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Name: Dabandan, Jeralyn P.

Name of Instructor/Professor: Merichele Merculio Date: Sept 01, 2023

Activity 1

In this activity, let us find out how teachers, students, and educators define curriculum in
their own point of view, interview four (4) different persons, (e.g. elementary grades teacher,
school principal, college teacher, non - education student, education student and high
school/ elementary pupil) and ask each one the question: What is curriculum to you? Record
their answers and present their definitions using the FRAYER MAP below. Are their views
similar? Different? Write your own comments below the map. Outputs will be shared to



PERSON 1 The term curriculum refers to a plan

that contains series of intended
A set of learning expectations that describe the learning outcomes or objectives that
knowledge and abilities students should gain make students should need to attain. Also,
up the curriculum for each subject or field. I considered it as a backbone of
PERSON 2 education that helps to cultivate the
young mind, hence it serves as a
Curriculum is the core of a course or subject. The compass for the teachers to be able
term”curriculum” refers to an interactive system of for them to teach the necessary
teaching and learning that has specific objectives, things in order to address the needs
themes, measurement methods, and resources. of students.
For me curriculum is about making students ready
for what they might encounter in their future.
Curriculum is a method of teaching in schools that
uses different learning materials that are relevant to
current or even future studies.


Lesson plan, assignments, lesson, students  Using social media for no more
performance, activity, performance task, quiz, than 10 minutes per day, daily
examination, recitation, teaching demonstration. exercise,
 Getting 8 hours of sleep per night

According to my interviews, everyone has the same viewpoint on the curriculum;

they just explain it differently. However, they all concur that the curriculum is an
important component of education since it serves as a bridge or guide for everyone's
NAME: Cielo Nicole DC. De Guzman SCORE:
NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Ma’am Marichele Merculio DATE: Sept 1, 2023
In this activity, let us find out how teachers, students and educators define curriculum in their
own point of view. Interview four (4) different persons, (e.g. Elementary grade teachers,
school principal, college teacher, non-education student, and high school/elementary pupil)
and ask each one the question: What is curriculum to you? Record their answers and
present their definitions using the FRAYER MAP below. Are their views similar? Different?
Write your own comments below the map. Outputs will be shared to class.



Person 1: Curriculum refers to the Curriculum is the best way to guide

educational program/courses offered by an and understand the topic to gain
educational institution. knowledge to our student. As a future
teacher when we say curriculum it is
Person 2: A set of courses constituting an basically teachers need to teach their
area of specialization students to develop their skills and it is
Person 3: Curriculum is the outline of what the backbone of education that helps
and how students will be taught throughout to cultivate the students.
the school year.
Person 4: Curriculum this is usually have
one class and base on it they teach their
students several different subjects.

 Learning resources, assessment criteria,  College unrelated topic/subject

projects, textbooks, homework, and self- to the course outline
learning modules for elementary school  Dance Contest
students.  Social interaction
 Learning areas for Senior High School
learners such as Languages, Literature,
Communication, and Social Sciences.

According to my interviews, their answer have a similar to each other. They explain that
curriculum serves as a guide and outline of how the students will be taught throughout
the school year. They believes curriculum is the heart of the school and will helps to
practice and master the subject matter.
NAME: Joshua Nicolas DC. Barrera SCORE:
NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Ma’am Marichele Merculio DATE: Sept 1, 2023
In this activity, let us find out how teachers, students and educators define curriculum in their
own point of view. Interview four (4) different persons, (e.g. Elementary grade teachers,
school principal, college teacher, non-education student, and high school/elementary pupil)
and ask each one the question: What is curriculum to you? Record their answers and
present their definitions using the FRAYER MAP below. Are their views similar? Different?
Write your own comments below the map. Outputs will be shared to class.


Person 1: The Curriculum encompasses the Curriculum is the general standard in
set of subjects, learning objectives, aiming learning where all schools are
instructional materials and assessment that followed.
guides students education and development
Person 2: The Curriculum refers to the
structured plan of courses and academic
activities that you will undertake to complete
your degree program
Person 3: Curriculum serves as a roadmap
of designing lessons, selecting teaching
materials and planning educational
experiences that design with the program
goals and objectives
Person 4: Curriculum refers to the set of
subjects, topics and learning objectives that
you teach your students throughout the
school year


 Course Syllabus  Personal Hobbies

 Textbook Reading Lists  Independent Reading
 Lecture Notes and Presentations  Social Interactions
 Group Projects  Career Goals
 Extracurricular Activities

As I questioned them about what the Curriculum is, their answers are very similar to each
other. They said that the Curriculum serves as a guide that outlines what students should
learn and the goals they should achieve within a certain educational program or course.

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