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Analysis & Design of Floor Slab

fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-1 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.06 39.40397351 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-1 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 210
7.55 8 39.40397351 177.3 200

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.2 25 5.00 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Granite Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.9
Lwall= 7.72 1.51
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.20 DL with out 3.20
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.07 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 15.57 qck= 11.2

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 1.333 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.052 0.045 0.039 0.034 0.25
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
46.2 40.0 34.6 30.2 1000
k-value 39 36 34 32
r 0.466 0.400 0.344 0.298
As.min[sq.mm] 250 250 250 250
Ascal [sq.mm] 811.1 695.7 598.4 518.5
As.final [sq.mm] 811.1 695.7 598.4 518.5
f 12 12 12 12
deff 174 174 174 174
Bar spacing,calc. 139.4 162.6 189.0 218.1
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 130.0 160.0 180.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 130 110 180 200
ρ (used) 0.50 0.59 0.36 0.33
dreq 184.45 CHECK DEPTH!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.06
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.423 0.282 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 35.74 23.82 33.83 21.99
Live Load 9.57 6.38 9.06 5.89
Dead Load 26.17 17.45 24.77 16.10

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 3
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-3 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.06 39.40397351 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-3 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 210
7.55 8 39.40397351 177.3 190

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.19 25 4.75 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcailine 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.9
Lwall= 7.45 1.46
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.94 DL with out 3.19
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.72 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 15.22 qck= 10.9

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333 1

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.044 0.037 0.033 0.028 0.21
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
38.2 32.1 28.6 24.3 1000
k-value 37 34 32 30
r 0.426 0.355 0.315 0.262
As.min[sq.mm] 238 238 238 238
Ascal [sq.mm] 703.5 585.9 519.8 435.3
As.final [sq.mm] 703.5 585.9 519.8 435.3
f 10 10 10 8
deff 165 165 165 166
Bar spacing,calc. 111.6 134.1 151.1 115.5
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 110.0 130.0 150.0 110.0
Bar spacing prov. 120 150 150 120
ρ (used) 0.40 0.32 0.32 0.25
dreq 155.97 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.06
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.347 0.231 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 28.66 19.11 29.73 N.A.
Live Load 7.86 5.24 8.15 N.A.
Dead Load 20.80 13.87 21.58 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 7
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-5 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 0
30 40 1.88 31.212121212 Ly
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-5 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 220
2.97 5.58 31.212121212 184.4 220

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 0 3.9
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.38 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 15.88 qck= 11.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 0.000 1.333 0.000 3

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.095 0.00 0.071 0.044 0.46
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
13.3 0.0 9.9 6.2 1000
k-value 19 0 16 13
r 0.102 0.000 0.075 0.046
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 198.7 0.0 147.3 90.9
As.final [sq.mm] 275.0 275.0 275.0 275.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 285.6 285.6 182.8 182.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 180.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 160 120 120
ρ (used) 0.25 0.25 0.21 0.21
dreq 111.40 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.88
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.630 0.420 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 21.37 14.25 N.A. 10.18
Live Load 5.61 3.74 N.A. 2.67
Dead Load 15.76 10.51 N.A. 7.51

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-7 1
ρ (initial) 0.25
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.06 44.40397351 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-7 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
7.55 8 44.40397351 95.9 220

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.9
Lwall= 17 3.33
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 10.26 DL with out 4.76
own Wt. of
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 13.85 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 18.35 qck= 13.3

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.035 0.032 0.026 0.024 0.25
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
36.6 33.5 27.2 25.1 1000
k-value 31 30 27 26
r 0.287 0.262 0.209 0.193
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 560.3 510.6 409.9 377.5
As.final [sq.mm] 560.3 510.6 409.9 377.5
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 140.2 153.8 122.6 133.2
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 140.0 150.0 120.0 130.0
Bar spacing prov. 140 150 120 120
ρ (used) 0.29 0.27 0.21 0.21
dreq 75.52 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.06
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.352 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 35.24 N.A. 33.37 N.A.
Live Load 7.97 N.A. 7.55 N.A.
Dead Load 27.27 N.A. 25.82 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-9 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 2.11 28 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-9 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 70
2.05 4.33 28 41.7 220

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Granite Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.35
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with out
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.69 3.19
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.73 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.23 qck= 11.7

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.065 0.032 0.049 0.024 0.46
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
5.7 0.0 2.8 0.0 1000
k-value 12 0 9 0
r 0.043 0.000 0.021 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 84.3 0.0 41.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 275.0 275.0 275.0 275.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 285.6 285.6 182.8 182.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 180.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 200 200 150 150
ρ (used) 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.17
dreq 14.46 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 2.11
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.509 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 12.19 N.A. 7.99 N.A.
Live Load 3.13 N.A. 2.05 N.A.
Dead Load 9.06 N.A. 5.94 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.06 39.404
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-2
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
7.55 8 39.404 177.3

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.9
Lwall= 7.85 1.54
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.73 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.78 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.28 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 1.333 1.333 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.041 0.037 0.031 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
38.1 34.3 28.8 26.0
k-value 32 30 27 26
r 0.299 0.269 0.222 0.200
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 583.4 524.4 434.4 391.2
As.final [sq.mm] 583.4 524.4 434.4 391.2
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 134.6 149.8 115.7 128.5
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 130.0 140.0 110.0 120.0
Bar spacing prov. 130 140 100 120
ρ (used) 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.21
dreq 114.99
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.405 0.000 0.360 0.240
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 35.82 N.A. 31.88 21.25
Live Load 9.16 N.A. 8.15 5.44
Dead Load 26.66 N.A. 23.72 15.82

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
35 45 1.06 44.404
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-4
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
7.55 8 44.404 153.7

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Granite 0.02 23 0.46
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.9
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.61 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.62 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.12 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.035 0.032 0.026 0.024
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
32.2 29.4 23.9 22.1
k-value 29 28 25 24
r 0.251 0.229 0.183 0.169
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 490.0 446.7 358.9 330.7
As.final [sq.mm] 490.0 446.7 358.9 330.7
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 160.3 175.8 140.0 152.0
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 160.0 170.0 140.0 150.0
Bar spacing prov. 150 150 140 150
ρ (used) 0.30 0.30 0.21 0.19
dreq 71.52
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.352 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 30.86 N.A. 29.22 N.A.
Live Load 7.97 N.A. 7.55 N.A.
Dead Load 22.89 N.A. 21.67 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 4.19 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-6
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
1.91 8 24 118.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Ceramic Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.1 14 3.9
Lwall= 4.22 1.76
U.d. partition wall 1.50 DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.69 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.73 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.23 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.12 0.00 0.09 0.044
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
7.4 0.0 4.2 0.0
k-value 14 0 10 0
r 0.056 0.000 0.031 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 109.9 0.0 61.3 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 275.0 275.0 275.0 275.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 285.6 285.6 182.8 182.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 180.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.16
dreq 45.73
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.724 0.482 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 16.15 10.77 N.A. 6.70
Live Load 4.15 2.76 N.A. 1.72
Dead Load 12.01 8.00 N.A. 4.98

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
35 45 2.06 28
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-8
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
3.67 7.55 28 74.7

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.22 25 5.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Granite Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.35
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.69 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.73 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.23 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.064 0.032 0.048 0.024
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
18.2 0.0 9.1 0.0
k-value 22 0 15 0
r 0.140 0.000 0.069 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 275 275 275 275
Ascal [sq.mm] 273.5 0.0 134.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 275.0 275.0 275.0 275.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 195 195 196 196
Bar spacing,calc. 285.6 285.6 182.8 182.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 180.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 200 200 150 150
ρ (used) 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.17
dreq 25.89
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.505 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 21.65 N.A. 14.30 N.A.
Live Load 5.56 N.A. 3.67 N.A.
Dead Load 16.09 N.A. 10.63 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
to the span moment capacity b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
inuous edges r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
to the span moment capacity
inuous edges
ρo(%) = Sqrt(Fck)/1000
Type Case No.= 2 ρo= 0.5000
1 ρ'= 0

S-2 1 K Slab Support

simple 1 Continuous 1
1 End 1.3 Dis-Continuous 0
Ly Interior 1.5
Flat 1.2
Cantilever 0.4
D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 1


S-4 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 7


S-6 0


D [mm]







( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 1


S-8 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 3
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-1 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 0
30 40 1.38 36.229508197 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-1 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 170
6.1 8.4 36.229508197 143.3 200

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.2 25 5.00 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Granite Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.35
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.19 DL with out 3.19
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.06 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 18.56 qck= 13.2

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 0.000 1

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.067 0.037 0.05 0.028 0.32
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
46.3 25.5 34.5 19.3 1000
k-value 39 29 34 25
r 0.467 0.248 0.339 0.184
As.min[sq.mm] 250 250 250 250
Ascal [sq.mm] 813.0 433.4 592.9 323.4
As.final [sq.mm] 813.0 433.4 592.9 323.4
f 12 10 10 8
deff 174 175 175 176
Bar spacing,calc. 139.1 181.2 132.5 155.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 130.0 180.0 130.0 150.0
Bar spacing prov. 120 160 120 150
ρ (used) 0.54 0.28 0.37 0.19
dreq 155.48 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.38
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.451 0.301 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 36.32 24.21 28.97 N.A.
Live Load 13.77 9.18 10.98 N.A.
Dead Load 22.55 15.04 17.99 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-3 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.28 42.175572519 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-3 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 170
6.55 8.4 42.175572519 133.3 170

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.17 25 4.25 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Granite Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.35
Lwall= 19 3.56
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total DL unfactored, G k = 9.50 DL with out 5.25
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 12.82 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.32 qck= 12.5

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.045 0.032 0.034 0.024 0.32
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
33.4 23.8 25.3 17.8 1000
k-value 40 34 34 29
r 0.488 0.340 0.357 0.248
As.min[sq.mm] 213 213 213 213
Ascal [sq.mm] 707.1 492.9 521.3 362.7
As.final [sq.mm] 707.1 492.9 521.3 362.7
f 10 10 8 8
deff 145 145 146 146
Bar spacing,calc. 111.1 159.3 96.4 138.6
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 110.0 150.0 90.0 130.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.30 0.30 0.19 0.19
dreq 55.12 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.28
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.407 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 33.29 N.A. 27.28 N.A.
Live Load 7.99 N.A. 6.55 N.A.
Dead Load 25.30 N.A. 20.73 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-5 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.00 40 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-5 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 150
6 6 40 114.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck= 10.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.048 0.045 0.036 0.034 0.23
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
25.1 23.5 18.8 17.8 1000
k-value 32 31 28 27
r 0.313 0.293 0.229 0.216
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 485.0 453.4 357.4 337.0
As.final [sq.mm] 485.0 453.4 357.4 337.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 162.0 173.2 140.6 149.2
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 160.0 170.0 140.0 140.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 160 120 120
ρ (used) 0.32 0.32 0.27 0.27
dreq 97.81 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.400 0.267 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 25.02 16.68 25.02 16.26
Live Load 7.20 4.80 7.20 4.68
Dead Load 17.82 11.88 17.82 11.58

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-7 0
ρ (initial) 0.25
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 2.00 30 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-7 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 80
3 6 30 44.0 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck= 10.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.093 0.045 0.07 0.034 0.45
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
12.2 5.9 9.2 4.4 1000
k-value 22 16 19 14
r 0.148 0.071 0.110 0.053
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 229.9 110.1 171.0 82.5
As.final [sq.mm] 229.9 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 341.7 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 26.25 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 2.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.600 0.400 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 18.77 12.51 12.51 8.13
Live Load 5.40 3.60 3.60 2.34
Dead Load 13.37 8.91 8.91 5.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 7
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-9 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 3.53 24 Ly
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 140
1.7 6 24 105.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck= 10.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333 3

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.116 0.00 0.087 0.044 0.55
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
5.2 0.0 3.0 0.0 1000
k-value 15 0 11 0
r 0.063 0.000 0.035 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 98.1 0.0 54.6 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 48.35 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 3.53
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.709 0.473 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 12.57 8.38 N.A. 5.32
Live Load 3.62 2.41 N.A. 1.53
Dead Load 8.95 5.97 N.A. 3.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
35 45 1.28 42.1756
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-2
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6.55 8.4 42.1756 133.3

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.17 25 4.25 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.02 27 0.54
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.44 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.04 Slab
Live Load, Q k 4 g Q*Q k= 6.00
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.04 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.045 0.032 0.034 0.024
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
31.0 22.0 23.4 16.5
k-value 38 32 33 28
r 0.449 0.314 0.330 0.230
As.min[sq.mm] 213 213 213 213
Ascal [sq.mm] 651.6 455.0 481.1 335.1
As.final [sq.mm] 651.6 455.0 481.1 335.1
f 10 10 8 8
deff 145 145 146 146
Bar spacing,calc. 120.5 172.6 104.5 150.0
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 120.0 170.0 100.0 140.0
Bar spacing prov. 120 180 100 150
ρ (used) 0.45 0.30 0.34 0.23
dreq 130.62
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.407 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 30.48 N.A. 24.98 N.A.
Live Load 10.66 N.A. 8.73 N.A.
Dead Load 19.82 N.A. 16.24 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.35
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.00 40
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-4
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 6 40 140.9

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.039 0.037 0.029 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
20.4 19.3 15.2 14.6
k-value 29 28 25 25
r 0.252 0.239 0.183 0.177
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 390.9 370.2 286.2 276.1
As.final [sq.mm] 390.9 370.2 286.2 276.1
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 200.9 212.2 175.6 182.1
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 170.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 160 160
ρ (used) 0.25 0.25 0.18 0.18
dreq 53.22
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.320 0.213 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 20.02 13.35 22.52 N.A.
Live Load 5.76 3.84 6.48 N.A.
Dead Load 14.26 9.51 16.04 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 2.11 24
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-6
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2.85 6 24 54.5

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50 DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.092 0.037 0.069 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
14.7 0.0 8.3 0.0
k-value 25 0 18 0
r 0.181 0.000 0.099 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 280.0 0.0 154.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 280.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 280.5 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.25 0.25 0.16 0.16
dreq 20.99
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.572 0.381 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 17.00 11.33 10.70 N.A.
Live Load 4.89 3.26 3.08 N.A.
Dead Load 12.11 8.07 7.62 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 4.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-8
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
1.5 6 24 93.1

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.113 0.037 0.085 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
4.1 0.0 2.3 0.0
k-value 13 0 10 0
r 0.049 0.000 0.027 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 75.8 0.0 42.5 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 8 8 8 8
deff 156 156 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 223.4 223.4 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.14
dreq 35.91
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.680 0.453 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 10.63 7.09 5.63 N.A.
Live Load 3.06 2.04 1.62 N.A.
Dead Load 7.57 5.05 4.01 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 3.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2 6 24 124.2

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.112 0.00 0.084 0.044
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
7.3 0.0 4.1 0.0
k-value 17 0 13 0
r 0.088 0.000 0.049 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 136.2 0.0 75.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 56.88
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.693 0.462 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.46 9.64 N.A. 6.26
Live Load 4.16 2.77 N.A. 1.80
Dead Load 10.30 6.86 N.A. 4.46

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
ρo(%) = Sqrt(Fck)/1000
Type Case No.= 1 ρo= 0.5000
1 ρ'= 0

S-2 1 K Slab Support

simple 1 Continuous 1
1 End 1.3 Dis-Continuous 0
Ly Interior 1.5
Flat 1.2
Cantilever 0.4
D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-4 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 3


S-6 1


D [mm]







( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-8 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 7

S-9 0


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-1 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.17 43.333333333 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-1 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 7 43.333333333 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 13.67 2.64
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.56 DL with out 4.06
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.56 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.06 qck= 11.6

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.04 0.032 0.03 0.024 0.28
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
23.1 18.5 17.3 13.9 1000
k-value 31 28 27 24
r 0.287 0.228 0.211 0.168
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 445.3 353.5 328.5 261.3
As.final [sq.mm] 445.3 353.5 328.5 261.3
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 176.4 222.2 153.0 192.3
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 170.0 200.0 150.0 190.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 180 140 180
ρ (used) 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.18
dreq 67.26 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.17
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.381 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 26.43 N.A. 23.13 N.A.
Live Load 6.86 N.A. 6.00 N.A.
Dead Load 19.57 N.A. 17.13 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-3 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.00 45 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-3 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 6 45 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck= 12.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.032 0.032 0.024 0.024 0.22
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
20.2 20.2 15.1 15.1 1000
k-value 29 29 25 25
r 0.250 0.250 0.186 0.183
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 386.8 386.8 287.7 285.7
As.final [sq.mm] 386.8 386.8 287.7 285.7
f 10 10 10 8
deff 155 155 155 156
Bar spacing,calc. 203.0 203.0 273.0 175.9
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 170.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 160 160
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.32 0.20
dreq 107.13 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.333 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 24.85 N.A. 24.85 N.A.
Live Load 10.00 N.A. 10.00 N.A.
Dead Load 14.85 N.A. 14.85 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-5 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.00 40 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-5 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 150
6 6 40 114.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck= 12.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.048 0.045 0.036 0.034 0.23
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
30.3 28.4 22.7 21.5 1000
k-value 36 34 31 30
r 0.381 0.356 0.278 0.262
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 590.5 551.7 434.0 409.0
As.final [sq.mm] 590.5 551.7 434.0 409.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 133.0 142.4 115.8 122.9
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 130.0 140.0 110.0 120.0
Bar spacing prov. 120 120 110 110
ρ (used) 0.42 0.42 0.29 0.29
dreq 110.90 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.400 0.267 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 29.82 19.88 29.82 19.38
Live Load 12.00 8.00 12.00 7.80
Dead Load 17.82 11.88 17.82 11.58

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-7 0
ρ (initial) 0.25
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 2.00 30 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-7 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 80
3 6 30 44.0 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck= 12.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.093 0.045 0.07 0.034 0.45
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
14.7 7.1 11.0 5.4 1000
k-value 25 17 21 15
r 0.180 0.086 0.133 0.064
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 278.5 133.1 207.0 99.6
As.final [sq.mm] 278.5 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 282.0 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 26.25 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 2.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.600 0.400 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 22.37 14.91 14.91 9.69
Live Load 9.00 6.00 6.00 3.90
Dead Load 13.37 8.91 8.91 5.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 7
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-9 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 3.53 24 Ly
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 140
1.7 6 24 105.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck= 12.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333 3

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.116 0.00 0.087 0.044 0.55
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
6.3 0.0 3.6 0.0 1000
k-value 16 0 12 0
r 0.077 0.000 0.042 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 118.6 0.0 66.0 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 48.35 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 3.53
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.709 0.473 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.98 9.99 N.A. 6.34
Live Load 6.03 4.02 N.A. 2.55
Dead Load 8.95 5.97 N.A. 3.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.17 38.3333
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-2
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 7 38.3333 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.053 0.037 0.04 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
27.7 19.3 20.9 14.6
k-value 34 28 29 25
r 0.347 0.239 0.255 0.177
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 537.9 370.2 398.5 276.1
As.final [sq.mm] 537.9 370.2 398.5 276.1
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 146.0 212.2 126.1 182.1
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 140.0 200.0 120.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 140 180 120 180
ρ (used) 0.36 0.28 0.27 0.18
dreq 97.81
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.389 0.259 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 24.31 16.20 22.52 N.A.
Live Load 6.99 4.66 6.48 N.A.
Dead Load 17.31 11.54 16.04 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.00 40
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-4
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 6 40 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.039 0.037 0.029 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
24.6 23.3 18.3 17.7
k-value 32 31 27 27
r 0.306 0.290 0.222 0.215
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 475.0 449.7 347.1 334.7
As.final [sq.mm] 475.0 449.7 347.1 334.7
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 165.3 174.7 144.8 150.2
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 160.0 170.0 140.0 150.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 160 140 140
ρ (used) 0.32 0.32 0.23 0.23
dreq 78.37
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.320 0.213 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 23.86 15.91 26.84 N.A.
Live Load 9.60 6.40 10.80 N.A.
Dead Load 14.26 9.51 16.04 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 2.11 24
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-6
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2.85 6 24 54.5

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50 DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.092 0.037 0.069 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
17.8 0.0 10.0 0.0
k-value 27 0 20 0
r 0.219 0.000 0.120 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 339.6 0.0 187.3 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 339.6 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 231.3 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.18
dreq 25.19
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.572 0.381 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 20.26 13.50 12.75 N.A.
Live Load 8.15 5.43 5.13 N.A.
Dead Load 12.11 8.07 7.62 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 4.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-8
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
1.5 6 24 93.1

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.113 0.037 0.085 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
4.9 0.0 2.8 0.0
k-value 14 0 11 0
r 0.059 0.000 0.033 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 91.5 0.0 51.3 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 8 8 8 8
deff 156 156 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 223.4 223.4 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16
dreq 43.09
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.680 0.453 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 12.67 8.45 6.71 N.A.
Live Load 5.10 3.40 2.70 N.A.
Dead Load 7.57 5.05 4.01 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 3.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2 6 24 124.2

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 5 g Q*Q k= 7.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 17.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.112 0.00 0.084 0.044
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
8.8 0.0 4.9 0.0
k-value 19 0 14 0
r 0.106 0.000 0.059 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 164.8 0.0 91.5 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 56.88
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.693 0.462 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 17.23 11.49 N.A. 7.46
Live Load 6.93 4.62 N.A. 3.00
Dead Load 10.30 6.86 N.A. 4.46

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
ρo(%) = Sqrt(Fck)/1000
Type Case No.= 3 ρo= 0.5000
0 ρ'= 0

S-2 1 K Slab Support

simple 1 Continuous 1
1 1st End 1.3 Dis-Continuous 0
Ly Interior 1.5
Flat 1.2
Cantilever 0.4
D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-4 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 3


S-6 1


D [mm]







( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-8 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 7

S-9 0


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-1 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.17 43.333333333 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-1 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 7 43.333333333 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 13.67 2.64
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.56 DL with out 4.06
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.56 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.06 qck= 11.6

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.04 0.032 0.03 0.024 0.28
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
23.1 18.5 17.3 13.9 1000
k-value 31 28 27 24
r 0.287 0.228 0.211 0.168
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 445.3 353.5 328.5 261.3
As.final [sq.mm] 445.3 353.5 328.5 261.3
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 176.4 222.2 153.0 192.3
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 170.0 200.0 150.0 190.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 180 140 180
ρ (used) 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.18
dreq 67.26 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.17
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.381 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 26.43 N.A. 23.13 N.A.
Live Load 6.86 N.A. 6.00 N.A.
Dead Load 19.57 N.A. 17.13 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-3 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.00 45 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-3 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 6 45 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 4 g Q*Q k= 6.00
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.03 qck= 11.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.032 0.032 0.024 0.024 0.22
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
18.5 18.5 13.8 13.8 1000
k-value 28 28 24 24
r 0.228 0.228 0.169 0.167
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 352.7 352.7 262.5 260.7
As.final [sq.mm] 352.7 352.7 262.5 260.7
f 10 10 10 8
deff 155 155 155 156
Bar spacing,calc. 222.7 222.7 299.2 192.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 190.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.18
dreq 90.80 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.333 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 22.85 N.A. 22.85 N.A.
Live Load 8.00 N.A. 8.00 N.A.
Dead Load 14.85 N.A. 14.85 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-5 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.00 40 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-5 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 150
6 6 40 114.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 4 g Q*Q k= 6.00
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.03 qck= 11.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.048 0.045 0.036 0.034 0.23
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
27.7 26.0 20.8 19.6 1000
k-value 34 33 29 28
r 0.347 0.324 0.254 0.239
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 537.5 502.3 395.6 372.9
As.final [sq.mm] 537.5 502.3 395.6 372.9
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 146.1 156.3 127.1 134.8
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 140.0 150.0 120.0 130.0
Bar spacing prov. 140 140 120 120
ρ (used) 0.36 0.36 0.27 0.27
dreq 97.81 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.400 0.267 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 27.42 18.28 27.42 17.82
Live Load 9.60 6.40 9.60 6.24
Dead Load 17.82 11.88 17.82 11.58

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-7 0
ρ (initial) 0.25
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 2.00 30 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-7 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 80
3 6 30 44.0 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck= 10.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.093 0.045 0.07 0.034 0.45
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
12.2 5.9 9.2 4.4 1000
k-value 22 16 19 14
r 0.148 0.071 0.110 0.053
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 229.9 110.1 171.0 82.5
As.final [sq.mm] 229.9 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 341.7 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 26.25 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 2.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.600 0.400 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 18.77 12.51 12.51 8.13
Live Load 5.40 3.60 3.60 2.34
Dead Load 13.37 8.91 8.91 5.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 7
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-9 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 3.53 24 Ly
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 140
1.7 6 24 105.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 4 g Q*Q k= 6.00
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.03 qck= 11.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333 3

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.116 0.00 0.087 0.044 0.55
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
5.8 0.0 3.3 0.0 1000
k-value 16 0 12 0
r 0.070 0.000 0.039 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 108.3 0.0 60.3 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 48.35 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 3.53
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.709 0.473 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 13.78 9.19 N.A. 5.83
Live Load 4.82 3.22 N.A. 2.04
Dead Load 8.95 5.97 N.A. 3.79

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.17 38.3333
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-2
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 7 38.3333 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.053 0.037 0.04 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
27.7 19.3 20.9 14.6
k-value 34 28 29 25
r 0.347 0.239 0.255 0.177
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 537.9 370.2 398.5 276.1
As.final [sq.mm] 537.9 370.2 398.5 276.1
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 146.0 212.2 126.1 182.1
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 140.0 200.0 120.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 140 180 120 180
ρ (used) 0.36 0.28 0.27 0.18
dreq 97.81
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.389 0.259 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 24.31 16.20 22.52 N.A.
Live Load 6.99 4.66 6.48 N.A.
Dead Load 17.31 11.54 16.04 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.00 40
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-4
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 6 40 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 4 g Q*Q k= 6.00
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 16.03 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.039 0.037 0.029 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
22.5 21.3 16.7 16.2
k-value 31 30 26 26
r 0.279 0.264 0.203 0.196
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 432.8 409.8 316.5 305.3
As.final [sq.mm] 432.8 409.8 316.5 305.3
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 181.5 191.7 158.8 164.6
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 180.0 190.0 150.0 160.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 160 160
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.20 0.20
dreq 63.78
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.320 0.213 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 21.94 14.63 24.68 N.A.
Live Load 7.68 5.12 8.64 N.A.
Dead Load 14.26 9.51 16.04 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 2.11 24
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-6
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2.85 6 24 54.5

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50 DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.092 0.037 0.069 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
14.7 0.0 8.3 0.0
k-value 25 0 18 0
r 0.181 0.000 0.099 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 280.0 0.0 154.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 280.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 280.5 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 150
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.22
dreq 33.48
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.572 0.381 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 17.00 11.33 10.70 N.A.
Live Load 4.89 3.26 3.08 N.A.
Dead Load 12.11 8.07 7.62 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 4.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-8
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
1.5 6 24 93.1

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.113 0.037 0.085 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
4.1 0.0 2.3 0.0
k-value 13 0 10 0
r 0.049 0.000 0.027 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 75.8 0.0 42.5 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 8 8 8 8
deff 156 156 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 223.4 223.4 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16
dreq 43.09
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.680 0.453 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 10.63 7.09 5.63 N.A.
Live Load 3.06 2.04 1.62 N.A.
Dead Load 7.57 5.05 4.01 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 3.00 24
Panel Type Cantilever
K 0.4
Panel Name S-9
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2 6 24 124.2

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
PVC Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 4.65
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.112 0.00 0.084 0.044
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
7.3 0.0 4.1 0.0
k-value 17 0 13 0
r 0.088 0.000 0.049 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 136.2 0.0 75.8 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 200
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.16
dreq 56.88
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.693 0.462 0.000 0.300
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.46 9.64 N.A. 6.26
Live Load 4.16 2.77 N.A. 1.80
Dead Load 10.30 6.86 N.A. 4.46

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
ρo(%) = Sqrt(Fck)/1000
Type Case No.= 3 ρo= 0.5000
0 ρ'= 0

S-2 1 K Slab Support

simple 1 Continuous 1
1 1st End 1.3 Dis-Continuous 0
Ly Interior 1.5
Flat 1.2
Cantilever 0.4
D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-4 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 3


S-6 1


D [mm]







( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-8 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 7

S-9 0


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 2
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0 S-1 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.17 38.333333333 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-1 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 7 38.333333333 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 DL with out 2.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck= 10.4

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
0.000 1.333 1.333 1.333 1

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.047 0.037 0.035 0.028 0.32
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
24.6 19.3 18.3 14.6 1000
k-value 32 28 27 25
r 0.306 0.239 0.223 0.177
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 474.4 370.2 347.2 276.1
As.final [sq.mm] 474.4 370.2 347.2 276.1
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 165.5 212.2 144.8 182.1
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 160.0 200.0 140.0 180.0
Bar spacing prov. 160 180 140 180
ρ (used) 0.32 0.28 0.23 0.18
dreq 67.26 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.17
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.429 0.000 0.360 0.240
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 26.81 N.A. 22.52 15.01
Live Load 7.71 N.A. 6.48 4.32
Dead Load 19.10 N.A. 16.04 10.69

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 1
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 1
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-3 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
35 45 1.00 45 Ly
Panel Type Interior
K 1.5
Panel Name S-3 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 130
6 6 45 99.4 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0 23 0.00
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.2 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 2.78
DL with out
own Wt. of
Total DL unfactored, G k = 8.43 DL with out 3.93
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 11.38 Slab
Live Load, Q k 0.5 g Q*Q k= 0.75
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 12.13 qck= 8.9

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 1.333 1.333 1.333 0

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.032 0.032 0.024 0.024 0.22
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
14.0 14.0 10.5 10.5 1000
k-value 24 24 21 21
r 0.171 0.171 0.127 0.126
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 265.0 265.0 197.6 196.3
As.final [sq.mm] 265.0 265.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 10 8
deff 155 155 155 156
Bar spacing,calc. 296.4 296.4 349.1 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.18
dreq 90.80 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.333 0.000 0.333 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 17.86 N.A. 17.86 N.A.
Live Load 1.00 N.A. 1.00 N.A.
Dead Load 16.86 N.A. 16.86 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.= 4
fcu 30 fcd 13.6 0
fyk 400 fyd 347.82608696
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1 S-5 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc 1
30 40 1.00 40 Ly
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-5 D [mm]
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm] 150
6 6 40 114.6 180

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG= 1.35
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ= 1.5
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0 23 0.00
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 0.00
Total DL unfactored, G k = 5.65 DL with out 1.15
own Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 7.63 Slab
Live Load, Q k 0.5 g Q*Q k= 0.75
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 8.38 qck= 6.2

r values r1 r2 r3 r4 nd
1.333 0.000 0.000 1.333 2

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf b

0.048 0.045 0.036 0.034 0.23
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf b
14.5 13.6 10.9 10.3 1000
k-value 25 24 21 21
r 0.177 0.166 0.130 0.123
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 274.7 257.2 203.5 192.0
As.final [sq.mm] 274.7 257.2 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 285.9 305.4 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.18
dreq 52.50 SAFE!
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx= 1.00
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.400 0.267 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.76 9.84 14.76 9.59
Live Load 1.20 0.80 1.20 0.78
Dead Load 13.56 9.04 13.56 8.81

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for discontinuous edges

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.17 38.3333
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-2
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 7 38.3333 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0.012 23 0.28
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.43 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 10.03 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.53 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.06 0.045 0.045 0.034
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
31.4 23.5 23.5 17.8
k-value 36 31 31 27
r 0.395 0.293 0.289 0.216
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 612.9 453.4 450.3 337.0
As.final [sq.mm] 612.9 453.4 450.3 337.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 128.1 173.2 111.6 149.2
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 120.0 170.0 110.0 140.0
Bar spacing prov. 140 180 110 180
ρ (used) 0.36 0.28 0.29 0.18
dreq 110.90
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.457 0.305 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 28.60 19.06 25.02 16.26
Live Load 8.23 5.49 7.20 4.68
Dead Load 20.37 13.58 17.82 11.58

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous

Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 1
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 1.00 40
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-4
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
6 6 40 114.6

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0 23 0.00
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0.15 14 3.42
Lwall= 6 1.35
U.d. partition wall 0.00
DL with
out own
Wt. of
DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.00 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 9.45 Slab
Live Load, Q k 0.5 g Q*Q k= 0.75
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 10.20 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
1.333 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.039 0.037 0.029 0.028
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
14.3 13.6 10.6 10.3
k-value 24 24 21 21
r 0.175 0.166 0.128 0.123
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 271.7 257.5 199.5 192.5
As.final [sq.mm] 271.7 257.5 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 289.0 305.0 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.18
dreq 53.04
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.320 0.213 0.360 0.000
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.40 9.60 16.20 N.A.
Live Load 0.96 0.64 1.08 N.A.
Dead Load 13.44 8.96 15.12 N.A.

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
Analysis & Design of Floor Slab
fck 25 Panel Type Case No.=
fcu 30 fcd 13.6
fyk 400 fyd 347.826
Cover [mm], c 20 Lx 0
ρ (initial) 0.3
ba for 2:1 ba for 1:1 Ratio calc. ba calc
30 40 2.73 24
Panel Type End
K 1.3
Panel Name S-6
Depth Lx [m] Ly [m] ba calc d [mm]
2.2 6 24 42.0

thickness t unit weight load

Concrete slab 0.18 25 4.50 gG=
Cement Screed 0.03 23 0.69 gQ=
Porcelain Tile (ff) 0 23 0.00
Plastering 0.02 23 0.46 h, m
Wall Load 0 14 3.42
Lwall= 0 0.00
U.d. partition wall 1.50 DL with
Total DL unfactored, G k = 7.15 out own
Wt. of
Total factored DL =g G*G k= 9.65 Slab
Live Load, Q k 3 g Q*Q k= 4.50
Design load, qdes. =gG*Gk+gQ*Qk = 14.15 qck=

r values r1 r2 r3 r4
0.000 1.333 0.000 1.333

Alpha values axs a ys a xf a yf

0.105 0.045 0.079 0.034
Moment Mxs Mys Mxf Myf
8.6 0.0 4.8 0.0
k-value 19 0 14 0
r 0.104 0.000 0.057 0.000
As.min[sq.mm] 225 225 225 225
Ascal [sq.mm] 161.0 0.0 89.4 0.0
As.final [sq.mm] 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0
f 10 10 8 8
deff 155 155 156 156
Bar spacing,calc. 349.1 349.1 223.4 223.4
Bar spacing,max 200 200 200 200
Final bar spacing 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
Bar spacing prov. 180 180 180 180
ρ (used) 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.18
dreq 19.45
Load Transfer on Beams, unfactored Ly/Lx=
Shear coefficient bvcx bvdx bvcy bvdy
0.653 0.436 0.400 0.260
Load on Beams Rcx Rdx Rcy Rdy
Total charac. load 14.59 9.73 8.93 5.81
Live Load 4.31 2.87 2.64 1.72
Dead Load 10.28 6.85 6.29 4.09

qck =Gk + Qk
r =100 * fcd / fyd * ( 1 - ( 1 - 2 * M / ( fcd * b * d ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 )
nd = is the number of discontinuous edges of a panel
0 ≤ nd ≤ 4
a yf = ( 24 + 2 * nd + 1.5 * nd^ 2 ) / 1000
a xf = b / (( 1 + r3 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r4 ) ^ 0.5 )) ^ 2 )
b =2 / 3 { 1 - Lx / Ly * ( 2 * ayf ) ^ 0.5 *( ( 1 + r1 ) ^ 0.5 + ( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
to the span moment capacity r1, r2, r3, r4 are the ratios of negative moment capacity at the edges 1 to 4, respectively,
inuous edges in the same direction and take values of 4/3 for continuous edges or zero for disconti

Note:-N.A.-Means Not Applicable 1 -Continuous

0 -Discontinuous
ρo(%) = Sqrt(Fck)/1000
Type Case No.= 4 ρo= 0.5000
0 ρ'= 0

S-2 1 K Slab Support

simple 1 Continuous 1
1 1st End 1.3 Dis-Continuous 0
Ly Interior 1.5
Flat 1.2
Cantilever 0.4
D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges



Type Case No.= 3


S-4 1


D [mm]






( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


Type Case No.= 4


S-6 1


D [mm]







( 1 + r2 ) ^ 0.5 )}
t the edges 1 to 4, respectively, to the span moment capacity
uous edges or zero for discontinuous edges


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