Suresh Saran Project REVERSE OSMOSIS
Suresh Saran Project REVERSE OSMOSIS
Suresh Saran Project REVERSE OSMOSIS
I owe my special sense of gratitude to Prof. Dr.Rohit Kumar
Jain (supervisor), Department of Physics,Principal
,Lachoo Memorial College of Science & Technology, Jodhpur
(supervisor), Prof.Dr.Desh Raj Sharma,Associate Professor,
Dept. Physics,Lachoo Memorial College of Science &Technology
Jodhpur for extending unstinted support,constant help and
affection without any reservation throughout the course of
present investigaton.
The enthusiastic support and whole – hearted co-operation
which helped me in no small measure for completing this
project .this work by Dr.Rohit Kumar Jain,Principal(LMCST)
Jodhpur ,Dr.Desh Raj HOD Physics (LMCST) Jodhpur,
is peacefully acknowledged.
Chapter 1
The composition of water varies widely with local geological conditions. Neither
groundwater nor surface water has ever been chemically pure water (H2O), Water
contains varying amounts of gases, minerals and organic matter of natural origin.
The total concentrations of substances dissolved in fresh water for its consideration
to be of good quality can be hundreds of mg/L. The epidemiology and advances in
microbiology and chemistry since the 19th century has identified a numerous
waterborne disease causative agents. The knowledge that water may contain some
constituents that are undesirable is the point of departure for establishing
guidelines and regulations for drinking water quality. Maximum acceptable
concentrations of inorganic and organic substances and microorganisms have been
established internationally to assure the safety of drinking water. The potential
effects of totally unmineralised water had not generally been considered, since this
water is not found in nature except the rainwater and naturally formed ice.
Although rainwater and ice are not used as community drinking water sources in
industrialized countries where drinking water regulations were developed but they
are being used by individuals in some locations. In addition, many natural waters
are low in many minerals or soft (low in divalent ions), and hard waters are often
artificially softened. Awareness of the importance of minerals and other beneficial
constituents in drinking water has existed for thousands years, being mentioned in
the Vedas of ancient India. In the book Rig Veda, the properties of good drinking
water were described as follows: “Sheetham (cold to touch), Sushihi (clean), Sivam
(should have nutritive value, requisite minerals and trace elements), Istham
(transparent), Vimalam lahu Shadgunam (its acid base balance should be within
normal limits)”. The fact that water may contain desirable substances has received
less attention in guidelines and regulations, but an increased awareness of the
biological value of water has been established as a basis for pure water in the past
several decades. Artificially-produced demineralised waters, first distilled water
and later also deionized or reverse osmosis-treated water, had been used mainly
for industrial, technical and laboratory purposes. These technologies became more
extensively applied in drinking water treatment in the 1960’s as limited drinking
water sources in some coastal and inland arid areas could not meet the increasing
water demands resulting from increasing populations, higher living standards,
development of industry, and mass tourism. Demineralisation of water was needed
where the primary or the only abundant water source available was highly
mineralized brackish water or sea water. Drinking water supply was also of concern
to ocean-going ships, and spaceships as well. Initially, these water treatment
methods were not used elsewhere since they were technically exacting and costly.
The demineralised water is defined as water almost or completely free of dissolved
minerals as a result of distillation, deionization, membrane filtration (reverse
osmosis or nanofiltration), electrodialysis or other technology. The total dissolved
solids (TDS) in such water can vary but TDS could be as low as 1 mg/L. The electrical
conductivity is generally less than 2 mS/m and may even be lower (< 50 mg/L) can
have negative taste characteristics to which the consumer may adapt with time.
This water is also reported to be less thirst quenching. Although these are not
considered to be health effects, they should be taken into account when
considering the suitability of low mineral content water for human consumption.
Poor organoleptic and thirst-quenching characteristics may affect the amount of
water consumed or may cause persons to seek other, possibly less satisfactory
water sources. Williams [1996] reported that distilled water introduced into the
intestine caused abnormal changes in epithelial cells of rats, possibly due to
osmotic shock. Histology did not reveal any signs of erosion, ulceration or
inflammation in the oesophagus, stomach and jejunum. Altered secretory function
in animals (i.e., increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice) and altered stomach
muscle tone were reported in studies for WHO, but currently available data have
not unambiguously demonstrated a direct negative effect of low mineral content
water on the gastrointestinal mucous membrane. It has been adequately
demonstrated that consuming water of low mineral content has a negative effect
on homeostasis mechanisms, compromising the mineral and water metabolism in
the body. An increase in urine output (i.e., increased diuresis) is associated with an
increase in excretion of major intra- and extracellular ions from the body fluids,
their negative balance, and changes in body water levels and functional activity of
some Body water management-dependent hormones. Experiments in animals,
primarily rats, for up to one-year periods have repeatedly shown that the intake of
distilled water or water with TDS ≤ 75 mg/L leads to: 1.) increased water intake,
diuresis, extracellular fluid volume, and serum concentrations of sodium (Na) and
chloride (Cl) ions and their increased elimination from the body, resulting in an
overall negative balance.., and 2.) Lower volumes of red cells and some other
hematocrit changes. Although Rakhmanin et al. did not find mutagenic or
gonadotoxic effects of distilled water, they did report decreased secretion of tri-
iodothyronine and aldosterone, increased secretion of cortisol, morphological
changes in the kidneys including a more pronounced atrophy of glomeruli, and
swollen vascular endothelium limiting the blood flow. Reduced skeletal ossification
was also found in rat foetuses whose dams were given distilled water in a one-year
study. Apparently the reduced mineral intake from water was not compensated by
their diets, even if the animals were kept on standardized diet that was
physiologically adequate in caloric value, nutrients and salt composition. Results of
experiments in human volunteers evaluated by researchers for the WHO report (3)
are in agreement with those in animal experiments and suggest the basic
mechanism of the effects of water low in TDS (e.g. < 100 mg/L) on water and
mineral homeostasis. Low-mineral water markedly: 1.) increased diuresis (almost
by 20%, on average), body water volume, and serum sodium concentrations, 2.)
Decreased serum potassium concentration, and 3.) Increased the elimination of
sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It was
thought that low-mineral water acts on osmoreceptors of the gastrointestinal tract,
causing an increased flow of sodium ions into the intestinal lumen and slight
reduction in osmotic pressure in the portal venous system with subsequent
enhanced release of sodium into the blood as an adaptation response. This osmotic
change in the blood plasma results in the redistribution of body water; that is, there
is an increase in the total extracellular fluid volume and the transfer of water from
erythrocytes and interstitial fluid into the plasma and between intracellular and
interstitial fluids. In response to the changed plasma volume, baroreceptors and
volume receptors in the bloodstream are activated, inducing a decrease in
aldosterone release and thus an increase in sodium elimination. Reactivity of the
volume receptors in the vessels may result in a decrease in ADH release and an
enhanced diuresis. The German Society for Nutrition reached similar conclusions
about the effects of distilled water and warned the public against drinking it. The
warning was published in response to the German edition of The Shocking Truth
about Water, whose authors recommended drinking distilled water instead of
"ordinary" drinking water.
In the normal osmosis process, the solvent naturally moves from an area of low
solute concentration (high water potential), through a membrane, to an area of
high solute concentration (low water potential). The driving force for the
movement of the solvent is the reduction in the free energy of the system when
the difference in solvent concentration on either side of a membrane is reduced,
generating osmotic pressure due to the solvent moving into the more concentrated
solution. Applying an external pressure to reverse the natural flow of pure solvent,
thus, is reverse osmosis. The process is similar to other membrane technology
applications. However, key differences are found between reverse osmosis and
filtration. The predominant removal mechanism in membrane filtration is straining,
or size exclusion, so the process can theoretically achieve perfect efficiency
regardless of parameters such as the solution's pressure and concentration.
Reverse osmosis also involves diffusion, making the process dependent on
pressure, flow rate, and other conditions. Reverse osmosis is most commonly
known for its use in drinking water purification from seawater, removing
the salt and other effluent materials from the water molecules.
Chapter 2
Figure-1 illustration of mechanism involved in Osmosis
desalinate (demineralize or deionize) water in the process, allowing pure water
through while holding back a majority of contaminants.
Chapter 3
properly running RO system. Likewise, the greater the ionic charge of the
contaminant, the more likely it will be unable to pass through the RO membrane.
For example, a sodium ion has only one charge (monovalent) and is not rejected by
the RO membrane as well as calcium for example, which has two charges. Likewise,
this is why an RO system does not remove gases such as CO2 very well because
they are not highly ionized (charged) while in solution and have a very low
molecular weight. Because an RO system does not remove gases, the permeate
water can have a slightly lower than normal pH level depending on CO2 levels in
the feed water as the CO2 is converted to carbonic acid.
Reverse Osmosis is very effective in treating brackish, surface and ground water for
both large and small flows applications. Some examples of industries that use RO
water include pharmaceutical, boiler feed water, food and beverage, metal
finishing and semiconductor manufacturing to name a few.
Chapter 4
hours of operation. In order to accurately measure the performance of an RO
system you need the following operation parameters at a minimum:
1. Feed pressure
2. Permeate pressure
3. Concentrate pressure
4. Feed conductivity
5. Permeate conductivity
6. Feed flow
7. Permeate flow
8. Temperature
● The data collected from RO System is-
Permeate Flow 4.9 gpm
Concentrate Flow 2.1 gpm
Feed water Conductivity 470 μS
Permeate water Conductivity 14 μS
Concentrate Conductivity 1180 μS
Table-1 various parameter of RO
4.1 Salt Rejection %
This equation tells us how effective the RO membranes are removing
contaminants. It does not tell us how each individual membrane is performing, but
rather how the system overall on average is performing. A well‐designed RO system
with properly functioning RO membranes will reject 95% to 99% of most feed water
contaminants (that are of a certain size and charge). You can determine effective
the RO membranes are removing contaminants by using the following equation:
Salt Rejection %
= Conductivity of Feed Water – Conductivity of Permeate Water x 100
Conductivity of Feed
By using data from above table
Salt Rejection % = ((470 – 14) ÷470) ×100
= 97 %
The higher the salt rejection, the better the system is performing. A low salt
rejection can mean that the membranes require cleaning or replacement.
4.2 Salt Passage %
This is simply the inverse of salt rejection described in the previous equation. This
is the amount of salts expressed as a percentage that are passing through the RO
system. The lower the salt passage, the better the system is performing. A high salt
passage can mean that the membranes require cleaning or replacement.
Salt Passage % = (1- Salt Rejection %)
= (1- 97) = 3%
4.3 Recovery %
Percent Recovery is the amount of water that is being ‘recovered’ as well
permeates water. Another way to think of Percent Recovery is a amount of water
that is not sent to drain as concentrate, but rather collected as permeate or product
water. The higher recovery percentage means that less water is going to drain as
concentrate and saving of more permeate water. However, if the recovery
percentage is too high for the RO design then it can lead to larger problems due to
scaling and fouling. The percentage Recovery for an RO system is established with
the help of design software taking into consideration numerous factors such as feed
water chemistry and RO pre-treatment before the RO system. Therefore, the
proper percentage Recovery at which an RO should operate at depends on what it
was designed for. Thus calculating the percentage Recovery we can quickly
determine if the system is operating outside of the intended design. The formula
for calculation of percentage Recovery is as given below
This 70% recovery rate means that for every 100 gallons of feed water that enter
the RO system, we are recovering 70 gallons as usable permeate water and 25
gallons is going to drain as concentrate. Industrial RO systems typically run
anywhere from 50% to 85% recovery depending on the feed water characteristics
and other design considerations.
The concept typical identical to that of a boiler or cooling tower. The boiler or
cooling tower both has purified water exiting the system (steam) and end up
leaving a concentrated solution behind. As the degree of concentration increases,
the solubility limits may be exceeded and precipitate on the surface of the
equipment as scale.
A concentration factor of 3.34 means that the water going to the concentrate
stream will be 3.34 times more concentrated than the feed water
= 100,800
The flux is 15.34 Gfd.
This means that 15.34 gallons of water is passed through one square foot area of
each RO membrane per day. This number could be good or bad depending on the
type of feed water chemistry and system design. Below is a general rule of thumb
for flux ranges for different source waters and can be better determined with the
help of RO design software. If the Dow Filmtec LE-440i RO membranes is used in
the calculation for below given example, then the flux would have been 14. So it is
important factor that what type of membrane is used and to keep the type of
membrane consistent throughout the system.
Feed Water Source Gfd
Sewage Effluent 5-10
Sea Water 8-12
Brackish Surface Water 10-14
Brackish Well Water 14-18
RO Permeate Water 20-30
We will need to collect the following data from an RO system to perform a Mass
Balance calculation
1. Feed Flow (gpm)
2. Permeate Flow (gpm)
3. Concentrate Flow (gpm)
4. Feed Conductivity (μS)
5. Permeate Conductivity (μS)
6. Concentrate Conductivity (μS)
(Feed flow x Feed Conductivity) = (Permeate Flow x Permeate Conductivity) +
(Concentrate Flow x Concentrate Conductivity)
Chapter 5
2 stage RO system
5.2 Array
In a reverse osmosis system an array describes the physical arrangement of the
pressure vessels in a 2 stage system. Pressure vessels contain RO membranes
(usually from 1 to 6 RO membranes are in a pressure vessel). Each stage can have
a certain amount of pressure vessels with RO membranes. The reject of each stage
then becomes the feed stream for the next successive stage. The 2 stage RO system
displayed on the previous page is a 2:1 array which means that the concentrate (or
reject) of the first 2 RO vessels is fed to the next 1 vessel.
5.4 Difference between a Single Pass RO and Double Pass RO system
Think of a ‘pass’ as a standalone RO system. With this in mind, the difference
between a single pass RO system and a double pass RO system is that with a double
pass RO, the permeate from the first pass becomes the feed water to the second
pass (or second RO) which ends up producing a much higher quality permeate
because it has essentially gone through two RO systems.
Besides producing a much higher quality permeate, a double pass system also
allows the opportunity to remove carbon dioxide gas from permeates by injecting
caustic between the first and second pass. C02 is undesirable when you have mixed
bed ion exchange resin beds after the RO. By adding caustic after the first pass, you
increase the pH of the first pass permeate water and convert C02 to bicarbonate
(HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3-2) for better rejection by the RO membranes in the
second pass. This can’t be done with a single pass RO because injecting caustic and
forming carbonate (CO3-2) in the presence of cation such as calcium will cause
scaling of the RO membranes.
Single Pass RO
Double Pass RO
Chapter 6
Proper pretreatment using both mechanical and chemical treatments is critical for
an RO system to prevent fouling, scaling and costly premature RO membrane
failure and frequent cleaning requirements. The following are the common
problems that an RO system can face due to lack of proper pretreatment.
(a) Fouling
Fouling occurs when contaminants accumulate on the membrane surface
effectively plugging the membrane. There are many contaminants in municipal
feed water that are naked to the human eye and harmless for human consumption,
but large enough to quickly foul (or plug) an RO system. Fouling typically occurs in
the front end of an RO system and results in a higher pressure drop across the RO
system and a lower permeate flow. This translates into higher operating costs and
eventually the need to clean or replace the RO membranes. Fouling will take place
eventually to some extent given the extremely fine pore size of an RO membrane
no matter how effective your pretreatment and cleaning schedule is. However, by
having proper pretreatment in place, you will minimize the need to address fouling
related problems on a regular basis.
By performing analytical tests, you can determine if the feed water to your RO has
a high potential for fouling. To prevent fouling of an RO system, mechanical
filtration methods are used. The most popular methods to prevent fouling are the
use of multi‐media filters (MMF) or microfiltration (MF). In some cases cartridge
filtration will suffice.
(b) Scaling
As certain dissolved (inorganic) compounds become more concentrated
(remember discussion on concentration factor) then scaling can occur if these
compounds exceed their solubility limits and precipitate on the membrane surface
as scale. The results of scaling are a higher pressure drop across the system, higher
salt passage (less salt rejection), low permeate flow and lower permeate water
quality. An example of a common scale that tends to form on an RO membrane is
calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
filter allowing much longer filter run times between backwash and more efficient
particulate removal.
A multi media filter is suggested when the Silt Density Index (SDI) value is greater
than 3 or when the turbidity is greater than 0.2 NTU. There is no exact rule, but the
above guidelines should be followed to prevent premature fouling of RO
It is important to have a 5 micron cartridge filter placed directly after the MMF unit
in the event that the under drains of the MMF fail. This will prevent the MMF media
from damaging downstream pumps and fouling the RO system.
The disadvantage of using a GAC before the RO unit is that the GAC will remove
chlorine quickly at the very top of the GAC bed. This will leave the remainder of the
GAC bed without any biocide to kill microorganisms. A GAC bed will absorb organics
throughout the bed, which is potential food for bacteria, so eventually a GAC bed
can become a breeding ground for bacteria growth which can pass easily to the RO
membranes. Likewise, a GAC bed can produce very small carbon fines under some
circumstances that have the potential to foul an RO.
Chapter 7
7.2 RO Cleaning
RO membranes will inevitably require periodic cleaning, anywhere from 1 to 4
times a year depending on the feed water quality. As a general rule, if the
normalized pressure drop or the normalized salt passage has increased by 15%,
then it is time to clean the RO membranes. If the normalized permeate flow has
decreased by 15% then it is also time to clean the RO membranes. You can either
clean the RO membranes in place or have them removed from the RO system and
cleaned off site by a service company that specializes in this service. It has been
proven that offsite membrane cleaning is more effective at providing a better
cleaning than onsite cleaning skids.
colloidal and bio fouling is treated with a high pH cleaner. Cleaning RO membranes
is not only about using the appropriate chemicals. There are many other factors
involved such as flows, water temperature and quality, properly designed and sized
cleaning skids and many other factors that an experienced service group must
address in order to properly clean RO membranes.
RO Membrane
Chapter 8
Salt Rejection % = 97 %
Salt Passage % =3%
Recovery % = 70 %
Concentration Factor = 3.34
Flux Rate = 15.34 Gfd
Difference of Mass Balance = 13 %
The final WHO report, published as an internal working document concluded that
“not only does completely demineralised water (RO WATER) have unsatisfactory
organoleptic properities, but it also has a definite adverse influence on the animal
and human organism.”
The potential for adverse health effects from long term consumption of
demineralised water is of interest not only in countries lacking adequate fresh
water but also in countries where some types of home water treatment systems
are widely used or where some types of bottled water are consumed.
Chapter 9
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