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S36 European Urology Open Science 20(S2) (2020); S31–S192

biomarkers and explain the molecular mechanisms underlying the concentration between 30 and 70 mcg/ml then immediately rein-
altered spermatogenesis. The objective of the study is to evaluate the fused. During AHTM cycle and 2 month follow up all patients have
blood plasma miR-20a-5p expression in infertile patients with non- taken daily tadalafil 5 mg. All patients have been evaluated with IIEF15
obstructive azoospermia (NOA) compared to healthy normozoosper- before and after 2 months follow up. All patients and their partners
mic men. have been also evaluated by psychosexual counseling with weekly
Materials and methods: From January 2018 to December 2019, 24 sitting, at the beginning for the selection, during all phases of AHTM
infertile couples were prospectively enrolled. All the patients were therapy and during 2 month follow-up.
included into two groups: Group 1 infertile men with NOA, Group 2 Results: All patients improve quality and quantity of erections with a
healthy normozoospermic men belonging to couples with female rising response to 5PDE inhibitors during the 2 month follow up.
infertility tubal factor who achieved pregnancy using IVF or ICSI. The Psychosexual couple counseling also show qualitative improvement of
expression of circulating miR-20a-5p was assessed by RT qPCR in sexual relations. AHTM has been well tolerated to all patients. No side
plasma samples. A relative quantification strategy was adopted using effect has been observed during the entire cycle of therapy and the 2
the 2-ΔCqmethod to calculate the target miR-20a-5p expression with month follow up. All patients refer a personal daily improvement of
respect to miR-16-5p as endogenous control. Total cell-free RNA glycemic control without any variation of therapy or lifestyle.
extracted from 0.5 ml plasma using the mirVana PARIS kit was Conclusions: OOT could be beneficial in reducing the negative effects
submitted to RT-qPCR using TaqMan Advanced miRNA cDNA of diabetes on erectile dysfunction as a result of enhanced enzymatic
Synthesis Kit and TaqMan® Advanced miRNA Assays. activity in endothelial factors and reducing the effect of ROS.
Results: Group 1 included 14 patients, Group 2 10 men. Mean male age Preliminary results need more studies with a wider number of
was 35.6 ± 4.2 years. Considering the Group 1, mean FSH value was patients. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression could increase
19.4 ± 7.8 IU/l, LH 8.5 ± 3.4 IU/l, TT 12.5 ± 3.9 nmol/l, TSH 2.0 ± 1.1 mIU/l, significantly with OOT with more beneficial systemic effects, with
PRL 10.5 ± 3.2 ng/ml. Mean right and left testicular volume (TV) was minimal contraindications and no side effects. OOT could rise the
8.9 ± 5.2 ml and 8.2 ± 4.5 ml, respectively. Group 2 showed hormonal quality and quantity of erections in diabetic patients, improving the
levels and TV in the normal range. All NOA underwent testicular sperm outcome in the use of 5PDE inhibitors and in glycemic control. For
extraction. Successful sperm retrieval (SR) with cryopreservation was diabetic patients, especially for poor responders to 5PDE inhibitors a
found in 8/14 patients (overall SR rate: 57.1%). Mean sperm multidisciplinary approach and psychosexual counseling demonstrate
concentration was 0.001 ± 0.0001 × 106/ml, motility 0.2 ± 0.6%, biosys- good synergy to improve sexual relations and quality of life.
tem straws collected 3.2 ± 2.0. Mean miR-20a-5p value was 0.25 ± 0.20
and 0.06 ± 0.02 in the Group 1 and Group 2, respectively. Thus, the
relative expression of miR-20a-5p was significantly higher in patients SC12 Mid-Term effects of high-altitude on sexual
affected by NOA than in healthy normozoospermic control subjects
hormonal parameters during a Himalayan
( p = 0,026).
Conclusions: Blood plasma miR-20a-5p could represent a potential expedition
non-invasive diagnostic biomarker in infertile patients with non-
obstructive azoospermia. A possible correlation of this marker with V. Verratti, D. Bondi, A. Princiotta, T. Pietrangelo, R. Piccinelli,
testicular histopathological findings could allow the clinician to A. Antonelli, M. Angela Cerruto, D. Migliorelli, A. Tafuri (Chieti)
correctly counsel the azoospermic patients in performing surgery for
fertility purpose.
Introduction: The aim of this study is to assess the mid-term effects of
altitude hypoxia on sexual hormonal parameters, comparing Italian
trackers with native Nepalese porters who took part in a Himalayan
SC11 Experience of oxygen-ozonetherapy in the expedition.
management of erectile dysfunction in diabetic Materials and methods: Participants completed a combined circuit of
patients poor responder to 5-phosphodiesterase 300 Km distance in 19 days with over 16000 meters of difference in
inhibitors. Preliminary results and follow-up altitude and average daily walk of 6 hours involving a demanding route
with ascent and descent in the Himalayas, Nepal. The analyses were
performed on two groups of participants: 6 Italians and 6 Nepalese.
F. Muzi, P. M. Michetti, M. Taffo, G. Tati (Roma) The effect of high-altitude on Hypothalamus-hypophysis-gonads axis
(FSH, LH, Testosterone, Progesterone) was assessed for both groups.
Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (DE) has higher incidence in Samples were collected the day before the expedition beginning and
diabetic patients. Microvascular damages, persistent oxydant activity the day after it was completed. The Italians had an additional sample
of free radicals (ROS), endothelial dysfunction are at the basis of after 10 days (follow-up sample).
frequent poor outcome of 5-phosphodiesterase (5-PDE) inhibitors for Shapiro-Wilk test, Q-Q plots, Levene’s test for equality of variances,
DE in this particular category of patients. Endothelial nitric oxide Repeated Measures - ANOVA. were adopted. Significance ( p value),
synthase expression increased significantly with ozone therapy in effect size ( partial η2) were reported.
some animal models. In this study we have evaluated the effects of Results: Nepalese participants had LH values higher than Italians at
systemic oxygen-ozonetherapy (OOT), defined autohaemotherapy Pre expedition evaluation (4.260 ± 2.416 mUI/ml vs 2.728 ± 1.004 mUI/
(AHMT) as possible supplementary therapy in non responders to ml, respectively), that was increased at Post expedition in both groups
5PDE inhibitors. (4.598 ± 1.605 mUI/ml vs 3.262 ± 1.605 mUI/ml). Among Nepalese, we
Materials and methods: The rational of OOT is in hormetic properties, found a more important reduction in FSH concentration from Pre and
i.e. paradoxal antioxidant effects obtained at low concentration of Post expedition (5.840 ± 2.001 mUI/ml to 5.054 ± 2.215 mUI/ml)
oxygen-ozone combination, aiming the reduction of all free oxydative respect to Italians (from 5.106 ± 1.483 mUI/ml at Pre to 4.958 ± 0.999
molecules, especially nitroxic and oxygen radicals. We have selected mUI/ml at Post and down 5.070 ± 0.961at Follow up). Testosterone
13 patients aged 50–70 years affected by type 2 diabetes in association concentration decreased from Pre to Post expedition ( p = 0.109,
with ED. All patients are diabetic in good glycemic control. All patients, η2p = 0.260, ω2p = 0.164) also showed by post-hoc analyses, with
non responders to 5PDE inhibitors, have been submitted to 10 weekly Nepalese participants having a greater reduction (from 4.557 ± 0.823
applications of autohaemotherapy (AHTM): from every patient we to 3.397 ± 1.304 ng/ml) than Italians (from 4.864 ± 1.675 to 4.354 ±
have taken venous sampling of 200 ml of blood enriched with an 0.948 ng/ml). At Follow up, Italians increased the baseline values
ozone gas mixture, administered by a specific medical device with a (6.570 ± 1.376 ng/ml), as revealed by the Pre vs Post vs Follow Up

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