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Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division


Date: 25.07.2023

In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time Table), this portion gives further specific
details regarding the course.

Course No : CHE F213

Course Title : Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Instructor-in-Charge : Dr. Jay Pandey
Instructor(s) :
Tutorial/Practical Instructors: Prof. Arvind Kumar Sharma

1. Course Description:
Applications of first and second laws; relations between state properties; chemical equilibria in reacting and
non-reacting systems; statistical concepts, and brief exposure to irreversible thermodynamics; extensive
problem assignments throughout. [Review of work, heat, reversible and irreversible processes, First Law
applications to closed and open systems, Second Law, Entropy, and applications related to power and
refrigeration, Heat effects, Availability and Exergy analyses, Equations of state and generalized correlations
for PVT behavior, Maxwell relations and fluid properties estimation; Residual and excess properties, Partial
molar quantities; Gibbs-Duhem Equation, Fugacity and Activity Coefficient models, Vapour-Liquid

2. Scope and Objective of the Course:

 Develop ability to analyze heat, energy, and work requirement/transfer for simple physical and chemical
 Determination of equilibrium constants, free energy, and other essential conditions for simple physical
and chemical changes.
 Analyze essential conditions (temperature, pressure, composition, etc.) for simple physical and chemical
 Apply thermodynamic principles in estimation/calculation of power input/output, efficiency, etc., of
simple industrial processes used for converting heat in to other form of power (electrical, mechanical,
 Application of thermodynamic principals for understanding the criterion (G, equilibria constant, etc. )
of simple chemical reaction at equilibria, degree of conversion, composition and effect of P, inert gas
addition, excess reactants, products on conversion, etc.

3. Text Books:

T1: J. M. Smith,, H C Van Ness, M. M. Abbott and M. T. Swihart (Adapted by: B I Bhatt), Introduction to
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (8th ed.), Tata McGraw Hill, special Indian Edition 2020.

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

4. Reference Books:
 J. Richard Elliot, Carl T. Lira, Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition,
Pearson, 2015
 Koretsky Milo D., Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics, Wiley Student Edition, 2004.
 Sandler, Stanley I., Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition, Wiley (India
Pvt. Ltd.: Wiley Student Edition), 2006.

5. Course Plan:
Module: Topics to be Covered Reference Learning Outcome
Lecture No. in Lecture (L) & Ch./Sec. #
Tutorial (T) Sessions
M1:1 L1: Scope and T1: 1.1- 1.9 Understand
Introduction Objectives of course, 1. Scope and objectives, and
Course structure, work, structure of course
heat, energy, 2. Basic concepts: work,
temperature. heat, energy, temperature.
M2: 2 - 3 L2: First law, Energy T1: 2.1-2.8 1. Identify different forms of
First Law of balance for closed energies: work, heat,
Thermodynami system, Thermodynamic internal energy, heat
cs & Basic state and state functions, capacity, enthalpy, etc.
Concepts Equilibrium, Phase rule, 2. Understand applications of
Reversible process, 1st law
Const-V and Const-P 3. Use state functions for
processes, Enthalpy, energy calculations of
Heat capacity. simple practical
L3: Mass and energy T1: 2.9 thermodynamic problems
balance for open
T1: Exercise problems T1: Ch1 & Ch2
on 1st law & basics of Problems
M3: 4 – 7 L4: PVT behavior of T1: 3.1-3.2 1. Calculate/analyze
Volumetric pure substances, Virial thermodynamic state
Properties of equations. parameters/equations (P,
Pure Fluids L5: Ideal gas, T1: 3.3-3.4 V, U, C, H, etc.) for pure
Applications of Virial fluids at particular
equations. conditions (P, V, T, etc.)
L6: Applications of T1: 3.4-3.6
Virial equations, Cubic 2. Calculate/analyze work &
equations of state. energy
L7: Generalized T1: 3.7-3.8 requirement/transfer for
correlations for gases pure fluids in simple
and liquids. industrial processes.

Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

T2: Exercise problems T1: Ch3

on Volumetric Problems
Properties of Pure
M4: 8 – 9 L8: Sensible heat T1: 4.1-4.6 1.Calculate/analyze the
Heat Effects effects, Latent heat of requirement/transfer of heat
pure substances energies and related
Standard heats of parameters of fluids
reaction, formation and applicable in simple
combustion, chemical/physical
Temperature processes
dependence of H.
L9: Heat effects of T1: 4.7 2.Utilize heat effects of
industrial reactions. reactions for defining
T3: Exercise problems T1: Ch3 operation conditions of
on Heat Effects. Problems industrial processes
M5: 10 – 12 L10: Statements of T1: 5.1-5.5 1.Understand applications of
Second Law, second law, Heat 2nd law, importance of idea
Entropy and engines, of entropy.
Third Law Thermodynamic
temperature scale, 2.Calculate entropy change
Entropy, Entropy change and different works (ideal,
for an ideal gas, actual, and lost) and related
Mathematical statement properties for the simple
of the second law. process related changes.
L11: Entropy balance T1: 5.6-5.7
for open Systems,
calculation of ideal
L12: Lost work, Third T1: 5.8-5.10
law of thermodynamics,
Entropy from the
microscopic view point.
T4-T5: Exercise T1: Ch3 & Ch4
problems on Second Problems
Law, Entropy and Third
M6: 13 – 17 L13: Property (H, U, A, T1: 6.1 1. Estimate/calculate heat
Thermodynami G, S, P, V, T, etc.) and work quantities for the
c Properties of relations for simple and homogeneous
Fluids homogeneous phases. fluids in industrial process
L14: Residual properties T1: 6.2-6.3 changes.
and Residual properties 2. Estimate/calculate actual
calculation by equations thermodynamic properties
of state. (P, V, G, A, H, S, etc.,) for
L15: Residual properties T1: 6.3 the simple and
calculation by equations homogeneous fluids in
of state. industrial processes.
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

L16: Two-phase T1: 6.5-6.7

diagrams and tables.
L17: Generalized T1: 6.4
property correlations for
T6-T7: Exercise T1: Ch6
problems on Problems
Properties of Fluids.
M7: 18 - 20 L18: Duct flow of T1: 7.1 1. Estimate/calculate Q, W,
Applications of compressible fluid. H, S, G, etc., for the
Thermodynami L19: Duct flow of T1: 7.1-7.2 flowing fluids in simple
cs to Flow compressible fluid, industrial process structure
Processes Turbines, and equipment.
L20: Turbines, T1: 7.1-7.3
Compression processes. This chapter will help
T8-T9: Exercise T1: Ch7 students to understand fluid
problems on Problems flow and related processes
Applications of addressed in Fluid
Thermodynamics to Mechanics (CHE F212)
Flow Processes course.
M8 & M9: Steam power plant, Chapters 8 & Apply thermodynamic
20+ Internal-Combustion 9 principles in
Production of engines, Jet engines; estimation/calculation of
Power from Rocket engines ǀ power, efficiency, etc., of
Heat industrial processes used for
Carnot refrigerator, 1. Converting heat in to
Refrigeration Vapour-Compression other form of power
& Liquefaction cycle, Choice of (electrical, mechanical, etc.).
refrigerant, Absorption 2. Refrigeration &
refrigeration, Heat liquefaction
pump, Liquefaction
M10: 21 – 24 L21: Nature of T1: 12.1-12.2 Apply thermodynamic
Introduction to equilibrium, Phase rule; principles in
Vapour/Liquid Duhem’s theorem. estimation/calculation of T,
Equilibrium L22: VLE: Qualitative T1: 13.3 P, phase compositions (x &
behaviour, Simple y), of simple VLE
models for VLE. equilibrium systems and
L23: VLE by Modified T1: 13.3 changes.
Raoult’s law.
L24: VLE from K-value T1: 13.4 This chapter will help
correlations. students to understand mass
T10-T11: Exercise T1: Ch12 & 13 transfer related (distillation,
problems on Problems adsorption, extraction,
Vapour/Liquid drying, etc.,) simple
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

Equilibrium. industrial techniques

addressed in Separation
Processes I (CHE F244) and
Separation Processes II
(CHE F313) courses.
M11: 25 - 29 L25: Fundamental T1: 10.1-10.3 Apply thermodynamic
Basic Concepts
property relation, principles in
of Solution Chemical potential and estimation/calculation of
Thermodynami Phase equilibrium, enthalpy, entropy, free
cs: Theory Partial properties. energy, temperature,
L26-27: Ideal gas T1: 10.4-10.6 pressure, volume,
mixture model, Fugacity compositions, etc., of
coefficients of pure simple gas mixture and
species, Fugacity liquid solutions.
coefficients of Species
in solution.
L28-29: Ideal gas T1: 10.4-10.6
mixture model, Fugacity
coefficients of pure
species, Fugacity
coefficients of Species
in solution.
T12-T13: Exercise T1: Ch10
problems on Basic Problems
Concepts of Solution
M12: 30 – 34 L30, L31: Liquid-phase T1: 13.1-13.3 Apply thermodynamics of
Solution properties from VLE 10.8-10.9 simple VLE equilibrium
Thermodynami data, Activity systems in
cs: coefficients from VLE estimation/calculation of
Applications data, Models for Excess changing free energy,
Gibbs energy. enthalpy, entropy, volume,
L32: Property changes T1: 11.1 etc., due to mixing in simple
of mixing. systems
L33: Property changes T1: 11.1-11.2
of mixing, Heat effects
of mixing processes.
L34: Heat effects of T1: 11.1-11.2
mixing processes.
T14-T15: Exercise T1: Ch10 &
problems on Solution 11 Problems
L35: The reaction T1: 14.1-14.2
coordinate, Application
of equilibrium criteria to
chemical reactions.
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division

M13: 35 – 40 L36: The standard T1: 14.3-14.4 1. Apply thermodynamic

Chemical Gibbs-Energy changes principles in
Reaction and equilibrium constant estimation/calculation of
Equilibria (K), effect of T on K. reaction rate, equilibrium
L37: Evaluation of K, T1: 14.5-14.6 conversion
Relation of K to 2. Effect of temperature,
composition. pressure, and phase
L38-40: Equilibrium T1: 14.7-14.9 compositions on reaction
conversion for single rate, equilibrium
reactions, Phase rule & conversion
Duham theorem,
T16-T17: Exercise T1: Ch14
problems on Solution Problems

6. Evaluation Scheme:
EC Evaluation Component Duration Weightage, % Remarks
No. (EC) (Marks)
1 Tutorial Test* - 24 (72) CB/OB
2 Mid Semester Test 90 min 30 (90) CB/OB
3 Comprehensive Exam 180 min 40 (120) CB/OB
4 Assignment (1 No) Take 6 (18) OB
CB = Close Book OB = Open Book
* Best 4 Tutorial Tests out of 5 will be considered
 The notices, if any, concerning the course will be communicated on google Classroom/to BITS email

7. Chamber Consultation Hour: Wednesday 5 PM to 6 PM

8. Notices: The notices, if any, concerning the course will be communicated on the NALANDA/to BITS
email only.
9. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be granted for genuine cases only (No make-up for tutorial tests).

(Course No. CHE F213)

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