Rudder Bias Test

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Model 650 Maintenance Manual (Rev 38)

27-21-00-2 (Rev 18)

WARNING: Do not interchange forward and aft bolt (fittings).

(4) Assemble forward tube assembly to reducer fitting.
(5) Install forward bolt (fitting) and gaskets into actuator port.
(6) Assemble aft tube assembly to solenoid valve and actuator with solenoid bolt (fitting), aft bolt (fitting) and gaskets.
(7) Install the actuator cylinder and solenoid shutoff valve on the airplane. Refer to Rudder Bias Actuator and Solenoid
Shutoff Valve Removal/Installation.
4. Actuator Heat Blanket Removal/Installation
A. Remove Heat Blanket (Refer to Figure 201).
(1) Gain access to the heat blanket by removing the tailcone stinger. Refer to Chapter 53, Tailcone Stinger -
Maintenance Practices .
(2) Disengage RUDDER BIAS HEATER circuit breaker located on the auxiliary power junction box.
(3) Identify and disconnect electrical wires at heat blanket.
(4) Pull apart heat blanket Velcro and remove blanket from actuator.
(5) Airplanes -0001 Thru -0141, cut tie wraps securing thermostats to actuator cylinder.
(6) Airplanes -0142 and On and spares, remove screws securing thermostats to mounting bracket.
B. Install Heat Blanket.
(1) Airplanes -0001 Thru -0141, attach thermostats to cylinder with tie wrap. Tie wrap should extend between thermostat
leads, and shiny metal surface should be against cylinder.
(2) Airplanes -0142 and ON and Spares installing a new heat blanket., attach thermostats to mounting bracket with
screws. Ensure face of thermostat is against cylinder.
NOTE: Airplanes -0001 Thru -0141 on initial installation of spare blanket also install thermostat
mounting bracket with existing screw. Refer to Illustrated Parts Catalog.
(3) Secure blanket by attaching Velcro hook and loop fastener.
(4) Identify and connect electrical wires.
(5) Engage RUDDER BIAS HEATER circuit breaker.
(6) Secure blanket with tie strap on each end.
(7) Install tailcone stinger. Refer to Chapter 53, Tailcone Stinger - Maintenance Practices.
5. Rudder Bias Bleed Air Lines Drain Plug
NOTE: To prevent accumulation of water in the rudder bias system, a modified plug is installed at the low point
of the bleed air lines as they pass through the tailcone bulkhead. This plug has a small hole drilled to
allow condensation to be continuously expelled.
A. Plug Maintenance.
(1) Remove tailcone stinger. Refer to Chapter 53, Stinger - Maintenance Practices.
(2) Ensure that hole in plug is not clogged by passing a short piece of 0.032 inch safety wire through hole.
(3) Ensure that plug is securely attached to tee.
6. Rudder Bias System Operational Test
A. Ground Test.
(1) Turn rudder bias switch ON.
(2) Start engines and advance one throttle. Observe rudder pedals for motion. If left throttle is advanced, left rudder pedal
should move forward; if right throttle is advanced, the right rudder pedal should move forward.
(3) Turn rudder bias switch OFF.
(4) Advance one throttle and observe rudder pedals for lack of motion.
(5) Advance other throttle and observe rudder pedals for lack of motion.
(6) Observe warning light for illumination.
7. Rudder Bias Heater Operational Test
A. Ensure RUDDER BIAS circuit breaker on left circuit breaker panel and RUDDER BIAS HEATER circuit breaker in right

Copyright © Textron Aviation Inc. Page 2 of 7

Retain printed data for historical reference only. For future maintenance, use only current data. Print Date: Mon May 30 17:59:32 CDT 2022
Model 650 Maintenance Manual (Rev 38)
27-21-00-2 (Rev 18)

auxiliary power junction box are engaged and electrical power is applied to airplane.
B. The RUD BIAS switch incorporates a TEST function which bypasses the pitot-static heater switch. Holding the switch to
the TEST position supplies power to both heater elements, bypassing the temperature sensing switches of each heater
(1) Set RUD BIAS switch to TEST and observe that the rudder bias ammeter on the pilot’s instrument panel registers a
minimum of 7 amperes, which is an indication that both heating elements are operational. If current is approximately 3
to 4 amperes, one heater element is operating.
When RUDDER BIAS SWITCH is in TEST or OFF position, RUDDER BIAS will be annunciated
on main annunciator panel.
8. Rudder Bias Line Pressure Test
A. Pressure Test
(1) Ensure the orifices in the rudder bias lines are fully open.
(2) Connect the test setup as shown in Figure 202 to the left rudder bias line.
(3) Apply shop air to pressure regulator and adjust regulator to 75 PSIG on gage number 1.
(4) Check pressure reading at gage number 2.
(a) Reading on gage number 2 must be 60 PSIG minimum.
(b) If pressure is less than 60 PSIG correct blockage or leaks in the line.
(5) Disconnect test setup from left rudder bias line and reconnect rudder bias lines.
(6) Connect the test setup to the right rudder bias line.
(7) Apply shop air to pressure regulator and adjust regulator to 75 PSIG on gage number 1.
(8) Check pressure reading at gage number 2.
(a) Reading on gage number 2 must be 60 PSIG minimum.
(b) If pressure is less than 60 PSIG correct blockage or leaks in the line.
(9) Disconnect test setup from right rudder bias line

Copyright © Textron Aviation Inc. Page 3 of 7

Retain printed data for historical reference only. For future maintenance, use only current data. Print Date: Mon May 30 17:59:32 CDT 2022

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