MAPEH Performance-Monitoring-and-Coaching-2ND-COACHING-N-MENTORING
MAPEH Performance-Monitoring-and-Coaching-2ND-COACHING-N-MENTORING
MAPEH Performance-Monitoring-and-Coaching-2ND-COACHING-N-MENTORING
Department of Education
Region III
April 24, 2023 Try to enhance learner’s numeracy skills Different teaching Learners participated in
strategies were applied in discussion and activities.
learning tasks.
The teacher should lead the learners to Short conversation which Teacher-learner interaction
express their ideas about the lesson. agreed to motivate the was observed. Expression of
June 19, 2023 students and lead them to self-ideas were also
formulate their ideas about observed.
the lesson.
Apply a range of teaching strategy. Use varied teaching Learning will be easy with
March 1, 2023 strategies to ensure different strategies to ensure
mastery. mastery of competencies.
The teacher should lead the learners to Short conversation which Teacher-learner interaction
May 22, 2023 express their ideas about the lesson. agreed to motivate the was observed. Expression of
students and lead them to self-ideas were also
formulate their ideas about observed.
the lesson.
March 7, 2023 Utilization of appropriate differentiated Utilized differentiated The teacher made learning
instruction suited to the learner. instructions and activities considering the
instructional activities level of understanding of the
needed by the students. students.
The teacher should lead the learners to Short conversation which Teacher-learner interaction
express their ideas about the lesson. agreed to motivate the was observed. Expression of
May 23, 2023 students and lead them to self-ideas were also
formulate their ideas about observed.
the lesson.