Lesson 2 Cookery 7
Lesson 2 Cookery 7
Lesson 2 Cookery 7
Give the abbreviations and equivalents of measurement.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the answer that corresponds
to the given statement. Write only the letter of the answer in your TLE notebook.
1. A tool used to measure flour, sugar and other dry ingredients is called _______.
a. Measuring tool c. Dry measuring Cup
b. Weighing scale d. Measuring tool
2. This equipment is used to measure large quantities of ingredients.
a. Measuring.cup c. Measuring spoon
b. Weighing scale d. Liquid measuring cup
3. In a given recipe there is a required time for baking. What tool are you going to
use to check the required given time?
a. Timer c. Weighing scale
b. Dry measuring tools d. Oven
4. What tool is used to level off when measuring flour?
a. Rubber scraper c. Wooden spoon
b. Spatula d. Knife
5. When measuring liquid, always put the measuring cup on a_______ surface.
a. Wet c. Flat
b. Dry d. Top
6. Are usually measured by a measuring spoon because it only requires small
a. Flavorings c. Brown sugar
b. Flour d. Cornstarch
7. Which statement is true when measuring dry ingredients?
a. Only fill them half way c. They come in a set of 4
b. Fill them to the top d. Made up of plastic only
8. What are the equivalent measures of ½ cup of flour?
a. 8 tbsp c. 10 tbsp
b. 4 tbsp d. 2 tbsp
Different people may use the identical recipe for molded desserts, all of
their molded desserts could turn out differently because of different
measuring and mixing techniques. The following section presents some
important measuring equivalents, tables and conversions.
Direction: Convert the following using the table of kitchen conversion. Write your
answer in your TLE notebook
Sifted Flour
Sift flour 2 or 3 times. Fill the cup to overflowing, level-off with a spatula or with
a straight-edged knife.
Brown sugar
Pack into cup just enough to hold its shape when turned out off cup. Level off with a
spatula before emptying.
Salt, pepper, baking soda, baking powder
For small amount of ingredients, level a measuring spoon with straight edge of a
Liquid ingredients
To measure liquids, you should always use liquid measuring cups and spoons.
Liquid measuring cups are usually glass or plastic, and most have a spout for
pouring. Avoid dry measuring cups when measuring liquids because they will not
be as accurate and could make a difference in the outcome of a recipe.
Place the cup on a flat, level surface. Hold the cup firmly and pour the desired
amount or liquid into the cup.Lean over and view the liquid at eye level to make
sure it is the proper amount.
●Check and calibrate timers/thermometers, scales, and other
measuring devices according to manufacturer's manual before using.
●Ingredients which measure by volume and by weight demand
standardized measuring tools and equipment.
●Do not shake the dry measuring cup to level off dry ingredients.
●Spring scales should be adjusted so that the pointer is at zero (0).
● Ranges, sometimes called stoves, provide heat for cooking on top
and in the oven. The controls for range heat must be accurate and
easy to operate. Tools and utensils needed for cooking on the range
and work space should be within easy reach.
● Learn to match the size of pan to the size of the unit and to select
the right amount of heat for the cooking job to be done.
● In microwave cooking, time schedules must be followed exactly
because every second is important. The microwaves shut off
automatically when the door is opened.
● Refrigerators are operated by electricity. The unit that does the
cooling is underneath the box behind the grill.
● Coffee makers mostly are automatic, requiring only the measurement
of coffee and water.
● In preparing foods on the range or in the fryer, heat is transferred by
How many times have you been ready to cook and found you were out of a certain
ingredient? Sometimes it is inconvenient to run out and purchase the necessary
ingredient --it's easier to use a similar product as a replacement.
There are, however, several factors to consider when substituting ingredients.
Take into account differences in flavor, moisture, texture and weight.
The following table gives substitutes that may be used to get a finished product
similar to the original.
1. What tools and utensils you used in the video?
2. What cleaning agents did you used?
3. What do you think is the effect of using cleaning and
sanitizing agents to your kitchen tools and equipment?
Directions: Give the substitution of the following Ingredients. Choose the answer
on the substitution table. Write only the letter in your TLE notebook.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the answer that corresponds
to the given statement. Write only the letter of the answer in your TLE notebook.
1. A tool used to measure flour, sugar and other dry ingredients is called _______.
a. Measuring tool c. Dry measuring Cup
b. Weighing scale d. Measuring tool
2. This equipment is used to measure large quantities of ingredients.
a. Measuring.cup c. Measuring spoon
b. Weighing scale d. Liquid measuring cup
3. In a given recipe there is a required time for baking. What tool are you going to
use to check the required given time?
a. Timer c. Weighing scale
b. Dry measuring tools d. Oven
4. What tool is used to level off when measuring flour?
a. Rubber scraper c. Wooden spoon
b. Spatula d. Knife
5. When measuring liquid, always put the measuring cup on a_______ surface.
a. Wet c. Flat
b. Dry d. Top
6. Are usually measured by a measuring spoon because it only requires small
a. Flavorings c. Brown sugar
b. Flour d. Cornstarch
7. Which statement is true when measuring dry ingredients?
a. Only fill them half way c. They come in a set of 4
b. Fill them to the top d. Made up of plastic only
8. What are the equivalent measures of ½ cup of flour?
a. 8 tbsp c. 10 tbsp
b. 4 tbsp d. 2 tbsp
9. Four (4) cups of water is equivalent to _____________.
a. 4 pint c. 16 ounces
b. 1 quart d. 2 quarts
10. In the absence of 1 cup coconut milk in the ingredients, this can be substituted
with ___________.
a. 3 cups milk c. 1 cup milk
b. 2 cups milk d. 1 cup water
11. What is the correct abbreviation of tablespoon?
a. tbsps. c. tsp.
b. Tbsp. d. tsps.
Discuss pinciples of costing
Directions: Read and understand the statements below.Choose the letter of the
answer. Write your answer in your TLE notebook.
Principles of Costing
The following are the things to consider in calculating the cost of the product.
1. Markup - is the amount added to the price cost. It can also be stated as a
permanent amount or as percentage of the total cost.
2. Selling price - is the price at which a product or service sold.
3. Purchase Cost - is the price a buyer pays for the food bought.
4. Yield - is the amount of usable product after it has been processed
5. Total Cost - is the total cost of food production.
Sample 1
Compute the SELLING PRICE of KUTCHINTA product given the following
estimated cost of ingredients which produced 15 pcs with 50% peso mark up.
SELLING PRICE = Total Cost + Peso Mark Up
Number of Yield
To get the 50% peso markup, the formula is = (TOTAL COST x 50% MARKUP)
43.00 x .50 = 21.5
SELLING PRICE = 43.00 + 21.5 = 64.5 ÷ 25 pcs. = 2.58 or 3.00 each kutchinta
Directions: Compute the estimated purchase cost of this Chicken Adobo recipe
and impose 50% markup to determine the selling price with total servings of 24.
Show your solution in your TLE notebook.
Activity 1 - "COSTING" - With the help of your mother, list down the ingredients that
you can find in your kitchen or pantry which you can use to cook any chicken recipe.
Write the cost of each ingredients. Use Activity Sheet Lesson 2 2.1
Activity 2 "COOK IT RIGHT, PRICE IT RIGHT!" - Make a Chicken Recipe at home.
Write the recipe and compute for the selling price of the product. Use the Activity
Sheet Lesson 2 2.2
Activity 3 "REFLECTION" - Answer the Activity Sheet Lesson 2 2.3
Direction: Read and understand the statements below.Choose the letter of the
answer. Write your answer in your TLE notebook.
4. The amount you pay for the product you brought is called _________.
A. Peso Mark Up C. Purchase Cost
B. Percentage Mark Up D. Net Cost
1. Principles of Costing
2. Give the formula on how to get the Selling Price?
3. Give the formula on how to get the Markup?
You have finished the Lesson 2 of Cookery module.
You may now proceed to Lesson 3.