What Are The Components of A Neural Network? Explain: Unit - I Part - A
What Are The Components of A Neural Network? Explain: Unit - I Part - A
What Are The Components of A Neural Network? Explain: Unit - I Part - A
Unit -I
Part –A
1. Define Machine Learning. List out its types
2. List out the applications of machine learning.
3. Differentiate supervised and unsupervised learning algorithm.
4. List out any 4 linear model algorithms for classification.
5. List out the types of logistic regression.
6. Give the relation diagram of AI, ML and DL.
7. Define stochastic gradient descent and give its advantages.
8. Write the universal approximation theorem for neural networks.
9. Expand SVM. List out its advantages and disadvantages.
10. Differentiate linear and logistic regression.
11. What is meant by support vectors? What is its significance?
12. Briefly explain the basic components of a neural network.
13. Give a simple diagrammatic representation of a neural network.
14. What is meant by batch? What are the batch size for different gradient descent types?
15. What is Deep Learning?
16. Point out the default activation function for modern neural networks.
17. Compare linear models and neural networks.
18. List reasonably common hidden unit types.
19. List some classification problems where Data augmentation is used.
20. What critical points or stationary points in derivative illustration of a function?
Part –B
1. Define Machine learning and explain in detail about its types.
2. Give a brief explanation about how supervised and unsupervised learning algorithm
works with examples.
3. Explain in detail about the following: a) SVM b) Logistic regression
4. Explain in detail about perceptron with neat sketches.
5. Explain multilayer perceptron with diagram.
6. What is meant by artificial neural network? Explain its basic types?
7. Explain in detail about “how to train a neural network”
9. with diagram
10. What are the components of
a Neural Network? Explain
11. with diagram
12. What are the components of
a Neural Network? Explain
13. with diagram
14. What are the components of
a Neural Network? Explain
15. with diagram
3. Explain Activation
Functions with diagram and
4. properties it must hold in
neural network model.
8. Explain Activation Functions with diagram and the properties it must hold in neural
network model.
Unit -I Deep Learning Question Bank
3. Compare activation
functions: 1). RELU 2).
9. Compare activation functions: 1). RELU 2). LRELU 3). ERELU
17. (2 M
18. each)
19. Q6
20. Explain backpropag
10. Explain the following terms denoting their notations and equations (where necessary)
with respect to deep neural networks:((Any-5)
a. Connection weights and Biases
b. Epoch
c. Layers and Parameters
d. Activation Functions
e. Loss/Cost Functions
f. Learning rate
g. Sample and batch
h. Hyperparameters
11. Define back propagation. Formulate an algorithm to design a backpropagation
network.List out its advantages and disadvantages.
12. a) What is the significance of back propagation networks with feed forward networks?
b) How to compute the error term?
c) Explain in detail about the different types of loss functions
Unit -II
Part –A
1. Define uncertainty. Give a solution for this.
2. Flip a coin. What is the chance of it landing heads side up?
3. Give Baye’s theorem with defined terms.
4. Define conditional probability with the help of a venn diagram.
5. Two dice are thrown at a time. What the probability of getting an 8 as its sum.
6. Differentiate posterior probability and prior probability.
7. What is the significance of naïve Bayesian classifier?
8. What is mean by overfitting? How can we overcome it?
9. What is meant by regularization? List out its types?
10. Differentiate between shallow network and deep network.
11. What is meant by batch normalization?
12. Define VC dimension.
13. What are the layers in a CNN architecture?
14. Define GAN. List out its types?
15. What are the types of activation functions in a neural network?
16. Briefly explain the working of a semi supervised learning algorithm
Part –B
3. With a neat sketch, explain the algorithm steps of a back propagation network.
4. Define batch normalization. Explain in detail about its working.
5. Define CNN. Explain its elements and layers in detail with neat sketches.
6. How can a deep learning network generate images?
7. Discuss the pros and cons of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. Relate
the significance of semi-supervised learning algorithm with its working principle.
8. Find out the probability of playing tennis for a set of attributes in the table under
thegiven condition (Outlook = sunny, Temperature = cool, Humidity = high, Wind
Unit -III
Part –A
1. List out the various types of Dimensionality Reduction techniques.
2. What is Encoder?
3. The input and output of auto-encoder is same? Justify.
Unit -I Deep Learning Question Bank
Part –B
1. List and explain the steps involved in Dimensionality Reduction using LDA technique.
2. Illustrate and explain in detail the architectures of AlexNet and VGG.
3. Illustrate the importance of principal components analysis.
4. Justify the advantage of auto encoder over principal component analysis for
dimensionality reduction.
5. Compare Structured Probabilistic Model and Unstructured Modeling
6. Describe the architectures of Inception and ResNet with neat diagram.
7. Sketch the schematic diagram of Autoencoders and explain its workflow.
8. How do you train a ConvNet? Summarize the concept of Weight initialisation and Batch
9. List down the hyper parameters to be optimised in neural networks. Explain how the hyper
parameters are optimized.
10. Reduce the number of features of the given data set from two to one
Unit -IV
Part –A
01. Establish the difference between LSTM and RNN?
02. Define Non-convex optimization.
03. Illustrate the architecture of RNN?
04. Give the blocks of decomposition of computation of most Recurrent Neural Networks
05. What is Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks?
06. Give the advantage of recursive nets over recurrent nets.
07. What are the gates and the uses of optimization problem?
08. Define Spatial Transformer Networks?
09. Define Reinforcement Neural Network?
10. Identify the Recurrent Neural Network Language Models?
Unit -I Deep Learning Question Bank
Unit -V
Part –A
Why are GPUs important for implementing deep learning models?
Which is the best algorithm for face detection?
Part –B
Explain Image Captioning in Deep Learning.
Demonstrate how the privacy will be affected when facial recognition gets used by private
Explain the different performance metrics used for Classification problem.