New Simple Array Questions
New Simple Array Questions
New Simple Array Questions
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➢ Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display the array
after skipping two values next to the multiples of 5.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a C program to sort an array and print the count of unique elements in the
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to find numbers that occur in exact two times in an array.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to get an array from users and remove odd numbers from the
array and find the sum of the existing values in the array.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to find the prime numbers in an array and replace it with 0.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to skip two elements after the occurrence of a non prime number in
an array.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program to replace all odd numbers with ‘*’ in an array & find the sum of
even numbers
Name : Score :
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➢ Write the code to reverse the array and remove all the multiples of ‘3’ from it
Name : Score :
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➢ In an array replace all the multiples of three by ‘0’ and multiples of five by ‘1’
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to merge two arrays of same size sorted in descending order
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display the array after
deleting two values next to an odd number.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to find the sum, sum is greater than 100 delete odd, sum isless
than 100 delete even numbers
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program to put even and odd elements of an array in two separate arrays.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program to get an array from users, remove even numbers from the array and find the
average of the existing values in the array.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program to find the average of all the prime numbers in an array
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program to reverse an array and print the count of odd numbers in the array.
Name : Score :
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➢ Sort the array and replace elements in an even position with ‘0’.
Name : Score :
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➢ Write a program in C to Reverse the array and delete even numbers in the array
Name :
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➢ Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display the array after
deleting two values next to an odd number.
Name :
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➢ Write a program in C to find the sum, sum is greater than 100 delete even, sum is less
than 100 delete odd numbers
Name :
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➢ Write a program in C to read n number of values in an array and display it in reverse order
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➢ Write a program to find the majority element in the array (The majority element is the
element that appears more than ⌊n / 2⌋ times).
Name :
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➢ Write a C program to sort an array and print the count of prime numbers in the array.