Sehh2242 Oop
Sehh2242 Oop
Sehh2242 Oop
Credit Value 3
Level 2
Medium of English
Pre-requisite / Pre-requisite
Co-requisite/ SEHH2042 Computer Programming
Objectives This subject aims to introduce students the basic elements of object-
oriented programming. It teaches students how to design, develop and
program computer systems using a high-level and object-oriented
programming language such as C++ or Java. This subject also
familiarises students with the tools that streamline object-oriented
development. In addition, this subject helps students develop their
critical and creative thinking for lifelong learning.
Intended Learning Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
(a) describe the essential concepts of object-oriented technology and
carry out the object-oriented approach for programming;
July 2019
Language Fundamentals
Identifiers; Variables; Values; Data types and operators; Arrays;
Strings; Control structures; Classes and objects; Data abstraction.
Constructors and destructors; Methods; Attributes; Class and member
scope; Library classes; Programmer-defined classes; “Has-a”
relationships; Encapsulation; Data hiding and protection.
a b c d e f
Continuous Assessment* 60
Test 24
Assignment 1 12
Group project 1 12
July 2019
Group project 2 12
Final Examination 40
Total 100
Tutorial 13
Self-study 52
Continuous Assessment 42
Seidl, M., Scholz, M., Huemer, C., and Kappel, G. (2015). UML @
Classroom: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling, Springer.