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Form AR 140

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Subject Description Form

Please read the notes at the end of the table carefully before completing the form.

Subject Code BME5120

Subject Title Digital Design and Manufacturing for Biomedical Engineering

Credit Value 3

Level 5
Pre-requisite/ Nil
Objectives This subject provides students with a broad understanding of the
theories and practices required to enable successful
implementation of digital technologies in biomedical research
and industry.
 To introduce the key concepts, technologies and
fundamental knowledge of digital design and
manufacturing in industrial and biological applications.
 To enable the students to design and manufacture medical
products for customized solutions to healthcare.

Intended Learning Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
a. Equip with the knowledge in digital design and
(Note 1)
manufacturing technologies.

b. Understand the scope and limitations of the applications of

digital design and manufacturing technologies.

c. Enable to use computer-aided design and manufacturing


d. Develop industrial and entrepreneurial experience and

skills for fresh thinking and customization of healthcare

 Introduction of concepts, principles, technologies and basic
Subject Synopsis/
Indicative Syllabus knowledge:
 Computer Aided Design (CAD): Geometric Modelling;
(Note 2) Knowledge Based Engineering; Platforming
Technology; Reverse Engineering; and Motion
 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM): Group
Technology and Cellular Manufacturing; Computer
Aided Fixture Design; Computer Aided Manufacturing;
Simulation of Manufacturing Processes; and Computer
Aided Design of Tools, Dies and Molds (TDM)
 Digital Manufacturing; Additive Manufacturing; and
Design for Sustainability
 Application in healthcare industry

 Bio-printing and applications

 Practical design and manufacture skills in design and

customization for healthcare products
 Analysis of requirements and needs
 Finite element methods (FEM)
 Determination of materials and 3D printing
 Biomechanical evaluation of effectiveness of
manufactured products

Methodology Intended subject learning outcomes
(Note 3)
a b c d

1. Lecture √ √ √

2. Case Study √ √

3. Practice √ √ √ √

Assessment Methods
in Alignment with Specific assessment % weighting Intended subject learning
Intended Learning methods/tasks outcomes to be assessed
(Note 4)
a b c d

1. Assignment 10% √ √ √

2. Case Study 20% √ √


3. Practice 30% √ √ √ √

4. Final quiz 40% √ √ √

Total 100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in

assessing the intended learning outcomes:

Assignment will be used to test the ability of the students to

understand the fundamental knowledge and technologies in the
digital design and manufacturing field. The students will be
required to review on the cutting-edge development of the digital
design and manufacturing technologies and the applications in case
study to benefit their recognition.
In order to strengthen students’ understanding of fundamental
knowledge and develop practical skills, practice will be arranged to
design and manufacture customized healthcare products.
Final quiz will comprehensively test the understanding of
knowledge, technologies, limitations and the applications in the
field of digital design and manufacturing

Student Study Effort Class contact:

 Lecture 27 Hrs.

 Case Study 3 Hrs.

 Practice 9 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

 Self-study 38 Hrs.

 Assignment and paper preparation 40 Hrs.

Total student study effort 117 Hrs.

Reading List and Textbooks
References  The 3D Printing Handbook: Technologies, design and
Redwood, B., Schöffer, F., & Garret, B. (2017). 3D Hubs.
 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
Zhuming Bi, and Xiaoqin Wang (2020). John Wiley & Sons,

Note 1: Intended Learning Outcomes

Intended learning outcomes should state what students should be able to do or attain upon subject completion.
Subject outcomes are expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall programme outcomes.

Note 2: Subject Synopsis/Indicative Syllabus

The syllabus should adequately address the intended learning outcomes. At the same time, overcrowding of the
syllabus should be avoided.

Note 3: Teaching/Learning Methodology

This section should include a brief description of the teaching and learning methods to be employed to facilitate
learning, and a justification of how the methods are aligned with the intended learning outcomes of the subject.

Note 4: Assessment Method

This section should include the assessment method(s) to be used and its relative weighting, and indicate which of
the subject intended learning outcomes that each method is intended to assess. It should also provide a brief
explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes.
(Form AR 140) 8.2020

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