Mefc 109 Final Exam

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First Semester, School Year 2020-2021

NAME: ________________________________ Score: ________

Course, Year & Section: _________________ Date: _________

I. Identification
Direction. Identify the following terms. Write your answer on your answer sheet. (2 pts. Each)
1. It is a type of mechanical damping in which energy is absorbed via sliding friction.
2. It is also called structural damping where dissipation of energy is a function of friction within a
3. Damping that occurs when energy is dissipated for a vibrating body on the free surface between two
4. It is a vibration of a system due to the system own internal force.
5. Friction that occurs when the two objects are stationary or undergoing no relative motion.
6. Friction that occur when the two objects are undergoing relative motion and they are sliding against
each other.
7. Vibration that occurs when work is being done on the system while the vibrations occur.
8. Is an eigenvalue algorithm which extends the idea of the inverse iteration to obtain accurate estimates?
9. It is also known as engineer’s beam theory or classical beam theory.
10. The first person who formulated the differential equation of motion of vibrating beam.
11. A finite element method which uses local spaces consisting of functions, not necessarily polynomials
that reflect the available information on the unknown solution and thus ensure good local approximation.
12. The response of a dynamic system to suddenly applied non-periodic excitations
13. The ratio of the amplitude of response to the static deflection of a spring to a constant force.
14. The response of a system to a harmonic excitation.
15. The ratio of the inertia force and the diameter –to-length ratio.

II. Essay. Answer the following questions as completely as possible.

1. What is the purpose of experimental modal analysis? Explain.(5 pts.)

2. What is phase-shift error? When does it become important? (5 pts.)
3. What are the important considerations with vibration isolator selection? Discuss each. (5 pts.)
4. What are the desirable characteristics of a vibration-reducing material? Why? (5 pts.)
5. What are the factors influencing the selection of passive vibration isolators? (5 pts.)
6. Discuss the proper mounting of vibrometer. (5 pts.)
7. Explain the characteristics and procedures of estimation of the following transient response :(2 pts.
a) peak time,
b) overshoot,
c) settling time,
d) rise time, and
e) decay time.

REV. 00 (07.15.2020)

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