DLL - Math 4 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Math 4 - Q1 - W1
DLL - Math 4 - Q1 - W1
B. Performance The learner is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100 000 in various forms and contexts
C. Learning The learner visualizes numbers up to 100 000 The learner gives the The learner gives the place value and value of a
Competencies/ with emphasis on numbers 10 001 – 100 000 place value and value digit in numbers up to 100 000
Objectives M4NS-Ia-1.4 of a digit in numbers M4NS-Ia-10.4
( Write the LCcode for up to 100 000
each) M4NS-Ia-10.4
Visualizing Numbers Visualizing Numbers Place Value and Value of a Digit in Numbers
II. CONTENT up to 100 000 with up to 100 000 with up to 100 000
( Subject Matter) Emphasis on Numbers Emphasis on Numbers
10 001 – 500 000 50 001- 100 000
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Blocks, Flats, longs, Cutouts of number disc Place value chart, cutouts, number disc, set of
Resources and units, cutouts of (100 000s, 10 000s, 1 numbers
number disc 000s, 10s,1s)
A. Reviewing previous Have a drill on Conduct a review on Have a drill in the form of a Number Game (TG
Lesson or presenting visualizing numbers associating numbers p. 11)
new lesson with sets having 10
001-50 000 objects
B. Establishing a purpose Talk about a coliseum Talk about the value of Conduct a review on the place value and value
for the lesson or a stadium. caring for the of numbers
C. Presenting examples/ Present a situation to Present a situation to Group Activity (TG p. 11)
instances of the new the class (TG p. 5) the class (TG p. 8)
D. Discussing new Using blocks, flats, Group Give another set of group activities (TG p. 12)
concepts and practicing longs and units, guide Work/Activities )TG p.
new skills.#1 the pupils to visualize 8)
10 542.
E. Discussing new Using cutouts of Discuss their answers. Discuss the pupils answers
concepts and practicing number disc, visualize Give other examples.
new skills #2. 10 542
F. Developing Mastery Discuss Explore and Talk about Explore Discuss the problem on LM p. 6.
(Lead to Formative Assessment Discover on LM p. 4. and Discover on LM
3) p. 6.
G. Finding practical application Work on Get Moving Answer Get Moving Answer Get Moving and Keep Moving on LM
of concepts and skills in and Keep Moving on and Keep Moving on p. 9-10.
daily living LM p. 4-5. LM p. 6-7.
H. Making Generalizations and To generalize ask Ask how they To elicit the generalization, ask the
Abstraction about the pupils what materials visualize numbers to questions on TG p. 13.
Lesson. are used in visualizing generalize.
I. Evaluating Learning Answer Apply Your Answer Apply Your Answer the exercises under Apply Your
Skills on LM p. 5. Skills on LM p. 8. Skills on LM p. 11.
J. Additional Activities for Draw number disc to Draw number disc to Give the place value of the underlined
Application or Remediation show these numbers. show these numbers. digit(TG p. 14)
1. 10 100 2. 12 2. 51 120 2. 2. 89 751
500 61 500 69 309
1. 27 300 4. 32 1. 45 300 4.
450 27 450
A.No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B . No. of learners who
required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared by: Checked by:
Noted by:
Principal III