Students' Awareness of Green School Implementation To Support The Education For Sustainable Development (ESD)

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Students’ awareness of green school

implementation to support the education for

sustainable development (ESD)
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020010 (2022);
Published Online: 30 December 2022

Ade Apriani, R. Ferina Intan Lusia, Hadi Purwanto, et al.


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© 2022 Author(s).
Students' Awareness of Green School Implementation to
Support The Education For Sustainable Development (ESD)
Ade Apriani1,a), R. Ferina Intan Lusia1,b), Hadi Purwanto2,c), Agus Minarti2,d) and
Neng Sholihat2,e)
Pascasarjana Universitas Riau, Jalan Kampus Bina Widya KM. 12, Simpang Baru Pekanbaru 28293, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Jalan Tuanku Tembusai, Pekanbaru 28294, Indonesia

Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Abstract. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) attempts to improve the abilities of the world's next generation
to maintain the sustainability of the environmental in the future. ESD focuses on improving and increasing students'
individual competencies, allowing them to contribute and participate in the sustainable development process in a variety
of ways. The School for Sustainable Development (ESD) method is critical for instilling knowledge in education and is a
concrete step for the government to address current environmental issues. ESD has been mentioned in various studies,
including: 1) environmental education; 2) global education/education for global responsibility; and 3) global
education/education for global duty; 3) civic/political education; 4) anti-violence and anti-racism education; 5) health
education; and several contributions in the ESD literature that highlight skills and mindsets as a way to empower individuals
to initiate and make changes. In practice, this means allowing students to assess their own awareness. ESD competencies
can be incorporated into the classroom. The study's findings revealed that social, environmental, and economic indicators
obtained the highest percentage on economic indicators, with an acquisition of 83 percent, followed by social indicators,
with an acquisition of 80 percent, and environmental indicators, with an acquisition of 79%.

Educators require specific attention and money for professional development. To prevent wasting resources
through duplication and reinventing the wheel, better coordination of existing networks is considered as critical. To
combat unfairness in the organization, educators at all levels, including directors of academic institutions, require
training and capacity building [1]. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is very important for
environmental utili-zation while protecting environmental conditions [2]. The National Eye's 2013 curriculum
(2010-2014) declares a commitment to ESD The major purpose of the ESD program is to help each learner develop
the values, attitudes, and abilities that will enable them to make a lifelong commitment to sustainable change and to
make their own lives more sustainable [3].
The need of protecting the earth from harm to human survival necessitates consideration of environmental
sustainability in all aspects of development. The United Nations develops education for sustainable development
through UNESCO. It consists of four (four) core activities. 1) Instill the value of long-term planning. 2) Promote
sustainable development research (encourage research on sustainable development). 3) Engage and exchange
information with international networks about green schools and the local environment as a long-term endeavor (green
campuses and support local sustainability activities [4].

The 3rd International Conference on Science Education (ICoSEd 2021)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2600, 020010-1–020010-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4289-4/$30.00

ESD has been included in various studies, including: 1) environmental education; 2) global education/education
for global responsibility; 3) civic education/political education; 4) education against violence and racism; and 5) health
education [5]. Not only that, but ESD also encompasses the development of attitudes, views, and values that guide
individuals toward living sustainable lives by focusing on the future generation [6].
It is vital to modify people's values, attitudes, and beliefs in order to make the transition to a more sustainable
society. The community must overcome the threats to their well-being that are posed by environmental, social, and
economic factors. The only way to overcome obstacles is to think and behave in a sustainable manner [7]. ESD
combines a high-quality education system with measurable learning goals and results to form the foundation of the
'Worldwide Action Program,' which serves as a roadmap for global education reform and development [8].
ESD examines the issue from three perspectives: environmental, social, and economic [9]. These pillars are
unquestionably linked to global challenges and also to the long-term viability of human life. So that, in the context of
ESD (Education For Sustainable Development), students develop sustainability consciousness, particularly when
confronted with global concerns, and also think critically about how to solve a problem while considering the influence
on various elements of life.
ESD provides students with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes they need to analyze information, make
decisions, and take responsible actions that benefit the environment, the economy, and society for current and future
generations. [10] following [11], ESD has the ability to bridge the gap between business and school, as well as between
school classes and the community, according to the author. As a result of this tight association, the environment, which
serves as a home for humans, is expected to remain preserved and capable of meeting human needs in the future.
Furthermore, it is intended that through learning about the application of science in everyday life in relation to
environmental challenges, the learning process in schools would become more relevant, directing students to look
ahead and be aware of sustainable principles (sustainability awareness).
As a teacher of the subject of biology education, I wish to develop students' cognitive capacities and raise their
understanding of the importance of sustainability (sustainability awareness). Sustainability knowledge should be
instilled at a young age because it is a critical component of supporting sustainable growth, particularly in the green
school program. The green school idea encourages all students to adopt a lifestyle that is more environmentally
conscious and preserves the environment.
Schools that serve as institutions for instilling ideals in pupils in order for them to have a long and healthy life.
As a result, schools must commit to deliberately developing programs that integrate environmental values into all
aspects of school life. As a result, the school's physical look is set up in an environmentally friendly manner, making
it a learning vehicle for all students to be wise and behave in a more environmentally friendly manner. Given the
current state of the environment, the concept of a green school should be applied more widely. Natural catastrophes
such as floods, landslides, and other natural disasters are primarily caused by human acts that harm environmental
ecosystems. In addition to surrendering to Him, efforts must be taken to raise awareness so that mankind are more
environmentally friendly [12]. This is where the role of the green school idea in instilling a sense of environmental
stewardship through the learning and habituation process becomes critical and strategic.
Good environmental behavior knowledge in schools is intended to raise students' environmental consciousness,
resulting in increased student participation in environmental conservation, and vice versa [13] . Green school activities
can begin with simple tasks such as putting trash in its proper location, caring for plants, ensuring appropriate water
availability, and appreciating animals and the natural environment [14]. There are five primary activities that must be
completed as part of the green school program. 1. Creation of a curriculum that is environmentally sustainable. 2.
Community-based education is being developed. 3. Improving the school's and the surrounding environment's quality
4. Environmentally friendly support system development and implementation 5. Establishment of environmentally
friendly school administration [15]. In addition to offering an ecologically friendly understanding from a young age,
the benefits of implementing green school can also create a unique appeal for schools that do so. [16] and the objective
is that through this green school curriculum, students will be able to learn more actively and efficiently, as well as be
more consistent when learning a topic that is relevant to real life. As a result, future environmental concerns must be
seriously considered by all stakeholders, including the government, community social institutions (NGOs), and the
general public, so that this obligation becomes a shared responsibility [17].
In Indonesia, the concept of a green school is now being created and implemented through the Adiwiyata initiative
to recognize the role of schools in raising student understanding. The Adiwiyata initiative is a government commitment
to environmental management and protection through education [18]. It was converted into the Adiwiyata school
program in accordance with the policies set forth by the government through the Minister of the Environment's
Regulation Number 5 of 2013 four program components have been established to achieve the Adiwiyata program's
objectives, namely (1) environmentally friendly policies, (2) implementation of an environment-based curriculum, (3)

participatory-based environmental activities, and (4) management of supporting facilities, which together form a
unified whole in achieving Adiwiyata schools friendly to the environment [19]. These four elements work together to
shape the school environment so that all students, especially those who are new to the school, become accustomed to
caring about the environment. The Adiwiyata school is expected to realize school members responsible for protecting
and managing the environment through good school governance to support sustainable development [20].

Analysis was used in this study, along with a survey technique and exploratory experiments. Statistical processes
or other forms of calculation are used to generate findings in this research method. High school kids make up the
majority of the population. The sample was chosen based on the requirement of having at least 80 students respond.
A questionnaire was utilized to collect data. The questionnaire employed in this study is similar to those used in earlier
studies and includes three indicators: environmental, social, and economic factors (Table 1). The scoring of the
respondents' responses is a data analysis approach that must be used. Following that, the data was tabulated to make
it more brief, easy to understand, and easier to see. The percentage of each sub-indicator is then calculated by adding
the score results.

TABLE 1. In The Questionnaire Instrument, There Are Certain Aspects Of Sustainability Consciousness
Indicator Sub-Indicator
Environmental Practicing sustainability in the face of environmental
Saving money by practicing sustainability
Practicing long-term unity and togetherness in the
Social Attitudes and behaviors related to natural catastrophe
avoidance and management
Behave and act in a money-related manner
Behave and act in a manner that promotes unity and
Economic Have a strong emotional response to environmental
Have a strong emotional connection to money
Have an emotional sense of oneness and unity


In 2017, the Life Indifference Behavior Index (IPKLH) was 0.51 (the IPKLH value is approaching 1, suggesting
that the higher the level of environmental indifference, the lower the IPKLH value (closer to 0), showing the more
concerned about the environment [21]. According to the findings of a poll, the perception of high school students in
the Science Department about the importance of developing green schools to support ESD (Education For Sustainable
Development) is very good, with an 80 percent response rate. The study's findings are focused on features of
sustainable development education obtained from sustainable development indicators (environmental, social and
economic). This is done because Indonesia still has environmental, social, and economic issues that have a negative
impact on the environment [22]. Our findings confirm the premise that principals play a key role in the process of
implementing ESD in schools, as expected based on the findings of school effectiveness research and prior studies
on school leadership for ESD. [23] and ESD-related school activities, such as ESD implementation in Adiwiyata
Schools and other ESD-based schools. Data from school programs is examined and categorized according to ESD
implementation [24].

79 80 83




Enviromental Social Economic
FIGURE 1. Percentage Results of Each Indicator on a Graph

Indicator of Enviromental

82,2 80 83
Sub I Sub II Sub III
FIGURE 2. Percentage Results for Each Sub-Indicator on a Graph

Three sub-indicators are used to measure environmental indicators. Meanwhile, the sub-indicator of practicing
sustainability towards saving money has a percentage achievement of 82.2 percent, followed by the sub-indicator of
practicing sustainability towards unity and unity in the vicinity with a percentage achievement of 79.7%, and the sub-
indicator of practicing sustainability towards unity and unity in the vicinity with a percentage achievement of 76.3%.
According to the findings of the research, the percentage of each sub-indicator is not too far off, indicating that
students have a balanced perspective on the sub-indicators.

Indicator of Social

100,0% 83,8 81,3

Sub I Sub II Sub III
FIGURE 3. Percentage Results for Each Sub-Indicator on a Graph

Three sub-indicators are used to measure social indicators. The behavioral and attitude sub-indicators towards
natural disaster prevention and management have a percentage achievement of 83.8 percent, followed by the behavior
and attitude towards the use of money sub-indicators with a percentage achievement of 81.3 percent, and the behavior
and unity sub-indicator with a percentage achievement of 74.7%.

Indicators of the Economy

100,0% 89,4 83,4

Sub I Sub II Sub III
FIGURE 4. Percentage Results for Each Sub-Indicator on a Graph

Three sub-indicators are used to measure economic indicators. The sub-indicator with emotional awareness of
environmental disasters has a percentage achievement of 89.4 percent, followed by the sub-indicator with emotional
awareness of money, which has an achievement of 83.4 percent, and the sub-indicator with emotional awareness of
unity and integrity, which has the lowest response. with a 74.7%.
The findings of this study are consistent with the needs of the twenty-first century, which influence all living
systems and must be balanced with a knowledge of sustainability. Sustainability is a national education plan and policy
aimed at instilling a sense of long-term sustainability and the interconnectedness of the environment, socioculture,
and economy.
Schools are included in research on initiatives to implement ESD (Education For Sustainable Development)
educational institutions. The school plays a critical role in the development and implementation of ESD (Education
For Sustainable Development) [25]. As a result, ESD should be taught in schools in order to raise public knowledge
about sustainability.

Based on the findings of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the ESD program is good to
implement in schools with learning by applying science in everyday life to environmental issues. It is hoped that the
learning process in schools will be more meaningful and will direct students to think ahead and have an awareness of
sustainable values. The outcomes of the application of the green school concept can be observed in the three indicators
that have been evaluated, with the highest percentage obtained on economic indicators 83 %, followed by social
indicators 80 % and environmental indicators 79 %. Based on the value of each indicator, it can be seen that the
difference in value is not too great, indicating that each indicator has an ESD.

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