Moddis Moddrw Modacc Modsim
Moddis Moddrw Modacc Modsim
Moddis Moddrw Modacc Modsim
Modular Switchboard Enclosure System
The growing demand in industry power Unlike in other modular enclosures available
distribution, building & infrastructure are the abroad, with MODUTEC, the Panel Builder can
important drivers increasing growth in the global shear (piece) the length of the Frame Bar or
electrical enclosure markets. Cross Bar into smaller lengths (pieces) as
required for use. This tremendously reduces the
Globally the government of many countries have inventory he has to carry and work never gets
implemented stringent regulation regarding safety, constrained for want of a specific length of
compliance to IEC standards & world class quality. profile which may not be readily available in his
stock (peace of mind). This concept of “Piece –
To evangelize this trend and to enable any panel Pieces – Peace” is a Decisive Competitive Edge
builder to build world class panels in terms of MODUTEC has.
quality, safety & technology, MODDIS leads in
empowering ON TIME DELIVERY, LEAD TIME Every supply of MODULAR enclosures carries
REDUCTION & SIMPLIFICATION. an Installation Manual along with detailed
technical data. Apart from this, on request, our
MODDIS is a system in use since 2000 and has service engineer can personally support, coach
continuously evolved to its present version. It is and orient the team at the Panel Builder's
time tested, trusted & simple to use. These location on how best to put the Switchboard
modular enclosures are available in different forms together. Videos will be shortly released in this
of construction, with a range of accessories & regard and MODUTEC is committed to
possibilities to address the need of every panel facilitating scaling your Panel Board business
builder in a simple, systematized & standardized with ease.
Material: Supply Includes:
Standard Feeder Chart For MCC
Dimension in mm
1 360 300 240 240 360 75 1800
2 480 360 300 300 420 100 1980
600 420 360 360
C 3 600 2100
M 4 660 420 420 2220
R 5 720 480
6 540
7 600
Technical Data
Short Circuit Bus-bar system designed for 120kA for 1 sec short circuit withstand capability
as per IS 8623 and IS: 8623 and IEC: 61439 (Tested From CPRI Bhopal).
Temperature rise Panel tested from 800 A to 4000 A from CPRI Bengaluru /
ERDA Vadodara as per IS: 8623 and IEC: 61439.
“Be the Change you want to see in the world” –6Mahatma Gandhi 7
Formula 1:
MODDIS Partial Assembly of Shell only + Client Components + Your Labour = Competitve selling price.
Formula 2:
MODDIS flat pack parts + Client Components + Your Labour = Competive Selling price.
MODDIS Partial Assembly of Shell only = MODDIS parts plus Modutec labour.
Client Components is your best solution by technology and/or price. No margins added to components by
The Strategy: To give panel builders the tools and ability to build electrical equipment using the Modutec
System in their own region.
Step1: Accept the Modutec MODDIS System. The owners of facilities must understand what they are
buying for their facility and ask panel builders to build it for them. Panel builders must be able to work with
the system and therefore require training.
Step 2: Purchase complete MODDIS shell assemblies from Modutec. Invite us to supply some projects in
the beginning to see how it works.
Step 4: Import and use signature parts only, from Modutec. Become a System Integrator to Modutec.
Modutec belongs to a Business Group engaged in the Electromechanical Industry since 1983.
With your small investments in Modutec MODDIS parts, you will be able to participate in large
prestigious projects.
This will help you work on the basis of collaborative and distributed relationships to establish lateral
power in the industry.
Your value add will be your knowledge about electrical system application and regional markets.
You should be able to operate & organize MODSIM drawings for order and construction from
electrical single lines.
Modutec inventory would need to be carried at your end or you will need to source it from your
nearest stock point.
Route to IEC
Modutec - is certified to IEC 61439 - 1&2 for Low Voltage and IEC 62271-200 for Medium Voltage
with certain brands of Switchgear.
We have the engineering capability and the enclosure technology to pass these stringent tests for
There are other Type Tests like IEC 61921 for Capacitor Control Panels, IEC TR 61641 for
Internal Arc protection, IBC 2012 for Siesmic withstand Test and so on.
We undertake to do these Type Tests & more for Panel Builders & Switchgear Manufacturers as
Modular Draw Out MCC/PCCs
Frame work made of 3 Bend Frame Bar of 2mm Enclosure with 120 degree hinged door(s), with
thick and punched & pierced throughout the door reversible feature of LHS to RHS &
length of the profile at alternating intervals of versatile stiffener
Modular Switchboard Enclosure System to
4 Bend Cross Bars of 2mm thick then go to add mechanical impact IK 10.
further flexibility to the skeleton structure as
required. Gland plate / Cover plate at bottom & with Bolted
doors on top.
These profiles are made of galvanized sheet
steel and Doors are made of CRCA Sheet Accessories for Switchgears mounting if
Steel. required.
Doors are made with all around foamed in PU Available in Single or Double Front orientations.
seal to IP 2X & IP 54 and powder coated to
RAL 7032 structure finish. Sliding contacts for control circuits, not plug &
socket arrangement.
Partitions are made of Galvanized sheet steel to
suitable measurements as required. With the door closed, the user will be able to rack
inn and rack out the module from service to test
and to isolated positions.
Customization if and as required.
Suitable for most leading switchgear
High levels of internal safety and can be made Base Plinth in 100 / 200 mm versions
suitable to Form 4 Type 7.
Slotted Din Rails on Door stiffener as
Design complaint to Internal Arc Test. required.
Time saving as one system for different
switchgear makes. Drawing Pocket (Sheet steel or Plastic)
Fast assembly of Panel parts with standard Cam Lock with external Lock
Bus Bar Supports for Cu & Al Bus Bars
Main Bus Bars can be placed in the top or
bottom of Switchboard. For Al Bus Bars up to 6300A and Cu Bus
Bars up to 8500A
This is a License free Modular Switchboard
Enclosure System. Cu Flexibars of different sizes to suit amps
Comprehensive range of solutions for a variety of
& terminal width requirements
Modutec Panel Accessories
16 GCSW06015ATCXXX M6X15 ALLEN 8.8grade SCREW
NOTE: Many more Panel accessories of standard, aesthetic and user friendly varieties are being continually added
to our range. So please state your requirements and we shall strive to serve you appropriately.
Modutec Software for Estimation
MOD SIM Panel designer is an software based program and easy for you to design your panel exactly
the way you want and make the estimation with the detailed bill of material .
Also the software is being designed to convert BOM in to CAD & CAM output to feed in to the CNC
machine for manufacturing.
Users are having freedom to construct modular enclosures with few standard accessories & for
unrestricted makes of switchgear.
MODSIM is Modutec's under construction version of planning and configuration software for type-
tested low-voltage switchgear of their MODDIS systems. The software will offer quick and easy
generation of quotations and bill of materials with better assembly information and the capability to
view the side of the assembly, where part numbers and their location within the system are indicated.
Software will include project handling that ranges from an automatic generation of bill of materials via
price determination up to material ordering CAD & CAM output. By means of comprehensive import and
export functions it will be possible to add third party products, required for distribution, to the software
database. Special enclosure designs will be optionally stored in the software as own field types.
Comprehensive help functions will lead the user through the programme and explain the necessary
steps. When entering some parameters, bill of orders and drawings will be generated for individual field
types. The user will be able to add further Modutec products or other articles from a pre-created article
master at any time during field configuration.
After configuration of the individual fields a CAD view would automatically be displayed, printed or
exported if required. The generated bills of materials, whose content can be freely generated, could be
optionally printed or exported as a file.
In the next version of MODSIM, the CAD file would be converted to CAM so as to feed the System
Integrator's CNC Turret Punch Press with ease.
Included alongside the bill of materials will be new technical brochures, tightening torques for bus bar
systems and Assembly Instructions for MODDIS low voltage modular switchboard enclosure systems.
Pre and Post
Sales Services
Being Panel Builders ourselves in our sister company, we understand how enclosures are
Our team listen to every enclosure solution requirement and guide the Customer in how and if
Modutec can be the answer for their simplifying, systematizing and scaling their business.
They will then assist the Panel Builder in their shop floor to train their workers and supervisors in
the best practices, processes and methods of putting the Modutec modular enclosures together.
Online training is also available