Romans The Clearest Gospel of All
Romans The Clearest Gospel of All
Romans The Clearest Gospel of All
Chapter 1
(Romans 1:1-17)
Immediately, he preached Jesus Christ.
And then in verse 13 he says:
So everything that we need in the plan of
salvation is found in this book. It is a difficult
book, because he’s writing not to scholars; he’s
writing to people who thought so differently than
our people today in the 20th century. That’s why I
wrote the paraphrase of Romans. My purpose was
to try and breach the gap in this paraphrase, so that
the Gospel of Romans will become meaningful to
Except going to the Holy Land. All you will
see there is commercialism. I worked in the
Middle East. It’s disgusting how they have turned
sacred things into secular. They offered us crosses
all over the city of Jerusalem and claimed that this
was the original wood on which Jesus died. And I
told one Jew, “If you collect all those pieces of
wood, they would be like the loaves and fishes that
Christ multiplied because it’ll produce I don’t
know how many crosses out of that one cross that
Christ died on.” But I had to remind them that it
was not the wood that saves us. Folks, we do not
put emphasis on things. There is nothing “holy”
about the Holy Lands. There is much fighting
there, much insecurity. It is the Lord of this
universe Who died on the cross Who saves us, and
we don’t have to go to Israel to find Him. We can
find Him here in America. Do you know that?
I thank God that she could stand up here and
carry out her program, because she has a hope.
She has not said goodbye to Mike forever; it is
only for a season.
Verse 33:
Chapter 2
So the wrath of God is hatred for sin because
He loves us. Please keep that in mind. Now there
is a problem here because we human beings have
difficulty separating sin from the sinner. When
somebody does something bad, we look down on
the individual. But God makes a distinction
between sin and the sinner. He loves the sinner but
He hates the sin. And He hates sin because He
loves the sinner. We human beings, when we hate
sin, we sometimes hate the sinners, too. And that’s
the tragedy, that’s our human problem. So that’s
number one.
For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through
And then in verse 18 he goes on to say that
those who believe in His Son shall not be
condemned, but those who reject His Son already
stand condemned:
When Adam and Eve sinned, God’s image was
not totally wiped out. There was still left in Adam
and Eve, and in the human race, a desire to seek
after God. God said to the first parents, “I will put
enmity between Satan and you” [Genesis 3:15].
But in spite of everything that God has given in
terms of evidence, man does not want to retain the
knowledge of God. This is the fundamental
problem with sinful man. He thinks he can live
without God. What does he do when he turns his
back to God? Look at verse 21, first part:
Wonderful inventions! Of course, people
forget that science has also invented the monster
that can wipe us all out in a few moments. But the
trouble is, has technology, has science, improved
life in America? Or is crime increasing by leaps
and bounds? I don’t care how many reformed
movements are brought out in this country, I don’t
care how many legislations, how many mitigations
of justice we instill in our system. As long as we
turn our backs to God, there is no solution.
And I’ll tell you, folks, the “not I” is the
hardest part. That is why Paul spends verse 18
right up to chapter 3 verse 20 on the sin problem.
He wants to establish in our hearts that the gospel
is “not I, but Christ.” And may we learn this
Chapter 3
So the fact that the Jews knew the law did not
make them better. Please notice where Paul
touches the heart of the problem. Look at chapter
2, verse 13. Paul says there that:
And Jesus said, “If you want to go to heaven by
your deeds, there is the law that is the definition of
And, young boys, if you are thinking about
why your girlfriend hasn’t written to you, you are
breaking the Sabbath. Because the law doesn’t
demand only perfect acts but perfect motives. This
was the greatest mistake of the Jews. Romans
chapter 2, verses 28 and 29:
These things are good if you have a right
relationship with Christ, but without that, they are
useless. Don’t think that because your name is in
the books of the Adventist Church that it qualifies
you for heaven. Don’t think that because your
parents or your great grandparents were pillars of
the church, maybe even having been pioneers [of
the Adventist faith], that it will save you.
I want to remind you in closing that Paul has a
purpose in dealing with the sin problem, both with
the Gentiles and with the Jews. The purpose of this
passage, up to chapter 3, verse 20, is to destroy in
every human being, confidence in yourself, in your
ability, in your origin, in everything that you rely
on, that you may accept nothing else but Jesus
Christ as your hope and as your righteousness. In
other words, Paul is saying, “I don’t care if you are
Jew or if you are a Gentile. The whole world is
under sin. The whole world is a slave to sin. The
whole world is controlled by sin and, therefore, by
the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Chapter 4
This section of Romans 3:9-20 is extremely
important, as I have already said. What I am going
to do is look at it in a general way first and then we
are going to look at it in detail, because when we
come to grips with this passage, then and then only,
are we ready for the gospel. It is no use coming to
Christ as you are unless you learn what Paul is
saying here: that from head to foot there is nothing
good in us; that salvation is entirely a gift from our
Lord Jesus Christ. Okay, let’s look at verse 9:
Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed
innocent blood. Their thoughts are evil thoughts;
ruin and destruction mark their ways. The way of
peace they do not know; there is no justice in their
paths. They have turned them into crooked roads;
no one who walks in them will know peace.
What is he doing here? He is doing what is
commonly known as the “proof text method.” He
is putting a string of statements from the Old
Testament into one passage and we called it the
proof text method. I get from this passage that it is
not wrong to use the proof text method, but it does
become wrong when we misuse a text. Whenever
we use the proof text method, folks, please be
honest with the context; otherwise, you can make
the Bible say anything you want. So there is
nothing wrong with the proof text method; what is
wrong is when we misuse that method and I am
afraid we are guilty too often of it.
Romans 3:12:
It’s true that the one has an implicit knowledge
of the law through his conscience, the other one
has a direct, explicit knowledge of the law through
the revelation of God at Mount Sinai. But when
you come down to the bottom line, folks — to use
an American expression, “where the rubber meets
the road,” — has the Gentile obeyed his conscience
in every detail? The answer is no. Has the Jew
obeyed the law in every detail? The answer is no.
Therefore, both Jew and Gentile, who are under the
law whether you have it in an explicit form or an
implicit form, both Jew and Gentile are all guilty
before God and that includes you and that includes
But now that you have been set free from sin
and have become slaves to God, the benefit you
reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
May God bless you, that you shall know the
truth and the truth will make you free.
Chapter 5
Righteousness by Faith
(Romans 3:21-23)
With this in mind, let’s begin our study of
verses 21-23. I want you to notice first of all, that
Paul introduces the gospel by two very important
words. We tend to gloss over those words and we
dare not. He introduces the gospel by two words:
But now....
In other words, the righteousness that God
offers mankind is planned, promised, provided,
fulfilled from heaven, in Christ. It’s a heavenly
robe (often known as the righteousness of Christ);
it’s a heavenly garment, without a single thread of
human devising. It is entirely from God. You and
I have not contributed towards that righteousness,
one iota. In other words, it is entirely a GIFT! It’s
FREE! And that’s what Romans 3, verse 24 comes
out with:
God says, “I don’t care what you feel. I’m
telling you that you are righteous in My Son!”
So you Romans, salvation is yours. You have
obeyed the gospel. You Jews, don’t blame God. In
Christ, you have righteousness, but you have not
obeyed the gospel. And it is not because you did
not hear the gospel! You heard it, but, as Isaiah
said [Isaiah 53:1]:
Chapter 6
Legal Justification
(Romans 3:24-26)
1. The righteousness of God justifies us.
For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through
1. The cross demonstrates that Satan is a liar
and a murderer and that the human heart is
desperately wicked. We need to know that.
John 8:44 says that:
...he did it to demonstrate his justice at the
present time, so as to be just and the one who
justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
Chapter 7
It is excluded.
You respond, “From head to foot, there is
nothing good in you.”
Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith?
On the cross, Jesus met the justice of the law.
And, by His life, He met the positive demands of
the law. And when I stand before the judgment
seat of God, and the law of God says to me, “Have
you obeyed me?” I will not say to the law, “Well, I
did my best.”
The law will say, “When did you obey me
Because, in Christ, the law has been established
on behalf of you and me. That is what verse 31
says. God doesn’t bypass His law to justify us.
God holds His integrity to His law when He
justifies me through His Son Jesus Christ.
Because, in His Son’s holy history, God has met
every demand of the law for you and for me. That
is the “good news” of the Gospel.
I asked, “Why?”
Chapter 8
In Defense of
Justification by Faith
(Romans 4:1-25)
That’s in verse 21 of Romans 3.
God is legally just in justifying us sinners. God
doesn’t “make believe” our righteousness, He is
legally just in declaring us sinners righteous in
Christ. And that is extremely important, Paul
defends it, points it out, in verses 24-26. And by
the way, Hebrews 9:22-26 brings this out also. By
the doing and dying of Christ, God has a legal
right, He can uphold His law and, at the same time,
justify us.
3. Then, in verse 13 to verse 16 or 17, Paul is
dealing with this third element, this third
objection, which we can apply today, and
that is the keeping of the law. The Jewish
Christians were saying, “Yes, it is not
enough simply to believe, we must keep the
law in order to be saved.”
But when the kindness and love of God our
Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of
righteous things we had done [it isn’t because we
did something good that deserves salvation], but
because of his mercy. He saved us through the
washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy
He gives his history now in verse 5, and that’s
what he means by the flesh:
What then shall we say that Abraham our father
has found according to the flesh?
Now let us be honest, did Abraham do works?
Did he obey God when God said to him, “Leave
your country, leave your people, and go to a land
that I will give you”?
Now, verse 4:
Did Abraham work? Yes. Did Abraham work
for his justification? No!
“I want you to be circumcised. Remove all
doubt. Remove unbelief.” That’s the meaning of
circumcision. And so in verse 9, 10, and 11, God
gave him the covenant of circumcision, as a token.
You’ll find that word, “token” (or “sign”) in verse
10. Genesis 17:10-11:
Paul is saying that, when God gave the law, it
turned sin into transgression. It means that it made
guilt all the worse, because before you did not
know that you were guilty, in many areas. The
Arab in Saudi Arabia who breaks the Sabbath
doesn’t know that he is guilty of breaking God’s
commandments, the fourth commandment. But the
moment you give him the Sabbath law, he becomes
guilty because sin has become transgression.
Galatians 3:19 brings this out:
God comes to me and says that, “I created this
world in six days, just by My breath, I had no pre-
existing matter.” (And Hebrews 11 brings this
out.) By faith I believe it. If I were to use the
scientific method, I would say, “You are talking
Chapter 9
The Fruits of
Justification by Faith
(Romans 5:1-5)
first, you are wasting your time. And you will see
why I am saying this.
1. He is a murderer.
2. He is a liar.
This grace that made it possible for Christ to
fulfill the will of God is now accessible to the
believer who is justified by faith. That is what Paul
is talking about. In other words, the word “grace”
has more than one meaning in the New Testament.
The primary meaning of grace, of course, is the
loving disposition that God has towards us, through
which He sent His Son, so that, through His Son,
He could save us. You will find that for example,
in Ephesians 1:7:
Now I want to give you the texts regarding
grace as the power of God. Let’s start with 1
Corinthians 15. I’m using the word grace now as
the power of God available to the believer. And
I’m going to use all of Paul’s writings, because he
is the one who uses the word and I want to show
you how Paul uses the word grace in terms of
power. In 1 Corinthians 15:9 Paul says:
In other words, “Let your light shine. Let this
grace that you have received shine in you and let
people see your good works and glorify the
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of
God’s grace given me through the working of his
1 Timothy 1:14:
1. sufferings (tribulation),
2. perseverance (patience, endurance),
3. character (some translations read
4. hope.
Chapter 10
Unconditional Love
(Romans 5:6-10)
This is one of Paul’s prison letters. He was in a
dungeon, he was in prison when He wrote
Ephesians. The Ephesian church was very dear to
him, he had spent almost three years in Ephesus.
But a problem had crept up: the imprisonment of
Paul was bringing great discouragement to the
Ephesian Christians. This is how they were
reasoning: “If Paul — the great servant of God, the
Apostle of Christ — was in prison and God was
not protecting him, what hope is there for us?”
Paul heard about this. So he writes to them, in
verse 14 of chapter 3, he is unburdening his
Paul is saying, “Much more, now that you have
accepted Justification by Faith through His blood,
you can be guaranteed that He will do everything
to make sure that you are in heaven with
Him...much more.” Why? He goes on in Romans
What Paul is doing here in Romans 5:6-10 is
simply telling us what Jesus taught on the Sermon
on the Mount. So I want you to notice what Jesus
taught on the Sermon on the Mount and you will
see that it is identical to what we have just covered.
Turn to Matthew 5, and you will notice here that
Christ is doing the same thing: He is contrasting
human love with God’s love. He is saying, “This
is the kind of love, this Divine love is what
Christians should reflect in their daily living.” This
is the kind of love that Judaism was teaching the
people. It is the kind of love that can be generated
by human beings. Jesus said [Matthew 5:43-44]:
Let me put it another way. Look at John 13,
Jesus says in verse 34:
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too
shared in their humanity so that by his death he
might destroy him who holds the power of death —
that is, the devil — and free those who all their
lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
And this is his command: to believe in the
name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one
another as he commanded us.
When they talked about the agape feast, they
were not talking about nicely decorated tables, with
candles, like we have today. That’s not an agape
feast. They were talking about a master and a slave
sitting together and sharing the same meal; that
was agape, something that was a complete
contradiction to their culture.
Chapter 11
I believe this man is making a correct
statement! If you can understand this passage, I
can assure you, you have understood the gospel
and you have understood righteousness by faith!
But having said that, I would like to add two
Now Paul is saying three things in this one
The soul who sins is the one who will die. The
son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will
the father share the guilt of the son. The
righteousness of the righteous man will be credited
to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be
charged against him.
Argument #5. But now I want to give you the
fifth reason, which to me is the most important
argument. If you forget the first four, I don’t mind.
But this fifth argument is so crucial that it is
important that you clearly understand what Paul is
doing here. In Romans 5, verses 12 to 21, Paul is
comparing Adam with Christ. The reason why he
is discussing Adam and our situation in Adam in
verses 12 to 14 is because he wants to use Adam as
a type or as a pattern of Christ. In other words, he
is saying: “What happens to us because of Adam
in the same way happens to us because of Christ.”
Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of
Adam to the time of Moses....
Chapter 12
Fathers shall not be put to death for their
children, nor children put to death for their fathers;
each is to die for his own sin.
But suppose this son has a son who sees all the
sins his father commits, and though he sees them,
he does not do such things: He does not eat at the
mountain shrines or look to the idols of the house
of Israel. He does not defile his neighbor’s wife.
He does not oppress anyone or require a pledge for
a loan. He does not commit robbery but gives his
food to the hungry and provides clothing for the
naked. He withholds his hand from sin and takes
no usury or excessive interest. He keeps my laws
and follows my decrees. He will not die for his
father’s sin; he will surely live. But his father will
die for his own sin, because he practiced extortion,
robbed his brother and di what was wrong among
his people.
Yet you ask, ‘Why does the son not share the
guilt of his father?’ Since the son had done what is
just and right and has been careful to keep all my
decrees, he will surely live. The soul who sins is
the one who will die. The son will not share the
guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt
of the son. The righteousness of the righteous man
will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the
wicked will be charged against him.”
That is the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that is
the reason why so many people are ignoring this
passage, because they can’t fathom how all men
could die in one man, as long as they separate the
humanity of Christ from the humanity that needs
But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the
many died by the trespass of the one man, how
much more did God’s grace and the gift that came
by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow
to the many!
That’s not the end of the matter. Romans 5:17:
The reason Adam and Eve did not die the same
day was because there was a lamb who was slain
from the foundation of the world. Legally, Adam
had no right to live one more minute after he
sinned. Which means, if he had died, you and I
would have died in him. That’s where we belong,
legally, in Adam. But there was a first death
because of the gospel program. Adam knew
nothing about the first death or the second death.
He knew of only one death: “Good-bye to life
forever.” That’s the only death he knew when God
commanded him not to eat of the forbidden fruit.
That’s why we, as a church, believe that Adam had
“conditional” immortality. What was the
condition? “If you obey, you will live; if you
disobey, you will die ... forever.”
First of all, it saved all humanity from the
second death. And I would like to add the word
“only.” It saved us only from the second death.
Christ’s death on the cross did not save us from the
first death, because the first death is not the wages
of sin. It is the second death that is the wages of
sin. So when Paul says, “He bore the curse of the
law for us,” that means He bore the second death.
In other words, He abolished the second death
on the cross. And the greatest proof I can give you
is the fact that, even when you accept Christ, as a
Christian, you still have to die the first death.
Christians have funerals, don’t they? Yes. But we
don’t have to mourn like the unbeliever because
that first death is only sleep.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will
set you free.
Chapter 13
As I said before, please put away your
preconceived ideas. Come to this text with an open
mind. I was amazed that, when this man came to
the text with an open mind, we came to the basic
same conclusion. So it gave me courage. But I
will respect you if we disagree. However, please
be honest with the text. Don’t go beating around
the bush; give me a correct exegesis of this text. If
I’m wrong, I’m willing to change, but be honest
with the text.
Now let me give you some texts to show that
this is what Paul is teaching in other places. Turn
to 1 Corinthians 15:49. Paul is saying the same
thing but from a different angle. Read verses 48
and 49 to get the whole picture. 1 Corinthians
I would recommend that you read the second
chapter of Steps to Christ [by Ellen G. White].
When Adam sinned, his nature became bent. Love
disappeared; selfishness took its place. And we
were born, every one of us, with a bent towards sin
which is with Satan and not with God.
What God did in Christ is superabundance. He
not only cancelled Adam’s sin but He also
cancelled our sins — past, present, and future. We
touched that in verse 16. But more than that, He
did not only cancel sin (which would make us
neutral, clear up a bad debt), He also brought in the
verdict of justification to life for all men. He didn’t
only do that. He did much more. He condemned
sin in the flesh. So where sin increased, grace
increased all the more. He did it for us, He did it
for the whole human race. In view of this, Paul
says in verse 21:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Verse 17. Death rules or reigns over all
mankind because of Adam’s sin. Much more those
who receive (and I emphasize the word because a
gift to be enjoyed has to be received) the gift of
Christ’s abundant grace and righteousness will rule
with Christ throughout eternity.
3. Your eternal destiny depends on which
humanity you have chosen. When the Bible uses
the word “unbelief” as a sin that brings eternal
death (or as the unpardonable sin in the New
Testament), it means a deliberate choosing to
remain in Adam and the reign of sin. When you
deliberately choose, after the gospel has come to
you, to remain in Adam and under the reign of sin,
then my advice for you is: don’t come to church;
you’re wasting your time. Eat, drink, and be
merry, for tomorrow you will die. But please don’t
expect to enjoy sin and go to heaven at the same
Chapter 14
Baptized not by one man (and please notice, the
Spirit is in capital S, referring to the Holy Spirit)
but we were all baptized into one Body, and that
body refers to Christ. Now this is the truth of
baptism, but this is the foundation. Let us now turn
to Romans 6 and look at it in detail.
Now what did Paul mean by being baptized
into Christ Jesus? Well, I’ll give you a text that
will help you. That’s Galatians 3:27. Here Paul
explains what it means to be baptized into Christ
Jesus, because he uses the same phrase, but he also
amplifies on it. So we read in verse 27 of
Galatians 3 these words:
There is a very interesting society in England
that prevents the premature burial of people who
have not died. They give several incidents in their
literature. One of them occurred right here in
America, in California. They buried a man, he was
covered and everything and, in the middle of the
night, the man who was in charge of the cemetery
was walking along and he heard some noise. It
was right where the person was buried. He rushed
to the police and they dug it out. It was too late.
They opened the coffin. Obviously, this man came
back to life and was trying to come out. He pulled
his hair out. He was frantic. He was buried before
he died.
“The accession of members who have not been
renewed in heart and reformed in life is a source of
weakness to the church. This fact is ignored.
CHRIST.” [Emphasis by Pastor Sequeira.]
...Because anyone who has died has been freed
from sin.
Now don’t ask me: when does life begin?
That’s the big argument over abortion. I believe
life begins the moment conception takes place. But
I’m not a medical man and I won’t argue with you.
But one thing is clear: there is no resurrection
with Christ unless you first die with Him. It’s as
simple as that.
Romans 6:6 ends:
He said, “Yes.”
He said, “Yes.”
He said, “No.”
Chapter 15
a. originated by God,
b. planned by God,
c. fulfilled by God, and
d. it is all of God.
1. Our works,
2. Circumcision (which was of tremendous
significance to the Jews), and
3. The law keeping...
Chapter Six
Let me explain to you what a counterfeit is.
When I was a missionary in Ethiopia, my father
wrote to me. He’s a collector; he collects stamps,
and he used to collect coins. He said, “In Ethiopia
there is a coin called Marie Theresa. (It is a coin
that was minted by the Italians when they ruled
over Ethiopia for those five years, 1930 to 1935.)
They are rare coins but I want you to find one
because they are also very valuable coins.”
“Oh,” he said, “I wish it was over.”
By no means!
In other words, a Christian is a person who has
accepted his identity with Christ. Two thousand
years ago, God joined His Son to us so that, in
Christ, He redeemed us. Now, in baptism, we join
ourselves by public confession, through faith, to
Him, so that it is now reciprocal. He joined to us
and redeemed us; we join to Him and accept His
history as our history.
You have the past tense for death; you have the
future tense for the resurrection. So God is not
saying, “One day you will die to sin.” No, you
have already died to sin. Yes, one day you will rise
and go to heaven; that’s future. Look at verse 8, in
the aorist tense, which is much stronger, something
that happened once and for all [Romans 6:8]:
But now that you have been set free from sin
and have become slaves to God, the benefit you
reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
“So don’t let sin rule your mortal body that you
should obey it in its lusts (which you did before
your conversion).” Romans 6:13:
Chapter 16
2. The second thing that we need to know is
that the definition of righteousness is the
law, whether we take it in the context of the
Old Covenant or the context of the New
Covenant. There are no two definitions of
righteousness. The measuring stick of
righteousness is the law, period. Therefore,
the law refers to both covenants.
Now Paul tells us that Jesus set us free. Free
from what? What is he referring to when he says
we are free? What does he mean by the yoke of
bondage [or slavery]? Well, he explains this to us
in Galatians 4:4,5, so we need to go backwards still
so that we can understand what it is he set us free
But when the time had fully come, God sent his
Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem
those under law, that we might receive the full
rights of sons.
When you put those two together, you have an
awful picture. The whole world is guilty when you
put those together. Let me explain to you. Turn to
1 Corinthians 15. Why is it so terrible to be under
sin and to be under law at the same time? Here it
is: 1 Corinthians 15:56:
Let me give you a little experience. In 1975,
when we were on furlough from Ethiopia, we were
at Andrews University, and my wife has a sister in
Toronto [Canada] so we went to visit her. Of
course, the cheapest car we could buy, like it is
today, were those big cars, with eight cylinders that
drink all the gas, but you can buy it cheap.
Paul is not giving us this freedom; neither is
your Pastor giving you that freedom. But it is
important for us to know that we are free from
under the law. I’ll tell you why. Because God is
not concerned with your performance, He’s
concerned with your motive, or why you do what
you do.
But when the time had fully come, God sent his
Son, born of a woman, born under law....
But I want to give you one more privilege
under grace. Grace doesn’t only free you from
condemnation, grace doesn’t only free you from
the curse, but grace, as we saw when we did
Romans 5:2, is also a POWER that makes it
possible for you to keep the law. “I am what I am
by the grace of God,” says Paul to the Corinthians.
“And the grace that was given to me was not in
vain, I labored more than you all [the apostles].”
Create in me a pure heart, O God....
There are three ways that the devil will try and
get you to say good-bye to grace. So one of the
greatest burdens of the devil is to get Christians out
of grace. I want to expose you to the three ways.
I’ll give you one text for each of them.
The prodigal son is an example. He says, “I’m
tired of living under my father.” He discovered
later on that living under his father was ten times
better than living under the world. So I’ll give you
a text, 2 Timothy 4:10. Demas was a core
evangelist with Paul. But what does Paul, in
prison, say to Timothy? He says [2 Timothy 4:10]:
Chapter 17
Slaves of God
(Romans 6:16-23)
But before we look at the passage, I would like
to remind you of the context of Romans 6. You
need to keep this in mind, because what Paul is
doing in chapter 6 is one of the dangers of the
gospel. The dangers are twofold. The devil
doesn’t love the gospel, he hates the gospel, and
there are two things he does within the Christian
church. He does something else outside the
Christian church to blind the eyes so that they don’t
accept the gospel. But within Christianity he has
two counterfeits which we covered last time:
By no means!
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will
set you free.
And he said, “Thank God! Both my car and the
car of the boy who ran into us were insured.” He
believed now that the insurance company would
pay him back. That’s a mental assent to a truth.
But to Paul, faith was more than that. It was
obedience to the truth. I’m going to demonstrate
this from Scripture, but I’ll stick to Romans. There
are many passages I can give you from Paul, but
I’ll stick to Romans. Turn to chapter one of
Romans. In his very introduction, what does he
do? First of all, he introduces himself.
That’s the question. And remember, belief is
obedience. “If you obey from the heart, I’ll baptize
And I dare not compete at entertaining in
America. Because when I look at your videos, I
have no chance to try to entertain you people. I
have no way to entertain you the way the videos
can. In this country, you have all the entertainment
that you need. Like the Jews had quails, you have
videos here until they are coming out of your ears.
So I don’t have to add to that. But I do know one
thing, that Paul is saying, “I’m giving you this
illustration, because that’s not my pattern, but
because you are having difficulty understanding
this truth.” And then he goes on, second half of
Romans 6:19:
That’s a deception, young people, because
there is a development. If you allow sin to
continue to develop in you it will get a stronger and
stronger hold on you until you reach the point
where you cannot, like Saul, turn back to God.
And you’re finished. I have seen too many people
in that camp. So please, young people, do not treat
the gospel lightly. Yes, sin will give you fun, it
will give you wonderful pleasure, but please look
at Romans 6:23:
Chapter 18
For in my inner being I delight in God’s law....
But I was under the law. You are under the law
as long as you are living. If you die, then the law
no longer has a hold on you. That is true of any
law. The question is, of course, “Which law is he
talking about?”
Let us be honest with the passage. Well, that
shut him up but there still was a problem. You
mean to say that we are delivered from under the
law? Yes, but in what sense? Why? That is what
Romans 7 is all about.
2. He refuses to die.
And the wife says, “Really? What is it?”
In the first marriage, what did you produce?
Well, we’ll come to verse 5 and see what you
produced there. “But if you’re married to me,”
says Christ, “I am not asking you to DO things, I
am asking you to abide in Me.” John 15:5:
But now, by dying to what once bound us, we
have been released from the law so that we serve in
the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of
the written code.
Chapter 19
Exceedingly Sinful
(Romans 7:7-13)
So now comes the question, “Does this mean
that law is synonymous with sin?” What is His
Certainly not!
First of all, temptation. Is temptation sin?
Temptation is a desire, but temptation is not sin.
The question now is, “When does temptation
become sin?” When? From man’s point of view,
temptation becomes sin when you commit the act.
But I want you to listen to how James defines when
temptation becomes sin. I want you to notice the
analogy that he uses here. Let’s read James 1:14:
Did that which is good, then, become death to
me? By no means! But in order that sin might be
recognized as sin, it produced death in me through
what was good, so that through the commandment
sin might become utterly sinful.
Lo and behold, the next day, he took a bite.
We had to buy ice cream, because he was older,
and you needed some more potent stuff to cool
down the fire. He took a bigger bite than his sister
But that is not the only reason why God gave
the moral law. He also gave the moral law so that
when we discover this thing, we may run to Christ
as the solution. That is why, the moment we, as a
people, insisted that the law of Galatians was not
the moral law, we destroyed the purpose of the law.
Chapter 20
O Wretched Man
(Romans 7:14-25)
1. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Romans are
dealing with the Christian, not with the pre-
converted man.
Thanks be to God — through Jesus Christ our
Chapter 21
The word vicarious means “a person who
functions instead of another.” This is their
argument. They say that, “Sin is a dual problem.
Sin is what I am and sin is what I do. I’m a sinner
by nature.” (We touched on this last study where
Paul teaches in Romans 7 that there is sin dwelling
in our very members, in our nature, in verse 17,
verse 20, verse 23. He calls it the law of sin and
Therefore, if God made it clear that you cannot
transfer guilt and punishment — an innocent man
cannot suffer in the place of a guilty man — then
the vicarious position becomes unethical. And,
because it is unethical, those who preach this
position, like the Reformers, were accused of
“legal fiction” or, “as if passed on righteousness.”
Then what’s the solution? Well, as I read the
New Testament, I discovered something, that
whenever the New Testament talks about the
humanity of Christ, it always uses a qualifying
word. In Romans 8:3 the qualifying word is
“likeness.” In John 1:14 and Galatians 4:4 the
word used is “made” or “to become,” the Greek
word “ginomai.” In 2 Corinthians 5:21 you have
the word “made” also, “He was made sin.” In
Hebrews 2:14 the qualifying word is “partake” or
“share”: He shared in our humanity.
Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the
sin of the world!
Chapter 22
But when the time had fully come, God sent his
2. The second stage is sanctification.
John 16:9:
When the Bible talks of obeying the law, when
Paul talks of obeying the law, and he will bring this
out in chapter 13, verse 10 especially, he will tell
us that love, this unconditional agape love of God,
this love is the fulfilment of the law. In other
words, when we are led by the Holy Spirit, the fruit
of the Spirit is love and love is the fulfillment of
the law. But there is a condition:
The lady behind the counter said, “You can
cook your food in one minute, less than half the
time than the microwave itself, because you have
now two things working, a microwave which is
fast, and now a pressure cooker in the microwave.”
We had a teacher in the mission field who once
told me a very interesting experience in her own
life. She said when she was in college, she had one
desire, and that was to be a missionary. So she got
friendly with a student who was a theology major,
because he had the same desire. They decided to
get married even before they finished college.
They married, and then, in the last year of his
schooling, he changed his major from theology to
engineering. They were from Colorado.
She was on her knees, pleading with the Lord,
and the telephone rang. It was her husband’s firm.
He was in a tank, welding, and there was some gas
that was not removed, and he went to sleep and he
died in the tank. God laid him to rest.
“But if you walk in the Spirit,” says Paul, “you
have peace and you have life.” Because the life of
the Spirit is a life that brings peace and it brings
victory, it brings the righteousness of the law.
Look at Romans 8:7:
Folks, I can tell you till I’m blue in the face, but
if you’re not walking in the Spirit, I’ll lose more
hair and you will lose your patience with me. My
dear people, we have a Spirit Who is willing to
walk in you. We have a power that is available to
us. And that power is to reproduce in us the
character of our Lord Jesus Christ. The world
desperately needs to see Him. Please, don’t
disappoint Him.
Chapter 23
...In all things God works for the good of those
who love him....
When Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit to His
disciples, He gave the Holy Spirit a very special
name. I want to introduce you to that name. It is
not in English, it is in Greek, but I want you to
learn this word, because you will find that this
word is very useful. So turn to John 14, and this is
the promise that Jesus gave to His disciples, which
promise is to us until the end of the world. John
14:16. Jesus says:
I want to give you a text that is very important
for us who are living in the hour of judgment.
Turn to 1 John 4:16-18. I want you to notice what
the Apostle John has to say to those who believe in
God. Verse 16:
Who has part in the first resurrection? The
believers. What about them? Number one, on
them the second death has no power. Why?
Because, in Christ, we have already died the
second death. He took the pain, we enjoy the
benefits. But you and I will never have to die the
second death because we have already died the
second death in Christ.
And we know...
Chapter 24
2. We may not have a Mediator, but we will not
be living without a Savior. Impossible! We
don’t need a Mediator because the judgment
is over, the verdict has been given in favor
of the saints. But we will have to live by
faith in a Savior, and the Holy Spirit will not
be taken away from us (maybe from the
That word, “withheld” is the same word that
you can find in Romans 8:32, “not spared”; it’s the
same Greek word. What is Paul saying in Romans
8:32? God did not withhold from His Son the full
wages of sin that belongs to you and me. “God
spared not His own son but delivered Him up for
us all.”
The disciples had never seen Christ in such
agony. The agony was so great that His capillaries
burst and the blood oozed into His sweat glands
and drops of sweat and blood came out of Him.
What was the issue? He was facing the wages of
sin for our sins, for the sins of the world. And
three times He pleaded with the Father, “If it be
possible, remove this cup, remove this cup.”
For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through
“I am convinced without even the slightest
shadow of a doubt, I am convinced completely and
We had 250 Adventist young people in the
Nairobi University. I had three young kids there
who were excellent men; of these, one was the
president of the university group and one was the
treasurer. These three were all studying medicine
and they were inseparable. Not too long ago, I had
a phone call from the treasurer, who had been
given a scholarship from the World Bank to the
University of California to take his Ph.D. He
called me and gave me some sad news: the other
student, who was the president, had left the church.
Chapter 25
1. the adoption,
2. the glory,
3. the covenants,
God will keep His promise. That answer to the
question in Romans 9:6 has caused a lot of
confusion in the Christian church. There are some
who believe that after God has dealt with the
Gentiles, He will give the Jews a second chance,
and then the Jews as a nation will no longer reject
the Messiah, they will accept and ALL Jews will
be saved.
And Paul said, “Praise the Lord!”
For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised
you up for this very purpose, that I might display
my power in you and that my name might be
proclaimed in all the earth.”
Does not the potter have the right to make out
of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble
purposes and some for common use?
All of us, Jews and Gentiles, are by nature the
children of wrath. That’s what we deserve, if you
want to talk about what we deserve. But God will
show mercy on whom he will show mercy. As I
read scripture, He has shown mercy not only to the
Jews but also to Gentiles. Look at verses 23 and
24 of Romans 9:
Then, in verse 27, Paul tells them the sad fact is
that even though He has saved all Israel, only a
Remnant (i.e., the faithful) will be saved. Why? Is
God breaking His promise? No, because of He
says in verses 30-33. I want you to notice why
because now we are dealing with the second
problem, the second failure of the Jews. The first
one was they failed to understand the significance
of the three Fathers. In this they had failed, and
this failure led them to the second major failure:
they had failed to see how God will keep His
promise, how God will save all mankind, how God
will save Israel. Here it is, verses 30 and 31:
Chapter 26
But the subjects of the kingdom [the Jews who
were boasting that they were God’s children] will
be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there
will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Abraham was not raised up a believer; he was
raised up in idolatry. And God said, “Come out of
that environment.” Just like today, God says,
“Come out of the world, come out of your culture,
and enter into my culture, which is in complete
contradiction to human ways of life.” So it’s the
same call; we call it, “The call out of Babylon.”
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19:
Why did the Jews not see that God had given
Abraham to be the father of the blessing to all the
world, and not just them? But they failed to see
this call right from the very beginning.
Now here we have a problem. What did God
mean when He said to Abraham, “You will keep
this covenant, but not only you, even your
descendants”? Did he mean his literal descendants
or did he mean his spiritual descendants? Which
ones? Look at the covenant. Genesis 17:10:
The other one is Jeremiah 4:4:
For it is we who are the circumcision, we who
worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ
Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh [in
our own human ability]....
Galatians 5:16:
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not
gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
By faith Abraham, when God tested him,
offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received
the promises was about to sacrifice his one and
only [which means special] son....
Can God produce such a people today? I mean,
we have more evidence that Abraham had. Why
can’t we believe God when He says, “You are my
child”? Why can’t you believe God when He says,
“I look at you as if you had never sinned”?
Consider Abraham: “He believed God, and it
was credited to him as righteousness.”
Chapter 27
This is a lesson that Jesus tried to teach
Nicodemus. Turn to John 3 and listen to a dialogue
that took place. Nicodemus was one of the
theologians of Judaism. He was a member of the
Sanhedrin. If he was living today he probably
would be a professor at Walla Walla College or
maybe Andrews University. He was one of the
members of the Sanhedrin. He with his church had
gone astray in terms of the truth as it is in Christ.
But He recognized in Jesus Christ a very special
person. So he comes to Jesus at night. He says,
“Jesus, nobody could do such miracles as you are
doing unless he was from God.”
What he meant was, “You were dead
spiritually.” Then in verse five he adds:
But, because we are naturally born spiritually
dead, we have a problem, and the problem is found
in Romans 7:14. Here Paul gives us the problem:
In other words, the old covenant is where God
gives the law and man promises to keep and fulfill
that law. And if he fails? To use a good German
word, “kaput.” That’s the end of him. Galatians
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to
the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the
sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other,
so that you do not do what you want.
Chapter 28
1. In terms of citizenship,
2. In terms of status,
3. In terms of dominion, and
4. In terms of nature.
1. Citizenship
The call that God gives you in Christ is to be
separated from the world and become part of His
kingdom. In other words, when we were born we
were born citizens of this world which, speaking
spiritually, is under Satan. When we accepted
Christ, there was a change in citizenship. We have
changed our citizenship through the new birth
experience from under the world to citizenship in
the Kingdom of God, which is now under Christ.
For example, in Philippians 3:20-21, if you look at
a modern translation, it says:
2. Status
But when the time had fully come, God sent his
Son, born of a woman, born under law...
4. Nature
Then we come to number four. The next
radical change we have is in terms of nature.
Please turn to 2 Peter. There is a radical change in
nature and you need to be aware of that. You
know, through Christ, God has given us some
wonderful promises. Listen here to what Peter
says. 2 Peter 1:4:
Here is the problem. The promise that Jacob
would have the birthright was made to Rebekah
before Jacob was born. The problem is that all his
life Jacob tried to fulfill God’s promise. And that’s
the struggle; the flesh will be your greatest
hindrance. I’ll tell you why, because when God
produces righteousness in you, who gets the credit?
Not you, but Christ. And the flesh doesn’t like
that. The flesh doesn’t like getting no credit.
So the lay workers got together and they looked
at their Bibles and they said, “In the Bible it
doesn’t say that only pastors should baptize. Look
at Philip. He was a deacon. He baptized. Why
can’t we baptize?”
Let me amplify on these three points from
1. Enduring Persecution
For the time will come when men will not put
up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own
desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears
want to hear. They will turn their ears away from
the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep
your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the
work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of
your ministry.
Yes, he was a failure in his own eyes, but he
never gave up his faith in the promise of God. He
held unto God and that is why he is remembered in
the book of Hebrews. In chapter 11 of Hebrews,
Paul gives us a string of men and women who went
through all kinds of crises: men and women who
were destitute, who were sawn in half, who were
put in the lions den, but they all had one thing in
common. They endured to the end. Their faith
held on. Hebrews 11:39-40:
Chapter 29
I want to emphasize that Paul is discussing here
the method of salvation. He is not discussing here
the law as a standard of Christian living. We will
come to that when we come to Romans 13 where
Paul will say that the true Christian does fulfill the
law because in him there is love and love is the
fulfillment of the law. But he is discussing here the
law as a method or system of salvation. And he is
saying in Galatians 5:4 that, if you accept Christ,
the law method is out. If you accept the law
method, then you are fallen from grace and Christ
has become of no effect.
For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through
What then shall we say? That the Gentiles,
who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it,
a righteousness that is by faith; but Israel, who
pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it.
Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but
as if it were by works. They stumbled over the
“stumbling stone.”
For there is no difference between Jew and
You can’t call on somebody’s name and not
believe in it.
But not all the Israelites accepted the good
news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed
our message?” Consequently, faith comes from
hearing the message, and the message is heard
through the word of Christ.
Yes, the gospel has gone to all the world but
what has happened? The Gentiles said, “Thank
you, God!” But the Jews said, “We don’t want
Him.” Romans 10:20-21:
Chapter 30
Then, in chapter 10, Paul goes on to explain in
detail that, if the Jews are lost, it is entirely their
fault. Why? Because, number one God kept His
promise. He promised salvation and fulfilled it in
Christ. They are lost because they have
deliberately, persistently, and ultimately said, “No,
we don’t want your gift. We don’t want your
salvation,” through unbelief. So they must take the
With this in mind, let us look at chapter 11.
Christ declared to the Jews just before His
crucifixion [Matthew 23:38]:
“It is simple,” he said. “We pass an order, a
law that there should be no more smoking in the
country of Ethiopia.”
And if by grace, then it is no longer by works;
if it were, grace would no longer be grace.
What was Israel seeking? They were seeking
salvation. Why did they not obtain it? May I
remind you of chapter nine, verses 30-33. They
sought by the wrong method, by works of the law,
and they failed. The Gentiles sought it by faith and
they succeeded. So Paul is saying here: “What
then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks but the
elect, those who have accepted salvation by grace,
have obtained it. ”
I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am
the apostle to the Gentiles, I make much of my
ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse
my own people [i.e., the Jews] to envy and save
some of them.
Luke 21:22:
The Romans took Jerusalem in 70 A.D. They
drove the Jews out. They were followed by the
Saracens, Ottomans, then the British, Palestinians,
all Gentiles, until 1968 when the Jews came back
to Jerusalem. Now they didn’t occupy all of
Jerusalem. Forty-five percent of the inhabitants of
Jerusalem are still Palestinians. Does that not tell
us that we are approaching the fullness of the time
of the Gentiles?
And so all Israel [that means all the believing
Jews from Abraham right up to the end of time]
will be saved, as it is written: [then he quotes the
Old Testament] “The Deliverer will come from
Zion; he will turn godlessness [which has taken
place in the last 2,000 years] away from Jacob.
And this is my covenant with them when I take
away their sins.”
Romans 3:9:
Chapter 31
Born Crucified
(Romans 12:1-3)
Now how does Paul explain this theme? In the
first few chapters, the first section of Romans,
chapter 1:18 to 3:20, Paul proves from every
conceivable angle that man is spiritually bankrupt,
therefore, he cannot save himself by his
faithfulness. Why? Because all are under sin.
There are none good. There are none that can do
righteousness. Man stands guilty before God. So
anyone whose heart is lifted up and thinks he’s
faithful and that he can save himself by his
faithfulness has misunderstood Habakkuk 2:4.
But this flesh with its law of sin and death was
condemned on the cross. Romans 8:3:
Galatians 5:16:
Now all of this is in harmony with what Christ
said in John 5:24:
The world wants to see justification by faith.
May I repeat something very important? Why has
Paul reserved this wonderful truth to the end? And
why is this his pattern? All through his epistles he
deals with Christian ethics always at the end. I’ll
tell you why. It is because he is opposing legalism
in all of his writings. Legalism says, “You must
live a good life first, then I will justify you.” The
gospel says, “I justify you first, then I want you to
live the Christian life.” It is the opposite. As one
theologian puts it very nicely:
For we do not have a high priest who is unable
to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have
one who has been tempted in every way, just as we
are — yet was without sin.
What is Peter telling us? What kind of mind
did Christ have? He had a mind that was totally
surrendered to the will of God. Remember, in
Gethsemane, His flesh said, “Why should you go
to the cross?” And it produced drops of blood, but
Jesus responded, “Father, not my will but thine be
The question I want to ask you is, “Are you
willing to present your bodies a living sacrifice?”
Romans 12:1:
Do you know what Paul is saying here? Those
who are legalistic are following rules because they
want to give glory to themselves. The gospel, the
cross gives glory to God and, therefore, it means
swallowing your pride. But now look at verse
fourteen. Verse twelve is dealing with the legalist
but verse fourteen is dealing with the true
Christian. Galatians 6:14:
Chapter 32
While I was of the world I belonged to a nation,
I belonged to a society, I belonged to a tribe. I
could belong to a class, I could belong to a group
and, therefore, the world is full of distinctions.
You had to belong to a certain clique to belong or
you have to have some qualifications to belong to a
certain clique. The rich have a clique, the educated
have their certain clique, and, in fact, if you don’t
have a Ph.D., you don’t belong to their clique.
You are looked upon as an outsider. So in the
world we have all kinds of distinctions, all kinds of
factions, but when you become a Christian, all
distinctions must go. Why? Well, lets see what
the text says. 1 Corinthians 12:14:
In other words, God has given each believer a
gift so that he or she may function within the
church so that the whole church may benefit. I
have a hand but, I’ll tell you, this hand is essential
not only for the hand but for the whole body. I
have eyes and my eyes are essential to the whole
body. That’s what Paul expounds in 1 Corinthians
12:15 and onwards:
By this all men will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.
He kept looking at us. So we wormed our way
gradually right to his side. I turned to him and
said, “Are you Torry Paulson?”
Chapter 33
Romans 12:11:
Romans 12:12:
The true light that gives light to every man was
coming into the world. He was in the world, and
though the world was made through him, the world
did not recognize him.
Chapter 34
Loyal Citizens
(Romans 13:1-7)
“No,” I said.
In World War II, there was a movement in
Germany during Hitler’s time called “The German
Christians.” That’s what they called themselves.
They taught and insisted that every Christian must
give absolute obedience to the governing authority.
Of course, there were other Christians who fought
against that idea. But these German Christians
even quoted from Martin Luther. This is what
Luther said (and he was trying to counteract the
other camp): “Christians should not refuse under
the pretext of religion to obey men, especially evil
In other words, as soon as this world became
sinful, God ordained governments. He ordained
civil authorities to restrict the evil practices of
sinful man.
I said, “You know, I can’t understand this
place. You can watch T.V. You have books to
read. They pay you for the work you do and they
give you excellent food. This, to me, is not
punishment. This is enjoying life at the expense of
my tax money.” I said, “I wish you were in Africa.
They would put sense into your head. You
wouldn’t need all these years.”
But now comes the real question: Should we
obey the government in every respect? Paul is not
discussing that. Paul, himself, did not obey the
government in every respect. The early Christians
did not obey in all respects. Write these two texts
next to Romans 13:1 because you need to realize
that there is a fundamental principle taught in the
New Testament. First, listen to the words of Jesus
Christ in Mark 12. Here is a group of pharisees
who came to Jesus. They are not sincere, but I
want you to notice how Jesus responded. Mark
“We gave you strict orders not to teach in this
name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem
with your teaching and are determined to make us
guilty of this man’s blood.”
Chapter 35
2. The second distinction is that when the law
is kept as a method of salvation, it produces only
external righteousness. Jesus made a statement in
Matthew 15:8-9, quoting from the book of Isaiah:
Ezekiel 36:25-28:
The writer of Hebrews tells us the meaning of
the New Covenant. In legalism, the law is written
on tables of stone. In the gospel, the law is written
in our hearts. God promises to write the law in our
hearts. He promises to put the ingredient which is
the basis of all law keeping, His love, in our hearts,
so that we may have a relationship with our
neighbors as God has with us, a love relationship.
Chapter 36
In our own church, we have some people who
say we must keep the jubilee. When it doesn’t
happen as it is supposed to, they fade into the
distance without any apology for their error.
You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or
why do you look down on your brother? For we
will all stand before God’s judgment seat.
“Why?” he asked.
Ethiopians don’t have much money. The
average family in Africa has meat about five times
a year. Even then, it’s a scrawny old chicken for a
family of 10 or 15. All each one gets is a small
I said, “Look, brother, when you came here the
G.C. gave you a freight allowance. You brought in
Loma Linda Foods. You brought Linkettes and all
this plastic food so that you may have a variety in
your diet. How much of this have you shared with
them? You know very well what they eat day in
and day out. In fact, one of the biggest problems in
Africa is a protein deficiency. Why are you
grudging them a little meat, man? Why are you
making it such a big issue?”
He had no right to condemn the African
pastors. If he was in their shoes, how many
missionaries from this country are willing to go to
Africa, live in their homes and live like them and
eat their food? The Peace Corps will do it but how
many missionaries do it? Then we have a right to
condemn them? You try eating like they do.
They’re struggling for survival. Why do we
begrudge them? What is Paul saying here? There
are two principles that I want to mention:
Chapter 37
us, who are we to question? That’s the first half of
chapter 14. The second half of chapter 14 is that
we need to edify one another. Now, in chapter 15,
in verse one Paul says:
We do not rejoice in iniquity, but we rejoice in
the truth. And what is the truth? That’s the
question Pilate asked, “What is truth?” [John
18:38]. And Jesus said, “I am the truth” [John
14:6, 18:37]. So a Christian who rejoices in Christ
will hate sin. A Christian who has love in his heart
will “suffer long, not be envious, not puff himself
up, not be rude, not seek his own.”
May the God who give endurance and
encouragement give you a spirit of unity among
yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with
one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. Verse 11:
4. In verse 12:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you
yourselves are full of goodness, complete in
knowledge and competent to instruct one another.
I have written you quite boldly on some points, as
if to remind you of them again, because of the
grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus
to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of
proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles
might become an offering acceptable to God,
sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Verses 20 to 24:
Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers
in Judea....
May God bless us.
Chapter 38
One in Christ
(Romans 16)
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and
all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in
heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered
before him, and he will separate the people one
from another as a shepherd separates the sheep
from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right
and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to
those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by
my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom
prepared for you since the creation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to
eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I
needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and
you looked after me, I was in prison and you came
to visit me.”
The pastor replied, “Yes, that is right. You can
blame this man,” and he pointed to me.
Therefore, there is no such thing as Jew or
Gentile, male or female in the Christian Church.
We are one in Christ. But it is not enough to
preach this. The world must see this. I close with
the words of Jesus Christ once again. I repeat what
Jesus said in His prayer to His Father, that we may
be one that the world may know that He has sent