AP06 Senses
AP06 Senses
AP06 Senses
I. Senses
A. Classification of Senses
B. Types of Receptors
C. Pain
II. Vision
A. Accessory Structures
B. Anatomy of the Eye
C. Functions of the Eye
D. Neuronal Pathway for Vision
E. Visual Defects
III. Hearing and Balance
A. Audition
B. Structures of the Ear GENERAL SENSES
C. Balance/Equilibrium • receptors over large part of body that sense touch,
IV. Olfaction pressure, pain, temperature, and itch
A. Olfaction Process • 2 groups:
B. Olfactory Epithelium and Olfactory Bulb a. SOMATIC - provide information about body and
V. Gustation (Taste) environment
A. The Tongue - physical manifestations, skin muscles, joints
B. Types of Papillae - touch, pressure, proprioception, pain,
C. Types of Taste temperature
b. VISCERAL - provide information about internal
SENSES organs
• Means by which the brain receives information about - Pain, pressure
the environment and body
• The way you perceive it SPECIAL SENSES
• Integration • Smell • Hearing
• Receive information • Taste • Balance
• Sensory receptors – receive • Sight
• action potentials suppressed from pain
• receptors in local areas
• chemicals are injected near sensory nerve
• Suppress pain from integrating or interpreting that
there is pain
• loss of consciousness
• chemicals affect reticular formation
• if visceral organs are involved
• Blocks the control center to interpret the pain
Action potential – will make impulses • It will surely diminish the pain
o Sensory receptor to CNS • Pain will only be felt if it is being interpreted by the
- capable to dilate and constrict
- Dilate – sympathetic response, in the dark, seeing
an ophthalmologist
• Protects from sweat
• Shade from sun
• Protects from foreign objects
• Lubricates by blinking
• Blink reflex to protect from any foreign materials
• 20x blinks - some are unconscious
• Blink allows enzymes or liquids to spread in the
eyes to give lubrication
• transparent structure that covers iris and pupil
• allows light to enter and focuses light
• transparent anterior
• forms 1/6 yata???
• Capable of bending/refracting the light
- Middle tunic
- Contains blood supply
- Innervated with blood vessels
- 4 rectus ;2 Oblique • Thin structure contains melanin; color black
- Oculomotor – superior inferior medial rectus and • Absorbs light prevents reflection
superior oblique • black part (melanin)
- Trochlear – superior oblique • delivers O2 and nutrients to retina
- Abducens - lateral rectus • Most posterior portion
- Oblique and rectus is inversely proportional • Thin structure
Inferior oblique – elevating the eyeballs and moving it • Contains many melanin (that’s why it’s black)
laterally • Color of it is insignificant bc it absorbs light
• Colored part
• Surrounds and regulates pupil
• Made up of smooth muscles
• Iris regulates the diameter of pupil to allow
1. FIBROUS TUNIC more light to absorb or not
- Outermost Tunic
• Regulates amount of light entering
• Lots of light = constricted
• Firm, white outer part
• Helps maintain eye shape, provides attachment • Little light = dilated
sites, protects internal structures
• Connective tissue layer
• Photoreceptor; sensitive to light
• Rods are 20 times more light sensitive than cones
• Can function in dim light
• Help us see in dark areas
• 120m
• Found in the periphery of eye
• Bnw vision
• Slow light adjustment
• Photoreceptor; provide color vision
• 3 types : blue, green, red
• 6M
• Near Fovea
LENS AND CILIARY BODY ^^ • Fast light adjustment
• Center of macula
• Where light is focused when looking directly at an
• Only cones
• Ability to discriminate fine images
• Sharpened images
• White spot medial to macula
• Blood vessels enter eye and spread over retina
THE RETINA • Axons exit as optic nerve
• Rods and cones synapse with bipolar cells of • No photoreceptors
sensory retina • Called blind spot
• Horizontal cells of retina modify output of rods and • Does not react to light
• Bipolar and horizontal cells synapse with ganglion
• Ganglion cells axons’ converge to form optic nerve
PIGMENTED RETINA – works with choroid to prevent the CHAMBERS OF THE EYES
light to reflect
• located between cornea and lens
• Filled with aqueous humor (watery) • It involve changes in the shape of your lens bc the
• Aqueous humor helps maintain pressure, refracts primary focus/purpose of those structures is to focus
light, and provide nutrients to inner surface of eye light into the retina. The retina must be able to get it.
• In between cornea and the lens • Fovea Centralis - the pit where the light must
converge to see the image
Vitreous Humor – jelly like substance; stays; maintains
• Located behind anterior chamber
• Contains aqueous humor
- Normal vision: 20/20 ; u can see what a person with
normal vision see at 20 ft
- 20/40 - u can only see at 20 ft what a normal person
can see at 40 ft
- 20/200 - legal blindness; u can only see at 20 ft what
a normal person can see at 200 ft - VISUAL FIELD - the field of vision that you see per
eye; images seen by each eye
NEURONAL PATHWAY FOR VISION o If you cover your left eye: u see the visual field
Ø OPTIC NERVE of the right eye and vice versa
• leaves eye and exits orbit through optic foramen to - Each visual field is divided into temporal and nasal
enter cranial cavity halves
• made up of converging axons of retinal cells which - Temporal (towards the temples) ; Nasal (towards the
transmit the conversion of the light into action midline)
potential projecting it to visual cortex of the - TEMPORAL AND NASAL RETINA - converge to
occipital lobe of the brain form optic your nerve
• Cross at the optic chiasm • TEMPORAL RETINA - connecting the optic
nerve; ones that cross to the other side of the
• Where 2 optic nerves connect • NASAL PART - pass thru the optic chiasm but do
• REMEMBER: Different from decussation of not cross to the other side of the brain instead
pyramids; it does not mean that the optic nerve they cross to the same side
coming from the left eye would project to the right - SUPERIOR COLLICULI (MIDBRAIN) - responsible
part of the brain and vice versa for visual reflexes
- Some of the axons the originate from the optic nerve
Ø OPTIC TRACTS go to that area and allow the person to respond to
• route of ganglion axons visual stimulus/images on either side
- Once it crosses to the tracts, the optic nerve will
VISUAL PATHWAY terminate into the occipital lobe where the visual
cortex is found
- Optic Nerve has 2 structures:
o Temporal
o Nasal
- Nasal- do not cross to the other side of the brain in
the optic chiasm; remain on the same side
- Temporal - parts of the visual field; ones that cross to
the other side of the optic chiasm
- These axons terminate into the thalamus and the
- Optic nerves transmit from the eyeballs passing thru thalamus will transmit the images thru nerves
the optic foramen, meeting @ the optic chiasm projecting into the visual cortex of the cerebrum
- Some of it cross, BUT for the most part, the optic (where the vision is perceived)
nerve coming from the right eye projects to right back - Depth Perception - visual field of both eyes; exactly
part of the brain and the left part projects to left back where the 2 visual fields of the left and right eye
part of the brain overlap each other
- Sometimes visual field overlap in a sense that it
causes double vision
- Double vision (diplopia) - all the images u see occur • can lead to blindness bc the pressure can damage
in 2s ; mirrored the retina
- Typical Reason for Diplopia: (1) Strabismus—
extrinsic eye muscles are not working properly, you CHART TO DETERMINE COLOR BLINDNESS
are cross-eyed ; sometimes for children they have
lazy eye (strabismus)—wherein the eyes are not
focusing on the images itself and is needed to be
connected as early as possible
• Nearsightedness
• Image is in front of retina
• Ex: people with eyeballs that are longer than usual Those who are colorblind, what they can see in 74 is 21
• Longer - location of fovea centralis is further way and in 5, they see 2
to the back so the focal point is located in front of
the retina instead of it actually touching the fovea HEARING & BALANCE
• You can only see near objects AUDITION
- The organs of hearing and balance are in the ears.
• farsightedness Ø Each ear is divided into 3 areas:
• image is behind retina
• Eyeballs are shorter 1. THE EXTERNAL EAR
• Projection of the image is behind the retina ; - extension from the external ; the one we see
sumobra naman outside the head down to the eardrum/tympanic
• What you can see are far objects - external to middle: hearing
• lens becomes less elastic - 3 parts: cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals
• reading glasses required
• loss of your eyes ability to focus on object 3. THE INNER EAR
• irregular curvature of lens (REMEMBER: lens are - Extends from outside of head to eardrum
convex—thicker middle portion compared to the
borders) AURICLE:
• glasses or contacts required to correct • Fleshy part on outside
• It’s possible that there are individuals without
auricle and that could affect their hearing
• absence or deficient cones
• Auricle collects soundwave from the external
• primarily in males
• If they see something else, aside from what a
normal person can see
GLAUCOMA: • Ear canal; collects sounds and directs it towards the
• increased pressure in eye eardrum
• primarily brought abt by blockage in the circulation • Canal that leads to eardrum
of the humours in the eyeballs • Same with external auditory canal
• Ex: Aqueous Humour—if it doesn’t go back to the • Have small hairs
venous circulation for recycling then it will remain • Have ceruminous gland which secretes known as
in the eyeballs increasing pressure and can lead cerumen or ceruminous wax that serves a
to glaucoma and can damage the retina protection bc it trans foreign particles that comes
inside ur ear
• Named accdg to how they look like
• They r all attached to each other
• Malleus, Incus, Stapes
- bone attached to tympanic membrane
- bone that connects malleus to stapes
- bone located at base of oval window
- Stapes footplate : sits loosely on the oval
• tunnels filled with fluid
window of cochlea; held in place by annular
• 3 regions: cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals
a) Cochlea – responsible for hearing; dito
nakaattach yung cochlear nerve
• In cochlea
• Filled with perilymph
• Necessary for hearing
• Sound waves enter here and would send it to scala
tympani so that u would recognize whether it
something is high or low pitch
• In cochlea
• Filled with perilymph
• Necessary for hearing
• Involved in hearing whether the sound is high pitch
or low pitch (both vestibuli or tympani)
• Contains endolymph
• Separates scala vestibuli and scala medi
2. Sensorineural Deafness
• in the organ of Corti; for example u have prob sa
hearing bc there are some indivs that are born with
• Pag may prob ka sa hearing, magkakaron ka rin ng
problema sa balance kasi they are attached
(magkaattach yung vestibulocochlear)
- Associated with vestibule
- Evaluates position of head relative to gravity
- Goes towards gravity
- Associated with semicircular canals
- Evaluates changes in direction and rate of head
- Semicircular canals (anterior, posterior, lateral)
- Inner ear
- Contains utricle and saccule—provide info which
is relative to gravity
- Specialized patches of epithelium in utricle and
saccule surrounded by endolymph
- Contain hair cells—ones that send action
potentials; now u would know that there are
changes in your position - Kunwari tumungo ka, nagmomove ang otoliths
- Found in the vestibule - Once it moved downward (since tumungo siya), that
would now send signal to your sensory nerve
(vestibular nerve) that there are changes bc of the OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM AND OLFACTORY BULB
force of gravity
• Sense of smell - Carry a.p from the olfactory neurons to the axons of
the cerebrum that allow for perception and
• Occurs in response to odorants
interpretation of the stimuli
• Receptors are located in nasal cavity and hard palate
- Axons from olfactory neurons from the olfactory nerves
• We can detect 10,000 different smells which is your cranial nerve 1 pass thru the cribriform
• Cribriform plate—dito dumadaan yung olfactory plate and enter the olfactory bulb
nerve, tract, bulb - Olfactory neurons synapse with interneurons to relay
• Odors are chemicals that are dissolved in the a.p to the brain to the olfactory tract
• May nagsesecrete ng mucous and once it is
dissolved, it will initiate a.p that would be sending
- Each taste cell has taste hairs that extend into taste TASTE PROCESS
pores 1. Taste buds pick up taste and send it to taste cells.
• Taste hairs – determine and create signals and 2. Taste cells send taste to taste hairs.
initiate action potentials; send signals to the brain 3. Taste hairs contain receptors that initiate an action
na ito yung kinain and ito yung lasa potential which is carried to parietal lobe.
4. Brain processes taste.
- The detection of specific soluble molecules found in
food or drink results in the sensation of taste
- Specialized cells found in the taste buds of the tongue
contain receptors capable of interacting with
molecules found in our food
- When a taste receptor is stimulated, an electrical
signal is produced by the sensory cell resulting in an
impulse which is transmitted to the brain and results in
the perception of taste.