Chakrabarty 2014

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2014 IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies (ISTT), Langkawi, Malaysia (24-26 Nov 2014)

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&./82 ;>>28.@6;:;3 7F@; 

&52 7F@.:128@.C.?:;>9.86F21A?6:42=AA.@6;:  ( ! '
 In this study, a high frequency tan delta measurement system
ܰ‫ ݉ݎ݋‬ൌ (10) consists of current monitor, high voltage probe, high-speed
଻Ǥ଼଼௘ షమ
 high-voltage power amplifier, fun nction/arbitrary waveform
generators and a screen cage was deeveloped. As for validation
.D69A9@.:128@.B.8A2.@ 7F7(0;:@..96:.@6;:?.9<82
process, actual XLPE 132kV go ood cable together with
.:16?A?21.?/.?2&52:;>9 96?@52:.B2>.421
artificial defects of cable having void, contaminated with
/20.A?2 ?.9<82?C2>2A?21<2>B;[email protected].:10./82@E<2 foreign material and purposely overrheated and scorched were
 manufactured and tested using the t new developed high
&52 F@.:128@.C.?:;>9.86F21A?6:42=AA.@6;:  frequency tangent delta system as well with standard
 laboratory test for comparison purpooses.
ܰ‫ ݉ݎ݋‬ൌ (11)
ଷǤ଺௘ షయ
These cable samples were tested withw the newly developed

low voltage high frequency tan ngent delta measurement
.D69A9@.:128@.B.8A2.@ F 7(0;:@..96:.@6;:?.9<82 method. The new tangent delta measurement shows that
6? 2 .:16?A?21.? F/.?2 adequate charging current and phaase shift angle for tangent
 delta measurement by charging a small
s capacitance cable of
one meter length. This newly developed HF tan delta
measurement system can be used as a an indicative test to pre-
determine the condition of one metter cable in the laboratory.
Figure 11 shows a calibration curve of norm
malized 50 Hz vs. Using the developed correlation equ uation, the tan delta results
normalized average 1 kHz. in HF can be correlated to 50 Hz tant delta values. The most
suitable test voltage and frequency that
t gives the best tan delta
values is 6kV at 1 kHz.

The correlation between power freq quency (50Hz) and HF (1

kHz) tan delta measurement was esttablished using an equation
that was developed from a calibratio on curve obtained from the
normalized 50 Hz vs. normalized average
a 1 kHz. All HF tan
delta value obtained in the future can
n be converted to 50 Hz.

( $$
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