SMART Goals Guidelines
SMART Goals Guidelines
SMART Goals Guidelines
The SMART goal should be very specific in
● What is the desired result? (who,
terms of what you want to achieve. It should
what, when, why, how)
state the objective very clearly.
● How are you going to do it?
The SMART goal should be measurable such
● How much progress do you need to
that you can clearly define if you have
make? (quantify it)?
achieved it or not.
● How can you measure progress?
The SMART goal should be challenging, but
● What skills and resources are
not impossible given your resources and
situation. You should have the
● Can it be broken down into individual
resources/skills you need mentioned or write
where to get them from.
● Is the goal within your reach?
I will write down 500 words each day in English (reflecting on what I did well during the day
and what I could have done better) to improve the quality of my written English in my
reflection blogs by getting a full 10 marks on at least 2 of them by the end of the fellowship.