Project Planning in Bangladesh

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Project Planning in Bangladesh

Project Management (Jahangirnagar University)

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Table of Contents

Abstract, Introduction, Objective of Study, Methodology …………………………………...…3
Project Management, project planning, Project Management in Bangladesh …………………..4
Constitutional Provision, Planning Process in Bangladesh……………………………………...5
Institutional Mechanism for Project Planning and Development Management…………………8
Nexus among All Institution in Project Planning, Ministry of Planning………………………..11
Planning Commission: The Apex Planning Agency in Bangladesh…………………………….12
Historical Perspective of Five Years Plan in Bangladesh, ADP………………………………...16
Current Status of Bangladesh……………………………………………...…………………….18
Government Targets and Projects...........................................................................................…...19
Impediments of Project Planning in Bangladesh…………………………………………………25
Measures to Overcome………………………………………………………………...…………27

List of Figures

Figure 1: Planning Process in Bangladesh……………………………………………………5

Figure 2: Institutional linkage of Planning Commission…………………………………….12
Figure 3: Structure of Ministry of Planning………………...………………………………..13
Figure 4: Structure of Planning Commission in Bangladesh…………………………..……14
Figure 5: Formulation Process of ADP………………………………………………………18
Figure 6: ADP implementation trend…………………………………………………………19

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ADP Annual Development Programme

FY Fiscal year
IMED Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation division
GOB Government of Bangladesh
PC Planning Commission
NEC National economic council
ECNEC Executive committee of the national economic council
MDG Millennium Development Goals
SDG Sustainable Development Goals

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Project Planning and Development management process in Bangladesh: Challenges and

Measures to overcome

Abstract: Bangladesh is a developing country, where there is large number of development

programs and where there is very little success accomplished from these programs. This paper
purposes to study structure, planning and managing process of development projects in
Bangladesh. It unpicks the institutional insufficiencies and challenges in planning and managing
procedure. Creating a project plan is the first thing that ought to do when embarked on any kind
of project. Various public organizations are continually seeking ways to make projects successfully
implemented effectively and efficiently. Successful implementation of project is vital for socio-
economic development of the developing countries like Bangladesh. Likewise, from project
planning to implementation, Bangladesh, as a developing country, faces very serious problems.
The study shows functions and limitations of different public organization which are responsible
for policy planning and implementation.

1.1 Introduction: Project planning and successful implementation of project is vigorous for socio-
economic development of the developing countries like Bangladesh. In the era of development
management “Project Management” play a crucial role with a view of attaining development goals,
developing countries are facing complex problems that require appropriate solutions. The planning
and managing development projects have been considered as one of the foremost dilemmas in
developing countries like Bangladesh. Bangladesh is now suffering from serious objections in
implementation of developing projects claimed by World Bank, International Monetary fund and
other development partners.

1.2 Objectives of the study: The objective of the study is-

To diagnose the existing scenario of Project Planning Process in Bangladesh.
To identify the key indicators and institutional barriers affecting the planning and
managing development projects.
To know the functions of various planning making and implementation agency.
To identify problems and prospects of Project Management in Bangladesh.

1.3 Methodology: To prepare this assignment, I mainly used secondary sources of data. Like-
Journals, Websites, Published Books & related articles.
1.4 Limitations: When I prepare this assignment I faced some complications, such as limited time,
technical problem and practical problem depending on secondary sources, lack of information etc.
but this limitation does not effect in my assignment.

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An Overview of Project Planning:

2.1 What Is Project: The word Project originates from the Latin word projicere, which means to
throw forth, Imagination, A notion.
A project is an activity to meet the creation of a unique product or service and thus activities that
are undertaken to accomplish routine activities cannot be considered projects.
A Project is a temporary, unique and progressive attempt or endeavor made to produce some kind
of a tangible or intangible result (a unique product, service, benefit, competitive advantage, etc.).
It usually includes a series of interrelated tasks that are planned for execution over a fixed period
of time and within certain requirements and limitations such as cost, quality, performance, others
What is Project Management?
Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the
work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.
Project Management can be defined as a process to achieve the project objectives within time,
within the allocated cost, at the desired performance / technology level utilizing the assigned
resources effectively and efficiently. (Aminuzzaman, 1992)

What is project planning?

Project planning is a procedural step in project management, where required documentation is
created to ensure successful project completion. Documentation includes all actions required to
define, prepare, integrate and coordinate additional plans. The project plan clearly defines how the
project is executed, monitored, controlled and closed.
Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt
charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment.
Project planning is a discipline for stating how to complete a project within a certain timeframe,
usually with defined stages, and with designated resources.
3.1 Project Management in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the poorest nations of the world. Which is highly dependent on foreign aid
even for its mere survival. Most of the development programs and projects in our country are
managed by government machinery. The government of Bangladesh (GOB) oversees the
development projects through its Annual development programs (ADP).This powerful instrument
of project management of GOB is used since the Pakistan period.
In 1956 a Provincial Planning Board was established under the United Front Government of the
then East Pakistan and was renamed as East Pakistan Planning Department. It was an agency for
formulating investment programs and for negotiating with the Central Government of Pakistan for
an adequate share of the financial resources for the development of East Pakistan. Bangladesh

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Government in exile during the war of independent in 1971 established a Planning Cell, which
was an embryonic start of the present Planning Commission. The GOB upgraded the planning
department into planning commission in 1972.Now planning commission is the central planning
agency in Bangladesh.

3.1.2 Constitutional Provision

According to the Article 15, the ‘planned economic growth’ is a constitutional obligation for
the Government of Bangladesh. It shall be a fundamental responsibility of the state to attain
through planned economic growth, a constant increase of productive forces and a steady
improvement in the material and cultural standard of living of the people, with a view to securing
to its citizens –
(a) the provision of the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and
medical care.
4.1 Planning Process in Bangladesh:
In the process of policy making in Bangladesh, Planning Commission plays a significant role. The
Planning Commission through Annual Development Plans and the Five year plans, translate the
ideas, aspirations and the commitment of the government ((Aminuzzaman, 1996).
National planning of a country is an endeavor to reach the socio-economic goal of a country. There
are some compulsory tactics to invent and put into operation of the plan. In Bangladesh at first the
project planning is approved in National parliament, and then it is sent to National Economic
Council (NEC). NEC finalizes and approves the plan and then it is launched to ECNEC for ultimate
approving. From ECNEC, the plan goes to Ministry of Planning which helps to formulation and
implementation of policies and also reviews the impact on the economy.
Ministry of Planning has four Divisions namely, Economic Relations Division (ERD), Planning
Commission, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), Statistical Division
and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) is under Statistical Division.




Ministry of

Figure 1: Planning Process in Bangladesh

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Case Study A:

Name of the Project: Construction of Dhaka Central Jail at Kashimpur under Gazipur District

Administrative ministry/ division: Ministry of Home Affairs

Executing Agency: Directorate of prisons and Public Works Department

Location of the project: At Gazipur

Implementation Period:

Date of commencement:

Original: July1995

Latest revise: July1995

Actual: July1995

Date of completion:

Original: June 2002

Latest revised: June 2010

Actual: June 2010

Time overrun % of original time: 114%

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Original: 12941.56 Lakh Taka

Latest revise: 18121.27 lakh Taka

Actual expenditure: 18121.27lakh Taka

Cost overrun % of original cost: 40%.

[Causes of revision:

Non availability of fund in proper time. So project period needed to be increased

2. Cost increase, Schedule of rate

3. 200 bed hospital would automatically provide prison cell and specialized unit....scope
Of the work changed.]

For Instance, Now it's turn to discourse about the background of this project and to relate to
the theoretical framework of project planning process in Bangladesh. By and large we know
that planning commission (PC) is interconnected with various department of government and
organizations of non-government thus they collect information from all over Bangladesh both
rural and urban areas and find out the need for the welfare of people and discuss with the line
ministry to take action that means submit project proposal to the parliament here the line
ministry in this project is "Ministry of Home Affairs". By the information’s of planning
commission or it can be election manifesto (in this case it wasn't manifesto) PC found that there
is need a central jail and thus PC informed the ministry of home and affairs.
So, it's clear that minister of Ministry of Home and affairs proposed his proposal to the
parliament and passed by the wasn't the end of process then this project handed
to the NEC, then to ECNEC, then to the ministry of planning and to the others agency I will
discuss about the process below.

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5.1 Institutional Mechanism for Project Planning and Development Management

National planning is one of the most crucial step for developing country to reach a developed
country. Effective planning is very important because our resources is limited. There are various
government organizations which are responsible for planning and development management in
our country. Such as: National Parliament, National economic council, Executive committee of
the national economic council (ECNEC), Ministry of Planning , Planning commission, Economic
relations division (ERD) , Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED).

5.1.2 National parliament

Although directions of planning in Bangladesh came from different political parties but through
National parliament it is included in state framework. Planning data comes in parliament from
different sources. The sources are including Election Manifesto, Statistical Division, Local
Administration, Media etc. Each Government provides commitments of development activities to
the people before election. After election, this manifesto becomes the source of different project
planning. Statistical Division conducts survey to know various problems. Besides, Local
Administration is an important source of information or problems of grassroots level. Local
Government level employees are Government nominated and Public Representatives are in Local
Self Government Units. They provide information on local problems and of local people. They
provide reports to Planning Commission. Besides, other sources including Research organizations,
Research reports, Transparency International Bangladesh, Bangladesh Institute of Development
Studies (BIDS) etc.

For instance, “According to the project as I mentioned earlier was passed by the parliament
first, was proposed by line Ministry of Home and Affairs”

5.1.3 National economic council

The National economic council (NEC) is the apex authoritative body of the nation and premier
political authority to make plan (MoP, 2010). Prime Minister is the main authorized person of this
council and Members are Ministries of the council of ministers (MoP, 2010)
Generally, the ministries formulate their respective plans and programmes or projects, as per
objectives formulated by the NEC. The NEC meets when called by the prime minister, and
meetings can include external invitees dependent on the subject under consideration. NEC
provides overall supervision at the stage of Five year plans, annual development programmes and
economic policies. It finalizes and approves plans, programmes and policies. It also reviews of
how the development projects are implementing properly.

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For instance “As we know after passing any project from parliament it goes to NEC and the
project I mentioned earlier was the same. NEC generally analyzes the project whether it has
rationality or not if it gets then the project goes to the ECNEC”

5.1.4 Executive committee of the national economic council (ECNEC)

ECNEC is the guiding agency for implementation of the policies decided by National Economic
Council. It is the uppermost level in the nation, which approves the individual project and is the
definitive approving authority. It has authority to review the projects that are reported by
Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED).

For instance ‘ECNEC has the absolute authority for reviewing any project. Such as, it can add
anything from the project. Ultimate finalize is the duty of ECNEC. When it thinks that the
project is perfect to go on then they referred the project to the Ministry of Planning.’

5.1.5 Ministry of Planning

Ministry of Planning plays an authoritative role in planning and development related policy
making practice. Planning Minister is chief of the Ministry. Planning Ministry is composed of
Planning Division, Economic Relations Division, Planning Commission, Implementation,
Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), and Statistical Division.

For instance “Here is the multifarious situation, the 4 divisions have particular role. Let's come
to the point of Planning commission both the planning and implementing role played by this
division. The main focus of the ERD is to manage, plan marshal and settle on allotment of
external assistance in relation to the country’s development programme priorities. Now let's
have look at the project what I mentioned before it was funded by government itself so their
waste any role of ERD”

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5.1.6 Planning commission

The cabinet decision in establishing the Planning Commission laid down ten functions for Planning
Commission. The Prime Minister is the Chairman of Planning commission. By means of the
planned development for the country, the Bangladesh Planning Commission was established in
January 1972 (Chowdhury, 1988).
At policy level, it decides the targets, intentions, main concerns, tactics and policy measures for
development plans. It makes out the role of different economic sectors is mandatory to practice in
the framework of the plan intention.

For instance “In this phase planning commission mainly plays the role that how to implement
the planned projects, Thus it made specific plan for the project that will be started soon, and
manage the financial matter also. It handed the responsibility of implementation to other
government agency as we saw before. In the project what I mentioned before was done by
Directorate of prisons and Public Works Department but planning commission closely supervise
their daily actions related to the projects”

5.1.7 Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED)

IMED is the inner and climax institution of the country. Project implementation bureau (PIB) was
created in 1975. It was renamed as implementation monitoring and evaluation division (IMED) in
the early 1980’s under Ministry of Planning (Majid, 2008).
The Rules of Business of the Government allocated the functions of the IMED. They are including
to scrutinize assess the implementation of development projects included in the Annual
development Programme (ADP). For information of the President, NEC, ECNEC Ministries and
other concerned, IMED accumulates and assemblage the project judicious data for preparing
quarterly, yearly and monthly progress report. It provides different advisory and consultancy
services to Ministries/ Agencies which are relating to implementation of project. It conducts field
inspections of project implementation for identifying the problems and reports to the President and
Concerned Ministers. IMED plays a vital role in project formulation to project implementation.

5.1.8 Committee system in project planning

There are a number of committees for project planning at the agency level, ministry level and
national level. They are including Project Evaluation Committees (PEC) in Planning Commission
for examining Planning Proposals and advocating them to the Minister-in-Charge of Planning or
the ECNEC for their sanction.


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For instance ‘Various committee on project planning evaluate the planning proposal’

5.1.9 Nexus among All Institution in Project Planning:


Finance Division
Planning Commission
Ministries/ Divisions Economic Relation Division

IMED Internal Resources Division

BIDS Planning and Development Academy

Figure 2: Institutional linkage of Planning Commission

6.1 Ministry of Planning

The Ministry of planning oversees the financial policies of the GOB, responsible for
socioeconomic planning and statistics management .It contains three divisions. Such as,
1) Planning Division
2) Statistics and Informatics Division
3) Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division


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6.1.1 Structure of Ministry of Planning:

Ministry of Planning

Planning Division Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

Division (IMED)

Administration Statistics NEC, ECNEC

Figure 3: Structure of Ministry of Planning

6.1.2 Functions of Ministry of Planning

 Ministry of Planning works as the secretariat of the Planning Commission.
 Coordination of development works among various ministries ,departments and
 Coordination of financial policy among various ministries ,departments
 To develop project in National and Local Level
 Scrutinize planning commission’s tasks

7.1 Planning Commission: The Apex Planning Agency in Bangladesh

Planning Commission is the Height Planning Agency in Bangladesh. It invents faceted resource
allocation for programme planning. For implementation of the sectoral plans it judges investment
resolutions of scheme. Planning commission evaluates how the mission implementation has an


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impact on people’s living standard. It prepares perspective plan, 5 years plan and ADP. It mainly
works through NEC and ECNEC.

7.1.1 Structure of Planning Commission

Chairperson Member, Programming Division

Hon’ble Prime Minister

Member, General Economics Division

Vice Chairman
Hon’ble Minister for Planning Member, Socio-Economic Infrastructure Division

Member, Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural

Member Secretary
Secretary, Institution Division
Planning Division
Member, Industries and Energy Division

Member, Physical Infrastructure Division

Extended Planning Commission: It includes Finance Secretary, ERD Secretary and IMED

Figure 4: Structure of Planning Commission in Bangladesh

7.1.2 Functions of Planning Commission:

General Economic Division (GED) and the Program, Evaluation and Appraisal Division deal with
the general macro issues of the national economy.
A. Functions of GED (Overall Economic situation)

 Evaluation of plans and policies

 Coordination of preparation of plans like five year and Annual plans.


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 Review of macro-economic situation such as, National income, international economic

relations, savings, investment, fiscal and monitory situation, employment and other macro-
economic situation.

For instance it’s a very important task done by planning commission. It's to be known that every
development activities conducted by state has a plan to bring change in economy. The project I
mentioned earlier to Establish Dhaka Central Jail at Kashimpur under Gazipur District. It has
also economic view. Central jail is needed outside area of Dhaka. This department save citizens
from being faced criminal activities. PC evaluate the plan and policies to construction jail and
must be coordinated with 5 year plans.

B. Functions of Program, Evaluation and Appraisal Division (Release of fund):

 Authorization of development projects and release of funds for unapproved projects

 Coordination of preparation of ADP
 Economic Appraisal of development projects
For instance, by this division planning commission exoneration the financial functions. It
release fund to running a project and appraise the financial functions whether it's perfect or
not. Sometimes its need to change the budget of any project. As I mentioned a project before as
a case study there changed budget 2 times such, Original: 12941.56 Lakh Taka, Latest revise:
18121.27 lakh Taka, Actual expenditure: 18121.27lakh Taka, this division do the job of fund

C. Functions of the sectoral divisions (Sectoral Program):

 Formulation of sectoral plans consistent with macro planning objectives

 Preparation of ADP in consultation with sector ministries and agencies
 Processing of Development projects including project appraisal
 Formulation of sector development and planning policies.
For instance, Sectoral division formulate plan with macro planning objective, they process
development project such as, construction of Dhaka Central Jail at Kashimpur under Gazipur


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7.1.3 Role of Planning Commission in the project preparation process in Bangladesh

1. Project Idea Formulation:

 Different sector studies undertaken by the PC
 Sponsored research and consulting works of the PC

For instance, planning commission basically by maintaining relationship with various agencies
collect information what need to do and which types of project need to take by considering the
ongoing perspective. And thus helps the government to take Effective projects and efficient
measures of those. Formulation project idea. Such as, to construct Dhaka central jail, PC
studies different sector

2. Project Identification:
 Professionals and consults hired by PC
 Joint committee along with donor interests

For instance, it develops annual development program that is very important role played by this
authority. It takes basic project plan for ongoing project, it takes perspective plan for ongoing
project and it also takes final plan for same projects. It's related to whole process of a project
from beginning to the ending. Hired professionals for a project along with donor.

3. Project feasibility:
 Consult divisions of the PC in collaboration with the executing and implementing agencies
and donors
For instance , PC consult with executing and implementing agencies ,in that case study A PC
collaborate with Administrative ministry/ division: Ministry of Home Affairs and Executing
Agency: Directorate of prisons and Public Works Department

4. Project Approval:
 Type B projects are approved by PC NEC
 Type C projects are approves by ECNEC
Through the ECNEC is the final authority for type C projects but technically of such projects
are examined by the PC. In practical terms, the ECNEC almost in every case approves what
the PC has recommended.
For instance, Construction of Dhaka Central Jail at Kashimpur under Gazipur District is the
type c project this project were approved by ECNEC


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8.1 Historical Perspective of Five Years Plan in Bangladesh

Fiscal Year Plan name Centerpiece of consideration

(1973-1978) First five years planning Economic restoration of war smashed

(1980-1985) Second five years planning Self-adequacy in food

(1985-1990) Third five years planning Ensure enough supply of basic needs

(1990-1995) Fourth five years planning Alleviate poverty

(1997-2000) Fifth five years planning Food production and electricity

(2011-2015) Sixth five years planning Increase Gross Domestic Investment

(2016-2020) Seventh five years planning Creating large number of Employment,

Power and Gas

Table 1: Trends of Five year plan in Bangladesh

9.1 Annual Development Program (ADP)

The ADP is for public sector projects whereas the Investment Schedule is for the private sector
projects. Annual Development Programme (ADP) an organized list of projects in various sectors
and allocations for them for a year out of a five-year plan period for implementation of the
government's development policies, programmes and investments in the plan. The ADP is
prepared on the basis of the year's development budget approved by the parliament.

The planning commission formulates the ADP of the government of Bangladesh in the light of
basic objectives and goals stated in a Five-Year Plan. The draft is then placed for the approval of
the Executive Committee of the NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL (ECNEC). While
preparing an ADP, fields and projects related to national economic development get more priority
and concentration. Funds are allocated to implement development projects included in the ADP.
Both internal (domestic) and external (aid) funds are used to finance projects. Potential availability
of funds often becomes a major consideration in preparing the ADP, which has historically
remained dependent upon foreign aid


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9.1.1 Preparation of ADP

A streamlined series of steps in the formulation Process of Annual Development Programme.

Figure 5: Formulation Process of ADP

At the initiative of the programming division of the Planning Commission, the Inter-ministerial
“Resource Committee” at the Finance Division estimates the resources availability for the ADP

Programming Division of Planning Commission prepares the sector/project wise ADP allocation in
consultation with the Sector Divisions and GED of the Planning Commission and sponsoring
Ministries and agencies.

Programming Division place the draft ADP at the Planning Commission Meeting for finalization

Planning Division Submit the final ADP to NEC for formal Approval


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8.1.2 ADP Implementation Status:

ADP implementation trend of last few fiscal


91% 94.11% 94.32%
93% 93%
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

ADP implementation trend of last few fiscal years

Figure 6: ADP implementation trend


9.1 Current Status of Bangladesh:

The democratic government of Bangladesh in 2010 has formulated the first-ever long-term
“Perspective Plan 2010-2021”, adopting the Vision 2021 in building a happy and prosperous
nation. The fundamental objective of the Plan is to achieve middle income country status in real
terms by 2021- the Golden Jubilee Year of national independence, through attainment of higher
growth rates and productive employment.
Over the past 45 years since independence, Bangladesh has increased its real per capita income by
more than 4 fold, cut poverty by more than one third, and is well set to achieve most of the
Sustainable Development Goals.

Foundation of development activities based on Development Planning/Strategy, Bangladesh

State Constitution, MDGs and SDGs.


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Development Planning/Strategy (Perspective Plan, Five Year Plan, Poverty Reduction

Strategy Paper, Annual Development Program etc.)

Bangladesh State Constitution (Part II, Articles 9-20)

Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs) (8 Goals, 21 Targets and 60 Indicators) and
SAARC Developments Goals (SDGs) (04 Thematic Areas and 22
SDG (17 goals, 169 targets, and 230 indicators)

9.1.1 Government Targets and Projects:

 Achieve and sustain an annual rate of GDP growth of 10 per cent by 2021

 Raising per capita income from the present US$780 to US $ 2000 within 2021 (currently
it is $1909)

 Decrease in the number of people below poverty line from 31.5 percent to 15 percent (
Presently Poverty rate is 21.8% and extreme poverty rate is 11.3% )

 Elimination of illiteracy as soon as possible after 2014 (At present literacy rate 7+ is 73.2%)

 Ensure per capita energy consumption to 600 kwh ( Current per capita energy consumption
is 464 kwh)

 Protection and enhancement of the environment, effectively meeting the challenges arising
from the intensifying climate change and addressing other environmental degradation
issues by 2021.

 Strengthening information technology towards a digital Bangladesh

 Reduction of underemployment rate to 15 percent , present rate is 12.8%

Perspective Plan Implementation Strategy:

• Government decided that the vision of the Perspective Plan (2010- 2021) would be realized
through implementing two successive Five Year Plans;


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• The Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015) has already been implemented, which is being followed
by the Seventh Five Year Plan (2016-2020).

9.1.2 SDGs, MDGs, and Bangladesh

Bangladesh Government is committed to achieve SDGs as well as MDGs and integrated these
international and the regional commitments in the Sixth Five Year Plan and Seventh Five
Year Plan.

the government also implemented the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP-I, 2003-08 and
NSAPR II, 2009-2011).

The Long Term Perspective Plan (2010-2021)

The Sixth FYP ((2011-15).

Seventh Five Year Plan (2016 – 2020)

9.1.3 Important targets set for the economy under Seventh Five Year Plan and How far
» Attaining average real GDP growth rate of 7.4% per year over the Plan period, present
GDP growth rate 8.2% #National Budget 2019-20
» Reduction in the head-count poverty ratio by 6.2 percentage points
» Reduction in extreme poverty by about 4.0 percentage points

Projects: To eradicate poverty GOB has various projects. Such as,

One House, One Firm.

given fertilizer by the Agriculture Office to poor farmers.

-allowance poor old age people.


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Furthermore Rural Works Program, Vulnerable Group feeding, Food for works program also
introduced by GOB

Sector Development
» Significant growth of the agriculture, industry and service sectors
» Increase the contribution of the manufacturing sector to 21% of GDP by FY20, in 2019-20
FY, contribution of manufacturing sector is 13.02% (Bangladesh Economic Review 2019)

#Government has been established 8 Export Processing Zone.
#Government has established Bangladesh investment development authority
#Introduce one stop service

Macroeconomic Development

» Total revenue to be raised from 10.7% of GDP to 16.1% by FY20, in 2019-20 FY total
revenue is 13.1%

Human Resource Development (Education, Health and Population)

» Achieving 100 percent net enrolment rate for primary and secondary education Since 2000,
there has Been enormous progress on the goal to provide primary education to all children
worldwide: The total enrolment rates in Bangladesh has reached 91%

» Under 5 mortality rate to be reduced to 37 per 1000 live birth, according to the Bangladesh
Economic Review Infant mortality rate is 24.

» Maternal Mortality Ratio to be reduced to 105 per 100,000 live births, present Maternal
Mortality Ratio is 196 (NIPORT)

* Family planning project
* Projects running for reducing mortality rate of infants and pregnant mother


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* There are 13861 community clinic in Bangladesh, people getting free health services and
* Education for all project
Water and Sanitation

» Safe drinking water for all, now 98% people getting the facilities of safe drinking water

» Proportion of urban population with access to sanitary latrines to be increased to 100


» Proportion of rural population with access to sanitary latrines to be raised to 90 percent,

but only 76.8% of the total population using healthy sanitation.


» Installed Generation Capacity of electricity to be increased to 23,000 MW by 2020,

presently Capacity of electricity is 22051 MW

» Electricity coverage to be increased to 96 percent with uninterrupted supply to industries,

now 94% people have access to electricity

» Reduce system loss from 13% to 9%, improve energy efficiency & conservation, current
system loss is 11.87%

Ghore Ghore Biddut prokolpo

9.1.4 MDGs Goals and Status in Bangladesh

MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

(Halve by 2015 the proportion of people living below poverty line – achieved)


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MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

(Ensure that all boys & girls complete a full course of primary schooling- partially achieved)

MDG 3: Promoting Gender Equity and Empowering Women

(Eliminate gender disparity in primary & secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels
by 2015 -achieved)

MDG 4: Reduce Child Mortality

(Reduce by two thirds by 2015, the under-five mortality rate – achieved)

MDG 5: Improve Maternal Health

(Reduce by the three quarters, by 2015, the maternal mortality ratio- partially achieved)

MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases

(Have halted by 2015 & begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS- need more attention)

MDG 7: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability

(Integrate the principals of sustainable development into country policies /programs & reverse the
loss of environmental resources –need attention)

MDG 8: Developing a Global Partnership for Development

(Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading & financial system-
need attention)


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9.1.5 MEGA Projects:

Construction of 6.15 km. long Padma Multipurpose Bridge at Mawa-Janjira: The Padma
Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River under construction
in Bangladesh. Padma Bridge is the most challenging construction project in the history of
Bangladesh. The two-level steel truss bridge will carry a four-lane highway on the upper level and
a single track railway on a lower level. With 150 m span, 6150 m total length and 18.10 m width
it is going to be the largest bridge in the Padma-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basins of country in
terms of both span and the total length.

Ministry/Division/Agency: Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, Bridges Division,

Bangladesh Bridge Authority

Project Progress: 71%

Main Bridge Completed: 81%

Construction of about 26 km. long Dhaka Elevated Expressway

Construction of Dhaka-Chittagong expressway and upgradation of Dhaka-Chittagong
highway to 4-6 lane.

Completion of the following high Priority Mega Projects:

Deep Sea Port Project; MRT-6 project; LNG terminal project; Payra Port Project; Rooppur Nuclear
Power Plant Project; Rampal Coal Power Project; Matarbari Coal Power Project,Khan Jahan Ali
Airport Project

Delta plan
The government has cleared the Delta Plan 2100 as a long-term strategy to prevent floods and soil
erosion, manage rivers and wastes, and supply water throughout the century.
The government is calling ‘hotspots’ the places that have been prioritized in the plan, The six
hotspots are the coastal areas, Varendra or Barind and drought-prone areas, Haor or back swamps
and flood-prone areas, hilly areas, river and estuaries region and urban areas.


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10.1 Impediments of Project Planning in Bangladesh:

There are many problems in project planning in Bangladesh. Project management will continue to
reveal itself as part art, part science, and part major headache! The list below highlights some of
the top project management challenges, along with suggested solution ideas to help overcome
those challenges.

10.1.1 Corruption
Corruption is not a new-fangled incident in Bangladesh. Political and administrative elites have
often predestined the high incidence of corruption. It was believed that the return of democracy
during the 1990s, government has been able to take effectual action to tackle the corruption to
flourish. The World Bank estimates that 2 to 3% of GDP growth is lost to corruption each year.
Per capita income could double if the government restrained corruption (Transparency
International, 2009). The government formed a number of oversight regulatory bodies to check
corruption like the Anti-Corruption Commission, but most of the bodies could not function

Case Study

Ruppur Nuclear plant .According to reports in the media as well as on social media, the
purchase prices of various items to furnish the project’s 966 apartments for the Russian engineers
and others were abnormally higher than the market prices.

The reports claimed that each pillow was bought for Tk 5,957, and the cost of carrying it to an
apartment was Tk 760. An electric stove cost Tk 7,747 and the carrying cost from the ground floor
to the top one cost Tk 6,650.
The reports also said that the price of an electric iron was Tk 4,154 and the carrying cost Tk
2,945.Media reports also said that salary of the project director was Tk 4.96 lakh. Besides, he will
be the executive director of the project, so he can receive an additional Tk two lakh. In addition,
the salary of each driver was around 73,000, cooks would get Tk 63,000.

10.1.2 Bureaucratic Dependent

All programs are bureaucratically conceived, bureaucratically implemented and bureaucratically
evaluated. In a developing country with a colonial past, bureaucracy plays a disproportionately
prominent role in policy-making and enjoys a large range of discretionary powers.


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10.1.3 Given priority to urban planning

In general, urban based planning is given more importance than rural planning. Planning
commission is not so interested to study the rural problems so there is still, urban picture on
planning paper.

10.1.4 Delay in Procurement

In the developing countries, the key portion of the procurement, particularly from the international
sources, takes place in the public sector. Major portion of this public sector procurement is
financed out of the development credits, grants or loans, etc., extended to the Government
(Borrower) by the Development Partners (DPs) on account of various development projects.
If we consider project approval process starting from, Agency (Implementation Authority) –
Sponsoring Ministry – Agency – Sponsoring Ministry –Finance Ministry - Sponsoring Ministry –
Agency – Sponsoring Ministry – Planning Commission – Sponsoring Ministry – Agency –
Sponsoring Ministry – Planning Commission for Approval (ECNEC / Planning Ministry). Due to
long procedure and delay in preparing and approving the DPP and asking revision several times,
the commencement date of the project failed, as a result project implementation was not started in
due time.

10.1.5 Foreign Aid

Project planning formulation is too much depended on foreign aid because of lack of our internal
resource. The key part of revenue budget is received from import tax (33%) and this import is
depended on foreign support. Foreign aid depended planning cannot bring any optimistic impact
in any country as through this aid the donor countries receive their interest.

10.1.6 Absence of people's participation

Conventional planning approach is used till now in planning process. Planning process is generally
top-down where people participation is restricted and planners are often ignoring the sensible
difficulties and claim of people. Planners are very much interested in establishing ‘Super structure’
in urban areas without taking into account trouble situation of rural areas. Although people are the
main target of development planning but in plan formulation there active involvement is not
At local level, planning people participation is not so accelerated because of their unconsciousness
and power of local elite (Hasan and Hussein, 1999)

10.1.7 Political Culture


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Our political circumstance seriously hampers the successful implementation of projects. There is
no surety on continuity of the project as it may be rejected by the next ruling Government. Hence,
the development policies cannot be implemented as it should be. Our political culture bounded
within two party changes.

10.1.8 Lack of Coordination and Cooperation among Departments

In a large project different parties and stakeholders are involved in different activities in the
project. To run the smooth implementation work of the project, a plan is an important tool. To
execute and implement the plan is a strong and proper coordination mechanism must be practiced
to move all the concern parties in a coordinated way to implement the work plan of the project.
But no such coordination mechanism has been found in the project activities. Consequently,
project has been suffering from coordination problem with different parties and lack of sharing

Furthermore, Lack of Proper Power and Authority, Too much centralization, Natural Disaster
,Lack of Skilled Manpower, Inadequate resource allocation, Lack of proper monitoring and
duplication of tasks, Inter-ministerial coordination gap, Inaccurate Planning and Scheduling of
Projects, Delays in decision making, Complexities of Land Acquisition and Site Selection,
Unrealistic deadlines, Lack of accountability and transparency

11.1 Measures to Overcome

11.1.1 Political stability: Political co-operation is key prerequisite of any development. There
should have mutual co-operation between major political parties in development issues by
considering people welfare.

11.1.2 Corruption: Corruption should be removed from everywhere. Government must shows
zero tolerance to corruption.

11.1.3 Focus on outcome rather output: To ensure value addition for people most of the projects
must attain outcome instead of output. Only socially acceptable, economically feasible and
environmentally sustainable project can ensure the ‘value for people’. So, starting from inception
of a project must maintain social acceptability criteria.

11.1.4 Fiscal year need to change: Fiscal year needs to be change for proper ADP implementation
in Bangladesh and avoid rainy season as starting point of fiscal year (i.e. July).


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11.1.5 Foreign Aid: Foreign aid creates dependency. So, less aid, less dependency.

11.1.6 Tender system need to be changed: All the projects passed by parliament for rural area in
Bangladesh are being implemented by "tender" system. Most of the contractors are politically
influential persons thus they have negative role here. They dominate local people and implement
the project as they want that hamper people's participation as well the sustainable development, it
brings Dissatisfaction against governments among people.

11.1.7 To Give importance on research intelligences

Various governmental and non-governmental organization doing research to find the impact of
governmental projects whether it's ensuring sustainable development? Is there people's
participation or not? Is there any corruption or not? And identify the satisfaction level of people
on government’s projects etc. Though government has limitations to find out the actual condition
of the projects but various NGO's doing actively works on it. But the fact is that government always
ignores the research reports of these NGO's. Where government should take necessary positive
Ensure transparency and accountability, provide training to project team, Ensure people’s
participation, and Increase coordination among ministries, divisions and agencies.

12 Conclusion
There is no doubt that globalization has resulted in large increase in Project Management. Though
there are some serious potential drawbacks of Project planning, developing countries like
Bangladesh are not in a position to turn back from Project Management. But, what they can and
should do is to try to minimize its negative effects. They should look at ways to make Project
planning more meaningful.
Bangladesh faces lots of challenges in project planning ,this challenges could be overcome through
various ways .If government can abate the problems in project planning ,most of the project will
be successful and our government can achieve their goals, like, perspective plan, SDG , Delta plan


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1. 7th five year plan

2. Bangladesh Economic Review 2019

3. Rondinelli, D. A. (1976). Why development projects fail: problems of project management

in developing countries. Project Management Quarterly, 7(1), 10–15.

4. Chadha Skylark, 1989, Managing projects in Bangladesh, University press Limited, Dhaka

5. Islam Nurul, 1993, Development planning in Bangladesh Civil Service: A Study in Political
Economy, The University Press Limited, Dhaka

6. Hamiduzzaman,Mohammad, (August 2014). Planning and Managing of Development

Projects in Bangladesh: Future Challenges for Government and Private Organizations.
Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research. Vol. 6(2), 16-24.

7. Ahmed Saleh, (December 2010). "Problems of ADP implementation in Bangladesh: an

analytical review" Available in

8. ADP implementation rate increased. "(2019, July 9)" kaler kantho; [Online] Available at

9. Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100: Not the most practical proposal. "(2016, April 21)" The
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10. Rahman Hafsa, An Evaluation of Project Management Processes in Public Sector

Organizations Like Public Works Department (PWD), BRAC Institute of Governance and

11. Rahman Taibur, Brief on Development Planning Process in Bangladesh: Special focus on
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12. Yesmin Sumya “ Challenges of Project Management in Bangladesh with Special Reference
to Bangladesh Economy, Performance of ADP, Infrastructural Developments, &FDI”


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