Activity 88290
Activity 88290
Activity 88290
– Henry Wards Beecher
Hooray to a new academic
year! The journey in this
pandemic has been tough yet MODULE CONTENTS
you made it. New normal has
come, but the learning must
continue. This would be pretty
exciting! As we start digging
through this course pack, you • Elements of Painting
will start on a bird’s eye view of • The Color Wheel and its
this subject Art Appreciation. Categories
This module develops students • Symbolism and
ability to appreciate, and Meaning of Primary
critique works of art. Also, this Colors
course aims to develop • Mediums in Painting
students’ genuine • Classifications of
appreciation for Philippine arts Painting Styles
by providing them
opportunities to explore the
diversity and richness and their
rootedness in Filipino culture.
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of Chapter 5 you should be able to:
10. Spray paint. It is the type of paint that Realism. It is a style of painting practiced
comes in a sealed pressurized battle and before the invention of the camera, where
released in a fine spray. artists depicted landscapes and humans
with as much attention to detail and
11. Tempera. it is a permanent, fast-drying precision as possible. The artist's primary goal
painting medium consisting of colored is to describe accurately and truthfully as
pigment mixed with a water-soluble binder possible what is observed.
Symbolism. It is an art that represents the
subject symbolically. For instance, the
"Spolarium" painting of Juan Luna depicts
the suffering of the Filipino people from the A N A L Y S I S
hands of the Spaniards. Many works of art
included by some writers who cover the
Symbolist era were produced in the middle
of the century, or even before.
Fauvism. It refers to art that used brilliant 1. What are the differences between oil and
primary colors or color illumination on acrylic paints?
subjects like pictures to emphasize comfort, ___________________________________________
joy, and leisure. It comes from the French ___________________________________________
word fauves, meaning "wild beasts” (this ___________________________________________
name refers to a small group of painters in ___________________________________________
Paris who exhibited works notable for the ___________________________________________
bold and expressive use of pure color). ___________________________________________
Cubism. It is a form of abstraction wherein 2. What do you think are the benefits of
the object is first reduced to cubes and then paintings in our lives?
flattened into two-dimensional shapes. It has ___________________________________________
been considered the most influential and ___________________________________________
powerful art movement during the 20 ___________________________________________
century in Paris established by Georges ___________________________________________
Braque and Pablo Picasso. ___________________________________________
Surrealism. It is a type of art wherein the
artist creates dreamlike paintings that filled 3. What is the significant of the secondary
with mysterious objects. It is the opposite of colors? How they are formed?
abstraction that attempts to portray the ___________________________________________
conscious mind through unconventional ___________________________________________
means. ___________________________________________