Techniques (L5R)
Techniques (L5R)
Techniques (L5R)
Iron in the Mountains Style 4 The bushi strikes with crushing force, breaking At Martial Arts [Melee, : 1 target of your action must resist with TN 3 Fitness -
their enemy’s roots with an overwhelming Ranged or Unarmed]
(Water 4, Air 1) check or become Prone and suffer
blow or sweeping their stance out from (Earth) check:
fatigue equal to their shortfall.
underneath them with a well-placed kick.
+1 TN to resist per spent this way
Lord Hida´s Grip 2 Warriors of the Crab Clan are instructed in Attack action , Fitness If successful, target becomes Immobilized and you count : Target must resist with Fitness
(Crab) techniques that target the weak points of trolls, (Void) check targeting 1 as granting assistance to all characters who perform
check or suffer physical damage
ogres, and even oni, turning their great weight creature of silhouette 3+ at Attack actions against target until the beginning of your
equal to its silhouette, ignoring
against them by pinning or strategically range 0-1, TN = target next turn
resistance, and become Prone. TN
damaging specific body parts silhouette (min. 1)
= your school rank
Lord Shiba´s Valor 2 The members of the Phoenix clan are under Once per session, Support If successful, other characters cannot select your targets : If successful, +1 TN to Attack
(Phoenix) sworn oath to protect the innocent whenever action using readied weapon, as the targets of their Attack or Scheme actions if they
and Scheme actions targeting you.
possible, following in the footsteps of their TN 2 Tactics (Void) check could select you instead. If an action has multiple
Effect persists until the end of
founding Kami Shiba. targeting any characters targets, you must be the first target chosen.
your next turn.
within weapon range. Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to your
school rank.
Mind´s Edge 1 The warrior focuses not on their foe’s hands, Once per scene, TN 1 If successful, the next time you would receive strife; : Effect applies to each time you
nor their feet, nor their sword. Rather, they Meditation (Void) check: reduce the amount by 3 + 1 per 2 bonus successes.
would receive strife until the start
watch all and none of these things, perceiving
of your next turn instead.
their opponent’s energy and intentions
: You may use this technique
throughout their entire body.
one additional time this scene.
Rider´s Haste 2 Most samurai are trained in riding and fully Movement and Support Your mount receives an amount of fatigue up to your -
using the advantages a mount provides can action, if you are riding a ranks in Survival, then carries you that many range
take intense training for both steed and rider. mount, you may spur it to bands plus one (max. 6)
move more quickly.
Soaring Slice 1 Jerking their arm in a sudden motion, the bushi Attack action using readied You hurl your weapon at target. : -1 TN of next Attack action
hurls their weapon at the enemy, hoping to take weapon in 1-handed grip, TN If successful, deal physical damage to the target equal to
against target before the end of
the foe off-guard or create a gap in their 2 Martial Arts check weapon’s base damage + bonus successes.
you next turn.
defenses. targeting 1 character at range Weapon lands at range 1 in any direction of your choice
2-3. from the target if they defend against the damage or
embeds in them if they suffer a critical strike. +: +1 max. range of technique
If failure, the weapon travels a number of range bands
equal to the maximum range of the technique in the
direction of the target.
Soul Sunder 5 Warriors deeply engaged with the mysteries of Support action, TN 4 If successful, weapon gains Sacred quality and when +: Effect persists 1 additional
the sword can attune themselves to their Meditation (Void) check to using it to inflict critical strikes on Otherworldly beings,
round per
ancestral blades to cut even those beings who attune your blade to the increase DLS by bonus successes.
Side 2 af 56
walk between worlds and whose flesh steel spirits of your honored Effect persists until the end of you next turn. : Otherworldly beings cannot
normally will not bite. ancestors
perform Attack actions targeting
you until the start of your next
: Immediately perform a strike
action using readied weapon
Striking as Air 1 A skilled fighter can tell when an attack will At Martial Arts [Melee, +: Reserve 1 of your kept or dropped dice + 1 -
not land and subtly shift it into a different sort Ranged or Unarmed] (Air)
additional die per .
of attack, meant to probe the enemy’s defenses check:
When making a check with the same skill before the end
or draw their guard out of position. By
of your next turn, you may roll 1 fewer per reserved
carefully placing attack after attack, a master
and 1 fewer per reserved . These dice count as rolled
of the blade can eventually whittle down their
dice but are added set to the results they had when they
opponent’s options until none remain but
were reserved
Striking as Earth 1 After striking, the bushi roots, hunkering down At Martial Arts [Melee, : +1 Physical resistance per spent this way. -
to make sure their armor takes the brunt of a Ranged or Unarmed]
Effect persists until the beginning of you next turn.
hit or raising a weapon in a warding position (Earth) check:
where it can deflect harm without being
Striking as Fire 1 All else fades to the background as the bushi At Martial Arts [Melee, : Next time target suffers a critical strike, +1 severity -
fiercely presses the attack, trying to force an Ranged or Unarmed] (Fire)
per spent this way.
error or open an opportunity to end their foe. check:
Effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Striking as Void 5 The bushi rests until the last possible second, At Martial Arts [Melee, : Immediately switch to a different stance of your -
allowing the potential energy of their strike to Ranged or Unarmed]
take shape only after it is too late for their (Void) check:
: If failure, you may perform an action of another type
enemy to respond.
this turn (Can only be activated once per round)
Striking as Water 1 As the bushi strikes they attempt to slide past At Martial Arts [Melee, : -1 Physical resistance to target. -
the target’s defenses to deliver a lethal blow. Ranged or Unarmed]
Effect persists until the end of your next turn.
(Water) check:
Tactical Assessment 2 Battles are not won in the field, but in the At Initiative check: Air : Choose an enemy in the conflict. Learn one of -
leadup to the conflict. The warrior who better their advantages (of their choice) and their physical or
understands the terrain, the strength of their supernatural resistance (your choice)
own forces and the composition of the enemy´s Earth : Choose a character in the conflict. They do not
troops is usually victorious. apply any of their disadvantages to their checks until the
end of their first turn.
Water : Choose a piece of terrain in the scene. Until
the start of your first turn, it counts as having the
Obscuring quality for Attack action checks targeting you
and your allies.
Fire : Choose a character in the conflict and one of
their advantages you know. Until the end of their first
turn, they apply that advantage to all of their checks.
Thunderous Hooves Style 4 Over the centuries, the Unicorn Clan has both At Fitness check as part of +: 1 character at range 0 of your ending position per -
adopted the Ujik’s riding methods and Movement action: spent this way suffers fatigue and strife equal to your
extensively studied many of their cavalry mount’s silhouette unless they choose to immediately
tactics in order to easily break infantry move 1 range band away from you.
formations unprepared to face such heavy
cavalry : Your mount may perform a Strike action with
Side 3 af 56
your assistance, targeting 1 character at range 0.
Void Embrace Style 5 It is said that some martial artists of surpassing At Meditation (Void) check : Choose 1 character you can perceive and secretly -
skill can give themselves over wholly to the during a duel or skirmish:
select a number.
Void for an instant, foreseeing the exact arc of
The next time you are dealt damage or suffer a critical
an attack and completely negating it with little
strike inflicted by that character, reveal the number you
more than a gentle brush of the hand.
If the number is higher than the damage or the severity
of the critical strike (before any reductions), you suffer it
as normal and this effect ends.
If the number is lower than or equal to the damage or the
severity of the critical strike, reduce it by that amount
(min. 0).
If you reduce it to 0, the character you chose suffers 5
Warriors Resolve 1 The bushi draws a deep breath, exhaling as Once per scene, Support Remove fatigue equal to your honor rank. -
they rise to their feet. Pain can be conquered as action, spend 1 Void Point to
long as there is a duty to be done. Honor is recover.
stronger than steel, it is said, and it falls to the
samurai to prove it.
Boar´s Wrath Style 3 Any skilled brawler can attest to the danger At check to resist critical Fire or Void +: Choose 1 of your unarmed profiles or -
posed by a fighter who is wounded and strike during a skirmish, if readied improvised weapon.
desperate. Lashing out with a fury born of you are Enraged and not Each other character at range 0-1 with vigilance lower
instinct and training, the warrior responds to Incapacitated than or equal to spent this way suffers physical
harm in kind, smashing enemies with hands, damage equal to the base damage of your unarmed
feet, and improvised weapons. profile + 1 for each spent in excess of their vigilance.
Bonebreaker Style 5 As heavy weapons are exhausting to wield, At Attack action check using : If target would suffer a critical strike as a result of -
each blow must count. A sufficiently skilled Cumbersome weapon:
this check, instead of making a check to resist, they
fighter who uses such a weapon knows exactly
suffer a severity 6 critical strike.
where to strike to shatter a femur or snap an
arm and end the fight.
Coiling Serpent Style 2 Entrapping techniques can be performed with At Martial Arts [Melee or +: Choose one weapon target has readied per ; that -
many different weapons Unarmed] check using
weapon cannot be used for Attack actions. Effect
Snaring weapon:
persists until the end of your next turn.
+: 1 target of your action per becomes
Daring Swing 3 Stories tell of pirates swinging from kusari- Attack and Movement action, If successful, you snag your weapon on that position (or +: Choose 1 character at range 0
gama stuck into the mast or masters of the TN 3 Martial Arts [Melee] another nearby feature of the terrain) and then swing to
of your final position with
spear launching themselves across gaps with ji. (Water) check using readied the position.
vigilance </= spent this way.
Snaring weapon targeting 1
That character suffers physical
position within weapon range
damage equal to the number of
that you could not normally
range bands you travelled this
Side 4 af 56
round + bonus successes.
Deflective Defense 3 If a warrior plants their large weapon in the Movement and Scheme If successful, treat your physical resistance against : After you defend against
ground and takes cover behind it with a narrow action, TN 2 Martial Arts attacks made by characters at range 2-6 as increased by
physical damage from an attack
profile, even a bisento makes the likelihood of [Melee] (Earth) check using your Fitness rank.
made by a character at range 2-6,
a lethal hit with an arrow or dart far lower. readied Cumbersome
that character suffers 2 strife.
Flashing Steel Strike 2 Attack and Scheme action, If successful, target must choose one of the following: : If your weapon is
Martial Arts [Melee] (Air or Receive strife equal to your Performance rank and Cumbersome, choose 1 additional
Fire), TN = target vigilance, become Dazed. target with vigilance </= original
using readied weapon Suffer a critical strike with severity equal to your target’s vigilance.
targeting 1 character within weapon DLS.
weapon range.
Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade 2 The bushi twists their scabbard outward as Attack and Movement action, You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a 1-handed : Ready 1 other sheathed Razor-
they draw, cutting horizontally to extend their TN 2 Martial Arts [Melee] grip.
Edged weapon
reach. check using Razor-Edged If successful, deal physical damage to target equal to
weapon targeting 1 character weapon DLS + bonus successes.
at range 1-2.
Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade 2 The bushi grips their scabbard against their hip Attack and Movement action, You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a 1-handed : Ready 1 other sheathed Razor-
and draws, cutting upward to catch an Martial Arts [Melee] check grip.
Edged weapon
advancing foe without being cut themselves. using Razor-Edged weapon If successful, deal physical damage to target equal to
targeting 1 character at range weapon DLS.
0-1. TN = target vigilance Target cannot defend against this damage if
Iaijutsu Cut: Reverse Draw 4 Taking up a reverse grip with the blade down Attack, Movement and You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a one- : If this damage causes target
using the off hand, the warrior makes a quick Scheme action, Martial Arts handed grip and become Disoriented.
to become Incapacitated, they
upward draw, cutting for their foe’s face or [Melee] check using
suffer a critical strike with severity
torso. sheathed Razor-Edged If successful, target suffers physical damage equal to
equal to weapon DLS + 1 per
weapon. TN = target weapon DLS + 1 for every 2 bonus successes.
every 2 bonus successes.
Iaijutsu Cut: Sword and Sheath 2 Bashing your enemy with a sheathed blade is Attack and Movement action, If successful, target suffers 5 physical damage with DLS : If successful, target becomes
hardly a refined move, but it can give a fighter TN 2 Martial Arts [Melee] 2 + additional damage equal to bonus successes.
the space needed to free their blade. By check using sheathed Razor-
striking, then pulling off the sheath in a single Edged weapon. You draw and ready the sheathed weapon in a one-
movement, the fighter also gives themselves a handed grip in one hand and its sheath in a one-handed
second weapon: the sheath. grip in the other hand.
Improvised Assault 3 The character adapts something in their Movement and Support If succeful, choose a Martial Arts [Melee] weapon : You may immediately
environment for use as an improvised weapon action, TN 2 Tactics (Water) profile for a weapon similar in shape to the improvised
perform a Strike action using the
that suits their own fighting style. Such or Smithing (Water) check weapon (the GM has discretion over whether the
readied weapon.
improvised weapons rarely survive combat. using readied improvised substitution is appropriate).
weapon. Treat the improvised weapon as having that profile, with
its damage and deadliness reduced by 1. : If successful, choose one of
Effect persists until the end of the scene, at which point
the following item qualities:
the improvised weapon gains the Destroyed quality.
Cumbersome, Razor-Edged, or
Snaring. The weapon is treated as
having the quality.
Iron Forest Style 2 A bushi versed in the spear can control their At Martial Art [Melee] +: The area in range of your weapon counts as -
spacing with their opponent, forcing their foe check using any kind of
Dangerous terrain for 1 target of your action per .
to risk impalement each time they advance or polearm:
When an affected character attempts to move closer to
catching loose clothes or stray body parts on
you, they must make a TN 4 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5)
the head of the weapon.
Side 5 af 56
If failure, they cannot advance. Effect persists until the
start of your next turn.
Landslide Strike 2 Lashing out at the foe’s legs, the warrior forces Attack and Scheme action, If successful, your target must choose one of the +: If your weapon has the
their enemy to either abandon their stance or to Martial Arts [Melee] following:
Cumbersome quality, choose one
be knocked from their feet. This tactic is (Earth or Water) check Receive fatigue equal to your Fitness rank and
additional target with vigilance
especially effective on uneven ground. targeting 1 character within become Prone. lower than or equal to your
weapon range. Switch to a different stance of their choice and original target’s vigilance per
TN = target vigilance. become Immobilized. spent.
TN = 1 if target is
Dangerous, Entangling or
Obscuring terrain
Laughing Fox Style 4 The moment after a strike has been launched When targeted by an Attack If successful, you cease being the target of Attack action, +: If successful, move 1 range
but before it lands is one of great vulnerability action, if you have an open and your target becomes the target of that action instead.
band away from the attacker per
for the attacker – and, if a martial artist is hand, spend 1 void point
sufficiently skilled, a threat to other foes targeting 1 other character at
: If successful, new target also
nearby. By carefully deflecting an attack or range 0-1.
grabbing a nearby foe and pulling them into suffers physical damage equal to
the path of the blow, a cunning fighter can your skullduggery rank
send two foes toppling with a single move. : If successful, both attacker
and new target become Prone.
Open-Hand Style 2 A master martial artist can apply force for At Martial Arts [Unarmed] +: 1 target of your action per must switch to a -
maximum effect, making even gentle check using Snaring weapon:
different stance of your choice.
movements devastatingly effective blocks and
Targets of silhouette 3 or greater may resist with a TN 3
strikes. With enough experience, a martial
Fitness check and ignore this effect if successful.
artist can even control their opponent’s stance.
Pole Vault 3 The Bushi uses the butt of their spear and the Attack and Movement action, You move to your target, ignoring the effects of any -
springy haft to propel themselves into the air, TN 3 Martial Arts [Melee] terrain you pass over. You may also pass over
over obstacles, and into their foe from above. (Air or Water) check using impassable terrain if GM permits.
readied polearm.
If successful, you deal physical damage to target equal
to the weapon’s base damage + 1 per bonus success.
Reckless Lunge 2 A diving tackle or flying kick is never an Attack and Movement action, You move to range 0 of your target and become Prone. -
especially safe way to get around a battlefield TN 3 Martial Arts Reduce the TN of your target’s next Attack action check
full of sharp objects and the angry people [Unarmed] (Fire) check targeting you by 1.
holding them, but sometimes closing the gap using unarmed profile
Side 6 af 56
with a dangerous foe is worth the risk of targeting 1 character at range If successful, target suffers damage equal to the base
leaving oneself prone and open to 2-3. damage of your unarmed punch or kick profile + your
counterattack. Fitness rank and must make a TN 3 Fitness (Water 2,
Air 5) check or become Prone.
Rushing Avalanche Style 2 The bushi strikes with reckless abandon using At Martial Arts [Unarmed] : If failure with a shortfall of 2-, target suffers physical -
a heavy armament. Thanks to the sheer weight check using a blunt weapon:
damage equal to your ranks in Fitness
of their weapon and the ferocity of their
: If successful and target is Prone, increase the damage
strikes, even a glancing blow can cause serious
harm, and a telling blow usually ends the battle you deal by your Fitness rank.
Rushing Ox Style 3 With a roar of determination, the warrior plows At Movement action check: Fire or Water : After you move, you may perform a -
forward, heedless of obstacles and foes, to Strike action using a readied Martial Arts [Melee]
strike a particular enemy. weapon or a Martial Arts [Unarmed] profile targeting 1
character. Target must be in range of readied weapon or
unarmed profile, TN = target vigilance. You can only
target a character you moved toward this way.
Snapping Branch Strike 1 The warrior whirls the haft of their weapon, Attack and Support action, If successful, target suffers physical damage equal to 5 + +: Target must resist with a
jabbing at a foe with the butt or blunt end. By TN 3 Fitness (Earth) check 1 per bonus success with DLS 2.
TN 4 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5)
wielding a polearm or club in this manner, a targeting 1 character at range
check or be pushed 1 range band
character can essentially use it as a staff, letting 0-2.
away from you per spent.
them strike enemies inside its normal threat
Spinning Blades Style 2 The biggest advantage of dual wielding comes At Martial Arts [Melee or (equal to target vigilance): Use your second readied -
from the fact that the warrior does not need to Unarmed] check if you have
weapon against 1 target of your action, inflicting
sacrifice defense while attacking or offense a second readied weapon you
physical damage equal to its base damage. If target is
while defending. Either weapon can deliver did not use for the attack:
Dazed, increase this damage by your ranks in the skill
death, and so the enemy must watch both at all
you used for the check.
Swirling Tempest Style 5 A spear or club’s reach not only allows it to At Martial Arts [Melee] +: Choose 1 character within weapon range other than -
threated foes at a distance, but also gives its check using blunt weapon or target with vigilance </= spent. That character suffers
wielder the ability to engage more foes, polearm: physical damage equal to your weapon’s base damage.
threatening numerous enemies simultaneously You may activate this technique multiple times,
with a furious crash of blows. choosing a different character each time.
Thunderclap Strike 3 Sweeping their weapon in a wide arc, the bushi Attack action using readied If successful, each target suffers damage equal to +: +1 TN to resist effect per
lashes out at their foes, driving them back to weapon, TN 3 Martial Arts weapon’s base damage and must resist with TN 3
spent this way
make an opening for their next move. [Melee or Unarmed] (Air) Fitness (Earth 4, Fire 1) check or move 2 range bands
check targeting each directly away from you.
character within weapon
Thunderous Blows Style 2 One advantage of a blunt weapon is that it can At Attack action check Fire +: 1 character at range 0-1 of target per -
be wielded with reckless abandon compared to using blunt weapon: spent receives 1 fatigue, or 3 fatigue if they are Dazed.
an edged weapon. A warrior with a blunt
weapon does not need to waste energy
targeting weak points in the enemy’s armor
and can simply batter them down with sheer,
overwhelming force.
Trip the Leg 1 The bushi’s spear flashes out, aiming low to Attack action, TN 2 Martial If successful, target becomes Prone. : If successful, target suffers 2
trip up their opponent and send the unlucky foe Arts [Melee] check using
Side 7 af 56
crashing to the ground. readied polearm. strife and 2 fatigue
If spent >/= target vigilance,
target becomes Disoriented.
Twin Streams Style 3 Wielding two blades as a single instrument of At Attack action check : If target suffers a critical strike as a result of this -
violence, the fighter stabs into their foe with using sword or axe, if you check, increase its severity by the deadliness of your
both points or drives home simultaneous have another readied weapon other readied weapon.
slashes. of the same category:
Veiled Menace Style 2 By drawing their enemy’s gaze away from the At Martial Arts [Melee or +: If successful, target suffers a critical strike with -
true threat, a bushi can often tip the scales Unarmed] check using a
severity equal to weapon DLS + 1per beyond the first
against a strong foe. weapon in 1-handed grip
targeting 1 unaware or
Disoriented character:
Wheeling Sweep 3 Grappling and throwing are important parts of Attack and Movement action, If successful, your hurl target 1 range band in the : Choose 1 character within
the repertoire of most combatants, as few Martial Arts [Unarmed] direction of your choice + 1 range band for every 2
range of the throw, you hurl your
strikes do more harm than an enemy’s own (Water) check, TN = target bonus successes.
original target into that character
momentum directed toward the ground. vigilance, targeting 1 Your target suffers the effects of falling the distance they
and they must resist with a TN 4
Kicking an enemy’s leg out from beneath them silhouette 2- character at were moved.
Fitness (Earth 3, Fire 6) check or
or seizing a striking arm can quickly lay even a range 0 using unarmed hand
suffer the same amount of damage
tough foe low. profile.
the original suffers from falling
and become Prone
+: Reduce the physical damage
your target suffers from falling this
way by 2 per .
Eyeless Sight Shot 4 To hit a target without seeing it is a masterful Attack and Movement action, If successful, target suffers physical damage equal to -
feat for any warrior who specializes in Martial Arts [Ranged] weapon’s base damage and receives strife equal to bonus
projectile weapons. Whether by firing through (Void) check, TN = target successes.
dense underbrush to hit a deer by the sound of vigilance, using readied
its steps or banking a slingstone off a wall to ranged weapon targeting 1
hit a foe when you feel their heavy footfalls character within weapon
shake the floorboards, there are many ways to range, but out of side.
use one’s other senses to place a shot.
Falling Heavens Shot 5 Arrows, stones, and darts have an arc when Attack and Movement action, If successful, at the start of target’s next turn, they suffer +: Delay effect for 1 additional
fired, traveling not in a straight line to a target Martial Arts [Ranged] a critical strike with severity equal to weapon DLS.
round and increase the deadliness
but in a curve. The better an archer understands (Void) check, TN = target
of the critical strike by 2 per
this curve intuitively or intellectually, the vigilance, using readied
better their aim. Rumors and heroic tales ranged weapon targeting 1
recount the exploits of archers with such skill character within weapon
that they can fire bolts straight up, predicting range.
their landing position perfectly and using this
to catch foes totally unaware.
Side 8 af 56
Hawk´s Precision 1 While most bushi are expected to be proficient At Martial Arts [Ranged] +: Treat the range of weapon as 1 higher per (max. -
in the use of the bow, some are terrifyingly check:
range 6)
accurate, capable of hitting targets well beyond +: Treat the range of
the expected engagement range.
weapon as 1 higher per
(max. range 6)
Pelting Hail Style 2 A volley of arrows on the battlefield can be At Martial Arts [Ranged] +: Choose a number of other characters at range 0–2 of -
deadly, but most importantly from a strategic check:
your target equal to spent this way.
standpoint, it is terrifying to even the
Each chosen character suffers strife equal to the base
staunchest veterans.
damage of your weapon.
Pin the Fan 5 While it is difficult to kill at range with a Attack and Movement action If successful, target suffers damage equal to 2x : If target becomes Incapacitated
single arrow, it can certainly be done, and using readied ranged weapon, weapon’s base damage + bonus successes
as a result of damage from this
master archers have been performing legendary Martial Arts [Ranged]
action, they suffer a critical strike
feats of precision since the early days of check targeting 1 character
with severity equal to 2x weapon
Rokugan within weapon range. TN =
DLS + bonus successes
target vigilance + range of
Staggering Shot 2 Putting an arrow at a foe’s feet can cause them At Martial Arts [Ranged] Earth or Fire : Target treats all terrain as having the -
to stumble or trip, and an experienced archer check: Dangerous quality. Effect lasts until the start of your
knows how to take full advantage of this, next turn.
planting bolts to break an enemy’s stride or
pinning their clothes to slow them down, Air or Water : Target treats all terrain as having the
making any approach extremely treacherous. Entangling quality. Effect lasts until the start of your
next turn.
Swirling Viper Style 3 Firing a bow while moving is extremely At Movement action check: Air or Water : After you move, you may perform a -
difficult, but a master archer can nock and fire Strike action using a readied Martial Arts [Ranged]
an arrow even as they sweep backward to gain weapon targeting 1 character in range, TN = target
distance from their enemy. vigilance.
You can only target a character you moved away from
this way.
Wasp´s Spite Style 4 Unlike most bees, a wasp can sting multiple At Martial Arts [Ranged] Air or Void : If failure, choose another target at -
times before expiring, letting it threaten check: range 0-2 of your target with vigilance </= original
numerous foes. So too can a skilled archer target’s.
menace one target while secretly aiming at The new target suffers physical damage equal to your
another. weapon’s base damage.
Side 9 af 56
Name Ran Description Activation Enhancement effect Burst effect
Cleansing Spirit 1 The monk centers their ki, then reaches out and touches Support action, TN 1 Theology While kihō is active, reduce the TN of all If you succeed with 2+ bonus
another character, counterbalancing their turbulent (Earth) check targeting another your checks to resist poison, disease, mahō, successes, remove one of the
energies with the stillness of the monk’s own soul. This character at range 0-1. the Defiled terrain quality, and the effects of following conditions from your
restores the character’s spirit, driving out poison, Otherworldly and Tainted beings by your target: Afflicted, Bleeding, Dazed,
disease, and even the grip of evil spirits, provided they Earth Ring. Disoriented, Dying, Fatigued, or
have not yet taken root in the character’s soul. Intoxicated.
Earth Needs No Eyes 1 Sending out waves of their own energy and letting the Support action, TN 1 Meditation While kihō is active, you can use vibrations If you succeed with 3+ bonus
ki of the life around them flow back into their body (Earth) check. through the earth to “see” a number of range successes, you instantly become
through the ground, the monk feels the reverberations bands in all directions equal to your Earth aware of all living creatures and
of everything moving nearby, from the thunderous Ring. objects touching the ground within
breaths of a warrior in battle to the footsteps of the While kihō is active, increase your vigilance a number of range bands equal to
tiniest ants. by your Earth Ring. your Earth Ring + bonus
Earthen Fist 1 Placing their hand on the ground, the monk draws forth Attack and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, treat the base damage of If you succeed with 2+ bonus
the hardness of stone, pulling up clumps of rocky soil Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Earth) your unarmed punch and kick profiles as successes, you deal physical
that coat their skin or invisibly reinforcing their bones check targeting 1 character at range being increased by your Earth Ring. damage to target equal to your
and muscles with the durability of granite. 0-1. While kihō is active, increase your physical Earth Ring, and target must resist
resistance by 1. with a TN 4 Fitness check (Air 2,
Side 10 af 56
Water 5) or become Prone.
Grasp of the Earth Dragon 3 Planting a foot on the ground and taking a wide stance, Movement and Support action, TN While kihō is active, reduce the severity of all If you succeed with 3+ bonus
the monk stomps, sending reverberations of ki rushing 2 Meditation (Earth) check. critical strikes you suffer from physical successes, reduce all physical
down into the depths. An instant later, the monk’s body sources by your Earth Ring. damage you suffer to 1. After any
is filled with the resilience of bedrock; stones rise and While kihō is active, after a character character deals physical damage to
orbit their body to deflect attacks, rocks adhere to their performs an Attack action against you, you you, they become Prone.
flesh forming rocky scales, or their flesh becomes as may spend 1 Void point to cause them to Effect persists until the end of
difficult to crack as granite. suffer fatigue equal to your Fitness rank. your next turn.
Way of the Earthquake 2 The monk slams a hand or foot into the ground, and the Attack and Support action, TN 2 While kihō is active, after you perform an If you succeed with 2+ bonus
earth itself shudders under the weight of the blow as Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Earth) Attack or Support action, or defend against successes, each target suffers
their ki rushes through the soil. Nearby enemies are check targeting any number of damage, you may choose 1 other character at physical damage equal to your
hurled to the ground and find it shifting treacherously other characters at range 0-1. range 0–2 who must resist with TN 4 Fitness Earth Ring. Each Prone target
underneath them as they struggle to rise. (Air 2, Water 5) check or suffer physical suffers physical damage equal to
damage equal to your Earth Ring and become your Earth Ring + bonus successes
Prone. and become Immobilized.
Air Fist 1 The monk swirls their hands in an intricate pattern, Attack and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, treat the maximum If you succeed with 2+ bonus
channeling their ki into the air and turning even a Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Air) range of your punch and kick unarmed successes, you deal physical
placid breeze into a funnel of roaring wind. A gale check targeting 1 character at range weapon profiles as equal to your Air Ring. damage to the target equal to your
follows the monk´s strikes, hurling foes back and 0-1. Air Ring. Target must make a TN
slamming them against intervening objects. 4 Fitness (Earth 5, Fire 2) check
or be pushed 1 range band away
from you + number of range bands
equal to their shortfall.
Riding the Clouds 2 The monk inhales and lets go their earthly bonds to Movement and Support action, TN While kihō is active, when you move 1 or If you succeed with 1+ bonus
ascend to new heights. Lifted by a small tornado, an 2 Meditation (Air) check. more range bands, you may move that successes, you may immediately
invisible current of air, or even a cloud, the monk can number of range bands + 1, and you may move 1 range band + 1 additional
move far more freely. This current of wind allows the move 1 of those range bands vertically or range band for each bonus success.
user to traverse terrain they otherwise could not and horizontally. Additionally, you may ignore You may make this move
enhances their athleticism greatly. the effects of terrain while moving. vertically or horizontally, and you
While kihō is active, if you fall, you treat the ignore the negative effects of
distance as 1 range band. terrain while moving.
The Great Silence 1 The monk swirls their hands in a spiral, pulling noise Scheme and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, increase the TN of If you succeed with 2+ bonus
inward and stealing even the reverberations that sounds Theology (Air) check. Scheme action checks targeting you by 1 + successes, characters at range 0–3
make through the air. Lies die on the lips unspoken, your Command rank. suffer the Silenced condition and
and prayers never reach the spirits for whom they were cannot hear. Effect persists until
intended. Skilled practitioners often maintain this the beginning of your next turn.
technique, twisting the wind around them to steal away
pernicious words and wicked prayers alike.
Way of the Willow 3 The oak stands firm against the storm and breaks, but Support action, TN 5 Martial Arts While kihō is active, when a character If you succeed with 2+ bonus
the willow survives it by bending. The monk dances on [Unarmed] (Air) check. performs an Attack action check targeting successes, increase the TN of
the wind like the willow, feeling the currents of ki upon you, reduce any damage you suffer by 2 for Attack action checks targeting you
the air and moving out of the way of attacks each kept die containing . by your Meditation rank until the
effortlessly. beginning of your next turn.
Breaking Blow 1 A kihō practitioner skilled in aligning their energy to Attack and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, when you succeed at a If you succeed with 2+ bonus
the element of Fire can deliver a strike that forces a Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Fire) Martial Arts [Unarmed] check against a successes, the chosen object gains
Side 11 af 56
spark of ki into an object and ignites the latent energy check targeting 1 object at range 0- target, choose 1 worn piece of armor or the Damaged quality. At the GM’s
within; causing the object to explode or shatter. 1. readied weapon in 1 target’s possession. It discretion, this can also be used to
gains the Damaged quality unless target shatter tough mundane objects.
chooses to receive 2 fatigue.
If you succeed with 4+ bonus
successes, the chosen object gains
the Destroyed quality instead. At
the GM’s discretion, this can be
used to destroy even reinforced
mundane objects.
Channel the Fire Dragon 2 Fire is not just destruction; it is also life. The monk Attack and Support action, TN 2 While kihō is active, you automatically If you succeed with 2+ bonus
inhales sharply, igniting their ki to strengthen themself. Meditation (Fire) check targeting succeed on all checks to resist extreme successes, each target must resist
While this life-giving fire smolders within their lungs, each other character at range 0-1 weather, with bonus successes equal to your with a TN 4 Fitness check (Air 5,
the monk is largely immune to cold weather and flames Fire Ring. Water 2) or suffer physical
alike. Ki practitioners experienced in this art can even damage equal to your Fire Ring
exhale scorching torrents of flame. and the Burning condition.
Flammable objects in this area
ignite, transforming it into
Dangerous terrain at the GM’s
Flame Fist 1 The monk throws a rapid, reckless strike, and Attack and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, treat the deadliness of If you succeed with 2+ bonus
flame streams out, seizing and charring whatever Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Fire) your unarmed punch and kick profiles as successes, target suffers physical
the monk touches. While sustaining this kihō, the check targeting 1 character at range increased by your Fire Ring and treat their damage equal to your Fire Ring
0-1. damage type as supernatural. and must make TN 4 Fitness (Air
monk’s hands and feet trail fire, lending power to
5, Water 2) check or become
their strikes. Dazed.
The Body is an Anvil 1 The monk focuses their ki to the point where they Movement and Support action, TN While kihō is active, when you defend If you succeed with 2+ bonus
expect a foe’s blow to land, expelling energy to counter 3 Meditation (Fire) check against damage from an Attack action, the successes, before you defend
the force of the strike. Weapons have been known to targeting 1 character at range 0-2. character who attacked you suffers against damage dealt by the target,
shatter into clouds of sparks and chunks of metal when supernatural damage equal to your Fire Ring reduce the damage by your Fire
touching a monk’s body, unmade by the force of the and the Dazed condition. Ring. If you successfully defend
monk’s inner energy. against the damage, 1 weapon the
target used gains the Damaged
quality, and target suffers the
Burning condition.
Way of the Falling Star 3 The monk hurls a series of rapid strikes. With each one, Attack and Support action, TN 3 While kihō is active, when you perform an If you succeed with 3+ bonus
fire or rippling heat erupts from their palm, elbow, foot, Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Fire) Attack action using a punch or kick against a successes, 1 target suffers
or other striking surface scorching their target. check targeting 1 character at range Dazed target, increase the damage you inflict supernatural damage equal to your
0-2. by your Fire Ring Fire Ring + your Fitness rank.
They must resist with a TN 5
Fitness (Air 6, Water 3) check or
suffer the Burning and Dazed
Freezing the Lifeblood 2 The monk touches a single point on the target’s body Attack and Support action, TN 2 While kihō is active, after a character defends If you succeed with 2+ bonus
and, with an icy stare, causes the ki within the target to Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Water) against damage you inflict with an Attack successes, target suffers
seize up, contracting muscles into a spasmed state and check targeting 1 character at range action using a punch or kick, they become supernatural damage equal to your
Side 12 af 56
then making them fall slack. 0-1. Immobilized unless they choose to receive 3 Water Ring ignoring their
fatigue. resistance and suffers the
Immobilized condition.
Water Fist 1 The monk throws a soft blow against a nearby object Attack and Support action, TN 1 While kihō is active, your Attack checks If you succeed, you deal physical
and makes their ki as water, rippling across intervening Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Water) using the punch or kick unarmed profile damage to the target equal to your
objects and sliding past protections to reach its check targeting 1 character at range ignore an amount of your target’s physical Water Ring.
destination. The force of the strike travels through any 0-3 (must share a contact surface). resistance up to two times your Water Ring.
contacts surface, striking another target touching it,
even if they are on the other side of a wooden door, While kihō is active, you may spend 1 Void
stone wall or other physical barrier. point to perform an unarmed attack with a
punch or kick indirectly through any solid
surface your target is touching. As long as
you and your target are both in contact with
the same solid surface at a range between 0
and a number equal to your Water Ring of
each other, the target is considered to be in
range for any Attack action you perform with
your punch or kick unarmed attack profile.
Way of the Seafoam 1 The monk shifts and matches their movements to their Movement and Support action, TN While kihō is active, you may walk on water If you succeed with 2+ bonus
surroundings, sliding to their feet and righting 1 Meditation (Water) check. as if it were solid ground. successes, remove the
themselves like a duck bobbing to the surface of a Immobilized and Prone conditions
pond. In this state, the monk can even traverse water, from yourself. Then, you may
Side 13 af 56
their ki buoying them where they contact the waves. switch to any stance and move up
to 2 range bands.
Death Touch 4 The monk delivers a blow to a single point on their Attack and Support action, TN 3 While kihō is active, when you perform an If you succeed with 3+ bonus
target’s body and gives a dread proclamation that Martial Arts [Unarmed] (Void) Attack action using a punch or kick, the successes, target becomes Dazed
echoes across the ensuing stillness. The lucky are check targeting 1 character at range target cannot defend against the damage you and Disoriented, and must resist
merely wounded by this experience, but a single brush 0-1 deal unless they spend 1 Void point. with a TN 4 Fitness check or
from a master of such a deadly ki technique can be become Unconscious.
If you succeed with 4+ bonus
successes and target is a minion
NPC, they are slain instead.
Still the Elements 3 The monk seeks the infinite Void within themself, Intrigue and Support action, TN 4 While kihō is active, when you are targeted If you succeed with 2+ bonus
delving into their ki and pushing back spiritual beings Meditation (Void) check targeting by a check using the chosen ring, you may successes, the terrain at range 0–3
and tipping the balance between the elements as they all characters at range 0-1 and choose 1 kept die from the check. Set that die becomes Imbalanced [Chosen
desire. Kansen, kami, other spiritual powers, and choosing Air, Earth, Fire or Water. to a blank face. Element] until the end of the
sometimes even mortals are repelled by the emptiness While kihō is active, when you are targeted scene.
in the monk. by a check using the chosen ring, you may
spend 1 Void point to choose additional kept
dice from the check up to your Meditation
rank. Set those dice to blank faces.
Touch of the Void Dragon 5 The root of the universe is nothing and everything, and Support action, TN 4Meditation While kihō is active, you may spend from If you succeed, you regain 1 Void
the monk pursues this spiral to its depths, finding (Void) check targeting all Void checks as if it were from a check point.
limitless power within. The monk sees many realities characters at range 0-1. using any Element. You can only regain 1 Void point
swirl around them while maintaining this kihō, the While kihō is active, you may spend from from this technique per scene.
storm of possibilities slowly solidifying into the Air, Earth, Fire, or Water checks as if it were
present. Thus, they can jump at opportunities that might from a check using Void.
otherwise have passed them by.
Way of the Edgeless Sword 5 The wise know that it is not the blade that cuts, but the Attack and Support action, TN 3 While kihō is active, treat the base damage If you succeed with 2+ bonus
swordmaster. After all, the Tao of Shinsei teaches that Meditation (Void) check targeting and deadliness of your unarmed profile and successes, each target suffers a
weapons are simply another tool, no more sacred than a any number of characters at range improvised weapons you wield as being equal critical strike with deadliness
harvesting thresher or plow. The monk runs their hand 0-1. to your Martial Arts [Unarmed] rank + your equal to your Void Ring + your
along an object, channeling ki into it and transforming Void Ring. Additionally, they count as Martial Arts [Unarmed] rank.
it into a killing edge, even if it appears to be nothing possessing the Durable and Razor-Edged
more than a common stick, a wooden sword, or their qualities.
wizened hand.
Side 14 af 56
Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities
Blessed Wind 1 The shugenja recites a short chant, and the dust Support action, TN 2 If successful, you summon a swirling wind at the : Effect lasts until end of the scene
whips up, carried upon twisting currents of air Theology (Air) check target position. Any character at range 0–2 of the
that foil and deflect projectiles. Stones, arrows, targeting 1 position at chosen position counts as being in Obscuring terrain
and even larger missiles are knocked aside by range 0-3. for the purposes of Attack actions targeting them.
buffeting winds, keeping the target safe from Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round per
such attacks. bonus success
By the Light of Lord Moon 1 When a shugenja performs this invocation, the Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, you scry for each hidden character and +: If successful, may reveal 1 magically
light shifts to that of a moonlit night, unweaving Theology (Air) check concealed object in the targeted area, revealing it with
concealed object per
the shadows to lay bare the things they conceal. targeting an area at an illusory, luminous outline that only you can
Hidden objects glow faintly with silver light, range 0-2. perceive. This invocation only reveals objects and
while mystical illusions are revealed as people concealed by mundane means. +: Choose an additional character at
translucent, gossamer forms.
range 0-1 per to see the objects
Side 15 af 56
Call Upon the Wind 2 The shugenja whispers a breathless prayer and Movement action, TN If successful, winds swirl around you, carrying you : -1 to TN of your next movement action
rises from the ground as gentle winds bear them 4 Theology (Air) aloft.
until the end of your next turn.
aloft. Air spirits usually carry their charges check. In addition to being able to move vertically freely,
gracefully, without dropping them to stumble the you ignore the effects of terrain while flying.
last few feet—usually. Effect persists until the end of the scene. +: Carry one willing character at range
0-2 per
Cloak of Night 3 A sufficiently learned shugenja can call forth air Scheme and Support If successful, you augment the target with an illusion +: Choose 1 additional target of the
kami to play one of their simplest and most action, Theology (Air) that renders it invisible to the naked eye. The object is
same silhouette or smaller per
effective tricks: enveloping an object or person check, TN = target still physically present and can be touched, smelled,
in their embrace to hide it from sight. silhouette, or sensed with any normal sense other than vision.
False Realm of the Fox Spirits 4 The kami are not bound so tightly to the Mortal Scheme action, TN 5 If successful, you summon illusory terrain at the : Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Realm of Ningen-dō as mortals (even shugenja) Theology (Air) check, target position that extends out a number of range
are. They can see the ways in which the mortal targeting 1 position at bands up to your Air Ring.
and spiritual realms overlap and disconnect, and range 0-4 A character unaware of the illusion’s false nature +: Add Dangerous, Entangling, or
when beseeched by a shugenja, they can even must resist with a TN 4 Survival (Earth 5, Fire 2)
Obscuring quality to the illusory terrain
draw visions of one realm into another, creating check to realize its falsehood at a distance. As the
vast, nearly tangible falsehoods that fool all but illusion has no substance, any physical contact
the keenest observers. reveals the lie (though the illusion stays in place).
Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to your
Air + bonus successes.
Grasp of the Air Dragon 3 The shugenja exhales a long breath at the end of Attack or Support If successful, you summon a gale-force wind to move +: Increase max. range by 1 per
the incantation and extends a hand. A stillness action, TN 4 the target a number of range bands equal to your Air
descends, the moment before the storm breaks. Theology (Air) check Ring + bonus successes (max. 6 range bands),
Then, the clouds high above twist and trail from targeting 1character at ignoring any intervening terrain. +: +1 to height of the fall at Attack
the Heavens like festival streamers. The wind range 3-5. You may choose to set target down on the ground
swoops toward the target and hurls them into the gently (if you chose Support action) or slam them
air—carrying them to safety or to their doom, into it with full force (if you chose Attack action).
depending on the will of the shugenja. When you slam a target to the ground this way, target
must resist with a TN 4 Fitness (Earth 5, Fire 2)
check or suffer the effects of a fall from range 3.
Mask of Wind 2 Deception is not the way of the samurai, but it is Scheme and Support If successful, you augment yourself with an illusion : You may alter your voice to sound like
often the way of expedience. The shugenja asks action, TN 3 that makes you look like someone else. An observer
someone else while the illusion is in place.
the air kami to mask their features and even their Theology (Air) check. must resist with a TN 4 Sentiment (Earth 5, Fire 2)
An observer must resist with a TN 4
voice, causing onlookers to see a different check to notice something amiss from your
Sentiment (Earth 5, Fire 2) check to notice
person. appearance alone; if they succeed, they may spend
something amiss from the sound of your
to recognize you specifically.
voice alone, and they may spend if they
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
succeed to recognize you specifically
Nature´s Touch 1 To perform this rite, the shugenja seeks Support action, TN 1 If successful, you augment yourself with the ability to : You can understand animals’ speech
Chikushō-dō, the Realm of Animals. In the Theology (Air) check. speak to animals of the natural. Animals can
until the end of scene.
world around them and in their own heart. This understand you within their ability to do so naturally.
Side 16 af 56
allows the shugenja to communicate with However they are not compelled to obey you.
(though not dominate) animals of the mortal Effect persists until the end of the scene.
: The animal also acts favorably toward
you automatically due to your politeness,
fulfilling one request that does not put it in
danger without having to be convinced with
bribes of food or subsequent checks.
Token of Memory 1 After performing this invocation, the shugenja Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, you summon an illusion of one : The object created may be a creature or
conjures an illusion from the air, a trick of the Theology (Air) check inanimate object at the target position. The illusory
light captured in hand. targeting 1 position at object’s size is a silhouette of up to your bonus
range 0-1 successes (beginning at 0). The item appears real, but
Side 17 af 56
it does not actually exist, and it cannot be used. Any +: Create one additional object per
character confronted with one of these illusions must
resist with a TN 4 Artisan, Smithing, or Design
(Earth 5, Fire 2) check using a Scholar skill : Object has mass and functionality, but
approach to discern its illusory nature.
still vanishes when the effect ends
The object persists until the end of the scene.
Vapor of Nightmares 3 The shugenja murmurs an incantation half-heard Attack action, TN 4 If successful, you summon an illusion of target’s : If target fails Meditation check they
by the target, and as the ominous chant fades and Theology (Air) check greatest fear. Target must resist with a TN 4
also suffer the Disoriented condition
the scent cloud of incense parts, the object of the targeting 1 character at Meditation (Earth 5, Fire 2) check to see through
target’s fear strides forth as an illusive phantasm. range 2-3 this phantasm.
If they fail, they suffer strife equal to your Air Ring + : Illusion lasts until the end of the scene.
bonus successes and must immediately unmask if
they become Compromised this way.
If they unmask in the presence of the phantasm, they
focus their attentions on the phantasm, rather than
dealing with you or anyone else.
Phantasm persists for a number of rounds equal to
your Air Ring.
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami 5 When stirred to wrath through the deepest Attack action, TN 5 If successful, you summon a hurricane that buffets all : You can end the hurricane at any time as
secrets of the shugenja’s art, the spirits of the Theology (Air) check characters in range. At the end of each of your turns,
an action
wind become a howling tornado, spinning targeting each each target in range must resist with a TN 4 Fitness
around the priest and raising them from the character at range 2-4 (Earth 5, Fire 2) check or suffer supernatural
ground while devastating everything in reach; damage equal to your Air Ring and become +: Each target who fails the Fitness check
uprooting trees, shattering buildings, and Disoriented.
at the end of this turn is hurled a number of
crushing foes. The hurricane persists for a number of rounds equal
range bands away from you equal to spent.
to your Air Ring can destroy objects or structures at
Upon landing, each target hurled this way
your GM's discretion.
suffers the negative effects of falling the
number of range bands they moved.
Side 18 af 56
Bind the Shadow 2 When confronting a Tainted being, the shugenja Attack action, TN 3Theology If successful, crackling arcs of jade light smite : Each target that fails is bound
can call forth the pure spirit of a small sanctified (Earth) check targeting 1 and purify target. Target must resist with TN 4
until the end of the scene instead
object to weaken or even paralyze the monster. Otherworldly being at range 0-2 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) check or become
Immobilized and Silenced.
Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to : Each target that fails is bound
your Earth Ring.
for 1 year instead
+: +1 TN to resist per
Side 19 af 56
Water 4) check to escape or suffer a
critical strike severity 10.
Earth Becomes Sky 3 The shugenja makes a short incantation and Attack action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you call forth a boulder to smite -
stomps a foot on the ground, and the earth kami (Earth) check targeting 1 your target. Target suffers supernatural damage
spray torrents of dirt, stones, and even boulders character at range 1-3. equal to your Earth Ring + bonus successes and
toward their foe. must resist with TN 3 Fitness (Air 1, Water 4)
check or become Prone. If target is already
Prone, double the damage they suffer this way.
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin 2 The shugenja appeals to rumbling subterranean Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment yourself with the : Effect persists until the end of the
kami, offering the proper prayers too receive (Earth) check. ability to stick to earthen surfaces, allowing you
safe passage even across places humans were not to traverse even vertical surfaces made of earth
meant to tread. The spirit shrouds the shugenja, or stone.
allowing them to stick to rocky surfaces or Effect persists for 1 round + additional rounds : If successful, you can also pass
parting the ground to allow passage. equal to bonus successes.
through solid earth as if it was water
when you move. Further, you count
as having supernatural resistance
against damage from Earth
invocations, Earth kihō, and Earth
mahō equal to your Earth Ring.
Jade Strike 1 Jade, said to be the tears of Amaterasu, is a Attack action, TN 2 Theology If successful and target is an Otherworldly being : If successful, each target that is an
sacred stone. It is anathema to creatures of (Earth) check targeting 1 or has the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage, you
Side 20 af 56
darkness, and it is one of the few substances character at range 0-3. smite and purify it with searing jade energy. It Otherworldly being or suffering from
capable of harming the greater minions of Fu suffers a critical strike with severity equal to your the Shadowlands Taint Disadvantage
Leng, the fallen Kami. A shugenja can mimic its Earth Ring + bonus successes. The creature may suffers the Silenced condition and
effects by entreating earth kami to punish evil spend from its check to resist this critical cannot use Mahō techniques until the
before them. The shugenja´s hand is enveloped strike to conceal that it has been affected, end of your next turn.
in the sacred green glow, which strikes forth potentially concealing its Otherworldly nature
withering creatures of evil and humans under the (though it still suffers the effects that it
sway of the Shadowlands´ insidious power. successfully hid).
Jurōjin´s Balm 1 Jurōjin, guardian of longevity, healt and physical Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you augment target’s fortitude. The : Effect persists for 24 hours
wellbeing, is one of the most sought after of the (Earth) check targeting 1 target reduces TN of all checks to resist the
Seven Fortunes – for whether one is a lord or a character at range 0-1 effects of poison and disease by 2 (min. 1).
peasant, one is sure to pray for health sooner or Additionally, the target cannot become
later. A shugenja can impart spiritual Intoxicated via imbibing alcohol. : If successful, target also reduces
fortification in this Fortune´s name, anointing the Effect persists until the end of the scene.
the TN of all checks to resist mahō,
body of the target with sacred earth, healing
Defiled terrain quality and the effects
plantssuch as ginseng or rhubarb, or stranger
of Otherworldly beings by 2 (min. 1).
remedies still. While under the effects of this
blessing, a character is much more resistant to
poison, disease and the effects of alcohol – : If successful, target is also cured
which can be a boon or curse depending on one´s
of any poisons currently afflicting
them and the Dying condition, and
any symptoms of diseases affecting
them are suppressed until the end of
the scene
Power of the Earth Dragon 3 The shugenja places a hand on the earth and a Support action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you augment target's resilience, : Effect persists until the end of the
hand over the target’s heart. They recite a deep, (Earth) check targeting 1 increasing their endurance by your Earth Ring +
scene instead.
reverberating prayer that thrums loudly through character at range 0-2. bonus successes.
both, bringing the vitality and resilience of stone Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
to the blessed. again until the end of the scene.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus successes.
Rise, Earth 4 An earth kami bursts from the ground, Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Earth : The Manifest Earth Kami’s fists
manifesting as a guardian creature of living rock (Earth) check targeting 1 Kami to fight for you, which bursts forth at the
gain the Sacred quality.
with veins of sapphire, ruby or even jade. Earth position with a patch of dirt, clay, target position, taking its turn immediately after
kami can be cantankerous, but they hate or stone at range 0–3. yours each round. When this effect ends, it
anything tainted and strive to obliterate it. departs or, if stirred to particular ire, begins to : The Manifest Earth Kami creates
follow its own directives (but will not attack you
a rumbling shockwave when it erupts.
unless provoked).
Each character at range 0–2 of the
Effect persists for 3 rounds + 1 additional round
chosen position must resist with TN 4
per bonus successes.
Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) check or
suffer physical or supernatural
damage equal to your Earth Ring and
become Prone.
Side 21 af 56
+: +2 to Manifest Earth Kami’s
endurance per
Symbol of Earth 2 Earth spirits govern boundaries and domains. By Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon a symbol that purifies : Effect persists until the end of the
inscribing an emblem in dirt, scratching it upon (Earth) check targeting 1 the area at the target position. Each time an
stone, or imprinting it upon sand, a shugenja can position at range 0-1. Otherworldly being attempts to move closer to
create a field that repels malevolent supernatural target, it suffers supernatural damage equal to
entities. your Earth Ring and must make TN 4 Fitness : Effect persists for 24 hours.
(Air 2, Water 5) check or become Prone.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Tetsubō of Earth 1 The shugenja takes a steady stance and calls the Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a tetsubō : You may create any kind of melee
spirits of earth. A pillar of stone rises from a (Earth) check targeting 1 made of stone. When you deal damage with an
weapon instead, it has Durable
nearby plot of soil, chunks cracking away to position with a patch of stone, Attack action using this weapon, if a target is
reveal the form of a studded club. Despite its dirt, or earth at range 0–1. Prone, that target suffers additional damage equal
great weight, the shugenja can heft it with ease, to your Earth Ring.
their might reinforced by the spirits of earth. Effect persists until the end of the scene or until : You may immediately perform a
the end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
guard action using the weapon.
Tomb of Jade 5 One of the most powerful invocations of the Attack action, TN 6 Theology If successful and target is a Tainted being, you : Effect persists until the end of the
spirits of earth, the rite the Kuni call the Tomb of (Earth) check targeting 1 call upon the earth kami to purify it, slowly
Jade seals an entity suffused with the power of character at range 0-1. transforming the target into jade. At the
the Shadowlands within jade, transforming its beginning of each of the target’s turns, reducing
blighted flesh into this sacred substance. the value of each of its rings by 1. If any of its : You may later release the target as
However, if the prison of jade is cracked or rings are reduced to 0 in this manner, the target is
an action.
broken, the spell weakens and the being sealed turned entirely into jade—it can only be freed if
within might be able to escape to wreak havoc the statue is damaged or destroyed. Because the
once again. If it ever escapes, the shugenja who statue is jade, it causes the area at range 0–2 +: Choose one of the following
sealed it becomes aware of its escape, for the around it to count as Hallowed (Earth) terrain.
conditions for each spent this way:
earth kami send a rumbling warning, shaking
Dazed, Disoriented, Immobilized, or
their current location to raise the alarm. If successful and target is not a Shadowlands
Prone. If target is an Otherworldly
creature and does not have the Shadowlands
being, it suffers the chosen
Taint disadvantage, it suffers no ill effects.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Wall of Earth 1 For their part, earth kami are not too proud to Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon a wall of earth : Choose 1 of the following:
shape walls, ditches or even buildings along the (Earth) check targeting 2 between the 2 target positions that is range 1 in
Dangerous, Entangling or Obscuring.
lines in the dirt that a shugenja traces or blesses positions at range 0-2. thickness and range 3 in height. Each character
The wall counts as terrain with that
with reagents like topaz and oak. Placing such a standing where the wall erupts must resist with
wall underneath someone is likely to hurl them TN 2 Fitness (Air 1, Water 3) check or suffer
to the ground, while placing one under a building physical damage equal to your Earth Ring and
could wreak havoc and cause considerable become Prone. +: Treat the max. range of this
damage to the structure. The invoked
technique as +1 per
construction endures as long as a mundane
construction of the same material would. Of it is
merely dirt called into the desired shape, it : You may summon an Outpost
Side 22 af 56
begins to erode within days, while if the ground fortification instead
the shugenja raises is largely composed of stone,
the construction might stand for centuries.
: You may summon a Fortress
fortification instead
Breath of the Fire Dragon 3 “Fire begins with breath,” or so the Isawa have Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you exhale searing flames that : -1 TN to next attack action made
long said. Some shugenja make this practice (Fire) check targeting 1 character smite the target and those around them. Target
before the end of your next turn.
literal, calling upon the fire kami to ignite the air at range 0-3. suffers supernatural damage equal to your Fire
+: +1 max range per .
they exhale, transforming it into a gout of Ring + 2x bonus successes and the Burning
charring flame. Besides burning foes, it also condition. Each character at range 0–1 of the +: +1 TN to resist effect per .
tends to ignite nearby flammable objects. target must make a TN 3 Fitness (Air 4, Water
1) check or suffer supernatural damage equal to
your Fire Ring.
Extinguish 1 Shujenja are scholars at their heart, for their art Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon the fire kami’s energy : If successful, you may also end
is one of long hours of study and dedication to (Fire) check targeting up to 3 into yourself. Extinguish each target flame and
all persistent effects from other Fire
the refinement of the mind. Thus, many seek the mundane fires at range 0-3. remove 1 fatigue per target source of fire
invocations and flame-based
blessing of Fukurokujin, keeper of knowledge extinguished this way.
supernatural effects in the area.
and patron to scholars. A shugenja can call upon
the guidance of this Fortune to sharpen their
mind to a razor edge and vitalize their nerves.
Fukurokujin´s Wit 1 Shujenja are scholars at their heart, for their art Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you augment your target’s wits and : Target another character at range
is one of long hours of study and dedication to (Fire) check. cunning with the Fortune’s favor. When making
0-2 instead.
the refinement of the mind. Thus, many seek the checks, the target adds a kept set to an
blessing of Fukurokujin, keeper of knowledge result.
and patron to scholars. A shugenja can call upon
the guidance of this Fortune to sharpen their
Side 23 af 56
mind to a razor edge and vitalize their nerves.
Fury of Osano-wo 3 The Fortune of Fire and Thunder, Osano-wo is Attack action, TN 5 Theology If successful, you call forth lightning to smite : Target and any other characters at
the mythical son of the Kami Hida. With a (Fire) check targeting 1 character target. Target suffers supernatural damage equal
range 0–2 of the target must make a
sudden, harsh incantation and downward gesture, at range 0-4. to your Fire Ring + 3x bonus successes. If a
TN 3 Meditation (Air 4, Water 1)
a shugenja can conjure a bolt of lightning to TN 4 if the weather is already target is Incapacitated by this damage, they suffer
check or become Dazed and suffer
strike foes with a powerful blast. stormy a critical strike with severity of 8.
strife equal to 3x your Fire Ring.
Ravenous Swarms 3 The shugenja ignites a number of candles and Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon a number of fiery : Fire Motes only set objects on fire
hurls them into the air, and the flames leaps (Fire) check targeting 1 position motes equal to your Fire Ring + silhouette of the
by command rather than haphazardly
forth, quickly devouring the tallow before containing a flammable object at object consumed. These motes follow you,
subsiding into smaller fiery motes. These settle range 0-1. periodically setting fire to nearby objects. When
around the shugenja´s shoulder or near their feet, you succeed at an Attack action, you may spend : When you defend against damage,
sputtering cheerily and spitting out sparks that a number of motes up to your school rank to add
you may spend a number of motes up
seek to spread and multiply. In addition to 1 bonus success per mote spent.
to your Fire Ring to reduce the
providing a (dangerous) source of light, these The motes persist until the end of the scene.
damage you suffer by 1 for each mote
flames can also leap onto anyone the shugenja
attacks. If successful, after you perform a Fire invocation,
you summon 1 additional fiery mote.
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Rise, Flame 4 A humoid form wrought of flame, garbed in a Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Fire Kami. : The Manifest Fire Kami bursts
flowing robe of cinder and smoke, with hair of (Fire) check targeting 1 position It consumes the flammable material, appearing in
forth in a pillar of searing flame. Each
trailing sparks, a manifest fire kami is an alluring containing flammable material at its position, taking its turn immediately after
Side 24 af 56
and terrible sight to behold. Where its gaze range 0-3. yours each round. When this effect ends, it character at range 0–2 of the chosen
passes, flames arise, and only ash remains in its departs or, if stirred to anger, begins to follow its position must resist with a TN 4
wake. own directives (ignoring you unless provoked). Fitness (Air 5, Water 2) check or
suffer the Burning and Dazed
Effect persists for 2 rounds + 1 additional round conditions.
per bonus success.
: When the Manifest Fire Kami’s
fatigue exceeds its endurance, it
detonates into a column of flame that
sears the earth and the sky. Each
character at range 0–3 of it must
resist with a TN 5 Fitness (Air 6,
Water 3) check or suffer
supernatural damage equal to 2xyour
Fire Ring and suffer the Burning and
Dazed conditions.
The Fires From Within 1 The incantation to call fire is guttural and raw. Attack action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you smite each target with a stream +: +1 max. range per
Even as the words echo, the shugenja’s hands (Fire) check targeting a number of fire. Each target suffers supernatural damage
snap open, and motes of flame trail from their of character up to your Fire Ring equal to your Fire Ring + bonus successes.
fingertips, searing their way toward the objects at range 1-3.
of the shugenja’s ire. If the shugenja has the
strength of will to maintain their focus, they can
direct the motes with amazing precision and burn
tiny, searing holes in their targets. However, if
the shugenja lets their heart swell with wrath or
fury, the motes bloom into tiny infernos that seek
to consume anything they hit and leave only ash.
Side 25 af 56
The Soul´s Blade 5 The shugenja extends a hand toward the skyand Support action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a katana or : The weapon can be any melee
makes a dangerous appeal, calling for a heavenly (Fire) check. naginata made of searing, crackling energy.
weapon with which to vanquish their enemy. If Attacks made with this weapon inflict
the invocation is performed properly and the supernatural damage and ignore all forms of
shugenja´s cause is judged worthy, the sky resistance. : Immediately perform a Strike
cracks and a thunderbolt descends from the
action with the weapon.
heavens, blasting through anything in its path. It
lands writhing in the shugenja´s hand, forming a
weapon that appears in the shape pictured in the : Summon a pair of weapons
shugenja´s mind. Be it the hide of a great beast
or the sorcerous ward of a mahō-tskukai, there is
nothing this blade of judgment cannot pierce.
: You may choose another character
to wield the weapon,
Bō 1 A shugenja can invoke the spirits in a nearby Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a staff : You may create any ranged or
pool or stream to take the form of a weapon. (Water) check made of water. It has the Snaring quality. At the
melee weapon instead.
This weapon can change form at the bearer’s end of each round, you may transform this
will, swirling from a staff into a blade in the weapon into a different melee weapon.
Side 26 af 56
blink of an eye, and back again. Effect persists until the end of the scene or until : You may immediately strike with
the end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
the weapon.
Side 27 af 56
Ever-Changing Waves 5 A shugenja might have lived as a bird, a wolf, a Support action, TN 4 Theology If you succeed, you augment your body, : If successful, transform into a
plant, and humans of various stations before (Water) check. transforming it into that of a natural animal of
different sentient species.
being born into their current position in the silhouette 2. While in this form, you use its ring
Celestial Order. All of these existences are values, derived attributes, abilities, and
separate, and yet they are inexorably bound. By advantages with the physical or social type, but : If successful, take on the form of
following the bond backward, a shugenja adept you use your own skill ranks and advantages
an otherworldly being.
in communing with the water kami can reshape with the mental or spiritual type.
their own flesh to mirror a past form – albeit Do not remove any fatigue or strife you have
briefly – transforming into a natural animal or suffered in the alternate form when you return to +: You may choose a new form of
supernatural beast for a short time. your original; if this causes your fatigue to
silhouette 1 higher or lower per (min.
exceed your endurance (or your strife to exceed
0, max. 6)
your composure) when it did not in the alternate
form, you suffer a critical strike with severity 5
(or you become Compromised, in the case of
Effect persists until you choose to end it, or until
you become unconscious
Hands of the Tides 3 Water binds all living beings, and by Movement action, TN 5 If successful, you summon the targets. You may +: If successful, you may choose a
communing deeply with the vital spirits that flow Theology (Water) check cause them to exchange their positions in space.
new stance for 1 target per
through everything, a shugenja can master many targeting yourself and a number At the end, each target’s original position must
arts. Using this esoteric invocation, a shugenja of other characters up to your be occupied by a target, and each target must
can exchange the positions of living beings near Water Ring at range 1-4. occupy a position.
one another, throw enemies off-balance, or put
allies in a position of advantage. While the If successful, each target receives 2 strife.
Elemental Masters have been known to debate
whether the water spirits shift the targets or
reshape the world around them, the effect of the
invocation—shuffling the positions of a number
of individuals in a small radius as the shugenja
sees fit—is easy to understand, if hard to
Heart of the Water Dragon 2 The shugenja traces a gentle pattern on the target Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you augment target with the : When target succeeds on check
´s skin with purified water, calling upon the (Water) check targeting 1 spiritual fluidity of water. Target gains
to resist the effect of a kihō, mahō or
water kami in their body to protect and mend the character at range 0-2. supernatural resistance equal to your Water Ring
invocation technique, the character
flesh they call home. The target becomes and removes 1 fatigue at the end of each round.
who used the technique must also
extremely resistant to invocations, sorcery, and Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
make the check to resist that effect or
other supernatural abilities; summonesd flames per bonus success.
suffer the effect themselves.
ripple off their skin harmlessly, and baleful Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
maledictions pass over the targets. again until the end of the scene.
Inari´s Blessing 1 Water is life, and water kami can provide life- Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon a meal at target : Those who eat during downtime
giving gifts of food and drink even from the (Water) check targeting 1 position that can feed a number of people up to
removes fatigue equal to your Water
most desolate environments. After the shugenja position at range 1 your Water Ring + bonus successes.
performs the invocation, the land nearby
flourishes with life, delivering food to the
shugenja, and pure water springs from the +: The meal can feed a number of
ground. This food is simple and nourishing, and
people up to your Water Ring +
it can be cooked or even packed away as rations
bonus successes X spent.
for later if needed.
Side 28 af 56
Path to Inner Peace 1 By communing with the water kami that dwell Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you mend your target’s exhausted : Choose one of the following:
within the body, a shugenja can right imbalances (Water) check targeting yourself muscles. The target removes fatigue equal to
Bleeding, Dazed, or Lightly
and correct the flow of ki, speeding the recovery or other character at range 0-2. your Water Ring + bonus successes.
Wounded, remove that condition
of stamina dramatically.
from each target.
Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
again until the end of the scene.
: Target removes strife equal to
bonus successes
Reflections of P´an Ku 1 Water kami are notoriously covetous, and things Scheme action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you scry to uncover all properties : Gain knowledge of the item’s
lost to the depths rarely resurface. Still, this (Water) check targeting 1 item at an item possesses, including its name, maker,
origin in broad strokes, such as where
avarice can offer advantages. A shugenja learned range 0-1. mundane qualities, magical properties, curses,
it was forged, the clan of the
in this art can call forth water spirits to regocnize and sealed Techniques.
individual who has carried it the
an item by submerging it in sacred water. The
longest, or a similar piece of
water spirits often provide cryptic answers, but
they usually can grant can grant the shugenja a
good idea of an item´s composition, whether it
possesses any mystical properties, and the : You may target a character instead
general disposition of these traits.
of an object. If successful, you
identify one invocation, kihō, mahō,
or supernatural ability or item
possessed by that person, along with
its name and general qualities.
Rise, Water 4 Water kami are nurturing, for water fosters all Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Water : Upon arrival, the Manifest Water
life. However, like all nature spirits, they are (Water) check targeting 1 Kami to fight for you. It appears from the
Kami may move a range up to your
beings of destruction and creation; calling a position containing a large targeted body of water, taking its turn
Water Ring.
water kami to take manifest form is to summon a quantity of water immediately after yours each round. When this
potent force indeed. A manifest water kami often at range 0-3. effect ends, the manifest water kami departs or, if
takes a humanoid form, rising from a nearby stirred to ire, begins to follow its own directives. : The Manifest Water Kami
lake, river, or ocean and carried aloft on a If it begins to act independently, it does not
attempts to swallow up anyone inside
crushing wave. As water splits in rivulets, so a attack the shugenja who summoned it unless
it; each such character must resist
manifest water kami can split into multiple provoked.
with a TN 4 Fitness (Earth 2, Fire
smaller beings, each one surging forth to Effect persists for 2 rounds + 1 additional round
5) check or be pulled into the water
devastate the foe. per bonus success.
kami and begin suffocating. As an
action, a character who failed to resist
may make a TN 3 Fitness (Earth 1,
Fire 4) check to escape this watery
Side 29 af 56
brine as though it were air. within it. Target ignores any negative effects of
terrain while in the water and does not suffocate
while underwater.
Strike the Tsunami 3 Upending the contents of a water pouch or Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you smite targets with a spray of : Each target who fails the check
reaching into a nearby lake or stream, the (Water) check targeting any water. Each target suffers supernatural damage
starts Bleeding.
shugenja pulls out an impossibly large torrent number of characters up to your equal to your Water Ring + bonus successes.
that slams into several foes nearby, pushing them Water Ring at range 0-3. Each target must resist with a TN 3 Fitness
back or dragging them forward as the shugenja (Must have a source of water (Earth 1, Fire 4) check. You may move each
wills. nearby) target who fails a number of range bands up to
their shortfall in any direction.
Suijin´s Embrace 4 A shugenja with the proper knowledge—and the Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you smite target with lungfuls of -
will to wield it—can inflict a drowning death (Water) check targeting 1 seawater. Target suffers supernatural damage
upon their enemy, transforming the air in their character at range 1-3. equal to your Water Ring + 2x bonus successes.
lungs into seawater and killing them as surely as If a target’s fatigue exceeds their endurance this
throwing them off a pier while tied to a heavy way, target begins to suffocate for a number of
stone. rounds equal to your Water Ring + bonus
successes or until you release them, as a Support
Sympathetic Energies 2 Water kami flow through all living beings, and a Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment the spiritual power of : You may choose a condition
shugenja can use their winding channels to (Water) check targeting any 1 persistent invocation effect that is already
instead of a persistent invocation
transfer boons and curses alike between number of characters up to your affecting 1 target. Each other target counts as
effect that target suffers.
individuals. Water Ring at range 0-1. being affected by it as well.
This effect persists as long as the original effect
persists on the original target.
The Rushing Wave 1 The shugenja calls the torrent as their steed and Movement action, TN 2 If successful during a skirmish, you summon a -
rides it, pulling a wave of water from a nearby Theology (Water) check rushing waterspout that propels target. Target
lake, pond, river, or ocean to propel them targeting 1 character at range 0-1. may immediately move 1 range band + 1
forward at incredible speed. additional range band per bonus success.
Side 30 af 56
Outside of conflict, a character can channel only once per scene.
If a character performs any action other than an invocation of the same element or becomes Dazed,
Silenced or Unconscious while channeling, the channeled dice are lost.
Importune invocations
Once per scene, a character that knows 1+ invocations may make an offering of something interesting
to the Kami and valuable to the character in order to perform an invocation they do not know. The
item should at least be rare, if not unique, and is lost forever as the Kami abscond it.
Spiritual offerings for invocations
Spirits Offering TN is usual for technique + 1 + 1 for each school rank that the technique exceeds the characters
Air Spirits - Incense current school rank. Channeling is allowed.
- Feathers
- Flowers Spiritual backlash for invocations
Earth Spirits - Salt
When a shugenja´s check generates 3+ symbols on kept dice while performing an invocation, they
- Soil or stone from sacred places
- Seeds suffer +3 fatigue and cannot use invocations of the element used for the rest of the scene.
Water Spirits - Coins
- Seashells Additional effect based on element
- Precious materials Air GM chooses 2 additional characters within range to become targets
- Seaweed Fire Technique targets each character within range. Terrain at range 0-2 catches ablaze
- Sake and becomes Dangerous
Fire Spirits - Kindling Earth Terrain at range 0-3 of character performing the invocation becomes Imbalanced
- Paper for a number of days = to characters strife
- Ash Water Terrain at range 0-1 of character performing the invocation turns to muck and
- Small flammable objects becomes Entangling
Fortunes - Texts
- Food
- Origami Prepared invocations
- Works of art Shugenja can bind invocations into expendable vessels, creating prepared invocations they or others
Ancestor Spirits - Food can activate immediate later.
- Incense A shugenja can only hold 1 prepared invocation at a time.
- Sake
- Other libations Preparing an invocation is a downtime activity, requiring a Composition check using the ring and TN
of the invocation. A calligraphy set is required.
Channeling invocations
Choose to reserve any number of kept dice on a check without resolving the rest of the check. Wards
During next turn, if an invocation of the same element is performed, you can replace a die with a
Parchment marked by mystic symbols that function as prepared invocations.
channeled die of the same type.
A character can place a ward on any surface they can be affixed.
Side 31 af 56
They can write a condition on the ward, specifying circumstances under which it is unleashed
Side 32 af 56
Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities
Balancing Salve 1 Within the known world, al-Zawira in the Qamarist Support action, TN 2 If successful, remove the Dying or Afflicted condition from that : If inspected by someone who
(Qamarist Region) Caliphate is said to have reached the greatest height Medicine (Air) check character. Target becomes Unconscious and cannot be
does not know this ritual, the target
of the medical arts and sciences. Researchers there using an alchemy kit, awakened until the end of the scene.
appears to be dead
tirelessly experiment and meticulously record their targeting 1 character
results, seeking to understand life, death, and the that is Dying or
states of matter, and the transitions between them all. Afflicted. +: Choose one additional target
Due to the influence of the academies and numerous
published texts on medicine and alchemy, many
citizens of al-Zawira are learned in the basics.
Effect persists until the end of the scene in which the item is
Side 33 af 56
Cleansing of Coral and Gold 3 The Yodha who guard the Ghostlands have spent Downtime action, TN If successful, the food and water are cleansed of the Unholy +: If successful, you cleanse food
(Ivory Kingdoms Region) centuries mastering the art of survival in defiled 3 Theology (Void ) quality if they had it, and they are spiritually safe to consume.
and water sufficient for one
lands and while hunting those lands’ denizens. As check using a small They remain this way for twenty-four hours.
additional person per .
such, they train in purification rituals that can cleanse piece of coral and one
food and water of the affliction of the Ghostlands and koku’s worth of gold
can even give those who consume the food and water targeting quantity of +: If successful, each character
greater resistance against foul beings. food and water
who partakes of this food and water
sufficient for 1 person
reduces the TN of their next check
for a day (this does not
to resist any effect from an
consume the coral or
Otherworldly or Tainted being, or
from a Maho technique, by 1 per
, until the end of the game
Cleansing Rite 1 The ritualist sanctifies a person or group, anointing Downtime action, TN Remove all instances of the Afflicted Condition from target. : Choose 1 additional target.
them with sacred substances that drive out unholy 3 Theology (Void)
presences and malign sorcery. check targeting up to 5
characters in the scene. +: If 1+ targets possess the
Shadowlands Taint disadvantage,
you become aware of it after
completing the ritual—but not
which target possesses it.
+: Instead of targeting a
character, you may target an area
that encompasses a number of
range bands around you equal to
spent. Remove the Defiled quality
from this area. If it is a deeply
unhallowed place that has long
been the domain of evil, the
Defiled quality returns after 1 day
+ 1 additional day per bonus
Commune with the Spirits 1 The ritualist centers their mind on one of the Downtime or Support Detect all spirits and uses of their magic by shugenja within a : -1 to TN of next check
elements, appealing to the spirits in their action, TN 1 Theology number of range bands equal to the ring you used + bonus
interacting/appealing to the kami of
environment and seeking their counsel or boon. Only (Any Ring) check to successes.
the particular element.
shugenja can speak to and hear the kami directly as appeal to appeal to
though they were speaking Rokugani to one another. nearby spirits of • Spiritual Knowledge: Learn 1 fact the spirits know about
However, other priests and laypeople are able to use chosen element or area. +: Receive 1 additional boon per
this ritual to receive less specific guidance from the other non-elemental
spent (each boon can only be
spirits, such as a leaf that falls to the ground pointing spirits and • Elemental Gift: The kami deliver a small amount of the
in the direction of the person or thing they are supernatural presences element in question to you. received once per activation).
seeking. (if Void was chosen). A prayer to a water kami might cause it to begin raining lightly,
for a short time, but it might also cause you to run across a
stream, or even find groundwater.
A prayer to fire kami might bring forth a small shower of
Side 34 af 56
A prayer to an air kami might elicit a gust of wind.
Praying to an Earth kami might cause you to stumble across a
large stone or find a small patch of arable ground amidst a
Craft Shikigami 2 It is a minor thing for mystical adepts to create these Downtime action, If successful, record the selected invocations and create a : Choose 1 of your advantages
(Shugenja) small creatures, often from paper but sometimes from Artisan Skill (Void) unique name for the shikigami. While the shikigami exists, the
and 1 of your disadvantages. Add
other materials. They can take almost any form, and check using a chosen Invocations are sealed within it – you cannot use them,
these to the shikigami.
as such they can offer much amusement in courts as consecrated vessel of but the shikigami can. You can have up to 1 shikigami at a time.
they caper about of even fly through the air. Surely, silhouette 0 or smaller, When the shikigami’s physical form is destroyed, its essence
no one would ever think to use them to sneak into TN chosen by you, returns to you; you can re-create it by making a new physical : Instead of appearing as the item
secured rooms or secretly add poison to a lord’s sake. targeting any number form for it in the manner of making a new shikigami, but it
or material from which it is created,
Surely. of invocations you up retains its memories and personality.
the shikigami has a different form
chosen TN.
of your choosing of the same
Omen of the Black Tortoise: The next time the target performs
a Scholar skill check this game session, the target adds a kept
showing to the check.
Omen of the White Tiger: The next time the target performs a
Martial Skill check this game session, the target adds a kept
showing to the check.
Omen of the Weaver and the Cowherd: The next time the
target performs a Trade Skill check this game session, the
Side 35 af 56
target adds a kept showing to the check.
Elixir of Recovery 2 While certain herbs and materials can help to keep an Downtime action, TN If successful, target removes twice as much fatigue when they +: Choose 1 additional target
(Qamarist Region) injured patient alive, others can dramatically 3 Medicine (Water) rest and reduces the TN of their checks to remove conditions by
per spent.
accelerate recovery times, reducing pain, increasing check targeting 1 2.
mobility, and driving off inflammation. Some character in the scene. Effect persists until the end of the game session.
alchemists base these formulations on alignment with
the universe, such as by altering their ingredients’
ratios based on the phase of the moon or on the
elemental balance within the patient’s body.
Formal Tea Ceremony 5 The chaji (formal tea ceremony) shares some Downtime action, TN Each participant removes 6 strife + 1 additional strife per bonus +: Each participant removes 2
similarities with the chakai (informal) tea ceremony, 2 Theology (Void) success.
fatigue +1 per spent.
but the chaji is two to three hours long and includes a check using a
full meal. The process has been passed down over ceremonial tea set If successful, each participant also gains 1 Void Point.
generations as tea masters have infused meanings targeting yourself and : If succeessful, -2 TN to each
into every movement and word used in the ceremony. a number of characters
participant’s next check.
If one can truly attune oneself to the ritual, which up to your culture rank
takes many years of practice, it is said that the chaji who are also
can help participants reach Enlightenment. participants. : If successful, gain 1 glory per
participant with higher status than
Ritual can only be held yours.
once per game session.
Fortitude Draught 3 The alchemists and physicians of the Qamarist Downtime action, TN If successful, target adds 1 bonus success to their successful : If successful, target also adds
(Qamarist Region) Caliphate are interested not only in treatment, but 4 Medicine (Earth) checks to resist critical strikes + 1 for every 2 bonus successes
the same number of bonus
also in proactive uses of their arts to promote health, check using an on the Medicine check.
successes to their successful checks
vitality, and sanitation. While the more experimental alchemy kit targeting 1
to resist supernatural effects.
efforts of some researchers seek to awaken the spark character in the scene.
of vitality in the base elements of life, more common
efforts use herbs and other ingredients to invigorate +: Choose 1 additional target per
already living flesh. Alchemical knowledge to
strengthen the body against attacks both spiritual and
physical is a prized achievement of al-Zawira
Restorative Transmutation 5 Surgery is not uncommon in most lands, but when Downtime action, TN If you succeed, you remove any disadvantage the character +: If successful, instead of
(Qamarist Region) the pinnacle of surgical knowledge is combined with 6 Medicine (Void) received as a result of the critical strike, and they instead gain
gaining the Horrible Scar adversity,
alchemy, it can lead to near-miraculous restorations. check using an the Horrible Scar adversity.
the character gains the Dashing
Surgeons have even been able to reattach severed alchemy kit targeting 1
Scar distinction.
limbs, using alchemy to reignite the spark of life in character who suffered
what should be dead flesh. While true resurrection a critical strike of
has never been achieved by an alchemist – at least, severity 7-11 in the
not by any who have shared such theologically previous scene (if a
troubling discovery – substantial progress has been limb was detached,
made on healing injuries and treating diseases once you must have that
thought incurable. limb to attempt this
Side 36 af 56
Tea Ceremony 1 The chakai, or casual tea gathering, is a less formal Downtime action, TN Each target removes 3 strife + 1 additional strife per bonus : -1 TN to each target’s next
version and includes sweets, thin tea, and a few 2 Theology (Void) success.
check this session.
courses of light but beautifully prepared food—if check using a
there is any meal served at all. Guests are escorted to ceremonial tea set
site of the tea ceremony, ideally a tea house specially targeting yourself and +: Each target recovers 1 Fatigue
designed for this function or another place of elegant a number of characters
per spent.
simplicity. There, they are asked to cleanse their up to your culture rank
mouths and hands—and also their souls—much in who are also
the same way purification is performed at shrines. participants. : If successful, each target
They guests sit in a prescribed order based on status
recovers 1 Void point.
and are offered sweets. The host makes the tea in
Ritual can only be held
front of them in a series of elaborate, meticulous
once per game session.
steps, each gesture or position passed down to them
from tea masters through the ages. Finally, the host
serves the tea to the guests, who partake of the same
bowl one after another. The guest of honor is
expected to participate in the ceremony and
appreciate the host by remarking upon the quality
and seasonal details of the tea and decor. After the
tea has been finished, and the utensils cleaned and
put away, the guests leave the tea house in the order
they arrived, and the host’s final bow signifies the
end of the ceremony.
Threshold Barrier 1 The ritualist wards an entryway against beings of a Downtime action, TN If successful, the threshold is barred against an entity based on : Instead of protecting a
certain sort, causing them to fail to observe the 2 Theology (Any the ring you chose for 1 hour + 1 additional hour per bonus
threshold, you may protect the
entryway or making them mentally repulsed by their Ring) check targeting success. When an entity of this type attempts to enter, it must
entirety of a sealed area that
efforts to enter. a Threshold, gate, or resist with a TN 3 Meditation (Void) check or be repelled by
extends a number of range bands
other entryway at the spiritual barrier. Whether it succeeds or fails, you
around you no greater than your
range 0-1. immediately become aware of its attempted entry.
bonus successes.
Air: Spirits, ghosts, and incorporeal beings.
: If any beings of the type you
Earth: Living Shadowlands creatures and characters with the attempted to seal the threshold
Shadowlands Taint disadvantage attached to their Earth ring. against have passed through it
within the last 24 hours, you
Fire: Undead beings with corporeal form. become aware of their passage.
Void: Humans.
Side 37 af 56
Treaty Signing 2 Entering into treaties and other formal agreements Downtime action, TN If successful, each participant is assured that there are no +: If successful, all participants
between clans and families has become something of 2 Composition (Fire) mistakes or objectional loopholes to the agreement, and that the
stake 1 additional honor per
a ritual over the centuries. The particulars vary from check targeting agreement is acceptable to all parties involved.
clan to clan (Unicorn treaties are often accompanied yourself and a number Each participant stakes 10 honor on upholding the agreement.
by the exchange of horses, while the Dragon ask for of other participating Anyone who later breaks the agreement loses the honor they
an hour of meditative contemplation beforehand), but characters in the scene. staked, unless another participant broke the agreement first. : If successful, you only need
generally such agreements involve both parties
to stake half the honor that other
signing a document that contains the terms of the
Ritual can only be held participants have to.
agreement and making pledges to uphold the
once per game session.
agreement in front of an audience. The audience
ensures the agreement is widely publicized, making it
that much harder for either side to back down without
losing face. However, inventing a document that both
sides are willing to agree to is a true creative
challenge. Such treaties become legendary amongst
Rokugani diplomats.
The Ties that Bind 2 A ritualist who is properly trained can reach out with Downtime action, TN If successful, you learn of a character who would be a +: You learn of 1 likely future
their minds to gain some sense of the threads of fate 3Sentiment (Void) particularly fortuitous match for target (in potentially any sort of
consequence of a relationship
that link different people together. check targeting 1 relationship, such as marriage, friendship, or a formal alliance).
between target and the identified
character in the scene. This does not provide the exact identity of said character, but
character (consequence may be
should provide valuable clues about this person (where they
related to your target, their clan and
live, what their social status is, what clan or family they belong
family, or you and your clan) per
to, etc.)
If you have already met this character, the clues should be
enough to identify them.
: You may learn of another
If you are using the Bond rules, after performing this ritual the
target and identified character may decrease the cost of forming character who would be a
a bond to 1 XP. particularly inauspicious match for
target and 1 likely future
consequence of their relationship.
Wayfarer´s Path 2 A ronin’s path is never certain, except in its Downtime action, TN If successful, you encounter a sign of one of the following +: You see a sign revealing the
uncertainty. Thus, many ronin have traditions and 3 Meditation (Any based on the ring you chose:
same information for 1 additional
rituals that are simple: dropping a leaf and letting the Ring) check.
person in the scene.
wind carry it, casting dice and reading their direction, Earth: Direction of someone with whom you share a bond.
or even letting a staff fall and walking the path it
Ritual can only be
indicates. While these methods are not the courtly
performed once per Water: Direction of an opportunity to make money.
divinations of Great Clan samurai, many wandering
game session.
warriors put a great deal of faith in them.
Fire: Direction of the nearest large-scale conflict.
Side 38 af 56
Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities
Artisan´s Appraisal 2 The courtier looks at an object but sees its At Artisan Skill (Air), : Choose a ring; learn the value of that ring for the -
maker. Each Performance (Air) or
creator or performer and all advantages and
thumbprint tells a story about the hand that Games (Air) check when
disadvantages attached to that ring that are not of the
crafted the piece; every subtle choice reveals assessing an object or
curse type.
something about the desires that linger in the performance:
artist’s mind.
: If the creator or performer is an NPC, learn their
Assess Strengths 1 A skilled courtier can deduce a lot about their Scheme action, Games (Air) If successful, you learn target’s ranks in Games, Tactics, : You learn all your target’s
opponent over the course of playing a game. check, TN = target vigilance, or any one Martial Arts skill. Choose 1 additional skill to
Mental advantages and
Evaluating an opponent’s strategy, moves, and targeting 1 opponent in a learn for each bonus success.
demeanor can let them evaluate the opponent’s game you are playing.
character in turn.
Bend with the Storm 5 When faced with a much more powerful foe, a At Social Skill (Air) check : Choose an advantage or disadvantage. Target comes -
cunning courtier often feigns a position of targeting 1 other character:
to believe that you possess that advantage or
weakness. In this way, they can lead the
disadvantage without your having to expend noticeable
opponent where they desire by offering
effort or state it directly. Further, target believes that you
chances the foe cannot pass up.
do not know you have given this advantage or
disadvantage away. If you do anything that could call
this misconception into question, any character may
resist with a TN 5 Sentiment (Earth 6, Fire 3) check to
discern that the advantage or disadvantage is not real.
Effect persists until the target is faced with
incontrovertible evidence or succeeds on the check to
resist in the face of cracks in your façade.
Cadence 1 In courtly situations, it can be advantageous for At Social Skill (Air) check : Convey a secret message that alters the meaning of -
courtiers of the same clan to be able to targeting 1 other character: what you are saying outwardly (or has nothing to do
communicate wordlessly. with it at all) to 1 character observing you who possesses
this technique.
Flowering Deceptions 1 With a few well-chosen words, a skilled leader Scheme and Support action, If successful, choose 1 target and increase the TN of : Neither of your targets realizes
can create an opening for one person while Courtesy (Air) or Tactics their next check by 2. Decrease the TN of the other
your duplicity in hindering one to
impeding another. Allowing one opponent to (Air) check, TN = highest target’s next check by 2.
help the other.
Side 39 af 56
have an edge can cause them to inadvertently vigilance among targets,
trip up one of their allies. Alternatively, targeting 2 characters who
: You can use this technique
exposing one’s own ally to adversity can give are not hostile to each other.
another a key opportunity to strike unhindered. one additional time this scene.
Technique can only be used
once per scene.
Hidden in Smoke 4 The stratagem used in games such as Go has Scheme action, Social Skill If successful, you hide your true goal or objective from +: Choose 1 additional target
been debated and studied for centuries in (Air) check, TN = target your opponent. Any action or ability that would reveal
with vigilance lower than the
Rokugan, and masters of such games know vigilance, targeting 1 other your true intentions or objective to the target instead
original target per spent.
how to distract opponents with their words and character in the scene. reveals a false, narratively appropriate goal, subject to
movements to hide their true intent in a variety GM’s approval.
of social settings. +: Choose 1 additional target
Technique can only be used
If successful, during an Intrigue scene, you gain 1
once per scene. with vigilance lower than the
momentum toward a relevant goal.
original target per spent.
Pack Gambit 3 Whether in conversation or in a fight, numbers Scheme action, TN 3 Social If successful, each character who performs an Attack or : Choose 1 of the target’s
account for a great deal, but only if they are Skill (Air) check targeting 1 Scheme action targeting that character counts as having
disadvantages you know. Each
guided by a single purpose. To make best use other character in the scene. your assistance.
character who performs an Attack
of a large force, a character must be able to
or Scheme action targeting that
give direction, helping multiple others make
character may exploit that
the most of their efforts to both collaborate and
disadvantage without spending a
exploit enemy weaknesses.
Void Point.
Prey on the Weak 2 A wise leader creates the impression of Scheme action, TN 1 If successful, target must choose 1 of the following: +: If target unmasks learn 1 of
weakness to disguise strength, or strength to Courtesy (Air) check
their disadvantages per spent.
conceal weakness. targeting 1 Compromised Immediately unmask in a manner of their choosing
character in the scene. based on the circumstances.
Forfeit glory equal to your Air Ring + bonus : If the target chooses to leave
successes to leave the scene.
the scene, you notice their
destination from the direction of
their departure or overhear from
the crowd where they will retreat.
Ruse of the Moon´s Reflection 5 Things are not always as they seem – the Scheme action, Command If successful during intrigue, skirmish, or duel, you may -
moon’s light falls upon the water and appears (Air) check, TN = highest exchange the initiative values of any number of the
to be within arm’s reach, yet none can touch it. vigilance among targets, targets.
To lead is to tell your subordinates not the targeting any number of
truth, but what they need to hear to accomplish characters in the scene.
If successful during a mass battle, you may reveal that
their objectives. To face an enemy general is
two leaders of the same army have exchanged cohorts
not to move your troops against theirs, but to
In a mass battle, you must and positions.
imagine their troops as if they were your own
target all commanders (other
and to maneuver them to the positions required
than yourself, if applicable)
for your victory.
Rustling of Leaves 1 If everyone has heard a scandalous story, but it At Social Skill (Air) check +: Increase the TN of any check to trace the rumor -
has no clear source, what can it be but true? to spread a rumor:
back to you by 2 per spent.
The courtier cleverly spreads stories so none
see them as the source.
Spin the Web 3 To advance their agenda, the Kolat must have Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, you recruit an NPC (at the GM's : If successful, choose one skill.
(Kolat) eyes and ears—and hands—everywhere. Just Skullduggery (Air) check discretion) as a Kolat asset. Record them under your
The NPC has a number of ranks in
as each Kolat conspirator receives direction targeting 1 minor or Relationships. From now on, once per game session you
that skill equal to your school rank
from a superior, so each extends their reach previously unknown NPC. may call on one of your assets whom you can reasonably
and can perform checks with that
Side 40 af 56
through recruits of their own. contact. The NPC can aid you during a single scene, skill to assist you.
doing their best to perform tasks you assign them, or
Technique can only be used
they can conduct a single downtime activity (if a profile
once per session, during a
is required, use an appropriate NPC of the GM’s choice).
narrative or downtime scene.
The Wind Blows Both Ways 3 A word in the right ear at the right time can At Courtesy or +: Next time target receives a glory award, increase -
enhance the accomplishment of another, or a Performance (Air) check
the glory they gain by 1 per spent. Effect persists until
cutting slight can diminish their success in the targeting 1 other character:
the end of the scene.
eyes of those who matter.
Side 41 af 56
Bellows of Resolve 1 A well-timed word of encouragement or shout Support action, TN 2 If successful and target is Compromised, they remove : You may use this technique
of warning can get a fighter back on their feet Command (Earth) check strife until their strife is equal to their composure minus
one additional time this scene.
at a crucial moment, which can mean the targeting 1 Compromised or 1.
difference between life and death on the Incapacitated character in the
battlefield. scene. : This technique instead
If successful and target is Incapacitated, they remove
fatigue until their fatigue is equal to their endurance targets any number of
Technique can only be used minus 1. Compromised and Incapacitated
once per scene. characters of your choice in the
Civility Foremost 2 Samurai are warriors, but there are many Scheme action, Command If successful, target must forfeit honor equal to your +: Choose 1 additional target per
contexts in which violence is inappropriate. or Courtesy (Earth) check, Earth Ring + bonus successes and suffer that much strife
spent with vigilance </= first
Many strictures exist around the times TN = target vigilance, to perform an Attack or Scheme action targeting the
weapons can and cannot be drawn. A courtier targeting 1 character to claim chosen character. target’s vigilance
who has memorized the rules of such protection for an individual Effect persists until the end of the scene, or until the
engagements can articulate why fighting would of your choice by rights of target performs an attack or scheme action
be improper or profane in nearly any situation. honor.
Honest Assessment 1 Honesty is a virtue of Bushidō, but direct Support action, TN 2 If successful, choose 1 of target’s known disadvantages. +: Choose 1 additional
honesty is often seen as rudeness among the Courtesy (Earth) check Target ignores that disadvantage.
disadvantage per spent.
Rokugani samurai—instead, one is expected to targeting 1 character in the Effect persists until the end of the scene.
find a polite way to imply one’s meaning to scene.
spare the feelings of the other involved. As a : 2 TN of target’s next skill
result, directness can be something of a rare
check using the ring associated
and valuable commodity, and it is most often
with the disadvantage.
dispensed by those with little time for frivolity,
such as veteran warriors, or those with little to
lose socially, such as monks.
Look Out! 3 When the first arrow falls, a word of warning At check to resist an effect: +: 1 character per spent may immediately switch to -
can save dozens of lives.
a stance of their choice.
Mentor´s Guidance 5 Among rōnin, those who live long enough to Support action, TN 4 If successful, choose 1 of your kata, ninjutsu, or shūji -
reach old age tend to be considered especially Command or Performance techniques. Target may use that technique as if they
wise. Many consider it their duty to explain the (Earth) check targeting 1 knew it.
tricks they have used to stay alive to their other character in the scene.
younger compatriots.
Technique can only be used
once per scene.
Pillar of Calm 4 The character calls for reason to prevail and Scheme and Support action, If successful while targeting all of the leaders involved +: You may de-escalate the
swords to be sheathed, appealing to a common Command (Earth) check, in the conflict, you may de-escalate the conflict one
conflict by 1 additional level per
ideal or greater threat that stands before the TN = highest strife among level (from a Mass Battle to a Skirmish, a Skirmish to a
belligerent parties. targets, targeting a number of Duel, or a Duel to an Intrigue).
characters up to your Earth
Stonewall Tactics 1 The courtier makes themselves impossible for At Social Skill or Martial +: Increase the TN of any check the target makes that -
the target to ignore, raising a pressing concern Skill (Earth) check targeting does not target you by 1 per spent.
that must be addressed first or even physically 1 character: Effect persists until the beginning of your next turn.
planting themselves between a rival and their
Side 42 af 56
Touchstone of Courage 3 Armies are rarely routed in the field; instead, Scheme and Support action, If successful during an intrigue, duel, or skirmish : During an intrigue, duel, or
most collapse when morale becomes Command (Earth) check, conflict, each target increases their composure by your
skirmish, each target removes
impossible to maintain. As panic rises in the TN = highest stride among Earth Ring.
strife equal your Earth Ring.
ranks, soldiers look to leaders to set an targets, targeting a number of This effect persists until the end of the scene.
example. The character does just this, speaking characters up to your Earth
to the importance of duty to bring their troops Ring. If successful during a mass battle conflict, increase your : During mass combat, your
back from the edge of chaos. army’s discipline by your Earth ring + bonus successes.
army removes panic equal to your
This effect persists until the end of the scene.
Earth Ring.
The Immovable Hand of Peace 5 The courtier calls for the warriors in the field Scheme action, TN 5 If successful, the scene becomes an intrigue between you : You may also perform this
to lay down their arms and withdraw with such Command (Earth) check and the other principal characters.
action during a mass battle or
unquestionable conviction that even the fires of during a Duel or Skirmish, This effect persists for 1 round, + 1 additional round per
other non-intrigue conflict.
hate are temporarily smothered. targeting a number of bonus success.
characters up to your Earth If you have not achieved a peaceful resolution by the
Ring. time this effect ends, the scene returns to its previous
Technique can only be used
once per session.
Unyielding Terms 2 Setting the terms of a duel is usually a Scheme action, TN 4 You select either the method of battle, or the stakes for -
compromise between both participants. With Culture (Earth) check. victory.
the right knowledge, however, the weight of
tradition can overcome any objections.
Technique can only be used
once per scene.
Weight of Duty 1 All samurai know the pressure of expectation At Social Skill (Earth) : Learn 1 way target fears failing as a samurai. -
in countless forms. An observant courtier can check targeting 1 character:
read this when engaging with another
character, learning their beliefs and in what : Learn target’s giri.
ways they fear they might not live up to their
own expectations.
All Shall Fear Me 3 If a courtier can pull it off, dominating a Scheme action, TN 4 If successful, each target receives 2 strife when they +: If successful, all characters
gathering through sheer force of their Command or Performance choose you as the target for a Social skill check.
targeted by you suffer 1 additional
personality is a good way to ensure everyone (Fire) check targeting any Effect persists until the end of the scene.
strife per spent this way
will treat them with trepidation and respect. Of number of characters in the
whenever they target you with a
course, just being noticed is only half the scene.
If failure, receive 4 strife. Social skill check.
battle; the courtier must also appear fearsome
and even a bit dangerous, but not overdo their
act. If they come off as a Kabuki villain, all
they’ll get from their audience is a few muffled
Bravado 4 Glory is half reputation and half poise. The Scheme action, Games or If successful, each target behaves as though your glory : Learn if the glory of 1 other
courtier displays a confident mien, speaking Performance (Fire) check, as being 10 higher or lower than its actual value +/- an
character in the scene is higher
more informally than propriety should allow. TN = highest vigilance additional 10 for each bonus success (to a maximum of
than yours.
Their words and posture carry a tinge of among targets, targeting any 100 or a minimum of 0).
arrogance, making them harder to ignore. number of characters in the If you do anything that would call your glory into
scene. question, any character may resist with a TN 4
Sentiment (Air 5, Water 2) check to determine your
actual glory attribute.
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Crackling Laughter 3 Humor, when used with proficiency, can be a Scheme action, TN 3 If successful, each target receives 2 strife, and must : For each character who
powerful weapon when trying to advance one’s Performance (Fire) check make TN 5 Meditation (Air 6, Water 3) check or
suffers the Compromised
status, particularly when trying to make a fool targeting any number of receive additional strife equal to their shortfall.
condition, gain 1 glory.
Side 43 af 56
of someone else. characters in the scene.
If failure, receive 3 strife.
Technique can only be used
once per session.
Dazzling Performance 3 Performing a great feat can win a character At Artisan Skill, Games or +: Next time you receive a glory reward this scene, -
renown but performing a great feat and then Performance (Fire) check: increase the amount you receive by 1. If there is a
telling the story of it draws far greater character of higher status in the scene, increase it by 1
accolades. A courtier building a reputation in per spent this way instead.
the competitive courts of Rokugan must master
not just excellence, but also capture the
Fanning the Flames 2 Inciting people to act foolishly or to flinch at At Social Skill (Fire) check +: 1 target becomes Dazed per spent. -
the crucial moment is a key skill of a courtier, targeting 1+ characters:
for words are their most powerful weapons.
Unchecked emotion is another tool in the +: 1 target becomes Enraged per spent.
courtier’s arsenal, and most become quite
adept in the art of manipulating people into
feeling certain things that are advantageous for
them at the time. The courtier stings their
target’s pride with needling comments or
makes a flirtatious remark to put them on their
back foot, drawing the target’s emotions to the
surface and making them easier to predict.
Goading Taunt 3 Scheme action, Performance If successful during an intrigue encounter or a duel, : You may use this technique
or Tactic (Fire) check, TN = target receives strife equal to their honor rank unless
one additional time this scene.
target vigilance, targeting 1 they forfeit that much honor.
other character in the scene.
If successful during a skirmish, target must immediately
Technique can only be used move 2 range bands towards you unless they chose to
once per scene. receive 3 strife, + 1 strife per 2 bonus successes.
Lightning Raid 4 The Unicorn Clan is famous for its quick Attack and Movement action, If successful during a skirmish scene, each target : During a skirmish, immediately
strikes, smashing down upon its enemies with TN 3 Command (Fire) increases their initiative by your Fire Ring + bonus
perform a strike action.
cavalry to sow chaos in their ranks and leave check targeting any number successes at the beginning of the next round.
them vulnerable to the rest of the army. Other of characters in the scene (or
Side 44 af 56
clans employ similar tactics, usually by one cohort in a mass battle). If successful during a mass battle, 1 enemy leader’s : During a mass battle,
ambushing exposed cities or supply trains in cohort suffers panic equal to your Fire Ring + bonus
immediately perform an assault
the field. The leader rouses their troops for a successes.
Technique can only be used action against the chosen enemy
swift attack to leave the enemy in a state of
once per scene. cohort’s leader.
Offend the Sensibilities 2 Art can soothe the spirit and calm the mind, or At Artisan Skill (Fire) +: Choose 1 individual known to you. When that -
it can leave one seeing red. A clever artisan check to craft an item:
individual first sees the item you created, they receive 2
can craft a piece so that it will offend the
strife. If this causes them to become Compromised,
sensibilities of a particular person, while
target also becomes Dazed, Enraged, or Silenced (your
leaving most observers a bit perplexed but
choice). Anyone else seeing the item knows it could be
very offensive.
Osano-Wo´s Boast 3 Like their fabled founder, members of the Support action, TN 2 If successful, increase your composure and your -
(Mantis) Mantis Clan often boast of their future glory, Command or Performance endurance by 3.
to strengthen their own resolve and drive their (Fire) check targeting 1 deed At the end of the scene, if you have not completed the
comrades to greater heights. you will attempt. deed, suffer 3 fatigue and 3 strife.
Sensational Distraction 1 Standing out in court requires a great deal of At Social Skill (Fire) check +: When interacting with other characters, target treats -
both cunning and flair and standing out on targeting 1+ characters: their vigilance as 1 lower per spent; when interacting
purpose can be even harder. Courtiers train for with you, target treats their vigilance as 1 higher per
much of their lives to learn to control the spent.
perceptions of others at court. The best Effect persists until the end of the scene.
courtiers know when to draw attention to
Side 45 af 56
themselves with a display of rhetorical prowess
or another social feat and when to avoid
attention. Drawing attention to oneself can give
collaborators the chance to work unnoticed as
well, and thus it is an extremely valuable tool
in the courtier’s arsenal.
Spiteful Loss 1 A bad sport can ruin the fun for everyone in a At Games (Fire) check : If failure, forfeit 1 glory. Then each participant -
game, embarrassing themselves in other’s eyes while playing a game: receives strife equal to 1 + the shortfall of the check of
while leaving the other participants and all participants in the game.
audience stressed and frustrated. Of course,
sometimes that’s exactly the point.
Stirring the Embers 1 A good leader does not just compensate for the At Social Skill (Fire) check +: Choose a target and 1 of their known advantages -
weaknesses of comrades, but also fosters their targeting 1+ characters: per spent. Until the end of the scene, when that
innate strengths. The courtier reminds an ally advantage applies to a check, target may reroll up to
of one of their finer qualities, sparking their three dice (instead of two).
pride to get them to fight more fiercely or
speak with greater conviction.
Truth Burns through Lies 1 The courtier rapidly extrapolates, imagining At Scholar Skill (Fire) : If there is a single statement upon which the -
the ramifications of a story and conjecturing check to assess a character´s
character’s story hinges, you determine what it is and
what might have gone unsaid. If a loose thread story:
what you would need to do to verify or disprove it.
exists in the account, they can find it, and that
first thread can become the unraveling of the
most cunning duplicity.
All in Jest 1 Veteran courtiers sometimes play off missteps At Commerce, Courtesy or +: If you forfeited honor as part of the check in order -
as jokes. This underhanded but effective tactic Performance (Water) to say something rude or appeal to your target’s base
puts the other person in a difficult position: check: desires (greed, lust, laziness, etc.), regain 1 honor per
press the issue and seem stubborn, or let it spent.
slide and give the courtier a pass.
Beware of the Smallest Mouse 1 Often, minor functionaries at court find At Social Skill (Water) +: While interacting with you, target(s) treats their -
themselves able to successfully complete their check: vigilance as 1 lower per spent and decreases the TN
tasks because they are so unimportant that of their social checks targeting you by 1.
nobody bothers to impede them (or even notice Effect persists until the end of the scene.
their existence). Some courtiers quickly learn
to play up this appearance when need be.
Buoyant Arrival 5 Some people have the ability to blend in with Scheme action, Courtesy If successful, you may enter or leave the conversation -
any social environment, fluidly adapting to the (Water) check, TN = highest gracefully. You need not forfeit honor or glory for
rough atmosphere of the humblest tavern one vigilance among targets, interrupting, suddenly departing, or preempting someone
day, while walking among the rulers of the targeting a number of else, regardless of the respective status of the
Empire the next. characters up to you Water participants.
Ring. Effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Ebb and Flow 3 Just as hardest ice and the gentlest mist are Scheme or Support action, If successful as a Scheme action, choose 1 of target’s ad- : Choose 1 additional advantage
composed of the same water, seasoned Courtesy, Command or vantages that you know. Whenever it applies, invert it.
or disadvantage to apply the effect
courtiers know that all it takes is time and Games (Water) check, TN =
work to transform strength into weakness and target vigilance, targeting 1 If successful as a Support action, choose 1 of target’s
weakness into strength. The courtier character in the scene. disadvantages you know Whenever it applies invert it.
manipulates a person's perceptions with ease, +: Choose 1 additional
keeping their allies confident and their foes Either effect persists until the end of the scene.
advantage or disadvantage to
apply the effect to per spent.
Side 46 af 56
Eyes Up! 1 Rōnin who spend their life on the battlefield Support action, TN 2 If successful, target treats their focus as 2 lower (min. 1) : Effect persists until the end of
learn to expand their senses before the fight Scholar (Water) check and their vigilance as 2 higher.
the next scene instead.
begins, letting them leap from bedroll to battle targeting 1 character in the Effect persists until the end of the scene.
in an instant or react quickly to unexpected scene.
threats. +: Choose 1 additional target per
Technique can only be used spent.
once per session, at the start
of a scene.
Fluent Bargaining 2 “And, of course, our fee will need to cover At Commerce (Water) +: If successful, you also convince the client to pay -
various expenses…” check to negotiate payment
10% of the fee up front per spent.
for a job:
Effect lasts until the end of the scene.
Fun and Games 1 Games can be fun to play or observe. They can At Games (Water) check: +: Remove 1 strife per spent from target observer or -
be even more fun when one of those participant.
participants is a good sport who knows how to
win or lose with grace, and how to entertain
their fellow participants and the audience in the : Remove 1 strife from each participant or
process. observer instead.
Malleable Formation 3 Picking the right person for the job is a key Movement and Support If successful, targets immediately move the range bands : You can use this technique 1
skill for any leader, whether they are an action, TN 2 Command to switch places. If they do, each target may select a new
additional time this scene.
experienced carpenter building a house or a (Water) check targeting 2 stance.
great general commanding an army. So too is willing characters at range 0-
knowing when to change tactics- or opponents- 2 of who you could
even in the midst of a conflict. reasonably reach one
another’s position.
Slippery Maneuvers 2 The leader makes several signals and calls out Movement and Support If successful during a skirmish, choose a position : +2 TN instead of +1 TN of
a command – often a code word – to their action, TN 2 Command containing terrain that you can see. Each target may
Attack actions targeting each
troops; suddenly, the formation shifts in unison (Water) check during immediately move 1 range band toward it. Attack checks
target leveraging Obscuring
to take advantage of the terrain around them. skirmish or mass battle targeting any of your targets inside the terrain treat the
targeting any number of terrain as having the Obscuring terrain quality.
characters in the scene (or 1 Effect persists until the end of the scene.
cohort during a mass battle).
If successful during a mass battle, choose a piece of
Side 47 af 56
terrain you can see. You and your cohort may
immediately move to occupy it if it is unoccupied.
Attack action checks targeting you and your cohort
while you are inside the terrain treat the terrain as having
the Obscuring terrain quality.
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Tributaries of Trade 2 Gift giving is an important cultural practice in Scheme and Support action, If successful, you produce an item with rarity </= 1 + +: Reduce the cost of the item
Rokugan (as is the art of gift refusal, which TN 1 Commerce (Water) bonus successes. You must still pay the costs of the
by ¼ per spent (to a minimum
any potential recipient must repeat at least check. item.
of ¼ original price overall).
twice before accepting the third offer). While
some courtiers have a gift prepared for any
Technique can only be used
possible contingency, many simply get
once per scene.
acquainted with the art of explaining why a gift
could only have been intended for its current
recipient (even if they originally procured it for
a different purpose). The ability to quickly
acquire an item is valued among all courtiers,
as a gift demands reciprocity in some kind,
whether that be in favors, esteem, or
subsequent gifts.
Watch My Back 5 Putting your full faith in someone else is the Movement and Support Target may immediately perform a Guard action -
greatest risk warrior can take. By fighting action, TN 2 Command targeting you, ignoring range restrictions.
together without reservation, two can (Water) check while in
accomplish the deeds that a dozen could not Water stance targeting 1
If they are successful, you may move up to 2 range
undertake if each operates individually. character at range 0-2.
bands. Reduce the TN of the next action check you
perform this turn by 1.
Well of Desire 1 Bribery is considered to be corruption in At Courtesy (Water) check : To refuse your gift, target must forfeit glory equal to -
Rokugan, yet gift exchanges and gift giving is to present a gift to a target: your Water Ring. If the gift is something that target
a time-honored tradition. The shrewdest desires, target also must suffer strife equal to its rarity to
courtiers can engineer scenarios in which their refuse it.
targets cannot refuse their gifts without If target accepts the gift, reduce the TN of your next
tarnishing their reputations. Thus, the recipient Social Skill check targeting them by the rarity of the
of such a poisoned gift might find it preferable item (to a min. of 1).
to owe the courtier a favor than to be shamed
in public.
All Arts Are One 3 Just as the four elements are bound together by Support action, TN 4 If successful, you immediately intuit how to wield a new : Choose a ring: -1 TN to your
Void, certain underlying principles, including Martial Skill, Games or weapon, play a new game, or perform a new instrument,
next check using the ring until the
aesthetics, logic, and discipline, unite all forms Performance (Void) check. song, dance, or other task.
end of your next turn.
of art. By meditating on these similarities, a You do not apply any TN increases that might be
courtier is able to more easily grasp the associated with dealing with something new to you.
fundamentals of any subject.
Awe of Heaven 4 With but a word or glance, a samurai of the Attack and Scheme action, If successful, each target becomes Silenced. -
(Imperial) Imperial families can invoke the power of the Command (Void) check,
Chrysanthemum Throne. TN = highest status rank
Side 48 af 56
among targets, targeting any
number of characters in the
Lady Doji´s Decree 2 Propriety, grace, and eloquence were of great Action, Courtesy (Void) If successful, targets cannot perform Attack actions +: Choose 1 additional target
(Crane) importance to the founder of the Crane Clan. check, TN = vigilance of targeting you. Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional
with status lower than the first
With a word, she was said to defuse the most target with highest status. round per bonus success or until you perform an Attack
target per spent.
dangerous situations. Crane Clan courtiers action.
follow in her footsteps, forcing bystanders to
Technique can only be used
listen with a single striking comment. : Targets also cannot perform
once per session.
scheme actions against you.
Lady Shinjo´s Speed 2 The Kami Shinjo carried within her a curiosity Downtime action, TN 2 If successful, you reach the destination in half the time it : You may lead a number of
(Unicorn) that could never be fully satisfied, and she Survival (Void) check using would normally require. Up to 1 character can ride along
willing characters with mounts of
ceaselessly sought out new places, new a steed. with you.
their own up to your school rank.
cultures, and new discoveries. Her passion
carries on to her clan, who still feel the call of
Side 49 af 56
the unexplored. Peerless riders with large,
powerful steeds brought back from beyond
Rokugan, the samurai of the Unicorn Clan can
relocate more swiftly than anyone else, and can
still find their way across even unfamiliar
terrain with relative ease as Shinjo taught them
centuries ago.
Lord Akodo´s Roar 2 The Kami Akodo One-Eye, who founded the Action, TN 1 Command If successful, each target becomes Dazed. +: 1 other friendly character at
(Lion) Lion Clan, was the greatest tactician in the (Void) check targeting each
range 0-3 per spent may
Empire. His victories rested not upon the hostile character within a
immediately make a strike action
strength of his arm, but upon his keen mind number of range bands equal
against a Dazed character.
and his faith in the people he rallied behind to your school rank.
him. The true general never stands alone, for
they are always bolstered by the united will of
Technique can only be used
their followers. With a roar that echoes through
once per session.
the ranks, chilling their foes and heartening
their comrades, the leader charges as Akodo
himself once did.
Lord Bayushi´s Whispers 2 The Kami Bayushi, self-appointed villain of Narrative or Downtime If successful, you reveal 1 informant who can give you : Choose a skill: If successful,
(Scorpion) the Emperor Hantei and master of duplicity, action, TN 2 Skullduggery information about a topic of your choice.
the Informant has a number of
founded the Scorpion Clan with a simple (Void) check. If the informant’s profile is required, use an appropriate
ranks in this skill equal to your
purpose: to dishonor themselves so that others NPC of the GM’s choice.
school rank and may assist you
could live honorably. Bayushi maintained vast
Technique can only be used until the end of the scene.
networks of spies and informants, and he was
once per session.
extremely skilled at turning assets others used
to try to spy on him. The Scorpion Clan has
carried on this tradition with an efficiency that
would surely make Bayushi proud. Hardly a
town exists in the Empire without an agent of
the Scorpion.
Lord Togashi´s Insight 2 The enigmatic Kami Togashi was said to have Action, TN 2 Meditation If successful, you receive a brief vision or hear the voice : Reduce the TN of your first
(Dragon) the ability to see the future, by which (Void) check. of Togashi providing a hint regarding 1 way you might
check to overcome the obstacle by
provenance he excused himself from the proceed (which the GM should furnish). This hint should
your school rank (to a min. of 1).
Tournament of the Kami. Occasionally he not be the full answer, but it should help you move
Technique can only be used
appears to his descendants, the members of the forward toward a solution or at least formulate a plan of
once per session.
Dragon Clan, in flashes of visions or sudden, action.
unexplained bursts of insight. Whether those
who hear the voice of Togashi himself are truly
in contact with their progenitor, channeling his
essence across the ages, or are letting their
imaginations run a bit too wild is a topic of
discussion among the Dragon’s scholars.
Rouse the Soul 5 Many things can cloud the soul, but words can At Social Skill or Theology +: Remove 1 of the following conditions from 1 target -
awaken it. The courtier speaks honestly and (Void) check targeting 1+ per spent: Afflicted, Enraged, Exhausted, Intoxicated,
without pretension, calling upon their allies to characters.
Side 50 af 56
overcome earthly circumstances and reach a or Unconscious.
mutual goal.
Tonight, I am Your Opponent 3 Normally, interrupting someone else’s duel of Scheme and Support action, If successful, you immediately replace target in the duel -
honor or battlefield clash is an act of TN 3 Social Skill (Void) or clash, staking your own honor and glory as usual.
substantial dishonor affecting all involved. check targeting 1 character Target forfeits half the honor and glory they staked upon
However, sometimes a dueling warrior will that is currently fighting in a fighting uninterrupted.
swallow their pride and let someone else step duel or clash.
in. By making an impassioned plea to a friend,
If you share a bond with the character you are replacing
speaking nobly to an old rival, explaining why
Technique can only be used or with their adversary, no character must forfeit honor
it would be improper for the pair to fight, or
once per session. or glory for your interruption.
simply having such conviction that no others
can question their honor, a speaker can attempt
to cut into a one-on-one fight between two
other warriors.
Wanderer´s Resolve 1 A samurai with a lord can find resolve in the Support action, while in Void You remove 3 fatigue and 3 strife + 3 fatigue and 3 strife -
loyalty they feel, but a samurai with no lord stance. for each Compromised or Incapacitated character in the
has no easy wellspring from which to draw scene with whom you share a bond.
resolve. This hardship and isolation, however,
Technique can only be used
can lead a rōnin to discover a certainty all their
once per scene.
own, for if they do not act, no one else will.
The lives of their friends – of those who
depend on them – rest solely in their hands.
Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities
Accursed Summoning 1 The mahō-tsukai spills blood and recites a Downtime action, If successful, you summon the desired oni and bind it to +: Each character who can see the oni and is
foul prayer to summon a chosen oni and Theology (Void) check, your will, unable to act without your consent.
within range 3 suffers 1 strife per spent.
bind it to their will. The oni appears caught TN = oni Intrigue rank. If failure, you summon the desired oni (or a different one,
in an invisible prison, unable to act except at at GM discretion) but it breaks free of your control and
: The oni instills a Shadowlands Taint
the summoner’s direction. curses you, causing you to become Afflicted.
disadvantage of your choice upon anyone
If you have 3 or more kept strife results, the summoned within a range equal to how many of your
oni scries and learns your name. rings have the Shadowlands Taint
disadvantage attached.
Bind the Undead 2 The mahō-tsukai draws on the power of Scheme action, TN If successful, you bind each target to your will. They can +: +1 max. range of technique per spent
Jigoku to extend their will over the animated 2Theology (Fire) check now act only under your control, via simple voice
dead. These undead then act as the mahō- targeting a number of commands. You can issue straightforward commands
tsukai commands, mimicking gestures or undead creatures up to with your allocated five words per turn, or you can issue +: +1 max. combat rank of undead you can
following simple instructions. They can your Earth Ring, at range more complex commands if you dedicate your action to
bind per spent (if creature is intelligent and
attack a target or follow the mahō-tsukai like 0-4. (combat rank 3-) giving a command.
you lose control of it, it reverts to its own
a squad of troops follows their leader. A
goals instead of becoming inanimate.)
smaller number of undead allows the Whether you succeed or fail, an area encompassing 1
practitioner greater control, and a single range band around each target’s position gains the Defiled
Side 51 af 56
undead being can act naturally enough to territory quality. : 1 undead creature you choose becomes a
infiltrate a town or castle, if the practitioner
Revenant in addition to becoming bound
remains nearby and sustains the necessary
Commune with Evil 1 The practitioner detects any malevolent Downtime action, TN 1 You scry for the presence of any Otherworldly or Tainted : If there are any such beings, they accept
supernatural entities in the area, senses their Theology (Void) check beings.
your offering, and they augment you with an
desires, and makes a bargain for an unholy targeting an area at 0-6.
unholy blessing that increases the value of the
ring you used for the check. You can only
have one unholy blessing at a time, and it
persists until the end of the scene.
Entreat the Shadow Steed 2 The mahō-tsukai compels the kansen to Support action, TN 2 If successful, you summon an Onikage and bind it to your : The equine creature retains enough flesh
fetch a suitable mount, and an undead horse Theology (Earth) check will. It obeys your commands, allowing you to ride it as
to pass as a living horse. Characters with
with decaying flesh comes galloping across targeting 1+ horse per the Mounts and Riding rules. It reacts violently if
vigilance 3 or lower do not notice its undead
the shadowlands. corpses. others try to ride it.
Incite Haunting 1 Kansen are kami twisted by the power of Fu Attack and Scheme If successful, you curse target, causing them to become +: +1 max. range per spent.
Leng, and they need little prompting to action, Theology (Any Afflicted.
cause harm. Directing them toward a target Ring) check, TN =
with a vile rite and profane words that seem target vigilance, If failure, target rebuffs your efforts. +: Choose 1 additional target per spent.
to warp the air, the mahō-tsukai afflicts a targeting 1 character at If your shortfall is 2+, target also becomes aware of your
poor soul with a spiritual malady that can range 0-1. attempted malediction.
fester and bloom, fueling darker curses still.
Spiritualists can perceive kansen as
wretched, ghostly figures, clinging to their
victim and dragging them inexorably toward
a wretched end wrought by their worst
Mark of Desecration 1 The mahō-tsukai performs the rite upon a Support action, TN 2 If successful, you summon 1 Zombie Peasant for each +: Choose 1 additional target per spent.
corpse or group of corpses, placing ominous Theology (Earth) check target.
masks over their faces and whispering dark targeting a number of
words into their dead ears. The dead are corpses up to your Earth If successful, you curse an area encompassing 1 range +: +1 endurance to each zombie
dragged to their feet by the kansen Ring at range 0-3. band around each target’s position, which gains the
possessing them, moving with the jerking, Defiled quality.
unnatural gait of an ill-made puppet. : Once per round, 1 zombie may use your
skill ranks instead of its own for a check.
Side 53 af 56
even fade into living shadow, becoming a quality.
creature of pure obscurity that shrugs off
even the holiest of talismans and prayers. Thick Hide (Earth): Your physical resistance becomes 7.
Side 54 af 56
Technique requires a : At the end of each of your turns, you may
source of blood, such as
transform the weapon into a different weapon.
from a corpse or a foe
suffering the Bleeding
condition. : At the end of each of your turns, you
If the mahō-tsukai uses
may transform the weapon into a different
their own blood, they
suffer 3 fatigue.
Side 55 af 56
Once per scene, a Tainted character may choose any 1 mahō technique they have not learned and
make a sacrifice, in the form of killing a human victim or crossing previously inviolable personal
line, to the kansen responsible for this power.
If the kansen is satisfied with this exceptional offering (GM discretion), the character may perform
the technique. The character may channel this mahō as usual.
Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities
Artful Alibi 3 A cunning shinobi is always prepared with an alibi, At Skullduggery (Air or +: If successful, you also count as having -
whether it’s a love letter to be sheepishly delivered in the Water) check to surveil or
made a successful downtime Composition
dead of night or a work of art that surely must have taken engage in other clandestine
or Design check to refine (Air) or adapt
all day to create. activities during downtime:
(Water) an item, with 1 bonus success per
Cunning Distraction 2 During a duel, the contestants are completely focused on Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, during the next round of the +: +1 vigilance required to spot
each other’s smallest moves, waiting for the slightest Skullduggery (Any Ring) duel or clash, both characters engaged in the
the cheating per spent.
signal that their opponent is going to strike. This gives check targeting 1 character duel or clash swap their initiative order.
unscrupulous duelists a chance to distract by reflecting the engaged in a duel or a clash.
sun off a piece of jewelry or their weapon into their Performing this action is cheating. Any
opponent’s eyes, flapping their kimono to simulate a character observing or engaging in the duel
sudden movement, or even kicking a small stone at their or clash with a vigilance of 2 or higher spots
opponent’s feet. Particularly devious individuals can the cheating.
perform these actions from the sidelines to aid an ally. All
such actions are considered cheating… but only if
someone notices.
Deadly Sting 2 Poison is not a weapon an honorable samurai would Attack action, TN 3 Martial If successful, apply the chosen poison to : Move 1 Range Band.
choose, but it is tremendously effective, and like its Arts [Melee or Ranged] your weapon. Then, target suffers physical
Side 56 af 56
namesake, the Scorpion Clan is not above envenoming its check using 1 dose of poison damage equal to the deadliness of your
weapons to defeat foes it otherwise could not best. and Concealable weapon, weapon + bonus successes.
+: If successful, target suffers a
targeting 1 character within
weapon range. critical strike with severity 2 + 1
per spent.
Deceitful Strike 1 Knowledge of when and how to strike is not just mastered At Martial Arts [Melee, +: Each observer with vigilance =/< 1 + -
by the bushi, and assassinations can be made to look like Ranged or Unarmed] check amount of spent believes your attack was
accidents. during a duel or clash: not meant to be lethal.
Like a Ghost 2 Shinobi must move quickly and quietly, avoiding notice Movement and Scheme If successful, you may move 1 range band + : Your footfalls are so light as
while scaling walls and obstacles, climbing over roofs, action, TN 2 Fitness (Air) 1 additional range band per 2 bonus
to be completely silent.
and hopping across gaps between buildings. The very best check. successes. This movement ignores the
can seem to be in one location only to “vanish” and effects of any terrain you pass through.
reappear elsewhere a few moments later. You may also move up or down vertical
surfaces or across gaps that could
conceivably be jumped if GM permits.
Noxious Cloud 3 Volatile concoctions are an important weapon in many Attack action, TN 2 If successful, each target suffers 3 physical : Move 1 Range Band.
shinobi’s arsenals, allowing them to create choking smoke Medicine (Air) check using damage, ignoring their resistance. This
into which they can escape or even poison unprepared 2 doses of a single poison, damage counts as being inflicted by a
foes to weaken them for a killing blow. targeting each other character weapon envenomed with the poison you : Until the end of scene, the area
at range 0-2. chose.
at range 0-2 becomes Obscuring
and Dangerous terrain.
Silencing Stroke 4 Shinobi must often eliminate targets without raising an Attack action, TN 4 Martial If successful, target suffers physical damage +: If successful, target suffers a
alarm, and so they often train in the art of disabling with a Arts [Melee, Ranged or equal to your weapon’s base damage and
critical strike equal to your
single strike. A shuriken to the trachea or a swift blow to Unarmed] check using becomes Silenced.
weapon’s deadliness + 1 per
occlude the carotid artery can leave a target unable to readied weapon, targeting 1
spent beyond the first.
scream while the shinobi finishes their unsavory work. character within weapon If successful, other characters beyond range
range. 0–2 of target do not notice that they have
been struck for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus successes.
Skulk 1 Shinobi are known for walking silently from shadow to At Initiative or Attack (Air) : If you are in Obscuring terrain, a crowd, -
shadow, moving like phantoms. Some of this relies upon check: or otherwise concealed from sight, 1
agility and speed, of course, but veterans in the art of character with vigilance =/< your
stealth know that using a crowd or another visual Skullduggery rank loses sight of you.
distraction to walk unnoticed can be as effective as the
Side 57 af 56
most complex acrobatics.
Slicing Wind Kick 3 The Shika of the Deer Clan have perfected the art of Attack and Movement action, If successful, target suffers physical damage : Before or after resolving
impairing their targets by using their momentum to launch TN 3 Martial Arts equal to your unarmed kick profile’s base
successes, move 1 range band.
themselves with their spears. Shinobi who make use of [Unarmed] (Air) check damage + bonus successes.
this technique can make precise attacks with their feet to using readied polearm,
knock the wind out of their opponents. targeting 1 character at range If successful, target becomes Disoriented. : 1 target becomes Prone.
Side 58 af 56