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Eapp Division Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read carefully all the statements below. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. It refers to the formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications.
A. columns
B. academic writings
C. research papers
D. journals
2. It pertains on the attitude of the writer about the text. It can be distinguished through the words used by the
A. purpose
B. language use
C. style
D. tone
3. It is the amount of information that an author knows about his or her topic. The reader is the one who can
distinguish how much knowledge an author has in topic he or she is writing.
A. knowledge
B. purpose
C. tone
D. style
4. A feature of language that tells that a written language should not be personal.
A. Caution
B. Formality
C. Objectivity
D. Explicitness
5. How do you determine your language when you are writing academic paper?
A. Consider the audience
B. Consider the rules in writing
C. Consider your purpose or topic
D. Consider your knowledge

6. A style of writing that the author is trying to explain a concept, imparting information to the audience. It is not
subjective but rather focuses on facts that are supported by evidence.
A. narrative style of writing
B. expository style of writing
C. descriptive style of writing
D. persuasive style of writing
7. This style of writing tries to convince the audience of a position or belief and contains the author’s opinions and
biases, as well as justifications or reasons given by the author as evidence of the correctness of their position.
A. persuasive style of writing
B. descriptive style of writing
C. expository style of writing
D. narrative style of writing
8. This type of text structure presents the causal relationship between a specific event, idea, or concept.
A. cause and effect
B. spatial or descriptive
C. problem-solution
D. chronological order
9. “The queen’s funeral (plus what’s happening with the money and the corgis), explained.”
What style of writing is used in that example?
A. narrative
B. expository
C. argumentative
D. descriptive
10. This type of text structure features a detailed description of someone or something to give the reader a mental
A. Cause and effect
B. Spatial/description
C. Problem-solution
D. Comparison and contrast
For numbers 11.-15. Refer to the text below and answer the following questions.
Many people believe college is just a continuation of high school. However, the two have distinct differences
that can’t be ignored when you walk onto a college campus. And, it isn’t just that newfound freedom. Examine
the similarities and differences of college vs. high school by looking at the structure, teaching style, and grading.
Teachers use a lecture style with textbooks and notes on a chalkboard. Students ask questions during lectures
and take notes. Most of the time, the lecture follows the textbook. Furthermore, using the textbooks and
standardized rubrics from the school, high school students receive grades based on what they comprehend of the
material. Teachers use homework, tests, and quizzes to assess their ability. And students receive additional or
extra credit to help raise their grade.
While college does have a structure, it’s very different from the high school example. Students follow a
schedule, but it is a schedule of their own choosing. Rather than 6 hours a day in class, full-time college students
spend 12 to 18 hours per week attending classes. The school year follows a semester or quarter system that covers
one academic year.
In addition, when it comes to teaching styles, college professors aren’t going to go by the book. While books
supplement learning, their lectures are full of interactive materials, illustrations, personal experience, and their
own expertise in the subject. Rather than giving all the information, teachers expect students to find it on their
own through research assignments and homework. And if students have questions, it’s their responsibility to seek
teachers out unlike in high school.
-Your Dictionary
11. What text structure is used in the article?
A. problem-solution
B. chronological order
C. comparison and contrast
D. cause and effect
12. In the statement, “And students receive additional or extra credit to help
raise their grade.” It only implies that _________________________________.
A. students have extra-curricular activities that may compromise their
academic performance
B. students can bribe their teacher or professors to give them a higher
C. students may perform or do additional tasks to improve their grades.
D. students will undergo remediation.
13. What is the best title for the article?
A. What Comes after High School
B. High School vs. College
C. Being the Best Student
D. College Life
14. In the statement “college professors aren’t going to go by the book.” It only implies that
A. college professors use other learning resources for their lessons
B. college professors do not buy books
C. college professors know the content of the book
D. college professors sell and promote the book
15. The words while and unlike used in the article are considered ____________.
A. definition
B. signal words
C. modifiers
D. structure
16. It is a brief, clear statement of the most important points of a paragraph or passage.
A. narrative
B. essay
C. summary
D. report
17. It refers to a written plan that serves as a skeleton for the paragraph.
A. order
B. thesis statement
C. guide map
D. outline
18. Which of the following statements in SUMMARIZING is true?
A. The Summary is a thought that is true but is not in the passage.
B. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.
C. The Summary is specific, detailed information contained in the passage.
D. The Summary is always found in the first sentence of the passage.

Four numbers 19-24. Choose the letter that presents the best summary in each of the following paragraphs:

19. When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range- herding cattle up a dusty trail.
However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas,
the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal
harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and
other exotic wildlife.
A. There are a lot of cows in Texas.
B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.
C. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States.
D. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.

20. It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see the
elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the elephants were his favorite. Without much interest,
Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with their tails. Peter knew he should
be having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do was lie down and rest. Even the lions and
tigers did not interest him now.
A. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants.
B. The camels were swatting flies with their tails.
C. It was really hot at the zoo.
D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.

21. For the walls, Jenny thought she would use a bright yellow paint. She would pick a border that had mostly
bright red and green colors, and maybe a little bit of blue. She already had found some curtains that were sky blue
with streaks of red, blue and yellow that she thought would go great with the walls. And finally, she had picked a
carpet that was mostly blue with specks of red and yellow. Jenny couldn't wait till she was done decorating her
room. It was really going to look awesome.
A. Jenny likes bright colors.
B. Jenny was going to paint her room.
C. Jenny was picking out colors and materials to decorate her room.
D. Yellow is a good color to paint your walls.

22. Right now, Jason was playing right field. He really wanted to play third base. Earlier this year, coach had put
him in left field and second base in a game, but never at third base. Once in practice, coach let him play third base,
but he kept missing ground balls. When he did stop one, he made a bad throw to first base. Maybe if he kept
practicing, Jason would be good enough to play third base. That was his dream.
A. Jason really wanted to play third base.
B. Jason was the best player on his team.
C. Jason had trouble catching ground balls.
D. Jason was too lazy to practice.
23. Julie watched the ants as they carried small crumbs down the trail to the anthill. She thinks ants are very hard
working and industrious little creatures. They always seemed busy, and you never saw an ant just laying around
doing nothing. They were carrying food, building tunnels, or defending the anthill. One thing you could say about
ants is that they sure aren't lazy.
A. Ants carry many things.
B. Some ants may bite you.
C. Ants are hard workers.
D. Some ants help take care of the queen.
24. The first book Chris read in fifth grade was about a lost kitten. Then he read a book about a family of bears, and
then he read about a wild kangaroo in Australia. It seems every book Chris reads about animals. Last week he found
a good book about snakes and reptiles, and another book about elephants. Today Chris went to the library, and he
checked out a book about dolphins, whales and other animals that live in the sea.
A. Chris likes kangaroos.
B. Chris is in the fifth grade.
C. Chris reads a lot of books about animals.
D. Dolphins and whales live in the sea.
25. This term refers to the focus of the information is on the topic or subject rather than the writer itself.
A. objective
B. subjective
C. explicit
D. formal

26. Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
And went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper.
What is the best summary for this passage?
A. A circus boy and girl are playing in the hill.
B. A boy fell, hurt his head, and bandaged it.
C. A boy helping a girl to fetch a pail of water.
D.Jack was sick after falling down the hill.

27. The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and
Washed the spider out
Up came the sun and
Dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the spout again
What is the best summary for this passage?
A. A spider fell but got up again.
B. A spider playing in the water spout.
C. A spider and the rain
D. A spider playing in the rain
28. Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty
Together again.

What is the best summary for this passage?

A. An egg had a great time with the king’s men.
B. An egg fell and was irreparably broken.
C. A broken hearted egg
D. An egg had fell.
29. Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet,
Eating some curds and whey.
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away
What is the best summary for this passage?
A. A spider scared away a girl.
B. A spider made friend with a girl.
C. A spider bit a girl.
D. A spider bit a boy.
30. What are the elements included in a summary?
A. Main events and supporting details
B. Main idea and key points
C. Key points and supporting details
D. Argument and key points
31.Which of the following statements has a thesis statement?
A. Listening skill can be developed.
B. Speaking skill and writing skill are considered active skills while listening and reading skills are passive
C. Reading develops a sound mind by means of increasing vocabulary, comprehension skills and speaking
D. The four macro skills should be mastered by every learner.
32. This genre of an essay states the topic of your paper, your position on the topic and the reasons
you have for taking that position.
A. Argumentative Essay
B. Narrative Essay
C. Expository Essay
D. Analytical Essay
33. It is a written plan that serves as a skeleton for the paragraphs you write.
A. Summary
B. Guide Map
C. Outline
D. Order
34. This refers to the detailed guide that shows how all your supporting ideas relate to each other.
A. Informal Outline
B. Formal Outline
C. Sentence Outline
D. Topic Outline
35.Which of the following examples uses alphanumeric outlines?


C. C.


For numbers 36-38. Read this passage and look at the outline:
The Internet is an incalculable tool for research. It is a network of thousands of computers across the world.
Researchers, students, government agencies, schools, businesses and individuals have left multi gigabytes of free
information on these computers, available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. There are
thousands of "web sites", as they are called, with text, pictures, sounds, and movie clips. You can see this material
by simply sending out the appropriate Internet address, and after a few moments, it appears on your screen. You can
type in the address directly, or you can automatically invoke an address by tapping on an icon or an underlined
"link" on the home page of a web site that you already have on your screen. Often the information can be printed or
downloaded (copied) directly to your local computer and saved on your own diskette.

I. The Internet
A. What it is
B. Web Sites
1. How to see them
2. How to save the information
36. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?
A. Web Sites
B. What it is
C. How to see them
D. The Internet

37.In the above outline, which is the more important idea?

A. How to see them
B. What it is
C. How to save the information
D. are all equal.
E. What shall I do
38. In the above outline, you could...
A. substitute "Web sites" for "The Internet"
B. substitute "How to see them" for "How to save the information"
C. substitute "What it is" for "How to see them"
D….and still not change the meaning of the outline.

For numbers 39-42. Look at this outline

I. Types of measurement

A. Volume
B. Length
II. Types of money
A. United States
B. Other Countries
39. In the above outline, which is the most important idea?
A. Types of money
B. Types of measurement
C. United States
D. "Types of money" and "Types of measurement" are equal
40.In the above outline, which is the more important idea?
Other countries
B. Francs
C. Inches
D. they are all equal.

41.In the above outline, which item is in the wrong place?

A. Pesos
B. Yen
C. Types of measurement
D. Pints
42.If you had to add the word "meters" to the outline, where would it go?
A. as number 4 under B - "Other Countries"
B. as number 4 under B - "Length"
C. as number 3 under A - "United States"
D. as C under II-"Types of Money"
43. If you were to criticize a film showing, what approach would best fit it?
A. Marxist Criticism
B. Formalist Criticism
C. Feminist Criticism
D. Reader-response Criticism
44. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected or contradicted by texts?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxcist
45. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the effects of class, power
relations, and social roles?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
46. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text, assuming meaning is created by a
reader's or interpretive community's personal interaction with a text?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
47. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form. It may
study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism?
A. Reader-response
B. Media Criticism
C. Historicism
D. Formalism
48. Which phrase conveys Formalist criticism?
A. Gender Roles
B. Social Classes
C. Audience Reaction
D. Elements of the Text

49. It focuses on reading the titles, subtitles, looking at the visual illustrations and other text features of an article in
order to have an idea about the topic and purpose of the text.
A. Scanning
B. Previewing
C. Skimming
D. Criticism
50. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?
A. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns.
B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
C. It may include the main purpose of the event.
D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.
51. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?
A. Facts
B. Objectives
C. Assessment
D. Personal Views
52. Why should we cite specific source?
A. It makes the reaction paper reliable.
B. It makes the paper more substantial.
C. It is an additional creative part of the paper.
D. It can attract many readers to read your paper.
53. It is a mode of paragraph development that answers the questions: What is it? What does it mean? What are
its special features?
A. Clarification
B. Definition
C. Explication
C. D. Analogy
54. It focuses your overall reaction.
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Thesis Statement
55.it is known as close reading where a text is read multiple times to uncover its deeper meaning.
A. Definition
B. Clarification
C. Explication
C. D. Illustration
56. Which of the is NOT true about a concept paper?
A. It expounds a concept.
B. It defines a concept.
C. It clarifies a concept.
D. It is a research paper

57. What are the two kinds of concept paper?

A. Implicit and Explicit
B. Old and New
C. True and False
D. Simple and Complex
58. Which discipline covers the fields of study like crop science, animal science, soil science, crop protection, and
economics and marketing?
A. Fishery
C. Agriculture
C. D. Biology
59. It is a formal concept analysis in a plan.
A. Novel concept
B. Awarded winning project
C. Engineering design
C. D. Project proposal
60. What skill can be developed in summarizing an academic text?
A. written communication skill
B. problem-solving skill
C. reading comprehension skill
D. critical thinking skill

Prepared by:


Emilia Perez Ligon High School
Teacher II

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