Sehh2242 Oop

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July 2019

Hong Kong Community College

Subject Description Form

Subject Code SEHH2242

Subject Title Object Oriented Programming

Credit Value 3

Level 2

Medium of English

Pre-requisite / Pre-requisite
Co-requisite/ SEHH2042 Computer Programming

Objectives This subject aims to introduce students the basic elements of object-
oriented programming. It teaches students how to design, develop and
program computer systems using a high-level and object-oriented
programming language such as C++ or Java. This subject also
familiarises students with the tools that streamline object-oriented
development. In addition, this subject helps students develop their
critical and creative thinking for lifelong learning.

Intended Learning Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
(a) describe the essential concepts of object-oriented technology and
carry out the object-oriented approach for programming;

(b) design object-oriented programs using object-oriented modelling


(c) create software applications with an object-oriented programming

language to solve computer problems;

(d) implement graphical user interface and event handling in an

object-oriented fashion;

(e) apply object-oriented approach to build computer systems in

groups and develop group work;

(f) cooperate with team members in problem solving responsibly,

effectively, and appropriately as an individual and as part of
group efforts.

July 2019

Subject Synopsis/ Basic Principles

Indicative Syllabus Object-oriented (OO) programming; Concept of objects and classes;
Correspondence between software objects and real-world objects;
Concept of class hierarchies; Object-oriented modelling; Unified
Modeling Language (UML).
Programming Basics
Program types; Source files and class files; Packages; Basic OO
program components.

Language Fundamentals
Identifiers; Variables; Values; Data types and operators; Arrays;
Strings; Control structures; Classes and objects; Data abstraction.

Constructors and destructors; Methods; Attributes; Class and member
scope; Library classes; Programmer-defined classes; “Has-a”
relationships; Encapsulation; Data hiding and protection.

Inheritance, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes

“Is-a” relationships and inheritance; Overriding of methods;
Polymorphism; Run-time binding; Abstract classes and methods;
Multiple inheritance and templates in C++; Interfaces in Java.

Graphics and Event Handling

AWT; Swing; Event-driven programming; Components and containers.

Teaching/Learning This subject emphasises both the conceptual elements in computer

Methodology programming and practical experiences. A high-level and object-
oriented programming language, such as C++ or Java, will be used for
illustration purposes. Lectures will deliver the subject materials like
object-oriented programming concepts and techniques, which will then
be practiced and reinforced during tutorials. Activities in tutorials
include group discussions, presentations of object-oriented
programming cases and development of solutions to some object-
oriented programming problem sets. Group projects will provide
students with hands-on development experience.

Assessment A variety of assessment tools will be used to develop and assess

Methods in students’ achievement of the subject intended learning outcomes.
Alignment with
Intended Learning Specific assessment % Intended subject learning
Outcomes methods/tasks weighting outcomes to be assessed

a b c d e f

Continuous Assessment* 60

 Test 24   
 Assignment 1 12
(Individual)  

 Group project 1 12     

July 2019

 Group project 2 12      
Final Examination 40    
Total 100

*Continuous assessment items and/or weighting may be adjusted by the subject

team subject to the approval of the College Programme Committee.
To pass this subject, students are required to obtain Grade D or above
in both the Continuous Assessment and Final Examination.

Student Study Class contact Hours

Effort Expected
 Lecture 26

 Tutorial 13

Other student study effort

 Self-study 52

 Continuous Assessment 42

Total student study effort 133

Reading List and Recommended Textbook

Deitel, P. & Deitel, H (2018). Java: How to Program. (11th ed.),


Deitel, P. & Deitel, H (2017). C++: How to Program. (10th ed.),


Farrell, J. (2019). Java Programming. (9th ed.), Cengage Learning.

Mala, D. J. & Geetha, S. (2013). Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Using UML, McGraw Hill.

Seidl, M., Scholz, M., Huemer, C., and Kappel, G. (2015). UML @
Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling, Springer.

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