Have It All Kris Krohn
Have It All Kris Krohn
Have It All Kris Krohn
Instagram: @kriskrohn
Facebook: @MentorwithKris
YouTube Channel: Kris Krohn
Podcast: Have It All
TikTok: @kriskrohn
Twitter: @kriskrohnREI
LinkedIn: @MentorwithKris
First Edition
Just Another Gimmick?
Are You Doomed?
Are You Ready for the Truth?
The Financial Freedom Roadmap
Your Financial Reserve Vehicle: Single-Digit ROI
Your Passive Income Vehicle: Double-Digit ROI
Your Asymmetric Risk Vehicle: Triple-Digit ROI
Your Active Income Vehicle: Quadruple-Digit ROI
Your Strategic Partnership Vehicle: Infinite ROI
Your Personal Growth Vehicle: Unlimited ROI
Your Best Investment: Giving Back
It’s a Wonderful Life: Financial Freedom in Five Years
My Breaking Point
When I was a kid, my parents fought about money. I have eight brothers
and sisters, and there was never enough to go around. My father, a German
immigrant, owned his own business and would work long hours (16-hour
days were not uncommon for him).
My dad made business ownership seem like a curse.
He worked more than anyone I knew, but we barely had enough money to
pay bills. He regularly used his own life as a cautionary tale. He would
instruct me, “Son, get good grades, go to college, work for somebody else,
and you’ll do much better financially than working for yourself.”
His grueling pace and his miniscule paycheck made for compelling
arguments, and his advice seemed to be the same guidance everyone else
my age was receiving. So, I believed him and worked hard to fulfill his plan
for my life.
In high school, I did my best to get straight A’s, but not every subject came
easily. As a result, I’d often have to burn the midnight oil just to scrape by
with a B. That wasn’t good enough. My dad wasn’t happy unless it was an
A. He meant well—he just wanted me to have the best possible chance of
getting accepted into college.
My hard work and persistence paid off because I got into a fantastic school,
Brigham Young University (BYU). After I had served my two-year
Christian mission, I was all set to follow my dad’s game plan and secure the
degree that would enable me to work for someone else my entire career.
Everyone around me was fed the same, echoing rhetoric: “Getting good
grades and going to college will lead you down the road to success.”
Society trains us all to be an innocuous cog in a great machine.
The cogs do all the work, while the people controlling the machine reap all
the benefits. Within this system, precious few have the opportunity to live
an inspiring, financially successful life.
I went to college, and, while there, I got the kind of job I thought I was
supposed to have. It came with a cubicle, memos, sales leaderboards,
meetings, and utter dissatisfaction.
As I sat in my little cubicle, those walls started to close in on me. It was a
gray nightmare. I could tell from the different scribbled notes on the desk
that many other cogs in the machine had come and gone before me. It was a
high-turnover job, and that was no surprise—it was soul-draining work.
One day, I reached a breaking point, unable to find the courage to pick up
the phone and make my next call. I decided it was an excellent time to take
my lunch break. I got in my 1993 Subaru Justy (a car so small that I had to
tilt my head to fit my 6'3" frame in the driver’s seat) and drove home.
When I walked through the door of our postage-stamp-sized apartment, I
found my young wife, Kalenn, in tears.
At first, I wasn’t sure why she was crying. Maybe it was because our rent
was due in five days, and we had already spent my paycheck. Perhaps it
was because our college tuition was due, and we couldn’t pay that either.
Maybe it was because I had to give up my dream of becoming a doctor after
I attempted to retake chemistry but failed.
I quickly found out why she was crying. She had gone grocery shopping
and was utterly humiliated when the check she wrote had bounced. I will
never forget that feeling of total failure.
My wife was home alone crying because I had failed to provide her
with two of the most basic necessities in life—food and security.
The following day as my alarm went off, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was
waking up early to go to class at BYU when I knew that degree wouldn’t
break my financial chains. I was then rushing off to talk to people who were
financially failing even though they were faithfully following the same path
as my current trajectory.
Society’s game plan was massively insufficient in every way. It was time to
unplug from the matrix and stop the insanity. If I did not escape, I would
one day find myself on the phone with a commission-only telemarketer and
wonder why I was still struggling to find financial freedom.
I finally learned the truth! Money represents freedom, but the amount of
money waiting on my current path would never allow me to be truly free. I
knew I needed to become a self-made millionaire, and that meant I had to
blaze a new trail.
No Such Thing as Luck
The term “self-made millionaire” is both accurate and deceptive. First of
all, self-made millionaires never got to where they are today entirely by
themselves. There is always an unspoken army behind every success story
—whether in the form of support, wisdom, encouragement, or just insight.
I get the sentiment that the term is supposed to represent. I really do. There
is a certain amount of “blood, sweat, and tears,” hard work, and traditional
investing that becoming a “self-made millionaire” represents.
But I also think the term does a disservice to the quest to “Have It All.”
In my decades-long study of the world’s wealthiest people, I have never
once seen an ambitious lone wolf who just so happened to luck into success.
I’ve also never seen someone follow only the traditional wealth rules and
actually arrive at their desired destination.
Instead, here’s the real truth: Self-made millionaires live and operate
according to a unique set of rules, particularly a specific set of superior
practices related to their money.
Millionaires treat each dollar that comes across their plate differently
than the rest of the world.
It’s not that they have some secret “no-pain” shortcuts or just got lucky.
They play by a distinctive set of rules that ensure their success.
But what about famous millionaires and billionaires who tell you to buck
the system and be a rulebreaker? After all, Richard Branson once said, “You
don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.”
I don’t know Mr. Branson personally, but I’ll bet he’s talking about
breaking the rules that everyone else is using—the rules that lead to
financial failure rather than freedom. It’s the rules that keep people feeling
stuck in unhappy careers, living paycheck to paycheck, and fearing they’ll
outlive their retirement.
Yeah, well, I wouldn’t say I like those rules either.
I’ve made my share of mistakes, but I was also fortunate to discover early
in my career that there is a seldom-used rulebook for attracting wealth. I’m
talking about the rules that enabled me to enter my forties with fifteen years
of financial freedom already behind me.
We all know the primary differences between the classes. The poor
consume, while the rich invest. The poor have a fixed mindset, while the
rich have a growth mindset.
But is that all there is to it?
Absolutely not.
So, where are the rich investing their money, and is that what the working
class should also be doing? Aren’t we all putting our paychecks into the
same investments—401(k)s, IRAs, mutual funds, and money market
The wealthy make specific investments that set them apart in more ways
than just the zeroes in their bank accounts. These underused strategies
enable these men and women to become the thought leaders of our future
with fresh ideas, undeniable influence, and meaningful impact.
I intend to share five investment secrets to awaken your financial genius
and help you become a self-made millionaire. But, every life-changing
revelation needs a disclaimer, so here goes mine:
This book will not be popular with traditional financial professionals.
And they will judge you for reading it.
Financial planners don’t want you to know this information (chances are,
they probably don’t know it themselves).
Your broker won’t share this knowledge with you.
Your CPA won’t recommend this financial advice.
Your older relatives may even shun this advice because it goes against what
they were taught (cognitive dissonance is real and very powerful).
The reason is not that these folks want you to fail. It’s merely that this
information runs so far against our system’s economic grain. And yet, I
have never met a millionaire who wasn’t using at least two of the five
strategies in this book.
Although financial professionals may mean well, their livelihood comes
from offering products designed to deliver significant percentages for them
and minuscule gains for you.
In truth, the financial experts need you a whole lot more than you need
I say all of this to prepare you to be criticized for seeking out this
information. Licensed financial planners may condemn it as too risky and
unrealistic. But, to the wealthy, these are not foreign or dangerous ideas.
They are common-sense rules that deliver seismic returns with the proper
Get ready to understand the how and why behind the good luck of
today’s wealthy. (Spoiler: No luck is involved.)
If you are young like I was when I discovered these investments, you are
ahead of the game. And if you are already mid-career or later, there is still
time! I’m honored to help be a part of the wake-up call that will transform
your life and secure your future.
If you are 50 years or older, you may have already received an alarming
financial wake-up call that you don’t want to answer. You hit the snooze
button, but you can only ignore a problem for so long.
Suppose you stop and calculate what you’ve accumulated in your 401(k),
IRAs, home equity, and stock portfolio. My prediction is you’ll discover the
sum is not even close to what you’ll need to retire—that is, if you’ve even
saved for retirement at all.
Statistically speaking, you are probably not feeling warm and cozy about
your financial future. In fact, according to Bloomberg: “Half of
Americans have nothing in retirement savings.”1 CNBC also reported
that according to Northwestern Mutual’s most recent Planning and
Progress Study:2
Almost a quarter (22 percent) of Americans have less than $5,000 in
savings reserved for retirement.
Another 5 percent have between $5,000 and $24,999.
Only 16 percent of our fellow citizens have saved $200,000 or more.
And perhaps the most disturbing percentage, 46 percent of
respondents say they don’t know how much they have saved for
You can arrive at exactly where you need to be, and it doesn’t have to take
decades like you’ve been told. In four and a half years, I went from broke to
self-made millionaire by using my custom roadmap.
Now, we will put our ROI formulas into practice with a simple example.
Let’s say you invest $50,000 (total investment) and that investment
produced a $50,000 return (gain in addition to the initial investment, also
known as total gain).
Calculate the Total ROI based on those two numbers:
Translation in English? You doubled your money. You took $50,000 and
turned it into $100,000.
Now, let’s say it took five years (number of years) for your $50,000
investment to earn that additional $50,000 that brought you a 100 percent
Total ROI.
With that information in hand, now you can calculate your Annual ROI.
It’s easier to leave the Total ROI percentage as a whole number when
calculating the Annual ROI rather than convert it back into a decimal. This
simplifies the equation, so you just divide the Total ROI (as a whole
number) by the number of years and the answer is your Annual ROI. Done
this way, there is no need to multiply the answer by 100.
I know math isn’t everyone’s favorite subject, and you may have thought
you escaped it forever. However, if you want to be financially free and
retire without worry, there is no escaping it! Fortunately, all of the math you
will find in this book never gets any more complex than this.
Here is one more example to get you warmed up to the idea of doing math
Let’s say you invest $80,000 (total investment) and that investment
produced a $160,000 return (total gain).
Calculate the Total ROI based on those two numbers:
Statistics and reality have both proven this plan doesn’t work, but who
cares about statistics or truth, right?
So, where does this plan break down, and why does it fail for most average
While I take issue with the idea that everyone must go to a four-year
university, the real problem with this plan surfaces in Phase Two. The
recommended investment vehicles all only produce single-digit ROIs—and
compounding single-digit ROIs just don’t produce enough money.
In summary, the failure with society’s plan comes down to a failure to
understand and utilize ROI.
Society tells us to deposit our money into 401(k)s, IRAs, annuities, home
equity, and the S&P 500. Then, we are also told to “diversify” our
retirement plan. But does society’s game plan really leverage
diversification? Let’s take a closer look by defining the word.
Investing in a wide variety of different asset classes in multiple
industries. Diversification does not mean investing in different assets
(various S&P 500 stocks) within the same asset class (the stock market).
But wait—401(k)s, IRAs, annuities, and money market accounts are all just
single-digit ROI derivatives of the stock market. Does that really represent
diversification? It does not. When all of your investments produce a small
ROI derived from the same place—well, that’s not exactly the definition of
“diversified,” is it?
Failure in one asset class (such as losing money in the stock market) does
not always correlate to failure in other asset classes (such as losing home
values in the real estate market).
The big picture idea here is that in your lifetime, nearly every asset class is
bound to experience a loss. So, true diversification is about spreading the
risk over several asset classes. One of my mentors Ray Dalio says you have
truly “de-risked” your portfolio when you have allocated your assets into at
least 15 different asset classes (yes, there are that many).
As of now, there are five primary vehicles allowed inside The Tunnel of
Broken Dreams. Although you may be familiar with these vehicles, take
a moment and read these brief descriptions to understand their underlying
concepts and inherent flaws.
Here are the relevant ROI stats you need to know about the average
The 30-year average ROI is 5 percent.
Returns are based on the stock market.
The time it takes to double your money is 14.4 years.
After a sophisticated analysis of 401(k) performance over thirty years,
experts say a 5 percent return appears to be an accurate number to use for
planning purposes.9 Add to this that Fidelity Investments says a good
rule of thumb is to have eight times your current salary saved for
So, that means if you are 60 years old and make $100,000 a year, your
401(k) balance (if you are relying on it to be a significant portion of your
retirement nest egg) should be at least $800,000.
Unfortunately, reality once again rears its ugly head to show us this is
rarely the case.
The average 401(k) balance for Americans in their sixties (and
supposedly ready to retire) is just $93,400.11 So much for the “eight
times your salary” rule.
And how does that make sense anyway? What kind of person would even
feel comfortable with only eight years’ worth of salary saved? What
happens if you live longer? What about the fact that you are expected to
live on less, even though retirees often spend more due to increased
medical costs, travel, and other expenses? So, the question becomes:
Should I put a portion of my salary into a 401(k)? I think you know my
answer, but here are some other questions you need to be asking yourself:
Is it a good idea to depend on an investment vehicle whose single-
digit ROI leaves me approximately 93 percent short of my goal?
What is the benefit of a company match earning single digits that I
can’t touch or re-invest unless I leave the company?
How do I feel knowing my 401(k) is loaded with hidden fees like
administrative fees, investment advisory fees, and expense ratio
Do I feel confident knowing that just 6.8 percent of Americans can
rely on their 401(k) as their sole source of retirement income next to
Social Security and pensions?12
The bottom line: Right now, over half (56 percent) of U.S. workers have
a 401(k).13 Yet, studies also reveal that almost half of the people who
have a 401(k) will struggle to maintain their standard of living in
retirement.14 Something just doesn’t add up here.
Here are the relevant ROI stats you need to know about annuities:
The 30-year average ROI is 3.27 percent.
Returns are based on the stock market.
The time it takes to double your money is 24 years.
Your financial planner may recommend consolidating all 401(k)s, IRAs,
and other similar investment accounts into an annuity when you retire.
Essentially, your money gets locked into secure stock market-based
investments that allow the financial planner to guarantee an annual
dividend that serves as your “fixed income.” So, the question becomes:
Should I use an annuity to guarantee a fixed income? It’s nice to have a
known amount of guaranteed income, but ask yourself the following
Is a 3.27 percent dividend sufficient to help me achieve all of my
financial goals?
How do I feel knowing that the average man hits his peak annual
earnings of $95,000 by age 53? This means I would need to save
$2.9 million for an annuity to match that same income post-
retirement (more on this figure in a few pages).15
Do I think this is a realistic savings goal, considering the average
retirement savings for workers in their sixties is just $170,000?
Would I be interested in only needing a third of that amount to retire
by finding a way to significantly outperform an annuity?
I hope you answer yes to that last question because it’s why this book
The bottom line: The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies
reports that the median retirement savings amount for U.S. workers in
their sixties is $172,000.16 If you were to annuitize this at an annual
dividend of 3.27 percent, you would receive a mere $468.70 each month
as fixed income.
There is no way on earth that a fixed income of less than $500 a month is
sufficient to fund a carefree retirement.
Here are the relevant ROI stats you need to know about the S&P 500:
The 30-year average ROI is 7.96 percent.
Returns are based on the stock market.
The time it takes to double your money is 9 years.
Essentially, your ROI from the S&P 500 is the average growth of the top
500 publicly traded companies in America. And the 7.96 percent ROI is
calculated by looking at the returns from 500 stocks since 1957.
Should I rely on the S&P 500 as an investment strategy? It’s great to
earn a solid ROI from the 500 most successful companies in America,
but ask yourself the following questions:
Suppose I already have 401(k)s, IRAs, and annuities based on the
stock market. Does it make sense to have yet another single-digit
investment that is also based on the stock market?
Why would I want to invest my money in a vehicle that requires
decades (to account for market fluctuations) to create an average
single-digit ROI?
What if I need to liquidate my stock portfolio when the market is
down? Wouldn’t it erase years of growth and end up in the red?
The bottom line: There is nothing wrong with investing in the stock
market. But at this point, all four of the accepted investment vehicles
have been based on the stock market and deliver meager, single-digit
Things are starting to feel a little redundant and uncreative, aren’t they?
And yet, traditional financial advisors call this “being diversified.”
“I’m happy that you’ve been able to buy tons of houses over the years, Kris. Really, I’m
thrilled for you, man. But I have no idea how to buy houses that actually make money
without creating a nightmare of work and extra hassle.”
I get it! In Chapter Six, I will explain why it’s possible to get into the real
estate game in a way that is turnkey and automated and eliminates the
undesirables (such as becoming a landlord).
The Rule of 72 is an easy and practical way to calculate how long (T) an
investment will take to double if compounded at a fixed annual rate of
interest (R). The ultimate goal of the Rule of 72 is to show the power of
compounding interest (a principle that Albert Einstein once called the most
powerful force in the world).
Savings Account with 0.25 percent Yearly ROI
When we were kids, we learned that a bank account is where you put
money to keep it safe. Today, many adults still keep money safe in the
bank and earn no more than a 0.25 percent ROI. So, let’s say you have
$10,000 in a savings account, earning an annual fixed interest rate of 0.25
percent. How many years will it take to double your money?
“But Kris, I wasn’t putting my money in the bank expecting it to grow into anything. I was just
trying to keep it safe.”
Did you know that money loses 2 to 3 percent of its value every year? When you store it in a
place earning less than 2 or 3 percent, it actually creates a negative return. Ironically, money
itself provides such an inferior store of value because when this country needs more money,
we just print more money. This causes the value of the dollar to drop slowly over time—and
that is the underlying cause of inflation, which has averaged 3.1 percent over the last century.
We print money like it’s coupons for Wendy’s, and even more concerning, our money is
backed by … basically nothing. Even when the dollar was backed by gold, the U.S.
government would adjust the gold-to-dollar ratio with regularity, essentially muting any effect
of the currency’s gold backing.
But don’t worry because in Chapter Five, I will show you a safer place to stash your cash
reserve that earns a minimum of 5 percent a year!
401(k) with 5 percent Yearly ROI
Now, let’s do the math on your 401(k). If you invest $10,000 at an annual
fixed interest rate of 5 percent, how many years will it take to double
your money?
72 ÷ 5 = 14.4 years
Blended Returns with 8 percent Yearly ROI
Now let’s blend some single-digit investment choices, such as the S&P
500 with an IRA, for an average return of 8 percent.
72 ÷ 8 = 9 years
With a single-digit ROI at 8 percent, that same $10,000 will take roughly
nine years to double.
If you work for 40 years, how many times can your money double if it takes
12 years to do so?
You can double your money, at most, maybe three times.
Meanwhile, all of these financial planners are coasting along on the open
highway, making money hand over fist by managing your money. Your
money is stuck in a traffic jam making other people money.
In short, you’re getting left in the dust.
But before we go any further, I need to ask you an important question:
Have you ever thought about how much money you actually need to
retire comfortably?
Most people save for retirement without ever having an answer to this all-
important question.
How in the world can you reach a destination if you don’t even know what
it is? You can only know if your financial game plan is adequate once you
have a concrete and defined financial retirement goal.
Remember earlier when I said you would need $2.9 million that earns a
guaranteed 3 percent to produce $95,000 of interest each year of
retirement? Let’s just assume for a moment that $2.9 million is your goal.
Here’s an analogy:
You are in Los Angeles (with no money), but you need to get to New York
City (where the $2.9 million awaits). You go to work and trade your time
for money, and each dollar you save over what you spend goes towards that
$2.9 million.
This is the absolute slowest way to amass $2.9 million, and, frankly, it’s like
trying to walk to New York City. You have no vehicle, and you will never
save up $2.9 million by putting a few spare dollars under the mattress with
every paycheck.
When you put your dollars in a vehicle like a
401(k), your money starts to move a little
faster, and the results are far better than
stuffing cash under your mattress.
However, is a 401(k) or the other vehicles
we’ve discussed ultimately the right pick to
get to your $2.9 million destination?
Maybe if you lived for several hundred years. But in this life? Never.
Remember, reality and research tell us that the average amount a person
takes with him or herself into retirement is a paltry $172,000 (only 6
percent of $2.9 million). If you are serious about getting to New York and
having $2.9 million or more, then you need to consider two things:
1. The Right Investment Vehicles. If you use slow-moving vehicles, you
may never make it to your financial destination. You need faster
2. High Performing Financial Fuel. You also need your money to earn a
notable return. You traded your time for it, and now you need to put it to
work. The fuel is your ROI. With a low ROI, your money isn’t working
hard enough. With a higher ROI, your financial fuel will take you
It comes down to this: If you were in a race for financial freedom, which
of these investment vehicles would you want to ensure your future?
In nearly 20 years of interviewing over 10,000 people, I have yet to meet a
single person who chose these inferior vehicles and got even halfway to
$2.9 million or more. You will not have enough money to retire when you
use slow, outdated investment vehicles. Not to mention, you’re going to run
out of financial fuel long before you get to New York City. And I hate to
break it to you, but The Tunnel of Broken Dreams is fresh out of filling
Bottom line: It’s time to upgrade your investment fleet and power them
all with superior financial fuel.
We are going to spend plenty of time breaking down each of these. But for
now, let’s use the Sports Car (double-digit ROI) and revisit the Rule of 72
and compounding interest.
Investment with 25 percent Yearly ROI
Since you’ve already awoken your financial genius, this should be easy.
Imagine for a moment that you are earning 25 percent from your
investments. How many years would it take to double your money given
the same $10,000 starting investment we used earlier?
72 ÷ 25 = 2.88 years
With a double-digit ROI at 25 percent, that same $10,000 that would take
288 years to double in a savings account will double in 2.88 years!
Let’s take that math a step further, so you can really start to see the power of
ROI: A 25 percent ROI will grow 27 times more money than a 6 percent
ROI over 20 years. Want to look at that graphically? You should, because
it’s exciting! Check out the growth of $10,000 over 20 years at 6 percent
versus 25 percent.
If you put $10,000 into the gas tank of a 6 percent ROI investment vehicle
over 20 years, it will produce just over $32,0000.
On the other hand, if you put $10,000 into the gas tank of a 25 percent ROI
investment vehicle over 20 years, it will produce almost $870,000.
Imagine the power of 25 percent ROI or more. Imagine the power of
building your multi-million-dollar financial game plan to turn your dreams
into reality. In Part Two, I will teach you all about your new financial fleet
of investment vehicles and what they can and will do for you:
1. First Comes Security. You’ll learn how to Money makes money.
prepare for security the right way. I’ll
show you my single-digit ROI investment
And the money that
vehicle—the only one I use—that will money makes, makes
help you establish security for the money.
2. Next Comes Speed. You will then discover the three investment vehicles
that are like race cars. We’re talking about traveling cross-country from
LA to NYC faster and in style. These are the double-digit, triple-digit,
and quadruple-digit ROIs.
3. Then Comes Exponential Growth. Finally, I will introduce you to my
ultimate financial shortcut—infinite ROI. It’s like flying in your own
private jet! After all, the fastest way from LA to NYC is in the air. Still,
all the vehicles in my arsenal are far superior to society’s broken-down
investment vehicles.
We have reached the end of Part One! The goal of the first three chapters
was to expose society’s broken plan and to preview a new plan designed to
fully awaken the financial genius that is already inside you.
You may not feel like a genius yet, but, believe it or not, you now have the
foundation you need to more readily understand the Financial Freedom
Roadmap in the next chapter that lays the groundwork for the rest of the
Are you ready? Then let’s rev up the engine and step on the gas because
your new financial fleet is going to leave society’s slow-moving investment
vehicles in that dusty old tunnel.
THE WEALTHIEST PEOPLE in the world are rarely the most intelligent. I’m
no exception to this.
They don’t necessarily have the most enormous IQs. They definitely don’t
have the highest degrees from the most prestigious institutions. The most
successful people are not smarter or “better” than everyone else. Do you
know the one big thing they have that the rest of the world doesn’t?
They have systems. For everything.
Think about the last time you tried to assemble some IKEA furniture. Do
you remember how you felt when you dumped that box out, and countless
pieces spilled all over the floor? There is possibly no worse feeling in the
world (okay, there are worse feelings, but it’s a bad one).
Then you opened up that instruction booklet and saw the steps. You were
overwhelmed but also relieved that someone else figured out how to
assemble it, so you didn’t have to. All of those pieces fit together, and, in
the end, after exerting some effort and following the steps in order, you
created a functional finished product.
Without that instruction book (or roadmap, if you will), that pile of raw
materials would end up in the garbage.
Well, guess what? That’s the way your money feels right now. It feels like
garbage. It desperately wants you to find a system for investing in your
financial future and implement it—but right now? Your money just feels
underappreciated and undervalued.
Maybe you’re thinking, “But Kris, I’ve never even had enough surplus cash
to be able to hurt its feelings!”
That may be true—but it’s not going to be true for much longer. Follow my
Financial Freedom Roadmap, and a time will come when you won’t need
to be shopping at IKEA or assembling your own furniture (unless you want
I delayed all forms of financial gratification for five years at the start of
my journey, and then a time came when I could literally buy anything I
On the other hand, I haven’t changed my lifestyle in the last ten years even
though my net worth continues to increase. One of my real estate mentors,
Dolf De Roose, said that his ultimate goal was to own nothing and rent
everything when he needed it. Aside from my estate and a few nice
vehicles, I essentially own nothing. I’ll use a private driver to take me
around when I don’t feel like driving (or can’t trust myself to not use my
cell phone behind the wheel). I also travel in style and visit the nicest
resorts, and I can enjoy private planes and helicopters when needed without
actually buying them.
The lifestyle I have crafted gives me incredible variety and frankly is far
less expensive because I don’t get attached to things. I am obsessed with
making epic memories with the people I love, not the objects I own.
Aside from travel, my favorite thing to spend money on is mentorship from
the world’s leading authorities. I maximize my learning and life experiences
when I engage with the best of the best in every field. Why have home
cooked meals when a personal chef can make healthy food taste exquisite?
If you struggle at the gym, then why not work with the best personal trainer
in the area?
My wife and I also decided to take our four kids’ education into our own
hands and hire private teachers to educate them according to our standards.
My financial roadmap is what enabled us to do this. And can you guess who
is teaching my children about money? It’s certainly not the part-time
assistant football coach/economics teacher.
Even more than a goal to own nothing and rent when needed, my
underlying goal has always been to believe I actually can have it all. Why
not think big? So, before we begin, I need you to do the following:
Set aside any hint of a limited mindset, doubt, or skepticism and start
thinking bigger.
You may be approaching things from a scarcity mindset, as in, I don’t have
the money to invest in any financial vehicle, let alone the ones that Kris is
going to teach me. Instead, I want you to think, I will find the money to set
aside because my future and my legacy depend on it.
In this chapter, I introduce my system for becoming a multi-millionaire. But
here’s the crazy part. Because of what I know about human nature, I also
know that 95 percent of the people who read this will never implement the
Why is that?
I don’t want to turn this into a psychology book, but let’s just say that taking
action is not a strength found in most people’s wheelhouse. I hope you are
the exception. I want you to join the small percentage of people who
develop systems to run their lives. Better yet:
I want you to become a person who saves time by finding and
implementing proven systems and procedures.
The inability or unwillingness to take action is why I can freely give away
my system for becoming a multi-millionaire and know that few will act on
my advice. There will still be many who sit around complaining about how
the wealthy must know some “secrets” that no one else does.
No, they don’t.
The wealthy just use proven systems for making money. Life functions well
when you have systems and processes in place. And the sooner you realize
this, the faster you will have it all.
Ready to learn my system for exponentially growing your wealth? I hope
so. And unlike an IKEA coffee table, there is no assembly required.
It’s time to meet your new fleet that is an integral part of the plan—the
vehicles that are well equipped to keep you riding from LA (insufficient
savings) to NYC (ample savings) in comfort, style, and class.
As we continue, you will further awaken your financial genius and learn
how to produce results far exceeding those promised by society’s game
plan. By the end of this book, you’ll understand how to leverage each of
these vehicles to harness the power of Compounding ROI Investments.
Of course, a strategy is only as good as the system in which it is integrated.
Fortunately, I have developed such a system.
“Kris, even saving 20 percent of what I make still won’t amount to much.”
After a year of saving 20 percent, it may not feel like you have set enough money aside to
make a difference. Here’s the good news: You will be earning much higher ROIs, so you
don’t need to save a lot to have a significant financial impact.
“But Kris, there is no way I can save even 10 percent of what I make!”
You’re not alone. According to CareerBuilder, almost 80 percent of U.S. workers live
paycheck to paycheck.18 More than 25 percent of our country has no savings at all, and 70
percent of workers making less than $100,000 are in debt. Not to mention more than half of
minimum wage workers have to work more than one job to make ends meet.
I say all of that to say yes, it’s going to be a challenge. But yes, you can do it.
I am going to commit to
saving ________ percent of
my net monthly income to
fuel my reserve.
Step 3: Convert
Convert these investments to produce a consistent return that you feed back
into your financial reserve vehicle. Then repeat the cycle (that will soon
become a cyclone of wealth).
This is the Financial Freedom Roadmap that includes the strategy and
system to help you build wealth. In subsequent chapters, I will explain all
five investment vehicles in more detail so you can harness each one’s
financial power. And don’t miss Part Three to discover the remaining two
unconventional “investments” that have changed the trajectory of my life
far more than anything else.
How much financial fuel is in your tank?
Understanding how to invest money into the most well-equipped vehicles is
worthless if you don’t have any financial fuel for your reserve tank. Bottom
line: If you don’t set aside a portion of the money you earn for investments,
this system will not work.
You want this system to work. You need this system to work.
Stop trying to assemble that IKEA coffee table without the proper pieces
and without the instruction booklet. That’s just a lesson in futility and
Follow the steps. Trust the system.
1. Guarantees an ROI.
By having your cash tucked away in this life insurance savings account, you
will receive a certain percent ROI guaranteed by state law (actual rate will
vary by carrier and generally range from 2 percent to 3.75 percent). I love
this guaranteed percent because every year, inflation drives the dollar’s
value down by approximately 2 to 3 percent. This ROI hedges against
inflation while your money waits to be used for the next investment.
A $50,000 policy that offers a 3 percent dividend will pay you, the
policyholder, $1,500 annually ($50,000 x .03 = $1,500).
Then, let’s say you contribute another $2,000 in premium the following
year. The policy will pay a 3 percent dividend on that as well. So, doing
the math, that comes to $60 dollars ($2,000 additional premium x .03 =
Add those together, and that means you will receive a total of $1,560 next
year ($1,500 + $60 = $1,560).
Imagine increasing your pile of money and then getting paid 3 percent on
that increase every time you do. These amounts can increase over time to
levels that more than offset some costs associated with the premium
These dividends are not guaranteed, but if you add their potential to the
guaranteed percent, it means you can produce up to a 5 to7 percent annual
ROI. Remember, a single-ROI savings account of any kind will not make
you wealthy. However, it can counter the effects of inflation and cover the
cost of borrowing against the policy.
If you had the choice to earn up to 7 percent ROI on your insurance savings
account or a 0.1 percent ROI on your local savings account, which one
would you choose? It’s just common sense (which doesn’t seem to be quite
as common anymore).
There is no catch. There is only a lack of information. In truth, large insurance companies are
a lot like banks. Many of them have been around for over 150 years, and most of them have
never missed a dividend payment. These are not fly-by-night operations. We’re talking about
large, protected institutions with guaranteed products that have been around for over a
This process becomes exponentially more exciting every time you add new
investments to your portfolio, and your earnings experience the same
exponential growth.
Picture, for a moment, those little toy push cars you may have played with
as a child. You know the kind I’m talking about—they require a little bit of
force to get them moving. But once you get those wheels turning and let
them go, they zoom off with incredible speed.
You may not know those tiny cars are powered by a friction motor operated
by a flywheel. A flywheel is a wheel rotating on a shaft. Its momentum
gives almost uniform rotational speed to all connected machinery.
Flywheels are used to provide continuous power output in systems where
the energy source is not constant. With a flywheel, once in motion, each
rotation requires less momentum and spins faster.
Now picture that concept (a “money flywheel”) driving your wealth.
On its own, your 20 percent savings is just a static number that
provides the ability to sleep well at night. But put it into the machine
and give it a push, and your investments start producing more profits.
Each time you put those back into your reserve vehicle and into more
investments, this speeds up the process again and adds more momentum.
Add to this the momentum you gain by restoring your time, growing your
assets, increasing your cash flow, and achieving your goals.
And this, my friends, is how you reach financial freedom.
Life is all about momentum and energy, and your money works
according to the same principles.
At this point, I hope you’re as excited as I was when I started learning about
life insurance saving accounts. Many people I talk to about these accounts
have the same questions, so I created a case study with an accompanying
FAQs section on life insurance savings accounts that you can find at
Rob further agrees that reserving your financial fuel and then pumping that
fuel into investment like real estate is a great way to build wealth. And you
can quickly pay back the down payment borrowed from your reserve
vehicle with the cash flow generated from other investments.
You are paying yourself back with interest. It’s brilliant.
This is not something you can set up yourself. You have to go through a
licensed agent. Remember when I told you that your financial advisor won’t
want you to read this book? That is because the vast majority of advisors
are not well-informed on these types of policies.
That means it’s decision time. Are you going to take action and find
answers, or are you going to stay stuck on the sidelines?
Once you have decided what amount of money you can save (could be
more or less than 20 percent for now), the second action is to visit the link
below and set up your life insurance savings account for free.
Over the years, I’ve met with insurance agents and carriers and interviewed
them on best practices for setting up a functional and maximized life
insurance savings account. I’m sad to share that many insurance agencies
are not up to the task, either due to a lack of understanding or experience.
Fortunately, I’ve come across a few organizations that I trust to put these
policies together correctly.
Remember, there’s a reason why the wealthy don’t put their money in
regular bank accounts. A life insurance savings account protects your
money, maximizes your tax benefits AND doubles your earning potential.
For a complimentary Cash Flow Analysis (that saves the average person
$9,000), and to learn more about getting set up with a life insurance savings
account, visit this link: KrisKrohn.com/CashFlow.
When you contact agents that I have already vetted and approved, you can
be confident that they: 1) understand this vehicle, 2) can expertly help you
set it up, and 3) will show you how to utilize it.
Now that you understand the importance of setting up an intelligent, single-
digit ROI investment in the form of your life insurance savings account, we
can shift to an even more exciting topic—higher ROIs!
Put 20 percent of your income into a reserve vehicle and convert it into
double-digit ROIs. This alone will enable you to create 27 times more
wealth than society’s retirement vehicles create. That’s all it takes to win,
and yet we will discuss even more significant gains later in the book.
Over the next four chapters, you will feel the need for speed as I show you
how to accelerate the process through double-digit, triple-digit, quadruple-
digit, and infinite ROIs. So, buckle up as you prepare to invest in your new
high-performance vehicles. These vehicles will enable you to have it all!
MOST PEOPLE DON’T HAVE IT IN THEM to buck the system. By and large,
we are a nation of people who will follow the rules and do what we’re told.
I certainly didn’t question the conclusion that college and a full-time desk
job was the path to happiness (or at least to adulthood).
I just did what I was expected to do.
Society and my dad told me to get a degree, so that’s what I was faithfully
doing. The rules also said I needed to get a job that may or may not be
torture. Did it matter if I hated it? Heck no! What was important was that it
provided a stable paycheck and maybe health benefits.
“I’ll just keep my head down, and in 40 or so years, there is a
chance I’ll have enough to retire as long as I don’t live too long
after that!”
Then I met three extraordinary people.
Let’s call them Bill, Bob, and Beth.
Bill, Bob, and Beth had fancy stuff. They lived in nice houses, and they
drove expensive cars. I was in awe and could hardly imagine what it must
be like to have possessions other people admired. (At the time, I drove a
1993 Subaru Justy. Google it for a good laugh.)
But here’s the real kicker: Bill, Bob, and Beth also seemed to be getting the
most out of their most valuable asset. It looked like they had all the time in
the world!
If Bill felt like spending a day on the lake, he loaded up his boat and went
out on the water. If Bob wanted to spend the day riding his Harley, he
grabbed his helmet and fired up the hog. If Beth wanted to have a girls’
lunch and spend the rest of the afternoon at the spa with her closest friends,
she made a few phone calls and was on her way.
What did these folks have in common besides enjoying every day to its
At the time, Bill, Bob, and Beth had each made over $10 million in real
estate, which afforded them the flexibility and opportunity to enjoy such
extraordinary lifestyles.
Were they just lucky, or could anyone experience that same success? I
wasn’t sure, but I was ready to find out—and that’s how I first caught the
real estate bug.
“You got lucky, Kris. Try doing that in today’s economy!”
Sorry, but that’s just an excuse (and not a very original one). I have thousands of students
following this exact strategy today. It worked then, and it works now.
Twelve months after my first purchase, I got an $18,900 home equity line of
credit (HELOC) on the property. If you aren’t familiar with a HELOC, it’s
like a credit card tied to your home’s equity. Because it’s a secured loan (a
loan in which you pledge some asset as collateral), the interest rate is
substantially lower than those associated with unsecured debt like
traditional credit cards.
I used this credit line to buy my next house through a bank foreclosure
worth over $210,000 that I acquired for just $150,000. The monthly
mortgage payment on my new property would be $1,000.
I decided to do a rent-to-own, or lease option, based on another mentor’s
advice. I found a family willing to pay $3,000 as a down payment (common
with a lease option) and then $1,600 a month in rent. This amount was $300
higher than it would have been with a traditional rental.
Just like that, I was making an additional $600 every single month ($1,600
rent less my $1,000 mortgage payment).
Add the $600 cash flow to the $550 we collected each month from renting
out our basement, and I felt pretty darn good about the investments I was
making. Not to mention, my total net worth was now over $100,000
between the two properties.
My monthly income from my full-time job was just over $1,500. Without
taking on a second job or working double shifts, I had just added $1,150 to
my bottom line every month.
After just two real estate transactions, my monthly income increased
by close to 75 percent but required virtually no additional time.
Needless to say, I was hooked.
My wife came to me one day for a bit of clarification. “Hey, Kris, I’m not
sure where this extra $600 belongs on our budget spreadsheet.”
I thought for a minute. “I guess we need to create a new job income line
called ‘real estate income.’ What have we been doing with the $550 rent?”
Kalenn responded, “I’ve been aggressively paying down our debt.”
“It’s probably a good idea for us to create two extra line items in the income
I was totally caught off guard when she then asked with a smile, “So, when
can we buy our next house?”
A new property meant hundreds of extra passive dollars each month to help
us get out of debt more quickly. Kalenn wanted more—and so did I.
I’ll never forget how elating it felt working as a team to create an aggressive
plan for achieving our financial freedom. We decided that with a $10,000
residual income each month, I would no longer need to work a traditional
job. To meet that goal, I needed around 20 properties, with each of them
producing $500 a month.
$10,000 / $500 =
20 rental homes needed to reach our goal
I had specific income and time goals, and now I knew what it would take
to achieve them.
“But Kris, I’ll never be able to get my spouse/partner on board.”
Spouses offer that all-important stabilizing opinion. Their perspectives can keep you from
either being too aggressive or too conservative. Just remember that you may have decided to
invest because you gained the knowledge it takes to have confidence in your decision.
Respect your spouse by offering them the same—give them the gift of knowledge by helping
them understand the why behind your plan.
Come to them with real numbers and reasonable expectations (don’t be “pie in the sky” about
it because that will lead to disappointment and an erosion of trust).
I wanted my wife’s support, and I eventually got it. She was terrified at first, but after the first
two homes, she felt more confident in me and the plan. In the beginning, I asked her to trust
me and take a leap. Still, I would have made the real estate decisions I did with or without her
confidence. I had simply determined it was the best way to fulfill my promises to her.
I took a risk, but I did so intelligently. And I wasn’t alone. I had mentors who guided me.
Having a subject matter expert with a proven track record watching diligently makes up the
difference for what you may lack. Gain the knowledge you need, enlist the help of the right
mentors, and that is how you simultaneously honor your partner and your goals.
Going back to science again (roll your eyes if needed), let’s talk about
potential energy in physics. Potential energy is the stored energy an object
has because of its position or state. A few examples are a bicycle on a hill, a
person at the top of the stairs, and a coiled-up spring not yet released. These
are all things that have what it takes to exhibit great power and/or
movement but haven’t used that potential yet.
This kind of energy is often contrasted by kinetic energy. Potential energy is
stored energy, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion or doing. When
potential energy is used, it is then converted into kinetic energy. You can
think of potential energy as kinetic energy waiting to happen.
When it comes to your wealth roadmap, the “potential energy” of your plan
is represented by two things:
1. The accumulation of savings in that single-digit ROI vehicle.
2. The proper knowledge required to earn sizable ROIs (or in other words,
knowing where to invest your money).
Without the proper knowledge, the “potential energy” found in your
reserves will be wasted.
Almost every person I talk to easily understands the idea that it takes money
to make money. However, the critical ingredient most miss in the potential
energy equation is the proper knowledge aspect. Instead, most people lose
their potential by allowing their misguided fears (based on lack of
information) to rob them of their momentum.
Suppose you are mistrustful of real estate investing because of horror
stories you’ve heard or hesitations you have about market fluctuations. If
that’s the case, I understand because I’ve heard and felt them, too.
But while investing in real estate can be intimidating, most people don’t fail
because of the market or a “bad deal.” They fail because they are missing
that essential ingredient—the proper knowledge.
The absolute fastest way to gain the knowledge you need is by partnering
with a mentor who has made all the mistakes. As a result, he or she figured
out the most direct path to investing success.
Why would anyone want to reinvent the real estate investing wheel?
Find the right mentor who can walk you through it all properly.
Shorten the time horizon by leveraging the knowledge of others!
That is why I’m here. I will remove the guesswork and provide the
knowledge you need. This isn’t magic or luck. There is a precision and a
science to it, just as there is with every other consistent and reliable income-
producing endeavor on the planet.
“Listen, Kris, I’m not interested in becoming a landlord. Taking calls from frustrated tenants
and chasing after my rent sounds like a nightmare. I’m not signing up for late-night trips to
the hardware store because a tenant’s toilet sprung a leak.”
This is not a plan for becoming a full-time landlord. It’s really about using the strategy that
takes the least time, effort, and risk while producing the most profit. Later in the chapter,
we’ll discuss two different ways to invest. Relax in the knowledge that not all real estate
paths lead to The Home Depot.
To further help you understand how to leverage real estate as a means of
guaranteeing financial freedom, it’s time to cover three critical components
to your real estate knowledge base: 1) the seven most dynamic benefits of
investing in real estate, 2) the six criteria for property selection, and 3) the
number one strategy for building a passive portfolio.
1. Appreciation
Owning a Rapidly Growing Tangible Asset
The amount of land that exists today on Earth is the same amount of land
that will exist tomorrow. There is no way to create more land (they did
build islands from scratch in the shape of a palm tree off the coast of Dubai,
but that is a wild and crazy exception, not the rule).
As a result of the fixed nature of land, property value increases over time.
More people vying for the same amount of land means higher values, year
after year. And, just by owning a home, it appreciates by an average of 4.68
percent every year.
Let’s say you buy a $200,000 home in a market that is appreciating at 5
percent a year. That 5 percent is equivalent to $10,000 a year, and that
increase will continue to compound year after year. With simple interest
alone, that same home will be worth $250,000 after five years. Your net
worth will have increased by $50,000 just by owning it.
Now, imagine having 20 houses of the same value. In five years, your net
worth will have increased by $1 million.
2. Cash Flow
Building a Powerful Residual Income
The cash flow from real estate represents the amount of money left after
paying all your bills from collected rent. If you purchase property correctly,
there should always be leftover money. I call this cash flow your “freedom
dollars” because the more you accumulate, the less you need to work for
your money. Your money starts working for you.
3. Leverage Control
Earning High ROI with the Bank’s Money
Producing high ROIs in real estate is possible because of the leverage banks
provide. If you have $50,000 in cash, you can only buy $50,000 worth of
stocks. There is zero leverage in that transaction. However, with real estate,
$50,000 in cash can purchase $250,000 worth of real estate. That’s because
banks allow you to leverage, on average, $5 for every $1 you invest. Your
returns are five times greater because of the leverage!
This leverage is a critical part of how we get to a minimum 25 percent
ROI through real estate investing.
4. Tax Benefits
Writing Off and Deferring Capital Gains
Can you imagine earning an income but paying no taxes on that income?
That’s what happens when you purchase real estate the right way. You are
legally allowed to depreciate an asset over 27.5 years, which produces
massive tax write-offs. Typically, this write-off cancels out all taxes on the
positive cash flow you earned that year, with additional write-offs
remaining. Even though you’re showing a positive cash flow, the
depreciation and interest expenses cancel that income!
The end result is you have more money in your pocket, but you don’t owe
any of that money to the government. The wealthy understand this benefit
and therefore work to max out their real estate holdings.
5. Market Resilience
Earning High ROIs Across Market Conditions
Real estate comes in all shapes and sizes, ranging from single-family homes
to apartments, commercial real estate, raw land, and more. Most real estate
sectors see their value negatively impacted during a recession. However,
entry-level, single-family homes priced below the national median (more on
this type of property a little later in Potential Energy Ingredient #3) are the
most recession-proof type of real estate.
In a few words? Not as much as you’d think. On average, real estate
values only diminish in two out of every five recessions.
Translation: Just because the stock market takes a hit doesn’t mean real
estate will. Real estate prices decrease almost exclusively when there is
too much supply of homes and not enough demand for purchase. This
causes a “bubble burst” of inventory and inflated prices, leading to a
Another factor that helps protect real estate is the fact that investors buy
property differently than the average homeowner. Investor property
purchases are countercyclical. When everyone else is buying, they are
selling, and when everyone is selling, they are buying.
During a recession, fear is at an all-time high, and consumer confidence
is ultra-low, which leads people to sell their real estate at the wrong time
for the wrong reasons. After the 2008 real estate crisis, I made my
investors over $100 million in profits because we were buying when
everyone was selling. Others were terrified to even enter the game during
that time, but my strategy enabled me and my team to remain calm and
increase profits.
When it comes to real estate, timing can be the difference between a
massive ROI and no ROI. For more on the best time to buy real estate,
check out “The Two Best Times to Buy Real Estate” at
6. Passive Investment
Reclaiming Your Time to Live Your Ideal Life
Besides compounding interest (the thing that made me fall in love with real
estate), my other favorite part about real estate investing is that it’s passive
as long as you pick the proper strategy. In other words, you don’t need to be
a landlord, take midnight phone calls, or even talk to tenants unless you
want to do those things. Some investors want that, but I certainly never did.
You can outsource nearly every part of real estate ownership. All you
are left with is cash flow and the maximum return on your most
valuable asset (you know by now I’m talking about your time).
Understanding the seven benefits of real estate investing and the six criteria
for selecting the best strategy led to my customized strategy that works for
most real estate investors.
When I was brand new to the real estate game, I set my goal at 20 homes
with approximately $500 each of cash flow to produce $10,000 a month.
That was the magic number that allowed me to quit my job and be well on
my way toward creating financial freedom.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
It only takes that first property to get you hooked. Once you experience it,
the feeling of making money while you sleep is one that you will not want
to live without.
Path #1
No Money + Hands On (Active)
If you wish to be hands-on in real estate but have no savings to invest, focus
on local lease option deals. Whether you have the money to buy real estate
really doesn’t matter—there’s always a way to buy if you have the proper
training and the right mentor. I started with almost nothing and built a
meaningful portfolio with this local lease option strategy. I explain this in
detail in my book, The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth.
Path #2
No Money + Hands Off (Passive)
If you have no savings to invest and no interest in being actively involved
with your properties, I have good news. In Chapter Nine, I will reveal how
to leverage strategic partnerships to purchase property with other people’s
capital. You will also discover how you can partner with me and leverage
my track record.
Path #3
Money + Hands On (Active)
Once again, the lease option strategy is the way to go. It allows you to mix
little to no-money-down, seller-financing deals that don’t require a bank
with standard investment deals that require as much as 20 to 25 percent
down. If you want to learn about executing a local lease-option strategy in
one hour, check out my digital master class, “How to Make $5K In 30
Days,” which breaks everything down for you. You can sign up at:
KrisKrohn.com/LeaseOption. No matter how much savings you have, this
class will help you jump into the active real estate game.
Path #4
Money + Hands Off (Passive)
When you have money to invest but don’t want to be involved, your ideal
strategy will include buying properties in the top five makets in the country.
Successful investors know that the people they choose to surround
themselves with make the difference between fleeting luck and sustainable
success. That is why I began developing a team that I couldn’t find
anywhere else. As I continued leveraging a passive strategy to build my
wealth, I discovered that my team could facilitate more deals in the hottest
nationwide markets than I could ever possibly purchase independently.
That’s when we created the concept of becoming facilitators for other real
estate investors, from newbies to the most experienced.
Today, my team of over 200 experts facilitate the best deals for me in the
top five markets. People also partner with me from all over the world as
passive investors. They put up the capital, my team does all the work, and
we split everything. To learn more from my investment team about building
a winning portfolio, contact us at KrisKrohn.com/Portfolio.
Whether you do or don’t have money to invest in real estate and no matter
what level of involvement sounds most appealing, there is a real estate path
made just for you! To learn more about how to enact a hands-on versus a
hands-off strategy, check out the Bonus entitled, “What’s Your Real Estate
Style?” at KrisKrohn.com/Style.
All of those “what ifs” represent so much fear! From my research and from
thousands of conversations over the years, I have discovered the top five
reasons why real estate fails to deliver for many who dabble in it. Spoiler
alert: These reasons are all based on emotions like fear, not logic!
The kiddie pool is shallow. You can swim in it (sort of), and the upside is
it’s tough to drown (but not impossible). It’s also boring. I want to be able
to dive in and swim freely. There is an inherent danger to swimming in
deeper waters. But that danger is necessary if you desire the financial
freedom it takes to have it all. So, yes …
This chapter is about taking the kind of risks where you could lose.
Honestly, though? This isn’t as scary as it sounds. I can’t guarantee
anything, and neither can anyone else. It’s not even a guarantee that you’ll
wake up in the morning. However, the numbers (i.e., the high returns you
want) heavily favor intelligent risk.
Buying stock in someone else’s business is all about leverage. You invest a
little, other people do all the work to turn a profit, and you get to reap a
percentage of the rewards.
It almost sounds too good to be true if we didn’t already know this is
how the stock market actually works.
Now, I hesitate to even use the term “stock market.”
The phrase means something entirely different to me than it does to
everyone else. Most people equate stock market investing with the S&P
500, IRAs, index funds, mutual funds—everything I absolutely can’t stand.
People think they are ultra-diversified and cleverly hedging their risk by
using “so many different types of investments.”
Let’s think about that logic for a second. Every one of those vehicles I just
listed banks its success on the exact same thing—owning a bunch of
minuscule fragments of the world’s biggest companies.
How diversified does that sound?
When you think about it, that is literally the opposite of “diversified.” It’s
also a sign that someone really doesn’t understand the concept of using risk
as an investment tool.
Ray Dalio is the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund firm,
Bridgewater Associates. He has successfully managed over $140 billion for
his stock market investors over the years. One of the best things he ever told
me is this:
“Having 15 different asset classes eliminates 85 percent of your risk.”
In this book, we’re only talking about four different asset classes. Yes, there
are many more—and the more ways you seek to diversify, the better. So,
it’s time to face the music by hearing this truth: Having multiple
investments based on blue-chip stocks is not “being diversified.” It’s also
ironically pretty risky (and not the intelligent kind).
Owning multiple versions of indexes is what I consider no diversification at
all. Even when you “win big,” let’s be honest—it’s a pretty small win
(especially now that you are learning how many other great investment
vehicles exist). However, owning multiple slices of various up-and-coming
companies in an assortment of emerging industries is diversification in
multiple asset classes.
I would rather have a slice of watermelon than an entire grape!
For me, here is what investing in the stock market is:
I love the stock market because I live for the thrill of buying, building, and
selling businesses. That is, in essence, what you’re doing when you buy and
sell shares. And I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: The world’s
wealthiest people are business owners. They own their own businesses and
a stake in the businesses of many others.
I’m a passionate “business ownership enthusiast.” If you aren’t yet, I’d
consider becoming one.
I have attempted multiple times to build thriving, successful businesses, and
it’s never been easy. I’ve had my share of successes, but can those wins
compare to those of up-and-coming industry leaders that will eventually be
household names? No, don’t delude yourself—the winning approach is to
own multiple businesses, including your own.
Of course, if it were as easy as “own a piece of other companies and get
rich,” then there’d be no need for this chapter. So, if it isn’t already clear,
allow me to clarify: We are not talking about the standard methods of
investing such as mutual funds, index funds, 401(k)s, IRAs, or the S&P
500. You’ll never earn multi-digit ROIs with the obvious winners (more on
that in Step 1 of The Asymmetric Risk Investing System).
Remember the Netflix example from earlier in the chapter, where a $1,000
investment in 2014 increased to $230,000? Well, if Netflix went to zero,
you would be out $1,000, but instead it went up 230 times. This is a classic
example of low downside (losing your small investment) and high upside
(multiplying your money many times over).
In the 1949 book, The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham, the father of
value investing, said, “The essence of portfolio management is the
management of risks, not returns.”
Traditional investors focus on returns rather than risk. By focusing both on
the risks and returns, you can find ways to maximize your returns while you
simultaneously minimize your risks. In other words:
When you utilize asymmetric risk, your shares can go down 100
percent, but their growth is unlimited.
Asymmetric risk is an intelligent risk because it looks at the big picture and
systematically weighs the pros and cons. Using an established system
enables you to rely not on emotion or hunches but on research, logic, and
That said, there is still a place for “safe” traditional investments that provide
a stable return. It’s for those who are already extremely wealthy. When
people with large sums of money do not require growth but consistency,
they can turn to single-digit ROI models. However, it is not for those who
are in the wealth-accumulation phase.
Imagine you have $500 to invest in the stock market. After some
research, you discover five companies who meet all of your criteria for
asymmetric risk investments but are not yet in the spotlight. Let’s assume
your criteria of asymmetric risk is to pick companies that can go up 500
percent or multiply five times. You invest $100 in each of the five
companies. Here is the end result:
In essence, you have doubled your money despite losing out on three out of
five of your investments! Let me say that again: You doubled your money
even though you lost 60 percent of your bets. That is the essence of
asymmetric risk exposure, and it’s brilliant.
The key in this example is that the two investments that won were 500
percent ROI investments. In reality, the higher the potential ROI, the better
(and 500 percent is just the beginning).
The higher the upside, the less the downside risk.
This isn’t day trading. This is a logical commitment to adhering to a strict
philosophy that requires research and patience. In other words, this is
allocating a percentage of your reserve vehicle to invest in moonshots.
An ambitious, exploratory project that possesses little expectation of
short-term profitability. In the long-term, however (five to 10 years),
there is a clear expectation of at least a 10,000 percent ROI because the
company increases 100 times in value.
If you know how to harness moonshots, then asymmetric risk can generate
triple-digit and higher ROIs. However, I need to make an important
distinction. This is not a “pick one horse and bet the farm” strategy. That’s
foolish—and that’s what gamblers do.
The majority of your picks won’t be 10,000 percent-ROI moonshots, and
that’s okay. The key is to take your total investment and spread it out (more
on that in just a minute).
If you think it’s impossible to find companies with such potential, I’d like to
ask you to think bigger. You also need to break out from that tiny box your
conventional financial planner stuck you into years ago. He put you in there
with the vehicles that make him the most money and leave you
disappointed. Once you step outside that box, you will realize that there is a
more intelligent and faster way.
Do your research.
I’m amazed by interviews with former CIA operatives and spies
when they talk about being able to walk into any situation and
know, within just moments, where exits are, how many people are in the
room and approximate ages and heights, who looks suspicious, and more.
Being an adherent to an asymmetric risk philosophy requires you to become
an enthusiastic, intelligent, and keen observer. Moonshots don’t just appear.
You have to know where to look for them. You need to see not where things
are now but where things are going.
I’m talking about finding future-focused startups and emerging industries in
their relative infancy today that will dominate the world tomorrow. The
question then becomes:
Who will be the most influential disruptors within the next decade?
Disruption is a buzzword—and for good reason. It’s the key to finding
high-ROI investments! Think about the disruption Uber created in the
world of transportation. Taxis have been on the streets since the 1880s. And
yet, since 2017, without owning a single vehicle, Uber gives more rides a
day than all the taxi services combined.
Without owning a single piece of real estate, Airbnb rules the hospitality
Without owning a single physical movie, Netflix rules the film industry.
Look to the industries that are changing life itself and the way we live it.
For example, here some things to consider:
Tesla has paved the way for electric vehicles to become the standard.
But, who else is in the running to become a household name? Think
about this: Who will win the contract once the government decides to
make all government-issued vehicles electric?
What happens when we replace semi-trucks with electric semis that
drive themselves, and who will be responsible for making this happen?
Who are the up-and-coming players in cryptocurrency, and what will
they do to the way we buy and sell everything?
Who is responsible for bringing 5G to the world, and what companies
are developing 6G? It’s coming sooner than you think. Within a few
years, you’ll be able to download an entire movie in five seconds. You
need to find out who is going to be responsible for that.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world, from manufacturing
to the tech industry and beyond. Who are the most exciting AI players,
and what are they doing today to generate five-digit ROIs within a
The medical field is being transformed through rapidly emerging areas
like augmented reality (AR) for operating rooms, telehealth, biotech,
and genetic engineering. Which companies are starting to stand out as
disruptors in these spaces?
The most intelligent stock market investments aren’t going to be in your
face. They aren’t the ones offered at your neighborhood investment firm,
and they’re not making headlines all day long. Companies with prominent
visionaries at the helm are already in the spotlight—and the thing about the
spotlight is that everybody else can see it, too.
Avoid companies with well-established high book value, stable cash flow,
and high current share price. In contrast, the most significant indicator of
high and promising upside potential is anticipated or projected earnings.
I’m not asking you to become a fortune teller, and you don’t need
magical skills to see into the future. There are plenty of tangible signs of
future success for those who know what to look for. Look to the future—
and you do this by leveraging emerging market research firms that know:
Who tomorrow’s star players will be.
What kinds of earnings you can reasonably expect.
When you can expect moonshots to start producing these returns.
Where these players will emerge.
Why the risk is more than worth the reward.
That is how it’s done.
Pick wisely.
After aligning yourself with research firms who are constantly
searching for moonshots, pick 15 of the most explosive, under-
the-radar companies showing a 10,000 percent potential ROI. This means if
the projections are correct, those investments will grow 100 times in value
during your ownership.
Because you can invest in thousands of companies (thanks to the ease and
accessibility of online trading), there are plenty of opportunities to discover
investments that have the combination you want:
Limited downside with tremendous upside potential.
Pick your projected winners and spread out your allotted investment evenly
among all 15 of them. If you spread your investment equally amongst 15
opportunities, each with 10,000 percent ROI potential, and 12 of your 15
picks fail but three succeed, here is how you win:
15 investments ($1,000 each) = $15,000 total investment
Time period: 5 years
12 investments fail, 3 investments win.
The three winners each have a 10,000% (100x) ROI:
$1,000 Investment #1 = $100,000 (100x growth)
$1,000 Investment #2 = $100,000 (100x growth)
$1,000 Investment #3 = $100,000 (100x growth)
Total earned after 5 years = $300,000
(from a $15,000 investment)
Rebalance annually.
Every year (not every day, week, or month), rebalance your
portfolio and ask whether there’s one or two that you should be
adding or selling.
We all know people who have the stock app pulled up on their phones
constantly, nervously watching every dip and gain, day in and day out. This
is not a habit you want or need. You shouldn’t be looking at the market
every day. Keep the long game in mind.
Don’t allow the market to control your feelings. Many years ago, I dabbled
in day trading. I was an absolute train wreck when I lost money and was
overjoyed when I won. This type of emotion has no place in asymmetric
risk investing.
These days, I’m the kind of investor motivated by stock dips! I already
know that at least some of my picks will be massive winners (more than
enough to offset my losses). So, instead of panic-selling, I buy more.
See? I told you this was counterintuitive.
A few words of caution as you prepare to gas up your race car and take
asymmetric risk for a spin:
1. Allocate evenly. If you are putting all of your eggs in one or two
baskets, you’re doing it wrong. My minimum number of investments
is 15 companies.
2. Invest in research. This strategy is useless without intelligent analysis.
Don’t rely on hunches or your cousin Billy’s recommendation based
on the hot tip he got from Todd in accounting. Find experts and
leverage their knowledge and experience.
3. Quit obsessing. This strategy does not require any daily consideration.
Don’t be the obsessive guy at the party who spends his time in the
bathroom checking his stocks. Commit to an annual re-balance and
know that dips happen (and when the market dips, I double down).
You’re playing the long game, not investing in a get-rich-quick
4. Check your emotion. The moment this becomes emotional, you should
get out of the game. You are winning by losing most of the time. If
that thought gives you hives, this may not be the right strategy for
5. Never chase the market. If you are buying only because a stock is on
an upward tear, you are reacting to the market. This is a terrifying
habit that will lead to major problems over time. Sure, you can
experience a few wins this way, but in the long run, it will slaughter
your portfolio. Stick to the system.
I regularly interact with my mentors and online investing groups, and I have
multiple financial subscriptions that keep me well informed. I also leverage
connections to allow me to find the next great opportunity. I am always
researching emerging markets and identifying moonshots.
If you’d like free information about my own portfolio, where I go for
research, and who helps me stay ahead of the game, or if you want to see
more of my passive trading strategies that earn me solid triple digit annual
returns, visit: KrisKrohn.com/Stocks.
You could put this book down right now and be set for life once you fuel up
the first three vehicles in your fleet, but, if you’re anything like me, you
want to go faster. If that’s so, proceed to the next chapter. I will show you
an even higher ROI gained when financially successful people leverage
business to produce incredible (dare I say “blockbuster” level) returns.
This chapter will explain the fundamental pieces necessary for a business to
bring you an ample active income. What do I mean by active? Well, our
double-digit and triple-digit ROI vehicles are both fairly passive incomes. I
made sure to design and present each one in a way that protects your time
while still helping you have it all, because I truly believe that time is our
ultimate asset.
But now, we need to shift gears.
For the first time since we started this journey together, I’m going to ask
you to set aside several hours a week. But there’s a good reason: This
vehicle holds the key to enabling you to leave your current full-time job.
Like Trent, 85 percent of our fellow Americans do not like their jobs. So,
the odds are you are among those who wish they could find a more
fulfilling way to pay the bills and save for retirement.
My financial freedom origin story also began with a desire to exit the rat
race. But regardless of whether your goal is to replace or supplement your
income, I want you to understand just how powerful a quadruple-digit ROI
can be.
The Rule of 72 helps explain how easy it can be to double your money
through an active income vehicle. Here is what I mean (and remember that
the Rule of 72 formula is: 72/ROI = time to double your money):
My system for real estate investing can help you become a millionaire
within decades (thanks to its double-digit returns). Investing in businesses
through share ownership and owning your own business are keys to
becoming wealthy in years (thanks to its triple-digit returns).
But now, thanks to quadruple-digit ROI through active business
income, we just went from decades to years to mere days required to
double your money.
With the proper business standards and processes in place, you can amass
wealth through quadruple-digit ROIs without giving up too much of your
time. But even more than simply discussing ROI, this chapter will allow
you to understand that it is possible to tap out of the rat race with the right
vehicle (your Formula One race car).
Unfortunately, most business owners end up trading the lion’s share of their
time for income. This crisis generally arises because entrepreneurs are
notorious for wearing two hats at once: owner and operator. My goal early
on was to be a one-hat entrepreneur. That is, I wanted to become an owner
but not an operator (sometimes called an “absentee owner”). Yet, this
distinction is missing in the accepted definition of entrepreneurship today.
One of my business mentors, Keith Cunningham, has launched multiple
companies, negotiated numerous million-dollar deals, and structured
hundreds of millions of dollars for his business ventures. Possibly my
favorite thing that Keith ever said is this:
“Great operators get tired. Great business owners get rich.”
You need a business that works for you instead of you working for it. The
idea of quitting your day job to “be your own boss” may sound appealing,
but if you give up a 40-hour workweek only to work 80 or more hours, is it
really worth it?
How much is your time worth to you?
Over the years, I’ve observed that most people value their time so much
that they won’t even consider starting a business. They hear horror stories
of side hustles becoming massive time vacuums, and they are not interested
in adding that kind of madness to their lives.
People don’t want to miss their Netflix binges and their kids’ ball games for
a lackluster side gig, and I don’t blame them. It can be so emotionally
draining and not worth the time trade-off, which is why I need you to
understand there is a better way. It requires the following plan of action,
which I am going to help you start right here, right now, in this chapter:
1. Fear of failure.
2. Fear of the unknown.
3. Fear of running out of money.
4. Fear of working too hard or too little.
“But Kris, owning a business is way harder than having a job! My entrepreneur friend works
long hours and is way more stressed than I am.”
My experience is that even super successful entrepreneurs waste the first decade of their run
on bad decisions because they lacked standards. The learning curve of entrepreneurship is
steep, and many people do fail before they figure it out. Learning through trial and error is
painful and messy.
MY PROMISE: I will teach you the standards necessary to avoid the years of stress and
failure that seem so common in entrepreneurship. When you select a business and operate it
according to my business standards, it will shorten your learning curve and reduce the number
of mistakes you make.
If you are one of the many people who believe that working for someone
else is somehow better or more lucrative in the long run, let me ask you a
question: Do you have any idea how much your boss makes on you? You
read that right—because you are, in fact, counted as an asset on your
employer’s balance sheet. The company invests in you through a wage, and
they expect a return.
How much? In general, a company wants to see a 400 percent annual ROI
on their investment. The average American makes around $50,000 a year,
which means the average employee is expected to help produce $200,000
(or four times their salary).
Well, consider that if a company can own your time and a expect a 400
percent ROI on your skills, then maybe you can, too. Technically, if they
earn a 400 percent gain on your skills, then inversely, you should be able to
work a quarter (or one-fourth) of the time (translation: work two hours a
day) to make the same amount on your own.
I challenge every person I meet who doesn’t like their job to seek the
answer this riddle,
“How can I make the same amount of money by working two hours
a day on my own?”
The answer may not be clear yet, but I’m planting the seed now because
this chapter is all about how to replace or supplement your income while
reclaiming 75 percent of your time, all in the pursuit of financial freedom
measured by money and time.
“Really Kris, you are going to teach me EVERYTHING I need to know about starting a
successful business in a single chapter?!”
There’s no way I can teach you how to build a successful business in a single chapter, and that
isn’t my intention. The real success of business actually comes down to a handful of
standards most people will never be taught, which accounts for their failure. BUT if you learn
the things I share in this chapter, you will be equipped with the rules that the most successful
business owners use that result in their success.
Thriving Business
Uses proven standards to generate profit, value, and
time freedom
Thriving businesses give you back more of your most
precious commodity. They also tend to create joy, foster
relationships, and lead to a life of financial and time freedom.
Thriving Marketing:
A flourishing business has an endless supply of leads,
even more than it can sell to. They have figured out a
way to create an infinite source of leads and referrals in
most market conditions and do so in a sustainable way.
Survival Selling:
Business owners mistakenly believe that the mere act of
offering products or services is the same as selling.
People only buy from other people and businesses they
like, know, and trust—and those factors require
intentional effort to manifest. Pushy sales tactics and
hard closes are a thing of the past, but some businesses didn’t get the
memo. You have to work on communicating the value of what you offer
to your prospects. Businesses in survival mode also make the mistake of
hinging their success on the person’s talents doing the selling.
Thriving Selling:
On the other hand, a profitable business has a product in
high enough demand that, in many ways, it sells itself
(thanks in large part to effective marketing that
generates only the best, qualified leads). These are
products or services that don’t require pushy or high-pressure sales
tactics to move. Selling in today’s flooded marketplace has to feel
natural, comfortable, and rewarding for all parties involved.
Let’s talk about a phrase I’m sure you’ve heard, which is sales funnel. The
simplest definition of a sales funnel is this:
A way to compute data that highlights meaningful patterns, answers key
business questions, uncovers relationships, and predicts outcomes that
help automate future decisions.
Survival Fulfillment:
A surviving business uses a fulfillment process that is
too expensive for both the owner and customers. If the
fulfillment is “cheap,” that cheapness comes at a cost (in
the form of subpar, slow, or unreliable deliveries and
more). Survival fulfillment represents a whole slew of
frustrations, causes repeat sales to be lost, and lowers customer retention.
The bottom line is most solo-preneurs (whose business owns them) spend
90 percent of their time dealing with fulfillment instead of marketing and
Thriving Fulfillment:
A prosperous fulfillment process has a premium product
or service delivered at a price that gives you a healthy
margin. This results in both excess cash and time. The
fulfillment of a service or electronic product is seamless
and polished. Physical products are delivered with care and in a way that
shows how valuable you view both the product and customer.
Communication is constant throughout the entire fulfillment process.
The Three Fundamentals in Action
Physical Product: Bicycle Shop
A new bicycle shop chooses to market to its potential customers through
newspaper ads, online ads, social media marketing, and Groupon. The
marketing theme is to educate customers on the difference between buying
a bike at a big box store versus their shop (the experience, the service, and
more). This approach allows them to target their demographic quickly and
weed out those who would not be a good fit.
Coupons and specials bring people in the door and to their online shop. The
quality, selection, craftsmanship, and service offered are what make the
sale. Also, the shop only hires employees who are passionate about outdoor
exercise and cycling. Fulfillment occurs immediately upon purchase. If
there is a custom order, the shop stays in regular contact with the customer.
It informs them systematically exactly when their custom order will arrive.
They schedule a particular date and time for the customer to come to pick
up their new purchase.
Service as the Product: Law Firm
A law firm chooses to actively market their services via television, radio,
billboards, online, and social media marketing. They also employ a referral
program where existing clients are compensated with complimentary hours
or other services for providing the firm with qualified referrals. Their
marketing goal is to inform the surrounding area that the firm specializes in
injury law. They also focus on customers who may not have sufficient funds
to pay hefty retainer fees.
When a lawyer meets with a potential client, that lawyer listens intently and
shares success stories related to that potential client’s own issues. Once the
client agrees to be represented by the firm, the sale has been made. But the
transaction is far from complete. Fulfillment occurs when the lawyer spends
his or her time and expertise providing the agreed-upon legal service and
delivers exceptional results to the client.
As you can see, successfully executing the three fundamentals means that
both a business and their customer walk away from a transaction feeling
like they won. It should be a mutually beneficial experience that all parties
involved would be more than willing to have again.
Once you begin evaluating a potentially thriving business and developing
marketing, sales, and fulfillment processes, that is excellent progress. Next,
your potential business must pass the “thriving business” test by meeting
five standards for selection.
How to Choose:
The Five Standards for Selecting a Winning Business
There are five standards that every winning business possesses.
If you adhere to these five standards, you’ll find that successful
entrepreneurship is much easier than you think. You’ll also have a higher
likelihood of success. Here is a brief summary before we dive into each
1. Profits. Look for profit margins of 25 percent or greater.
2. Leads. Ensure that you can procure abundant lead sources.
3. Simplicity. The business model must be stunningly simple.
4. Delegation. Operations must be easily delegated to others.
5. Customer Focus. Your passion should be for the customer, not the
Standard #1: Large Profit Margins
Select a business with a minimum of a 25 percent profit
Most small businesses today simply aren’t profitable enough. In fact, as
many as 86 percent of all business owners net less than $100,000 per year.
The problem could be what they sell, or the problem could be the inherent
expenses in selling the product or service. My rule of thumb to avoid a
disappointing business venture is to strive for a 25 percent profit margin or
At the end of the week, month, and year, the profit margin is the amount of
dollars that will find its way into your pocket. That is why you need to
know this number and protect it fiercely. And stay away from any and all
businesses that don’t deliver my bare minimum standard of 25 percent net
While it may be true that giant companies like Walmart, Target, and Ford
bring in a scant 3.9 to 5.2 percent net profit margin, you can’t afford such
small numbers as a sole proprietor. It would require such enormous gross
revenue that it won’t be worth your time or energy.
“But Kris, how do I find leads for my business?”
Let me just go ahead and save you a ton of time and money. If you do not know the answer to
this question, do not consider it as a serious business option. You should never be enticed by a
brilliant product or service if you will not be able to find or purchase an abundant source of
Many people mistakenly think that the key to business is selling a product
or service they personally love or use. I don’t entirely disagree with that,
but I think it’s actually an inferior way to pick a business. What if your
biggest passion in life is making SpongeBob-themed quilts for horses? Is
there an abundant and never-ending supply of free leads out there for this
product? Maybe, maybe not. But you better find out before you set up shop
and start buying reams of yellow yarn.
Standard #3: Simple Business Model
Select a business that is simple enough for others to run.
A principle in philosophy and science known as Occam’s Razor states that
the most uncomplicated way to do something is usually the right way. I live
my life according to this principle. If a business model (including how you
sell a product, how you make money, and how you interact with your
customers) is too convoluted, it doesn’t 100 percent guarantee failure. But it
certainly guarantees a lifetime of frustration.
Survival Business Model:
Most businesses have a complicated business model,
and what’s the saying? If something can go wrong, it
will. One of my business mentors, Tony Robbins, taught
me that complexity is the enemy of execution and
ultimate success. While there are plenty of examples of
complex businesses renowned for their success, I’m not here to show you
how to build a billion-dollar tech company with a massive infrastructure.
I’m here to show you ways to identify multiple simple-but-profitable
businesses that don’t require sleepless nights or overtime. Suppose the
business involves complex technology or pioneering (as in creating
something that’s never been done before). In that case, this is a huge red
Pioneers and trailblazers learn the hard way.
Survival Delegation:
Because most businesses operate with insufficient profit
margins (and therefore can’t afford any hires), owners
often become the lead or possibly the lone workhorses
in their companies. This means they end up working
harder than everyone else for the least amount of pay—
and, more critically, for a nearly complete loss of their time. The end
result is the business ends up owning them.
Thriving Delegation:
If you want something done right, don’t do it yourself.
Hire other people. Just because you can do it doesn’t
mean you should. Doing it all yourself puts you at risk
of building your life around your business instead of
building your business around your life. A winning business allows you
to pass along fulfillment to others and preserve your time. Once you have
procedures for delegating fulfillment, your next goal is to delegate
marketing and selling duties.
The happiest businesspeople I know live to delegate, but it’s not a skill that
everyone naturally possesses. The goal is to own successful companies,
not operate successful companies—that is, unless you are prepared to
limit your potential.
If you struggle to trust others and distribute responsibilities, start the soul-
searching process now and figure out how to let your guard down enough to
let others help you. It’s the only way to reclaim more of your time and still
run a successful business or side hustle.
You own the business, not the other way around.
Standard #5: Customer Focus
Select a business where the passion is for the customer, not the
product itself.
Beware of the draw of doing your “passion” for a living. The most
successful business owners fall in love with providing an outstanding
customer experience rather than being enamored with their own products or
services. It can be a hard distinction to make, I’ll admit. This is because
there are three primary roles within most businesses: 1) the owner, 2) the
manager, and 3) the artist/specialist who creates or curates the product or
The key is to ensure that you are not playing all three roles.
Survival Passion:
Most businesses are conceived by people who have such
a passion for a particular product or service that they
turn it into a living. While passion can be a massive
benefit to a business, it can also be a curse. A misplaced
passion for products and services over the customer will
ultimately trap you in a never-ending rat race you cannot escape
(actually, it isn’t never-ending—it usually ends with your demise and the
death of your business ownership dreams). You could be bleeding money
but find it impossible to give up on your dream because your passion for
the product has clouded your judgment.
Thriving Passion:
A winning business creates value for the client and
allows you, the business owner, to fall in love with the
customer and not the product itself. Feel free to let your
passion be part of your business, as long as you don’t
spend more than the first few months playing the artist or manager role.
Otherwise, you’re at risk of getting “stuck” in the business’s emotion and
lose sight of the bottom line and what it takes to increase it—happy
Adhering to my five standards of a thriving business will protect you from
making the most common mistakes that destroy many other ventures. These
standards allow you to remain laser-focused on being a business owner (low
time commitment) instead of a business operator (full-time commitment).
When I identify a business that meets all five standards, I move into the
rapid launch phase to ultimately determine whether it will be a winner in
the long run.
How To Start:
The Four Launch Phases of a Successful Business
Once you have a potential business, the next step is to put that
business through four launch phases: 1) Evaluate, 2) Experiment, 3)
Optimize, and 4) Hand-off. Nine out of every 10 concepts will never meet
my high standards. I actually enjoy shooting down ideas when they are
missing even one of these criteria. Doing so will save you an untold amount
of time, frustration, and money investing in the wrong business.
Phase 1: Evaluate
Phase 1 involves ensuring that the business can meet the three fundamental
criteria and the five standards for selection. You must be able to answer yes
to the following questions:
Phase 2: Experiment
Never obligate yourself long-term to a business unless you can test it before
formally committing. Most simple business ideas can be tested and proven
or disproven within 30 days. Maybe you think 30 days isn’t long enough to
determine whether a business will be a success. In my experience, 30 days
is long enough to spot red flags. During that time, you can get a glimpse of
what the process will entail from a profit margin and time commitment
So, how does this experiment work?
1. First, select a revenue goal and corresponding net profit margin that
you determine is achievable in the next 30 days.
2. Then, work as diligently as you can for a month to hit that goal.
3. Finally, if you have not reached 50 percent of that goal at the end of
the 30 days, scrap the business idea.
It’s as simple as that. If the business is a good idea, you should see swift
results. Don’t delude yourself into believing that something excessively
difficult will become easy with time. This is a recipe for massive
Don’t waste years of your life and untold dollars on a business that can’t
generate enough profits to free up your time. Wait as long as it takes to find
a concept that confidently meets these standards. I don’t care how long it
takes to find one. Find the next opportunity and start the evaluation process
all over again.
If your business idea passes the experiment phase, proceed to the third
“Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to
improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand
it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control
it, you can’t improve it.” —H. James Harrington
Phase 3: Optimize
By now, you have thoroughly vetted your idea according to established
business standards and conducted a successful 30-day experiment. Now it’s
time to evaluate the business by documenting what works. Phase 3 is a 90-
day optimization process that starts with measuring and reporting to
determine whether this business is designed to win or sputter out
somewhere down the line. The purpose of the optimization phase is to
identify three fundamental elements you need to know before you can
successfully delegate any part of your business to someone else: 1) key
performance indicators, or KPIs, 2) critical drivers, and 3) standard
operating procedures, or SOPs.
Element 1:
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
KPIs are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a company is
achieving key business objectives. These are the weekly numbers that
matter in any business. There are literally hundreds of potential KPIs that
you may eventually want to consider. Still, there are only three KPI
categories that really matter (and they just so happen to be the same as our
three business fundamentals): marketing, sales, and fulfillment.
Your KPIs are the best tools to determine whether you are on track to hit
your target revenue and net profit margin. In the beginning, you will use
KPIs to prove or disprove that the business will allow you to hit revenue
and margin goals.
In other words, KPIs will reveal if your business can pay all of its
expenses and still net at least 25 percent without you working full time.
Yes, it may feel like there are a million things to track. Regardless,
ultimately just a handful of key performance indicators are all you really
need to reveal a business’ potential. The KPIs you follow during the 90-day
optimization period should be able to answer the following three questions:
These three questions are just the beginning—but they will help get you
started tracking the correct information. In addition to answering these three
questions, always calculate revenue and net profit margin to determine
whether or not your business is on target at the end of each week.
Element 2:
Critical Drivers
Critical drivers measure the activities your team does daily to produce your
weekly KPIs. In other words:
A critical driver is a cause, and the KPI is the effect.
Obviously, a wide range of factors impacts the performance of your
business. The secret is to focus on a handful of critical drivers that: 1) are
specific and measurable, 2) will accurately reflect business progress and
performance, and 3) can be compared to those from previous periods.
Element 3:
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Standard Operating Procedures or SOPs are a set of step-by-step
instructions compiled by an organization to help workers carry out routine
operations. You could probably write an entire book about SOPs, but I’ll
just say this:
If you or anyone else who works for you regularly performs a step in
your business, write down the step’s proper execution process and
standardize it. This is a critical and necessary step in the delegating
process that will enable you to free your time.
Think of an SOP as a manual for how people perform work within your
business. The most efficient way to create your SOPs is to make employees
responsible for creating the SOPs that produce the recorded results in their
particular role.
SOPs make it so much easier to onboard new employees. Instead of holding
their hand throughout the training process, you can provide them with a
step-by-step manual that explains the most efficient way to perform duties.
As long as you hire right by bringing in people who are fast learners and
teachable, SOPs make hiring and training a more hands-off endeavor than
most business owners believe it can be.
Create an SOP for the three fundamental areas (marketing, selling, and
fulfillment) and document each process. For example:
Marketing—What is the precise process for generating leads?
What do you do with a lead once it enters the pipeline?
Selling—How do you approach sales? Is it a hands-off or involved
Fulfillment—How do you track orders to make sure you are over-
delivering on promised value?
Once you document SOPs and track KPIs from the critical driver data
you regularly collect, you empower the business to become a well-oiled
machine that requires only the most minor of weekly adjustments.
If it’s not already glaringly obvious, the key to running a hands-off business
that generates massive income is the proper groundwork. This plan is not
for the lazy. You need to be diligent and detailed for several months. But
think of the long-term payoff! How much are you willing to invest for a few
months to enjoy a lifetime of wealth and time freedom?
The biggest mistake a business owner makes is claiming that working in
their own company will allow them to create higher profit margins. Don’t
do it. Your time is too valuable to be tied to a new job when the original
goal was to create freedom.
Remember, you are looking for a minimum 25 percent margin after
paying all positions, including the job you may be doing within the
business. This makes it easier to still enjoy a healthy profit margin while
freeing your time for your next project.
Now that’s freedom.
As you repeat this process, you’ll develop more income streams. More
importantly, every time you successfully complete this process, you will
generate more income to place into your reserve vehicle to fuel your other
This is how you take maximum advantage of compounding interest.
Generating an active income through a minimal-time-commitment business
allows you to exponentially increase your investment potential. With each
active income stream created:
You are placing more money into your S.W.A.N. (Sleep Well At
Night) account for greater peace of mind.
You are putting more money into your passive real estate and stock
market investments, producing double-digit and triple-digit ROIs.
You are also enabling your reserve vehicle to fuel even more active
streams of income with impressive net profit margins.
Fast forward a few months or years down the road, and your whole outlook
on savings, investments, retirement, and the future itself will have
completely transformed. You’ll think back on the early days when you
thought it was “impossible” to stash 20 percent of your income away, and
you’ll want to write a letter to that older version of you:
1. A dentist.
2. A corporate executive.
3. An optometrist.
4. A small business owner.
I decided to call all four and offer to take each one to lunch. During each
lunch meeting, I proposed a partnership like the one I had with my father-
in-law. I didn’t show up empty-handed—I had taken the time to create a
professional-looking portfolio that included all of my properties, and I
proceeded to share:
The results of my last 10 real estate purchases.
The cash flow received from each property.
The discount I was receiving when I bought the properties.
The ROI earned on each, as well as the compounding ROI on all
properties and my re-investments.
Every one of them had the same reaction as my father-in-law. It was
something like, “Where has this been my whole life?” and “Whoa, this kid
is kicking the trash out of my retirement plans!”
Each lunch appointment ended the same way. We excitedly shook hands
as I welcomed them as my newest business partner. Our agreements had
a simple structure (remember Occam’s Razor):
Making 25 percent on your investment every year for a total of 100 percent
return on investment is already impressive. But I’ve done that deal
thousands of times. So, let’s get to the exciting part.
Example B. Your Partner’s Money at Work
Infinite ROI
Assume you do the exact same real estate deal, but, this time, your partner
provides the $40,000 for the initial investment. You and your team do all of
the work. Four years later, your partner gets his $40,000 initial investment
back upon the sale of the property.
But there’s also the matter of that $40,000 profit. Your partner gets $20,000,
and you get $20,000.
Let’s check out your partner’s ROI first:
Your partner invests $40,000 and receives a total of $60,000 back (original
investment of $40,000 + $20,000 in profits).
A 12.5 percent ROI would make almost any investor (especially one who
has been using society’s retirement vehicles) thrilled!
But what about your results? You made $20,000 but invested $0.
What is your ROI?
ZERO ...
Imagine you have a friend with some savings who might be willing to
become your real estate partner. The problem is you have no track record
and have completed no deals. How is this friend going to respond to your
proposal? If they’re smart, they’ll say no.
ONE ...
Let’s assume you’ve had one successful deal. You certainly can’t call that
a “track record of success,” but at least it’s not nothing. Still, it could
have been luck. But you made good money once, so if you ask this
individual whether they want to partner with you. The answer should be
no once again—if that friend isn’t foolish.
TWO ...
Now let’s say you’ve had two good deals back-to-back. You approach
this potential partner, and this time you feel more confident about your
odds. The thing is, two is still in the realm of “just got lucky.” It could
have been a fluke. Sorry, but no dice.
Something changes when you have success three times in a row. It now
becomes a pattern! Patterns are magical. When you meet with this
potential partner and tell them about your three successful deals, your
friend will get a funny feeling inside. It’s something called the fear of
missing out (often abbreviated as FOMO).
Three is the minimum magic number that makes people want to partner
with you. You’ve found a pattern for manifesting real estate success, as well
as success in business, and they want in on it! Successful business owners
with a track record of growing companies get investors to back their ideas
so they can grow businesses with other people’s money.
In order to get the infinite ROI ball rolling, work on developing that track
record. What that means to you today is simply this:
Make a plan for saving that will enable you to purchase a minimum of three
properties. Do that, and you’ll have something impressive to show potential
partners. Once you have completed those three deals, you are ready. Review
your contact list and reach out to everyone who is:
35 years or older.
Financially conservative.
Makes an above-average income.
These people are individuals who have likely been:
Putting money into 401(k)s and IRAs.
Focusing on paying off their house.
Setting assets aside for their retirement.
By the time you approach them, there’s a solid chance they’ve grown at
least partially disenchanted with their traditional retirement plan. They may
have looked at their investment accounts (the ones that are supposed to
make them feel warm and snuggly and secure) and wondered why they
haven’t grown to be more substantial.
Share the three deals you’ve successfully completed, professionally present
the numbers, and walk them step-by-step through the ROIs. There’s a high
probability they will decide to put up the money for your fourth deal.
If you can find just one partner, then with each additional home you buy
together, it builds your success track record in real estate investing. The
more you add to your track record, the easier it is to get another partner.
Your first partner will be the hardest to acquire, but the second and third
will follow suit much more quickly and easily. Before long, you will find
yourself on a success path that is much like mine. You’ll have the ability to
invest in real estate without using any of your own money whatsoever—and
it’s glorious to step into the power of infinite results.
The better you become at doing business, the better your established
track record will be. This creates a desire for people to partner with you
on your next business venture. Start a new business and generate high net
profit margins that enable you to start another business (and then
another). After this, I predict many investors will get that FOMO feeling
and want a piece of the action.
They say it takes money to make money, and they’re right (whoever
“they” are). But they never said whose money it has to be.
As you build a track record for succeeding in business, you will likewise
earn the trust of individuals who will want to partner with you. But none of
this can happen without step one! Step one is to save money in your
financial reserve vehicle. Step two is to parcel those funds out to your
different investments.
As we continue, I am going to ask you to start seeing your track record
of success in business and real estate as an asset. We think of time and
money as assets, but track record is my most valuable asset that I trade
for money and more time.
As each investment vehicle performs, it will generate cash flow to re-
deposit back into your interest-earning life insurance savings account. And
then things really start to pick up the pace.
The more you invest, the more experience you get.
The more experience you get, the better your track record becomes.
The better your track record, the more credibility you build.
The more credibility you build, the more partners you attract.
The more partners you attract, the deeper into the land of infinite
returns you travel.
Before long, the time will come when people with money will seek you out
for partnership. It’s a beautiful thing to defy the rules of mathematics and
break the calculator on your way to financial freedom.
And that, my friend, is how you utilize the most potent accelerant to
achieving financial freedom sooner rather than later.
“But Kris, I don’t want to wait that long before I unlock infinite ROI!”
I don’t blame you! Fortunately, it is possible to achieve an infinite ROI
without a track record through one shortcut: Leveraging someone else’s
track record.
I recently discovered that many of my clients and social media followers
had introduced their friends and family to my real estate investing system.
Without even realizing it, they leveraged my personal track record. Many
people chose to partner with me simply because of their friends’
Given how often this was happening, I launched a program that allows my
followers and clients to refer potential partners. If their referral prospect is
the right candidate for partnering, I share 50 percent of my ownership.
Why am I doing this? I’ve already built my wealth. I’ve also reached a
point in my life where I’ll never spend another moment worrying about
how to provide for my family. So, I choose to give back.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be your money, and it also doesn’t have to be
your track record. Ultimately, you are simply combining resources to make
deals happen. My mentor, Tony Robbins, says it best:
“It’s not about your resources; it’s about your resourcefulness.”
I will admit that my style is unconventional. I also know that my approach
to earning infinite ROIs is very maverick in nature.
A person who marches to the beat of their own drum. Someone who
refuses to adhere to customary rules and standards “just because” it’s
what is expected.
I’ll answer the question more fully in the last part of the book. So, if you
really want to see, finish last three chapters and find out yourself.
I credit that single decision with creating a 400 percent growth in revenue
over the next year, growth made possible by choosing to invest in myself.
I chose to spend six figures in the hopes that I’d experience an
intervention just like the one I had. I needed someone to guide me past
my own limitations, beliefs, and knowledge.
The following year, I doubled down and spent a quarter of a million
dollars on mentorship with Tony. Not surprisingly, I once again saw
incredible growth as a direct result of the mentorship. My company
doubled again, and my profits quadrupled.
What had Tony told me that day that spurred such huge and profitable
changes? I would share it all if I felt it would create value for you, but that
lesson was for me and my specific challenges.
The point is that we all have blind spots. And all too often, we look to
money, investment vehicles, and “hacks” to improve our life, when the truth
is that our highest ROIs will always come from uncovering those blind
spots and overcoming limiting beliefs.
I learned a powerful lesson from one of my mentors to whom I paid over
$1M just to work with him. He taught me that the only dangerous
information is what we don’t know. Since then, I finally stopped arguing as
if I knew best—because, in actuality, I only knew what I knew.
In fact, what you know can only get you more of what you have gotten in
the past. You need proximity to people far more successful, genius, and
experienced in what you are trying to grow if you want the fastest shortcut
to the result.
ROI is a function of time. You may only get a 50 or 100 or 500 percent
ROI in the first year, but by the second, third, or fifth year, that ROI can
become a ludicrous number far beyond 1,000.
Investing in your mindset and perception is always worth it and every
upgrade will create a lifetime of benefit. Unfortunately, most people limit
how much growth they can take in. They’ll commit to growth by reading
a book a month—but books just aren’t enough. In my circles, people
passionately commit to growth hacking by any means necessary. We
move beyond books for good ideas and have graduated to having one or
more mentors at any given moment and attend several masterminds and
personal growth or mindset-related events a year.
You need to get in front of people who think far beyond the box and
beyond conventional advice. You need a mentor who’s been where you
want to go and is still there! You need someone who can offer you the
kind of perspective you could never have on your own.
If you’ve ever heard of Moses, you may be familiar with the story of the
Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. Imagine how overjoyed they were when
Pharoah finally let them go after centuries of captivity. Suddenly, they went
from being enslaved to becoming a freed people!
But then Pharoah changed his mind, and he sent his entire army after the
Israelites in a blind rage. Unfortunately, the terrified Israelites soon reached
a dead end in the form of the Red Sea.
At that point, they saw only two options. They could stand and fight and
face certain death, or they could surrender and go back into captivity. But
God had a third solution for them—the Red Sea solution.
None of us can truly understand how that moment must have felt for the
Israelites. To suddenly see that water part and know that you are going to
make it.
Am I comparing mentors to God? Absolutely not! All I want you to take
from this amazing story is to try to imagine that feeling of breakthrough.
There will be times when it feels like your business or your personal life are
under attack from all sides, and there’s nothing you can do but fight or
surrender. But what if someone else from outside your perspective could
help you find another way?
Wouldn’t that person be worth their weight in gold?
No matter how stuck you feel or no matter how permanent a brick wall or
closed door (or body of water) in your life may seem, my experience is that
someone out there knows how to help you break out and through—and
continue doing so for the rest of your life.
Grow every year, and after a few years, you won’t even recognize yourself
or your business. Growth on top of growth—the ROI is essentially
incalculable on that type of progress. You are not only learning new skills
and abilities from your mentors, but you are also expanding the perception
of possibility and teaching your mind that you can truly have it all.
At the time of writing this book, I am working on three different businesses
with billion+ dollar potential in the next five years, and that is all the result
of constantly growing by working with mentors and implementing their
Books are good for the beach, and they’re a good way to have some quality
quiet time in the morning, but books won’t get you where you need to be if
your goals are audacious and outrageous and worthy like mine.
The fastest way to achieve immense growth is to get into the airspace of
human beings who have already achieved tremendous growth. Tony
Robbins calls this principle “The Power of Proximity.”
Add together the approximate annual incomes of the five people with
whom you spend the most time. Divide the total by five. That number
will more than likely predict your income, plus or minus 10 percent.
Here’s an example:
David $37,000
Martha $51,000
Jesse $44,000
Wyatt $62,000
Porter $40,000
Your income: $46,800
Now imagine spending time with five people who make high six figures
or more a year. Do the same math to determine what your income would
be in that scenario. Here’s an example:
Mickey $1,200,000
Teresa $600,000
Jimmy $1,500,000
Jennifer $450,000
Will $800,000
Your income: $910,000
The beliefs about money of those around you will rub off, one way or
another. They will hold you back or rocket you toward financial freedom.
My net worth grows every year thanks to the Power of Proximity. I only
spend time with growth-minded, highly driven mentors with big goals and
even bigger plans for execution. I credit mentorship as the single most
crucial investment decision I make.
It’s truly the ultimate growth hack.
Coaches are great a being cheerleaders and encouragers! They may also
be qualified to explain techniques, answer questions, and help get some
results. However, at some point, it’s likely that coaches have stepped
outside the actual game. So, they can drill the perspective, but they are
doing it from the outside looking in.
Mentors have mastered the results you seek and have created 10-times or
better results—and they are also still actively in the game. Mentors are
the best of the best. They give you something to aspire to, not stories of
the good ol’ days when they were once the high school quarterback. They
have more experience than their students and are therefore worthy of
being admired and emulated.
The wealth mentors you want are already massively wealthy. The
health mentors you want are presently strong and well. The connection
mentors you want have thriving current relationships.
Mentors are experiencing the things you want now, not way back then. This
is because they have not allowed rejection to stop them from reaching their
goals. They also know to help others shake the shackles of rejection. Let’s
further examine why mentors are the superior choice with a side-by-side
The distinction between the two is vital, and you have to ask yourself
whether you want to learn from a coach or a mentor. In reality, there is
rarely an appropriate scenario where I would ever choose to work with
someone who considers themselves to be a coach.
For faster results, look for mentors, not coaches. They’re qualified by
their tangible results, not their mere access to information.
Find a mentor who has 10 times the results you’re looking for—and if
they’re willing to work with you and it’s a logical fit for you both, make the
investment. They could be the key to your personal growth.
You’re here to grow. And the fastest way to grow is to work with
someone who pushes you far outside of your comfort zones. This is a
significant part of the journey toward having it all. We all grow at
different paces for so many different reasons, but a general guideline that
anyone can follow to maximize fulfillment is this:
1. Set intention and pick your path. Pick your most aggressive form of
growth that will help you reach a desired level or goal (such as books,
courses, coaching, and mentors).
2. Step outside of your comfort zone. A good mentor stretches you far
beyond what’s comfortable. Everything you want, but don’t yet have,
is found outside of your comfort zone. You must get there, and it’s
hard on your own—but not for a mentor).
3. Execute with accountability. Once you have the plan in place and see
the path before you, it’s time for action. Remain teachable in order to
maximize the results of whatever growth path you have chosen.
4. Expect and track results. Track your progress in every area of growth
and never forget that ROI is the ultimate tool to gauge how effective
any investment is—whether it be a personal growth or financial
People without money always think the grass is greener on the other side. In
some ways, it is. But is finding the greenest pasture or having the most
zeros possible on your bank account statement really the purpose of life?
Not to me.
Material possessions are terrible substitutes for actual substance.
True fulfillment cannot come from monetary gain. Making money is
necessary to reach your goals but should not be the goal itself. Here is an
If you had the means to spend $50,000 on a once-in-a-lifetime
vacation, would that trip itself be the end goal? I hope not. Think
about what it took for you to earn the means to take such an
extravagant trip. You earned that trip because the good choices you
made enabled you to afford the luxury. That is the real victory here.
Your wise decisions and intelligent execution led to the fulfillment of
your dreams.
We’ve all heard clichés about stopping to smell the roses and there being no
dress rehearsals in life. But as annoying as clichés can be—they’re always
accurate, aren’t they?
So, as we continue, commit to discovering how many more clichés you can
bring to life. Because why not? You should dance like nobody’s watching,
laugh more (since it’s the best medicine), run through that open door after
another one closes, and be the change you wish to see in the world. After
all, you only live once.
Clichés like these get a bad rap, but I make it a point not to ignore the
wisdom passed down through the ages. When you ask people on their
deathbed what they cherished the most in their lives, not one of them will
say their bank account. Never forget that.
There really are no dress rehearsals. This is your one shot at doing it right,
so why not make it count?
1. Wealth. Financial freedom gives you the capacity to create value for
yourself, your loved ones, and the world. Your wealth can generate
fulfillment for others when you apply it correctly.
2. Health. Health is your strength, energy, and ability. It’s total wellness,
inside and out. Wealth without health is empty.
3. Connection. We are connected not only to those around us but also to
ourselves. There is a link with our fellow humans that transcends what
we think we know about the human body, mind, and soul.
Take a look at the diagram to further explore how the three areas intersect in
The Grand Design to Have It All.
Where each of the spheres intersects, a new benefit develops. You could
call these the “compounding ROIs” of having more than one area of life in
Freedom (the intersection of health and wealth). When you combine
these two forces, you create extraordinary freedom. You have the
energy and vitality to enjoy life to its fullest, and you have the
financial resources to support anything you want to do.
Vitality (the intersection of connection and health). The combination
of these two forces is powerful! When you have your health, you feel
energized to forge even more relationships. This produces a kind of
vitality that allows you to experience life in all its vibrancy arm-in-arm
with others.
Contribution (the intersection of wealth and connection). When you
combine money and connection, it leads to contribution. Being
connected to the world enables you to see where your money would
create the most impact. As you grow more financially stable, always
look for how you can give back to the world.
And, of course, when all spheres are aligned, you have it all! Just
remember that this is not a set “destination” you reach. Nourishing all three
spheres requires conscious effort and a tireless commitment to foster each
one, as well as ongoing mentoring.
Sphere 1: Wealth
The national average salary is $44,000 a year. I’m not sure what your life
goals are, but I can almost guarantee $44,000 a year won’t get you there.
Set a reasonable income goal for the next year and then take the most
critical step to find a mentor who makes far more than that and start
working with them.
If a mentor doesn’t tell you how much they make, find someone else. (I
know, it’s so taboo to talk about how much money we make, but, frankly, I
think that’s just another social construct we’ve created that needs to be
eliminated.) Find someone you respect who can clearly explain how they
achieved their financial freedom and then mirror their actions.
Wealth Mentorship
When I became interested in the real estate game, I aligned myself with
immensely successful mentors who made tens of millions in the real estate
game. I followed them, learned from them, and remained in their airspace
as much as they would allow me to.
My first mentor eventually kicked me to the curb (a kick that I definitely
deserved). I was a 22-year-old kid, desperate for help. I showed up at his
house one night at 10 p.m. in a moment of excessive eagerness. Please
don’t do this. My second mentor expertly guided me through my first
property investment. The equity from that deal led to 25 more homes over
the next four years. My third mentor showed me the ropes of seller
financing. He and I eventually partnered together on many real estate deals.
I’ve had numerous mentors in the real estate and financial arenas. To find
the right wealth mentors, start defining what “next-level” wealth means
to you. Dig deeply by asking yourself questions like:
What would have to happen to achieve this level of wealth?
Can my current job get me to this income goal? Why or why not?
Does my mindset about money help or hurt this goal?
What daily schedule changes would I have to make?
Can I commit to saving at least 20 cents of every dollar I make?
Sphere 2: Health
Our health is our most incredible wealth. If life is a physical struggle, it’s
nearly impossible to find joy in the day. A healthy, strong body—one whose
health is built from the inside out—is essential. Studies show there is a
direct correlation between health and a person’s income. That says a lot.
Health Mentorship
Almost a decade ago, I decided to enter a bodybuilding competition. I knew
this meant I needed to figure out the best ways to trim the fat and get ultra-
sculpted. The pressure was on—in a few short months, I’d be on a stage,
half-naked, flexing in front of 1,000 people. My confidence was instantly
boosted, knowing that my mentor had won multiple all-natural
bodybuilding competitions. He assured me I could do it, and it was his
confidence and success that got me there.
There are many areas of health for which you may consider hiring a
mentor. You could hire a mentor who can help you cut fat and build
muscle. You could hire a breakthrough coach to help you figure out the
real emotions and meaning behind your health challenges. You could
work with a mentor who can teach you how to eat well. You could hire a
functional medicine professional who understands the most direct path to
inside-out healing. Start defining what “next-level” health means to you
by asking questions like:
What would have to happen to achieve this level of health?
Does my current lifestyle encourage or discourage physical
Does my current mindset about my body help or hurt my goals?
What daily schedule changes would I have to make to prioritize my
Can I commit to making my health a priority every day by
exercising, eating well, and getting enough sleep?
Whatever results you are looking for, find someone with a proven track
record of transformative results and ask plenty of questions to ensure they
are the right fit for you. Remember, they may have gotten to where you
want to be and beyond, but they still need to prove it to win your trust and a
share of your wealth reserves.
Sphere 3: Connection
We often stifle even the best relationships through our own self-imposed
limitations ingrained in us from a young age. Childhood is riddled with
limiting beliefs and traumatic experiences that we never outgrow. To make
matters worse, unresolved issues from past relationships can manifest in
other relationships. And unless you can move beyond the pain, your
relationships run the risk of remaining unfulfilling and potentially toxic. It’s
certainly no way to live.
Connection Mentorship
Kalenn and I met when we were such young pups. As we worked to
become better humans together, we discovered that what we thought was
“good communication” wasn’t always good. And it definitely didn’t feel
like communication. Finding the right relationship mentors was a game-
changer for us! We learned communication techniques and were finally able
to see each other through a more objective lens. We even learned how to
gamify our relationship’s growth (I highly recommend this)!
Our relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and even the most casual
acquaintances have a profound impact on heart, soul, and body. Learn how
to foster and grow an unselfish devotion for others, and don’t forget to
cultivate some self-love while you’re at it. You can’t love others well until
you first love yourself well (another cliché that is so true).
The Grand Design is awe-inspiring. What’s even more impressive is that all
facets of life fit into one of these three spheres. The goal, then, is to
understand how to foster all three without neglecting any one area. A stool
won’t stand without all three of its legs. Likewise, your life will not
function well when you neglect one or more of these spheres.
When you break down this book to one of its most fundamental truths, it is
this: your reserve vehicle needs to be a top priority. Otherwise, how can
you fund all of the massive growth you wish to experience in your wealth,
health, and connections? The more money you have in your life insurance
savings account, the more you have to pour into your investment vehicles
and personal growth.
There will always be haters out there. People will tell you your dreams are
crazy and foolish, or at the very least unattainable.
The thing is, they’re not always wrong.
Big goals are crazy if you have absolutely no clue how to accomplish
them and no plan for figuring that out. We overestimate what we can do
in a year and grossly underestimate what can be achieved in a decade.
Add a massive personal growth component to your investment strategy
and, within a decade, you will be blown away by what is possible.
This means the key is to not just stop at setting a goal. You need a plan!
Your goals are commendable (not crazy) as long as you’re willing to invest
in a mentor who has 10 times the results that your growth demands.
As you seek to set your income and savings goals throughout this process,
ask yourself questions like these:
It’s essential to know the difference between how much you’ve made and
how much you want to make. Working the numbers is the only way you’ll
ever be able to manifest the steps required to meet those goals. But you
don’t have to do it alone. The right mentor can help you come up with those
Beyond the financial returns, the most significant ROI that you’ll always
get will be from an investment in yourself.
The day you start investing in yourself is the day you start opening up
the real returns on your potential and discover what’s possible in this
If you have made it this far in the book, it tells me you appreciate my ideas.
That is a promising sign that you’re a great candidate for achieving a life-
changing experience at one of my live events, where you’ll receive actual
mentorship (and believe me—it’s 10 times more impactful).
When you put yourself into my airspace for a few days, it will accelerate
your growth timeline. You will experience the “next level” results you
desire in wealth, health, and connections.
Many of my students regularly double their income within months or a
year of leaving my events.
They feel empowered to start investing in real estate and moonshots
(even those with no investment experience whatsoever).
To learn more about my life-changing live events, check out
Just two chapters left!
Are you going to stick with me to the end?
If so, I gotta say I like your style.
There has to be a reason I’d include the last two chapters in this book
(because I’m not a “filler” kind of guy). So, I encourage you to read them.
I’d be honored to speak with you at one of my events, and you can tell me
about your experiences with this material and any feedback you may have.
My goal is to empower you to have it all. I hope I’ve achieved that.
WHEN THE PANDEMIC HIT our world, every country around the globe
reacted differently. Pakistan’s approach was to enact a country-wide
shutdown, which meant that all its workers were sent home. Essentially, no
one was allowed to earn a living.
Many of the already-impoverished people there rapidly ran out of food.
They no longer had the resources to take care of the basic necessities of life.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that people were literally starving and
dying in the streets.
One man whose family felt the total weight of the crisis was Murad, his
wife Resham, and their toddler daughter, Roya. While goodwill volunteers
were distributing food in the slums of Pakistan, Murad approached them
and asked, “Do you want to buy my daughter for $710? She is two-and-a-
half years old.”
Surprised and, frankly, a bit shocked, they told him no. Murad then turned
to his little girl and shouted, “You are a curse on us! From the time you
were born, we are suffering. I wish you would have died the day your
mother gave birth to you.”
Precious little Roya started crying as her father screamed, unable to
understand why her daddy seemed so angry with her.
The volunteers asked Murad why he was saying these things and why he
wanted to sell his daughter (and for such a specific sum). He told them that
he needed the money to pay for the freedom of Roya’s mother, Resham. She
was taken by their landlord after the family fell behind in their rent during
2020 when Murad was unable to work. The amount, $710, was three
months’ worth of rent.
The landlord had given Murad just one week to obtain the funds.
Otherwise, he would sell Murad’s wife to a brothel to repay the debt.
During the wait, the landlord held Resham hostage in chains. It’s painful to
even imagine the horror Resham must have felt, and the corresponding
despair, grief, and anger felt by her husband.
Murad told them, “I wish I could sell myself, but no one wants me. To save
my wife, I have to sacrifice our only daughter.”
Murad’s plan was to sell his little girl into the sex trade for enough to cover
his debts. Lose his wife or lose his daughter. It was a no-win situation for
this man and his family.
When Kalenn and I found out about their desperate circumstances, we
didn’t hesitate. For us and so many other Americans and others worldwide,
$710 is not a sum that we would miss.
On the final day of her captivity before Resham was to be sold, the
missionaries we were working with showed up at the front door of the
landlord’s home to pay for her release. The young mother was in shock—
she had no idea that she was about to be set free and would be able to hug
her husband again and hold her little girl in her arms. She had braced for the
worst but soon realized that she would soon be reunited with her loved
ones. My wife and I weren’t there to witness that moment, but we have no
doubt it was something to behold.
For less than $2,000, we changed the course of a family’s life forever (we
also decided to pay for an additional three months of rent pre-payment to
give Murad time to start working again). That is a lot of good for very little
money in the scheme of things. That little family will never know who we
are or even where the funds came from—and that doesn’t matter to me in
the slightest. I don’t give for the sake of recognition. I don’t give to “pay it
I give because I literally feel called to give back. In fact, it’s my most
significant and most decisive calling in life and the real reason I created
the Financial Freedom Roadmap.
While I have continued to increase my income year after year, our lifestyle
has not changed one bit over the last decade. However, because of the
financial freedom roadmap laid out in this book, we’re making more money
than ever. Years ago, we reached a point where all of our needs were met,
and we lived a comfortable life. If my kids needed something, we could buy
it without hesitation.
So, the question for my wife and I became, “Why pursue more? Don’t we
have enough?”
And the answer was, “Yes, we do have enough.”
So, our mission then became to earn more to give more—and inspire others
to give as well!
Our foundation also seeks to find the sick, the afflicted, and the hungry—
those with real, palpable, gut-wrenching problems like Murad and his wife
and daughter. We feed and clothe those who are in need.
That’s the mission that we feel called to follow, and the conduit that made
all this possible is also what fueled this book you now hold in your hands.
So, why am I telling you this? Why have I held nothing back in giving you
the most successful financial roadmap? Can you imagine the impact it
would have if those who read this book and implement the plan build the
kind of wealth that enables them to give abundantly to the people, causes,
and organizations who need it most?
Because this is the mission that empowers me to indeed have it all. Having
it all means you have become the most generous giver that you can possibly
I also feel called to help others find a why for giving back that makes each
gift more meaningful and fulfilling. One of my mentors, Robert G. Allen,
taught me that the famous “pay it forward” idea is actually twisted. The
belief that we should give in the hopes that “karma” or “the universe” will
remember us on its way back around is really backward. Here is the truth
that fosters a genuine giving spirit:
We give because we have already been paid in full!
Don’t give to get. Don’t give to create karma. Those are lovely ideas on the
surface. However, what motivates someone who truly has it all is legacy
thinking—and no, it’s not about people remembering your name or even
what you did. It’s about people feeling the impact of your contributions for
generations, whether or not they ever know how you helped them.
Give with a servant’s attitude, and it keeps you humble. It also saves you
from giving for any self-serving reasons. Some studies have shown that
truly “altruistic giving” (wholly unselfish giving with no desire for
recognition or reward) doesn’t exist. I respectfully disagree. Give to give
and for no other reason than people need you. They need me.
We need each other.
Give because you’ve already been paid in full! This is how we express
gratitude for everything that we’ve received.
Give before you are wealthy, and you will experience an enduring
kind of fulfillment.
Give before you are wealthy, because in so many ways, you are
already rich.
Your heart pumps, your lungs take in oxygen, and your eyes and ears
experience the things around you. In other words, you’ve already been
blessed—so give in gratitude. And as you become wealthier, you will have
more to give.
To date, the resources I have shared with others have created so many of my
life’s most precious memories. It all started with wanting to take care of my
parents in retirement. For over 10 years, I have paid their bills, sent them on
trips, and made sure they have the resources to live a beautiful life.
If you dream about being a generous giver, the time to make that happen is
now! I’ve practiced this from the beginning, and it’s one of the reasons I
feel immensely connected with the world. It also makes me a better
husband, father, entrepreneur, leader, and mentor.
In Chapter Ten, I said that the point of life isn’t to find the greenest pasture.
Instead, work to leverage the true power of money by using it to achieve
something greater than yourself outside your own pasture.
No one has ever found lasting fulfillment in having more stuff. At the final
curtain call, what will matter is not a return on a financial investment but
the return you receive on investing in others’ lives.
As Tony Robbins says, “The secret to living is giving.” Suppose you seek to
build wealth only for security, travel, and other indulgences. In that case, it
makes all of your aims and achievements about you. Those who live for
personal gain tend to be the most miserable human beings on the planet.
Wayne Dyer once said that that which means much to you in the spring of
your life will hold little meaning in the fall of your life. A time will come
when possessions hold less meaning, and relationships become paramount.
You may already be there, or it may not happen until you are much farther
along. But make no mistake—it will happen. You can avoid the sting of
regret by investing in others during all stages of life.
Maybe you haven’t created your wealth yet, and that’s why you’re reading
this book. The fact that you are reading this right now (and didn’t stop after
the “how to make more money” chapters) tells me everything I need to
know about you. You are destined to leave a lasting legacy in this world,
and it starts by using the vehicles in this book to amass enough wealth to
make a colossal, lasting impact. Just remember to give at every single step
along the way to financial freedom, not only at the final destination.
For less than $2,000, we kept a family together. That is money well spent!
We kept a family together for less than the cost of one family vacation. That
money may mean little to me, but that investment meant everything else in
the scheme of what really matters. Guys—that is something, and there are
countless other opportunities like that one to give a little to make a life-
changing impact.
If you’d like to Awaken Your Financial Genius so that you too can pour into
the lives of others, don’t wait. Start today. If you don’t have the financial
means, give your time, your skillsets, or even your sweat equity.
You will never, ever be sorry that you did.
1. The call to give back is my most powerful calling in life, and it is
what compelled me to complete the roadmap to financial
freedom in this book.
2. Giving to others is what earns your angel wings on this side of
heaven. A life lived for others is a beautiful thing indeed.
3. Don’t give because you want the universe to return the favor.
Give because you have already been paid in full!
4. There is no reason to wait until you are wealthy to give. The
person you become in the process of building your wealth is the
person you will be after you have it.
5. The secret to having it all is not a secret. Live a selfless life, and
you will feel and experience what it’s like to live life to its fullest.
6. Donations of your money, time, and energy—no matter the size
—can have a massive, lifelong impact. When you give with the
right motivation, you will change the world!
All of the resources the wealthy use to get wealthier—you’ve got them. So
now, I’m going to tell you something that I wanted to say to you from page
one, but I needed to earn your trust first.
It’s not luck. It’s math. ROI is the magical equation that allows you to
compare opportunities and make the absolute best financial choices.
It goes back to the flywheel principle. The
more strategies from this book you
consistently implement, the more rapidly you
will experience a financial breakthrough.
Before long, you’ll be shattering your
previous financial ceilings and racing toward
new heights you never thought possible.
Is it possible in five years or less?
Absolutely! You want the moon? It’s yours
to lasso. Just follow the roadmap:
1. Set up your reserve. Set up your financial reserve through a life
insurance savings account. It’s free, and, more importantly, it’s an
intelligent way to fuel up your investments. Visit
KrisKrohn.com/CashFlow for a free consultation.
2. Learn how to buy real estate. To get started in the real estate game, visit
KrisKrohn.com/Invest to request a private call with one of my
specialists. They will review your current financial situation and explore
the possibilities for creating a passive income through real estate
3. Explore the advantages of asymmetric risk. To take advantage of my
research on emerging industries and exciting high-ROI companies,
check out KrisKrohn.com/Stocks. Let me teach you how to leverage
risk in the stock market to experience triple-digit ROIs.
4. Discover a thriving business. If you’re interested in starting a thriving
business or side hustle, go to KrisKrohn.com/Thrive. One of my team
members will explore active income options to help you transition from
your current job. And if you love your career, you can discuss ways to
supplement your income.
5. Develop partnerships that unlock infinite ROI. Once you start following
the Financial Freedom Roadmap, believe me when I say that it won’t be
hard to find people who want to partner with you. Your momentum will
be contagious! Go to KrisKrohn.com/Mavericks to download your free
copy of the resource I created to guide you through the process of
developing a team of investor partners.
6. Gain proximity to experts. If you are interested in gaining proximity with
me, visit KrisKrohn.com/Experience to unlock a special Have It All
discount on my next live event.
7. Never stop learning. If you enjoyed this book, you may enjoy my other
books, including The Conscious Creator, Limitless, and The Strait Path
to Real Estate Wealth. Learn more by visiting:
Web: KrisKrohn.com
YouTube Channel: Kris Krohn
Podcast: “Have It All” with Kris Krohn
George Bailey felt as though life dealt him a lousy hand. He was stuck in a
drafty old house with a broken banister, trapped in the family business, and
saw no way to escape his sleepy little town.
And yet, even though none of those facts ever changed, George went from
wanting to end his own life to overflowing with gratitude by the film’s
conclusion. He accomplished this by undergoing one thing:
George Bailey went from miserable to grateful because of a simple
perspective shift.
Life depends entirely on perspective. If you try hard enough to be
miserable, you can always find more “broken banisters” and less joy.
George was wallowing in self-pity. He was about to be destroyed by one of
old man Potter’s schemes, and he was ready to end his life to escape the
torment of it all. That is until his quirky but caring angel Clarence showed
George how his friends and family would have been negatively affected
without him.
George Bailey had it all—but he didn’t know it until he almost gave it all
At the end of It’s a Wonderful Life, Clarence (who finally got his wings)
told his new friend George Bailey that “no man is a failure who has
friends.” George was the “richest man in town,” not because of material
wealth. It was because of the wealth in his heart he had accumulated by
helping others.
I invite you to see how wonderful life is in the present moment. Before you
add one more dollar to your bottom line, you are already blessed beyond
measure. Take that attitude with you as you follow my blueprint, and I can
almost guarantee the fulfillment you seek.
God made you for a particular purpose that is unique to you alone. And
while I may not know you personally, I believe that your desire to live an
extraordinary life is just as important as my desire for the same. My prayer
is that this book gives you the insights you need to guide you on the path to
living a wonderful life and having it all.
Best wishes to you, my friend,
1 Ben Steverman, “Half of Older Americans Have Nothing in Retirement Savings,” Bloomberg,
March 26, 2019, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-26/almost-half-of-older-
2 Emmie Martin, “Here’s How Much Americans Have Saved for Retirement,” CNBC, June 26,
2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/26/how-much-americans-have-saved-for-retirement.html.
3 Teresa Ghilarducci, “Americans Do Not Have Enough Retirement Savings, Really,” Forbes,
March 28, 2019, https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2019/03/28/no-americans-really-
4 Margi Murphy, “Scientists Claim Many People Could Soon Live beyond 120 Years Old,” New
York Post, June 29, 2017, https://nypost.com/2017/06/29/scientists-claim-many-people-could-
5 Emmie Martin, “Here’s How Much Americans Have Saved for Retirement,” CNBC, June 26,
2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/26/how-much-americans-have-saved-for-retirement.html.
6 “Fast Facts,” Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2020,
7 Adela Suliman, “82 Percent of the Wealth Generated Last Year ‘Went to the Richest 1 Percent of
the Global Population’,” Time, January 21, 2018, https://time.com/5111971/billionaires-global-
8 Burton Gordon Malkiel, A Random Walk down Wall Street: the Time-Tested Strategy for Successful
Investing, (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2020).
9 John Schmoll, “What Is The Average Rate Of Return On A 401(k)?” Investment Zen, June 3, 2020,
10 Associated Press, “Fidelity: Put Aside 8 Times Your Salary Before You Retire,” CNBC,
December 2, 2012, https://www.cnbc.com/id/49031856.
11 Annie Nova, “Why the 401(k) Won’t Fix the U.S. Retirement Crisis,” CNBC, February 14, 2021,
12 “New Report: 40% of Older Americans Rely Solely on Social Security for Retirement Income,”
NIRS Online, January 13, 2020, https://www.nirsonline.org/2020/01/new-report-40-of-older-
13 “How many American workers participate in workplace retirement plans?” Pension Rights
Center, July 15, 2019, http://www.pensionrights.org/publications/statistic/how-many-american-
14 Taylor Tepper, “Studies Confirm That Half Of Americans Struggle With Retirement,” Forbes,
October 6, 2020, https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/10/06/studies-confirm-that-half-of-
15 Kathleen Elkins, “Here’s the Age at Which You’ll Earn the Most in Your Career,” CNBC,
November 2, 2018, https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/02/the-age-at-which-youll-earn-the-most-
16 “Retirement Security: A Compendium of Findings About U.S. Workers | October 2020
Supplemental Survey,” TransAmerica Center for Retirement Studies, December 18, 2020,
17 Sabrina Speianu, “March 2020 Monthly Housing Market Trends Report: A First Glimpse of
COVID-19 Impact on the U.S. Housing Market,” realtor.com, April 2, 2020,
18 Jessica Dickler, “Most Americans Live Paycheck to Paycheck,” CNBC, August 24, 2017,
19 Kathleen Elkins, “Here’s How Much Americans Have Saved for Retirement at Different Ages,”
CNBC, January 23, 2020, https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/23/heres-how-much-americans-have-
20 Cameron Huddleston, “More Than 47% of Americans Aren’t Investing Their Money,” Yahoo!
Finance, July 22, 2019, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/more-40-americans-aren-t-
If you are looking for breakthrough, I also recommend finding out more
about my multi-day live events. I’d also love to connect with you on social
media, so reach out to me on any or all of the platforms!
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TikTok: @kriskrohn Podcast: Have It All
Twitter: @kriskrohnREI LinkedIn: