10 1111@ocr 12517
10 1111@ocr 12517
10 1111@ocr 12517
DOI: 10.1111/ocr.12517
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Abstract
Department of Odontostomatology - Objective: This scoping review aims to determine the applications of Artificial
Orthodontics. Coordinator of the Master
Intelligence (AI) that are extensively employed in the field of Orthodontics, to eval-
of Orthodontics, Faculty of Medicine and
Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, uate its benefits, and to discuss its potential implications in this speciality. Recent
Barcelona, Spain
decades have witnessed enormous changes in our profession. The arrival of new
Department of Odontostomatology -
Orthodontics, Oral Health and Masticatory
and more aesthetic options in orthodontic treatment, the transition to a fully digital
System Group (IDIBELL), University of workflow, the emergence of temporary anchorage devices and new imaging methods
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
all provide both patients and professionals with a new focus in orthodontic care.
Correspondence Materials and methods: This review was performed following the Preferred
Nuno Gustavo Correia d’Oliveira,
Department of Odontostomatology -
Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping
Orthodontics, Faculty of Medicine and Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines. The electronic literature search was performed
Health Sciences, University of Barcelona,
Carrer Feixa Llarga s/n, Pavelló Govern,
through MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane and IEEE Xplore da-
Despatx 2.7, 08907 L’Hospitalet de tabases with a 11-year time restriction: January 2010 till March 2021. No additional
Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
Emails: [email protected];
manual searches were performed.
[email protected] Results: The electronic literature search initially returned 311 records, and 115 after
removing duplicate references. Finally, the application of the inclusion criteria re-
sulted in 17 eligible publications in the qualitative synthesis review.
Conclusion: The analysed studies demonstrated that Convolution Neural Networks
can be used for the automatic detection of anatomical reference points on radio-
logical images. In the growth and development research area, the Cervical Vertebral
Maturation stage can be determined using an Artificial Neural Network model and
obtain the same results as expert human observers. AI technology can also improve
the diagnostic accuracy for orthodontic treatments, thereby helping the orthodontist
work more accurately and efficiently.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N data. Its purpose is to build a neural network that can automati-
cally recognize patterns to improve feature detection. 2,3
The last decades have witnessed enormous changes in our profes- • Big data refers to large data sets and/or the combination of all
sion. The arrival of new and more aesthetic options in orthodontic available data points drawn from multiple sources which can be
treatment, the transition to the fully digital workflow, the emer- used to recognize patterns that inform a customized experience
gence of temporary anchorage devices and new imaging methods all for different individuals.1
work to provide both patients and professionals with a new focus in
orthodontic care.1 Orthodontic treatments are usually long procedures with an
To make the diagnostic process more accurate and efficient, the average treatment duration of nearly 29 months,4 which is why or-
use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in orthodontics has grown signifi- thodontists must become more efficient to adapt to the needs of so-
cantly in recent years. This knowledge is fundamental for predict- ciety. The application of ML techniques can help to solve this issue.
ing treatment prognosis. However, the addition of this AI-based Recent technological innovations in orthodontics, including cone
knowledge does not change the fact that the health professionals, beam computed tomography (CBCT) and 3D visualizations, intraoral
with their own knowledge gained through specialized education and scanners, facial scanners, instant teeth modelling software capabili-
years of experience, are the ones that ultimately have to diagnose ties and new appliance developments using robotics and 3D printing,
and determine the best treatment plan. Nevertheless, AI can be use- are changing the face of medical care and are quickly becoming in-
ful when making specific clinical decisions in a limited time. AI ap- tegrated into dentistry.5 These tools enable a better understanding
plications can guide clinicians to make better decisions and perform of the patient's anatomy and are able to create dynamic anatomical
better, because the results obtained from AI are highly accurate and reconstructions for the specific patient, and therefore accommodate
therefore, in some cases, can prevent human errors. 2 the possibility of 3D treatment planning. Convolutional neural net-
To appreciate the impact of AI on orthodontics, it is first import- works (CNNs) are increasingly applied for medical image diagnostics,
ant to discern some key terms related to AI: most frequently for the detection, segmentation or classification
of anatomical structures. Deep learning has also recently been
• AI’s main objective is to offer a machine the ability to have its own used for geometric feature learning and classification.6 Machine-
intelligence. Put another way, AI aims for a machine to be able to learning approaches, which are algorithms trained to identify pat-
learn through data, to solve problems by itself. terns in large data sets, are ideally suited to facilitate data-driven
• Machine learning (ML) is the main backbone of AI. It depends on decision-making.7
algorithms to predict outcomes based on data sets and draws in- This scoping review aims to determine the applications of AI that
fluence from many research disciplines. Its purpose is to facilitate are extensively employed in the field of orthodontics, to evaluate
machines to learn from data so they can resolve issues without the benefits of AI and to discuss its potential implications in this
human input. The most commonly used techniques of ML include speciality.
the support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression (LR), naive
Bayesian classifier, decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), ex-
treme learning machine (ELM), fuzzy k-nearest neighbour (FKNN) 2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS
and convolution neural network (CNN). 2,3
• Neural networks are a set of algorithms that calculate signals 2.1 | Protocol
through artificial neurons that try to imitate the functioning of
human neurons. This review was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items
• Deep learning is an integral part of ML. It uses networks with dif- for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping
ferent computer layers in deep neural networks to analyse input Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines.8 A pilot search of MEDLINE (via
TA B L E 1 Description of PICO
What is the applicability of Artificial Intelligence in the field of
Study question Orthodontics?
PubMed) was conducted to prepare the study protocol. The data ex- 3 | R E S U LT S
traction forms were constructed after the initial results of the pilot
search. 3.1 | Search and study selection
The search was based on the PICO (problem/patient/population,
intervention/indicator, comparison and outcome) elements (Table 1). The flowchart of the articles conforming to the PRISMA-ScR and
included in this scoping review study selection is shown in Figure 1.
The electronic literature search initially returned 311 records,
2.2 | Literature search which was reduced to 115 after removing duplicate references.
After reviewing the titles and abstracts, all 115 studies were exam-
The electronic literature search was performed through MEDLINE/ ined in more detail. Two articles were excluded as their full text was
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane and IEEE Xplore data- not available. Ninety records were excluded because they did not
bases between November 2020 and March 2021. meet the selection criteria, and no additional studies were found
A specific combination of words was introduced in order to com- by manual reference search. Finally, the application of the inclusion
plete a specific and reproducible search (Table 2). No additional man- criteria resulted in 17 eligible publications in the qualitative syn-
ual searches were performed. thesis review. There was a complete consensus among the evalua-
tors on the literature selection process and the classification of the
2.3 | Eligibility criteria Of the 17 studies included in this scoping review (Table 3), four
publications evaluated the use of AI in the diagnosis of surgery/
First, search engine results were evaluated for relevance based on non-surgery decision and extraction choice. The determination of
their title and abstract. The studies whose titles or abstracts con- cervical vertebrae stages for growth and development periods with
tained different information that was not related to the study ques- ML was evaluated in two publications. Five publications evaluated
tion were excluded. An 11-year restriction was determined, from the accuracy of the automatic detection of anatomical reference
January 2010 to March 2021, to ensure the review was based on points on lateral cephalometric images. The prediction of orthodon-
the most up-to-date information. Only fully available articles were tic treatment needs with an automatic orthodontic diagnosis was
considered. Articles focused on AI in the field of orthodontics were tested in two publications. The accuracy of automatic tooth seg-
included. Only those publications that used some predictive measur- mentation was assessed in two publications. One publication anal-
able outcomes such as accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, and those ysed the maxillary structure variation in unilateral canine impaction.
with adequate documentation of the data sets they employed, were Lastly, one publication quantified the 3D asymmetry of the maxilla
considered. All relevant publications and studies whose abstracts did in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.
not provide enough information to justify an exclusion decision were
obtained in full text to determine their eligibility. Articles wrote in any
language other than English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German or 3.2 | Outcome domains of included studies
French were excluded, as well as studies related to non-AI areas.
Considering the selected articles, a total of 472 lateral cephalometric
radiographs were used in two of the studies to analyse the accuracy
2.4 | Results extraction of using neural network ML to decide whether to use extractions to
reduce discrepancy in different orthodontic malocclusions.7,9 Jung
Table 3 depicts how we collected select information from the included et al (2016)7 reported an accuracy of 84%-93% and Choi et al (2019)9
studies. The type of ML method, the number and type of images used noted an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.97-0.99.
for testing AI software, the accuracy of the technique, and its benefits One study evaluated the use of a CNN in automatic cephalomet-
to the field of orthodontics were extracted from the articles. ric analysis. It demonstrated an accuracy of 88.43% for a total of
Filters in Included
Database Keywords Time frame database Result articles
TA B L E 3 (Continued)
Origin Major Method No. of images
Year Aim (Algorithm) for testing Type of image for testing Accuracy Benefits to Orthodontics
Guo et al16 To estimate human age based on a sample of CNN 10,257 Orthopantomograms 94.15% CNN models can surpass humans
China dental orthopantomographies. in age classification.
Li et al17 Automatic tooth root segmentation algorithm of CNN (RNN) 361 CBCT images 95.8% -95.3% The automatic segmentation
China CBCT axial image based on deep learning. of individual tooth root has
2020 potential to improve the
segmentation efficiency and
Sun et al18 Automatic and accurate segmentation and CNN 100 3D digital dental casts 97% It achieves performance
China identification of individual teeth from digital improvements compared
2020 dental casts. with the state-of-the-art in
both tooth segmentation and
identification tasks.
Thanathornwong Predicting the need for orthodontic treatment in BN 1000 Data sets 93% -95% It achieved a high degree of
et al19 patients with permanent dentition. accuracy in classifying patients
Thailand into groups needing and not
2018 needing orthodontic treatment.
Murata et al20 Automatic orthodontic diagnostic imaging CNN 704 Facial photographs 64.8% It reduces doctor's assessment
Japan system. workload. It improves the
2017 accuracy in diagnosis and also
increases the number of facial
parts to be assessed.
Shin et al21 Predicting the need for orthognathic surgery of RNN 840 Lateral and frontal 95.4% A deep learning program
Korea skeletal malocclusion using cephalogram. Cephalometric Radiograph can determine the need for
2021 orthognathic surgery with
relative accuracy, helping
oral, maxillofacial surgeons,
orthodontists, and general
dentists to make standardized
Lin et al22 To determine the cephalometric predictors of the XGBoost 56 Lateral Cephalometric 87.4% At the age of 6 years, it is possible
Korea future need for orthognathic surgery in patients Radiograph to predict the future need
2021 with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate for surgery to correct sagittal
(UCLP). skeletal discrepancy in UCLP.
Correlation Coefficient; K-NN: K-nearest neighbours; LR: Logistic Regression; NB: Naive Bayes; RF: Random Forest; RNN: Residual Neural Network; SVM: Support Vector Machine; Tree: Decision Tree;
exists in the pyriform aperture
research, 500 radiological images of the head profile were used in
Abbreviations: 2-LNN: 2-layer Neural Network; ANN: Artificial Neural Network; BN: Bayesian Network; CDSS: Clinical Decision Support System; CNN: Convolutional Neural Network; ICC: Intraclass
segmentation will allow large
two articles to study the viability of automatic detection of anatom-
Benefits to Orthodontics ical reference points on radiological images using a CNN (U-Net)11
and Bayesian network.12 The accuracies reported in these studies
were 90.11% and 92%, respectively.11,12 Kim et al (2021) performed
the same analysis but used 430 CBCT images instead, and concluded
that automated identification was more consistent than manual
There were two studies that evaluated the Cervical Vertebral
Maturation (CVM) analysis using AI algorithms. Kök et al (2019)14 re-
ported a mean accuracy of 77.02%, whereas the accuracy reported
ICC: 0.994
ICC >0.90
CBCT images
palate at the age of 6 years. 22For those patients with unilateral cleft
lip and palate, AI can be also useful to segment the maxilla and quan-
tify its 3D asymmetry, as was demonstrated by Wang et al (2021)23
Assessment of maxillary structure variation in
Quantify the 3D asymmetry of the maxilla in
patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate.
4 | D I S CU S S I O N
XGBoost: Extreme Gradient Boosting.
Chen et al29
Wang et al
articles (n= 91) (n= 3) (n= 104)
(n= 22) (n= 91)
Records aer duplicates removed
(n= 115)
Studies included in
Full-text arcles excluded
qualitave synthesis
(n= 6)
(n= 23)
Studies included in
qualitave synthesis
(n= 17)
and 15 years old, and found the ANN worked with 80% accuracy. accuracy and demonstrated a more isotropic form of detection er-
These results were similar to the studies by Jung et al (2016)7 and rors than did SSD. Hwang et al (2020)27 concluded that AI cephalo-
Choi et al (2019). metric landmarks identification is as accurate as human examiners.
However, it is important to remember that there is no singularly In the same way, Kim et al (2020),10 Dobratulin et al (2020)11 and
correct answer for the diagnosis of extractions. Generally, most or- Lee et al (2020)12 determined, with an accuracy between 88% and
thodontists decide whether an extraction is necessary based on their 92%, that the AI expert system could be used to automatically iden-
experience and knowledge by analysing data from their patients' tify cephalometric landmarks. Guo et al (2021)16 also concluded that
clinical evaluation, photographs, dental casts and radiographs. One a deep learning technique without human interference can effec-
problem is that this often causes intra- and inter-clinician variabil- tively overcome the limitations associated with manual methods of
ity in the treatment planning process. 25 By mimicking the decision- identification.
making of human experts, an AI expert system could be developed AI has also been used to automatically identify and classify skel-
based on various philosophies of diagnosis to assist the decision- etal malocclusions from 3D CBCT craniofacial images. In 2020, Kim
making process.7 Nevertheless, the final decision will always belong et al proposed a method that aimed to assist orthodontists in de-
to the clinicians. termining the best treatment path for the patient, be it orthodontic
Various studies have been conducted to demonstrate the ef- treatment, surgical treatment, or a combination of both. 28 Fast and
ficacy of AI applications in identifying cephalometric landmarks. efficient CBCT image segmentation would allow for large clinical
The diagnostic value of the analysis depends on the accuracy and data sets to be analysed effectively. 29 ML can help to determine
the reproducibility of landmark identification. In orthodontic prac- the cephalometric predictors of the future need for orthognathic
tice, lateral cephalometry has been widely used for skeletal classi- surgery, as in patients with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate
fication and treatment planning. The incorporation of a CNN can (UCLP).30 Thus, the use of AI definitely reduces doctor assessment
provide an accurate and robust skeletal diagnostic system. Park workload and improves diagnostic accuracy. 20
et al (2019) compared two of the latest deep learning methods in The assessment of bone age and skeletal maturity and its com-
their study: You-Only-Look-Once version 3 (YOLOv3) and the Single parison to chronological age is an important task for the diagnosis of
Shot Multibox Detector (SSD). YOLOv3 showed higher diagnosing paediatric endocrinology, orthodontics and orthopaedic disorders.
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