself  CBC - complete blood count
 CBR c TP - complete bed rest with toilet privileges
• Greet
 CBR s TP - complete bed rest without toilet privileges
• ask how the patient is doing?  CBW - cooled boiled water
• Observe for nonverbal cues  CP - cardiopulmonary
• Inform / remind patient about his/her  CPT - chest physiotherapy
procedure of the day  CRT - capillary refill time
• Remind his/her restrictions  CVA - cerebrovascular accident
 CXR - chest x-ray
• Monitor V/S & I&O
 D & C - dilatation and curettage
• Refer any abnormal findings  D/C - discontinue; discharged
 D50W - 50% dextrose in water
 D5LR - 5% dextrose in lactated ringer's solution
 D5NSS - 5% dextrose in normal saline solution
 D5W - 5% dextrose in water
 DAT - diet as tolerated
 DBE - deep breathing exercises

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