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uses a set of bits to represent an

Adobe Flash – was design to create animations that can be
1. STORY BOARDING played on web pages. Is an
2. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT application design to create
animations in which you can
3. SELECTING MUSIC AND SOUND embed with sound and videos.
4. ADDING INTERACTIVITY Pixel - A single point in a bitmap-based computer graphic.
5. TESTING PROJECT OUTPUT Node - is a point in a vector file.
7. DEVELOPING DOCUMENTATION .FLA - The main supported file type of Flash used to create
artwork and animations.
.SWF - Read as "swift" and formerly known as ShockWave
Flash. It denotes that the file was created using Flash®
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT TEAM technology or commonly known as Flash movies or Flash
applications, hence, it requires Adobe® Flash® Player to
1. Production Manager – Defines, coordinates, and view. This could be a cartoon or an internet application.
facilitates the production of the
multimedia project. .FLV - The video files for Adobe® Flash® Player. These are
the actual movie files created by Flash.
2. Content Specialist – Member of the production team
responsible for performing all .AS File - Also known as the ActionScript file. The file that
necessary research concerning contains interactive codes used to control Flash applications.
the content.
PSD or Photoshop Document - is an image file format
3. Scriptwriter – Generates the dialog needed for each native to Adobe’s popular Photoshop Application. It’s an
scene and how it should be image editing friendly format that supports multiple image
displayed as per the story board. layers and various imaging options.

4. Text Editor – Ensures that all texts are structurally and JPEG - stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group", which
grammatically correct including is the name of the organization that developed the image
that of any accompanying format. When you save an image as a JPEG, some data from
documentation the image will be lost and deleted forever to reduce the size
of the file. This method is called “lossy compression”.
5. Graphic Artist – Responsible for the graphic elements of
the program such as background, GIF - is a computer file that is used on the internet for
buttons, characters, and all other sending images, especially moving images. GIF is an
graphic elements needed. abbreviation for ' Graphic Interchange Format'. GIF images
are compressed with a lossless compression but the size of
6. Animator – Responsible for integrating all the the files is significantly small.
multimedia building blocks.
TIF or TIFF - is an image format used for containing high
7. Programmer – Responsible for encoding the scripts in quality graphics. It stands for “Tagged Image File Format”
the authoring language. or “Tagged Image Format”. The format was created by
Vector Graphics – Are computer images that are stored in Aldus Corporation but Adobe acquired the format later and
memory as lines rather than as a made subsequent update in this format.
series of dots. These are images BMP - file format, also known as Bitmap Image file,
that use lines that allow it to Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) file format and
easily be rotated proportionally. Bitmap, is a raster graphics image file format used to store
Raster Graphics – Use a set of bits called bitmaps that bitmap digital images, independently of the display device,
represent a graphic image. Are
also known as bitmap graphics. It

EPS - file format is short for Encapsulated PostScript. It was POV (point of view shot) - A shot which is understood to
created by Adobe back in 1992. It's a standard graphics file be seen from the point of view of
format intended for placing images or drawings within a a character within the scene.
PostScript Document. ... EPS file format is widely used by REACTION SHOT- A shot of someone looking off screen.
publishers because of its compatibility across different 2.: A reaction shot can also be a shot of
operating systems. someone in a conversation where they are
not given a line of dialogue but are just
AI - file extension represents Adobe Illustrator Artwork listening to the other person speak.
file. This graphics file format is a creation of Adobe systems
TILT - Using a camera on a tripod, the camera moves up or
for containing vector-based graphics in a single page. down to follow the action.
CDR - file is a vector drawing created with CorelDRAW, a ZOOM - Use of the camera lens to move closely towards the
vector illustration and page layout program. It contains a subject.
document that contains text, lines, shapes, images,
colors, and effects. CDR files are used to create various Copyright – Is a form of protection for the creator of an
types of documents such as letters, brochures, tabloids,
original work.
envelopes, postcards, webpages, and web banners.
© - is the symbol of copyright which is found at the end of a
DWG - Derived from “Drawing”, DWG is a binary file format
copyrighted materials.
used for containing 2D and 3D design data. DWG files are
basically CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings consisting Fair Use – is one workaround to copyright limitations.
of vector image data and metadata written with binary
WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization
Storyboarding – This process involves visualizing your
expected output in scenes or stages.
Close Up Shot – A shot with the subject close or appears
Types of Evaluation
to be close to the camera
1. Internal Evaluation – Is testing within the multimedia
Dissolve – A transition between two shots where one-shot
development group and through
fades away while another simultaneously fades
internal discussion to evaluate the
aspects of the application
Fade – A transition from a shot to black where the image
Check list under Internal
gradually becomes darker is a Fade Out; or from
black where the image gradually becomes
brighter is a Fade In. 1. Application Design
HIGH CAMERA ANGLE - A camera angle which looks 2. Project Goal and objectives
down on its subject making it look small, weak or
unimportant. 3. Content Accuracy
JUMP CUT - A rapid, jerky transition from one frame to the
4. Text Narration
next, either disrupting the flow of time or
movement within a scene or making an abrupt 5. Sound
transition from one scene to another.
LEVEL CAMERA ANGLE - A camera angle which is even 6. Graphics and navigation
with the subject; it may be used as a neutral 7. Delivery via the proposed
shot. medium
LONG SHOT - A long range of distance between the
camera and the subject, often providing a 8. Legal Considerations
broader range of the setting.
2. Alpha Testing – Is testing within a known group of
LOW CAMERA ANGLE - A camera angle which looks up at
people and critics.
its subject; it makes the subject
seem important and powerful. 3. Beta Testing – Is testing within potential users.
PAN - A steady, sweeping movement from one point in a
scene to another.

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