Research Final
Research Final
Research Final
This chapter contains the Background of the study, statement of the problem,
Writing is a formal writing style that university students, professors, and other
complicated phrases, and develops the argument logically while taking the audience
into account. Also, the language used in academic writing should be exact and clear to
prevent any prejudice or ambiguity and to ensure that the reader can easily understand
the content. Writing is a medium of communication in which one's thoughts and ideas
are expressed. It is one of the vital skills students should learn and develop. Writing
follows a very complex process which makes it a difficult skill to be learned. Though
writing has been taught since elementary years, it is still one of the macro-skills that
the writing skills of the students, a writing remediation program could be the solution.
expressing ones thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. People can share their thoughts and
students, lecturers, and researchers adopt the formal writing style known as academic
writing. It differs from common place writing in that it contains particular elements, a
particular structure, use more academic vocabulary and complicated phrases, and
develops the argument logically while taking the audience into account.
In the study of Santos (2018), it was revealed that students struggled in
Nazareth high school when given a writing activity based on a learning competency.
Further, this study also seeks to explore how grade eleven Humss students
Also, through this research, the researcher believed that the results would
Manjet (2013, 2015, 2016) also cited that such setbacks have a negative
Eastern, African, East Asian, and Southeast Asian countries in dissertation writing.
Aims to analyze the writing difficulties of Humss students in Philippine
competency. Further, the study also seeks to explore how grade eleven Humss
Also, through the researcher believed that the results would highly contribute
them from passing the class. It has been observed that some of these students
teaching strategies, a lack of time committed to teaching writing skills, and possibly a
lack of resources.
3. What are the factors that many of the students have difficulties in writing ?
Students. As direct beneficiary of the study, It is anticipated that the results of this
So that they can handle any challenges they may run into as effectively as possible
Teachers. This study will provide baseline data that will guide the teachers in
Future Researchers. This study would help the researcher to be knowledgeable for
them to be a better analyst and it can be help as a future reference for more studies in
the future.
and social sciences students. The study will be conducted this SY: 2022-2023 of the
senior high school Humss students in Nazareth high school of Bansalan incorporated.
This section presents the gather information from various source such as
books, internet and journals that review writing difficulties and its indicators (Writing
McMahan et al. (2016) claimed the purposes of writing are to express feeling,
creation, the majority of students encounter several difficulties when trying to write.
confused when writing in English. For this talent to be effectively learned and taught
from the first stage of delivering education at the school level, extremely close
attention is required.
Writing difficulties
Richards (2019) highlights the fact that the main causes of students absence
avoid writing since it can be (1) difficult for kids to get started and feel overwhelmed
process, (3) Students struggle to organize and use writing mechanics, (4) Students
struggle to find the right word(s) to express an idea, (5) Students struggle to develop
their ideas fluently (poor ideation), (6) Students struggle to keep track of their
thoughts while also getting them down on paper, (7) Students think that writing is an
enjoyable process on paper is difficult and laborious, and eight students believe their
papers never come out as they had hoped Want, (8) students recognize that the paper
still lacks polish despite the fact that much time and effort was put into it, (9) students
struggle with basic processing due to dysgraphic issues, and (10) students have
dyslexia, which results in extremely poor spelling and prevents automatic use of
writing mechanics.
difficulties found in students’ writing are mostly in the areas of vocabulary and
grammar. In other words, those works of literature reported that students' writing
Content. Every piece of content one writes should have a book. It could be compared
to fishing, where in writers hook is that one uses to catch a reader in the net. It is
important to catch the reader’s attention in order to make them want to read further
the findings of Alharbi (2015), he determined that once students write what they read,
they relate the content in their experiences. Accordingly, if students have the wide
scope of their reading and the bunch of experiences, they could probably have the
There is little doubt that the difficulties and challenges have a variety of root
prior studies. Aldabbus (2017), for example, provided a list of several factors that
could make it difficult to obtain writing prowess. The interference (different writing
adjective order, different sentence structure, and different use of articles). Insufficient
class time for teaching and practicing writing, he continued, is yet another important
factor. Similarly, Altaeb, (2018) argued that students are usually taught how to write
sentences, paragraphs, and essays theoretically and then they are asked to practice
writing them at home as homework. Most of the students don’t bother themselves
doing their homework and directly resort to the internet for cut and paste.
Grammar. As a system of rules for the use of a language or the study of what is
participate in writing exercises in order for them to produce quality writing in the
future. Even though high schools provide a wide variety of disciplines. One of the
the students Plural markers, articles, verb tenses, and plural markers all had
significant problems.
improve students; writing skills, especially when they are foreign students. The
cognitive process of writing needs good use of the target language and thorough
writing because they are trying to find the correct words, are having trouble with the
grammar, or are having trouble with the punctuation. The majority of the problems
spelling can enhance the credibility of a writer and Make the written text more
readable and understandable. Research has shown that spelling practice is particularly
beneficial for young children as they are still in the process of developing their
writing skills. Through spelling practice, children learn to recognize and memorize
the spelling patterns of words, which in turn helps them to write with greater accuracy
and confidence. Moreover, spelling practice can help children to develope a more
extensive vocabulary and improve their overall language skills. By learning to spell
new words, children can also expand their knowledge of language and develop a
better understanding of how words are formed and used in different contexts.
Moreover Poor spelling skills can undermine the clarity and effectiveness of written
communication and can affect students' ability to express their ideas and thoughts
clearly and coherently. To overcome spelling issues, educators should provide regular
instruction and practice opportunities, such as teaching spelling rules, providing word
lists, and incorporating spelling activities into writing tasks. Additionally, educators
should create a supportive and encouraging learning environment that recognizes the
efforts and progress of students who struggle with spelling. Finally, targeted feedback
and positive reinforcement can help to boost students' confidence and motivation to
Conceptual framework
Linda S. Flower and John R. Hayes Social Cognitive Theory process model for
goal-directed thinking process, guided by the writer's own growing network of goals.
Hence, this study aims to identify and explore students’ academic writing difficulties.
Linda S. Flower and John R. Hayes developed a social cognitive theory process
model for writing, which proposes that writing is a complex cognitive process that
The model consists of three main stages: planning, translating, and reviewing.
Planning: In this stage, the writer generates ideas and plans the overall structure and
content of the text. This involves analyzing the writing task, setting goals, identifying
the audience, generating ideas, and organizing them into a coherent plan or outline.
Translating: In this stage, the writer converts the plan into written language. This
convey the intended meaning to the reader. During this stage, the writer also makes
decisions about the rhetorical aspects of the text, such as tone, style, and voice.
Reviewing: In this stage, the writer reviews and revises the text, with the goal of
improving its coherence, clarity, and effectiveness. This involves detecting and
correcting errors, clarifying ambiguities, improving the organization and coherence of
the text, and adjusting the rhetorical aspects of the text as needed.
The model also includes several interacting sub processes that occur within each
stage, such as goal setting, problem solving, monitoring, and evaluating. These sub
processes are influenced by both internal factors, such as the writers knowledge,
skills, and beliefs, and external factors, such as the task requirements, the audience,
Overall, the social cognitive theory process model provides a framework for
writing process.
Definition of terms
Writing. Is the process of choosing the appropriate letters, characters, and symbols to
Grammar. The study of the classes of words their inflections and their functions and
Spelling. the forming of words from letters according to accepted usage. A sequence
difficulties of Humss students. Will use the grounded theory approach and qualitative
content analysis to analyze the written work produced by the students. Since the
study’s primary objective was to examine the written work produced by Humss
students, The study was supplemented by the grounded theory approach and
qualitative content analysis, which helped participants identify the writing challenges
The Sample
The researcher will use Purposive sampling The participants in the study were
Humss students from Nazareth high school. The senior high school students were
Research Instrument
questions that have been meticulously created and are in a systematic manner for
The researcher will begin gathering the data and information needed by
collecting through the analysis of the written work produced by the students. The
written work collected within the Humss program to ensure diversity in the data.