Konsulta Checklist

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PhilHealth Konsulta Checklist

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I. Service Capability
A. Ability to conduct preventive/screening services and health education
1. Consultation
2. Blood pressure and vital signs measurements
3. Clinical breast examination
4. Digital rectal examination
5. Risk profiling for hypertension and diabetes
B. Capable of providing services for required laboratory and radiologic services (See Annex B.3, “Checklist of
PhilHealth Konsulta Laboratories and Diagnostic Services”) 1
C. Capability to dispense required medicines (See Annex B.2, “Checklist of PhilHealth Konsulta Drugs and Its
II. Technical Standards
A. General Infrastructure
1. Clear sign bearing the name of the health facility
2. Signage, that is illuminated at night, as applicable, indicating:3
a. It is a PhilHealth Konsulta provider;
b. PhilHealth Konsulta facility operating hours; and,
c. Available services with corresponding fees/co-payment schedule and maximum copayment cap (if
applicable), posted in a conspicuous area in the consultation room/area.
3. Generally clean environment, with prohibition for smoking
4. Adequate lighting and electric supply
5. Adequate clean water supply
6. Sufficient seating for patients in a well-ventilated area
7. Consultation area with:
a. Structures for assuring that patients’ privacy is respected; and
b. Provision for an examination area
8. Functional Toilet
9. Adequate signage for entrance and exit
10. Fire safety provisions
11. Non-slippery floors
12. Safe storage of laboratory reagents, if applicable
13. Has adequate infection control and risk management, including:

1 may be outsourced
2 may be outsourced
3 Complied within one month after approval of accreditation

4 not required if diagnostics are outsourced

a. Availability of a sink, with adequate water and soap for handwashing
b. Use of puncture proof receptacles for disposed sharps and needles
c. Use of gloves, masks
d. Staff observes handwashing techniques
e. Area for cleaning instruments
f. Properly segregated and marked waste bins
g. Well ventilated sputum collection area, if applicable
B. Infection control and prevention during pandemics
1. Compliance to the minimum health requirements for Outpatient Primary Care as defined
by DOH (See A.O. 2020-0016, “Minimum Health System Capacity Standards for COVID-
19 Preparedness and Response Strategies”; and See Annex B, “Minimum Health Requirements for Health
Settings”). These include:
a. Availability and encouraging the use of personal hygiene inputs (e.g. soap and water, hand
disinfectants, etc.)
b. Observation of Environmental hygiene (e.g. disinfecting surfaces and objects)
c. Physical distancing requirements
d. Requirement on wearing cloth mask for general public and/ or surgical mask for symptomatic
e. Requirement on wearing medical grade protective apparel for health care workers
f. Requirements on engineering control and administrative control, as applicable
C. Equipment and Supplies
1. Standard
a. Non-mercurial BP apparatus
b. Non-mercurial thermometer
c. Stethoscope
d. Weighing scale (adult)
e. Weighing scale (infant)
f. Tape measure
g. Nebulizer
h. Sterilizer or its equivalent
i. Lubricating jelly
j. Disposable gloves
k. Decontamination solutions
l. 70% Isopropyl alcohol
m. Sterile cotton balls/ swabs
1 may be outsourced
2 may be outsourced
3 Complied within one month after approval of accreditation

4 not required if diagnostics are outsourced

n. Storage cabinet for sterile instruments and supplies
2. Diagnostic and Laboratory4
a. Disposable needles and syringes
b. Applicator stick
c. Specimen cups
d. Vaginal speculum (big)
e. Vaginal speculum (small)
f. Glass slides
g. Glucometer with compatible glucometer strips
h. Electrocardiogram machine with paper and its peripherals
III. Human Resource
A. The following health human resources should have valid PRC licenses for the period of
their accreditation:
1. Full-time or full-time equivalent Physician (1:20,000 beneficiaries) – PhilHealth accredited
2. Two (2) support staff - a nurse and another allied medical staff, either a nurse or a midwife.
IV. Functional Health Information System
A. Installation of PhilHealth-certified Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
B. Complete and functional computer set-up with the following specifications:
1. OS Supported: Win7 x64, Win7 x32, Win10 x32, Win10 x64, Windows 10
2. Memory: Minimum 64MB RAM
3. Storage Capacity: Minimum 500GB
4. Printer
5. face capturing device (e.g. webcam/mobile phones)
C. Back-up for interruptions in power supply such as generator or offline compatible solution
D. Individual health profiles in EMR or equivalent
V. Documentary Requirements
A. Updated Mayor/business permit/PTR of Primary Care Physician or Department of Health (DOH) License of the
PhilHealth Konsulta provider
B. Updated DOH license of laboratory services of the PhilHealth Konsulta provider or referral
C. Updated DOH license of radiologic services of the PhilHealth Konsulta provider or referral
D. Updated DOH license of pharmacy services of the PhilHealth Konsulta provider or referral
E. Certificate/s of Service Delivery Support (if applicable) (see Annex D.1 and D.2, “Certification of Service Delivery
1 may be outsourced
2 may be outsourced
3 Complied within one month after approval of accreditation

4 not required if diagnostics are outsourced

Support (Laboratory and Diagnostic Services)” and “Certification of Service Delivery Support (Medicines)”)
F. Signed performance commitments of the PhilHealth Konsulta Provider and Primary Care
G. Training certificate on Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy (DSSM) 5
H. Schedule of duties
I. Emergency preparedness plans (exit, evacuation plans)
J. Adequate and appropriate information materials (e.g. flyers, brochures, posters, audio visual
presentation) on health and wellness such as anti-smoking, and promotion of proper diet,
exercise, immunization, and proper infection controls.

1 may be outsourced
2 may be outsourced
3 Complied within one month after approval of accreditation

4 not required if diagnostics are outsourced

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