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Specification sheet


The DMC8000 is a system level controller designed to Each load device has a set of control relays associated to
interface directly with Cummins Power Generation it so that the load can be controlled individually by the
PowerCommand® paralleling generator sets. The DMC and so the control priority for the load can be
DMC8000, in conjunction with PowerCommand® genset adjustable programmatically. Additionally, each load has a
controls, is a fully automatic, distributed logic controller set of status contacts associated with it. Typically this is
suitable for unattended applications, which allows for a hardwired except when a network connection is available
simpler and more reliable installation. on the ATS. In addition, each load can be given a custom
name via the touch screen.
The control system is capable of controlling many power
system architectures, including Isolated Bus, Common Load demand – The load demand feature is used to
Bus, Transfer Pair, Multiple Transfer Pair, Redundant match generating capacity to the load to optimize fuel
PLCs, Redundant I/O and Remote Screens. efficiency and prolong generator set life while maintaining
The system is capable of various types of power transfer correct reserve capacity for the customer’s application.
modes like open transition, 100ms closed transition, and The DMC offers the flexibility in deciding between
ramping closed transition. The DMC8000 also includes generator set operating percentages and facility load
utility paralleling functions for peak-shaving and base load steps to determine the number of generators to run for a
operations. The DMC8000 incorporates a broad range of specific load. The load demand function will support an
operational diagnostic functions to greatly enhance unlimited number of generator sets, even across multiple
system reliability. generator buses. Shutdown sequence can either be a
The DMC8000 features an easy-to-use, full-function fixed sequence or can be based on running hours. With
resistive touch screen with multiple levels of operator fixed sequence method, the sequence can be changed
access to ensure secure control. while the system is in operation. Running hours method
will attempt to equalize generator set hours over time by
Features exchanging stopped and running generator sets. To
Load control – Load control, also known as “Load Add / protect system integrity, load demand will restart all
Shed”, is the process of staging load on to the system generator sets whenever an overload condition is
after power to the loads has been interrupted. This detected. The minimum amount of capacity to maintain
staging of load ensures that power quality is maintained online is adjustable. Initial delay for load demand to begin
and generators do not become overloaded during the operation is adjustable from 1-60 minutes. Shutdown
application of load to the generators. threshold is adjustable from 20-100% of online capacity
minus one generator set. Shutdown delay is adjustable
In addition to the orderly addition of load, the load control
from 1-60 minutes. Restart threshold is adjustable from
system also monitors the generators and will remove load
20-100% of online capacity. Run hours differential is
from the system if the generators become overloaded.
adjustable from 1-500 hours.
The DMC considers a load to be a transfer switch or
feeder breaker. The number and type of loads is
customized to a customer’s system.
Trending – Allows the operator to view the system Typical sequence of operation
operation over time. The operator can add up to 8 PowerCommand® digital paralleling systems can be
parameters to the trend at any one time. Both the scale configured for nearly any logical sequence. The
for each parameter and the duration of the trend are following description provides details of typical
adjustable. Available parameters can be selected via operation for the system components.
user friendly drop down menus.
Synchronizing and paralleling
Building management system interface – A
Modbus® TCIP register map is provided for customer Normal Starting Sequence - System level controller
use in configuring third-party controls to monitor the or transfer switches signal each generator set to start in
system. an emergency or test/exercise mode. When signaled,
Reports and emailing – The DMC8000 can be each generator set control automatically and
configured to generate several reports to assist independently starts each generator, accelerates to
customers in producing documentation required by some rated frequency and builds up to rated voltage. The
regulating bodies. The DMC8000 also gives the integrated First Start Sensor System in each control
customers the ability to conveniently email the reports monitors this process, and on finding a generator set at
when completed or on demand. 90% of rated voltage and frequency, automatically
disables all other units from closing to the bus and
Warranty and service – Products are backed by a closes the ready unit to the generator bus. After the
comprehensive warranty and a worldwide network of first unit is closed to the bus, the remaining generators
distributors with factory-trained service technicians. sense availability of bus voltage and the synchronizer
Breaker control – Utility main and generator set main in each generator set control automatically switches on.
breaker interfaces include separate relays for opening Simultaneously, the synchronizer(s) cause each
and closing breaker, as well as inputs for both “a” and “b” generator set to synchronize with the system bus and
breaker position contacts and tripped status. Breaker then close it at the proper time. As each unit closes to
diagnostics include contact failure, fail-to-close, fail-to- the bus, the unit assumes its proportional share of the
open, fail-to-disconnect and tripped. If a breaker fails, total load on the bus.
appropriate control action is taken to maintain system
Normal Stopping Sequence - When system start
commands are removed from the generator sets, each
Scheduler – The system scheduler is intended to allow generator set opens its paralleling breaker and the
automatic operation of the power system on a pre- generator set performs its time delay stop and/or cool-
defined schedule. down sequence. As each generator set completes its
Allows the system to be operated at preset times in test cool-down sequence, it is automatically switched off.
without load, test with load, or extended parallel mode. A If a system start signal is received at the generator sets
real-time clock is built in. Up to 12 different programs during the cool-down period, one generator set will
can be set for day of week, time of day, duration, repeat immediately close to the system bus and all other units
interval and mode. For example, a test with load can be will synchronize to it, as described in ‘‘Loss of normal
scheduled to run for one hour every Tuesday at 2 a.m. power’’ below.
Up to six different exceptions can be set up to block a
program from running during a specific time period.
True RMS bus metering – Full-function true RMS bus
AC metering (generator bus and utility bus).
Failure of a unit to start or synchronize - If a utility by opening the connection to the generator bus at
generator set fails to start, after the fail-to-start time each transfer pair, then closing its associated utility
delay (in the generator set control) has expired, the unit connection at an operator-programmed time period.
will be shut down and an alarm will sound. If a generator This process is completed at each power transfer point
set fails to synchronize, after a preset time delay an in the system, by each power transfer control. When all
alarm will sound but the unit will continue to attempt to loads have been transferred back to the utility, power
synchronize until signaled to stop by manual operation of transfer control system removes the start commands
the control switches on the generator set. from generator sets.
Power Transfer Control System Test or Exercise
Loss of Normal Power - The power transfer control Generator set exercise (test) without load - The
system continuously monitors the availability of each system allows testing of the generator sets at no load.
power source (utility service or generator bus) and In this operation mode the generator sets will start,
automatically connects the system loads to the best build up to rated speed and voltage, synchronize and
available source based on settings programmable by the close to the generator bus, but system loads will not
operator. On loss of normal power, each power transfer automatically transfer to the generator system. If a
control executes a short time delay, then initiates power failure occurs during a test period, loads will
generator system starting by issuing start commands to immediately close into the system on a priority basis.
each generator set. When the first generator set has When the system is operating in the closed transition
closed to the bus, the power transfer control system will mode, it will always transfer between ‘‘good’’ sources
sense the availability of generator capacity and begin without a power interruption to the load.
transfer of loads to the generator bus by disconnecting Exercise (test) with load mode - The system will
the utility source and connecting the generator bus to
allow the generator sets to be tested by transfer of the
system loads. The DMC may inhibit operation of some
system loads to the generator sets. Sequence of
power transfer devices until adequate capacity is
operation in this mode shall be similar to that described
available to serve the connected loads. A manual control
for a power failure condition, except that if the system
system is available to the operator to control sequence
is configured to perform closed transition transfer
of operation of the power transfer controls.
operations it will transfer the loads without interruption
For further information see ‘‘Load and capacity of power to the loads.
Load and Capacity Management
Return of Normal Power - When the power transfer The load control system in the DMC automatically
control system has sensed that normal source power controls the addition of system loads to the generator
has returned and is within programmed limits and a time bus in either a priority based or capacity based method.
delay re-transfer period is completed, each power Either method may utilize automatic transfer switches
transfer control will begin a re-transfer process in either or feeder breakers to control the load adding and
an open or closed transition mode, as selected by the shedding in the system. Loads may also be manually
operator. If running in the closed transition mode, the controlled (added or shed from the system) via the
system synchronizes the generator bus to the first utility system touchscreen.
source, and closes to the utility source. If the system is
designed for ‘‘soft’’ transfer between live sources, it Bus overload - If a bus overload occurs for any
ramps down load on the generator bus to a minimum reason, a signal will be generated to initiate load
value, and then opens the connection to the generator shedding in the system. If the bus does not return to
source. If the system is operating in a ‘‘fast’’ transfer proper frequency within a predetermined period of time
mode, the ramping function is not used and the system (adjustable via the HMI), additional load shed signals
will operate from source to source as quickly as possible, will be generated until the generator set bus returns to
typically in 100 milliseconds or less. The transfer process normal frequency. Loads that are shed due to overload
is repeated sequentially across each power transfer require manual reset via the HMI.
point. If running in the open transition mode, the system
sequentially transfers back to the
Load demand mode - When the system is running in Screens are configured in a typical Windows® format.
the emergency mode with the "load demand" switch in Each screen includes navigation buttons to allow quick
the HMI in the "on" position, controls continuously access to other screens that are logically connected
monitor the total load on the bus. If the total load on the with the screen being displayed. Access to screens that
bus falls below preset limits for a period of 15 minutes impact on system settings or sequence of operation are
(adjustable via the HMI), the controller will automatically controlled by a multi-level password system.
shut down generator sets in an operator predetermined The HMI typically includes the following screens and/or
order until the minimum number of generators required functions:
to operate the load remain on the bus. On sensing that
the available bus capacity is being approached, the One line diagram
standby units will automatically be restarted (in the
reverse order of which they were shut down) and
paralleled with the bus to assume their proportional
share of system load. As each load parallels to the bus,
load ramps to load share level. The system automatically
compensates for generator sets of different sizes.
The control system is housed in a rigid, freestanding,
NEMA1/IP40, metal enclosed structure designed to
require front access only. Framework is constructed of
minimum 2.0 mm (12 ga) steel sheet metal. The
framework and all other sheet metal components of the
system are primed with a rust-inhibiting primer and
finished with satin finish ANSI 61 gray enamel for The one-line diagram screen displays system status by
UL/CSA product, and RAL7035 for IEC product. Control a combination of animation, changing screen color, text
components are completely isolated from power-carrying messages, and pop-up indicators. Conditions visible on
components by metal or insulating barriers. All the screen include:
components and surfaces operating at more than 50 • Generator set(s) and bus configuration with generator
volts are shielded to prevent inadvertent contact. All set, parallel breaker and bus energized/de-energized
control wiring is 105 °C (221 °F), 600 volt rated and indication (red indicating energized, green indicating
sized as required for safe, reliable operation. Each wire, de-energized).
device and functional component is identified by silk- • Generator set designation, with control data, and
screen or similar permanent identification. Terminal performance summary screens accessible through
blocks are provided for all field connections on DIN-rail hot keys (links) located on or adjacent to the
mounted devices. The DMC may be integrated into the generator set icon.
paralleling switchgear or provided in a separate, • Generator set mode (run/off/auto).
freestanding panel. Free-standing panels should be • Generator set status (normal/warning/shutdown/load
located within 100 meters (350 feet) of the switchgear. demand stop).
(Consult factory if longer distance is required.) • Paralleling breaker status (open/closed/tripped/
Operator panel racked out). Optional status and condition displays of
other breakers and devices can be supplied where
The easy-to-see operator panel provides the user with a
complete range of easy-to-use information.
• Bus condition (energized or de-energized) Clicking
Touchscreen operator panel on the bus icon provides access to a bus AC data
A full color high-resolution touchscreen operator screen.
interface panel (HMI) allows the operator to monitor and For applications which include automatic transfer
control the on-site power system. All data is configurable switches (ATS), the DMC provides a depiction of the
for display in either U.S. standard or metric indications. ATS in the one line, indicating source availability and
Standard screen size for UL/CSA product is 19 inch switch position. It also is available with detailed
(diagonal), and 15 inch (diagonal) for IEC product. information access to each ATS in the system.
System Control Generator set status and control

The system control screen provides the operator with the The generator set status summary provides an analog
ability to enable or disable load demand operation, view and graphical display of critical generator set operating
timer values and the load demand sequence; initiate test parameters for each generator set in the system. The
(with or without load); control the shutdown sequence for screen includes generator set state display (stopped,
the generator sets in the load demand mode; set the time delay start, idle speed state, rated volts/hertz,
load demand time delays; set the load demand operation synchronizing, load share or load govern); analog AC
set points; and display and modify the automatic load metering for generator set (3-phase, AC volts and
add and shed sequence. The screen also allows setting current, frequency, kW and power factor); and three-
of the source availability settings and sequence timing phase AC bus voltage and frequency. The screen
for power transfer. This screen is password-protected to provides a complete display of engine and alternator
prevent access to the configuration functions by data present in the generator set control. The screen
unauthorized users. also shows status of the generator set breaker. Hot
buttons are provided for this data on all generator sets
System alarm history in the system, including system equipment provided by
third parties.


The master control touchscreen records the date, time

and nature of all alarm and shutdown conditions
reported on the system. This log includes all alarms
reported on the generator set and all master control and The touchscreen provides real-time trend charts for AC
network connected functions. output parameters and continuously monitors average
voltage, frequency, total kilowatts, and average
Generator set and transfer switches retain a detailed
amperage. Scales of values displayed are field
independent log of their perspective operating histories,
allowing the user to not only understand system level
operation conditions, but also view details of operation of
any component in the system.
Alarms • Regulating Reactive Power
Any alarm on any generator set or in the system will • Genset Controlled
cause an alarm bar and warning condition display to • Genbus Percent
appear on the touchscreen. Touching the bar displays a • Genbus Power Factor
pop-up screen describing the equipment where the fault • Genbus kVAR
has occurred, and the name of the fault. The screen • Utility Bus VAR
allows the operator to attempt to reset warning • Utility Bus Power Factor
conditions from the HMI. • Genset Limits
Service information • Load Demand
System information and service information, including • Protective Relays
the name, address and phone number for the local • Reverse Power Disable
service point for the equipment, is provided on the main
menu screen for the system.
Control interface - outputs
Generator set signals– For each generator set in the
Operating modes system, the control provides start command, load
Test without Load demand control, and control of the generator set
The Test without load mode of operation is used to excitation and fuel control systems for load control
ensure the operation of the generator sets, up to the while paralleled with the utility service (mains).
point where the DMC would normally transfer power to Genset main and utility main breaker interfaces–
the generators. Dedicated separate relays are provided for breaker
Test with Load open and breaker close circuits.
Test with load is a mode of operation that allows the Network connections
operator to transfer the facility load to the generators. A standard register map of system data for use in
The Test with load mode of operation can be triggered monitoring by a remote device is provided. A complete
by an operator via the HMI, by an Input from a SCADA array of system control, adjustments and monitoring
system, or periodically using the system scheduler. data are available and are documented in a published
When a test is triggered the DMC looks at the selections register map. Available protocols include:
for Transition Mode and Transfer pair selection to Modbus RTU Interface – RS232 or RS485.
determine the test sequence to perform.
Modbus TCPIP
• Transition mode
• Open transition BACNET
• Hard closed transition (optional)
• Soft closed transition (optional)
• Multiple transfer pairs (optional)
Control power
• Regulating Real Power
Control power for the system is derived from the
• Genbus Percent
generator set 24 VDC starting batteries. A solid-state,
• Genbus kW
no-break "best battery" selector system is provided so
• Genbus kW with Utility Constraint
that control voltage is available from any generator set
• Utility Bus kW
battery bank in the system. All incoming battery banks
are isolated to prevent the failure of one battery bank
from disabling the entire system. The core system
control has redundant control power inputs for added
reliability, as well as separate high/low DC voltage

Hot Standby Programmable Logic Controller
Redundant I/O
Color Touchscreen Sizes: 15”, 19”, 42”, Custom
Remote Touchscreens
The PowerCommand® controls mounted on every • PowerCommand® controls are suitable for use in
generator set in the system continually monitors the emergency, critical and standby applications, as
battery charging system for low and high DC voltage and defined in articles 700, 701, and 702.
runs a battery load test every time the engine is started. • NFPA 99: Standard for Health Care Facilities
• NFPA 110 for level 1 systems
Functions and messages on the generator paralleling
• UL 891 Listed, Category NIWT7 for U.S. and Canada.
control include:
• PowerCommand® control systems and generator sets
• Low DC voltage (battery voltage less than 24 VDC, are designed and manufactured in ISO9001 certified
except during engine cranking) facilities
• High DC voltage (battery voltage greater than 32 VDC) • IBC – all Risk Categories I to IV structures, shake
Software testing qualified
• OSHPD – all California Building Code Risk Category I
DMC8000 is serviced with the following: to IV structures, shake testing qualified
• Indusoft Studio 7.1
• Unity 8.1 Environment
The control is designed for proper operation without
Certifications recalibration in ambient temperatures from 0 °C to
DMC meets or exceeds the requirements of the following +45 °C (32 °F to 113 °F) and for storage from -20 °C to
codes and standards: +70 °C (-4 °F to 158 °F). Control will operate with
• CSA C282-M1999 Emergency Electrical Power Supply humidity up to 95%, non-condensing, and at altitudes up
for Buildings to 5000 meters (10,000 feet).
• CSA 22.2 No. 14 M91 Industrial Controls Warranty
• CE Marked
As components of a Cummins Power Generation
• IEC/EN 61439-2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control
system, PowerCommand® controls are covered by a
standard two-year limited warranty. Warranty options are
• NFPA 70: U.S. National Electrical Code
available; consult your local distributor for details.

See your distributor for more information

Cummins Power Generation
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Phone: 763 574 5000 Kent CT 12 5BF United Kingdom Singapore 608838
Fax: 763 574 5298 Phone 44 1843 255000 Phone 65 6417 2388
Fax 44 1843 255902 Fax 65 6417 2399

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2015 Cummins Power Generation Inc. All rights reserved. Cummins Power Generation and Cummins are registered trademarks of
Cummins Inc. PowerCommand®, AmpSentry, InPower and “Our energy working for you.” are trademarks of Cummins Power Generation.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Specifications are subject to change without
NAS-6119b-EN (11/16)

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