OVRS-1 Global Common Technical Specification For Production Robots

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Global Common Technical
Specification for Production Robots

Version 1.0
March 2018
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Ernest Olewinski — Opel Automobile GmbH / ME PPA Automation
Fernando de Pablo — Opel Automobile GmbH / ME PPA Automation

Forward questions and comments to:

Opel Automobile GmbH
Bahnhofsplatz I
Mail Code IPC 42-74
D-65423 Ruesselsheim am Main
Ernest Olewinski

Document revisions:
Date Revision By Revision history
2018-03 1.0 EO

March 2018 OVRS-1 1 of 62

Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Table of Contents

SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Purpose................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Applicability........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Terminology ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Conformance to Standards ................................................................................................................................. 7
Normative Reference ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Conflicts.................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 10

Languages ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Expected Service Life Cycle .............................................................................................................................. 10
Tags and Labels .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Wiring Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Paint ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Transportability Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 11
Fasteners.............................................................................................................................................................. 11

ROBOT ARM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 12

Faceplate ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Robot Product Line ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Robot Configurations ......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Overhead Rail Mounted Robot Requirements ........................................................................................ 12
3.3.2 Press Tending Robot Requirements ......................................................................................................... 13
Environmental Influences ................................................................................................................................... 14
Servo Motors ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mechanical Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 14
Static Braking System......................................................................................................................................... 14
Emergency Movement without Servo Power .................................................................................................. 14
External Brake System Release ........................................................................................................................ 14
Limiting the Robot Envelope ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.10.1 Software Limiting ................................................................................................................................. 14
3.10.2 Limiting Devices ................................................................................................................................... 14
3.10.3 Zone Limit Switches / Dynamic Limiting Devices................................................................................. 15
Servo Feedback .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Batteries............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Calibration (Mastering) ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Intra-Arm Cables ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Intra Arm Air Supply............................................................................................................................................ 17
Mechanical Unit to Controller Cables .............................................................................................................. 17
Lubrication........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Use of Silicone ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Lifting Provisions ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Base Plate ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Mounting Instructions ......................................................................................................................................... 18

ROBOT CONTROLLER REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 19

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Robot Control Cabinet ....................................................................................................................................... 19

Door Locks............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Lifting Provisions ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Wheels .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Service Hour Meter ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Cabinet Cooling................................................................................................................................................... 20
Supply Voltages .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Power Transient Protection ............................................................................................................................... 20
Supply Disconnecting Means ............................................................................................................................. 20
User A/C Power .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Electrical Door Interlock .................................................................................................................................... 20
Servo Disconnect................................................................................................................................................. 21
Electrical Shock Protection ................................................................................................................................ 21
Robot Mode Selector ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Fault Reset ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Indicators ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Remote Control Panel......................................................................................................................................... 21
Ethernet Connection........................................................................................................................................... 21
Robot I/O Connection Requirements ................................................................................................................ 21
Cell Safety Interface and Connector ............................................................................................................... 22
Distributed I/O Power Connectors .................................................................................................................... 23
Hardware Interface Connector Jumper Plug .................................................................................................. 23
Remote Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Robot I/O Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 24
4.24.1 Robot Process I/O Requirements ......................................................................................................... 24
4.24.2 Devicenet I/O Requirements ................................................................................................................ 24
4.24.3 EtherNet/IP I/O Requirements.............................................................................................................. 25
Robot Device I/O Power Supply ........................................................................................................................ 25
DeviceNet Class 2 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 25
External Axes ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Emergency Stop .................................................................................................................................................. 26
General and Auto Stop (Fence) Circuits .......................................................................................................... 27
Servo Contactor Circuit ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Power Failure Recovery ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Long-Term Program Storage ............................................................................................................................ 27
Memory................................................................................................................................................................. 27
External Memory Storage ................................................................................................................................. 28
Software Transfer ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Graphical User Interface Option ...................................................................................................................... 28
Stand Alone Servo Controller (Nobot) ............................................................................................................. 28

TEACH PENDANT REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................29

Teach Pendant Cable ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Enabling Device ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Teach Pendant Functionality ............................................................................................................................ 29

ROBOT CONTROL SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 31

Automatic Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 31
T1 Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
T2 Mode................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Path Control ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
TCP ........................................................................................................................................................................ 31

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Reference Position Outputs............................................................................................................................... 31

Timed Power Removal ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Collision Detection .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Payload Selection ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Automatic Load Identification.......................................................................................................................... 32
I/O Simulation ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Manual Setting of I/O ......................................................................................................................................... 32
I/O User Interaction ............................................................................................................................................ 32
I/O Display ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
Multi-Tasking ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
Virus-Free Software ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Diagnostics........................................................................................................................................................... 33
Special Application Software ........................................................................................................................... 33
Auto Error Recovery ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Move Restart Function ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Setup Parameters ............................................................................................................................................... 33
File Operations .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Error Logs ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Manual Function Execution ............................................................................................................................... 34
PLC Function ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
Integrated Vision ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Multi-Arm Control................................................................................................................................................ 35
Synchronized motion .......................................................................................................................................... 35

TEACHING FUNCTIONS REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................36

Servo-Independent Command Execution ....................................................................................................... 36
Non-Motion Execution........................................................................................................................................ 36
Motion Types In Teach ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Step-By-Step Program Execution ..................................................................................................................... 36
Backward Motion Execution.............................................................................................................................. 36
Hot Edit................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Display Coordinates ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Program Editing .................................................................................................................................................. 36

PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................37

Motion Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 37
8.1.1 Move Until ................................................................................................................................................. 37
8.1.2 Move Relative ........................................................................................................................................... 37
8.1.3 Move Axis.................................................................................................................................................. 37
Timers ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
I/O Instructions .................................................................................................................................................... 37
8.3.1 Set An Output ........................................................................................................................................... 37
8.3.2 Examine An Input ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Interrupt Routines ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Select Robot Frame/Work Object ..................................................................................................................... 38
Select Robot TCP................................................................................................................................................. 38
Branching and Looping ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Call a Subroutine ................................................................................................................................................. 38
User Input Function ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Boolean Logic ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Math Functions .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Comment Statement........................................................................................................................................... 39

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Adaptive Frame Adjust ...................................................................................................................................... 39

Text Display ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

PROGRAMMING UTILITIES ................................................................................................ 40

Mirror .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Reverse Path ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
Shift ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40
TCP Teaching ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Frame Teaching .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Path Copy ............................................................................................................................................................. 40
TCP Adjust ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
Frame Adjust ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Automatic Application Configuration Utility .................................................................................................. 40

COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 42

Purpose................................................................................................................................................................. 42
10.1.1 Disaster Recovery................................................................................................................................. 42
10.1.2 Change Monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 42
10.1.3 Plantwide Software Distribution.......................................................................................................... 42
10.1.4 Time Update......................................................................................................................................... 42
Network Associations ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Network Services ................................................................................................................................................ 42
10.3.1 File Transfer Service ............................................................................................................................. 42
10.3.2 Address Resolution Services ................................................................................................................ 44
Network Protocol Implementation ................................................................................................................... 45
10.4.1 Application Protocols ........................................................................................................................... 45
10.4.2 Network Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 45

PC BASED OFF LINE EDITING PACKAGE. ..................................................................... 46

ROBOT SIMULATION AND OFF LINE PROGRAMMING .............................................. 46

Basic Robot Model .............................................................................................................................................. 46
12.1.1 Required Data ...................................................................................................................................... 46
12.1.2 Geometry And Level Of Detail of Model .............................................................................................. 46
Accurate Controller Module (RCS) ................................................................................................................... 46
12.2.1 Compatibility........................................................................................................................................ 47
12.2.2 Functionality......................................................................................................................................... 47
12.2.3 Accuracy ............................................................................................................................................... 47

LOAD ANALYSIS TOOL .................................................................................................. 48

Application Input ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Application Output ............................................................................................................................................. 48

DUTY CYCLE ANALYSIS TOOL...................................................................................... 48

ANNEX A – HARDWARE CELL INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY ................................... 48

ANNEX B – SAFE I/O INTERFACE FUNCTIONALITY ...................................................... 9

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy


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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

This robot specification has been adopted by the Opel Automobile GmbH Corporate Robotics Council,
and the Global Vehicle Systems Robotics Standards Team as a standardized, practical tool for evaluating ro-
bots and robotic systems including peripherals. This specification is also utilized as a tool for requesting and
evaluating quotations from robot suppliers.
The intent of this specification is to:
 Assure that all essential information regarding each robot is documented in a uniform format,
simplifying the comparison of all robots being evaluated.
 Supply a functional specification to assist robot builders in establishing future robot features and
option content.
 Eliminate the need for program-specific changes by standardizing the production robot for purcha-
ses across OV.
 Guarantee that all robot items and features deemed critical for supporting and maintaining pro-
duction and assuring a safe working environment are specifically addressed by each supplier and
included on the robots being quoted.
This specification is not intended to inhibit new technology or restrict innovative applications. If any
part of this specification is deemed overly restrictive or negatively impacting new technology, the supplier is
encouraged to present that restriction to OV for further review. All changes made to this document shall be ag-
reed by OV Manufacturing EnginneeringGlobal Robotics Team.
This specification shall apply to all general-purpose production robots with 6kg or larger capacity
purchased by Opel Automobile GmbH. This includes, but is not limited to, robots purchased for arc welding, as-
sembly, dispensing, inspection, laser cutting, laser welding, machine load/unload, material handling, metal fi-
nishing, painting, palletizing, spot welding, stud welding, or water jet cutting.
This document shall not be considered adequate for either the specification of robots intended for use
in hazardous environments, such as painting, as designated by the applicable national standards, or for highly
specialized robots, such as through-the-arm laser welding robots. This specification addresses all the basic re-
quirements for such equipment, but does not completely cover the specific safety, hardware, and functionality
requirements critical in these applications.
This specification outlines the minimum technical requirements of the robot; however, it is not intended
to cover purchasing, financial, product liability requirements, or any other contractual terms and conditions of
the purchase.
In this specification, the word “shall” indicates a requirement, and the word “should” indicates a
Conformance to Standards
The supplier shall be responsible for the observation of all legal and other applicable regulations in
effect at the time of the contract completion, at the installation site. This refers to:
 Legal requirements effecting the technical design such as equipment safety requirements
 Other legal provisions applicable to the site of installation
 Generally accepted rules of technology

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

All systems and components in the robot control shall comply with the standards listed below. Full compli-
ance to these standards is required. Questionable compliance issues must be reviewed and resolved by OV-
Worldwide Purchasing, OV Manufacturing Enginneering. Suppliers are responsible for obtaining and reviewing
these standards.
Normative Reference
The following normative references contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. All normative documents are subject to revision and the most recent editions of the
normative standards indicated below shall apply.
ISO 8373, Manipulating Industrial Robots – Vocabulary
ISO 9409-1, Manipulating Industrial Robots – Mechanical Interfaces
ISO 9283, Manipulating Industrial Robots – Performance Criteria and Related Test Methods
ISO 9787 Manipulating Industrial Robots – Coordinate Systems and Motions Nomenclatures
ISO 9946 Manipulating Industrial Robots – Presentation of Characteristics
OV OVRS-FP Functional Package Specification
EN 418 Safety of Machinery; Emergency Stop equipment, functional aspects
EN 775 Manipulating industrial robots; Safety
EN 60204 -1 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines
LVE1 Electrical Engineering Delivery Specifications
VDE determinations, DIN norms and VDE guidelines
CE conformity acknowledgement, resp. Certificate
ANSI/RIA R15.06, Industrial Robots and Robot Systems Safety Requirements.1
ANSI/RIA R15.05-1, Point-to-Point and Static Performance Characteristics - Evaluation
ANSI/RIA R15.05-2 Path-Related and Dynamic Performance Characteristics - Evaluation NFPA
79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
SAE HS-1738, Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery – Supplement to NFPA 79
ANSI B11.19, Safeguarding When Referenced By Any Other B11 Machine Tool Safety Standard.
ANSI B11.20, Manufacturing Systems/Cells - Safety Requirements for Construction, Care and Use.
IEC 60947-5-1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching
elements - Electromechanical control circuit devices.
In case of a conflict between this specification and any other specification or code cited, or as required
by law, the interpretation of the issue in question shall be determined by OV.
Anticipate: The amount of time that the output can be shifted forward, or backward, in time.
Boom: On a standard, 6 degree-of-freedom robot, the mechanical structure that extends between
the third joint and the wrist joints.

1 ISO 10218-1 Robots for Industrial Environments – Safety Requirements will be an acceptable replacement
for ANSI/RIA R15.06 once it is approved and adapted by Opel Automobile GmbH. Compliance and ac-
ceptance timing shall be coordinated with the appropriate OV Manufacturing Enginneering.
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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Control Reliable: A control circuit designed so that the failure of a single component shall not pre-
vent the normal stopping action from taking place, but it shall prevent successive cycles until the component
failure has been corrected. See the Normative and Informative References Section of this specification for ad-
ditional requirements of control reliable circuits.
Dynamic limiting device (DLD): A limiting device that is used to mute a point of operation guard
during a portion of the automatic cycle.
Frequent: For the purposes of this document, “frequent” is used to classify types of maintenance that
may be required on the robot. Maintenance is “frequent” when it is required to be performed more often than
once a year on a robot running 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Hardware Circuit: A control circuit implemented only with electro-mechanical components (e.g., re-
lays, limit switches and push buttons) or solid state devices.
Heartbeat: The robot controller operating system speed that pertains to I/O, variable, and path ti-
Hip: On a standard, 6 degree-of-freedom robot, the mechanical structure between the base rotatio-
nal joint and the remaining joints of the robot.
Mean sea level: The average value of “sea level”.
Non-Motion Power: Power to the inputs and outputs (e.g., inputs from proximity sensors and out-
puts to lamps) that does not involve motion of any kind.
Principal axes: Refer to ISO 8373 “arm primary axes”.
Pure operating time: The time that the robot servo contactors are engaged and the servo system is
used to position the robot.
Reliability: The probability that the robot or component can perform continuously, without failure,
for a specified interval of time while operating under normal plant conditions.
Safety Relay: A commercial component that internally provides monitoring of dual input circuits in
order to fulfill the requirements of control reliable circuits. A safety relay shall have an IEC 947-15 rating.
Singularity: A point in the robot motion path that potentially has multiple solutions to the path plan-
ning. This may cause radical wrist re-orientation during the robot’s motion through the singularity.
Tool center point (TCP): In relation to the tool end-of-arm, a point defined in space that re-
presents the center of the tool on the robot. This point is used for the definition of the tool while programming
and during motion of the robot.

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Version 1.0 Scope OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

General Requirements
1. The following languages shall be available when cited:
a. English
b. French
c. Dutch
d. German
e. Portuguese
f. Spanish
g. Swedish
h. Chinese
i. Korean
j. Polish
k. Flemish
l. Russian
2. OV will specify at the time of order, which languages shall apply. Other languages may be specified at
the time of quotation.
3. Language selection shall apply to teach pendant language, technical manuals, tags and labels, and all
warning signs and designations on the robot, controller and teach pendant.
4. The robot shall provide the ability to switch between English and the local language on the Teach Pen-
Expected Service Life Cycle
All robots shall perform within the manufacturers specification for at least 8 years based on a 3-shift per
day schedule. This performance requirement assumes that only normal maintenance and no rebuild will be
Tags and Labels
1. All text shall be in the specified local language, and in English. Text shall be eliminated through use of
international symbols where ever possible.
2. Tags shall be permanent, smudge-proof, and appropriate for the environment.
3. Identification tags shall be affixed on robot controller components such as receptacles, cable connec-
tors, terminals, terminal strips and blocks. Each tag shall be unique.
4. Identification tags shall be affixed on robot controller components such as: I/O, CPU, axis, safety and
other cards, electronic card slots, control components, fuses. Each tag shall be unique. An approved
layout drawing laminated and attached to the enclosure door can be used to satisfy this requirement.
5. Electronic card slots shall be marked indicating the functional group such as safety, CPU, and I/O at a
clearly visible manner. An approved layout drawing laminated and attached to the enclosure door can
be used to satisfy this requirement.
6. All tags and labels shall be large enough to be read easily from a distance of 1 meter and shall have a
high contrast between the letters and the background.
Wiring Requirements
1. All cables shall be identified on both ends.
2. All wires in connectors shall be identified either by unique color, marker or both.
3. Harnesses and cables routed to doors, swinging or sliding panels shall be protected from wear and
4. Cables shall not be fed through holes with sharp metal edges.
5. Breakage of a cable, defective components or failure of control lines must not lead to robot motions or
an uncontrolled continuation of robot motions.

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Version 1.0 General Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

1. All robots and robot controllers shall be painted.
2. Lead-based paint shall not be used.

Transportability Requirements
The equipment shall be either protected or designed to withstand temperatures within the range of –
25oC to +55C, and for short periods of less than 24 hours up to 70 C, during transportation. Protection to pre-
vent damage from humidity, vibration and shock shall also be provided.
All fasteners shall be metric thread. See OVRS-FP for fitting requirements.

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Version 1.0 General Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Robot Arm Requirements

1. The design of the robot faceplate for robots with 6 kg capacity or higher shall conform to ISO 9409-1
Table 1 position 8. Heavy payload or extra heavy payload robots may follow positions 11 or 12 if requi-
red. Exceptions shall be approved by the appropriate OV Manufacturing Enginneering.
2. Robots with 75 kg or higher capacity shall be equipped with an insulated faceplate, which is integrated
into the wrist without affecting the TCP and is capable of insulating 400 VAC at 95% humidity for 10 se-
Robot Product Line
1. The product line shall contain sufficient mechanical unit models to satisfy the following typical OV ap-
plications (see Table 3-1). Reach and payload entries may be considered minimum acceptable values.
2. If mechanical modifications are required to achieve the above requirements (arm extensions), the con-
version shall be easy and quick and field installable.
3. The robot manipulator should have the ability to increase the payload (with potentially reduced speed)
or to increase the speed (with potentially reduced payload) of the robot manipulator without sending
the robot back to the manufacturer.
4. Arm extension for standard reach to long reach shall be quoted as an option.

Table 3-1 OV Applications

Horizontal Vertical Reach
Family Load
Material handling* and 5kg-20kg .7-1.9m
Arc welding
* Small part and machine tending type
MH applications
Material handling* and 75kg 2.25m
Pogo welding
* Small part and machine tending type
MH applications
Material handling and 120kg 2.8-3m
spot welding
Material handling and 150kg-200kg 2.4-3m
spot welding
Material handling and 200kg-700kg 2.4-3m
spot welding
Large envelop / high 850kg-1000kg* 3.0m 5-5.5m*
payload material hand- *C.O.G. up to 1m from faceplate
C.O.G. – Center of Gravity
* 2m horizontal reach required at
top & bottom of 5m vertical
Press Tending* 100kg@1m 3.5m
* See section 3.3.2 for additional de-
125kg@ Faceplate
Dispense 20kg-50kg 3.1m

Robot Configurations
For body assembly applications, special types of construction such as “Compact “ or “Space saver“,
“Shelf version“, “Top Loader”, and a seventh axis shall also be available and included in the delivery program.
3.3.1 Overhead Rail Mounted Robot Requirements
Overhead rail mounted or “Top Loader” systems shall meet the following minimum requirements:

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Version 1.0 Robot Arm Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

1. For robot arm maintenance purposes, the rail shall have the option to add multiple mechanical lockout
devices (shot pins) at any point along the rail. The mechanical lockout devices shall have the capability
to be actuated from floor level.
2. For multi-arm applications, the rail shall have the option to add multiple directional hard stops to limit
each robot arm movement on the rail.
3. For multi-arm applications, a single robot controller shall be able to control at least 3 robot arms moun-
ted on a single rail.
4. The rail shall have the option to add an automatic lubrication system.
5. Each rail mounted arm shall be equipped with cable management systems and/or cattrack that include
cable separators along the rail which allow for the separation of signal and power cables.
6. Overhead rails shall be available in side and underside mounting configurations.
3.3.2 Press Tending Robot Requirements
The payload capability minimum requirement is 100kg rated with C.O.G. 1 meter away from the face-
plate with no restriction on faceplate orientation. See Table 3-2 for specific payload requirement examples.
Table 3-2 : OV Metal Forming – Payload Data for Maximum-Size Tools and Parts
(Center and 90-Degree Tools)
Maximum Size Maximum Size
(4500) Center Tool (4500) 90-degree
and Part Tool and Part
Mass (kg)
m 80 60

Center of Gravity or CG (m)

CGx 0 0.8
CGy 0 0
CGz 0.25 0.2

Moments of Inertia (M.O.I., Centroidal) (kg m^2)

Ixx 50 30
Iyy 30 30
Izz 50 55

Mass (kg)
m 125 100

Center of Gravity or CG (m)

CGx 0.1 1
CGy 0 0
CGz 0.3 0.3

Moments of Inertia (M.O.I., Centroidal) (kg m^2)

Ixx 100 100
Iyy 50 50
Izz 130 130
NOTES: Robot faceplate offset
Robot faceplate by 1.24m from center
centered on top of part of part

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Version 1.0 Robot Arm Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Environmental Influences
The mechanical unit, including servo motors, shall be designed to be resistant to the environmental con-
ditions encountered in the automotive plant and shall meet IP67 or higher level of protection.
Servo Motors
All servo axes controlled by the robot controller (including external axes such as a track) shall be powe-
red by brushless electric servomotors.
Mechanical Requirements
Robot design and construction shall be based on the metric system. Non-metric fasteners will not be
Static Braking System
1. All axes that can fall or move due to gravity or another stored energy, whether due to their design or
application, shall have a static braking system. This braking system shall remain “on” (engaged), when
control power is removed, and shall be able to retain the arm and full payload at full extension after all
power, air, and other utilities are removed from the robot.
2. The actuation of the Emergency Stop under the maximum permissible load and extension must not
lead to any damages of the mechanical unit.
3. Automatic, periodic verification of brake functionality shall be included to verify that brake wear has
not reached a hazardous level. Performance of the brake verification shall not adversely affect brake
performance or cause excess wear.
Emergency Movement without Servo Power
1. When controller power is “on” and servo power is “off”, each axis (including major motion auxiliary
axes) of the robot arm shall be movable without the use of special tools or software functions. A means
of overpowering the brakes or a manual brake system release shall be available. Controls for the stan-
dard robot axes, installed on the mechanical arm of each robot, shall be available as an option.
2. The system shall be protected from accidental operation; however, this means of protection shall not
be lockable. If a tool is required to activate arm movement or brake release, it shall be permanently
attached to the robot.
External Brake System Release
Suppliers shall provide, as an option, an external, portable shared device to release the brake system in
the event that controller power is not available. This device shall be powered by a standard power outlet.
Limiting the Robot Envelope
3.10.1 Software Limiting
All axes shall have adjustable software limits to restrict the robot operating envelope.
3.10.2 Limiting Devices
1. All robots shall have two adjustable hard stops on the base rotation axis, as well as one on axis 3 to limit
“flip over” motion if applicable. Adjustable hard stops for both directions of travel shall be optional on
the remaining principal axes including a second stop for axis 3 motion opposite the “flip over” direc-
2. The steps on the base rotation axis shall be a minimum of 2.5 degrees, on the additional principal axes
15 degrees.
3. Limiting devices shall be capable of stopping robot motion at maximum-rated load and speed at full
extension without structural damage. In the absence of limiting devices, the robot shall not incur da-
mage due to an over-travel condition.

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Version 1.0 Robot Arm Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

4. Limiting devices shall cause the robot to stop when hit under all circumstances regardless of teach
mode, payload or speed. The robot shall not have the ability to travel beyond the limiting devices
during or after a collision.
5. Any collision with the limiting devices shall be reported to the teach pendant alarm banner and shall be
recorded in the alarm history.
3.10.3 Zone Limit Switches / Dynamic Limiting Devices
1. All DLDs shall be control reliable.
2. An optional zone limit switch / dynamic limiting device with 3 zones capability shall be available on the
main rotational axis (axis 1 on a typical 6 axis robot). The next two principal axes shall have a single
zone dynamic limiting device option available. Track mounted robots shall have an option for up to
eight (8) zones on the track.
3. The size of the zone(s) shall be adjustable in no greater than 7.5 degrees increments. The position of
the zone(s) shall be continuously adjustable throughout the range of each principal axis and be positi-
vely mounted.
4. The connectors used shall be Harting 32 pin (axis 1) and 18 pin (axes 2 and 3 and track) HAN EE with
male pins or approved equivalent.
5. Two types of DLD switch systems shall be available. The systems shall meet IEC safety category 4 requi-
rements. Both types shall be an integrated safety bus compatible zone limit system. The first type shall
meet the requirements in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4. It shall not utilize mechanical switches. The second
option shall meet the additional requirements of paragraphs 6 and 7.
6. Two cams operating two plunger type switches shall be used for each zone of protection. The plunger
type limit switches shall be equipped with force guided, normally open and normally closed contacts.
The cams and the switches shall be complementary such that one switch rides on its cam while the other
switch is off its respective cam and they shall be positively mounted.
7. For the switch wiring requirements, see Figure 3.10-1. The connectors shall be mounted on the robot
base, except on track mounted robots, in which case they shall be mounted stationery.
8. The vendor should propose alternative limiting device configurations that maintain the same functio-
nality described above in a more cost effective manner. Alternatives must be reviewed and approved
by OV Manufacturing Enginneeringbefore inclusion in mainstream proposal.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Figure 3.10-1 : Zone Limit Switch Wiring

Servo Feedback
1. The robot shall not require a move to "ZERO" or "HOME" to restart after an emergency stop, non-criti-
cal robot fault, power failure, or simple touch-up of a program point.
2. The robot shall retain calibration for a minimum of 12 months from the last time “control power” was
applied or the batteries (if used) were changed.
1. Batteries, if used for any function, shall have a low-battery alert.
2. An indication of the specific battery needing service shall be provided.
3. Batteries shall be easily replaceable.
4. Batteries shall be commercially available standard size batteries.
5. An option for remote mounted (floor level) batteries shall be available for overhead rail mounted or
ceiling mounted robots.
Calibration (Mastering)
1. The robot shall have permanent pins, verniers, distinct scribe marks, or some other permanent means
for indicating calibration) position of each axis for quick calibration of the robot arm with end of arm
tooling attached.
2. Provisions for calibrating one axis at a time without losing the calibration status of other axes shall be
3. For body shop robots, the quick calibration shall be performable in 5 minutes or less with a repeatability
of +/-2mm at the TCP of X = 500mm, Y = 0mm, Z = 500mm.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

4. Machined features on the robot base shall be provided to allow for repeatable positioning of-the ro-
bots coordinate system relative to the base plate within +/-0.5 mm.
Intra-Arm Cables
1. Cables interconnecting major robot components (such as the upper arm, lower arm, and wrist) shall be
attached with quick disconnects to allow easy disassembly and reassembly of the robot. Connectors
shall be keyed and labeled for proper installation.
2. Cable connections at the mechanical unit (such as the pulse generator, and motor or battery cables)
shall be protected against external damage.
3. All cables should be designed for the service life of the robot. Cables not designed to last for the service
life of the robot shall be replaceable within 30 minutes. The supplier shall specify replacement intervals
as part of the preventive maintenance schedule.
4. Application cabling and connectors for less than 75kg robots will be specified at time of request for
quote. For 75kg or larger robots the requirements are the following:
a. Approved I/O signal and power cables through axis 1 shall be included. For detailed require-
ments, see OVRS-FP.
Intra Arm Air Supply
1. 75 kg or higher load capacity robots shall be equipped with one or more airlines through Axis 1 of the
robot. For detailed requirements see OVRS-FP.
2. Smaller load capacity robots airline requirements will be specified in the request for quote.

Mechanical Unit to Controller Cables

1. All controller to mechanical unit cables shall be equipped with quick connect plugs on both ends to faci-
litate exchange in less than 15 minutes. Metallic shells are required for external connection.
2. The connectors shall be individually keyed and labeled to ensure proper connection of the cables.
3. Cables that are not interchangeable to other robot models or legacy models in use shall be keyed to
prevent installation on improper equipment.
4. The cable plugs and couplings shall be provided with permanent labels.
5. The cables shall be suitable for use in an automotive plant-floor environment.
6. Field bus cable: For 75kg or higher capacity robots the cable set shall include approved I/O signal and
power cable to a connector on the mechanical unit.
7. The standard cable sets shall be 7m to 30m long. At least two additional increments within this range
shall be available.
1. Permanently lubricated systems are preferred.
2. The maintenance periods should be longer than five years for a robot operating 24 hours per day, 6
days per week. Within these intervals, it should not be necessary to relubricate elements (e.g., recircu-
lating ball screws and bearings). Maintenance interval recommendations shall be based on hours of
3. Lubrication points requiring service more than once a year shall be clearly identified with lubrication
frequency and lubricant type on permanent labels. These points shall be easily accessible with stan-
dard lubrication equipment. No guard or cover removal shall be required.
4. All robots with pressurized or metered oil lubrication systems shall not experience any leakage onto the
shop floor or production process.
5. Lubricants shall be available through OEM suppliers in the country where the robot is being sold.

Use of Silicone
No silicone or silicone-containing materials shall be used in the robot system due to potential environ-
mental contamination and detrimental effects on automotive paint systems.
Lifting Provisions

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

1. Fork lift pockets shall be adjustable in 22.5 degrees or smaller increments in relationship to the base
while the robot is on the shipping pallet. For quantities of the removable forklift pockets see GRFQ.
2. In addition, the robot shall be provided with appropriate equipment to allow transportation by crane.
The lifting provisions (e.g., hooks and eyes) shall be marked with appropriate symbol and lifting capa-
3. The lifting provisions shall be capable of lifting the mechanical arm and its maximum payload. The ma-
ximum payload includes maximum weight end-of-arm tooling, maximum weight boom payload, maxi-
mum weight hip payload, and standard base plate. Exceptions may be made for robots with payload
capability in excess of 700kg.
4. Removable fork lift pockets shall be error proofed in such a way as to prevent incorrect installation and
invalid interchangeability between robot models.
5. Any restrictions related to the use of fork lift pockets such as prohibiting their use as tie down points for
shipping or chain attachment points shall be clearly indicated on the actual fork lift pocket.
6. Fork lift pockets shall be clear of any internal obstructions such as mounting bolts in the actual pocket.
7. Fork lift pockets shall not interfere with the normal operation and range of motion of the robot.
Base Plate
The robot shall have a single piece base plate available as an option. To help positioning of the base
plate at installation, the centerline shall be marked on the top with 50mm long 2mm x 2mm V groves at the front
and both sides. Hardware for positioning and attachment of the manipulator to the base plate shall be in-
cluded with the base plate. Fasteners shall be metric and shall be blue in color.
Mounting Instructions
The robot manufacturer shall provide the information necessary for the design of risers and for the de-
sign of fastening of base plates to the floor. This information shall include at least the robot weight, base plate
drawings and maximum dynamic torque at the base. Strength requirements, such as concrete thickness, for the
mounting surface shall be provided.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Robot Controller Requirements

Robot Control Cabinet
1. The robot control cabinet, which houses many components (including amplifiers, axis boards, and
CPUs) shall be a free-standing structure capable of being located outside the maximum envelope of
the robot.
2. The robot control cabinet shall meet the IP54 or higher level of protection.
3. If the Robot supplier cannot guarantee the operation of the robot controller with open doors, a special
signal via field bus I/O shall indicate the open door. The supplier shall indicate if preventive mainte-
nance for the controller is necessary.
4. The maximum height of the robot control cabinet, including wheels, shall be no more than
5. 1.5 m.
6. The controller shall have a cable support bracket suitable for holding the teach pendant cable. The
controller shall also have a teach pendant bracket suitable for holding the teach pendant. The cabinet
door shall open with ease when the pendant and cable are in their brackets.
7. A document pocket, inside the control cabinet, shall be provided, which has the capacity to hold at
least 20mm stack of both US Letter size (8½” x 11”) and A4 paper.
8. A cable support bracket to store excess cable length shall be located on the backside of the controller.
9. If an anti-static wristband is required for replacement of electronic components, it shall be supplied
and attached to the cabinet.
10. All cable connections shall be located on a panel under the controller or a OV Manufacturing Enginnee-
ringapproved cabinet location.
11. The connections shall be front accessible and positioned such that the connector hoods and cables in
their normal positions do not protrude from the cabinet footprint.
12. Cabinet layout and function package design should be such that it minimizes the package footprint on
the plant floor. See OVRS-FP for additional detail.
13. The robot system shall not utilize or require rotating media for any purpose.
Door Locks
All controller doors shall be lockable with a single locking mechanism on each door. The door lock shall
be equipped with a flat head screwdriver slot.
Lifting Provisions
1. The controllers shall be capable of being transported by forklift trucks using standard forks.
2. Fork lift pockets incorporated into the function package stand will be acceptable in lieu of pockets on
the controller if applicable.
3. In addition, the controllers shall be provided with eyes to enable transportation by crane. The lifting
provisions shall be marked with appropriate symbol and lifting capacity.
1. The robot controller shall be provided with non-marking plastic or rubber wheels suitable for bearing
the controller’s weight without affecting the stability of the controller.
2. The two front wheels shall be steerable and capable of locking.

Service Hour Meter

1. The controller shall be equipped with a service hour meter that is clearly readable without opening the
control cabinet. A means shall be available to read the display with the controller power disconnected.
2. This meter shall count only the “pure operating time” of the robot (i.e., only the time when the servo
contactors are engaged).
3. Since the service hour meter belongs to the mechanical unit, the meter shall be easy to replace when
exchanging the controller.
4. The meter shall have the capability of counting to 99,999 hours and shall not have a reset feature.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Cabinet Cooling
1. The equipment must be able to operate without failure at an ambient air temperature ranging from
10 C up to 45 C, a relative humidity of 30% to 95%, and in altitudes of up to 1000 m above mean sea
2. The robot shall have an option available that provides an operating range from 10 C up to 50 C and a
relative humidity of 30% to 95%.
3. No active cooling (i.e., devices that require air conditioners) shall be required for under 45 C opera-
tion. Cooling system designs that do not require cleaning or changing filters are preferred. Filter ele-
ments, which are necessary for direct cooling, shall be:
a. Easily accessible and replaceable from the outside of the cabinet without the use of tools.
b. Standard, replaceable or washable, non-flammable filters.
c. Shall be protected from weld flash and spark.
4. Air conditioning units with non-adjustable thermostatic control are acceptable for above
5. 45 C operation; however, compressor power shall be isolated from the robot control circuitry. Air con-
ditioning units shall be mounted so that condensate water leaks will not damage controller compo-
nents. Condensate is to be drained outside of the cabinet at floor level.
6. An over-temperature sensor shall be provided to generate a robot error and an appropriate error mes-
sage when an over-temperature condition is sensed.
Supply Voltages
1. One common transformer shall be provided in the controller for all voltages.
2. The standard line voltages are: 380/400/440/480/500/575V 3 phase AC 50 to 60Hz. Special voltages may
be requested separately.
3. Voltage variations ranging from -15% up to +10% shall not have any effect on the unit's operation.
4. The power feed shall be possible from both above and below. Provisions for the appropriate cable rou-
ting shall be provided.
5. The robot shall have as an option a 240VAC supply for tip dress motor power as shown in Annex A. The
supply shall have a Circuit breaker for over current protection that is sized appropriately to handle the
starting load of the tip dress motor and to protect the power cable with a minimum size of 1.5mm2
Power Transient Protection
Spikes (transients) up to 1500 V and short power failures up to a single cycle shall not effect the opera-
tion of the robot.
Supply Disconnecting Means
1. The robot cabinet shall be equipped with a lockable main disconnect device. The controller door shall
be interlocked with the handle of the disconnect device. The disconnect handle and the locking provi-
sion shall remain engaged with the disconnect device when the controller door is opened.
2. The robot system Amperage Interrupting Capacity (AIC) at 600V shall be clearly indicated on a perma-
nent label located on the outside of the robot control enclosure as part of or adjacent to the manufac-
turers name plate.
3. It shall be possible to open the door with the disconnect locked OFF. It shall not be possible lock the dis-
connect ON.
User A/C Power
A service outlet is not permitted either inside or on the outside of the control cabinet.
Electrical Door Interlock
OV does not require electrical door interlocks. If the robot cooling, maintenance or standards compli-
ance requires one, an appropriate error message shall be given when the door is open. Also, the electrical inter-
lock shall have the ability to be manually overridden, automatically resetting when the door is closed.
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Version 1.0 Robot Controller Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Servo Disconnect
1. The robot cabinet shall have an option for a factory installed or field retrofitted cabinet mount servo
2. Finger safe terminals, rated for 600 V, that possess pressure plates shall be used if applicable.
3. A pre-punched hole shall be included if required for field installation of the servo disconnect. The pre-
punched hole shall be covered with a standard knockout, oil-tight cover.
Electrical Shock Protection
All parts within a controller carrying 50V or above shall be guarded against accidental contact.
Robot Mode Selector
1. The robot controller shall be equipped with a three position key switch. The key shall be specified at
the time of order.
2. The switch shall have three positions: Automatic, T1 Mode (slow speed control), and T2 Mode (high
speed attended program verification).
3. The key shall be removable in Automatic and T1, but not T2.

Fault Reset
The robot cabinet shall have a means for resetting faults.
Robots equipped with Power ON-OFF means other than the main disconnect switch shall have a Power
ON indicator light.
Remote Control Panel
The robot shall have an option for a remote control panel. This control panel shall contain all control and
monitoring devices necessary to operate the robot. Cable length up to 50 m shall be available.
Ethernet Connection
1. Two Ethernet connectors shall be provided, one internal RJ-45, and one external M12 4pin located on
the lower connector plate or OV Manufacturing Enginneeringapproved cabinet location, labeled ENET.
2. Internal Ethernet wiring shall use Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP).
3. Only one of the two connections shall be functional on an individual network at any one time.

Robot I/O Connection Requirements

If DeviceNet is used the following will apply:
1. There shall be three DeviceNet connectors on the robot cabinet. Reference Annex A.
2. The connectors shall be Open DeviceNet Vendors Association (ODVA) approved 5-pin mini connectors
for trunk line connections.
3. The connectors shall be labeled DN, SD2, and SD3 and be grouped together with sufficient space for
cable attachment and detachment.
4. DN (male pins) shall be connected to the Safety Network Interface module.
5. SD2 and SD3 (female pins) shall be connected to the scanner channel.
6. The connectors shall be provided with covers.
If Ethernet is used the following will apply:
1. There shall be two M12 4-pin D-Code Ethernet connectors on the robot cabinet.
2. The connectors shall be labeled ENET1 and ENET2.
3. The connectors shall be provided with covers.

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Version 1.0 Robot Controller Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Cell Safety Interface and Connector

1. The following interface connections shall be available (Table 4-1):

Table 4-1 Available Cell Safety Interface Signals

Annex A/B Ref. Robot to Cell Cell Control to
Control Robot
Servo Contactor 1 Open RCO1 / RCO11 x
Servo Contactor 2 Open RCO2 / RCO21 x
E-Stop Out Channel 1 ESPB1 / ESPB11 x
E-Stop Out Channel 2 ESPB2 / ESPB21 x
E-Stop In Channel 1 EES1 / EES11 x
E-Stop In Channel 2 EES2 / EES21 x
Auto stop (Fence) Channel 1 EAS1 / EAS11 x
Auto stop (Fence) Channel 2 EAS2 / EAS21 x
General Stop Channel 1 EGS1 / ES11 x
General Stop Channel 2 EGS1 / EGS21 x
+ 24V External EXT_24VDC x
0V External EXT_0VDC x
+ 24V Internal INT_24VDC x
0V Internal INT_0VDC x
Output Permissive Channel 1 EOP1 / EOP11 x
(Legacy Configuration Only)
Output Permissive Channel 2 EOP2 / EOP21 x
(Legacy Configuration Only)
E-Stop monitor ESPR1 / ESPR11 x
Keyswitch In Auto Position AUTO x
Keyswitch In T1 Position T1 x
Keyswitch In T2 Position T2 x

2. The functionality of the available cell interface signals is shown in Annex A.

3. The robot shall utilize these interface signals with Safe I/O as functionally represented in Annex B either
by a Ethernet Safety I/O module or other approved functionally equivalent method. The external
connections associated with the Safe I/O interface shall be labeled DN and DC.
4. All robot stopping circuits shall operate on 24V DC.
5. The circuit output switching capability is 10mA - 7A @ 24 VDC.
6. The maximum current draw from the external 24VDC supply shall be less than 1A.
7. Optical or galvanic isolation shall be provided.
8. The robot supplier should propose alternative cell interface configurations that maintain the same
functionality and signals in a more cost effective manner. Possible alternative configurations include
the elimination of the DC power feed from the cell controller and the use of a Bipolar Output Safe I/O
module in lieu of the standard unit shown in Annex B. Alternatives must be reviewed and approved by
OV Manufacturing Enginneeringbefore inclusion in mainstream proposal.
9. The robot supplier shall provide a method to shut down the robot controller without affecting the Estop

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Distributed I/O Power Connectors

1. There shall be two distributed power connectors.
2. The connectors shall be used to distribute robot I/O power on the robot cabinet to process controllers
and distribution boxes within the cell.
3. Each connector shall be a 4 pin Mini CENELEC EN 50 044 with female contacts.
4. The connectors shall be labeled P2 and P3 and be grouped together with sufficient space for cable at-
tachment and detachment.
5. The connectors shall be provided with covers.
6. The distributed 24 VDC power connectors shall possess the signals on the pins as shown in the Standard
Robot Interface Drawings in Annex A.
Hardware Interface Connector Jumper Plug
A bypass method shall be provided for each robot. Reference Annex B for example when using a De-
viceNet Safety I/O module.
Remote Interface
1. The remote interface shall be implemented via EtherNet/IP.
2. All signals required to control the robot in automatic mode shall be provided through the remote inter-
3. Software parameters shall be provided to allow robot operation while ignoring the remote interface
input signals.
4. The following remote interface signals shall be available:

Table 4-2 System I/O

PLC to Robot
Signal Robot to
Servo ON x
Automatic ON x
Teach T1 (Safety speed) x
Teach T2 (Test run 100%) x
Program Start x
Program Running x
Hold x
Held x
Panel Start x
Panel Reset x
“At Perch“ Position x
Emergency Stop x x
Fault Reset x
Robot Fault x
Collision Control Alarm x
Collision Control Enabled x
Safety Speed x
Simulated I/O x
Robot at 100% x
Motion Enabled x

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Version 1.0 Robot Controller Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Robot I/O Requirements

4.24.1 Robot Process I/O Requirements
1. The process I/O shall be implemented via EtherNet/IP with an option for DeviceNet.
2. The I/O shall have the capability to be triggered by a user definable distance or time before or after
arriving at the user taught position independent of the robot speed, motion and termination type wit-
hout impacting cycle time.
3. I/O instructions not calling for activation with the user defined time or distance before a taught point
shall not be executed until all previous motion instructions have been completed.
4. At least four of the analog outputs shall be programmable to be proportional with the TCP speed.
Scaling and offset of the analog signal shall be adjustable to match process equipment.
5. The robot controller shall update analog outputs at least once every 20msec.
6. The robot shall have the ability to configure at least eight groups of outputs with a userdefinable length
of four to eight bits each. These group outputs shall be mapable anywhere in the output range.
7. The robot shall have the ability to map any 64 inputs to any 64 outputs in order for the outputs to reflect
the state of the inputs at all times without any user programming, regardless of the mode.
8. The robot shall have the ability to link any 64 inputs to any 64 outputs at least with AND, OR and INVERT
9. The interconnect / link function shall not affect the timing of the robot motion programs.
10. The robot shall have the capability to support Safety IO Master (scanner) for robot controlled safety
devices. If Ethernet is used, the robot shall support both safe and nonsafe IO on the same physical net-
work connection.
4.24.2 Devicenet I/O Requirements
1. SLAVE/MASTER functionality shall be supported. The robot shall serve as a master in relation to certain
attached tools and control units.
2. A minimum of 512 digital inputs and 512 digital outputs shall be provided for both digital inputs and
digital outputs.
3. The digital inputs and outputs have to be allocated byte wise to the MASTER / SLAVE area.
4. The controller shall be able to connect to at least 20 slaves. The activation or deactivation of the
connected slaves shall be enabled through the robot.
5. Six analog outputs and two analog inputs shall be provided. Each shall have 16 bit maximum length.
These analog inputs and outputs must not reduce the number of digital inputs and outputs.
6. The DeviceNet channel shall be able to update an output to a high priority device, set at a point on the
robot path, with maximum 4 ms repeatability. This requirement shall apply on a network operating with
up to twenty active nodes at the highest baud rate. There will be only one high priority device with up
to two high priority nodes per channel.
7. The DeviceNet channel shall be able to update the I/O of all other devices within 9 ms of the I/O instruc-
tion being executed within the robot. The channel shall provide repeatable performance, with a maxi-
mum of 3ms total variability in the timing. This requirement shall apply to a network operating at the
highest baud rate, with up to 10 nodes each with an 8 byte message.
8. The requirements of 6 and 7 shall apply to all DeviceNet channels independently.
9. The DeviceNet channel shall allow the disconnection/reconnection of a drop with slave devices (i.e. end
effector I/O with tool changers) under program control without effect on the other nodes. Quick
Connect per the ODVA standard shall be supported.
10. Events shall include, but are not limited to:
a. Re-establishing communication with newly re-activated nodes.
b. Ignoring loss of communication with certain nodes while they are disconnected
11. The robot shall have the capability for building a device library on the robot. The library file created
shall be transferable between robots.
12. Allow sufficient network bandwidth for other scanners to operate in the same cable (i.e., multiple scan-
ners co-existing on the same network).
13. Possess the ability to be configured to any valid address on the DeviceNet network to which it is

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

14. Operate at any valid DeviceNet speed

15. Be configurable via the robot teach pendant. Robot configurations shall possess the ability to be saved
and loaded in the same manner as the robot programs or parameters.
16. Communicate using I/O messaging with any DeviceNet slave node on the network.
17. Support the DeviceNet message segmentation protocol.
18. Be capable of supporting polled and change-of-state I/O messaging. This includes the ability of the
scanner to support interrupt driven outputs. (e.g. The scanner shall be capable of interrupting its nor-
mal polling cycle to update the outputs of a specified node immediately.
19. Report DeviceNet communication faults to the robot controller. Fault indications shall include, but are
not limited to, a(n):
a. Loss of network communication
b. Loss of communication with a configured device
c. Incorrect device configuration (i.e., a mismatch between the actual information exchanged with a
device and the device configuration data)
20. Possess indicator LEDs that display the robot channel and DeviceNet network status.
4.24.3 EtherNet/IP I/O Requirements
1. The digital inputs and outputs shall be allocatable byte-wise or word-wise to a connection.
2. The controller shall be able to maintain at least 8 bi-directional real time connections with both pro-
duce and consume capability.
3. The real time producer connections shall receive priority over the non-real time traffic sent such that
performance degradation due to congestion, if any, will occur on the non-real time connections before
the real time connections are affected.
4. Data integrity shall be maintained for up to 508-byte frame size message (Maximum allowed in by the
ODVA EtherNet/IP definition).
5. The connections shall be configurable on the robot teach pendant. RPI (Requested Packet Interval), IP
address, device name, number of bytes produced and consumed shall be configurable for each connec-
6. The RPI (requested packet interval) shall be configurable. Two of the connections should be capable of
10ms RPI, while the remaining connections are at the default setting. The default setting shall be 30ms
+/- 2ms.
7. The robot controller shall be able to update input data from an EtherNet/IP connection as soon as 4ms
of the RPI. The connection shall respond to an output instruction if the next RPI is 4ms or greater from
the time the instruction is executed. The connection shall provide repeatable performance, with a ma-
ximum of 3ms total variability in the timing.
8. An option for EtherNet/IP to DeviceNet CIP router function shall be available. It shall be capable of ge-
nerating and accepting CIP connection requests and relaying CIP explicit messages for status and di-
agnostics information. It shall be able to respond up to 15 frames/sec without I/O performance degra-
9. Diagnostics screen(s) shall be provided to display name, IP address, and communication status for each
configured real time connection. An Ethernet “ping function” shall be selectable and the results shall
be displayed on this screen(s).
Robot Device I/O Power Supply
1. The robot shall provide regulated 24VDC @ 6A to be used for device I/O output power.
2. Each of the 24VDC output power lines shall be separately protected with a 4-amp circuit breaker.
3. All circuit breakers shall have diagnostic messages to indicate a tripped condition.
4. The overload protection shall be auto resetting. Overload of the power supplies shall not prevent robot
motion in the manual modes.
5. Device I/O output power shall be switched control reliably by the servo contactors.
6. An option for a second 24V @ 10A power supply shall be available. This power shall be switched by the
same means as the 6A supply and provide power to the robot end-of-arm.
DeviceNet Class 2 Power Supply

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

1. The robot controller shall supply power to the second DeviceNet network via a class-2 power supply,
which shall be used to power the input devices on the DeviceNet network.
2. The neutral of this power supply shall be attached to ground, as per ODVA specifications.

External Axes
1. General purpose robot controllers shall be able to control at least six (6) additional servo axes as exter-
nal axes. The control cabinet and supplier-provided software shall support these external axes. All ex-
ternal axis motion shall be coordinated with the standard robot axes and programmable with all stan-
dard robot software and hardware.
2. The supplier shall provide, as an option, the hardware to control these external axes.
3. The supplier shall provide complete track motion package in 5m and 7m lengths including automatic
lubrication system as options.
4. The supplier shall provide complete package for external rotation axis as an option.
5. The supplier shall provide as an option a means to control reliably remove power from an external axis
without interrupting the robot or other axes.
6. The supplier shall provide as an option a servo gun actuator meeting the requirements of OVD-1 and
GSWA1 (Global Servo Weld Actuator).
7. The supplier shall identify and quote drive packages (amplifier, cables, and motor) suitable for use in
servo weld gun applications.
8. The supplier shall identify and quote drive packages (amplifier, cables, and motor) suitable for use in
glass cell and other typical vehicle assembly applications.
9. The supplier shall identify and quote drive packages (amplifier, cables, and motor) suitable for use with
third party rails for a 7th axis slide.
10. Engineering support for application of external axes shall be quoted as line item.
11. The supplier shall provide as an option the capability to disengage and reengage external axes on the
end-of-arm for tool changing applications.
12. The supplier shall provide an option for the additional servo gun cables for use with tool changers
Emergency Stop
1. The emergency stop circuit shall be ISO category 4 and control reliable.
2. Emergency stop push buttons shall be located on both the front of the robot cabinet and on the teach
pendant of the robot.
3. The emergency stop button shall be red mushroom type and self-latching with a twist or pull reset de-
sign installed on yellow background.
4. The robot shall generate an error message when the Emergency stop button is pressed.
5. Redundant pairs of contacts in series from the Emergency Stop actuators on the controller and the
Teach Pendant shall be wired to the hardware interface signals for use in an external dual channel mo-
nitored emergency stop circuit. The contacts shall be force guided zero-potential, normally closed
contacts. The voltage drop through the device(s) shall be less than 0.1 VDC at up to 150 ma of current.
See Figure 4.28-1.

Figure 4.28-1 Emergency Stop Wiring

6. The external Emergency stop input shall be located on the hardware interface and shall be dual chan-
nel with monitoring. This input shall not produce an emergency stop output on the hardware interface
connector or an “Emergency Stop” remote signal.
7. When releasing the Emergency Stop, the “Emergency Stop” remote signal shall be cleared from the re-
mote interface.
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

8. The Emergency Stop shall override all other functions and shall be executed with highest priority by the
robot and attached equipment.
9. The Emergency Stop push buttons shall remain fully operational even when the controller is not powe-
10. An actuation of the Emergency Stop at full load must not result in any damage to the robot or require
any adjustments.
11. The robot shall be equipped with an Emergency Stop circuit meeting the requirements of the appli-
cable national standards, stopping the robot the quickest possible manner.
12. After an Emergency Stop and the subsequent restart, the robot shall be able to continue to follow its
programmed path.
13. The Emergency stop shall function regardless of the current robot mode of operation (automatic or
14. The robot vendor shall specify the worst case stopping time and distance.
15. The robot shall be capable of signaling the cell controller that an Emergency Stop button is active (has
been pressed), regardless whether it is the one located on robot controller or the one on the teach pen-
General and Auto Stop (Fence) Circuits
1. The circuits shall be ISO category 3 and control reliable.
2. Robots with 6 kg or larger capacity shall be equipped with category 1 general and auto stop circuits.
The auto stop circuit shall only be functional with the mode selector (Section 4.14) in auto position. The
general stop circuit shall be functional in all modes.
3. The stopping circuits shall be designed, constructed, and installed to ensure that any single component
failure would not prevent the normal stopping action to take place, but would prevent successive auto-
matic operation until the fault is corrected.
4. Stops initiated by interlocks and point of operation guarding shall stop the robot in the quickest pos-
sible manner. Deviation from path during the deceleration should be minimized.
5. At the restoration of automatic operation after a safety stop, the robot shall return to the point where it
left the path in slow motion.
6. The robot vendor shall specify the worst case stopping time and distance and a stopping time and dis-
tance in the case when only axis 2 and 3 is moving prior to the stop signal received.
Servo Contactor Circuit
The robot shall be equipped with dual servo contactors equipped with force guided contacts.
The failure of either contactor shall prevent automatic operation and result in a fault condition.
Power Failure Recovery
1. The robot shall recover from a power failure without any human intervention.
2. The robot shall be able to continue running from the point where it stopped.
3. The maximum amount of time that the robot shall take to perform a power recovery is 45 seconds after
power is restored.
Long-Term Program Storage
1. The robot shall have the ability to maintain all programs for a minimum of 12 months.
2. Any batteries shall have a low-battery alert.
3. An indication of the specific battery needing service shall be provided.
4. Batteries shall be easily replaceable.
5. Non-rechargeable batteries shall be commercially available standard size batteries.
1. The robot shall have sufficient user memory to perform its intended and reasonably foreseeable appli-
cations. Units configurable for multiple applications should have memory for at least 1000 taught posi-
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

2. The robot shall also have sufficient memory to run the current version of the supplierprovided software
and all future versions of supplier-provided software that are required to fix software bugs or design
3. The program memory shall be configurable to be secured against unauthorized change by means of a
key-switch, password or similar method.
External Memory Storage
1. A PC compatible device for transfer of programs to and from removable media shall be provided.
a. USB capability, if used should be USB 2.0 or better.
2. The robot shall be able to back-up and restore, through Ethernet, any files necessary for operating the
3. The backup capability shall be functional during automatic operation without effect on the robot per-
4. The time required to restore the complete system (including operating system, application software
and user programs) shall not exceed 5 minute using the Ethernet interface.
Software Transfer
The robot shall be able to save the complete software image (operating system, configuration, applica-
tion, etc.) from the controller through Ethernet to a PC compatible computer and to the optional host, which
can be loaded on any other robot controller. The image shall be transferable to any other robot controller.
Graphical User Interface Option
If a graphical user interface is implemented using an add-on controller, it’s operation or failure shall not
affect the operation of the robot or any other associated equipment (e.g. vision system).
Stand Alone Servo Controller (Nobot)
The robot controller shall be configurable to control axes without a robot manipulator utilizing common
electrical, communication, and operator interfaces as a standard robot. Packaging should support scalability,
optimize utilization of floor space, and minimize unused content of a standard robot controller. At a minimum,
independent control of six (6) generic servo axes shall be supported.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Teach Pendant Requirements

Every teach pendant shall have a unique, non-removable identifier that associates it with its original
controller cabinet.
Teach Pendant Cable
1. The teach pendant shall have a cable that is at least 10 m long.
2. Option for a single piece 20m teach pendant cable shall also be available.
3. All conductors of the teach pendant cable shall be terminated in connectors on both ends. Our prefe-
rence is to locate the mating connectors both on the controller and on the teach pendant externally,
however an internal connector is acceptable as long as disassembly does not require replacement of
parts or cutting of tie wraps.
4. The teach pendant cable shall be flexible, resist kinking, tangling and be impervious to paint and sol-
Enabling Device
1. The enabling device shall be control reliable.
2. The teach pendant shall have a 3-position switch to enable robot motion in T1 and T2 modes only. Re-
lease or compression of the device shall immediately remove servo power through hardware-based cir-
cuits and stop the motion of all associated equipment
3. that may present a hazard. Reactivation of the switch shall return drive power without requiring a fault
4. The robot shall have an enabling device anti tie-down feature, which prevents operation in T1 and/or
T2, unless the enabling switch is in the released position. If it is found in the enabled state, an error con-
dition requiring manual reset shall be generated and robot motion shall be prevented.
Teach Pendant Functionality
1. The teach pendant shall meet IP 54 or higher requirements.
2. The teach pendant shall be able to function in an automotive plant environment with resistance to ele-
ments such as dust, contaminants, oil, adhesive, pastes, paints and solvents.
3. All teach pendant functions shall execute within 1.0 second after initiation or provide visual feedback
within 1.0 second that the command is underway.
4. If membrane keys are used, tactile feedback indicating the switch has been pressed shall be provided.
5. The teach pendant shall provide easily executable means to manipulate robot tooling i.e.
6. opening and closing guns. This can be accomplished with methods such as user programmable keys or
menus not more than 1 layer deep. A minimum 8 such user functions shall be provided.
7. It shall not be possible to place the robot into automatic mode using the pendant exclusively.
8. The display shall be visible in all lighting conditions.
9. No switches on the teach pendant shall be key lockable.
10. The teach pendant shall stop motion of the robot when a button or device (independent from the enab-
ling device) on the pendant is released. If multiple means are required to initiate motion, at least one
of these means must remain activated to maintain motion.
11. The teach pendant shall have the ability to perform all the control functions needed during the setup,
programming, and troubleshooting
12. The global override speed shall be adjustable. A method to disable this function. In auto mode this
function shall be blockable.
13. The global override speed shall not change when robot is switched from teach mode (T1 or T2) to auto-
14. The robot shall be capable of adjusting its percent override on the fly in response to external inputs
such as PLC signals and commands. The percent override values shall be rounded to the nearest 10% for
values up to 50%, and to the nearest 5% for values from 55 to 100%. The robot shall display the active
percent override in the teach pendant. The percent override control shall be enabled or disabled on
the fly from the robot teach pendant (e.g. enabled by setting the robot override at 100%, and disabled
if the override is changed to any value other than 100 %.)
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

15. While the running program code is displayed on the teach pendant, the program pointer should indi-
cate when the robot is at a programmed location.
16. It shall be possible to alternate between user pages, display the values of all variables and I/O during
automatic operation without effecting robot operation.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Robot Control Software Requirements

Automatic Mode
1. The robot shall respond to signals for motion control from the PLC.
2. The robot shall have the ability to move, while in automatic operation, in at least joint, linear and cir-
cular modes. Arc welding robots shall also have a weave motion function.
3. Speed shall be determined and linear mode is to be calculated, either external or otherwise, at the TCP.
4. The robot shall also have provisions for reducing the effect of moving through singularities in linear
5. The robot shall have the ability in linear mode to move toward a point along a vector, and be guided by
external forces acting in a plane or around the vector (move with compliance).
6. If the robot leaves automatic mode for any reason, the robot shall prevent re-initiation of automatic
mode if the robot position has changed by more than a user-definable distance or orientation.
7. If the robot is not within this distance it shall not permit resumption of the program in automatic mode
until the robot is manually jogged back to the position within the tolerance in effect or the user specifi-
cally allows program resumption.
8. Only the program and subroutine executing immediately before leaving automatic mode shall be allo-
wed to continue upon resumption of automatic mode, unless it was specifically aborted by the user.
T1 Mode
1. The robot shall respond to commands initiated from the teach pendant exclusively.
2. TCP speed shall be limited to a maximum of 250 mm/sec. Motions programmed at speeds at or below
250mm/sec shall be executed at the programmed speed.
T2 Mode
1. The robot shall respond to commands initiated from the teach pendant exclusively.
2. Maximum speed shall default to or below 250mm/sec and can be increased to full programmed speed.
Jog speed shall not exceed 250mm/sec at the TCP.
Path Control
1. The robot path shall not be speed dependant.
2. There shall be a means to modify the velocity profile with a program instruction.

1. The robot shall have the capability of having at least ten TCP’s. TCP shall have 6 degrees-of-freedom
2. Each TCP shall be definable as attached to the end of the robot arm or external to the robot arm (i.e.,
fixed with respect to the base of the robot).
Reference Position Outputs
1. The robot shall have the capability of at least five different reference positions.
2. Each reference position shall have a user programmable distance in either Cartesian space (distance
and orientation) or joint space (angular range).
3. Each reference position shall be associated with a user-selectable digital output that turns on automa-
tically when the robot is within the programmable range of that position and turns off automatically
when outside the programmable range.
4. The delay in turning the output ON or OFF shall be no more than 0.1 second from arriving into / leaving
from a zone specified above around the reference position.
5. The reference position outputs shall function in all operating modes.

Timed Power Removal

1. The robot shall remove servo power and apply the braking system after a user definable period of no

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

2. In addition, the robot shall provide the capability of disabling this feature. This feature will automati-
cally reactivate the robot’s servo system when a move command is executed. This power feature shall
be operational even if the robot program is still running.
Collision Detection
1. The robot shall have a collision detection feature that functions in all modes (Auto, T1, T2).
2. The robot shall stop and relieve stress when any of the axes are obstructed or collide with another ob-
3. The user shall have the ability to enable or disable collision detection either manually or automatically
with a software command.
4. Collision detection shall adjust to the programmed payload.
5. Collision detection shall have a programmable sensitivity that can be changed either manually during
teaching or automatically during program execution.
6. There shall be a separate scaling parameter for the manual modes that modifies the programmed sen-
7. The collision detection feature shall be interfaced to the cell controller via the signals listed in Section
Payload Selection
1. At least ten different payload data sets shall be available.
2. The data sets shall be generated through the Automatic Load identification procedure.
3. Payload shall include mass, center of gravity, and mass moment of inertia.

Automatic Load Identification

1. The robot shall be capable of automatically determining the payload.
2. Overload conditions shall be indicated.
3. Accuracy shall be within 10%.

I/O Simulation
1. The user I/O shall have the ability to be simulated ON or OFF. The robot program shall respond to the
simulated I/O state and not the physical I/O state.
2. An I/O that is simulated shall be clearly indicated when being displayed in the I/O list.
3. User confirmation shall be required to start automatic mode if an I/O is simulated.
4. Upon power-up, all previously simulated I/O shall remain simulated and shall require user confirmation
before any robot motion is permitted.
5. A single function shall be provided that eliminates simulation of all I/O.
6. If one or more inputs are simulated, the “Input Simulated” signal shall be set high on the remote inter-
face (See Table 4-2).
7. The robot shall have a selection, which when the robot is waiting for the changed state of a simulated
input, allows program execution to resume after a programmable delay time elapses.
Manual Setting of I/O
The user shall have to ability to manually set and reset outputs in all modes. In automatic mode this feature
shall be blockable.
I/O User Interaction
1. User definable text based names shall be available for both digital inputs and digital outputs. Digital
I/O numbers may be included in addition to but not in lieu of text based signal names.
2. I/O management functions such as insertion, data table sorting and searching shall be accomplished
using the text based names.
3. I/O shall be named and allocated according to the requirements of OVRS-4.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

I/O Display
1. The robot controller shall have the ability to display the current state of all I/O. Each I/O shall have an
available name or comment field at least 16 alphanumeric characters long. The full name / comment
field shall also be shown on the I/O display.
2. Application specific I/O screens (i.e. weld interface, dispense equipment interface, etc.) shall be provi-
3. The I/O display shall update the I/O values at least every 1.0 second.

The robot shall have user accessible multitasking capability. Only one of the tasks shall have the capa-
bility of controlling robot motion at any time. Multi-tasking functions shall not affect the timing of the current
robot program that is running.
Virus-Free Software
Any PC-based controller shall be capable of running any commercially available anti-virus software.
1. The robot manufacturer shall provide built–in diagnostic capabilities for troubleshooting and adjust-
2. The controller shall indicate a single-channel fault on any control reliable circuit.
3. The controller diagnostics shall indicate potential low/loss of input voltage or single phase as potential
source of error when applicable. Trouble shooting procedure shall recommend proper test procedure to
detect phase loss or low voltage.
4. Fault information should be available for viewing via web browser interface via Ethernet connection to
the cell.
5. The robot manufacturer shall provide a method to remotely browse the teach pendant and answer
fault recovery choices and prompts from HMI devices. The access level (read/write) to various features
shall be configurable.
Special Application Software
Any combination of applications (e.g. Spotweld, Studweld, Dispense, Arc, etc.) along with material
handling shall be able to run in the same robot controller. The applications installed shall be configurable from
the teach pendant.
Auto Error Recovery
An auto error recovery function shall be provided. This function shall allow the user to decide either to
retry a failed operation or to automatically move the robot into a user-defined position, where it waits for a
restart signal. Upon receipt of the restart signal the robot returns to the place where the work was interrupted
in a manner appropriate to the application and resumes the program.
Move Restart Function
A “Move Restart” function shall be provided. If the robot leaves its programmed path as a result of
stop, after receipt of the restart signal, it shall return to the point it left the path under slow speed control. A
variable overlapping path shall be available for bonding and sealing and arc welding.
Setup Parameters
The setting of all configuration parameters and user variables shall be menu driven
File Operations
A full set of file management facilities such as copy, rename, delete, etc. files and programs shall be

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Error Logs
Faults and alerts should be stored in error logs files in text format. The capability to copy and clear error
logs as well as to sort events shall be available.
Manual Function Execution
Manual function routines not requiring robot motion or requiring only end effector motion shall be exe-
cutable with the General Stop circuit open. Functions such as the Gun Open / Close, Backup Open / Close and
the Manual Weld function on spot welding robots shall remain operational.
PLC Function
1. The robot shall have the ability of an integrated soft PLC functionality. All robot signals including safety
signals and other internal signals should be available and accessible from the integrated PLC. It should
be independent of the robot program and movements. Thus a separate processor is preferred.
2. Minimum requirements:
a. Scan-time for the total PLC program max. 10 ms
b. Memory min. 128 Kbytes and Programmable steps min. 15.000
3. Minimum available functions:
a. Edit PLC programs (Off-Line edit)
b. Edit symbol and comment
c. Transfer edited PLC program into robot control
d. Read PLC program from robot controller
e. Run / Stop PLC program
f. Write PLC program
g. Save and load PLC program as a file
h. Signal status monitor (Current value of every address is displayed)
i. Monitor and modify value of timer, counter, data table, keep relay, controlling data, etc.
4. An Off-Line editing program should be available running with the specified operating system (Windows
98, 2000, 7, etc.). Connecting and/or file transfer can be initiated via PCMCIA Memory cards or via RS-
232-C interface.
Integrated Vision
1. The robot shall have options for integrated 2D and 3D vision, including hardware and software needed
to acquire, store, analyze images, and communicate results.
2. Capabilities of the system shall include:
a. Six degree of freedom path and/or frame adjustment
b. In cases where a robot is mounted on an external axis (linear unit or 7th axis), the robot shall have
the capability of applying offsets to either the external axis (if the offset is in the same direction as
the external axis) or to the robot arm main axes (axis 1 to 6.) These offsets are either vision offsets
for robot guidance and path correction, or calculated offsets as required for racking or destacking
applications. The user shall have the option of selecting the axis group to which the offsets shall be
applied when teaching the points that contain the offsets.
c. Feature presence / absence detection
d. Basic gauging functionality
e. Sealant bead quality inspection
f. Vision instructions in application or process programs must have the ability to use variable argu-
ments when executing vision macros
g. Minimum of 16 characters for naming of processes, cameras, macros, etc
h. Ability to execute vision processes and macros in the background concurrent to motion programs
i. Onboard error recovery and diagnostics capability including Retry / Abort functionality when fea-
tures are missed, including a message identifying which feature(s) in the image are faulted.
j. Multi-locate capability which allows one reference position through multiple ROI’s and feature find
cycles on the same image
k. Feature count and offset data shall be accessible to the application or process programs
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

l. Onscreen display of images on teach pendant, including graphical representation of the vision
tools used, attributed (color code or otherwise) to show pass / fail status.
m. Automatic calibration capability using either a single target with multiple positions or a grid and a
single position
n. Ability to record, display and compare to a tolerance band; offset data for each axis on each image
o. Light meter tool capable of measuring variations in part lighting and comparing to a tolerance
p. Support for a minimum of 16 cameras without degrading system performance
3D vision systems shall have the ability to evaluate and report on the application accuracy. Accuracy reports
shall include variation limits and coordinate identification repeatability statistics.
3. Integrated Vision options shall include any necessary additional memory necessary to acquire, store,
and analyze images without affecting main system memory availability.
4. Vision memory shall be sufficient to support up to 10 vision processes and 100 part styles.
5. Vision system cycle time shall provide fast and reliable results without affecting overall system perfor-
mance and throughput for both assembly and metal forming applications
6. If the image processing requires a separate PC, the hardware and software shall be supplied. If the PC
requires a separate enclosure, it shall comply with IP54 requirements.
a. NOTE: Any PC located in a OV facility is subject to all IS&S policies and procedures regarding data
security and threat/vulnerability risk management (virus protection, OS update procedures, net-
work security, access control, etc.) Conformity to these requirements must be documented and cer-
tified prior to installation in a OV facility.
b. Any third-party PC software associated with the vision system must be bundled and included with
manufacturers’ robot operating software license and maintenance agreements.
c. Mass memory storage devices shall not use rotating media.
7. The robot arm shall have a connection on the robot base interface plate and the robot arm interface
plate for any end of arm mounted sensors (reference OVRS-FP).
8. Vision hardware outside of the control cabinet is preferred to be industry common (non- robot manu-
facturer proprietary) commodity items (i.e. cameras, lenses, lighting, power supplier, cables, mounting
brackets, etc.)
a. A spare parts bill of material referencing original equipment manufacturers’ part numbers shall be
included in system documentation for these items.
9. All cabling for sensors mounted on the end of arm tooling shall be high flex / super flex type.
10. Standard application lighting shall be available for vision systems including where required, laser struc-
tured lighting and/or red LED lighting components.
Multi-Arm Control
The controller shall have the ability to control multi-arm applications in both coordinated and asynchronous
motion as well as a combination of both.
1. Examples of coordinated motion multi-arm applications include but are not limited to Arc welding, mul-
tiple robots working together in a material handling application, and cooperative welding.
2. Examples of asynchronous multi-arm applications include but are not limited to multiple robot arms
with carried welders working independently on a part in a single station. Each arm should have the abi-
lity to run all typical welding robot paths including repair and tip dress.
Synchronized motion
The robot shall have the ability to synchronize motion and speed with feedback from an auxiliary enco-
der (example would be ability to track and modify speed to stamping press).

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Teaching Functions Requirements

Servo-Independent Command Execution
The robot shall have the ability to perform all non-servo commands regardless of the status of the servo
Non-Motion Execution
The robot shall have a “debug” capability of running its entire program without robot motion. All robot
motion instructions shall cause the program to delay the amount of time as if the robot were moving. All other
instructions (e.g. I/O execution, fault handling, TCP speed calculation, analog outputs etc.) shall execute as if
the robot were moving.
Motion Types In Teach
1. The robot shall have the ability to move, while in manual mode, in at least the joint, world, tool and user
coordinate systems in linear, circular or joint modes. The robot teach pendant shall display the coordi-
nate system in which the robot is operating.
2. The robot shall be able to rotate around the TCP, including remote TCP’s.
3. The robot shall have the ability, when moving in linear mode, to stop robot motion and alert the user
before the robot passes through or near a singularity.
Step-By-Step Program Execution
The robot shall have the ability to execute one instruction at a time
Backward Motion Execution
The robot shall have the ability to accurately execute the programmed path in reverse.
Hot Edit
1. The user shall have the ability to adjust programmed positions and velocity through the teach pendant
while the robot program is running in automatic mode.
2. Upon entry into the hot edit mode the user shall have the option to keep all unaccepted hot edits or to
restore the nominal values to prevent accumulation of hot edits.
3. Upon exiting the hot edit function the user shall have the ability to discard any changes that may have
been made.
4. The robot shall also have user-definable limits (specified in X, Y Z and three orientation angles) on the
amount points can be adjusted. If an edit is attempted that adjusts the point beyond any of the limits,
the robot shall not apply the offset and shall alert the user of the error.
Display Coordinates
The robot shall be able to display the coordinates of the current robot position in the currently selected
coordinate system.
Program Editing
1. Text manipulation used for program editing, such as cut and paste functions shall allow the operation
executed between files.
2. Find and replace functionality should be provided.
3. Program input shall be checked for errors on every line or other method to prevent input errors shall be

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Programming Instructions
Motion Instructions
1. The robot shall have instructions for linear, joint and circular motion. A weave motion function shall be
available for arc welding robots. For each motion instruction at least the following parameters shall be
a. Position information;
b. Velocity;
c. Acceleration;
d. Motion type (i.e., linear, joint or circular);
e. Termination type;
f. Comment field of at least eight characters.
g. User definable coordinate frame
h. Tool Center Point
2. For parameters not entered by the user in the motion instruction, the current system default shall be
3. Subsequent instructions shall not be executed until the robot reaches a user-definable distance from
the programmed point.
4. The robot path shall be independent of the speed at which the path is executed.
8.1.1 Move Until
The robot shall have the ability to move toward a programmed position until sensing an event, at which
time the robot will execute the next instruction.
8.1.2 Move Relative
The robot shall have a program instruction available to move relative from the current position. The u-
ser shall have the ability to specify the move relative to the current position in tool and base / world coordina-
tes. The coordinate system in which the relative move is to be executed shall be available as a parameter or
argument of the instruction.
8.1.3 Move Axis
The robot shall have a program instruction available to move a single axis or several axes.
The robot shall have a minimum of 10 user-programmable timers with 0.01-second resolution. Timer
overflow shall not stop any program from running.
I/O Instructions
The I/O instruction shall be initiated immediately after completion of the previous instruction.
8.3.1 Set An Output
1. The robot shall be able to set digital outputs high, low or to invert the state of output(s). It shall also be
possible to pulse an output for a user-definable duration of up to 10 seconds in increments of 0.1 se-
2. The robot shall have the ability to set at least eight groups of outputs with a user-definable length of
four to eight bits each. These group outputs shall be mapable anywhere in the output range. The
group will be set as an unsigned integer.
3. Each output shall have the ability to be named. Referencing the output in the program shall be possible
either by name or by number.

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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

8.3.2 Examine An Input

1. The robot shall be able to examine the state of an input, and the program shall have branching capabi-
lity based on the state of the input.
2. The robot shall have the ability to examine at least eight “group” inputs of a user-definable length of
four to eight bits each. These group inputs shall be mapable anywhere in the input range. The group
will be read as an unsigned integer.
3. Each input shall have the ability to be named. Referencing the input in the program shall be possible
either by name or by number.
Interrupt Routines
1. The robot shall have the ability to enable at least eight simultaneous user interrupts.
2. The priority of each interrupt shall be user-programmable.
Select Robot Frame/Work Object
1. The robot shall have the ability to use up to six frames or work objects. These frames or work objects
shall be individually programmable and shall be stored by the robot for use in a program at any time.
After a frame/work object has been selected in the program, it shall remain in effect until changed eit-
her in the program or manually.
2. When a location is taught, the robot shall automatically attach the current robot frame/work object
identifier to the location.
3. The robot shall be prevented from moving to a location if the current frame or work object identifier
(name or number) does not match the frame or work object identifier in use when the position was
Select Robot TCP
1. The robot shall have the ability to use up to ten TCP’s. These TCP’s shall be individually programmable
and stored by the robot for use in a program at any time. After a TCP has been selected in the program,
it shall remain in effect until changed either in the program or manually.
2. When a location is taught, the robot shall automatically attach the current TCP identifier to the loca-
3. The robot shall be prevented from moving to a location if the current TCP identifier (name or number)
does not match the TCP identifier in use when the position was taught.
Branching and Looping
1. The robot shall have the ability to branch based on logical expressions and Boolean variables.
2. In addition, the robot shall have the ability to perform a section of code multiple times based on the
state of counters and variables.
Call a Subroutine
The robot shall include the following:
1. The capability of calling at least 64 subprograms without effecting robot motion.
2. The ability for nesting of subprograms in at least 10 levels.
3. The access of the same subprograms from multiple programs
4. The calling of the subroutine by a user definable distance or time (i.e. gun anticipate time) before or
after arriving at the user taught position independent of the robot speed, motion or termination type
without impacting cycle time.
5. The calling of a subroutine by an asynchronous input or variable value. Once the interrupt routine has
completed, normal program execution shall continue.

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Version 1.0 Programming Instructions OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

User Input Function

The robot shall contain a user-level programming means to request information and record the
response from an operator prior to resuming program execution.
Boolean Logic
The robot shall have the ability to perform Boolean logic operations.
Math Functions
1. The robot shall have the ability to perform basic math functions on integers, real numbers and variables
that can represent integers or real numbers.
2. The robot should also have the capability of performing basic trigonometric functions.
Comment Statement
The robot shall have the ability to insert comment statements as a line in the program. The comment
statement shall have no effect on program execution time.
Adaptive Frame Adjust
1. An Instruction to perform 3-D-coordinate shifting of the entire program in X, Y, and Z directions shall be
2. The robot shall be capable of performing the shift via tool or basic coordinates and sensor input.
Text Display
Program instructions shall be available to display user defined text and the value of variables during
program execution.

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Version 1.0 Programming Instructions OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Programming Utilities
A mirror utility shall be provided to create a mirror of a programmed path about the X-Z plane.
Reverse Path
A reverse path utility shall be provided to create a path that executes the user selected source path in
reverse order with proper handling of motion types, speeds and back-ups.
A utility shall be provided to shift any part of a path in 3 and 6 degrees of freedom by point teaching
and manual entry of coordinates or joint angles.
TCP Teaching
1. The robot shall have a repeatable method of teaching a TCP.
2. Each TCP shall have the ability to be named.
3. The user shall be able to directly enter the TCP value.
4. The user shall have the ability to re-teach the TCP without modifying the orientation of the TCP.
Frame Teaching
1. The robot shall have a repeatable method for teaching 6 degree of freedom frames.
2. The user shall be able to directly enter the frame value.
3. Each frame shall have the ability to be named.
Path Copy
1. The robot shall have the capability of copying any part of a path within the same program or to a diffe-
rent program.
2. The copied path shall duplicate all of the position and logical information of the original path.
TCP Adjust
The TCP adjust utility creates an output program that has the same set of joint angles for every position
as the source program but uses a different TCP. This utility shall function from teach pendant in the following
1. The user selects the source TCP data from a list.
2. The user defines the target TCP data by choosing from a list or by entering a new TCP.
3. The utility determines which programs use the source TCP data and allows the user to select all pro-
grams or a subset of all programs to modify.
4. If errors are encountered during execution, a message shall report the errors and the output program
shall not be written.
This utility can be implemented as part of the Off Line Editing Package (Section 11).
Frame Adjust
A frame adjustment utility shall be provided to create an output program that has the same set of joint
angles for every position as the source program but uses a different frame.
Automatic Application Configuration Utility
A configuration utility shall be provided to perform the initial setup of application settings, I/O configu-
ration, program templates, device node mapping, and all other settings that can be preset based on standar-
dized configurations.
1. The utility shall be interactive and adaptive based on user responses to specific questions.

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Version 1.0 Programming Utilities OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

2. The utility shall establish all standardized I/O signal definitions according to the structure and names
defined in OVRS-4.
3. The utility shall have the ability to retrieve, view and store the current configuration settings.
The utility shall have the ability to add to the current configuration without distributing the previous
settings, i.e. add a welding application to a previously configured material handler without having to reconfi-
gure the MH portion.

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Version 1.0 Programming Utilities OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Communication Requirements
10.1.1 Disaster Recovery
The robot controller shall recover from any failure that results in the loss of system and application data fi-
les, program logic, or data contained in the robot controller memory.
1. The robot controller shall utilize a TCP/IP Ethernet based network interface to re-initialize and reload
2. The interface shall facilitate the boot-up of the robot controller and retrieval of software and data into
robot memory from a host over an Ethernet network.
3. Upon reloading, the robot controller shall require acknowledgment of the download before allowing
motion in any mode.
10.1.2 Change Monitoring
The robot controller shall make the currently executing program and data files available for upload and
comparison by an Upload, Download, and Compare (UDC) application.
10.1.3 Plantwide Software Distribution
Upon downloading software updates through the MIS interface, the robot controller shall require ack-
nowledgment of the download before allowing motion in any mode.
10.1.4 Time Update
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) shall be utilized to maintain robot date and time.
Network Associations
The robot controller shall support a minimum of 16 concurrent associations (connections) including real-
time I/O connections.
Network Services
1. The network interface shall be compatible with the network services for file transfer and address resolu-
2. Network services shall not impact the performance of the robot at any time.
3. A logical device name instead of an IP address shall be used to reference the robot controller.
10.3.1 File Transfer Service
A network interface capable of handling bi-directional file transfers over a plant-wide network shall be
provided. Robot Data File Categories
At times it will be necessary to upload/download only robot data files related to a specific functional
area of the robot controller. For this purpose, robot data files related to a functional area are categorized into
groups as described in Table 10-1.

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Version 1.0 Communication Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Table 10-1 Data File Categories

Robot Data File User Level Description
Operating System Upload and Files related to the robot operating system.
Supplier Upload and Application files, pertinent to the manufacturing process, which
Application Files Download are provided by the supplier and are common to a number of ro-
User Application Upload and Application files, pertinent to the manufacturing process, which
Files Download are customized by the user and are common to a number of ro-
Robot Path Files Upload and Files related to specific robot functions such as robot path and va-
Download riable data customizable by the user.
Robot Specific Data Upload only Robot specific files containing calibration and configuration data,
Files I/O mapping.
Error Log Upload only Robot system error log files.
Superset Upload and All files from all robot data file groups with the exception of error
Download log files in the case of downloads.

1. All path, data and application files containing user modifiable data shall be available for upload and
download in ASCII format, organized for manual (Human) interpretation.
2. These files shall not contain dynamically changing variables such as counters, timers, clocks, registers or
other data which are not caused by setup or programming changes.
3. If an uploaded ASCII file is not downloadable, it shall be generated by the robot to match the corres-
ponding binary file at the time of the upload. Upload Request
1. Initiation
Requests for robot uploads shall be initiated in the following ways:
a. manually by the user at the robot controller,
b. from a UDC application, and
c. by a device explicitly given read-access.
Table 10-2 summarizes initiation methods and devices for uploads.
2. Processing
1. Uploads initiated by any sources that are external to the robot controller shall not be permitted
unless the source has been explicitly given read-access to the robot controller.
2. After processing an upload request, the robot controller shall display and store in a log file a status
message, indicating:
a. the outcome of upload processing (by code)
b. the outcome of upload processing (by text message reporting)
c. the name of the uploaded file
d. the date (month, day and year) and time (hours, minutes, seconds) set on the robot controller
e. the name of the uploaded files along with the robot controller date and time shall be saved in a
log file
3. The upload request shall be executed in manual modes as well as during automatic operation. Download Request
1. Downloads initiated by any sources that are external to the robot controller shall not be permitted un-
less the source has been explicitly given write-access to the robot controller.
2. The robot shall accept only locally initiated Robot Path File and Robot Specific Data File downloads.
3. Table 10-2 summarizes initiation methods and devices for downloads

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Version 1.0 Communication Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Table 10-2 Initiation Methods and Devices For Downloads

Upload Re- Download Re- Initiation Method Initiation Device
quest quest
Yes Yes manually by user robot controller
Yes Yes manually by user UDC application host
Yes No Scheduled UDC application host
Yes N/A manually by user other device explicitly given readac-
Yes N/A Scheduled other device explicitly given readac-
N/A Yes manually by user other device explicitly given writeac-
N/A No Scheduled other device explicitly given writeac-

4. All rejection responses shall be coded to adhere to the specification for File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
5. The downloaded file shall not become active or effect the running process until it is explicitly accepted
at the robot user interface. The robot controller user interface shall prompt for verification to overwrite
any existing file.
6. After processing a download request, the robot controller shall display a status message, indicating:
a. the outcome of download processing (by code)
b. the outcome of download processing (by text message reporting)
c. the name of the downloaded file
d. the date and time set on the robot controller
7. If a download is unsuccessful, the robot controller shall leave intact all files, which existed immediately
prior to the download.
8. The robot controller shall leave intact all files, which existed immediately prior to the download except
for the file(s) being downloaded. File Transfer Performance
1. The robot shall completely recover from an aborted file transfer.
2. Recovery shall include at minimum, the cleanup of unused data in memory, deletion of temporary files,
and releasing resources no longer required.
3. The robot shall continue communication operations with the network after an aborted file. Upload and Download Verification
For each robot controller model and configuration, the supplier shall demonstrate and report actual
upload and download times for each of the six robot data file groups. File Transfer Service Implementation
For the application of file exchange, the application layer shall be implemented using file transfer pro-
tocol (FTP). Refer to RFC 959 for the official specification of the FTP.
10.3.2 Address Resolution Services
The robot controller startup procedure shall include a bootstrap process that shall implement the follo-
wing address resolution services: DNS, DHCP and Default Gateway. The robot controller shall use accepted in-
dustry communication protocol standards for dynamic address assignment and for acquiring system startup,
boot up and configuration information over the network. The controller shall also have the ability to have a sta-
tic IP address manually set. Domain Name Services (DNS)
The robot controller shall support Domain Name Service (DNS) client operations. Refer to RFC 822 for
the official specification of DNS.

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Version 1.0 Communication Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

The robot controller shall support Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The robot controller
shall use DHCP to acquire its network address. Refer to RFC 1533, 1534, 1541, and 1542 for the official specifica-
tion of the DHCP protocol.
Network Protocol Implementation
Table 10-3 Network Protocol Implementation
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Reference Model Layers
Application File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Domain Name Services (DNS)
OPC – Future item
Presentation no implementation, but shall not be im-
plemented as a null layer
Session no implementation, but shall not be im-
plemented as a null layer
Transport Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Refer to RFC 793
Network Internet Protocol (IP)
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Refer to RFC 791
Data Link ANSI/IEEE Standard 802.3
Physical Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 10BaseT with RJ-
45 connectors at each end. M12 connectors at each end
(external) and RJ 45(internal). (See 4.18)

Table 10-4 Acceptable Commercial, Off-The-Shelf (COTS)

Products For Implementation of Protocol Stack
Acceptable Commercial, Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Products For Imple-
mentation of Protocol Stack
Operating System Product Supplier
Windows 7 TCP/IP Microsoft

10.4.1 Application Protocols

The robot controller shall support file transfer, messaging, dynamic address assignment and network
management protocols as specified in Table 10-3.
10.4.2 Network Configuration
Network configuration parameters should be available through the teach pendant i.e. MAC address, IP
address, default gateway, host name, etc. These values shall be protected against accidental or unauthorized

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Version 1.0 Communication Requirements OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

PC Based Off Line Editing Package.

1. A Windows compatible PC utility for robot program generation, editing and file management shall be
2. The utility shall be capable of editing a robot program in ASCII format.
3. The utility shall be capable of checking syntax of the robot program including all available functions
and instructions of the robot.

Robot Simulation and Off Line Programming

Basic Robot Model
The robot supplier shall provide the following information (based on theoretical robot design) to OV
and the OV designated simulation software supplier. Robot models must be available for use during design
prior to the actual sale of a new robot or introduction into potential production systems.

The robot supplier shall provide 2 simulation robot model formats:

1) Delmia standard kinematic model for IGRIP.
2) UGS Tecnomatix "JT Kinematic" model for Process Simulate.

12.1.1 Required Data

The following validated UG or simulation vendor data of all OV customized robots shall be provided:
1. Full scale 3D model geometry data meeting specifications stated in section 12.1.2 shall be delivered in
SOLID/NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) quality and not in surface/polygon quality.
2. 2D front, top, and side views in full scale.
3. 2D front, top, and side views of entire robot envelope with dimensions in full scale.
4. The 3D geometry and position of external cables shall be provided. Separate files shall show the cables
in at least 3 different robot positions.
5. The 3D geometry and position of the standard robot dress package shall be provided. Separate files
shall show the cables in at least 3 different robot positions.
The following documentation shall be provided:
1. Work envelope restrictions based on formulas.
2. Link lengths and offsets of all the joints.
3. Joint limits, joint directions, joint dependencies, joint speeds, and joint accelerations.
4. Kinematics and configurations
5. Digital pictures of robot with and without dress package
12.1.2 Geometry And Level Of Detail of Model
1. Wrapped Geometry which is invisible from outside should be removed.
2. The geometry and position of electrical connectors shall be provided.
3. The geometry and position of standard add-ons, such as fork pockets, base plate, dress components,
sockets, mounting plates, and controllers (if integrated), shall be provided.
4. The geometry and position of external cables shall be provided.
5. The geometry and position of the standard robot dress package shall be provided.
6. Frames shall represent the position and orientation of robot origin, base frame, tool frame and rotation
Accurate Controller Module (RCS)
The RCS module utilizes the actual robot controller motion planner to precisely plan out the robot path
trajectory, cycle time, and I/O timing. It is a “plug-in” to the simulation software and shall be created by the ro-
bot manufacturer.

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Version 1.0 PC Based Off Line Editing Package. OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

12.2.1 Compatibility
1. The RCS server shall run on PC.
2. The RCS server shall be compatible with European versions of Win2000/WinXP/Win7.
3. Documentation shall be provided that lists the robot models and functionality supported by the RCS
4. The RCS module shall be installable by a single file or installation script.
12.2.2 Functionality
1. The RCS speed performance shall be in such a way that a simulation using RCS is faster than correspon-
ding real robots under the following test conditions:
a. The RCS Sample Rate in IGRIP shall be fixed to the lowest possible value.
b. In IGRIP, the Step Size and RCS Sample Rate shall be equal.
c. It’s allowed to use the latest available NT hardware to run the RCS server.
d. The results shall be archived running IGRIP on the server computer or standalone (point to point
connection), having only one robot in the IGRIP workcell and using any size of the graphic window.
2. Interactive teaching activities with enabled RCS module shall not be sluggish (time between user input
and motion less than 0.5 second).
3. The RCS module shall support the OV robots inclusive all OV options/parameters by default.
4. Because of performance reasons or other limitations, it shall be allowed to support each seat with a se-
parate RCS server.
5. The RCS module functionality shall support the following:
a. The execution of 6 or more robots simultaneously.
b. The use of multiple TCP’s.
c. The use of multiple remote TCP’s.
d. The use of multiple user frames.
e. Support all kinds of coordinate motion (line tracking, external axis, different motion groups etc.)
f. Support tool changing where parameters of external axis are dynamically changed depending on
the tool that is on the end of the arm. An example would
g. be gun changing where the use of multiple different types of guns are used and the configuration
will change when the next gun is picked up.
h. The entire range of the robot envelope shall be reachable and not extend outside.
i. The motion through and around a singularity for linear motion type.
j. The use of multiple payloads (incl. Inertia values).
k. The use of the actual robot “heartbeat”.
l. For each motion or software/communication fault, a detail error code/report should be sent to the
simulation system.
m. Motion commands with fine positions and other robot commands which are located behind a mo-
tion command shall be simulated like on the real robot: A robot command shall not be executed
before reaching the fine position. The look ahead function of the RCS module shall support fine po-
sition like on the real robot.
n. The transition between different robot configurations shall not interrupt RCS (e.g.
o. no different between +0° and –0°, no different between 180° turn A and 180° turn B).
p. Support output of power consumption, duty cycle, life cycle info (gear boxes, servos, etc), and
other diagnostic information.
q. Support setting of IO and calling subroutines using a time or distance before or after the robot has
reached a position.
12.2.3 Accuracy
1. The TCP path trajectory shall be accurate within 5 mm.
2. The Cycle time shall be accurate within 3%.
3. The I/O timing shall be accurate within 48 mm.

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Version 1.0 Robot Simulation and Off Line Programming OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Load Analysis Tool

The supplier shall provide a web-based load analysis application for all OV purchased robot models.
The application shall contain the following:
Application Input
1. Robot model
a. The application shall have the ability to be configured to only display OV approved robot models as
a subset of the manufacturer’s product line.
2. End-of-arm-tool parameters:
a. Mass (kilograms)
b. Mass center (x, y, z in m. from face plate)
c. Mass moment of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz in kg-m2 about mass center)
3. Dress parameters:
a. Mass (kilograms)
b. Mass center (x’, y’, z’ in m. from axis 3)
c. Mass moment of inertia (Ixx’, Iyy’, Izz’ in kg-m2 about axis 3)
4. Speed and acceleration overrides consistent with programmable robot functions (default 100%)
5. Design source and design identifiers (text data)
6. Ability to accept a user defined wrist angle restriction criteria for press tending applications.
7. The program shall have the capability to import input data per robot in comma delimited format to be
imported from the mechanical design source.
Application Output
Summary sheet containing:
1. All input parameters
2. Approval, conditions of approval, reasons for non-approval
3. Loading diagram illustrating design relative to robot limits:
a. Static loading (mass, center of gravity)
b. Dynamic loading (torque and inertia of relevant axes)
4. Listing of COG and inertia data in robot input format
5. Is the robot in warranty?
6. A warning when the design payload reaches or exceeds 90% of the robot capacity.
7. The program shall have the capability of providing a summary of all robots from one installation in an
overall view one page. The data of mass and results of check for warranty shall be included.
8. The program shall have the capability to export load data per robot in comma delimited format to be
imported into simulation

Duty Cycle Analysis Tool

The supplier shall provide a software tool to perform duty cycle analysis both on the robot controller
(built-in) and also offline.

Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality

The functional circuits shown in Annex A do not reflect the use of safety relays to implement control reli-
ability. This absence of safety relays is due to the variances in termination and functionality between the diffe-
rent safety relays. However, this does not imply that safety relays may not be utilized. The robot supplier shall
determine the exact devices needed to fulfill the functional requirements of this document. All relays should
contain surge suppression to lengthen the lifespan of the components

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Version 1.0 Load Analysis Tool OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
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Version 1.0 Annex A – Hardware Cell Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

Annex B – Safe I/O Interface Functionality

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Version 1.0 Annex B – Safe I/O Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex B – Safe I/O Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex B – Safe I/O Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
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Opel Automobile GmbH
OV ME Strategy

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Version 1.0 Annex B – Safe I/O Interface Functionality OVRS-1 Global Common Technical
Specification for Production
Annex C – Powertrain and Legacy Option Content Requirement
The following items shall be available as options to the standard base robot configuration as described in
this specification, until such time as a final OV Global Robot configuration is reached during the term of this

1. OV Powertrain Specific Options

The following options shall be available for OV Powertrain applications on the G3.0 configured robot
with R30iB robot controller:
a. All configurations provided in G3.0 project books.
b. Two position Auto/T1 switch.
c. NTED enable device connection and jumper.
d. Servo Disable switch with Powertrain approved components.
e. HandlingTool Teach Pendant Overlay.
f. The three Safety Bundles for Robot Interface as Options: EIPSafe, ProfiSafe, IDNS.
2. OVPT Legacy Options
The following options shall be available for OV Powertrain applications on the G2.0 configured robot
with R30iA robot controller. Timeline for phase out to be proposed.
a. All configurations provided in G2.0 project books.

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