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insight review articles

Oncogenic kinase signalling

Peter Blume-Jensen* & Tony Hunter
The Salk Institute, Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])
*Current address: Serono Reproductive Biology Institute, 280 Pond Street, Randolph, Massachusetts 02368, USA

Protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are important regulators of intracellular signal-transduction pathways

mediating development and multicellular communication in metazoans. Their activity is normally tightly
controlled and regulated. Perturbation of PTK signalling by mutations and other genetic alterations results in
deregulated kinase activity and malignant transformation. The lipid kinase phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase
(PI(3)K) and some of its downstream targets, such as the protein-serine/threonine kinases Akt and p70 S6
kinase (p70S6K), are crucial effectors in oncogenic PTK signalling. This review emphasizes how oncogenic
conversion of protein kinases results from perturbation of the normal autoinhibitory constraints on kinase
activity and provides an update on our knowledge about the role of deregulated PI(3)K/Akt and mammalian
target of rapamycin/p70S6K signalling in human malignancies.

eregulated (that is, autonomous) cell growth mechanisms, as well as providing an update on recent
is the defining feature of all neoplasms, both insights regarding the role of PI(3)K and ribosomal
benign and malignant. Malignant neoplasms p70S6K in oncogenesis.
have, in addition, the capacity to invade
normal tissues and metastasize to and grow at RPTK regulation by autoinhibition
distant body sites, the other main defining criterion of The sequencing effort of the Human Genome Project has
cancer. Deregulated cell growth occurs as a result of revealed that up to ~20% of the ~32,000 human coding
perturbed signal transduction defined, in its broadest genes encode proteins involved in signal transduction,
sense, as all cellular signals that modulate or alter cellular including transmembrane receptors, G-protein subunits
behaviour or function1,2. Consequently, cancers do not and signal-generating enzymes. Among these, are more
necessarily arise as a result of an increased rate of cell than 520 protein kinases and 130 protein phosphatases,
proliferation. Rather, it is the critical balance between the exerting tight and reversible control on protein phosphory-
rate of cell-cycle progression (cell division) and cell growth lation. Both of these enzyme categories can be subdivided
(cell mass) on one hand, and programmed cell death into tyrosine- or serine/threonine-specific, based on their
(apoptosis) on the other, that is important3. During catalytic specificity. In addition, some possess dual specifici-
normal embryonic development and in adult life, ty for both tyrosine and serine/threonine, and a few
signalling needs to be precisely coordinated and integrated members of the phosphatidylinositol kinase family also
at all times, and properly regulated differentiation signals exhibit protein-serine/threonine kinase activity. At the time
are critical for preventing oncogenesis. The old dogma of writing there are >90 known PTK genes in the human
stating an inverse relation between cell-differentiation genome; 58 encode transmembrane RPTKs distributed into
stage and (deregulated) cell proliferation (a malignant 20 subfamilies, and 32 encode cytoplasmic, non-receptor
tumour tends to be more de-differentiated than its parent PTKs in 10 subfamilies6,7 (Figs 1, 2). Of the ~30 tumour-
cell type) illustrates this important principle. suppressor genes and >100 dominant oncogenes known to
Certain classes of signalling proteins and pathways are date8, protein kinases, in particular PTKs, comprise a large
targeted much more frequently by oncogenic mutations fraction of the latter group (Table 1). PTKs are also the
than others4,5. Thus, molecules governing extracellular largest group of dominant oncogenes with structural
growth, differentiation and developmental signals, in homology. PTKs evolved to mediate aspects of multicellular
particular, are often mutated in cancers. One illustrative communication and development; they are found only in
example is provided by receptor protein-tyrosine kinases metazoans, where they comprise ~0.3% of genes. Somatic
(RPTKs), a subclass of transmembrane-spanning receptors mutations in this very small group of genes cause a
endowed with intrinsic, ligand-stimulatable PTK activity. significant fraction of human cancers, again emphasizing
When mutated or altered structurally, RPTKs can become the inverse relationship between normal developmental
potent oncoproteins, causing cellular transformation. regulation and oncogenesis.
Conversely, RPTK activity in resting, untransformed cells is The physiological regulation of RPTKs is key to
normally tightly controlled. Recent studies have provided understanding the mechanisms causing their oncogenic
new insights regarding the structural bases for normal activation (see refs. 9,10 for recent reviews). Signalling by
intramolecular control of PTKs, and shown that multiple RPTKs requires ligand-induced receptor oligomerization,
‘layers’ of autoinhibitory mechanisms operate as a safeguard which results in tyrosine autophosphorylation of the
against unwanted protein kinase activation. Hence, rather receptor subunits11. This both activates catalytic activity and
than looking at oncogenic mechanisms as ‘activating events’ generates phosphorylated tyrosine residues that mediate
or ‘hits’, whether due to mutations, overexpression or the specific binding of cytoplasmic signalling proteins
structural re-arrangements, it is more meaningful to see containing Src homology-2 (SH2) and protein tyrosine-
them as mechanisms causing primarily relief or obstruction binding (PTB) domains. Crystal structures of the inactive
of normal autoinhibitory and regulatory constraints. This forms of the core cytoplasmic kinase domains of the insulin
review presents some examples of perturbed PTK signalling receptor (InsR), fibroblast growth factor receptor-1
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α α
α β
α DiscD
β β


Figure 1 Human receptor protein-tyrosine kinases. The prototypic receptor for each family is indicated above the receptor, and the known members are listed below. Abbreviations
of the prototypic receptors: EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; InsR, insulin receptor; PDGFR, platelet-derived growth factor receptor; VEGFR; vascular endothelial growth
factor receptor; FGFR, fibroblast growth factor receptor; KLG/CCK, colon carcinoma kinase; NGFR, nerve growth factor receptor; HGFR, hepatocyte growth factor receptor, EphR,
ephrin receptor; Axl, a Tyro3 PTK; TIE, tyrosine kinase receptor in endothelial cells; RYK, receptor related to tyrosine kinases; DDR, discoidin domain receptor; Ret, rearranged
during transfection; ROS, RPTK expressed in some epithelial cell types; LTK, leukocyte tyrosine kinase; ROR, receptor orphan; MuSK, muscle-specific kinase; LMR, Lemur. Other
abbreviations: AB, acidic box; CadhD, cadherin-like domain; CRD, cysteine-rich domain; DiscD, discoidin-like domain; EGFD, epidermal growth factor-like domain; FNIII, fibronectin
type III-like domain; IgD, immunoglobulin-like domain; KrinD, kringle-like domain; LRD, leucine-rich domain. The symbols a and b denote distinct RPTK subunits. RPTK members
in bold and italic type are implicated in human malignancies (see Table 1). An asterisk indicates that the member is devoid of intrinsic kinase activity.

(FGFR1) and Flk1 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 or growth factor receptor (PDGFR), Kit/stem-cell factor receptor
VEGFR2) tyrosine kinases have provided a molecular understanding (SCFR), colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF1-R), ephrin
of the tight control of catalytic activity resulting from a cis receptor (EphR) and InsR, the juxtamembrane region has been
inhibition/trans activation mechanism12. implicated in autoinhibition. Hence, autophosphorylation of one or
In both the unstimulated FGFR1 and VEGFR2, the activation two homologous juxtamembrane tyrosine residues in several of these
loop occludes substrate tyrosine binding to the active site, whereas in receptors is required for full kinase activation, and mutation to
the unstimulated InsR, Tyr1162 in the activation loop is bound in cis phenylalanine significantly reduces kinase activation (see ref. 16 and
in the active site to prevent substrate access, and the beginning of the references therein).
activation loop occludes ATP binding. In response to ligand stimula- Autophosphorylation of these residues seems to serve a dual
tion of RPTKs, one or several of the tyrosine residues in the activation function: it relieves the inhibitory conformation enabling full kinase
loop is phosphorylated in trans by the dimeric receptor partner. This activation and at the same time creates binding sites for numerous
leads to repositioning of the activation loop away from the active site, SH2-containing signalling molecules, such as Src, RasGAP, SHP-1,
allowing substrate (and in the case of the InsR, ATP) access. An SHEP-1 and PI(3)K. Consistent with a repressive function of the jux-
equilibrium exists between inactive and active loop conformations of tamembrane region, substitution of a Val residue just amino-terminal
the unphosphorylated RPTKs in solution13. This equilibrium enables to the regulatory tyrosine residues in the PDGFR-b results in constitu-
cis inhibition, yet allows phosphorylation in trans between ligand- tive kinase activation17. In addition, numerous oncogenic mutations in
induced receptor dimers. The importance of this is supported by human Kit are located either N- or C-terminal to the two tyrosines, and
several examples of oncogenic point mutations in the activation loop internal gene duplications in the juxtamembrane region of Flk2/Flt3
that cause constitutive RPTK activation. A simplified diagram of result in constitutive kinase activity18,19. The crystal structure of the
RPTK activation is presented in Fig. 3a. EphB2 kinase domain has revealed a possible mechanism for the
Evidence indicates that RPTK dimerization per se is not always inhibition by its juxtamembrane region. The unphosphorylated
sufficient for kinase activation. There seems to be an additional juxtamembrane region impinges on the Ca helix in the N-terminal
requirement for ligand-induced conformational switches, ensuring kinase lobe and other regions of the kinase, resulting in catalytic repres-
that the catalytic domains are juxtaposed in a proper configuration to sion. The structure also suggests how phosphorylation relieves
enable phosphorylation in trans between receptor subunits9,14. repression by causing dissociation of the juxtamembrane region
Accordingly, other regions of RPTKs can have autoinhibitory func- (L. Groot, B. Baskin, T. Pawson & F. Sicheri, personal communication).
tions in unstimulated cells. For instance, in Tek (TIE2), the carboxy-
terminal tail partially occludes the substrate tyrosine-binding site15. Deregulation of RPTK by relief of restraints
Autophosphorylation of the tail region exposes its phosphotyrosine How do these insights apply to cellular transformation and cancer? In
residues for substrate binding, as well as the substrate-binding site in principle, for all PTKs involved in cancer, oncogenic deregulation
the kinase. In addition, for some RPTKs, including platelet-derived results from relief or perturbation of one or several of the
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auto-control mechanisms that ensure the normal repression of (GDNFR) and Kit/SCFR RPTKs, which illustrate a variety of
catalytic domains. A little more than half (31) of the known RPTKs mechanisms for RPTK-induced oncogenic transformation.
have been repeatedly found in either mutated or overexpressed
forms associated with (human) malignancies, including sporadic Ret/GDNFR
cases (see Table 1). Ret is required for development of the kidneys and enteric system and
There are four main principles for oncogenic transformation for neuronal differentiation and survival. It is part of a multicompo-
by PTKs. First, retroviral transduction of a proto-oncogene nent receptor for the glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)
corresponding to a PTK concomitant with deregulating structur- family of neurotrophins, which include neurturin (NTN), artemin
al changes is a common transforming mechanism in rodents and (ART) and persephin (PSP). In response to ligand, Ret is activated by
chicken. Second, genomic re-arrangements, such as chromoso- heterodimer formation with one of four structurally related
mal translocations, can result in oncogenic fusion proteins that glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked cell-surface receptors,
include (minimally) a PTK catalytic domain and an unrelated GFR-a1–4. At least eight common somatic rearrangements result in
protein that provides a dimerization function. Third, gain-of- fusions between the N terminus of various proteins and the PTK
function (GOF) mutations or small deletions in RPTKs and domain of Ret (see Table 1 and ref. 21). This leads to subsequent
cytoplasmic PTKs are associated with several malignancies. GDNF- and NTN-independent kinase activation caused by constitu-
Finally, PTK overexpression resulting from gene amplification is tive dimerization of the fusion proteins, resulting in papillary thyroid
associated with several common human cancers. In general, the carcinomas (PTCs). Somatic Ret GOF mutations are found in some
transforming effect can be ascribed to enhanced or constitutive sporadic tumours, while germline Ret GOF mutations are involved
kinase activity with quantitatively or qualitatively altered in three familial tumour syndromes — multiple endocrine neoplasia
downstream signalling. 2A (MEN2A), MEN2B and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
RPTK overexpression leads to constitutive kinase activation by (FMTC; see Table 1).
increasing the concentration of dimers. Important examples are the All the identified oncogenic mutations cluster in extracellular-
Neu/ErbB2 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which are domain exons 10, 11 and 13–16 of the PTK domain. Almost 100% of
often amplified in breast and lung carcinomas (Table 1). ErbB2 patients with MEN2A and FMTC have mutations in one of the five
signalling is inhibited by binding of the monoclonal antibody conserved cysteines in the extracellular domain of Ret, causing for-
herceptin, which is being used in the treatment of ErbB2-positive mation of intermolecular disulphide bonds between Ret molecules,
breast cancers. A selective small-molecule EGFR-tyrosine kinase and constitutive dimerization and activation22. In contrast, MEN2B
inhibitor, ZD1839 (‘Iressa’), is in late phase trials for advanced non- is due to a recurring Met918Thr mutation (a methionine-to-
small-cell lung cancer. Cancers due to chimaeric RPTK domains also threonine substitution at codon 918), which activates by a different
involve constitutive kinase activation, which depends on the mechanism. Met918 corresponds to a highly conserved Met just
oligomerization domain(s) of the N-terminal fusion partner. upstream of the Ala-Pro-Glu motif (PTK subdomain VIII) in the
Enforced dimer formation juxtaposes the catalytic domains in an substrate-binding pocket of RPTKs, whereas a threonine residue at
optimal orientation for trans phosphorylation, probably very similar this position is typical for cytoplasmic PTKs, like c-Src. This replace-
to a ligand-induced receptor dimer. ment increases the kinase activity of Ret without constitutive dimer
Among the more than 30 RPTKs implicated in human cancer, formation22, most likely because it enables substrate access without
some, such as ErbB2 and EGFR that are amplified, mutated and/or prior autophosphorylation of the activation loop. In addition, it
overexpressed in prevalent cancers (Table 1), have been extensively alters the substrate specificity of the Ret/MEN2B receptor towards
reviewed (see, for example, ref. 20). Here, we will restrict our peptide substrates that are optimal for Src and Abl23,24. The altered
discussion to the Ret/glial-derived neurotrophic factor receptor specificity leads to autophosphorylation of Ret on novel tyrosine


ABL SH3 SH2 kinase DNA actin ABL1, ARG

JAK FERM kinase-like kinase JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, TYK2

ACK kinase SH3 ACK1, ACK2 actin Actin-binding domain

Btk motif
CSK SH3 SH2 kinase CSK, MATK/CTK Cdc42-binding

CIP4 CIP4 homology domain

FAK FERM kinase FABD FAK, PYK2 DNA DNA-binding domain
FABD Focal adhesion-binding domain
FES CIP4 SH2 kinase FER, FES
FERM Integrin-binding domain
kinase PTK domain
kinase-like Pseudo PTK domain
PH Pleckstrin homology domain
SH2 Src homology-2 domain

SH3 Src homology-3 domain

SYK SH2 SH2 kinase SYK, ZAP70

Figure 2 Human cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinases. The family members are indicated to the right and the family name to the left of each PTK. The PTK members in bold and
italic type are implicated in human malignancies (see Table 1).

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Figure 3 Protein kinase activation mechanisms. a, RPTK activation. Left: RPTK kinase a
activity is tightly repressed in the unstimulated state. The activation and catalytic loops
exist in an equilibrium between a substrate-precluding (blue) and substrate-accessible
(green) conformation. In addition, the juxtamembrane region (orange) and C-terminal
region (red) might interfere with the conformation of the N-terminal kinase lobe (‘N’) Extracellular
and/or substrate access. Right: ligand-induced receptor dimerization and tyrosine
Cytoplasm P P
autophosphorylation result in relief of the inhibitory constraints exerted by the P P
activation loop, and the juxtamembrane and C-terminal regions. b, c-Src activation.
Left: c-Src kinase activity is tightly repressed in the unstimulated state. The SH2
domain interacts with phospho-Tyr 527 in the C terminus and the SH3 domain with ATP ATP

the polyproline type II helix in the linker region between the SH2 and kinase domain. P P
This causes misalignment of residues that are critical for kinase activity. Right: binding C C
of ligands to the SH2 or SH3 domain and/or dephosphorylation of phospho-Tyr 527 by
PTPs relieves the inhibitory constraints on the kinase. c, Akt activation. Left: it is P P
thought that the N-terminal PH domain precludes kinase access to and
phosphorylation of the activation-loop Thr308 by PDK-1. Right: PI(3)K activation
results in production of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and PtdIns(3,4)P2, which recruits Akt to the
membrane by binding to its PH domain. This exposes Thr 308 for phosphorylation by b Cytoplasm
PDK-1, which is already located at the membrane. An unidentified PDK-2 kinase SH3
P SH3 ligands
phosphorylates Ser473 in the C terminus, which leads to full Akt activation. See text P SH3
SH2 Y416
for details. PTK
Y527 SH2 ligands

P Y416 phosphorylation

P Y527 Dephosphorylation

c Cytoplasm Ptdlns (4,5)P2 3'-Pls 3'-Pls


PH T308
PDK-1 Akt

'Hydrophobic motif
kinase' ('PDK-2')

residues and tyrosine phosphorylation of substrates that are not this receptor for normal haematopoiesis and mast-cell development,
phosphorylated by the activated wild-type Ret. However, there is melanogenesis, gametogenesis and development of interstitial cells
also increased activation of PI(3)K, which might be crucial for of Cajal28,29. Recently, more than 30 GOF mutations, either single
transformation25. amino-acid changes or deletions of a few amino acids, have been
A recently developed in vivo model for MEN2B, based on introduc- identified in the Kit/SCFR, and they are associated with several
tion of the Met918Thr homologous mutation into the germline of highly malignant tumours in humans (reviewed in ref. 30). The
mice, will enable studies of different signal-transduction pathways mutations tend to cluster in two regions. Those in exon 11 contained
from Ret/MEN2B involved in tumorigenesis26. Besides the Met918Thr in the juxtamembrane region are associated with gastrointestinal
mutation, a number of other recurrent point mutations have been stromal tumours, whereas recurrent exon 17-mutations of Asp816 to
found in Ret in MEN2A, MEN2B and FMTC. In all cases, the activating either Val or His in the second half of the kinase domain are
mutations occur in highly conserved regions of the Ret PTK domain associated with mast-cell/myeloid leukaemias and seminomas/dys-
that are normally involved in kinase repression in the inactive receptor. germinomas, respectively.
Different tyrosine residues are likely to be autophosphorylated in the The transforming mechanism for both of the main types of
different Ret mutants, resulting in binding and activation of different mutation involves dimer formation resulting in constitutive ligand-
signalling molecules27. Based on mutagenesis studies, Grb2 and Shc independent kinase activation. In most patients, tumours are
acting upstream of the classical mitogenic Ras-Raf-ERK (for heterozygous for the mutant form of c-kit, which indicates a
extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase) cascade and PI(3)K dominant-positive phenotype. This is consistent with constitutively
seem important for the transforming effects. active heterodimers formed between the mutant and wild-type Kit
receptors. The mutations in the juxtamembrane region cluster
Kit/SCFR around the two autophosphorylation sites, Tyr568 and 570, involved
The Kit/SCFR provided the first example of naturally occurring, in binding c-Src and SHP-1 (an SH2 domain-containing protein-
germline loss-of-function (LOF) point mutations in a mammalian tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) expressed in haematopoietic cells)31,32,
RPTK, and the resulting phenotypes established the importance of and the presence of mutant Kit implies a worse prognosis33. The
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juxtamembrane mutations probably relieve the repressive effect of results in autophosphorylation in trans of the conserved activation
this domain on PTK activity, allowing limited autophosphorylation loop Tyr416 and stabilization of the active conformation. This
of the kinase domain, which results in additional activating activation mechanism is similar to that of RPTKs, in that the activat-
conformational changes enabling full kinase activation13. It is of note ing event (ligand binding and dimerization for RPTKs, and SH2- or
that the frequently mutated Asp816 in Kit is a highly conserved SH3-domain ligand engagement for c-Src) results in removal of
residue just C-terminal to the conserved Asp-Phe-Gly motif in the inhibitory constraints on the kinase domain (Fig. 3a, b).
activation loop of protein kinases. Mutation of the corresponding Several PTPs are implicated in regulating c-Src through dephos-
residue in Met and Ret results in papillary renal and thyroid phorylation of the C-terminal c-Src kinase (CSK) phosphorylation
carcinomas, respectively34. This mutation seems to shift the equilib- site, Tyr 527, including receptor-like PTPa, PTPl and RPTP;, and
rium of the activation loop in unstimulated RPTKs towards the active the cytoplasmic PTP1B, SHP-1 and SHP-2. Elevated activity or
conformation13. expression of several of these PTPs correlate with enhanced levels of
Among the many Kit-induced signalling pathways, PI(3)K is par- c-Src kinase activity in a number of transformed cells44. But the most
ticularly important and seems crucial for oncogenic transformation direct demonstration that c-Src is involved in human cancer was the
by GOF point-mutant Kit receptors35,36. SHP-1 might also be an identification of a mutant c-Src with truncation of the C terminus,
important target for inactivation in Kit-induced oncogenesis. SHP-1 ending with Tyr530 in human colon cancer46. This mutant has dereg-
binds to the juxtamembrane tyrosine autophosphorylation sites in ulated kinase activity because the lack of residues C-terminal to the
Kit and CSF-1R31,37, resulting in phosphatase activation and direct phosphorylated Tyr530 prevents SH2 association and establishment
receptor dephosphorylation. The importance of SHP-1 in negative of the inactive conformation. Again, oncogenic perturbation results
regulation of Kit and CSF-1R signalling is supported by the pheno- from relief of the tightly controlled constraints on kinase activity. It is
type of Motheaten (Me)-mutant mice, which have LOF mutations of not clear which signalling pathways are important for c-Src transfor-
SHP-1, and the partial phenotypic rescue obtained by crossing them mation, but a dominant-negative mutant of signal transducer and
to Dominant white-spotting W-mutant mice, which have naturally activator of transcription (STAT)-3 blocks v-Src transformation and
occurring LOF mutations in Kit38. Asp816Val-Kit causes enhanced c-Myc induction, indicating that STATs might be involved.
degradation of SHP-1 through the proteasome pathway39, and
alternative transcripts causing LOF mutations or truncations of c-Abl
SHP-1 are frequent in primary Kit-expressing tumours from The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome provided the first example of a
leukaemic patients40. Thus, SHP-1 might be a tumour suppressor for consistent chromosomal abnormality associated with a specific type
Kit-induced malignancies. Clinical trials with the small-molecule of leukaemia47. The t(9; 22) reciprocal translocation involves the
Bcr-Abl PTK inhibitor STI 571 (ref. 41), which also inhibits Kit/SCFR non-receptor PTK c-Abl on chromosome 9 and a breakpoint cluster
and PDGFR-b42, have been initiated for Kit-positive gastrointestinal region on chromosome 22. A majority of patients with chronic
stromal tumours. The small-molecule PTK inhibitors SU5416 and myeloid leukaemia, and a significant fraction of Ph-positive patients
SU6668, originally developed for VEGFR as angiogenesis inhibitors, with acute lymphocytic leukaemia have one of three different
also inhibit Kit and are entering early trials this year for Kit-positive versions of this translocation (Table 1). The c-Abl protein is struc-
acute myeloid leukaemias. turally complex, consisting of SH3, SH2, PTK, DNA-binding and
Besides regulation by PTPs, other mechanisms for inhibition of actin-binding domains (Fig. 2), among others.
RPTK signalling include ligand-induced receptor endocytosis, Recent evidence suggests that nuclear c-Abl has a role primarily in
regulation of negative feedback loops, and heterodimerization with DNA damage-induced apoptosis, and that Bcr-Abl circumvents this
kinase-inactive RPTKs. Perturbation of these inhibitory mecha- function because it is retained in the cytoplasm48. Hence, nuclear c-Abl
nisms might result in RPTK-induced malignancies or sensitize cells is activated by ionizing radiation and certain cytostatic drugs, and the
for oncogenic transformation under some circumstances. activation is dependent on ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM), a
protein-serine/threonine kinase belonging to a family of proteins
Cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinases possessing a phosphoinositide kinase-homology domain. Conversely,
Given their importance in receptor signalling pathways, it might the tumour suppressor Rb, which binds to c-Abl in the G0 and G1 phas-
come as a surprise that of the 32 known cytoplasmic PTKs (Fig. 2), es of the cell cycle and represses the tyrosine kinase function of c-Abl,
less than half have been implicated convincingly in human cancer prevents the DNA damage-induced activation of nuclear c-Abl, which
(Table 1). The bias comes from the fact that most of the initial studies is seen only after entry into S-phase, when c-Abl is released by Rb
were on the viral counterparts, and aimed at elucidating their hyperphosphorylation. Consistently, Rb-deficient cells are more sensi-
transforming mechanisms. tive to DNA damage-induced cell death (reviewed in ref. 49).
The possible mediators of c-Abl-induced cell death include the
c-Src transcription factors p53 and p73, and the stress-activated mitogen-
c-Src was the first cellular homologue of a viral oncoprotein to be dis- activated protein kinase (MAPK) family members c-Jun N-terminal
covered43; it is important for mitogenic signalling from many RPTKs, kinase (JNK/SAPK) and p38, but p73 seems to be the crucial target.
and has been implicated in a variety of cancers (reviewed in ref. 44). Hence, p73 accumulates in both wild-type and p53-deficient cells in
Just as for RPTKs, there is normally tight control of c-Src kinase response to DNA damage in a c-Abl-dependent manner, and ectopic
activity through intramolecular interactions. In inactive c-Src, a expression of p73 induces growth arrest and apoptosis, in part by
C-terminal tyrosine residue (527 in mouse, 530 in human c-Src), lack- inducing p53 target genes49. The transcription factor E2F1,
ing in deregulated v-Src, is phosphorylated and interacts with the SH2 deregulated in many cancers and known to stabilize p53, directly
domain, while the c-Src SH3 domain interacts with the linker region transactivates p73, causing transcription of p53 target genes in a p53-
between the SH2 domain and the N-terminal kinase lobe. The SH2 independent manner, and apoptosis50. E2F1 is released from Rb
and SH3 intramolecular interactions repress kinase activity by during G1 exit, and so the induction of p73 can occur only in early S
displacing the Ca helix in the N-terminal lobe and by positioning the phase. It will be interesting to see whether c-Abl-induced apoptosis
activation loop to block access to the active site. Accordingly, c-Src can via p73 is dependent on released E2F1, which would explain why Abl
be de-repressed not only upon dephosphorylation of phosphorylated induces apoptosis only after Rb hyperphosphorylation in early S
Tyr527, but also by binding through its SH2 domain to specific tyro- phase. The c-Abl protein also functions in the cytoplasm, where it is
sine autophosphorylation sites in ligand-stimulated RPTKs, resulting involved in PDGF-induced motility responses and cell adhesion51.
in SH2 displacement from phosphorylated Tyr527, or by binding of Bcr-Abl is localized exclusively in the cytoplasm of transformed
the SH3 domain to Pro-X-X-Pro motifs in target proteins45. This cells by retention mechanisms that involve Abl kinase activity and Bcr
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Table 1 Examples of dominant protein-tyrosine kinase oncogenes
PTK Viral oncogene* Oncogenic alteration Tumour/cancer types (only the most frequent,
(proto-oncogene) (viral oncoprotein) mainly human types are described)
EGFR/ErbB1 v-erbB from v-erbB: v-ErbB: fibrosarcomas
(c-erbB) AEV Truncated EGFR PTK
(p68/74erbB) c-erbB: c-ErbB: mammary carcinoma, glioblastoma multiforme,
Overexpression (amplification) ovarian, non-small-cell lung and other cancers
Extracellular domain deletions
ErbB2/HER2/Neu Overexpression (amplification) Mammary, ovarian, gastric, non-small-cell lung and colon cancer
No recurrent human mutations (Val664Glu in rodents)
ErbB3/HER3 Overexpression; constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation Mammary carcinoma
(heterodimer with ErbB2)
ErbB4/HER4 Overexpression Mammary carcinoma, granulosa cell tumours
IGF-1R Overexpression (expression required for in vitro transformation Cervical and other carcinomas, sarcomas
by many oncogenes and DNA viruses)
PDGFR-a Overexpression (amplification) Glioma, glioblastoma, ovarian carcinoma
PDGFR-b Tel-PDGR-b (t(5; 12) translocation fusing Ets-like Tel with Tel-PDGFR-b: chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
PDGFR-b PTK domain) PDGFR-b: glioma
CSF-1R v-fms from v-fms: v-fms: feline sarcomas
(c-fms) FeSV Truncated CSF-1R PTK with mutant C-terminal tail
(p170gag-fms) Constitutively active
c-fms: c-fms: acute and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemias,
GOF point mutations monocytic tumours, malignant histiocytosis, endometrial
Overexpression cancer, glioma
Kit/SCFR v-kit from v-kit: v-kit: feline fibrosarcomas
(c-kit) FeSV Truncated Kit/SCFR PTK with mutant C-terminal tail
(p80gag-kit) Constitutively active
c-kit: c-kit: malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumours, acute
GOF point mutations and small deletions myeloid leukaemias, myelodysplastic syndromes,
Overexpression mast-cell leukaemia/systemic mastocytosis,
seminomas/dysgerminomas, small-cell lung cancer and
other carcinomas
Flk2/Flt3 Overexpression Haematopoietic malignancies
Internal tandem gene duplications in JM region
Flt1/VEGFR1 Expression Tumour angiogenesis
Flk1/VEGFR2 Expression Tumour angiogenesis
Flt4/VEGFR3 Overexpression Tumour angiogenesis; vascular tumours (Kaposi’s sarcoma,
haemangiosarcoma, lymphangiosarcomas)
FGFR1 ZNF198-FGFR1 (t(8; 13) translocation fusing a novel Zn finger ZNF198-FGFR1: acute myelogenous leukaemia
protein with the FGFR1 PTK domain) (8p11 myeloproliferative syndrome), lymphomas
Overexpression Overexpression: various tumours
Point mutations Point mutations: autosomal skeletal disorders/dysplasias
FGFR2/K-SAM Overexpression (amplification) and C-terminal truncation Gastric carcinoma (mammary, prostate carcinomas)
FGFR3 IgH locus/MMSET translocation (t(4; 14) translocation placing Multiple myelomas (achondroplasia, thanatophoric dysplasia
FGFR3 PTK downstream of IgH/MMSET). Additional activating and hypochondroplasia)
FGFR3 point mutations in skeletal dysplasias
FGFR4 Overexpression (amplification) Mammary, ovarian carcinomas
TrkA Tropomyosin(Tpm)-TrkA (t(1; 1) with N-terminal Tpm sequence Papillary thyroid carcinomas, neuroblastomas
fused to TrkA PTK)
Tpr-TrkA (t(1; 1) with N-terminal Tpr sequence fused to TrkA PTK)
Tfg-TrkA (t(1; 3) with N-terminal Tfg sequence fused to
TrkA PTK domain)
TrkC Tel-TrkC (t(12; 15) with H-L-H domain of Tel fused to Congenital fibrosarcoma, acute myeloid leukaemias
TrkC PTK domain)
HGFR Tpr-Met (t(1; 7) with N-terminal of Tpr fused to Met PTK domain) Tpr-Met: Papillary thyroid carcinomas
(c-met) Overexpression Overexpression: rhabdomyosarcoma, hepatocellular
GOF point mutations GOF point mutations: renal carcinoma
RON Overexpression/increased kinase activity of splice variants Colon cancer, hepatocellular cancer
EphA2 Overexpression Metastasizing malignant melanomas
EphB2 Overexpression Gastric, oesophageal and colon carcinomas
EphB4 Overexpression Infiltrating ductal mammary carcinomas
Axl Overexpression Acute myeloid leukaemias
TIE/TIE1 Overexpression Capillary haemangioblastomas, haemangiopericytomas,
gastric adenocarcinoma
Tek/TIE2 Expression Tumour angiogenesis (endothelium)
Ret Fusions: H4-Ret (PTC1), inversion; RIa-Ret (PTC2), t(10; 17); PTCs and ELKS-RET: papillary thyroid carcinomas (5–30% of
ELE1-Ret (PTC3 & PTC4), inversion; RFG5-Ret (PTC5), inversion; spontaneous carcinomas, 60–70% of radiation-induced
HTIF1-Ret (PTC6), t(7; 10); RFG7-Ret (PTC7), t(1; 10); carcinomas (Chernobyl accident)
KTN1-Ret (PTC8), t(10; 14); ELKS-Ret, t(10; 12) MEN2A: medullary thyroid carcinoma, parathyroid hyperplasia,
GOF point mutations: primarily in MEN2A, MEN2B and pheochromocytoma
FMTC (familial), but also in a few sporadic cases MEN2B: medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma and
enteric mucosal ganglioneuromas.
FMTC: medullary thyroid carcinoma

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Table 1 Examples of dominant protein-tyrosine kinase oncogenes (continued)
PTK Viral oncogene* Oncogenic alteration Tumour/cancer types (only the most frequent,
(proto-oncogene) (viral oncoprotein) mainly human types are described)
ROS v-ros from v-ros: v-ros: avian fibrosarcomas
(c-ros) avian Truncated Ros PTK domain. Constitutively active
UR2 SV c-ros: c-ros: glioblastomas, astrocytomas
(p68gag-ros) Overexpression
Rare truncations/point mutations?
Alk NPM-Alk (t(2; 5) nucleophosmin fused to Alk PTK domain) Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, CD30+ and CD30– anaplastic
Igl-Alk (t(2; 22) Igl fused to Alk PTK domain) Other sporadic large-cell lymphoma
fusions with tropomyosin, etc.
Src v-src from v-src: pp60v-src: avian sarcomas
(c-src) RSV C-terminal truncation and point mutations (increased kinase activity )
(pp60v-src) c-src: c-Src truncation: colon cancer
C-terminal truncation (increased kinase activity) c-Src overexpression: mammary and pancreatic cancers,
Overexpression and/or increased kinase activity neuroblastomas, others
Fgr v-fgr from v-fgr: p70gag-fgr: feline fibrosarcomas
(c-fgr) FeSV C-terminal truncated c-fgr and point mutations (increased kinase c-Fgr: acute myeloblastic leukaemias, chronic lymphocytic
(p70gag-fgr) activity) leukaemias, EBV-infected lymphomas; differentiation marker?
Yes v-yes from v-yes: C-terminal truncated c-yes and point mutations p90gag-yes: avian sarcomas
(c-yes) ASV (increased kinase activity)
(p90gag-yes) Over expression and/or increased kinase activity c-Yes: colon carcinomas, malignant melanomas, other cancers
Lck TCRb-Lck (t(1; 7) T-cell receptor-b upstream of Lck causes TCRb-Lck: T-cell acute lymphocytic leukaemias
GOF point mutations Lck: chronic lymphocytic leukaemias?
Abl v-abl from v-abl: p160gag-abl: murine acute leukaemias
(c-abl) Abelson MLV N-terminal (DSH3) truncation of Abl p190Bcr-Abl: ~50% of Ph+ acute lymphocytic leukaemias, rarely
(p160gag-abl) Fusions: p190Bcr-Abl, (t(9; 22) m-bcr); p210Bcr-Abl, (t(9; 22) M-bcr); chronic myelomonocytic leukaemias
or from p230Bcr-Abl, (t(9; 22) m-bcr). M-, m- and m-bcr: 3 breakpoint cluster p210Bcr-Abl: chronic myeloid leukaemias, ~30% of Ph+ acute
PI-FeSV regions in BCR. The chimaeric mRNA usually starts with exon a2 lymphocytic leukaemias
of ABL, it never includes exon 1a or 1b. Tel-Abl (t(12; 22) p230Bcr-Abl: some Ph+ chronic neutrophilic leukaemias
N-terminal (H-L-H region) of Tel fused with Abl exon 2a Tel-Abl: rare cases of acute lymphocytic leukaemias
Arg Tel-Arg (t(1; 12)) Acute myeloid leukaemias (rare in M3 and M4Eo subtypes)
Jak1 Overexpression Various leukaemias
Jak2 Tel-Jak2 (t(9; 12) H-L-H region (N-terminal) of Tel fused with kinase T-cell childhood acute lymphocytic leukaemias, acute myeloid
region (C-terminal) of Jak2) leukaemias, acute lymphocytic leukaemias, atypical chronic
myeloid leukaemias
Jak3 Overexpression (increased kinase activity) Various leukaemias and B-cell malignancies
Fak Overexpression and/or altered tyrosine kinase activity Modulation of adhesion, invasion and metastasis of diverse
Pyk2 Overexpression and/or altered tyrosine kinase activity Modulation of adhesion, invasion and metastasis of diverse
Fes v-fps from ASV; The viral gag sequence essential for transforming activity. Viral p130 and p140gag-fps: diverse avian sarcomas and myeloid
(c-fes) v-fes from FeSV gag fused to slightly truncated and/or point mutated fps or fes leukaemias
(p130 and p140gag-fps; p135 and p140gag-fes: feline sarcomas
p135 and p140gag-fes) c-Fes: no implication in cancers
Brk Overexpression (increased kinase activity) Mammary carcinomas
Syk Downregulation (recessive?) Potential mammary carcinoma tumour suppressor;
*Abbreviations: AVE, avian erythroblastosis virus; FeSV, feline sarcoma virus; UR2 SV, UR2 sarcoma virus; RSV, Rous sarcoma virus; ASV, avian sarcoma virus; Abelson MLV, Abelson murine leukaemia
virus; PI-FeSV, Parodi-Irgens feline sarcoma virus. Other abbreviations are defined in the text.
Limitations on space prevent the addition of references to the data presented in Table 1.

sequences48. The Bcr-Abl-tyrosine kinase domain is activated by apoptosis48. Although leptomycin B is too neurotoxic for use in treat-
formation of homo-oligomeric complexes mediated by the Bcr ing patients, this rationale might have practical implications for
coiled-coil domain, allowing trans autophosphorylation52. The combined use of STI 571 with a less toxic nuclear export inhibitor.
transforming effect of Bcr-Abl is mediated by numerous down-
stream signalling pathways normally activated by RPTKs, including JAKs and STATs
the Ras-Raf-ERK, JAK-STAT and PI(3)K pathways53. The Bcr-Abl- The Janus PTKs (JAKs) have so far been implicated in a limited
activated pathways are very similar to those activated by Kit/SCFR54; number of human leukaemias (Table 1), while some of their sub-
the PI(3)K, and perhaps the JAK-STAT, pathways are essential for the strates, Stat3 and Stat5, are found in an activated phosphorylated
mitogenic and anti-apoptotic transforming effects55,56. A require- state in several malignancies. The JAKs are cytoplasmic PTKs (Fig. 2)
ment for Bcr-Abl kinase activity in transformation is demonstrated that mediate signalling primarily downstream of cytokine receptors
by the fact that the small-molecule c-Abl PTK inhibitor STI 571 (which lack catalytic domains), but also of RPTKs (see ref. 58 for a
(ref. 41) not only prevents cell growth of Bcr-Abl-transformed review). The seven known mammalian STATs are latent transcrip-
leukaemic cells, but also induces apoptosis in a manner dependent on tion factors with a central DNA-binding region and a C-terminal
Stat5-induced upregulation of the Bcl-2-like Bcl-xL (ref. 57). Cyto- SH2 domain. In response to ligand, cytokine receptors become
plasmic retention of Bcr-Abl is in part kinase-dependent, so treat- tyrosine-phosphorylated by the constitutively associated JAKs. Some
ment of Bcr-Abl-transformed cells with STI 571 results in nuclear of the phosphotyrosine residues subsequently bind STATs through
import. This observation can be used to enhance cell killing, by tak- their SH2 domains, which become phosphorylated by the oligomer-
ing advantage of the pro-apoptotic effect of nuclear Abl. Treatment of ized JAKs on a C-terminal tyrosine residue. This leads to STAT
STI 571-inhibited cells with leptomycin B, a nuclear export inhibitor, oligomerization through a reciprocal interaction between SH2 and
causes Bcr-Abl accumulation in the nuclear compartment; subse- phosphotyrosine59. Dimeric STATs are released from the receptors
quent removal of STI 571 then results in re-activation of Bcr-Abl and and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription. In
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addition to activation by JAKs, STATs are also activated (either There are currently three isoforms, a, b and d, of the catalytic
directly or indirectly) by RPTKs, G-protein-coupled receptors and p110 subunit, and seven adaptor proteins generated by expression
cytoplasmic PTKs such as Src and Abl60. and alternative splicing of three genes, p85a, p85b and p55g, in the
Ligand-induced STAT tyrosine phosphorylation is a transient class IA family of PI(3)Ks. Activation of class IA PI(3)Ks can occur by
and tightly controlled process lasting from minutes to hours61. Three several means. RPTK activation leads to recruitment of PI(3)K,
types of inhibitors of STAT activation are known. The SHP-1 and which binds through one or both SH2 domains in the adaptor to
SHP-2 PTPs directly dephosphorylate JAKs, and an unidentified specific phosphotyrosine consensus motifs. This leads to allosteric
nuclear PTP has been implicated in tyrosine dephosphorylation of activation of the catalytic subunit. In addition, RasüGTP can bind
Stat1, which might be important for inactivation and nuclear export directly to an N-terminal region in p110, leading to PI(3)K
of STATs62. The cytokine-inducible SH2-containing protein-1 activation. Activation results in production of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 within
(CIS-1)/suppressor of cytokine signalling-1, -2 and -3 (SOCS-1, -2 seconds, and a slightly delayed production of PtdIns(3,4)P2 through
and -3)/JAK-binding protein (JBP)/STAT-induced STAT inhibitor-1 the actions of 58-inositol lipid phosphatases. The effects of polyphos-
(SSI-1) family of proteins is transcriptionally upregulated by STATs, phoinositides in cells are mediated through the specific binding to at
to inhibit STAT signalling. This occurs through SOCS-induced least two lipid-binding protein domains, the FYVE and pleckstrin-
protein degradation, and, for SOCS-1 and -3, through binding of the homology (PH) domains (see ref. 2 and http://smart.embl-heidel-
N-terminal region to the activation loop of JAK kinase63. Finally, the berg.de/ for protein modules in signalling). FYVE domains bind
protein inhibitors of activated STATs (PIAS) family of proteins selectively to PtdIns(3)P, whereas a subgroup of PH domains, con-
inhibit phosphorylated STAT dimers from DNA binding and hence taining a highly basic motif, binds PtdIns(3,4)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3.
transcriptional activation. Inactivation of such negative regulators Proteins containing the latter domain are key mediators of class IA
might be involved in tumorigenesis. A small deletion on chromo- PI(3)K signalling. Phosphoinositide-binding PH domains are found
some 16 containing SOCS-1 has been identified in almost 50% of in numerous proteins, including the protein-serine/threonine
hepatocellular carcinomas. kinases, 38-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1(PDK-1) and
Stat3 and Stat5 are overexpressed in some human malignancies. Akt/protein kinase B (PKB), both central for the transforming effects
In head and neck cancer, Stat3 is persistently activated as a result of of deregulated PI(3)K activity.
EGFR amplification, and has been shown to be required for v-Src-
induced transformation. Moreover, expression of a constitutively PDK-1 and PKB/Akt
active, dimeric Stat3 is transforming. Activation of Stat5 is implicat- PKB/Akt is the cellular homologue of the transforming viral onco-
ed in human breast cancers60. A recurrent translocation involving gene v-Akt and bears significant homology to PKA and PKC75. The
the N-terminal dimerization domain of the ETS-like transcription three mammalian isoforms, a, b and g, all contain an N-terminal PH
factor TEL and Jak2, resulting in dimerization and constitutive domain, a central kinase domain with an activation-loop Thr308
activation of Jak2, has been reported in a few cases of T-cell acute phosphorylation site, and a conserved, regulatory serine phosphory-
lymphocytic leukaemia64,65. In a mouse model, Stat5 is essential for lation site, Ser 473, near the C terminus. PDK-1 is a Thr308-Akt
the Tel-Jak2-induced transformation66. Undoubtedly, the trans- kinase, and only one mammalian isoform is known76. The C-
forming properties of Stat3 and Stat5 depend on cross-talk with terminal PH domain in PDK-1 binds phospholipids with around
other signal-transduction pathways, in particular the Src and PI(3)K tenfold-higher affinity than the Akt PH domain, which probably
pathways. Thus, Jak1 and Jak2 bind and activate PI(3)K, activated explains the constitutive localization of PDK-1 at the plasma mem-
Stat3 has been shown to activate Src and PI(3)K by direct binding brane. The following model for activation of Akt has been established
through an interaction between phosphotyrosine and SH2, and (Fig. 3c): RPTK activation leads to production of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and
Stat5 cooperates with PI(3)K in oncogenesis, for example, through PtdIns(3,4)P2 at the inner leaflet of the membrane. Akt interacts with
induction of Bcl-xL and inactivation of Bad67–69. these phospholipids, causing its translocation to the inner mem-
brane, where PDK-1 is located. The interaction of the Akt PH domain
PI(3)K and ribosomal S6 kinase/mTOR signalling with 38-phosphoinositides is thought to impose conformational
Numerous cytoplasmic protein-serine/threonine kinases, including changes in Akt, exposing its two main phosphorylation sites. The PH
Raf and ERK in the classical Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway, are domains might also mediate protein proximity between Akt and
involved in cellular proliferation and have been linked to cancer. PDK-1 through homodimerization. PDK-1, believed to be constitu-
However, although mutationally activated or overexpressed Raf, tively active, subsequently phosphorylates Thr 308 in Akt, which
Cot/Tpl2 and Mos protein-serine/threonine kinases can transform stabilizes the activation loop in an active conformation. This model is
via the ERK/MAP kinase pathway, no frequently recurring mutations reminiscent of the general model for PTK activation (Fig. 3a–c).
in protein kinases in the MAP kinase pathways have been identified in Phosphorylation of Thr308 is a prerequisite for kinase activation, but
human malignancies. In contrast, mutations in several proteins in phosphorylation of the C-terminal hydrophobic residue is required
the PI(3)K/Akt and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)/p70S6K as well for full activation of Akt kinase. The Akt Ser 473 kinase
signalling pathways, which regulate cell survival, growth and (‘PDK-2’) remains to be identified (see ref. 76 for discussion). In a
proliferation70–74, are causally involved in a high percentage of later phase, through unknown mechanisms, activated Akt is
common human malignancies, including mammary, prostate and translocated to the nucleus where several of it substrates reside77.
colon carcinomas and malignant brain tumours. PDK-1 phosphorylates numerous other AGC kinase members in
addition to Akt at the conserved activation-loop Ser or Thr residue,
PI(3)K including several PKC isoforms, the serum- and glucocorticoid-
PI(3)Ks are a family of lipid kinases defined by their ability to induced kinases (SGKs), PKC-related kinase (PRK), p70S6K and p21-
phosphorylate the 38-OH group of the inositol ring in inositol phos- activated protein kinase (PAK; see Fig. 4). Results obtained using
pholipids. Class I PI(3)Ks are heterodimers made up of a catalytic PDK-1–/– embryonic stem cells indicate that Akt, p70S6K and p90RSK
subunit of relative molecular mass 110,000 (p110) and an are physiological PDK-1 substrates, while PDK-1 is not required for
adaptor/regulatory subunit. This class is further subdivided into the phosphorylation of PKA, mitogen- and stress-activated protein
RPTK-activated subclass IA and the heterotrimeric G-protein-cou- kinase-1 (MSK-1) and the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK;
pled receptor-activated subclass IB. The preferred substrate for class I ref. 78). Additional evidence indicates that PKCz and PKCd, but not
PI(3)Ks in the intact cell is PtdIns(4,5)P2. In addition, some of the class PRK, are also phosphorylated in the activation loop in vivo by PDK-1.
I and III PI(3)K members also exhibit protein-serine/threonine The phosphorylation of the activation loop in p70S6K provided a
kinase activity, the functional role of which is still being explored. long-sought link between PI(3)K and p70S6K activation.
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[PtdIns(4)P; PtdIns(4,5)P2] [PtdIns(3,4)P2; PtdIns(3,4,5)P3] [PtdIns(4)P; PtdIns(4,5)P2]

Y721 P SH2 PI(3)K PTEN


PDK-1 Akt

Bad eNOS
p70S6K GSK-3
p21WAF1 (Caspase-9)
PKC-ζ p27kip1

Cyclin D

Gene transcription Cell proliferation

Glycogen/protein Survival Angiogenesis
Cell-cycle entry
metabolism DNA repair
Cell proliferation

Figure 4 RPTK-induced PI(3)K signalling through PDK-1 and Akt. The figure illustrates signalling from the human Kit/SCFR, but the same general mechanisms apply to most RPTKs.
See text for details.

At least 13 Akt substrates have been identified so far in tumour virus, p3k, is mediated through Akt82. Increased Akt kinase
mammalian cells, and they fall into two main classes: regulators of activity is correlated with p65 — an oncogenic mutant of p85a that
apoptosis on one hand and of cell growth, including protein synthe- induces constitutive PI(3)K activity — and amplification of p110 in
sis and glycogen metabolism, and cell-cycle regulation on the other ovarian cancer83,84. In addition, numerous human malignancies,
(Fig. 4). All identified substrates are phosphorylated within the same including breast cancer, glioblastoma and germ cell tumours, are
basic motif, R-X-R-X-X-S/T, which can also be phosphorylated by associated with inactivating mutations in the tumour-suppressor
MAPKAPK-1 and p70S6K. The Akt substrates involved in cell-death gene PTEN, leading to deregulated hyperactivity of Akt. PTEN is a
regulation include Forkhead transcription factors, the pro-apoptotic 38-phosphoinositide phosphatase, which dephosphorylates the
Bcl-2 family member Bad, and the cyclic AMP response element- 38-OH position of the inositol ring in PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and
binding protein (CREB). The anti-apoptotic effects of Akt-mediated PtdIns(3,4)P2. Consequently, inactivating PTEN mutations lead to
phosphorylation of these have been extensively reviewed79. Glycogen increased levels of 38-phosphoinositides, causing enhanced Akt
synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3), phosphodiesterase-3B, mTOR, insulin activity and cellular transformation. Part of the transforming effect
receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), the Forkhead member FKHR, the of mutant PTEN and, as a consequence, deregulated Akt activity
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21CIP1/WAF1 and possibly Raf-1 are might occur through downregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase
targets involved in mediating protein synthesis, glycogen inhibitor p27, a finding highly relevant to human prostate carcino-
metabolism and cell-cycle regulation. GSK-3 is inhibited by Akt ma85. Interestingly, as an apparent exception to these examples,
phosphorylation. This abolishes phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic disruption of p110g, a class IB PI(3)K, is associated with colorectal
signalling molecule b-catenin, causing its stabilization and nuclear cancers86. This was reportedly due to upregulation of Bcl-2, cyclin D
translocation. In the nucleus, it associates with T-cell factor/lympho- and CDKs, but not of class IA PI(3)Ks, but the transforming
cyte enhancer-binding factor-1 (TCF/LEF-1) to induce the mechanisms remain to be identified.
transcription of several genes, including cyclin D1. This results in cell
cycle progression through hyperphosphorylation and inactivation of mTOR and ribosomal S6K
Rb (see article in this issue by Evan and Vousden, pages 342–348). The phosphorylation of the ribosomal p70S6K by PDK-1 and of
Cyclin D1 is also stabilized in this manner, owing to decreased mammalian TOR (mTOR) by Akt provides mechanistic links
phosphorylation at a GSK-3 site which promotes proteolytic between the two pathways, and recently it has become clear that
turnover of cyclin D1 80. Phosphorylation of p21 by Akt causes its some of the transforming, cell-growth- and cell-cycle-promoting
cytoplasmic retention, preventing it from exerting its anti-prolifera- effects of PI(3)K are mediated through the mTOR/p70S6K pathway.
tive effects in the nucleus 81. Phosphorylation of endothelial nitric mTOR belongs to an evolutionarily conserved family of
oxide synthase (eNOS) and breast cancer susceptibility-1 (BRCA1) proteins, including TOR1, TOR2, MEC1, TEL1 and Rad3 in bud-
might regulate angiogenesis and DNA repair, among others (refs 70, ding yeast, MEI-41 in the fruitfly Drosophila, and DNA-dependent
79, and see review in this issue by Hoeijmakers, pages 366–374). protein kinase (DNA-PK), ATM, ATM-related (ATR), transforma-
The oncogenic role of deregulated class IA PI(3)Ks and Akt tion/transcription domain-associated protein (TRAPP) and mTOR
activity is probably accounted for by their ability to induce multiple in mammals. mTOR is also called FK506-binding protein (FKBP)-
simultaneous effects on both cell survival and cell cycle/cell growth. rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP) in humans and rapamycin
Aktb is overexpressed in pancreatic and ovarian carcinomas, and the and FKBP12 target-1 (RAFT-1) in rats, based on the ability of
transforming effect of a constitutively active p110 found in a chicken FKBP–rapamycin complex to bind and inhibit mTOR. Two
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cell line. Oncogene 19, 1164–1172 (2000). J. Leverson for critical comments and suggestions. P.B.-J. is a Special Fellow of the
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