Lecture 4 - Right To Be Heard (3190266.1)
Lecture 4 - Right To Be Heard (3190266.1)
Lecture 4 - Right To Be Heard (3190266.1)
DATE: Tuesday 1st August 2023 & Thursday 3rd August 2023
TOPIC: Principles underlying the right to know the case against you and
the right to a fair hearing in the context of the Civil Procedure Act,
Chapter 21 of the Laws of Kenya and the Rules made thereunder.
(a) The Act:
Sections 19 to 22 of the Civil Procedure Act, Chapter 21 of the Laws of Kenya are
the substantive provisions upon which the Rules that set out the framework to
ensure a level playing ground in civil litigation, avoidance of trial by ambush and
consistency of parties in the respective positions that they take at any given time
during the course of the proceedings.
(b) The Rules:
The Civil Procedure Rules, 2010 (“the Rules”) under the Civil Procedure Act are
made pursuant to Section 81 of the Civil Procedure Act and are primarily designed to
set out a flight path with respect to the conduct of civil litigation in both the High
Court and the Subordinate Courts.
• It is a cardinal pillar of the process of a fair hearing that all parties to a suit be
• In Kenya, that principle has a constitutional underpinning in Article 48 of the
Constitution of Kenya 2010.
• The right to access to justice is so fundamental that whereas Article 24 of the
said Constitution provides for the limitation of rights and fundamental freedoms
in certain circumstances, Article 25 of the said Constitution specifically states
that amongst the rights and freedoms which cannot be limited is the right to a
fair trial.
• The right to a fair trial entails the right of a party to present its case in court and
be heard in respect thereof and the corresponding right of the person sued to
also present its defense in Court and be heard in respect of the said defense.
• In the case of Kanda versus Government of Malaya [1962] AC 322, Lord
Denning stated that if the right to be heard is to be a real right which is worth
anything, it must carry with it a right in the accused man to know the case
which is made against him. He must know what evidence has been given and
what statements have been made affecting him; and then he must be given a
fair opportunity to correct or contradict them.
• Whereas in the Kanda case, Lord Denning was expressing himself in a criminal
case context, his expression is true with respect to civil cases.
• The enactment of and the provisions contained in the Civil Procedure Act,
Chapter 21 of the Laws of Kenya, is primarily tailored to give effect to the
litigants right to a fair trial and to ensure that parties to a dispute are accorded a
framework under which their fundamental right to a fair hearing can be realized.
• The Act which is enacted to make provision for the procedure in civil courts and
the Rules made under section 81 of the Civil Procedure Act is a series of
provisions to facilitate a fair trial and a common known procedure so as to
ensure a level playing ground for the parties to a suit.
(Fast Track)
3. At all material times relevant to this suit, the Plaintiff has been constructing a
permanent house upon land parcel number EAST / JINJA 62. To facilitate his
ease of access the Plaintiff applied concrete on a portion of the path leading
to his home from the main murram road to his home such that it became
motorable. And in order to enhance the security of his home, he constructed a
security gate house (sentry house) at the back of the main house.
4. The Defendant’s house sits on land parcel number EAST/ JINJA/ 60 which is
separated from the Plaintiff’s parcel number EAST /JINJA /62 by the common
pathway which the Plaintiff improved by applying concrete.
6. By the contents of the said posting in its entirety, either in its natural and
ordinary meaning, or by imputations and innuendoes, the Defendant meant
and was understood to mean that:
Of the Plaintiff
(a) He is a land grabber with no concern for the wider interest of the
community who are his neighbors.
(b) He is an outlaw who does not respect the Planning laws of this country.
(c) He is an insensitive person whose only interest in life is in enriching
(d) Has no regard whatsoever for the rights and interests of his neighbors.
The Plaintiff contends that the Defendant has since publication of the said
photos and the defamatory comments been very active in publishing further
defamatory matter by way of comments and responses to readers who have
visited his site. For instance, between the 31 st of March 2010 and April 2 nd
2010, the following reports appeared on the Defendant’s domain.
‘Top of Form
[email protected]
What is more sad is the fact that the guy whose farm is on the left is
who has no voice. And the local administration is fully aware of the
March 31 at 5.21 pm. Report
This is not an April fools prank. This is somebody who has built on a
road. I am just trying to mulika mwizi here.
March 31 at 11.03 pm. Report
7. The Defendant falsely and maliciously wrote and printed and published and
distributed or caused to be written, printed, published and distributed the said
defamatory matter while knowing fully well that the allegations of and
concerning the Plaintiff were untrue.
8. Before the publication of the said libel the Plaintiff in his capacity as the
Chairman of CCCCC Bank of enjoyed extremely high esteem and respect
from shareholders and directors of the companies and his colleagues in the
business community.
9. The said publication was malicious and calculated, to injure, disparage and
lower the esteem with which right-thinking members of the society in general
regarded and held the Plaintiff. Further, the Defendant posted the said
sensational post out of malevolence and spite and without justifiable cause
thereby discrediting the good way and the reputation of the Plaintiff.
10. By the publication of the said letter, the Plaintiff has been greatly injured in
character and reputation as a consequence whereof the Plaintiff has been
brought into grave public ridicule, scandal, odium and contempt in the eyes of
right-thinking members of the society.
11. The Plaintiff will rely on the following facts and matters to support his claim for
exemplary damages.
12. Despite the Plaintiffs having given notice of intention to sue and having
demanded of the defendants to:
The defendant has failed, refused, or neglected to meet any of the foregoing
13. That there is no other suit pending and that there have been no previous
proceedings in any Court between the Plaintiff and the Defendant in respect
of the subject matter in this suit.
14. This Honorable Court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine this suit
ABC CORPORATION.................................................................................PLAINTIFF
(Fast Track)
The Plaintiff will refer to the Guarantee at the trial of this suit for its full tenor
and meaning.
5. As of this date, JKL Limited (the Buyer) has failed to make payment of the
Claim Amount despite demand for the Claim Amount being made pursuant to
the Payment Guarantee.
6. The Plaintiff’s claim against the Defendant is for the sum of USD 800,000
being the Claim Amount due under the Settlement Agreement.
7. By an email dated 21st January 2018, the Plaintiff notified the Defendant
pursuant to an earlier telephone conversation of the default on the part of JKL
Limited and forwarded the payment guarantee for settlement and by an email
dated 21st January 2018, the Defendant acknowledged the Plaintiff’s email of
the same day and promised to revert in due course.
8. On 22nd January 2018, the Defendant by way of email advised the Plaintiff
that they had notified the re-insurer of the possibility of a claim under the
payment guarantee and were awaiting to be advised by the re-insurer of the
documentation required. Later the same day, the Defendant forwarded to the
Plaintiff claim forms and also sought to know from the Plaintiff the steps the
Plaintiff had undertaken to repossess the equipment as they were of the view
that the repossession was necessary in order to recover the outlay.
9. On 23rd January 2018, the Plaintiff forwarded to the Defendant the duly
completed the claim form which the Defendant acknowledged receipt of.
10. On 5th February 2018, the Defendant by email advised the Plaintiff that they
had received the Plaintiff’s email of 5 th February 2018 and had forwarded the
same to their claims department and re-insurers and would keep the Plaintiff
11. By a further written notice dated 1st May 2018, the Plaintiff notified the
Defendant of default in payment by the Buyer and proceeded to demand
payment from the Defendant of USD 800,000 being the Claim Amount due
under the Settlement Agreement. The Defendant has neglected, refused
and/or failed to pay the said sum or any part thereof and persists in such
neglect, refusal and/or failure.
12. Additionally, and by another written notice dated 19 th January 2019, the
Plaintiff’s advocates demanded payment from the Defendant of USD 800,000
being the Claim Amount due under the Settlement Agreement but the
Defendant has continued to neglect, refuse and/or have failed to pay the said
sum or any part thereof and persists in such neglect, refusal and/or failure.
14. The Plaintiff states that there is no other suit pending and that there have
been no previous proceedings in any Court between the Plaintiff and the
Defendant in respect of the subject matter in this suit.
15. This Honourable Court has the jurisdiction to hear and determine this suit.
REASONS WHEREFORE the Plaintiff pray for judgment against the Defendant for:-
(c) Interest on (a) and (b) above from the date of judgment until payment in full;
(d) Any further or other relief this Honourable Court may deem fit to grant.
2. THAT I have read and fully understood the contents of the plaint attached
herewith and confirm that all the averments therein are correct.
3. THAT what I have deponed herein above is true to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief.
Should you fail to enter an appearance within the time mentioned above, the Plaintiff may
proceed with the suit and judgment may be given in your absence.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court this…….... day of…………….2021
NOTE: You may appear in this by entering an appearance either personally or by duly
appointed advocates at ………………NAIROBI……………………………..
Appearance can be entered by filing with the Court Memo of Appearance (forms are
obtained from Court at 15 cents each) in duplicate, showing the defendant’s address for
service. A filing fee must accompany such memoranda. A copy of the memo of appearance
should also be sent to the plaintiff or his advocate, if any.
• Under the 2010 Civil Procedure Rules, summons to enter appearance are
required to be prepared by the Plaintiff’s Counsel and are required to be
collected by the Plaintiff or his Counsel from the Court duly signed and sealed
by the Court within 30 days of the plaint being filed.
• It is ordinarily the duty of the Plaintiff through Counsel to arrange for the service
of the summons and plaint upon the Defendant.
• Under Order 5 Rule 2, summons are initially valid for a period of twelve months
from the date of its issue and its’ validity may be extended from time to time.
• In the case of Kenya Industrial Estates Limited versus Ogana & Another
[2004] 1 EA 96 the Court held that:
PLEASE ENTER APPEARANCE for XYZ LIMITED the Respondent herein whose
address for service for the purposes of this suit is care of Wakili & Company
Advocates of Justice House, 2nd Floor, Kenyatta Avenue, P. O. Box 1234-00100,
P.O. BOX 6789-00200
• This Order deals with defence and counter-claim.
• A statement of defence serves 2 primary purposes:
o It sets out the Defendant’s defence to the claim contained in the plaint
so as to give the Plaintiff the similar right to know the defence to his/her
claim by the Defendant.
o It serves to secure the parties' equality before the law in that both
parties lay their respective cases upfront.
• A statement of defence filed on behalf of the Defendant is a statement setting
out in brief and concise terms, the basis of the Defendant’s resistance to the
Plaintiff’s statement of claim contained in the plaint.
(Sample of A Statement of Defence)
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY………………………………………………...... DEFENDANT
6. The Defendant further contends that the words publicized were not
defamatory in any manner, sense or form and in particular in the manner
set out in paragraphs 6 of the Plaint. The Defendant shall rely on the
defence of justification and truth and puts the Plaintiff to strict proof of the
averments in the stated paragraphs of the Plaint.
10. The Defendant avers that the contents of paragraph 10 of the Plaint are
denied and the Plaintiff is put to strict proof thereof.
12. Paragraph 12 of the Plaint is denied and the Defendant puts the Plaintiff to
strict proof thereof.
13. The Defendant denies contents of paragraph 13 of the Plaint and the
Plaintiff is put to strict proof thereof.
REASONS WHEREFORE the Defendant avers that the Plaintiff’s claim ought to be
dismissed with costs.
P.O. BOX 30
• A Court has the duty to look at and consider a statement of defense even if the
said statement has been brought to its notice irregularly (See Gateway
Insurance Company Limited versus Mjahid [2003] 1 EA 74)
• The Court has powers to strike out a statement of defense on the grounds that
it is:
o Discloses no reasonable defense to the statement of claim; or
o It is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious; or
o It may prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action; or
o It is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court.
Wamutu versus Kiarie [1982] KLR 480;
DT Dobie versus Muchina [1982] KLR 1;
Hirji versus Alibhai [1974] EA 314.