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FC Julia Bradbury

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“ In these busy times it’s easy
to lose touch with people.
Family and friends can live
and work all over the country
or even the world.
You don’t need to miss out on their
news though. The internet is a
brilliant tool for staying in touch.

When I’m away working I like to keep This guide will help you
in contact with my family online. I use learn to:
email to share my news or photos and • Create an email account
talk to people face-to-face using internet and address
calling. There are lots of other ways to • Use internet calling
stay in touch online too. It’s great fun,
• Sign up for a social
and easy when you know how.” networking website
Julia Bradbury These skills can also be
used across the internet.


Electronic mail or email is a quick There are many benefits to sending

way of sending messages to people using an email:
the internet. It’s just like sending a letter Speed - Emails typically arrive within seconds or
to someone, but instead of posting it, minutes of being sent to anywhere in the world.
you send it via the internet.
Convenience - You can type your email
message, save it for later and send it at any
time without having to worry about envelopes
and stamps.
Sending files - You can share photos and
files by attaching them to an email.
Cost - With the exception of your internet
bill, sending and receiving emails is free.

| 01
Signing up for an email account
To send an email you first need an email account.
If you’ve recently installed an internet Getting started is easier than you think. There are
connection on your own computer, many free email accounts available on the internet.
you may find your internet service
The most popular are:
provider (ISP) has provided you with
an email address already. • Gmail (run by Google)
• Microsoft’s Hotmail (now part of Windows Live)
You don’t need a computer or internet • Yahoo! Mail
connection at home though. There are
places you can go to access the internet
if you don’t have it installed at home -
the local library for instance.

There are lots more to choose from. If you’re not sure about which service to use, ask a friend
or family member to recommend one to you.

The sign-up process

The sign-up process for most email accounts is quite similar. On the homepage there will usually be a
link asking if you would like to signup or create an account - you may have to look carefully.

1. Click on sign-up or create an account. 2. Click on the box and type the required
This will open a new page. information using the letter and number
keys on your keyboard.
You will now be required to complete a
registration form. The form contains boxes Do this until you have filled in all the required
you need to fill in to create a username and boxes. If you make a typing mistake, press the
password. It will also tell you if the username delete key enough times to remove the error,
you’ve chosen is already being used by someone and try again.
else and whether your password is secure
enough – rating it weak, medium or strong.

Examples from Hotmail


| 02
3. Some of the boxes have small arrows
next to them. Click on the arrow to reveal
a drop-down menu of questions.
For example, what is your country of
residence? What year were you born?
This is an extra security measure. Select a
question from the menu that only you
know the answer to.

4. To select a question, move your cursor

over it and click once. It will automatically
appear in the box. Click in the box below
to type your answer.

5. At the bottom of the form you may also

see a box containing a strange sequence
of letters and numbers.
This is a called a verification code. It is
a security measure to ensure that a real
person is filling in the form and not someone
trying to open lots of accounts using a Type the letters and numbers exactly
computer programme. as you see them in the box.

6. Before you can complete and submit the

registration form, you will need to agree to
the website’s Terms and Conditions
and Privacy Statement. This often
appears as a link.
7. Click on the link. This will open a new page.
It contains conditions you will need to read
and accept. To close the page, click on the
cross in the top right corner.
8. Check that all the information in the boxes
is correct. To submit your registration
form, click on the link or button at the
bottom of the page. It might say Create
your account or I agree (to the
terms and conditions).

| 03
Creating an email address
When you sign up for an email account you
will be asked to create an email address.
As with a postal address, an email address is
made up of different parts, for example:
[email protected]
• tom is your name, or username.
• the @ symbol stands for the word at.
 The company who provides your email
address comes after the @ symbol.
• .co.uk shows that the email address is
for someone in the United Kingdom.
Email addresses can also have other
endings such as .com Email example.
An email address is written in lowercase
with no spaces.

Choosing a password
Your password should be something you will Some websites will show you how weak
remember but that other people won’t guess or strong your choice of password is.
easily. The best type of password is one that
combines letters and numbers.
Bad examples of a password:
• password
• tomsmith Strong

Good examples of a password:

• he770mum
• Tom35th

Logging in
Now you have set up your email account and created
an email address and password, you can login
or sign into your new account and start sending and
receiving emails.

To practice sending, replying to and forwarding an email

visit BBC WebWise www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/

| 04
Making free phone and video calls online

There are other ways to

stay in touch online
Like something from a science fiction film, you
can actually have a free face to face conversation
with someone on the other side of the world!

There are many ways to speak and see

people via your computer, it may be possible
by using pre-installed software on your
computer. If you have a PC, you can use
Windows Live Messenger. Find out more If you want to download software, there
here at http://explore.live.com/ are other companies offering similar features
windows-live-messenger to Skype.
• Gmail has an audio/video chat system:
For Apple Mac users the system is called Apple http://www.google.com/support/
iChat. It comes as standard and allows audio, chat/bin/answer.py?answer=159499
text messaging, video chat and screen sharing.
• Yahoo Messenger:
Another common way for people to do this http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/
is via a system called Skype. It is free to use, features/
you simply need to download the software
programme for it onto your computer. You will
find lots of useful guides and tools and how to
download Skype software on the website

Before you can start you need to:

• Have a broadband connection. • Check whether your computer or laptop has
 Broadband is just a word to describe a webcam. Webcams are small cameras that
a kind of fast internet connection. usually sit on top of your computer screen.
Many laptops will already have a webcam
• Make sure that your computer has installed and don’t need a separate camera.
a microphone and speakers. If your computer hasn’t, visit the WebWise
Many laptops and computers will website for more information
already have them. www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/
• Know how to use a Search engine.

• Check that the person you are calling

also has internet calling software on
their computer as they need it to be
able to respond to your call. Perhaps
you could email them to ask.

| 05
Online social networking

You will probably have heard the term social

networking. Despite what you may have
heard or think, online social networking is
not complicated, scary or exclusively for
young people. It is simply a way of using your
computer to communicate with people you
know, (or would like to get to know).

There are many social network websites on

the internet. One of the most popular social
networking websites is Facebook.

Facebook allows you to find friends and family,

share photos, plan events, send emails and see
what your friends are doing.

Creating a Facebook account

1. Type www.facebook.com into your 6. You will be sent a confirmation email.
web browser and press enter. You will need to open it and read the email
2. As when creating an email account, you will and follow the instructions within to verify
be required to create a Facebook account. your registration.

3. You will need to complete an online 7. Once you’ve logged or signed in on the
registration form. Follow the instructions and Facebook website, you can search for friends
prompts on the screen to complete boxes. and family. You will be guided through this
process. If you would like to add them as a
4. You will need an email address to friend, click ‘Add friend’. A message will be
register successfully. sent to the person asking them to confirm
5. Make sure you have read the terms and that they want to be your friend on Facebook.
conditions and filled in the verification
code before clicking on ‘sign up’.

Privacy on Facebook
Lots of people are concerned about how
private the information they put on Facebook is. STEP 1
Facebook has developed a guide to help users
increase their privacy settings and find out SIGN UP
exactly who can see their information.
Visit www.facebook.com/about/privacy/
to read more. Click on the Interactive
Tools web link on the right hand side of this
page to find tools for checking your own
privacy settings. STEP 2 STEP 3

| 06
Other social media websites

Twitter is great for asking quick questions,

following news and telling people where you
are and what you’re doing. You can also follow
your favourite celebrities or people of interest.
It works by exchanging brief text-only messages,
limited to 140 words and based on the question
– ‘What’s happening?’

You might also like to try...

My Space googleplus
www.myspace.com www.plus.google.com

and photo sharing websites such as...

Flickr Photobucket Kodak Gallery

www.flickr.com www.photobucket.com www.kodakgallery.co.uk

Use a search engine to find even more websites

| 07
Jargon buster

Address Book Password

Part of your email software where you store A series of letters, numbers and characters that
details of your ‘friends and contacts’ email you enter to get into your computer, internet
addresses so you don’t have to remember them! connection, email or websites that you are
registered with.
The flashing vertical line on the screen that Register
shows you where you are and where the next Some websites ask you to give your name, email
character you type will appear. address and other personal information in order
to view pages. This is called registering.
The ‘front page’ of a website, where you’re told Software
what’s on the site, how to get around it and how Any programs such as word processors, email
to search for things that’ll interest you. applications or internet browsers.

Inbox SPAM
The folder in your email program / webmail Junk email sent to many people at once, usually
where you get your incoming emails. involving advertising or offering services. SPAM
is very deeply frowned upon by most internet
ISP Internet Service Provider users, and where it involves advertising or a false
An ISP is the company that provides return address it is particularly disliked.
internet connections.
Junk email Stands for Uniform Resource Locator, the
Direct marketing sent by email rather technical term for the address of a website
than by the post. or document on the web (e.g. www.bbc.co.uk).

Laptop Username
A small, portable computer which can be A series of letters and numbers you type
battery operated as well as run from the mains. into your computer, email account or other
computer network service to tell it who
Link you are.
Words or pictures you can click on which take Web browser
you from somewhere, (an internet page, an
email message etc.) to somewhere else. Software which allows you to surf the internet.
(another page, a picture etc.).

Logging in
Using a username and password to prove your
identity so that you can enter your computer
or internet account.

Describes when your computer is connected
to the internet.

| 08
“Don’t miss out on what’s
happening with family
and friends. Being online
is brilliant for keeping in
touch. Go on - get online
and stay in touch.”
Julia Bradbury

Internet safety

And finally, a word of warning. You’ll notice Useful Links

that there are privacy options available on
the websites and software you will be using. It is www.bbc.co.uk/firstclick
well worth reading this information carefully. www.bbc.co.uk/webwise
Visit www.getsafeonline.org for http://learn.go-on.co.uk
a beginner’s guide to safety online. www.facebook.com/help

If a course isn’t for yo

Feeling inspired to get online? why not ask a friend
family member to h
There are lots of places you can go to get started elp
you use this handy gu
with using computers and the internet. Call the ide.
freephone BBC advice line to find a beginner’s
computer course near you. People with hearin
g impairments
can call:
08000 150 950 Text Relay 18001
0800 100 900
8am to 10pm, 7 days a week 8 865
Minicom 08000 56

Please note: Calls are free from most landlines however some networks and mobile operators will charge. © BBC 2011

All websites correct at time of publication. .

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