Network Management Mibs and Mpls Principles Design
Network Management Mibs and Mpls Principles Design
Network Management Mibs and Mpls Principles Design
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Intended Audience
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, Purpose
This Book components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Using This Book
large network systems.
Linked Overviews
[ Team Source
LiB ] Code Location
The Four Ms
Outline of the Book
A Note About Abbreviations
Additional Resources
Network Management,
Chapter MIBs and
9. Network Management MPLS:
Theory and Principles,
Practice Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide
MIBs Again to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Intelligence in the Network: Manufacturing
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Pushing FCAPS into the Network
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Service-level Network Components
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Generic Objects
large network Realized Using Software Abstraction
The Need for End-to-End Security
[ Team Shrink-Wrapped
LiB ] Solutions or Consultancy Buy-In
Integration with OSS Layers: Northbound Interface (NBI)
Developer Note: The Roles of QA, IT, and Developers
Solutions Revisited: Thin Software Layers
Facilitating a Solution Mindset
A Final Word
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available
• Marketing
of ContentsDan DePasquale
• Index
Network Manager:
Management, MIBs Maura
and MPLS: Zaldivar
Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Cover Design Director: Jerry Votta
Prentice Hall books are widely used by corporations and government agencies for training,
and resale. MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
For information
This regarding
in-depth tutorial fromcorporate
networkingand government
expert Stephenbulk discounts
Morris deliversplease contact:
clear and concise
Corporate and
instruction Government
on networking Sales
with (800)
MIBs, 382-3419
SNMP, MPLS,[email protected]
much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Other company
Manager, and product
NMS software names mentioned
components, herein
among other keyare the trademarks
techniques and toolsor registered
for managing
trademarks of their
large network systems.respective owners.
rights reserved.
LiB ] No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means,
without permission in writing from the publisher.
Pearson Education—Japan
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
API Application Programming Interface
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation Number One
AS Autonomous System
BGP4 Border Gateway Protocol
•CDR Call Detail
Table Record
of Contents
• Index
CIM Common Information Model
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Command-Line
Morris Interface
CNC Computer Numerical Control Machine
COPublisher: Central
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
COM Component Object Model
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
FR Frame Relay
Team LiB Generalized
] Multiprotocol Label Switching
IANA Internet-Assigned Numbers Authority
IDL Interface Definition Language
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IN Intelligent Networking
INTSERV Integrated Services
IP Internet Protocol
ByStephen B. Java
Morris2 Enterprise Edition
JDK Java Development Kit
Publisher: Addison Wesley
JDMK Java Development Management Kit
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
JIT ISBN: Just-in-Time
ByStephen B. Private
Morris Network-To-Network Interface
POP Point-of-Presence
Publisher: Addison Wesley
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
PSTN ISBN: Public Switched Telephone Network
ByStephen B. Virtual
Morris Channel Identifier
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
Publisher: Addison Wesley
VoIP Voice-over-IP
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
VPI ISBN: Virtual Path Identifier
[ Team LiB
Network ]
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
This book provides a good introduction to and overview of the challenges involved in
managing large enterprise networks and in developing effective software solutions for
managing such networks. It focuses on the use of SNMP and MIBs in developing such
solutions and uses the example of managing MPLS to illustrate the ideas presented.
Managing large networks is a difficult and expensive endeavor due to the wide variety of
deployed technologies and products. While there are many tools available to help ease the
burden of network management, there is still a huge amount of work to be done in improving
• Table
these tools. In of Contents
addition, new tools must constantly be developed to manage new technologies
and productsIndex
as they are introduced into networks.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen administrators
B. Morris must be able to effectively evaluate and select tools and solutions to
aid in managing their networks. As new technologies and products are introduced into their
networks, administrators must understand how they are to be managed so that they can
communicate the requirements
Publisher: Addison Wesley for managing these new technologies and products to
developers. To accomplish
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 all this effectively, they must have a broad understanding of both
the technologies and products being managed and of how management tools are designed
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
and built.
Pages: 416
Similarly, developers must have a good understanding of the challenges facing network
administrators in managing their networks and how these challenges drive up the cost of
network management. This understanding is vital to the development of better, more cost-
effective Management,
tools. MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This Management,
in-depth MIBs,
tutorial from and MPLS:expert
networking Principles,
StephenDesign, and
Morris Implementation
delivers begins with
clear and concise
an overviewon
instruction ofnetworking
many of the technologies
with in common
MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and usemuch
in networks today andincludes
more. Coverage then
discusses network
SNMPv3, what it means to manage
management a network.
software It also gives
components, an overview
IP routing, of SNMP
HP Openview and MIBs.
Network Node
SNMP is currently
Manager, the most
NMS software widely used
components, protocol
among otherforkey
network management.
techniques and toolsHaving a general
for managing
large of SNMP and MIBs is very useful in understanding network management in
network systems.
general. The book provides enough information about SNMP to give the reader a basic
Team LiB ] of the protocol. It then discusses some of the challenges involved in network
management along with some guidelines and strategies for dealing with these challenges.
The book offers a detailed discussion of how network management tools are designed, using
examples of commercial and homegrown tools and the specific example of how the MPLS
MIBs are used to manage MPLS. It concludes with some comments about current directions in
the field of network management.
David Levi
Senior Staff Software Engineer, Nortel Networks
February 2003
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The last two decades have been dominated by distinct patterns of computer use. The 1980s
saw wide-scale deployment of PC- and microprocessor-based technology. The 1990s saw this
infrastructure becoming internetworked, connected to the Internet, and increasingly
embracing client/server technology. Initially, clients were heavy duty (or fat) and
communicated with local servers, but by the end of the 1990s clients had become thin and
servers were increasingly distributed. The first decade of the 21st century may well be one of
global system (as well as network) integration and management during which we will see
previously disparate networks and systems interconnected for new purposes. Nowhere is this
• Table of Contents
more apparent than in the area of telecommunications and data networking.
• Index
Network Management,
The relentless MIBs
growth andand MPLS: Principles,
extended reach of Design
bothand Implementation
enterprise and service provider (SP)
By have
Stephen B. been
Morris accompanied by an increased demand for advanced vendor-independent
network management software tools. This is particularly the case as enterprises leverage
their network investments by deploying evermore advanced, mission-critical systems like
voice-over-IP and Wesley
Publisher: Addison desktop video conferencing applications [ATM&IP2001]. At the same time,
service providers are consolidating and deploying Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) cores
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
services, such as IP VPNs, as part of their migration path to an end-to-end packet-
based infrastructure [Alcatel2001].
Pages: 416
In many ways the managers of enterprise networks face a daunting task because of the sheer
diversity of network elements (NE) and systems—multi-vendor routers, switches, leased
lines, WANs, VLANs, Storage Area Networks (SANs), mobile and desktop telephony, PABXs,
Network Management,
soft switches MIBs and
[Sweeney2001], MPLS: Principles,
databases, Design
a wide range of and Implementation
software applications,isNT/Windows
2000/Unixguide to managing
servers, and troubleshooting
minicomputers, mainframes, andenterprise and service
so on. These systems provider
are thenetworks.
This in-depth
lifeblood tutorial
of modern from networking
corporations, expert
and their Stephen Morris
continuous delivers
availability clear and
is crucial. concise
most of theseon enterprise
networkingNEswith MIBs,
have SNMP,
their own MPLS, and much
proprietary more. Coverage
management includes
tools, which have to be
learned and maintained over time, adding to the cost of ownership. Proprietary Network
network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Node
systems (a
bad thing)NMSand software components,
centralized, automatedamong other key
management (a techniques
good thing)and are,tools for managing
in general, mutually
large network systems.
Team LiB ]have a lot of legacy systems and equipment, which must be depreciated over
many years. Forklift upgrades (getting rid of all the old stuff and putting in the latest) are
generally too expensive, so system and network management skill sets must be present
throughout the lifecycle. This means that enterprises will continue to be a highly complex
network management proposition for a long time to come. Complex management equates to
high operational cost. This book proposes that all network-based systems produced for the
enterprise market should:
Provide MIB module files that describe the principal managed objects.
Provide any proprietary MIBs in text file or downloadable form at the time of purchase.
Guarantee as far as possible that the management facilities will be available during
periods of high traffic or even congestion.
Include high-performance agents that can issue useful notifications and execute both
read and write operations against their MIBs.
Provide simple scripts for reading from and writing to their MIBs.
[ Team LiB ] snap-in modules (Java/C++) to allow easy integration with existing network
management systems.
Support automation via SNMP of routine administrative tasks such as adding users to a
VLAN or disks to a SAN.
Network managers should insist on these minimum requirements before making purchasing
decisions. On the supply side of the industry, vendors should from day one build standards-
based (SNMPv3) management facilities into their networking products. Many vendors leave
the management infrastructure (agents, MIBs, etc.) development until quite late in the
development cycle. This can result in poor-quality agents and MIBs, ultimately reducing the
manageability of the NEs and the wider network.
Several equipment vendors have a large number of different element management systems
(EMS) to manage just their own equipment. Since the EMS often forms the basis for the NMS,
this multiplicity
• Tableofofdifferent
Contents EMS can make NMS software harder to develop, particularly in
• networks.
Index A single EMS across all NEs is a better proposition.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Another major theme of this book is the migration of networks toward a layer 3 model based
ByStephen B. Morris
on the IP protocol. This is a mega-trend affecting pretty much any industry involved in
moving data from one networked location to another. Management systems for layer 3-
converged (voice, video, and data) networks are an increasingly important issue. We use
Publisher: Addison Wesley
MPLS as a running example of how networks are evolving in terms of providing quality of
Pub Date:
service, Juneengineering,
traffic 20, 2003 and so on.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Intended Audience
This book provides a practitioner's approach to understanding the area of network
management. The only prerequisites are a reasonable understanding of network technology
and a passing familiarity with SNMP. The book is suitable for:
Software developers considering a move into the area of network management system
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network managers seeking a deeper insight into the area of network management.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen equipment
B. Morris vendors.
Network Management, MIBs, & MPLS: Principles, Design, & Implementation provides much
Network of networks,MIBs
Management, MIBs,and
management software,
MPLS: Principles, and and
Design managed objects. Important
Implementation is the points
that are relevant to MIB authors are indicated by special sections entitled "MIB Notes."
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
We also include
instruction "Developer
on networking Note"
with sections
MIBs, SNMP,that are and
MPLS, of primary concern
much more. to software
Coverage includes
developers. Readers seeking an introductory overview can safely skip
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview these few Network
marked Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[[ Team
Team LiB
LiB ]]
[ Team LiB ]
The field of network management is extremely broad with a vast range of products from
many companies. This book is intended primarily as a learning aid for hard-pressed
engineers tasked with software development or development and maintenance of complex
networks and
• management
Table of Contents systems. The book is also a guide to adopting enhanced
• to both
Index NMS/MIB requirements definition and NMS/MIB development. It has no
Network with any vendor
Management, MIBs andorMPLS:
technical organization.
Principles, Design and Any mention of technologies—IP, MPLS,
ATM, Frame Relay, VLANs, Ethernet, and so on—is intended purely as a teaching tool to
ByStephen B. Morris
illustrate network management principles and to place the latter in a modern and interesting
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Gain a better understanding of the relationship between network management and cost
Publisher: Addison Wesley
of ownership.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: network management needs to the top of the priority list for NE software and
Pages: 416 development engineers.
Network Management,
Locate MIBs andonMPLS:
Internet resources MIBs Principles,
and networkDesign and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
Learn howtutorial from
to build andnetworking expert Stephen
extend a rudimentary Morris delivers
SNMP-based clear and
management concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3,Get a good look
network inside big networks
management from a management
software components, perspective
IP routing, rather
HP Openview than toNode
Manager, NMSpresent the components,
software constituent technologies.
among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
We hope that the book gives an integrated overview of network management issues. This
[includes an ]understanding of both management system technologies and trends in NEs. Much
Team LiB
of the technology mentioned (MPLS, VLANs, etc.) is described in Andrew S. Tanenbaum's
Computer Networks [Tanenbaum2003], which also has much useful detail concerning the
various standards organizations.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Linked Overviews
We introduce a four-step, fast-track technique in Chapter 3, "The Network Management
Problem," for gaining an overview of a given NE. Briefly, this technique is as follows:
ByStephen B. Morris
Clearly, software developers need all three steps, but steps 1 and 2 could also be useful for
project managers, marketing executives, and others.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
[ Team LiB ]
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The Four Ms
Many existing books do an excellent job of describing SNMP, MIBs, proxies, and other
technologies. While this book describes SNMP (including version 3), its primary focus is more
on what might be called the four Ms:
Manageability of NEs
• Table of Contents
Multiservice devices
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The manageability of NEs directly affects the cost attached to introducing them into large
networks. The quality of the associated MIBs has an important bearing on the cost of
introducing the NEs
Publisher: Addison into existing and new management systems. Multitechnology NEs are
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 supporting combinations of TCP/IP, MPLS, ATM, Frame Relay,
the norm,
Ethernet, SONET, DWDM, and so on. MPLS and GMPLS are now part of both the strategy and
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
production environment of many service providers. MPLS is also finding its way into the
Pages: 416
WANs of some very large enterprises. MPLS is such an important technology that it forms a
common thread throughout this book.
[ Team LiBManagement,
] MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Chapter 6 presents the internal software that makes up a network management system. This
includes servers that talk to the network devices, clients that talk to the servers, MIBs,
backend software, and database schema versus MIB content. Each of the FCAPS is described
in the context of a software block description. The various databases employed in a managed
network are described along with typical operations performed against them. Middleware is
briefly described, and the trend toward using Java for developing network management
systems is discussed.
Chapter 7 describes how to build some basic network management system components using
Visual C++ and Java. Typical SNMP operations are illustrated with screenshots. A scheme for
extending these rudimentary components is enumerated.
InChapter 8, the MPLS management case study is introduced with a description of the
Team LiBcomponents
] of this forwarding technology. The MPLS MIB content of interest is then
introduced, and detailed directions on how to create an LSP and a tunnel are provided. The
merits of using signaling for the creation of MPLS tunnels are briefly described followed by a
discussion of adding new entries into MIB tables. The role of the standards process is then
Chapter 9 brings together all of the threads running through the book and reiterates the
overriding importance of MIB structure and design for successful network management
system development. There is a strong need for thin, well-separated software layers in
network management systems. Scalability is also a major issue in network management, the
more so given the emerging generation of dense, multitechnology NEs. The latter provide a
compelling argument for pushing more decision-making into the network. We illustrate a
trend in this direction with the MPLS FTN MIB. As far as possible, technology-specific code in
the network management system should be minimized. Security is high on the agenda of
network operators, as is the need for solutions (rather than just technology). Economic
downturns may
• Tablediminish operator appetite for purchasing consultancy services—this can put
of Contents
more pressure
• on vendors to produce generic overall solutions. The need for solution
Network has an important
Management, MIBs andbearing on the roles
MPLS: Principles, Designofand
QA, IT, and software developers.
ByStephen B. Morris
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Additional Resources
One of the big problems attached to working in the network management area lies in
knowing where to locate good sources of information. Below are some additional resources
(in alphabetical order) for further reading. Internet Engineering Task Force—RFCs, MIBs, and many other useful
documents. This
site provides lots of interesting reading written by industry experts. Some
Table of Contents
IETF documents are a little impenetrable at first but are usually well worth the effort of
• Index
reading in full.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris International Telecommunications Union—general
Publisher: Addison Wesley Metro Ethernet Forum—dedicated to accelerating
the Pub
adoption of 20,
Date: June Optical
2003 Ethernet in metropolitan networks worldwide.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 The MPLS Forum serves two important functions. First, it produces
Pages: 416
Implementation Agreements (IAs) in the areas that are not covered elsewhere and/or are
related to a combination of technologies. Examples are IAs on voice-over-MPLS and MPLS
PVC UNI. Second, it works with major interoperability labs, such as the ones in the University
of New Hampshire and at the technical university of Berlin (EANTC), on defining
Network Management,
interoperability MIBs and
requirements for MPLS:
variousPrinciples, Designand
MPLS protocols andthen
Implementation is the events.
organizing testing
The MPLS guide
has an and
MPLS troubleshooting enterprise
educational function, and and service
in this provider
role it networks.
develops and
This in-depth
presents tutorial
tutorials fromtonetworking
related advanced andexpert Stephen
emerging Morris
areas of delivers
MPLS and clear and concise
provides speakers to
instruction on networking
major conferences. withForum
The MPLS MIBs, actively
worksand withmuch
othermore. Coveragesuch
organizations, includes
as the ATM
Forum and the Frame Relay Forum, and many members of the MPLS Forum are Network
network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview active Node
participantsNMS software
in the IETF, components,
particularly inamong other
the PWE3 key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems. The MPLS Resource Center—lots of information about MPLS.
[ Team LiB ] Protocol directory—details on various protocols.
Any of the Internet search engines can provide further information if required.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
My deepest thanks go to Siobhán for always believing in me and providing my inspiration.
I'd also like to warmly thank the staff at Prentice Hall, particularly Mary Franz who guided
this book from start to finish. Thanks also to Dan DePasquale, Jennifer Blackwell, Noreen
Regina, Maiko Isobe, Joan Caruso, Lisa Iarkowski, Gail Cocker, Kathleen M. Caren, and Carol
I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for the excellent comments we received from the
following reviewers,
who patiently read the entire manuscript: Victoria Fineberg, David Levi,
Table of Contents
Rob Rosenberry, David Green, and Andrew Walding. A special word of thanks goes to David
• Index
Levi for kindly writing the foreword. It has been an education and a privilege to work with
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
such gifted people.
ByStephen B. Morris
All the opinions expressed in this book are my own and in no way reflect those of any
organization. Any errors or omissions are my own.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
I'm Pub
Date: Juneto
2003 reader comments: how the book might be improved, areas that need
more coverage, and other suggestions or opinions. Please feel free to contact me at
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
[email protected].
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We set the scene by describing in general terms some of the components of large enterprise
networks. These networks are big and geographically dispersed (often spanning many
countries), have lots of legacy equipment, and are hard to manage—scalability is an issue
affecting both their manageability and usability. After introducing the general area, we begin
our discussion of network management.
Generally, enterprise networks are owned by a single organization, such as IBM, federal
government bodies, and financial institutions. These networks exist to provide data and
telecommunications services to employees, customers, and suppliers. Services can include:
Internet access
[ Team LiB ]
Dial tone
LAN and virtual LAN (VLAN)— often heavily overengineered (more bandwidth than
necessary) to avoid congestion
• Corporate
TableWAN— can be used for data and also voice-over-IP
of Contents
• Index
Network private MIBs
Management, network (VPN)—
and MPLS: can beDesign
Principles, used and
for Implementation
securely joining multiple sites and
remote workers and replacing expensive leased lines
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 1-1 illustrates a typical simplified enterprise network. Figure 1-1 is highly simplified in
order to give us a flavor of enterprise networking issues. Real enterprise networks tend to
feature additional technologies, such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), VLANs,
broadband connections, and redundant configurations. Later (in Figure 1-4) we will see a
portion of an enterprise network realized using VLANs.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
All the boxes with bold text and borders in Figure 1-1 provide some type of service—for
example, Voice Service. The connected boxes provide access to the service—for example,
VoIP phones (in the VoIP box). In fact, the network in Figure 1-1 can serve a large,
geographically distributed corporate user population. Alternatively, Figure 1-1 might be a
corporate headquarters with hundreds of remote branch offices. It's easy to see why the
provision and management of enterprise networks are so critical to modern organizations.
The networks and systems in Figure 1-1 add value to the organization, and later we'll see
how the enterprise network managers (in many cases, IT groups) can play an important role
in assisting the developers of network management software. In this way, IT initiatives are
closely aligned with broader business objectives [EnterpriseIT].
Also noteworthy (as mentioned above) is the use of IP phones in a LAN environment,
reducing the need for legacy PABX equipment and prompting migration to a packet-based
infrastructure. The migration to layer 3 mentioned here is discussed in Chapter 2, "SNMPv3
and Network Management," and is a recurring theme throughout the book.
One point about Figure 1-1 is that many or all of its components may be repeated on other
sites linked to this one via a WAN. These other sites include normal branches of the
organization as well as unmanned backup sites. This means that essentially the same
corporate services are offered to all employees regardless of their location, whether it is in
] or the West of Ireland. Many organizations fund this type of arrangement by
charging a straight percentage from the revenues of each local site. Also, different sites can
offer services, such as audio conference bridges, to other sites. In this case, the site hosting
the bridge bills the users dialing into it from remote sites. There are many reasons for using
this geographically distributed approach to enterprise network deployment:
Expensive systems, software applications and licenses can be shared across time zones.
Remote sites can help the company gain access to specific local markets.
Notable features of Figure 1-1 are the incorporation of separate networks for storage (i.e.,
storage area
Publisher: network,
Addison Wesleyor SAN), WAN, SP networks, and telephony. SANs provide access to
Date: June 20, 2003 WANs provide access to remote network facilities. SP networks provide
Internet access (among other services), and the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
provides access to the global telephony networks (fixed and mobile). Typically, an enterprise
Pages: 416
will use several service providers, each providing one or more of the above services.
The enterprise network enables access to a wide variety of devices and services. The
important point about the structure depicted in Figure 1-1 is its flexibility: Large numbers of
users canManagement, MIBs and
share the corporate, MPLS: Principles, Design
productivity-enhancing and Implementation
services is the
using a wide range of access
methods. guide
By thistomeans,
managing and troubleshooting
an employee enterprise
working from home can andbeservice
at leastprovider networks.
as effective as one
basedin-depth tutorial
in the office from networking
without the need forexpert Stephen
commuting. Morris delivers
Similarly, clear
sales staff canand concise
access (e.g., via
a VPN) the on networking
enterprise with during
network MIBs, SNMP, MPLS,
business and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMSissoftware
Another trend components,
unified messaging foramong otheraccess
integrated key techniques and tools and
to email, voicemail for managing
fax mail
large network
messages usingsystems.
an email client. PCs can also be used for access to videoconference
broadcasts and even videophone calls. Audio conference calls can also be accessed via unified
Team LiB or
] by using a desk phone. Some organizations even use broadcast voicemail to
make important announcements. Another aspect of enterprise networks is linkages between
desktop calendars and the reservation of meeting rooms. Rooms are booked and invitees are
reminded via their email client.
Intranets provide official enterprise information channels for employees. Many organizations
use intranets for posting important information such as product announcements and
corporate media coverage. Another intranet facility is integration of productivity tools such as
document management systems. In this sense, the intranet becomes just another desktop
tool accessible using a Web browser. As we'll see later, the Web browser is often an
indispensable part of an NMS.
Enterprise data flows can become very complex once extranets and e-commerce are
employed. Extranets are parts of intranets that are extended to organizations external to the
enterprise, such as software contractors. E-commerce allows for secure financial transactions
between external customers and a given organization. The data flows in the latter case feed
into various systems, such as finance, stock control, and manufacturing.
Many organizations distribute enterprise software in a centralized fashion, for example, using
Microsoft Systems Management Server. This can include defensive procedures such as anti-
virus software updates. Likewise, productivity software such as word processors and
spreadsheets can generally be updated in the same way. Many end users of enterprise
systems tend not to log out, so policies can be applied to host machines that will log the user
out after, say, 15 minutes of inactivity. This can be done for security reasons and also in
order to update anti-virus software once the user logs back in again. A full virus scan can
then occur at night. The important area of software license checking can also be handled
remotely to verify that the number of end users who have installed software packages does
not exceed the license limit.
These various uses of enterprise facilities clearly illustrate the power of the underlying
network. Following are some general features of enterprise networks:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network incorporate
Management, a and
MIBs wide range
MPLS: of multivendor
Principles, devices,
Design and such as
routers, switches,
exchanges, PCs, servers, printers, terminal servers, digital cross-connects, multiplexers,
ByStephen B. Morris
storage devices, VoIP telephones, servers, and firewalls.
Network elements (NEs) can incorporate other intelligent devices, such as PCs with
Publisher: Addison Wesley
network interface cards (NICs) and possibly modems. Likewise, desk phones can contain
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
computer-telephony integration (CTI) hardware for applications like call centers and e-
commerce bureaus.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Individual NEs provide a variety of different shared services; for example, a legacy
PABX or a soft switch provides basic telephony and can form the foundation of a call
center. In this way, a base system is leveraged to provide another system or service.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Backup and restore of NE firmware are important for rolling out new network services.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
Specialized from
servers networking
are expert
deployed to Stephen
provide Morris
advanced delivers
services clear
such asand concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Many network management
users are software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
supported simultaneously.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large The
network systems.
overall network services, such as email and video/audio conferencing, are used by
employees of the organization as essential business process components.
[ Team LiB ]
Enterprise systems and networks all have individual lifecycles comprised of:
In this book we focus mostly on network operation and management, but the other lifecycle
stages are equally important. An example of this is a SAN in which the following steps
typically occur:
Planning the required storage capacity, server links, and network connection
Growing storage requirements in enterprises can have the effect of reducing backup time
windows. This and other storage issues may cause loss of service and require that
administrators deal with problems such as:
Performance degradation
All of these require some type of reactive (after the problem has occurred) manual
intervention.Table of Contents
Clearly, there is a relationship between storage planning and the incidence of
• Index being exceeded. The same is true for the ever-increasing storage demands
storage capacity
Network Management,
of application MIBs Network
software. and MPLS:administrators
Principles, Designneed
and Implementation
tools to help thembalance these
ByStephen requirements.
B. Morris Where possible, the NEs should be engineered to facilitate this type of
advanced management. In conjunction with NE-resident self-management capabilities, there
is a need for high-quality management systems. The latter should then provide features that
match the organizational
Publisher: Addison Wesley workflows (broadly speaking, these are plan, construct, and
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Another very common enterprise technology is the VLAN. Many organizations employ VLANs
Pages: 416
in order to provide a switched layer 2 infrastructure with designated broadcast domains. A
broadcast domain is a set of layer 2 devices with a defined boundary (typically an IP router)
beyond which broadcast traffic will not flow. For example, an organization could group the
NEs on each floor of a building into a different VLAN (i.e., broadcast domain). All of these
Network Management,
floor-level VLANs couldMIBsthen and MPLS: Principles,
be connected Design
to a single and Implementation
high-speed switch that is is
in the
connectedguide to managing
to another and troubleshooting
set of VLANs. enterprise
One of the merits of VLANsandis service provideradd
scalability—to networks.
This in-depth
devices, you cantutorial from networking
just create expert
another VLAN. Stephen
This Morris
helps to avoiddelivers clear and
the problem conciseout of
of running
instruction on networking
broadcast domain capacitywith
on aMIBs,
mediumMPLS, and
(such asmuch more.
a large Coverage
Ethernet includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Building andNMS softwareVLANs
operating components, among out
can be carried other key either
using techniques and tools
an element for managing
system network
(EMS) systems.
or an NMS. A typical workflow for adding a new PC to VLAN X is as follows:
[ Team LiB ]
Physically connect the host PC to a port on the switch containing VLAN X.
Specify no tagging (the legacy case), that is, the PC NIC adds no IEEE 802.1p/Q fields
to its Ethernet headers (these are two fields contained in the Ethernet frame header: 3
bits for priority and 12 bits for a VLAN ID value).
Verify host PC connectivity (by logging into the network, pinging servers, etc.).
As far as possible, the NMS—or EMS in this case—should facilitate this type of workflow. For
example, when adding a port to a VLAN, only options appropriate to that hardware should be
presented. So, if a port does not support 802.1Q, then the EMS/NMS should not present an
option to set a VLAN ID. This information can be acquired by the EMS/NMS (via automatic
dialog with the NE) and greatly assists in managing such devices.
There is a downside to the rich environment provided by enterprise networks. They are
expensive to build and run, and they require skilled maintenance and support personnel.
Traditionally, the network support effort (excluding PC support) has been divided into two
camps, data networking and telecommunications, but these two areas are rapidly
converging. PABX technology is gradually being phased out and replaced by server-based
solutions [CiscoVoIP]. Multiple incompatible networks for voice, video, and data are gradually
being migrated onto a packet-based infrastructure.
LiB ] seek to centralize servers in secure locations and then lease WAN lines
from there to branch offices and divisions. This reduces remote site support but increases
dependency on communications lines, an increasingly cheap commodity [GlobalCross2002].
Services are resolving down to the process of transporting bits from location X to location Y
over a single physical network.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
MIBs provide a detailed description of the managed data objects. Typically, the description of
each MIB object consists of:
Agents (or entities in SNMPv3) are software components that implement the MIB and map
the objects to real data on the NE. It is the agent's job to maintain, retrieve, and modify MIB
object instance values. The network manager delegates this important task to the SNMP
agent. The agent also emits special messages called notifications to signal the occurrence of
important events, such as a device restarting or a network interface going down. Finally, the
agent must implement all of this using some preconfigured security scheme ranging from
simple passwords to stronger techniques involving authentication and encryption.
[On the manager
Team LiB ] side, it is important to be able to manipulate the various agent MIBs. This
can be done using scripts or via binary software modules built using various programming
languages such as Java/C/C++. In either of these two cases it is often necessary to load the
associated agent MIB module files into a management application. An example of this is a
MIB browser: an application that allows for MIB objects to be viewed (some browsers allow
for MIB object instances to be modified). Most MIB browsers merely require MIB module files
to be loaded; that is, they are preconfigured with the necessary SNMP protocol software.
Another very important topic is the management of both newly commissioned and legacy
NEs. It is rare (particularly during periods of economic recession) for large networks to have
forklift upgrades in which the very latest NEs are deployed in place of legacy devices.
Normally, new NEs are added and old ones are replaced. For this reason, one can expect a
rich mixture of deployed devices, both old and new. This generally also means a complex set
of MIBs deployed across the network. As we'll see, this can result in problems related to the
support of backwards compatibility (a little like saving a word-processed document using
version 4 and
• then
Table of experiencing
Contents problems opening the document with version 3 on your
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
MIBs provide the managed object definitions (type, structure, syntax, etc.) for the underlying
ByStephen B. Morris
system; for example, a terminal server may implement the following principal managed
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June
Serial 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Serial interface attributes such as bit rate, word size, and parity
Pages: 416
IP address
To provide baseline SNMP management for a terminal server, the relevant MIB must be
consultedManagement, MIBs
for the requisite and MPLS: Principles,
managed-object Design
definitions. Theand Implementation
instance is theobjects
values of these
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service
can then be looked up using a MIB browser. The SNMP software modules (along with provider networks.
MIBs)in-depth tutorial from
can be integrated networking
into expertsystem
a management Stephen andMorris
used delivers clear
to monitor and
and concise the
instruction on networking
associated agent. with MIBs,
This approach SNMP,
(using SNMP)MPLS, and much
obviates more.
the need for Coverage includes
a proprietary
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
management system. More details on the topic of terminal-server serial-interface Network Node
MIB objects
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
can be found in Appendix A, "Terminal Server Serial Ports." Later, we'll see that the quality of
large network
the MIBs has ansystems.
important bearing on the manageability of a given NE.
LiB illustrates
] a different view of an enterprise network.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
In this diagram, the NEs are grouped alongside their associated management systems. The
Network Management,
multiplicity of management MIBssystems
and MPLS: Principles,
is one Design and
of the reasons whyImplementation
enterprise network is the
management guide
is to
so managing andistroubleshooting
difficult. This what we mean enterprise
by multipleand service provider
incompatible networks.
This in-depth
systems: tutorial
Problems in from networking
a device attachedexpert
to theStephen
PABX are Morris delivers back
not reflected clear to
instruction on networking
network manager. Instead, with MIBs,
they SNMP,
register MPLS,proprietary
by some and much more.
meansCoverage includes
in the legacy NE
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
management system (if one is deployed), and it is up to IT to discover and resolve Network
the Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools
problem. Many smaller devices (such as terminal servers) support only a simple text- for managing
large networkEMS
menu–based systems.
or command-line interface (CLI). The absence of SNMP agents (or the
deployment of only SNMPv1) on these devices contributes to making them difficult to manage
[inTeam LiB ]
an integrated, vendor-independent, and centralized fashion.
In order to manage enterprise networks as seen in Figure 1-2, it is necessary to learn all of
the deployed technologies as well as their proprietary management systems. This is an
increasingly tall order. In many organizations, the management facilities consist of simple
scripts to configure and monitor devices. While many enterprise network managers may
implement ingenious script-based facilities, all such solutions suffer from being proprietary.
An added problem is seen when the author leaves the organization—the requisite knowledge
often leaves at the same time. Adoption of standards-based network management technology
helps in avoiding this. Standards-based consolidation of management systems can help
enterprises to achieve the following:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
If all of the on
instruction NEs deploy SNMPv3
networking entities,
with MIBs, thenMPLS,
SNMP, it is possible
and muchthat one or
more. more ofincludes
Coverage the
SNMPv3, management
network systems
management (in Figure
software 1-2) can be
components, IP removed andOpenview
routing, HP consolidated into one
Network Node
NMS. Of course,
Manager, it's not so
NMS software easy to justamong
components, add SNMPv3
other keycapability to alland
techniques of these NEsmanaging
tools for (particularly
the legacy
large NEs).
network The point is that it has a substantial benefit.
[The other
Team LiBenterprise
] systems in Figures 1-2 and 1-3 (the networked PCs, print servers, and
database management system) generally tend not to deploy SNMP for their management and
operation. This is largely for historical reasons. Since this book is about network management
rather than system management, we do not consider this area any further. However, before
moving on, we should say that there are no major reasons why SNMP technology should not
be used for managing such systems.
For a number of reasons, not all NEs lend themselves to flexible, integrated, centralized
management. This tends to add to the cost of ownership and arises for a range of reasons:
The NE implements only SNMPv1 with support for set operations (a set operation is an
update to a network-resident managed object).
The NE supports SNMPv3 but has a number of low quality MIB modules.
Team LiB ]management infrastructure may consist of just a simple CLI with no SNMP
deployment. It is difficult and costly to incorporate these NEs into an NMS because
customized software must be written to send and receive messages to them. NEs that
support just SNMPv1 and set operations are generally felt to be a security risk (because the
relevant password is transmitted across the network as clear text). As a result, no set
operations may be allowed. Configuring such NEs is usually achieved via CLI scripts. While
this is a fairly standard approach, it negates some of the benefits of using an NMS, such as
security, audit trails, and GUI-based help facilities. Much the same applies for those NEs with
SNMPv1 and no set operation support. Configuration must be achieved using non-SNMP
Poor implementation of SNMPv3 might consist of low resource allocation (process priority,
message buffers, caching, etc.) with the result that the management system regularly gets
choked off. This may be seen during periods of high device or network loading (often the time
when network
management is most needed).
Table of Contents
• Index
Badly written MIBs are the bane of the NMS developer's life. We'll see examples of good MIB
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
design later on, but for now we illustrate this with a simple example of adding a new row to a
table B. Morris
indexed by an integer value. To add a new row to this table, a new index value is
required. Often, MIB tables do not implement a simple integer object to store the value of the
next free index. This may require a full (expensive) walk of the table in order to calculate the
nextPublisher: Addison
free index. Wesley
This is inconvenient when the table is small (less than 100 entries), but when
the Pub
table is June
Date: big (many
20, 2003 thousands of entries), a MIB walk becomes an expensive option
because of the
ISBN: number of agent operations and the associated network traffic. The inclusion
of a specific index object to facilitate new row addition can greatly assist the management
Pages: 416
system. We will see all of these considerations in action later on.
Monitoring the status of NEs, interfaces, links, virtual circuits, VLANs, and so on
Service level agreement (SLA) reporting, SLA verification between an enterprise and SP
Disaster recovery
We will cover many of these topics. In the next sections we look at those OSI network layers
of greatest relevance for the forthcoming discussions.
Layers 2,Table
• 3, and 2.5
of Contents
• Index
Network Management,
Reference MIBs and MPLS:
is made throughout thisPrinciples,
book to Design
layer 2and
3 devices [Puzmanova2001]. Some
ByStephen B.seems
Morris to surround the use of these terms both in the industry and in the literature.
Issues affecting layers 2 and 3 on enterprise networks are a recurring theme throughout this
book. Our use of the terms layer 2 and layer 3 follows the guidelines of the OSI model. A
layer 2 device
Publisher: is one
Addison that operates no higher than the data-link layer—for example, ATM,
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 Ethernet switches. The basic unit of transmission at layer 2 is the
Relay (FR), and
frame ISBN:
(or cell for ATM). A layer 3 device operates at the network layer and deals only in
packets. An example of a layer 3 device is an IP router. Layer 2.5 is a special mode of
Pages: 416
operation where some of the advantages of layer 2 are leveraged at layer 3. The different
layers are described in the following sections.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Layer 2 and VLANs
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Figure 1-4 illustrates
instruction the core
on networking withof a fictitious
MIBs, SNMP, enterprise
MPLS, andnetwork operated
much more. exclusively
Coverage using
SNMPv3, multiservice
network switches.
management This is acomponents,
software layer 2 network that is logically
IP routing, divided
HP Openview into VLANs
Network Node
(well described
Manager, in [Tanenbaum2003]).
NMS software components, amongVLANs,other
as we noted
key earlier, and
techniques are tools
broadcast domains
for managing
that allow
large communication
network systems. between member devices as if they were all on the same physical
LAN segment.
[ Team LiB ]
The switches in Figure 1-4 serve to partition the VLANs by forwarding only appropriately
addressed frames. In an effort to improve convergence time, some switches support, on a
per-VLAN basis, the spanning tree algorithm (the means by which loops are avoided
[Tanenbaum2003]). Spanning Tree Protocol is usually implemented across all LANs, not just
VLANs. If it is implemented on a per-VLAN basis, it improves convergence.
The constituents of any of the VLANs in Figure 1-4 can include a number of machines; for
example, VLAN 2 consists of 55 PCs, three servers, two printers, and four workstations. Layer
2 broadcasts originating inside any of the VLANs do not cross the boundary of that VLAN. One
possible configuration is to allocate a specific VLAN for each layer 3 protocol—for example,
IPX in VLAN 1 and IP in the other VLANs. Since VLAN 1 has nodes that understand only IPX,
there is no reason for pushing IP traffic into it. Likewise, the nodes in the other VLANs might
not understand IPX, so there is no reason for pushing IPX traffic into them. Only layer 3
traffic that needs to exit a VLAN crosses the boundary (via routing) of its container VLAN.
The merit of a VLAN arrangement is that traffic between the constituent devices does not
pass needlessly into the other VLANs. Also, if one of the VLANs fails (or if a node inside that
VLAN becomes faulty), then the other VLANs can continue to operate. This allows for a more
scalable and flexible network design than using IP routers in conjunction with Ethernet
Typically, the hosts in each of the VLANs support layer 3 routing capabilities (e.g., IP, IPX).
This is required for communication outside the VLAN boundary. Each such host supports layer
[3 Team
routing tables
LiB ] with at least one entry pointing to an external router. The latter may be
implemented on the local switch (A or B in Figure 1-4) and serves to direct outgoing and
incoming IP traffic across the VLAN boundary. To illustrate this, Table 1-1 depicts an excerpt
from a routing table from one of the 55 PCs in VLAN 2. The data in Table 1-1 is obtained by
using the netstat –r command from within a DOS console.
•Default Gateway
Table of Contents N/A N/A N/A
• Index
Table 1-1
Network illustratesMIBs
Management, two and
MPLS:table entries:
Principles, one
Design forImplementation
and the loopback address and the other for
the default gateway.
ByStephen B. Morris Any packets addressed to the loopback address are sent back to the
sender. So, if you ping, your host machine (i.e., the sender) will reply. The second
entry in Table 1-1 is for the default gateway. This is the IP address of last resort (Internet
do not have default gateway entries), that is, the address to which packets are
which no other
June 20, 2003
destination can be found. In Figure 1-4 this address (
would be located on Switch A. It is by this means that hosts in VLAN 2 can exchange
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
messages with entities outside their VLAN boundary. Appendix B includes examples of using
Pages: 416
some of the Windows NT/2000 networking utilities.
Another important point about VLANs is that the backbone network (between switches A and
B) may be implemented using ATM. If this is the case, then the backbone may implement
ATM LAN Management,
Emulation (LANE).MIBs This
and MPLS:
serves Principles,
to make the Design
ATM and Implementation
network behave like aisLAN.
the The
backbone guide
can alsoto managing
run MPLS. and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Greater flexibility
instruction again is with
on networking afforded
the use of IEEE
MPLS, and802.1Q VLANs.Coverage
much more. In this technology,
includes the
802.1 Ethernet
SNMPv3, network frame headers have
management a special
software 12-bit tagIPfor
components, storingHP
routing, a VLAN ID number.
Openview NetworkThis
allows for NMS
Manager, trafficsoftware
to flow between different
components, VLANs.
among otherItkey
is also possibleand
techniques to use another
tools tag in the
for managing
large header for storing priority values; this is the IEEE 802.1p tag—a 3-bit field. This allows
different types of traffic to be marked (with a specific priority number) for special treatment.
[ Team LiB ]
Traffic that must pass across the ATM/MPLS backbone is destined for another VLAN (e.g.,
VLAN X in Figure 1-4). This traffic can be transported using either ATM or MPLS. ATM cells
are presented at interface p of ATM Switch A. An ATM Switched (Soft or Smart) Permanent
Virtual Channel Connection (SPVCC) has been created between switches A and B. This virtual
circuit traverses the ATM/MPLS cloud between switches A and B. An SPVCC is a signaled
virtual circuit, which forms a connection between interfaces on a number of switches. An
SPVCC is conceptually similar to a time-division multiplexing (TDM) phone call: An end-to-
end path is found, bandwidth is reserved, and the circuit can then be used. The SPVCC in
Figure 1-4 starts at interface p on Switch A, travels across the intermediate link, and
terminates at interface q on Switch B. This bidirectional virtual circuit transports traffic across
the backbone between switches A and B. An important point about circuits that traverse the
backbone is that some switches allow the mapping of IEEE 802.1p values to specific circuits.
This allows for quite fine-grained quality of service across the backbone.
The SPVCC is a layer 2 connection because the constituent switches have only layer 2
knowledge of the traffic presented on their ingress interfaces. The layer 2 addressing scheme
uses a label made up of two components: the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual
Channel Identifier (VCI) pair. Each switch does a fast lookup of the label and pushes the
traffic to the associated egress interface. The switches have no idea about the underlying
structure or content of the traffic, which can be anything from telephony to IP packets. As
indicated in Figure 1-4, the virtual circuit can also be realized using MPLS label switched
paths (LSPs). Such LSPs carry layer 2 traffic encapsulated using MPLS labels (more on this
Team LiB2 ]technology that we describe has the following general characteristics:
Paths through the network can be reserved either manually (by using ATM PVCs or
MPLS LSPs) or using signaling (such as ATM PNNI, [3] MPLS LDP/RSVP-TE).
[3]Strictly speaking, PNNI (Private Network-to-Network Interface) is both a routing and a signaling
Paths can be assigned different classes of service, a crucial component for SLAs.
ATM layer 2 forwarding allows for traffic policing where contract noncompliant cells can
• Table of Contents
be tagged or dropped. It is also possible to shape traffic so that its arrival rate is
• Index
controlled. As we'll see when we look at DiffServ, policing and shaping are also available
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
at layer 3.
ByStephen B. Morris
The SPVCC/LSPs in Figure 1-4 represent our first example of virtual circuits. The different
categories of traffic (TDM, IP, etc.) presented at interface p can be transported across
appropriate virtualWesley
Publisher: Addison circuits. These circuits can be provisioned with different quality of service
(more on this
Pub Date: later)
June characteristics to ensure that the traffic receives specific forwarding
20, 2003
ISBN: So, far, we've only hinted at some of the elements of MPLS but it will be seen that
many Pages:
of the416advantages of layer 2 technologies can be obtained at layer via MPLS.
Layer 3
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Figure 1-5guide to managing
illustrates and troubleshooting
an IP network enterprise
with an intermediate WANand service
that provider
crosses an SP networks.
network. A
clientin-depth tutorial
PC in Dallas hasfrom
some networking
IP data to expert
send toStephen
a serverMorris delivers
in Boston, andclear and concise
the traffic is carried to
instruction on networking
the destination via the SP with MIBs,
network. SNMP,
Each MPLS,
router andthe
along much
pathmore. Coverage
performs includes
a lookup of the
destinationnetwork management
IP address softwareand
( components,
forwards theIP routing,
packet toHP anOpenview Network
appropriate outputNode
interface. NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Figure 1-5. An IP network.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[One of the
Team LiB other
] major differences between layer 2 and IP is that the latter cannot reserve
either resources (such as bandwidth) or paths ahead of time. Even with static routes
installed, a full IP address lookup is required at each router, and the direction that the packet
takes can change at each hop (for example, if a static route goes down). So, IP packets from
a given source can travel over different routes at different times, and ordering is not
guaranteed. The TCP protocol gets over some of these problems, but TCP can't reserve
bandwidth and full address lookups are still required at each hop.
A further possibility exists for transporting layer 3 traffic: MPLS. MPLS operates at what is
often called layer 2.5, that is, not quite layer 3 but also higher than layer 2. MPLS operates
by adding a fixed-length (4-byte shim header) label to the payload, which includes an
unstructured 20-bit label. This label is then used in forwarding the encapsulated packet. The
label is structured for compatibility with ATM VPI/VCI addressing and allows for ATM [4]
switches to be upgraded to MPLS. MPLS can also be deployed on routers and brings
numerous benefits to IP networks:
Where ATM switches are upgraded to function as MPLS nodes, there is no shim header. Instead, the
ATM VPI/VCI fields are used for conveying the label.
Paths can be reserved before traffic arrives at the network for transport. These can be
[ Team LiB ] either manually or via a signaling protocol.
Different classes of service can be applied to the reserved paths; for example, VoIP
traffic would need a higher class of service than email traffic. This facilitates
differentiated services that can be applied to fulfill customer SLAs.
Traditional IP routing protocols, such as OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP4, can be used. This
reduces the cost of developing and deploying MPLS because it leverages proven routing
protocols (when they are appropriately extended).
One disadvantage of MPLS is that all nodes in the path must run the MPLS protocols—an
additional burden
• Table ofon network operators. Traffic engineering is often called the MPLS killer
because it permits
connection-oriented operation of IP networks. Incoming IP traffic can
be redirected to a higher or lower bandwidth path.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Apart B. traffic
from Morris engineering, an emerging function of MPLS is the generic transport of
legacy layer 2 services, such as ATM, FR, TDM, and Ethernet. This is an effort to provide a
standards-based migration path for network operators who do not want to fully deploy MPLS
Publisher: Addison
throughout Wesley
their networks. In other words, the legacy services continue to be deployed, but
are transported
Date: across a fully or partially deployed MPLS core.
June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Signaling, such as RSVP-TE and LDP
In many cases, the user must manually configure interfaces. The key difference is that ports
work out of the box, whereas interfaces generally do not. A lot of action takes place at
interfaces—for example, quality of service (QoS) imposition in a DiffServ domain. QoS is a
scheme by which traffic is marked prior to or at the entry point to a network. Each node
traversed by the traffic then examines (and possibly updates) the marked values. The
function of the traffic markings is a signal to the network nodes to try to provide the indicated
level of service. Required service levels differ depending on the traffic type; for example,
VoIP traffic has specific timing requirements that are more stringent than those for email.
The point is that network node interfaces are an integral part of the provision of the QoS
scheme. We will see more on this later.
Many SPs provide customer premises equipment (CPE) as part of an enterprise service. CPE
is a term that describes some type of switch or router owned by the service provider but
located on the customer premises. Examples of CPE devices are seen in Figure 1-5, such as
"Router (Boston)". The CPE provides access to the SP network from within the enterprise
network. Typically, the CPE provides access to services such as Metro Ethernet, VPN, ATM,
FR, and TDM. All of these tend to take the form of one or more ports on a CPE device.
Depending on the service purchased, CPE management may be executed either by the
Team provider,
LiB ] the enterprise, or some combination of the two.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
NEs don't tend to have an overview of an entire network; management systems do, and
Table of Contents
this helps in creating objects like connections such as the ones shown in Figure 1-4. The
• Index
NMS overview is particularly useful for aggregate objects, as we'll see later in this
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
An NMS maintains useful records and audit trails of past configuration actions.
If NEs Addison
Publisher: do notWesley
support SNMP, then an NMS can facilitate a superior CLI because security
Pub beJune
Date: imposed,
20, 2003actions are recorded, and scripts can be managed (stored, updated,
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
NMS can facilitate useful networkwide services like traffic engineering, QoS, planning,
modeling, and backup/restore (of firmware or configuration data).
NMS enables fast access to faults. Some network faults can be meaningfully processed
by an NMS. For MIBs and MPLS:
example, Principles,
if a network Design many
contains and Implementation
ATM permanentisvirtualthe
definitive guide
circuits to managing
(PVCs) and troubleshooting
and an unprotected link fails, enterprise and service
then the switches provider
cannot networks.
This in-depth
recover, tutorial
do not useexpert Stephen
signaling. Morris
In this delivers
situation, clear and concise
management intervention
instruction on networking
is required to restorewith MIBs, SNMP,
the broken link andMPLS,
thenandthe much more. As
connection. Coverage
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
become increasingly mission-critical with IT offering stringent service contracts, Network Node
Manager, NMS software
downtime components,
is a luxury among
few enterprises canother
techniques and tools
if a connection failsfor managing
and has no
large backup,
the NMS needs to detect it as soon as possible and assist in recovery.
[ Team
] in rebalancing networks after new hardware is added. As networks expand
and new switches and routers are added, it is often necessary to bring the new devices
into service quickly. Often, such reconfigurations are done during periods of low
traffic.[5] A management system can assist this process by allowing automated bulk
operations, such as simultaneously creating or moving hundreds (or even thousands) of
virtual circuits such as ATM PVCs or MPLS LSPs.
[5]Such reconfigurations can result in both signaling and routing storms as the network attempts to
converge. MPLS networks tend to carry routing and signaling in-band, whereas optical networks
carry routing out-of-band. This makes MPLS networks less resilient in the face of massive
reconfigurations; hence the need for management systems.
Management systems can provide networkwide object support for service profiles.
Subscriber management on large mobile phone networks is a good example of this. The
management system can be used to create thousands of subscriber records and write
them into a service database. Individual subscribers can then be updated as they
connect to the network.
A good quality NMS broadens the operator's view of the network. This can help to leverage
the increasing intelligence of modern NEs.
Fault: All devices at some point can become faulty, and virtual connections, links, and
interfaces can go up or down. These can all cause the generation of network fault data.
Events are similar to faults except that they do not necessarily signify anything is wrong
with the network. They exist to inform the management system of important
occurrences, such as an LSP becoming operational (i.e., ready to forward incoming
ByStephen B. Morris
Accounting: Billing for service is an important component of enterprise network
management (e.g., for departmental service billing). This function can be used for
charging back the use of resources, such as dial-up facilities, to individual departments
Publisher: Addison Wesley
as well as for verifying the bills submitted by a service provider.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Performance: As user populations and bandwidth needs grow, it is essential to be able
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
to measure
Pages: 416 performance, particularly for SLA fulfillment. Performance checks can assist
in predicting the onset of congestion.
Security: Attacks against networks can include unauthorized access, data modification
or theft, and so on. Security is needed to ensure that both data and the underlying
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
network are protected.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
The above tutorial
points from what
describe networking expert
are known as Stephen Morris delivers
the OSI functional areasclear and concise
of network
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
management,FCAPS, described at length in [Stallings1999]. A good management includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
should fulfill all the FCAPS areas (many products provide only fault and performance Network Node
software components,
the other areas among other key
to proprietary techniques
means and tools
or ancillary for managing
products). An
large network systems.
important point is that the FCAPS areas are inter-dependent. Fault management has to know
about the network configuration in order to provide meaningful reports. The same is true of
[ Team LiB ]
performance monitoring, particularly for complying with SLAs. Likewise, billing (or
accounting) has to have some knowledge of the underlying configuration. Providing all this
management capability is a big challenge, especially for large distributed networks containing
lots of legacy equipment.
Organizations implement their FCAPS functions in interesting ways: Some do all the
management inhouse while others outsource it to third parties. Large enterprises can operate
a number of different types of networks, such as broadband, IP, and telephony. Each network
has to be managed, and in many cases each has its own management system, making
overall management complex, error-prone, and potentially very time-consuming. In cases
where network management is felt to be too difficult or no longer a core activity, an
organization can turn to outsourcing. Outsourcing to a third party can help to alleviate some
of the duplication of multiple management systems by connecting the network to a Network
Operations Center (NOC). The owner of the NOC then provides billable services in any or all
of the FCAPS areas. One merit of using a NOC is that network management costs can become
more predictable. However, there are no hard and fast rules about this: An enterprise can
also have its own NOC. The use of CPE is another example of outsourcing.
Equipment vendors such as Cisco, Nortel, Hewlett-Packard, and Alcatel generally provide
SNMP agents on their devices. Separately purchased, integrated management systems are
[also available
Team LiB ] from these and many other organizations. These management systems
typically run on UNIX or Windows NT/2000 platforms and feature GUIs, object palettes for
topology definition, and fairly extensive FCAPS facilities.
The owners of large networks tend to functionally separate their software tools, and FCAPS
provides a conceptual framework for this. Management systems for large service providers
tend to follow a distinct layered structure, illustrated in Figure 1-6 as a pyramid.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This is good tutorial
in-depth reason—both technical and
from networking financial—for
expert this functional
Stephen Morris separation.
delivers clear At the top
and concise
of the pyramid
instruction is the Operational
on networking Support
with MIBs, SNMP, System
MPLS,(OSS), which
and much is used
more. for SP includes
Coverage business
support (feeding
SNMPv3, networkinto other corporate
management systems)
software and overall
components, network
IP routing, HPsupport.
OpenviewIn passing,
Network we
should note that there is some interest in enterprise operational support systems
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing for
large enterprise
network systems.networks (e.g., AceComm is one vendor in this area). The OSS layer is
expensive to develop and deploy. Below the OSS is the NMS, which tends to be used for
Team LiB ] operations such as creating, monitoring, and deleting virtual
connections—ATM PVCs and MPLS LSPs, for example. The NMS is generally focused on
multiple devices at any given time; in other words, it has a networkwide usage. This is
reflected in the value of NMS, which can be priced per network node. Very often, NMS are
sold in conjunction with NEs in order to help in quickly bringing up and subsequently
maintaining the network. Below the NMS is the EMS, which—at the bottom of the NMS food
chain—is generally focused on a single device at any given time.
Sometimes the EMS is a separate application hosted on an external platform in just the same
way as the NMS. This can be the case where devices are:
Vendors of such devices can add an external EMS to extend the device utility. In other cases,
the devices themselves host the EMS, allowing device-centered management facilities such
Software upload/download
As we mentioned, the NMS has a networkwide perspective and provides facilities to:
Create, delete, and modify multiple NE objects, such as VLANs and VPNs.
Create, monitor, and delete various soft objects on network devices such as
connections, profiles, and paths.[6]
[6]A path in this context is a specific set of nodes and interfaces (on the nodes in question) between
• Table
two of Contents
points in the network. Both ATM and MPLS support path objects for use in creating virtual
• connections.
Index Typically, preconfigured paths are provisioned in the network via signaling. For this
reason, paths have an independent significance in an NMS.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen alarms
B. Morris with connections when a failure occurs.
Apply actions, such as software (or configuration data) uploads and downloads, on a
Publisher: basis.
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
It is important to note that the gap between the EMS and NMS is not always clear cut.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Sometimes, an NMS is called upon to process raw device alarms or even to distribute new
Pages: 416
firmware across a range of devices. The dividing line between EMS and NMS is that most
NMS operations tend to simultaneously involve more than one NE. EMS operations tend to
center on a single NE. In some cases, an EMS can be developed that runs on a system (such
as a PC or UNIX system) external to the NE. The EMS then handles the NE interactions. EMS
for devices MIBs and MPLS:
without Principles,
SNMP agents can Design
be quite and Implementation
cumbersome, oftenisinvolving
some typeguide to managing
of automated and troubleshooting
interaction with an NE menu enterprise
systemand service
or CLI. provider
In this, networks.
the NE presents
This in-depth
its menu tutorial
options and from
the EMSnetworking
a humanStephen Morris
user and delivers
selects the clear andoption,
required concise
moving to the on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
next menu level.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Even with NMS
an EMS software components,
that interacts among
with an other
NE CLI, key
it is techniques
still and
possible for antools
NMSforto managing
then interact
large network
with the EMS. systems.
So, even though the EMS is not onboard the NE, this does not concern the
NMS. However, the whole scheme tends to be proprietary in nature. In effect, the approach
TeamisLiB ]
message-based: The EMS directly exchanges messages with the NEs. This approach
is not without difficulties: Different versions of firmware may support slight variations in CLI
message format or content, making it difficult to formulate a generic approach to such EMS-
NE exchanges. Having SNMP on the devices makes EMS development much easier because
then the operations are based on standard SNMP message exchanges.
Up from the NMS is the OSS layer [Tele2001]. As mentioned earlier, these are very large
bodies of software typically deployed in big SP (and some enterprise) networks. OSS provide
a variety of business- and network-support functions such as:
Asset management
Many OSS can use the services of the underlying NMS to do some or all of the following:
Execute provisioning
In this way, an OSS uses the NMS services in the manner of an API.[7] The TeleManagement
Forum (TMF)Table of Contents
[TeleMgmtForum] has made great progress in modeling SP operations
• Index
processes and defining vendor-independent interfaces between OSS and NMS. An example of
such a model
Network is the MIBs
Management, Telecommunications Operations
and MPLS: Principles, Design andMap (TOM). The
TMF has defined
By Definition
Stephen B. MorrisLanguage (IDL) specifications for this purpose. The OSS and NMS both
use the IDL for communication.
[7] An API in this context means that the NMS exposes a software interface (e.g., a CORBA interface) to
Publisher: Addison Wesley
the OSS. This interface might provide services like retrieveAll-Alarms() for a given NE. When the
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
OSS uses the interface, the underlying NMS executes the request, retrieves the data, and presents it to
the OSS.
ISBN: The use of a standard OSS-NMS API frees the OSS from the need to understand any details of
the NMS416
Pages: structures.
One consequence of the connection between OSS and NMS is that it is often hard to decide
where and how specific management software should be written. For example, an operator
might require the ability to create an ATM SPVCC (or an MPLS LSP) connection between two
nodes onManagement, MIBs and
its network. Should theMPLS: Principles,
NMS vendor Design
provide thisand Implementation
capability through itsisNMS
the GUI or
as an IDL guide to managing
API function? and both,
Probably troubleshooting enterprise
but it's possible andGUI
that the service provider
version mightnetworks.
never be
in an SP tutorial from networking
environment, expert
so should the Stephen
vendor Morris
provide two delivers
whenand concise
only one is
needed? Theseon networking with MIBs,
are heady design SNMP,that
questions MPLS,
haveand much more.
a profound Coverage
effect includes
on the way in which
SNMPv3, network management
NMS are both built and used. software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
LiB ] Technologies
SNMP is not the only management technology. Other proprietary systems approaches
Serial link-based menu systems are very similar to NEs that support telnet. Just the
access technology is different. Normally, a serial link-based system includes simple text
menus (accessed via a serial interface) that are used for initial configuration. Typical devices
for these facilities include small terminal servers. Often, these devices do not have an IP
address, and the user configures one via the menu system. Connecting the device to an
appropriately configured PC serial port facilitates this. Again, by its nature this is proprietary.
• Table of Contents
DMI was developed
• Index by the Desktop Management Task Force and is completely independent
of SNMP.
Network Its purpose
Management, is the
MIBs and management ofDesign
MPLS: Principles, desktop
and environments,
and it includes
components similar to those of SNMP, such as DMI clients (similar to SNMP managers), DMI
ByStephen B. Morris
service providers (similar to SNMP agents), the DMI management information format (similar
to the MIB), and DMI events (similar to SNMP notifications).
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Network Convergence and Aggregate Objects
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
The provision of services such as Metro Ethernet and layer 3 VPNs is prsenting an interesting
network management challenge. Not only are new services being deployed, SP (and to some
extent, enterprise) network cores are migrating to layer 3. Managing these converged
networks in a scalable, end-to-end fashion is a necessity, especially when competitive SLAs
Network Management,
are sold to MIBs
end users. The and MPLS:
service Principles,
sold to Design
the user may and Implementation
consist of Ethernet (withisdifferent
priorities supported for specific traffic types), cross-connected into an MPLS core. networks.
guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider Modeling
This in-depth
this for tutorial
network from networking
management expert Stephen
support requires the use Morris
of whatdelivers
we callclear and concise
aggregate objects.
instruction on networking
Aggregate objects with MIBs,
are comprised of aSNMP,
number MPLS, and much
of related more.
managed Coverage
objects. includes
Examples are
VLANs, VPNs, and cross-connect technologies (e.g., Ethernet over MPLS). As theNetwork
network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview range ofNode
andsoftware components,
services deployed onamong other
networks key techniques
continues to grow,and tools forobjects
aggregate managing
large network systems.
becoming increasingly important. We'll see this in Chapter 8 when we discuss LSP creation.
LiB introduced
] us to VLANs. From a network management perspective, VLANs are
aggregate objects made up of:
Generally, there are two ways for an NMS to build up a picture of a VLAN:
Manual creation requires a combination of human input and network-side provisioning. The
user selects the switches required for the VLAN and adds the VLAN members. Provisioning
software in the NMS then updates the appropriate MIBs. This is the textbook way of operating
networks, but in reality networks may tend to change quite often.
NMS Discovery
manyLiB ]
cases, changes are made to individual switches via the EMS (usually via the onboard
CLI) and unless the user manually updates the NMS, then the EMS-NMS pictures may differ.
This is where an NMS feature called network discovery is important. Network discovery is the
process by which an NMS uses SNMP (and also ICMP) to read, process, and store the
contents of designated MIB tables. In this way, the NMS picks up any changes made via the
EMS. This process of ongoing discovery and update is an important aspect of managing large
networks. Network discovery also picks up the details of both simple objects and complex
aggregate objects.
Not all NMS products provide automatic network discovery, because it introduces traffic into
the managed network. Also, the workflows of the operator may (manually) provide the same
service with no need for an automated solution. We will tend to assume that an automated
network discovery function exists.
So (using either manual or automatic network discovery), we now have our picture of the
• Table of Contents
network and its higher level constructs (including aggregate objects such as VLANs and
• Index
VPNs). Having a clear picture of the network objects leaves the operator free to effectively
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
manage the network.
ByStephen B. Morris
What kinds of things can the operator expect to happen to the network? Links and interfaces
can go down; for example, if Link 1 in Figure 1-4 goes down, then VLAN 3 will become
isolated from
Publisher: the enterprise
Addison Wesley network. The NMS (not shown in Figure 1-4) should receive a
notification from20,the
Pub Date: June network that the link has gone down. The NMS then has to cross-
ISBN:the notification with the associated aggregate object (in this case VLAN 3) and infer
that VLAN
Pages: 416 no longer connected to the network. The NMS should indicate the problem
3 is
(usually in a visual fashion, such as via a GUI color change) to the operator and possibly
even suggest a fix. Similarly, if an NE in one VLAN becomes faulty—for example, if a NIC
starts to continually broadcast frames—then the NMS should figure this out (by looking at
interface congestion indicators) and reflect it back to the user. The user can then resolve the
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
The Goalnetwork
SNMPv3, of an NMS
management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
This mechanism of important events occurring in the network and the NMS (and operator)
racing to figure out what happened is crucial to understanding NMS technology. The
Team LiB ]between the NMSpicture of the network and the real situation in the
network must be kept as small as possible. The degree of success attributed to an
NMSis directly related to this key difference. This is an important NMS concept that we
will refer to frequently.
We use the term notification to mean any one of three different things:
An event is an indication from the network of some item of interest to the NMS, for example,
a user logging into an NE CLI. A fault is an indication of a service-affecting network problem,
such as a link failure. The NMS must respond as quickly as possible to a fault, even
suggesting some remedial action(s) to the operator. An alarm is an indication that a
potentially service-affecting problem is about to occur, perhaps an interface congestion-
counter threshold that has been exceeded. Clearly, in most cases, faults should be processed
by the NMS ahead of events and alarms.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Managers Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
A communications protocol
The SNMPv3 standard replaces the terms agent and manager with entity. While entity is the
correct term for SNMPv3, we need to distinguish between the manager (server) side and
Network Management,
device (agent) side. So,MIBs and MPLS:
for clarity, Principles,
we will continueDesign
to useand
the Implementation
terms agent andismanager.
definitive guide tostated,
Unless otherwise managing and
these troubleshooting
refer enterprise
to SNMPv3 entities. Also,and
anyservice provider
reference networks.
to SNMP from
here in-depth
on shouldtutorial from networking
be interpreted as SNMPv3 expert Stephen
unless Morris
otherwise delivers
stated. We clear and concise
now describe these
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
principal components.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
The SNMP Agent
[ Team LiB ]
SNMP agents are the entities that reside on managed devices. They listen on UDP port 161
for incoming SNMP messages; they use UDP port 162 for sending notification messages.
Agents are the workhorses of management and provide the following functionality:
MIB view—the set of managed objects in an agent MIB accessible to an SNMP manager.
This is the manager's client view with respect to the agent.
UNIX hosts
Many network devices, including hubs, routers, switches, terminal servers, PABXs, and
so on
The agent listens on UDP port 161 for the following SNMP message types:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network requests the
Management, values
MIBs of the
and MPLS: specified
Principles, object
Design andinstances.
ByStephen B. Morris
Get-next requests the values of the lexical successors of the specified object instances.
[ Team LiB ] and setting the values of MIB object instances on agents
It is unusual nowadays to have to write either SNMP agent or manager programs. Many
system software vendors include them as standard software components. For example, all of
the following products include an SNMP agent and manager:
In the cases of pSOS and VxWorks, the SNMP agent can be ported to an embedded system,
such as a switch or router. This device then constitutes an NE and can be managed by an
NMS. The SNMP agent on the NE can be considered part of another component called the
EMS (which we met earlier). This is software dedicated to managing the NE. Various
mechanisms for accessing the EMS are allowed, including:
[ Team LiB ]
The NMS generally interacts with the EMS on its managed NEs using one of the above access
methods. When an NE is first deployed in its factory-default state, it is often necessary to
configure it via a serial interface. The other services and protocols available on the NE can
then be enabled so that it can subsequently be accessed over a network. The major focus of
this book is the NMS.
InChapter 7, "Rudimentary NMS Software Components," we build basic Visual C++ and
JDMK Java SNMP manager programs. Normally, an SNMP manager is a low-level software
entity embedded in a larger body of software called the management application. The
combination of the user, management application, SNMP manager, and multiple distributed
SNMP agents constitutes the management system. Facilities offered by a management
• Table of Contents
system are:
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
A centralized database
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Support for many simultaneous client users
Pages: 416
Topology discovery (not all NMS provide this)
[ Team LiB ]
The importance of MIBs cannot be overstated. This is a recurring theme throughout this
book. MIBs are a crucial component—perhaps the crucial component—of an NMS because
they contain the data definitions for the managed objects. In Chapter 8 we use the MPLS
MIBs to create LSPs. A MIB is simply a managed-object data description. The MIB defines the
syntax (type and structure) and semantics of the managed objects. SNMP managers and
agents exchange managed object instances using the SNMP protocol.
Managed objects may be defined using what are called textual conventions. These are
essentially refinements of basic types (that are very loosely analogous to programming
language data types or even Java/C++ classes), and some of those included in SMIv2
(Structure of Management Information) are:
TestAndIncr prevents two managers from simultaneously modifying the same object.
Setting an object of type TestAndIncr to a value other than its current value fails. We
will see a similar mechanism used in the MPLS tables.
[ Team LiB ] is a standard way for adding and removing entries from a table (we will see
this object used many times in the MPLS configuration examples).
As discussed in the previous section, an example of a MIB object is the number of IP packets
received by a host TCP/IP protocol stack from its interfaces. The MIB object called
ipInReceives, in the IP group, fulfills this function (see Figure 1-8). Each IP packet received
from a registered interface (including those received in error) results in the host agent
incrementing the MIB object instance value for ipInReceives.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
In addition to using textual conventions, MIB objects have additional attributes that are now
Team LiB ]
SYNTAX: This is the object format—for example, Unsigned32 (an integer), TruthValue
(a Boolean true or false), and SEQUENCE (a container of other objects).
STATUS: This is the state of support for the object in the MIB—for example, current
means that the object is relevant and can or should be supported.
DEFVAL: This is a default value that the agent can use when the object instance is first
OBJECT IDENTIFIER: This is the unique name for a MIB object, described in the next
Team LiBuse
] the object attributes in order to manipulate and understand MIB objects.
Figure 1-7 illustrates an object called mplsFTNAddrType from the MPLS Forwarding
Equivalency Class-To-Next Hop Label Forwarding Entry (FTN) MIB. This important MPLS MIB
is described in more detail in Chapter 9, "Network Management Theory and Practice," to
illustrate the way in which policy-based management is finding its way into the operation of
MPLS NEs. For now, we examine the elements of a single object from this MIB in order to
describe the above attributes.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
It's very important to be able to read MIBs, so we briefly describe the object in Figure 1-7.
The first line
Network is added for
Management, information
MIBs and MPLS: only. It describes
Principles, Designthe columns
and in the figure.
Implementation In the left-
is the
hand column is the line number, and the right-hand column shows the attributes
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. (or
This of thefrom
in-depth tutorial object. Real MIBsexpert
networking do notStephen
contain Morris
line numbers
headings like this. So,
and concise
the real version
instruction of this MIBwith
on networking (in MIBs,
an agent or NMS)
SNMP, MPLS,would not contain
and much more. either
Coveragethe top line or the
line numbers in the left-hand column.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
On line 1, we see a MIB object called mplsFTNAddrType. This identifies the MIB object with a
large network systems.
symbolic name. An NMS (or MIB browser) can do gets and sets using this name. We know
[this is aLiB
Team MIB] object because of the keyword OBJECT-TYPE.
Line 2 indicates the syntax of the object (mplsFTNAddrType). It shares the syntax of another
object called InetAddressType (defined in a MIB called INET-ADDRESS-MIB). This illustrates
the way SNMP reuses legacy components to build new ones. The SYNTAX InetAddressType is
imported from the latter MIB and represents an IP address string.
Line 3 indicates that the MAX-ACCESS (or operational permissions) allowed on object
instances of type mplsFTNAddrType is read-create. This means that a manager can either
read an existing object instance or create a new one.
Line 4 indicates that the STATUS of mplsFTNAddrType is current, meaning that this object
should be supported.
Line 5 gives a DESCRIPTION of mplsFTNAddrType and provides a useful textual reason for the
use of this object.
Line 7 indicates the name used to access this object via SNMP—in this case it is column
number 6 in the table row called mplsFTNEntry (defined earlier in this MIB).
Team LiB ] the contents of Figure 1-7 takes us a long way on the road to understanding
MIB objects. We now delve a little more deeply into the overall structure of MIBs.
All MIB objects have unique names called object identifiers (OIDs). An OID is a sequence of
32-bit unsigned integers that represents a node within a tree-based structure (with a single
root). Only an instance of a MIB object can be retrieved from an agent. An instance of a MIB
object is identified by an OID concatenated with the instance value. The instance value is a
sequence of one or more 32-bit unsigned integers.
The order of the OIDs is an important aspect of SNMP. All objects can be traced from the root
in a process called walking the MIB. During a walk, each branch of the MIB tree is traversed
from left to right starting at the root. For example, the standard IP group or table has the
• Table of Contents
OID, as illustrated in Figure 1-8. The IP group and some of its constituent
• Index
objects are shown in this diagram.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By are B.
Stephen plain-text
Morris files. They are compiled into the agent source code and become part of
the executable file. If a manager wants to access some agent MIB objects, then either the
associated MIB module file is needed or a MIB walk can be attempted.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
All MIB objects
Pub Date: June follow
20, 2003the model depicted in Figure 1-8. The IP object is a table that contains
scalar ISBN:
(single-value) objects. It is also possible to have non-tabular scalar objects in the MIB,
as we'll see in
Pages: 416
Chapter 2,Figure 2-5.Appendix C contains a list for part of the IP table
retrieved from a real device.
Another important aspect of lexicographic ordering is that a manager can use it to "discover"
an agent MIB. This is for that case in which the manager does not have a copy of the agent
MIB and Management, MIBs and
needs to determine whatMPLS: Principles,
objects the agent Design and Implementation
supports. is the consists
The discovery process
of walkingguide to managing
the MIB. It should and troubleshooting
be noted that this is enterprise
not a very and
way ofprovider networks.
retrieving agent
It is far tutorial
better tofrom
havenetworking expertatStephen
the MIB details Morrisside
the manager delivers clear
because and
the conciseand
meaning of on thenetworking with
NE data will MIBs,
then SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
be apparent.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDU)
[ Team LiB ]
SNMP managers and agents communicate using a very simple messaging protocol. This is a
straightforward fetch (get), store (set), and notification model [ComerStevens]. Managers
retrieve agent data using get operations, and they modify agent data using set operations.
When agents want to communicate some important event, they do so by sending a
notification message to a preconfigured IP address. If the agent wants to receive an
acknowledgment from the manager, then it sends an inform message.
Table 1-2 illustrates the protocol messages provided by the different versions of SNMP.
InChapter 2 we illustrate details of the SNMPv3 message types and their interactions
between agents and managers.
• Table of Contents
[ Team LiB ]
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Enterprise and SP networks are complex, interdependent entities. Enterprise network
managers seek to improve business processes and workflow efficiencies by leveraging their
technology. Service providers can help them achieve this by offering advanced managed or
unmanaged (billable) services, such as VPNs. Both types of network have to be managed
effectively using dedicated technology. We focus on SNMP-based network management, but it
is important to note that this not the only approach. The trend in networking is towards what
we refer to as aggregate objects. These can be seen in the many variants of interconnection
technologies, such as VLANs. VLANs allow for LANs to be scaled upwards in a controlled
fashion because
• Tablethe broadcast domain can be partitioned. This means that individual VLAN
of Contents
• (e.g.,
Indexthe software engineering department) can communicate within the one
Network domain without
Management, MIBs anditsMPLS:
traffic crossing
Principles, into and
Design a neighboring VLAN (e.g., the sales and
marketing VLAN). Traffic crosses VLAN boundaries only as required, and this occurs using
ByStephen B. Morris
layer 3 routing. The mix of technologies involved in VLAN-based environments gives rise to
aggregate objects. These objects in turn present scalability challenges to network
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
A successful NMS is one that maintains an accurate and up-to-date picture of the managed
network. 0-13-101113-8
This is a lot harder than it sounds, particularly with the complex mix of technology
and traffic
416 (many now have stringent real-time requirements) found in networks.
NMS constituent technology tends to follow a client/server architecture with many products
based on Java technology. A typical NMS product offers a range of applications that fulfills
the basic Management,
Network FCAPS areas as well
MIBs andas MPLS:
such as reporting andImplementation
Design and multiclient control.
is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
SNMP provides a distributed model that uses managed-object schema definitions (MIBs) on
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
remote devices. Instances of managed objects can be retrieved from agents on remote NEs.
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
This can be done by a manager in conjunction with a local copy of the agent MIB; that is,
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
there are two copies of the MIB. MIB structures often must be reflected in the data model
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
(more on this later, but for now the data model is the way the NMS looks at the information
large network systems.
relating to the managed objects). For this reason, the NMS quality can suffer if the MIBs are
LiB ] The mapping of MIBs to real NEs is reasonably easy to understand, particularly
after using a MIB browser application (some are freely available on the Web).
A security scheme protects the agent data as well as the data in transit from the agent. A
notification mechanism allows agents to asynchronously send messages to a manager when
important events (such as faults) occur.
SNMPv3 offers a small number of protocol messages designed to allow effective management
of NEs.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We described
in Chapter 1, "Large Enterprise Networks," that SNMP is essentially a network
Table of Contents
management data access technology. As such, SNMP is an enabler for a variety of
• Index
applications including NMS products. However, other applications, such as MIB browsers, also
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
use SNMP. We take a look at some sample output from one of our two handcrafted SNMP
ByStephen B. Morris
applications, described later in Chapter 7, "Rudimentary NMS Software Components."
MIBs are one of the cornerstones of this book, so we take a closer look at the main elements
of one of theAddison
IETF Wesley
MPLS MIBs. All of our discussion so far has aimed toward providing a clear
picture of the
Pub Date: purpose
June 20, 2003 and structure of a typical NMS. An analogy for an NMS is briefly
explored to 0-13-101113-8
ISBN: solidify the concepts.
Pages: 416
The purpose of an NMS is to manage networks of devices or NEs. We briefly review some
typical software components of an NE before presenting our first chunk of MPLS technology.
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3 Structure
SNMPv3 provides a modular structure that allows for specific subsystems to be used for
certain tasks. This approach is in line with the increasing trend toward component technology
(we discuss this later, but for now just think of components as real-world mini-objects that
are embodied in software. Components are joined together to form more complex entities,
such as VLANs, virtual connections made up of Ethernet cross-connections joined across an
ATM/MPLS core network, etc.). Broadly speaking, an SNMPv3 entity consists of two main
• Table of Contents
An SNMP engine
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
A collection of SNMP applications
ByStephen B. Morris
Our discussion of SNMPv3 is more of an overview than a detailed description. The latter can
be found in [Zeltserman1999].
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
SNMPv3 Engine
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network handles
Management, message
MIBs sending
and MPLS: and receiving.
Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Message tutorial
This in-depth subsystem
fromhandles message
networking expertprocessing
Stephen for SNMPv3,
Morris SNMPv2c,
delivers clear andSNMPv1,
concise and
any other
instruction models. with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
on networking
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMSsubsystem handles security
software components, amongprocessing fortechniques
other key SNMPv3 user-based security
and tools for model
(USM), SNMPv1/v2c
large network systems. community-based security model, and any additional (newly
defined) models.
[ Team LiB ]
Access control subsystem handles the granting/rejecting of access to specific managed
Two important points to note about the engine subcomponents are that they:
The SNMPv3 architecture is flexible and modular. It remains to be seen whether this facility
will be used over time, but one area where change is quite likely is that of security. Another
security model could be added to the architecture by extending the security subsystem and
adding an extra value in the security model number field (as illustrated in Figure 2-1 with the
MessageSecurityparameter). Such a change would require a potentially costly software
upgrade, but the benefits of extra security may become a necessity.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3 Applications
There are currently five SNMPv3 applications defined:
ByStephen B. Morris
The SNMPv3 framework allows other applications to be defined over time and added to the
above list.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
[ Team LiB ]
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The message format is broken down into four overall sections made up of the following:
Security model data: This area has three subsections—one general, one for
• Table of Contents
authentication, and one for privacy data.
• Index
Network Management,
Context: TheseMIBs
twoand MPLS:
fields arePrinciples, Design and
used to provide Implementation
the correct context in which the protocol
ByStephen (PDU)
Morris should be processed.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
The first
This field tutorial
in-depth in the message is the SNMP
from networking version.
expert ThisMorris
Stephen is located in the
delivers same
clear position
and concisefor all
versions of on
instruction SNMP to allow with
networking differentiation during
MIBs, SNMP, message
MPLS, and much processing. This provides
more. Coverage for
backwards and forwards compatibility. A value of 3 in this field indicates an
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node SNMPv3
message. NMS
Manager, A value of 2 indicates
software SNMPv2c
components, andother
among a value
1 indicatesand
tools for managing
large network systems.
Team LiB ]
TheMessageID is a number used between two entities for message correlation. So, if a
manager sends a GetRequest with MessageID x, then it is important that the manager does
not re-use x until the outstanding message is answered or timed out. The PDU contains a
request ID field, which was used for the same purpose in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, but since
SNMPv3 allows for encrypted PDUs, the MessageID is in the (unencrypted) header. The
MessageID also provides a means by which multiple copies of a response (e.g., if the
underlying datagram service duplicates a message) can be distinguished. Messages re-
transmitted by a manager should use a new MessageID.
TheMaxMessageSize is the maximum message size supported by the sender of the message.
This is the largest size packet that the transport protocol can carry without having to use
fragmentation. The receiver uses the value of MaxMessageSize to ensure that its reply is
within the allowed size range.
[The MessageFlags
Team LiB ] object is 1-byte long and determines the authentication and privacy
settings for the message. It also indicates if this message requires a (report) response from
the receiver. The three right-most bit positions are used when encoding this object, and the
following are the allowed combinations:
All three of the above may have the report option set. This indicates that a response is
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By MessageSecurity
Stephen B. Morris is an integer object that indicates the security setting associated with
the message. The range of values supported is as follows:
1ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
is reserved for SNMPv1.
Pages: 416
2 is reserved for SNMPv2c.
Team LiB ]Model Data: General
The general section of the security model data contains the following fields:
EngineBoots: the number of times an SNMP engine has either been started up or reset
since the value of EngineID was last modified
EngineTime: the number of seconds that have passed since the value of EngineBoots
was last modified
The above fields precede the authentication and privacy data areas. EngineID and UserName
are used to form an index into a table called usmUserTable. This table stores the security
model data for a given engine ID and user pair.
Whichever algorithm is used, the authentication protocol field is a 12-byte octet string used
as an electronic fingerprint (or message authentication code) to authenticate the message. It
is similar to the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes used in many applications (ATM, disk
drives, etc.) to verify that data has not been modified in transit. When an SNMP entity (i.e., a
manager) wants to send an SNMP request to another entity (i.e., an agent), it must use a
secret authentication key (described in the previous paragraph) known to both parties. This
key is used to generate the fingerprint. When the authenticated message is received, the
fingerprint isTable
• recalculated,
of Contents and if the two match, then the message is deemed to be authentic.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
The privacy protocol field is an 8-byte octet string used for the Data Encryption Standard
Publisher: Addison Wesley
(DES) algorithm. The encryption uses a 16-byte key. The first 8 octets of the 16-octet secret
used June 20, 2003
as a DES key. The second 8 octets are used as an initialization vector; this is a
uniqueISBN: 0-13-101113-8
8-octet value that is manipulated to ensure the same value is not used for encrypting
different packets.
Pages: 416 Again, both parties use a secret private key to encrypt and decrypt
Context Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The historical background for SNMPv3 context is interesting. It arose from discussions about
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
how to deal with cases in which a given MIB table already exists with a specific indexing
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
scheme, but the indexing scheme must be extended. Some tables in the Bridge MIB are
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
indexed by port number, and in a rack-based system or a stacked system, there may be
large network systems.
multiple cards or units with the same port numbering. Contexts were invented to allow
[multiple instances
Team LiB ] of the same MIB table within the same SNMP agent in order to handle
cases like this.
ContextName is an octet string, and ContextID uniquely identifies an entity that may
recognize an instance of a context with a particular context name. The context details are
considered part of the PDU field.
This object represents either an unencrypted (plaintext) PDU or an encrypted PDU. The value
of the MessageFlags object dictates which one is the case.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 2-2 illustrates a network with a management system (containing SNMP Manager A)
connected to an IP router. The router has three network interfaces: A, B, and C. It hosts an
SNMP agent (Agent A). The management system host is connected to Interface B on the IP
router. Router interface A is connected to another network segment on which a server is
located. The server hosts SNMP Agent C. Router Interface C is connected to a PC that hosts
SNMP Agent B.
An important point to note is that the PDU fields in Figure 2-2 are SNMPv2c PDUs; that is,
SNMPv3 introduced no new PDUs. So, let's take a look at Figure 2-2 starting with a
GetRequest-GetResponse message exchange.
SNMPv3 GetRequest
Manager A in Figure 2-2 wants to retrieve the value of the ipInReceives.0 object instance
from Agent B. So, Manager A builds a GetRequest message. The network operator is a little
worried about hackers, so the message is authenticated and encrypted before being sent
across the network. Step 1 is now complete. Agent B receives the message, processes it
(applying the required security processing), and retrieves the required MIB object instance.
Next, Agent B builds a response message, applies the required security, and sends the
message back to Manager A. Step 2 is now complete. After verifying the message security,
Team LiBA will
] now extract the required data and store it in some application-specific fashion
(usually in a database). A few points can be made about Figure 2-2:
SNMPv3 is used.
The first field in the PDU has the value 0xA0 (get).
The value of MessageFlags is binary 011; that is, the message is authenticated and
Thees (error-status, the overall result of the operation) and ei (error-index, the
position of the first object in the variable bindings with which an error occurred) fields
are always zero for a GetRequest.
• Table of Contents
• Index
In the GetResponse message, the first field in the PDU has the value 0xA2
Network Management, MIBs
(getResponse) andand MPLS:
the Principles,
values Design and Implementation
of es (error-status) and ei (error-index) are both zero;,Morris
ByStephen no errors occurred in retrieving the MIB object instance.
A response message is created (by Agent B) with the variable bindings object instance
value set
Publisher: to 90033.
Addison The agent pushes this value into the same space provided in the
received PDU.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Manager A now has the required data. Usually, an NMS makes many such requests
Pages: 416
simultaneously, often requesting entire tables at a time.
SNMPv3 Get-NextRequest
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
If Manager
This in-depthA wants
perform a getNextRequest
networking on the
expert Stephen delivers clear object,
Morris then the
and concise
only differences
instruction required inwith
on networking Figure 2-2SNMP,
MIBs, are asMPLS,
and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
The first field in the PDU has the value 0xA1 (getNext).
large network systems.
The response includes the lexical successor to ipInReceives.0, for example,
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3 GetBulkRequest
GetBulkRequest is a clever way of retrieving a range of objects from a table. The required
objects are provided in a variable-bindings list. The objects are retrieved based on the values
of two numbers:
So, let's say we want to retrieve the number of interfaces on a given NE and then use that
number to retrieve the speed of those interfaces. This can be done with one or more
getRequests, but we can do it in one step using getBulkRequest. Our non-repeater is the
objectinterfaces.ifNumber. This value will also be used to specify the max-repetitions for
the object interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed. So, the call to a conceptual
GetBulkRequest API might look like the following:
Team LiB ] = 1, max-repetitions = interfaces.ifNumber,
varBindList = {interfaces.ifNumber, interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed } )
GetBulkRequestNonRepeater = interfaces.ifNumber.0
Type and Value = Integer32 5 =====> So, the number of interfaces is 5
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed.1
Value = Gauge32 155000000
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed.2
Value = Gauge32 155000000
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed.3
Value = Gauge32 100000000
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed.4
• Table of Contents
Value = Gauge32 4294967295
• Index
Variable = interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifSpeed.5
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Value = Gauge32 4294967295
ByStephen B. Morris
From this, we can see that the host (in this case, an MPLS label edge router) to which the
Publisher: Addison was
GetBulkRequest sent has five high-speed interfaces supporting bit rates of 155Mbps
Pub Date: June100Mbps
20, 2003 (100000000), and 4Gbps (4294967295) respectively.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
If Manager A wants to execute a getBulkRequest on the IP table, then the only differences
Pages: 416
required in Figure 2-2 are the following:
The first field in the PDU has the value 0xA5 (getBulk).
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive fieldto
guide stores the non-repeaters
managing value. enterprise and service provider networks.
and troubleshooting
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction field stores thewith
networking max-repetitions
MIBs, SNMP, value.
MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
After this message
Manager, exchange,
NMS software Manageramong
components, A has other
the required data. Typically,
key techniques and toolsthis
fortype of
operation might occur
large network systems. during a discovery procedure; that is, NE x has been found, so we
discover its attributes (number and type of interfaces, speeds, etc.).
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3 SetRequest
ASetRequest message follows a very similar set of steps. The only differences required in
Figure 2-2 are the following:
The first field in the PDU has the value 0xA3 (set).
After this message exchange, Manager A has modified the required data. Typically, this type
of operation might occur during a provisioning procedure; that is, we wish to alter some data
in NE x, so we execute a set (e.g., add a new row to a MIB table or reset a counter to zero).
We will see examples of this in the MPLS MIB tables in Chapters 8 and 9.
SNMPv3 Notifications
We now describe the notification mechanism. A notification message can be either a trap or
an inform. Let's now look at an example of a notification. Agent A on the IP router in Figure
2-2 now detects that one of its three network interfaces has gone into the down state (link
a commonly
] occurring hardware fault). This is illustrated in Figure 2-2 with an X on
Interface A. It can no longer send or receive network traffic on that interface. The IP router
agent has to notify its registered manager of this event, so it sends a notification message to
Manager A. Manager A receives the notification, processes it, and realizes that the host for
Agent A now has only two working network interfaces. Unfortunately, Manager A can no
longer contact SNMP Agent C. Typically, this event would be propagated upwards to a GUI
topology, where the associated network link icon (for the link attached to Interface A) would
change color to red. Or, the subnet containing the router could change color. Manager A
could then poll the router MIB to verify the interface state. The notification has fulfilled its
purpose, because the problem can now be resolved. This is the power of notifications:
Intelligence is distributed in the SNMP agents, and they emit notifications if and when
problems occur. It is then up to the management system to try to resolve the problem if one
exists. Notifications do present scalability concerns, particularly as network sizes increase.
Many notifications occurring simultaneously can have unforeseen consequences for both the
network and the management system.
• Table of Contents
We now briefly
• describe the notification PDU and start with a look at an SNMPv1 Trap PDU,
Network in Figure MIBs
Management, 2-3.and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 2-3. SNMPv1 trap.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
The trap PDU fields in Figure 2-3 have the following meanings:
Pages: 416
is the enterprise
Ent Management,
Network agent
MIBs and software that generated
MPLS: Principles, Design the
andtrap. This is encoded
Implementation as an OID
is the
in the enterprise subtree. A Cisco sysObjectID for a 7200 router has the value
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.,
This in-depth tutorial fromwhere
networking expertisStephen
the MIB-II enterprise
Morris deliversbranch, 9 isconcise
clear and the Cisco-
instruction enterprise number,
on networking andSNMP,
with MIBs, 1.223MPLS,
represents a Cisco
and much product
more. (the value
Coverage 1
SNMPv3, networkthis) with 223 as software
management the product ID.
components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large Addr is the
network agent IP address.
[ Team is ]the generic-trap field for which there are seven definitions: coldStart(0) or
agent reset; warmStart(1) or agent reinitialization, linkDown(2) or a link has gone
down (the interface is the first object in the varbind);linkUp(3) or a link has gone up
(the interface is the first object in the varbind);authenticationFailure(4) or an
SNMP message has failed authentication (we see an example of authentication failure in
Chapter 7);egpNeighborLoss(5) or an EGP neighbor has gone down; and
Spec is the enterprise-specific trap. A problem with this is that of reuse of the same
value by different vendors. This necessitates extra work in having to figure out which
vendor generated the trap by looking at the enterprise value. The SNMPv2 trap
definition helps to solve this problem.
Time is the time stamp for the trap represented by the value of sysUpTime when the
trap was generated.
Varbind is the variable bindings object that allows for the encoding of different traps.
Chapter 7 has an example of some SNMPv1 traps that occur during a security violation
(Figure 7-11). We now briefly look at an SNMPv2 trap PDU in Figure 2-4.
The fields in Figure 2-4 are identical to those of a get,get-next, or set PDU. The only
difference is the type value of 0xA7. The main difference between this message and an
SNMPv1 trap is that the variable-bindings field (often called the varbind) is made up of:
Each SNMPv2 trap is defined in the MIB using the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro
Typically, an NE emits a notification when it wants to inform the manager
Table of Contents
of some important event or fault, such as a link going into the down state.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
The last PDU we will look at is the SNMPv2 inform. The only difference between an inform
By an SNMPv2
Stephen B. Morristrap is that the type value for an inform is 0xA6. Informs use a timeout/retry
mechanism in an effort to ensure delivery to the manager. By their nature, notifications occur
at undefined moments in time. Once a notification message is received, the NMS must decode
it and then Addison Wesley out the origin of the problem. This is sometimes called root-cause
try to figure
analysis, which
Pub Date: when
June 20, 2003successful, allows the network operator to understand the exact nature
of the problem that caused the notification. Root-cause analysis should also help the user in
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
fixing Pages:
the problem
416 (if one exists).
Access Rights
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide
An important to managing
point to note is and
that troubleshooting
for get and setenterprise
operationsand service provider
to succeed, networks.
the manager must
havein-depth tutorial access
the appropriate from networking
rights. Thisexpert
means Stephen
that theMorris delivers
access clear and concise
policy (mentioned earlier)
instruction on networking
must be configured with
to allow theMIBs,
managerSNMP, MPLS, andread
appropriate much more.
and writeCoverage
access. Ifincludes
a manager
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing,
attempts an operation for which it does not have access privileges, then HP Openview Network
the operation Node
fail. NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Message Size
Another important point is that SNMP management messages can refer to many objects, not
just to one, as in the preceding examples. In other words, the SNMP GetRequest message in
Figure 2-2 can include more objects than just the ipInReceives object (up to the maximum
size allowed by the transport service). However, agents will generally have a maximum
packet size that they can handle. A manager must be prepared to handle the case in which
an agent packet-size limit is too small for it to return instances of all objects which the
manager requested. In this case, the manager will probably need to separate the requests
into multiple packets.
SNMPv3 Security
As we saw in Figure 2-2, SNMPv3 provides both authentication and encryption (privacy).
Authentication is provided by the industry-standard MD5 hashing scheme or by Secure Hash
Algorithm (SHA), and privacy is provided by DES. The configuration settings required on the
agent side are generally as follows:
Privacy password
Authentication password
The settings for Figure 2-2 consist of authPriv (i.e., both authentication and privacy). The
two passwords are used during message encryption and authentication. For enhanced
security, it is important that network operators change these passwords regularly.
Problems with
• Table SNMP
of Contents
• Index
SNMP isManagement,
Network a far-from-perfect
MIBs andtechnology. Some
MPLS: Principles, of the
Design andmore serious problems
Implementation with it include the
ByStephen B. Morris
Notifications are not guaranteed to arrive at their destination. Inform requests, which
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
are acknowledged notifications, make use of a timeout/retry mechanism, but even this
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
does not guarantee delivery.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking
Management with(such
operations MIBs,as
get orMPLS,
set) and muchout
can time more. Coverage
if the network includes
is congested
SNMPv3, network management software
or the agent host is heavily loaded. components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large SNMP
network systems.
messages use the UDP protocol (best-effort datagram service).
Team LiB ] shortcomings, the widespread deployment and simplicity of SNMP are among
its greatest strengths.
SNMPv1 has community name-based security and includes fairly coarse-grained error
handling. For example, when a GetRequest PDU includes more than one variable, then either
all or none of the values are returned. A failed SNMP set operation will generally result in the
manager receiving a GetResponse PDU containing "Bad Value" and indicating the problem
variable. This is of limited use for debugging in operational environments. The issue of
"holes" in SNMPv1 tables is particularly troublesome. If a GetRequest is sent to an agent for
a given MIB object instance and the object has no value, then the agent replies with a "No
such name" error. This is not very useful information and makes tabular retrieval a very
fragile proposition.
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv2c provides the same security as SNMPv1. It also adds a new message called
getBulkRequest (that we saw earlier) that allows multiple rows of tabular data to be
retrieved in one operation. It allows the sender to specify that getNext be used for a range of
managed objects. SNMPv2c also provides better error reporting than SNMPv1.
SNMPv3 also supports the getBulkRequest message and supports three security settings
(again, as we saw earlier):
Authentication with no privacy— the manager is authenticated but data is not encrypted
MIB browsers are specialized tools used to examine the values of MIB object instances on a
given agent.
Network A MIB browser
Management, MIBs can
and be a fully
MPLS: integrated
Principles, GUI-based
Design application or a
and Implementation is simple
the text-
based one. Regardless of the packaging, they are indispensable for NMS developers
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. and are
also very
This useful
in-depth for learning
tutorial about SNMP.
from networking Typically,
expert Stephen a MIB browser
Morris allows
delivers cleara and
to "load up"
(or compile)
instruction ona networking
set of MIB files
withand then
MIBs, view MPLS,
SNMP, the values of the more.
and much associated objectincludes
Coverage instances. If
a given object
SNMPv3, networkinstance value is changed
management software (i.e., set) by an
components, IP NMS, then
routing, HPthe MIB browser
Openview Networkallows
the user toNMS
Manager, see software
(i.e., get)components,
the modifiedamong
value—a simple
other key but very powerful
techniques facility.
and tools Table 2-1
for managing
lists the
large IP Group
network leaf objects, one of which was seen earlier in Figure 2-2. These object
instances are part of the output of a MIB walk on the IP Group from an NT workstation. The
to] generate this data was the Microsoft Visual C++ SNMPv1 sample program, which
is described in Chapter 7.
Ip.ipForwarding.0 INTEGER 2
In the MIB object name column, each object has a zero appended. This illustrates the
difference between a MIB object definition and its instantiation in a real NE. An instantiated
object has a value appended to it. Scalar (nontabular) objects always have zero appended.
Tabular objects have an index appended. In the case of the IP Group illustrated in Table 2-1,
the objects are all scalar and so have .0 appended.
LiB ]Look at a MIB
Like all great ideas, MIBs are fairly simple to understand. They provide a detailed description
of the managed objects supported by a given device. As mentioned earlier, the MIB defines
managed objects in a conceptual way, including the syntax and semantic information about
each object. These managed objects can then be instantiated as real objects in an agent host
device.Figure 2-5 is an extract from one of the draft MPLS MIBs [IETF-TE-MPLS] taken from
the IETF Web site. As usual, we try to present the overall picture of a complete MIB. We will
examine this MIB more closely in Chapter 8, "Case Study: MPLS Network Management." It
illustrates most of the general detail needed to understand MIBs. From Figure 2-5, we can
see that MIBs are made up of just a few sections clearly identified by keywords. The main
points of Figure 2-5 (identified by numbers and corresponding arrowheads) are the following:
3. TheMODULE-IDENTITY keyword describes an entry point name for objects defined later
in the Addison
Publisher: MIB. The objects defined further down "hang" off this name (arrow 3), as shown
Pub Date: June 20, arrowed
by the black 2003 line.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
4. TheDESCRIPTION keyword provides details about the MIB content (arrow 4).
Pages: 416
5. TheREVISION keyword indicates the change history of the MIB (arrow 5).
[ Team LiB ]2-5. An extract from one of the draft-standard MPLS MIBs.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 2-5 therefore includes most the elements of a MIB structure that will be encountered
in practice.
MIB objects can be scalar (such as integers) or tabular (rows of other objects). In Chapter 8
we look closely at tables, particularly the MPLS MIB tables. The objects defined in the MIB are
instantiated in the agent host and can be retrieved using a get operation via a MIB browser.
Similarly (if they are read-write), they can be modified using a set operation. The SNMP
agent asynchronously dispatches device notifications. Notifications are sent to a
preconfigured IP address, usually that of the NMS.
Managed Objects
Managed objects are the basic unit of exchange between an NMS and NEs. The managed
objects are defined in the MIB and deployed in the network. The NMS provides software that,
combined with the managed objects, gives the user the means of operating and maintaining
[the network.
Team LiB ] The importance of MIBs and managed objects cannot be overstated. The
managed objects defined in the MIB must match the user's needs: not too detailed and also
not too coarse-grained.
ByStephen B. Morris
It may be helpful to draw some comparisons between a standard operating system (such as
UNIX or Windows 2000) and an NMS. Both provide a set of abstractions to assist in the end
usePublisher: Addison Wesley
and management of the system. In the case of operating systems, some of the abstract
objects are:June 20, 2003
Pub Date:
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
Devices, tutorial
such asfrom
hard networking expert Stephen
disks and network Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Soft network
SNMPv3, objects, management
such as print jobs and semaphores
software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large abstractsystems.
entities map onto real objects that users and applications employ for getting
work done. NMS also employ the above objects in addition to other objects specific to
Team LiBmanagement.
] These NMS abstract objects are:
MIB modules
Devices—remote NEs
These objects are used for managing networks. The NMS employs these objects and provides
additional abstractions (GUI, software wizards, etc.) to assist the network operator.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Elements
The previous sections have introduced networks with a brief overview of some of their
components and management infrastructure. This section examines NEs a little more closely.
Figure 2-6 illustrates (in no particular order) some of the typical software components that
combine to make up an NE.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
An example of an NE is an intelligent line card, which is hosted inside another system, such
as a PABX, ATM/MPLS switch, or IP router. An intelligent line card is essentially a computer
Network Management,
inside another computer MIBs
andandmayMPLS: Principles,
contain millions Design
of lines and Implementation
of source code hostedis on
embeddedguide to managing
real-time operating and troubleshooting
system, such as pSOSenterprise and service
or VxWorks. Some provider networks.
characteristics of
This in-depth
intelligent linetutorial from networking
cards include expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
the following:
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
TheyNMS software
can extend components,
the among
lifespan of the host other key techniques
by adding and tools such
advanced functions for managing
large and
VoIP systems.
for a PABX.
[ Team LiBcan
They ] take a long time to develop.
Operators like to extract the maximum performance from them—for example, port
An NMS interacts with the SNMP agent in Figure 2-6, getting and setting MIB object instances
and also receiving notifications. Clearly, the SNMP agent in the NE competes for compute and
I/O resources with all the other onboard software entities. During times of high device
loading, the SNMP agent may become starved of resources. This is a bad thing because the
management facility can become essentially disabled. High loading can occur when:
Large numbers of ATM virtual circuits are transporting many ATM cells.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
On a more general note, a good understanding of MPLS is important for appreciating issues
such as traffic
• engineering,
Table of Contents network-QoS, and connection-oriented IP networks.
• Index
This section introduces the first chunk of MPLS [DavieRehkter2000] technology presented in
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
this book. MPLS is essentially quite simple, but the building blocks are a little difficult to learn
ByStephen they
because B. Morris
span both layers 2 and 3 and require some understanding of signaling and IP
routing protocols. For this reason, the discussion is split into easy-to-understand, bite-sized
chunks,[1] starting here and finishing up with the case study on some aspects of MPLS
Publisher: Addison Wesley
network management in chapters 8 and 9.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
[1] This 0-13-101113-8
is in keeping with our concepts of learning about network management and creating NMS
solutions. These ideas are introduced in later chapters, but for now we say that a given technology must
Pages: 416
be understood before an attempt is made to manage it. This is obvious enough, but the depth of
understanding is the key. In many cases, a good overview is all that is needed to get started on producing
an NMS solution. This is the model we use with MPLS.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
[ Team LiB ]
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
IP has become the lingua franca of networking—other protocols, such as Novell's IPX,
will continue to exist, but the global protocol will almost certainly be IP version 4,
possibly moving to IP version 6.
Table of Contents
• Index
End-user devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs, and TV set-top boxes, have become IP-
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
capable, so end-to-end IP (from the user to the core) will become more important.
ByStephen B. Morris
Existing layer 2 devices do not easily support massive (scalable) deployment of layer 3
protocols such as is increasingly needed for services like IP VPNs.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub need
Date: June for specialized
20, 2003 layer 2 maintenance skills is reduced.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
A single layer 3 control plane is easier to manage.
Pages: 416
MPLS allows traffic engineering (putting the traffic where the bandwidth is).
Many vendors are providing MPLS capability in their devices—for example, Cisco,
Juniper, Nortel Networks, and Marconi.
Many of the issues relating to traffic engineering, QoS, and handling legacy layer 2 services
are highly relevant to enterprises and SP networks. Enterprise networks feature an
increasingly rich mixture of traffic types: email, Web, audio/video, VoIP, and so on. Such a
range of traffic types may well necessitate techniques such as traffic engineering and
bandwidth management rather than just adding more capacity (i.e., overengineering the
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
MPLS Concepts
MPLS is a forwarding technology. Its purpose is to receive an incoming traffic type (layer 2 or
3) at the network edge, encapsulate it, and then transmit it through an MPLS core (or cloud).
At the exit from the cloud, another edge device removes the MPLS header and forwards the
traffic towards its destination.
An example is illustrated in Figure 2-7, where the incoming IP traffic from the Acme
enterprise network consists of a mixture of SMTP (email), HTTP (Web), and VoIP. This traffic
is routed from IP Router 1 on the customer premises. The traffic then lands at the provider
edge (LER1),Table
• where an IP header lookup is carried out on each packet prior to pushing an
of Contents
• Index packet into the LSP (label switched path; this process is described in a
little more
Network detail below).
Management, TheMPLS:
MIBs and MPLS cloud inDesign
Principles, Figure 2-7
and consists of many routers; a big
network might have hundreds (or even thousands) of such routers distributed over a wide
ByStephen B. Morris
geographic area. The MPLS cloud routers in a real network would have many more edge
connections than just the two IP routers shown. In other words, the SP network could have
many thousands of such devices connected to it.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Figure 2-7. An MPLS network joining enterprise branches.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
MPLS nodes are either edge or core devices. Edge routers are called label edge routers
(LERs) and core routers are called label switching routers (LSRs). Edge routers (such as LER1
inFigure 2-7) sit at the boundary (or provider edge) of the network, facing the IP traffic
stream on one side and the interior of the MPLS cloud on the other. Core routers, such as
LSR1 in Figure 2-7, sit inside the MPLS cloud. Ingress LERs encapsulate IP traffic as MPLS
packets and push these onto LSPs in the core of the MPLS cloud. We define LSPs more fully in
the next section—for the moment, just think of them as layer 3 virtual connections or pipes
that carry traffic from edge to edge through the network.
InFigure 2-7, IP Router 1 presents an IP traffic stream (SMTP, HTTP, VoIP) at an ingress
interface of LER1. LER1 performs normal lookups on the IP headers of the incoming packets.
From the destination IP address (or some other part of the IP header), LER1 can decide how
best to forward the packets, and it has a number of choices. Taking the first IP packet that
arrives, LER1 can:
Forward the packet unlabeled; the packet is then routed to the next hop. In this mode,
the MPLS nodes act as pure IP routers.
InFigure 2-7, LER1 decides to take the last option in the above list, and the MPLS packet is
transported via an LSP. The MPLS traffic is then pushed onto the LSP comprised of the ingress
interfaces on the following nodes: LSR1-LSR2-LSR3-LSR4-LSR5-LSR6-LER2. This path is
shown as a dashed line in Figure 2-7. An LSP has the following characteristics:
The path taken by the LSP may be either user-specified or computed by LER1.
The LSP may have reserved resources, such as bandwidth, along the path.
There is a link between LER1 and LSR3, but the incoming traffic does not take this
• route. Instead, traffic at LER1 is pushed onto the LSP and follows the route LER1-LSR1-
Table of Contents
• LSR2-LSR3.
Index This route overrides any default shortest path IP routing (between LER1
Network LER2), giving
Management, MIBsthe
andoperator a greater
MPLS: Principles, degree
Design of control in the paths taken by traffic
and Implementation
(i.e., traffic
ByStephen B. Morris engineering). In this sense, LSPs make the network connection-oriented,
just like a telephone network.
Some MPLS nodes can simultaneously function as ATM switches and MPLS nodes. ATM-based
MPLS nodes have an important feature called ships-in-the-night (SIN). This allows both ATM
and MPLS protocols to operate independently of one another on the same port (that is, MPLS
is configured on the port, creating an MPLS interface). Not all MPLS nodes can simultaneously
act as MPLS and ATM switches; for example, Juniper routers and Cisco 7000/12000 routers
cannot. Some models of switches from Nortel, Lucent, and Marconi can. The provision of SIN
is an effort to facilitate a gradual migration of networks from ATM to MPLS. Service providers
can continue to deploy revenue producing, legacy services based on ATM while slowly
introducing MPLS-based services (such as RFC 2547 VPNs). So, the nodes in Figure 2-7 can
also create ATM virtual circuits alongside MPLS LSPs. These ATM circuits can then natively
transport ATM cells. SIN conceptually splits a switch into a combination of an ATM and an
MPLS device, like two mini-switches. It can result in a fragmented label space, and also there
may be an effect on performance if a great deal of unlabeled IP traffic is in transit across the
The MPLS nodes can run traffic engineering-enabled routing protocols such as Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF) and Intermediate System-Intermediate System (IS-IS). This allows the
exchange of traffic engineering data, such as available (and used) link bandwidth.
Definition of an LSP
] an LSP is an automatically or manually configured (optionally traffic-
engineered with optional QoS) path through an MPLS network. An LSP originates on an LER,
passes through zero or more LSRs, and terminates on another LER. The path taken by the
LSP can be set by the operator or computed by the LER. Network resources, such as
bandwidth, can be reserved along the path, or the LSP can offer a best-effort service.
With reference to the MIBs examined in Chapter 8, an LSP is comprised of the following
components on the originating LER:
A tunnel
A cross-connect
An out-segment
• Table of Contents
Each LSR in the core then supports the LSP by providing the following components:
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
An in-segment
ByStephen B. Morris
A cross-connect
Publisher: Addison Wesley
An out-segment
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
the 0-13-101113-8
terminating LER provides the endpoint for the LSP using the following
Pages: 416
An in-segment
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
A cross-connect
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
So, a notional network made up of two LERs and one LSR with an LSP spanning all three
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
nodes might look like Figure 2-8.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems. Figure 2-8. LSP components.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 2-8 illustrates the above components as well as another important concept: the
IP/MPLS boundary. This boundary is the edge of the MPLS cloud; that is, on the IP side of the
boundary there is only IP—all MPLS labels have been stripped off. On the MPLS side of the
boundary there can be both IP and MPLS. In other words, there is no reason why pure IP
traffic cannot traverse an MPLS core. Why might this arise? One possibility is that a packet
arrives with a destination IP address that is not served by any existing LSP. In this case, the
packet can be routed hop by hop through the MPLS core.
Packets arriving on the edge of the IP/MPLS boundary are subjected to a normal IP lookup,
[but if their
Team LiB destination
] address is served by an LSP, then they are MPLS-encapsulated and
pushed into the appropriate tunnel (as illustrated in Figure 2-8). The encapsulated packets
then pass through the segments and cross-connects of the LSP path, consuming any of the
resources reserved on that path. One important part of LSP setup is the programming of the
hardware. One of the major drivers of MPLS is that the MPLS management plane hides the
platform-specific details. In this way, the platform-specific protocols impose the required
labels, traffic engineering requirements, and QoS settings on the relevant interfaces across
the network. The network operator employs the management interface to initiate this
process. SNMP, in this context, is just another management interface, as is a CLI.
LSPs are set up from edge to edge traversing the LSRs in the core. LSPs serve as a conduit
for transporting MPLS traffic from the point of ingress at the edge to the point of egress on
another edge. We will see the structure illustrated in Chapter 8. One final important point
about MPLS is that it is not restricted to carrying just IP traffic. The traffic landing at LER1
can also be Ethernet, ATM, and TDM. Carrying legacy traffic is an important part of MPLS.
• Table of Contents
[ Team LiB ]Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3 provides several compelling advantages over previous versions. Authentication and
strong security; improved error, exception, and notification reporting; and bulk operations
are among the most important. SNMPv3 features like these can help make life a lot easier for
network managers. Setting up security on a networkwide basis is still a difficult task. The
different versions of SNMP require support in a given NMS. This consists of community strings
and trap/notification destination settings. The latter is also required in SNMPv3. For SNMPv3,
community strings are not used. Instead, the user must set up the required level of
authentication and encryption.
• Table of Contents
MIB browsers
• represent an indispensable tool for both NMS software developers and network
Network They provide
Management, a detailed
MIBs and view of MIB
MPLS: Principles, objects.
Design While MIBs
can be defined with
and Implementation
arbitrary complexity and size, they all have a relatively simple structure. Understanding this
ByStephen B. Morris
structure is a key element of studying network management technology. An essential point to
note about managed objects is that there is just a single MIB. The MIB can be extended to
support new objects, such as, those for MPLS.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date:
An NMS canJune
arbitrarily complex with a great many components. However, a typical
at least conceptually similar to other more familiar applications, such as operating
systems. Just
Pages: 416as for MIBs, it is important to gain a good conceptual understanding of the
NMS structure.
NEs are those components that combine together to make up a managed network. There are
some broad similarities between many NEs, and an appreciation of these helps in deciding
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
how to manage them.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
MPLS is an extremely important technology that is being widely deployed in SP networks and
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
also in some enterprise WANs. The major components of this technology were described in
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
order to lay the foundations for Chapter 8, where we examine the mechanisms for creating
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
MPLS-managed objects.
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The benefit of this type of end-to-end capability is a large reduction in the cost of managing
enterprise networks by SLA fulfillment, less need for arcane NE know-how, smooth enterprise
business processes, and happy end users. Open, vendor-independent NMS are needed for
this, and later we look at ways in which software layering helps in designing and building
such systems. Simple ideas such as always using default MIB values (seen in Chapter 1),
pragmatic database design (matching default database and MIB values) and technology-
sensitive menus also play an important part in providing NMS vendor-independence. The
issue of presenting menu options appropriate to a given selected NE provides abstraction; for
example, if the user wants to add a given NE interface to an IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, then (in
order for the operation to be meaningful) that device must support this frame-tagging
technology. The NMS should be able to figure this out and present the option only if the
underlying hardware supports it. By presenting only appropriate options (rather than all
possible options), the NMS reduces the amount of data the user must sift through to actually
execute network management actions.
Automated, flow-through actions are required for as many network management operations
as possible, including the following FCAPS areas:
[ Team LiB ]
Detecting faults
Provisioning code is hard to implement because of the issue of timeouts (i.e., when
Publisher: messages
Addison are sent, one or more may time out).
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
NE security settings are required to prevent unauthorized actions.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
There is a lack of support for transactions that span multiple SNMP sets (i.e., SNMP does
not provide rollback, a mechanism for use when failure occurs in one of a related
sequence of SNMP sets. The burden of providing lengthy transactions and/or rollback is
on the NMS).
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to actions
network dynamics (i.e., pushing
enterprise a lot provider
and service of sets into the
network tutorial
This in-depth adds traffic
fromand may alsoexpert
networking affect Stephen
the performance of the local
Morris delivers clearagents).
and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
If the NMS
SNMPv3, does not
network allow provisioning,
management softwarethen some other
components, IP means must
routing, be found; Network
HP Openview usually, this
is the EMS/CLI. SNMPv3 provides adequate security for NMS provisioning operations.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Fault detection is a crucial element of network management. NMS fault detection is most
Team LiBwhen
] it provides an end-to-end view; for example, if a VLAN link to the backbone
network is broken (as in VLAN 2 in Chapter 1,Figure 1-4), then that VLAN GUI element (e.g.,
a network cloud) should change color instantly. The NMS user should then be able to drill
down via the GUI to determine the exact nature of the problem. The NMS should give an
indication of the problem as well as a possible resolution (as we've seen, this is often called
root-cause analysis). The NMS should also cater to the case where the user is not looking at
the NMS topology and should provide some other means of announcing the problem, for
instance, by email, mobile phone short text message, or pager.
Billing is important for those services that directly cost the enterprise money, such as the
PSTN. It is important for appropriate billing to be generated for such services. Billing may
even be applied to incoming calls because they consume enterprise network resources. Other
elements of billing include departmental charges for remote logins to the network (external
SP connections may be needed, for example, for remote-access VPN service) and other uses
of the network, such as conference bridges. An important element of billing is verifying that
network resources, such as congested PSTN/WAN trunks, are dimensioned correctly. In
Chapter 1, we mentioned that branch offices are sometimes charged a flat rate for centralized
corporate services (e.g., voice, LAN/WAN support). This is accounting rather than billing. In
billing, money tends to be paid to some external organization, whereas in accounting, money
may be merely transferred from one part of an organization to another. Many service
Team LiBoffer
] services that are billed using a flat-rate model—for example, x dollars per
month for an ATM link with bandwidth of y Mbps. Usage-based billing is increasingly
attractive to customers because it allows for a pay-for-use or pay-as-you-grow model. It is
likely that usage-based billing/accounting will increasingly be needed in enterprise NMS
applications. This is particularly true as SLAs are adopted in enterprises.
Networks are dynamic entities, and repairs and upgrades are a constant concern for most
enterprises. Any NE can become faulty, and switch/router interfaces can become congested.
Repairs and upgrades need to be carried out and recorded, and the NMS is an effective
means of achieving this.
All of the FCAPS applications combine to preserve and maintain the network inventory. An
important aspect of any NMS is that the FCAPS applications are often inextricably
interwoven; for example, a fault may be due to a specific link becoming congested, and this
in turn may affect the performance of part of the network. We look at the important area of
mediation inTable
• Chapter 6, "Network Management Software Components."
of Contents
• Index
It is usually
Network difficultMIBs
Management, to efficiently
and MPLS: create NMS
Principles, FCAPS
Design andapplications without
a base of high-
quality EMS facilities. This base takes the form of a well-implemented SNMP agent software
ByStephen B. Morris
with the standard MIB and (if necessary) well-designed private MIB extensions. Private MIB
extensions are needed for cases where vendors have added additional features that
differentiate their NEs from the competition.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date:
All these June 20, 2003 NMS features come at a price: NMS software is expensive and is often
priced ISBN:
on a 0-13-101113-8
per-node basis, increasing the network cost base. Clearly, the bigger the
network, the
Pages: bigger the NMS price tag (however, the ratio of cost/bit may go down).
This chapter focuses on the following major issues and their proposed solutions:
Network Management,
Bringing MIBs data
the managed and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
to the code
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
The network
of developmentsoftware components,
skills for IP routing, HP
creating management Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large The
network systems.
shortage of operational skills for running networks
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
Managed objects reside on many SNMP agent hosts.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Copies of managed objects reside on SNMP management systems.
ByStephen B. Morris
Changes in agent data may have to be regularly reconciled with the management
system copy.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Agent-hosted managed
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 objects change in tandem with the dynamics of the host machine and
the underlying network—for
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
example, the ipInReceives object from Chapter 1, which
changes value every time an IP packet is received. This and many other managed objects
Pages: 416
change value constantly, providing a means for modeling the underlying system and its place
in the network. The same is true of all managed NEs. MIBs provide a foundation for the
management data model. The management system must keep track of relevant object value
changes and apply new changes as and when they are required. As mentioned in Chapter 1,
Network Management,
the management systemMIBs
of Principles,
the NEs byDesign and Implementation
a combination is theset
of polling, issuing
messages,guide to managing
and listening and troubleshooting
for notifications. This is a enterprise and service
classic problem provider
of storing networks.
the same data in
This in-depth places
two different tutorialand
from networkinginexpert
is illustrated FigureStephen Morris
3-1, where delivers clearsystem
a management and concise
tracks the
objects in aon networking
managed with using
network MIBs, the
SNMPMPLS, and much
messages more.
we saw Coverage2,includes
in Chapter "SNMPv3 and
SNMPv3, network
Network Management." management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Figure 3-1. Components of an NMS.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 3-1 illustrates a managed network, a central NMS server, a relational database, and
several client users. The clients access the FCAPS services exported by the NMS, for example,
viewing faults, provisioning, and security configuration. The NMS strives to keep up with
changes in the NEs and to reflect these in the clients.
Even though SNMP agents form a major part of the management system infrastructure, they
are physically remote from the management system. Agent data is created and maintained in
a computational execution space removed from that of the management system. For
example, the ipInReceives object is mapped into the tables maintained by the host TCP/IP
protocol suite, and from there it gets its value. [1] Therefore, get or set messages sent from a
Team LiB to]an agent result in computation on the agent host. The manager merely collects
the results of the agent response. The manager-agent interaction can be seen as a loose type
of message-based remote procedure call (RPC). The merit of not using a true RPC mechanism
is the lack of associated overhead.
[1]This is true for hosts; for routers, the ipInReceives object is part of the interface statistics and not part
of the IP stack.
This is at once the strength and the weakness of SNMP. The important point is that the
problem of getting the agent data to the manager is always present, particularly as networks
grow in size and complexity. (This problem is not restricted to SNMP. Web site authors have
a similar problem when they want to embed Java or JavaScript in their pages. The Java code
must be downloaded along with the HTML in an effort to marry the browser with the Web site
code and data. Interestingly, in network management the process is reversed: The data is
brought to the code.) So, should the management system simply request all of the agent
data? This is possibly acceptable on small networks but not on heavily loaded, mission-critical
• Table of Contents
enterprise and SP networks. For this reason, the management system struggles to maintain
• Index
an accurate picture of the ever-changing network. This is a key network management
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
If an ATM network operator prefers not to use signaled virtual circuits, then an extra
monitoring burden is placed on the NMS. This is so because unsignaled connections do not
recover from
Publisher: intermediate
Addison Wesley link or node failures. Such failures give rise to a race between the
operator fixing
Pub Date: June the problem and the user noticing a service loss. These considerations lead us
20, 2003
to an important principle concerning NMS technology: The quality of an NMSis inversely
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 to the gap between its picture of the network and the actual state of
the underlying network—the smaller the gap, the better the NMS. An ideal NMS
responds to network changes instantaneously. Real systems will always experience delays in
updating themselves, and it is the goal of the designers and developers to minimize them.
As managedManagement,
NEs become MIBs andcomplex,
more MPLS: Principles, Design and
an extra burden Implementation
is placed is the
on the management
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and
system. The scale of this burden is explored in the next section. service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
[ Team LiB on
] networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Sites 1 to 4 are all part of the one enterprise. This makes Figure 3-2 what is often called an
intranet VPN. If one or more of the other sites is part of another organization, such as a
customer or supplier, then we have an extranet VPN. Yet another VPN variant is the access
VPN, which allows remote users to connect to it over some type of access technology, such as
InFigure 3-2, four sites are contained in the VPN, with one IP router in each site cloud. In
order to achieve full layer 3 connectivity, each site must have a virtual circuit connection to
every other site. These connections are created through the ATM core. So, the number of ATM
virtual circuits required is six; that is, N * (N – 1)/2, where N is the number of sites. The full
mesh of six bidirectional virtual circuits is shown in Figure 3-2 as VC1-VC6. A full mesh
Team LiBthe] necessary connectivity for the VPN [PrinRussell]. This is generally referred to as
theN 2 problem because the number of layer 2 virtual circuits required is proportional to the
square of the number of sites. Anything in networking that grows at the rate of N2 tends to
give rise to a problem of scale. The reason for calling this the N2 problem is because as the
number of sites gets bigger, the N2 term is more significant than the other terms.
The problem gets worse if the ATM virtual circuits in the core are unidirectional (some
vendors support only unidirectional permanent virtual circuits, or PVCs) in nature because
then the number must be doubled in order for IP traffic to flow in both directions. Adding a
new site to the VPN requires the creation of new virtual circuits from that site to all other
sites. When the number of sites and subscribers is very large, the number of virtual circuits
required tends to become unmanageable. Another less obvious problem with this is that each
virtual circuit consumes switch capacity in terms of memory and control processor resources.
Added to this is link bandwidth and fabric switching capacity if the virtual circuits reserve QoS
• Table of Contents
As if that wasn't
• Indexenough, a further problem with layer 2 VPNs is that topology changes in the
core canManagement,
Network result in routing information
MIBs and exchanges
MPLS: Principles, Design of
andthe order of N 4 [DavieRehkter2000].
ByStephen B. Morris
In contrast, layer 3 VPNs provide a much more scalable solution because the number of
connections required is proportional to number of sites, not the square of the number of
sites. Layer 3 VPNs (such as RFC 2547) avoid the need for a full mesh between all of the
Publisher: Addison Wesley
customer edge routers by providing features such as:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
3 core
Overlapping IP address ranges across the connected sites (if separate organizations use
the same VPN service)
Network Management,
Multiple MIBsinstances
routing table and MPLS: Principles,
in the providerDesign
edge and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
Not surprisingly, layerfrom
3 VPNnetworking
is an Stephen Morris
area of great delivers
interest toclear
both and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
network managers and service providers. For enterprises, layer 3 VPNs provide advanced,includes
low-costmanagement software while
networking features components,
allowingIP routing,
the serviceHPto Openview
be provided Network
and Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
managed by a service provider. For SP networks, layer 3 VPNs provide a scalable solution as
large network
well as extend services all the way to the customer premises.
an opportunity
[ Team LiB ]
Some method has to be devised for reading only those table entries that have changed rather
than all entries. Processing large (ever-increasing) tables is not scalable. Agents may be able
to assist in this by using some form of compressed data in GetResponse and Trap messages.
This would require:
A similar problem can occur in reverse when a manager wants to add entries to a large MIB
table. In many cases (for example, when creating MPLS LSPs), it is necessary for the SNMP
manager to specify an integer index for the new row. The index is a unique (in the sense of a
relational database key) column in the table, and the next free value is used for the new LSP.
So, if there are 10,000 LSPs already stored sequentially starting at 1, then the next available
index is 10,001. The agent knows what the next free value is because it maintains the table.
However, the manager may not necessarily know the extent of the table and often has to
resort to an expensive MIB walk to determine the next free index. This is because agent data
can be changed without the management system knowing about it; for example, using a
command-line (or craft) interface, a user can independently add, delete, or modify NE data.
This is mapped into the agent MIB, and if these operations do not generate traps, then the
management system is oblivious to the data changes (unless it has an automatic discovery
capability that
• reads
Table the affected tables). There is a better way of navigating tables to cater
of Contents
to this and other
• Index situations. This brings us to our first MIB note.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Client 2 now executes a bulk provisioning operation. This results in the NMS server
Team LiB that
] MPLS router LER A is to create two blocks of 10,000 signaled LSPs originating
at A. The first 10,000 LSPs follow the path LER A-LSR A-LSR B-LSR C-LER B, while the second
set follows the path LER A-LSR A-Cloud-LSR C-LER B. (The cloud in the latter case could be
another network.) Further, let's assume that LER A can create LSPs at a rate of 10,000 per
second. This means that once the intermediate node MIBs have been populated and the LSPs
become operational, the network will emit a tunnel-up trap for every LSP. So, the
management system has to be able to handle 20,000 traps coming in very fast from the
network. There could be scope here for aggregating traps in compressed form, as mentioned
Since the LSPs are now operational, this must be reflected in the management system
database and the active client/user interfaces (Clients 1 to n in Figure 3-3). The clients could
be viewing (or provisioning, like Client 2) LSPs in the network, and any required changes to
their views should be made as quickly as possible.
The problems
• don't
Table stop there, because the LSPs must then be managed for further changes,
of Contents
such as:
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Status (e.g., becoming congested or going out of service)
The result of any or all of these is some change in the LSP managed object attributes. The
NMS picture of the network state is then at variance with the actual picture. All such changes
must be reflected in the NMS as quickly as possible. The detailed functions of a typical NMS
Network Management,
are discussed in ChapterMIBs
5, "Aand MPLS:
Real NMS."Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
The above tutorial from
discussion networking
is a little expert
simplistic; thatStephen Morris
is, it is likely delivers
that many clear
of theand concise
above LSPs
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
might be aggregated into one LSP with more reserved bandwidth. However, we illustrate the includes
case merelynetwork management
to point software
out that if the components,
emerging IP routing,
NEs are capable HP Openview
of generating largeNetwork
Manager, NMS quickly,
virtual circuits softwarethen
components, among
the NMS must beother
able to key techniques
support and
that in alltools
of theforaffected
large systems.
[A Team LiB ] point in Figure 3-3 is the direction of the IP service; this is indicated as being
from left to right. This reflects the fact that MPLS is a forwarding technology. If it is required
to move IP traffic from LER B towards LER A, then LSPs have to be created specifically for this
purpose, originating at LER B and terminating at LER A.
Application management
SANs are becoming a vital storage service. Storage needs are steadily increasing as the
Team LiBand] complexity of applications in use grows. The administration burden associated
with firewalls, routers, security, and applications deployment is growing all the time as user
populations expand and work practices become more automated.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
MPLS throughput
IP throughput at OC-48
• Table of Contents
• Index
IP throughput at OC-192
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By the
Stephen B. MPLS
Morris throughput testing, the Juniper router supported the creation and use of up
to 10,000 LSPs, while the Cisco router topped out at 5,000. Service providers expect to be
able to build networks using devices capable of creating millions of LSPs. Clearly, at the time
these tests Addison
Publisher: were run, the equipment vendors involved had a long way to go.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
In late November 2002, Light Reading executed trials against multiservice switches. One of
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
the tests concerned a sequential (i.e., one after the other) LSP (specifically, tunnel) setup in
Pages: 416
which the vendor switch (from Alcatel) acted as an LSR and later as an egress LER. The
switch was subjected to a steady stream of LSP-creation request messages using RSVP-TE.
The test stopped as soon as the switch rejected a setup message. The test imposed 8,000
simultaneous RSVP-TE LSPs for core switches (i.e., LSRs) and 15,000 simultaneous RSVP-TE
tunnels forManagement,
edge switchesMIBs andLERs).
(i.e., MPLS:The
Principles, Designpassed
Alcatel switch and Implementation
the test. is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
[ Team LiB on
instruction ] networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Large NEs
The trend is towards the deployment of much bigger devices, and as with any engineering
proposition, this has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of bigger (denser)
routers and switches are:
They reduce the number of devices required, saving central office (CO) space and
reducing cooling and power requirements.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
Object-oriented development and modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML) for
• Index
capturing requirements, defining actors (system users) and use cases (the principal
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
transactions and features), and mapping them into software classes
ByStephen B. Morris
GUI, often
Publisher: packaged
Addison Wesley as part of a browser and providing access to network diagrams,
Pub Date: June 20, facilities,
2003 faults, accounting, and so on
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Server software for long-running, multiclient FCAPS processes
Pages: 416
CORBA for multiple programming languages and remote object support across
Network Management,
heterogeneous MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth design/upgrade—matching
from networking expert MIBStephen
to database
clear numerous
and concise NMS/NE
instruction releases[2] with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
on networking
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
[2] A schema is the set of data definitions for a given repository; for example, table 1 contains an
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
integer key field, table 2 contains text fields, and so on. In other words, the schema describes the
large network systems.
database structure similarly to the way a MIB describes management data.
[ Team LiB ]
Deployment and installation issues—performance is always an important deployment
issue, as is ease of installation
IP routing
Client/server design
Managed object design, part of the modeling phase for the management system
MIB design—often there is a need for new objects in the managed devices to support the
management system
This is an impressive set of skills for even the most experienced engineer. An excellent overall
knowledge of these areas is needed along with an ability to focus on any one of them. The
general migration to a layer 3 infrastructure is another reason for the widening gap between
available development skills and required product features. Natural attrition, promotions, and
LiB ] to the industry ensure that there is a steady supply of engineers who are fairly
unlikely to have all the required skills. Added to this is the need for customers to see rapid
ROI for all infrastructural purchases. It seems a different type of approach is needed for
developing management systems, one that involves adoption of:
A solution mindset
Taking ownership
ByStephen B. Morris
Acquiring skills like these would positively enhance the development process. We examine
strategies for developing these capabilities in the next chapter. For now, the elements of
them and their
Publisher: advantages
Addison Wesley are described.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 Note: A Solution Mindset
An issue facing many network operators is what to do with legacy layer 2 equipment. Should
the operator simply throw away its existing hardware? This is a difficult question, and
providing a migration path for such users is a good example of a solution. Existing deployed
device software should also be maintained by the vendor for as long as possible in order to
protect the network operator investment. (This is often easier said than done, as devices such
as PABXs are increasingly discontinued because they have reached the end of their lifecycle.)
Large networks don't change overnight, so management systems should be written to
accommodate both legacy and new equipment. The MPLS ships-in-the-night (SIN) option
that we discussed in Chapter 2 is an example of such an approach. SIN is a special mode of
operation on MPLS nodes. It allows ATM users to upgrade their firmware (some devices may
also need hardware upgrades) to MPLS and then simultaneously use both ATM and MPLS
control planes on the same switch. The two technologies do not interact, but pass each other
like ships in the night (hence the name). The logical progression of this is to try to allow any
layer 2 service to cross an MPLS cloud. This is a good example of solutions thinking because
[it Team
saves LiB
] protects existing investments, and addresses important user problems.
Well-engineered management solutions are also of benefit to vendors when they are built
from components. The elements of such solutions can be re-used in other areas and products.
The vendor can leverage the solution for many purposes. Examples of management systems
solutions include the following:
Providing minimal management support for third-party devices. Many NMS are
proprietary, supporting only the equipment vendor's hardware. Networks may contain
multivendor NEs, so separate NMS are often required to support what are often very
similar devices from different vendors. It is better for end users if the incumbent NMS
provides limited (rather than no) support for third-party NEs. NMS vendors should be
prepared to offer this support even if it means just device discovery and
notification/trap handling.
• Table of Contents
Creating generic management system components that can be used across numerous
different products and technologies, such as ATM and MPLS connections. An ATM virtual
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
circuit is not the same thing as an MPLS LSP, but the management software can still
ByStephen B. Morris
provide a technology-independent GUI abstraction for both. The user is then freed from
the complexity of the underlying technologies and can perform similar management
operations for both. This also reduces training time.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub for20,
Date: June technology-independent
2003 software infrastructure using standard middleware,
ISBN:as CORBA-based products, rather than custom-built facilities.
Pages: 416
As far as possible, the management system should also provide code encapsulation for
functions such as SNMP access, network message transport, and network protocols. This is
illustrated in Figure 3-4, where the FCAPS areas are shielded from the complexities of the
underlying SNMP, messaging services, and network technologies.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from 3-4. expert
networking FCAPS software
Stephen Morris layers.
delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
While this seems an obvious point relating to good software development practice, it's
surprising how often low-level code (such as SNMP API calls) is called directly from the
FCAPS layer. In many cases, this is just poor coding practice caused by inexperience or
excessive haste. Then, the smallest change in the low-level code requires a full FCAPS
rebuild. It is important that changes to MIBs or underlying protocols should not necessitate a
full rebuild of the management system. This loose coupling (via APIs and layering) between
components makes it easier for developers to take ownership of substantial product areas. In
turn, this can help in avoiding situations in which a change to one component breaks the
Teamin another
LiB ] component.
Software bugs
Java/C++/SDL products
Version control
The ultimate goal is zero-defect software. The complexity of NMS code often means that bug
fixes can take a long time, often a day or more. Taking the time to do this is nearly always a
good investment, provided any changes are properly tested.
Another aspect of taking ownership is being prepared to fix bugs in old code produced in
earlier projects. This can be achieved in conjunction with maintenance and support
developers. The important point is that ownership is maintained even as new projects are
undertaken. This has the additional merit of extending institutional memory and minimizing
the incidence of coding errors during support bug fixes. Institutional memory relates to
individual developers with key knowledge of product infrastructure. It equips the organization
to smoothly migrate products over numerous release cycles and is an essential skill for long-
term development. The end result is more robust management software in customer
Note: Acquiring Domain Expertise and Linked Overviews
Table of Contents
• Index
Many service
Network providers
Management, MIBsemploy domain
and MPLS: experts
Principles, forand
Design producing documents
Implementationsuch as bid requests
and requests for proposal. These are highly detailed documents that are sent to vendors.
ByStephen B. Morris
Service provider domain experts may be permanent staff or external consultants. Vendors
tend to employ sales and marketing executives as inhouse domain experts. The interplay
between these two groups ultimately drives much of the vendor's engineering effort. Both
Publisher: Addison Wesley
groups of domain experts tend to have impressive expertise. It is important that these skills
are Pub
alsoDate: June 20, 2003
available in engineering, because domain experts [JavaDev] tend to be in great
demand. ISBN:
other words, engineers need to become domain experts as well.
Pages: 416
Domain expertise represents a range of detailed knowledge, such as IP/MPLS, that can be
readily applied to the needs of an organization. For service providers, the knowledge of their
domain experts is leveraged for structuring bid and proposal documents and generally
Network short-, medium-,
Management, andMPLS:
MIBs and long-term strategies.
Principles, DesignSuch
and knowledge might is
Implementation include
the areas
such as:
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Layer 2 and layer 3 traffic engineering
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
LayerNMS software
2 and layer 3components,
QoS among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Network management
[ Team LiB ]
Convergence of legacy technologies into IP. Many service providers have built large IP
networks in anticipation of forecasted massive demand. These IP networks are, in many
cases, not profitable, so service providers are keen to push existing revenue-generating
services (such as layer 2) over them.
The choice of technology, systems, and devices in each of the above areas is critical and is an
opportunity for one or more domain experts.
Domain expertise is needed by engineers, for example, when adding technologies such as
Gigabit Ethernet or MPLS to a suite of IP routers or ATM switches. The acquisition of domain
expertise is an essential component of solutions engineering. This is easier said than done,
because the number of technologies is increasing at the same time as layers 2 and 3
converge. Interestingly, the boundaries of modern networks are also shifting: Devices that
were in the core a few years ago are now moving out to the edge. Also, devices that were in
the access layer can be enhanced and moved into the distribution layer. In many cases, the
different network layers may have individual management systems. The movement of devices
across the layers means that support for a given NE may have to be removed from one
management system and added to another. This adds to the knowledge burden of
Team LiB ]Acquiring domain expertise is necessary for hard-pressed developers.
A key to becoming a domain expert lies in what we call linked overviews, described in the
next section.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Linked Overviews
An increasingly common problem faced by NMS software developers is implementing network
management support for new NE features, such as MPLS. The following four steps provide a
linked overview of the management aspects of an NE feature:
By2. Use B.
Stephen the EMS
Morris to get an understanding of how the NE provides the feature; for example,
for MPLS, the user can separately create objects like paths and resource blocks. Then,
these can be combined to create MPLS LSPs or tunnels. User manuals are often very
useful Addison
Publisher: duringWesley
this process.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
3. View
ISBN:the relevant MIBs using a MIB browser.
Pages: 416
4. Write simple test code (e.g., in Java or C++) to view and modify the MIB objects.
Step 4 essentially automates the actions in steps 2 and 3. The software produced in step 4
can then form the basis of Java classes that can eventually be imported into the finished
NMS. TheManagement,
final stage inMIBs and MPLS:
development Principles,
is then addingDesign
code to and
NMS to implementis thethe overall
definitive guide to managing
MPLS management and FCAPS).
feature (i.e., troubleshooting enterprise
An important and service
observation aboutprovider
the abovenetworks.
is that it
This in-depth
depicts tutorial from as
NMS development networking
a type of expert
reverseStephen Morris
engineering. If delivers
networkclear and concise
management is
provided aton thenetworking
end of NE with MIBs, SNMP,
development, thenMPLS,
it has and much more.
a reverse Coverage
engineering includes
flavor. If the two
SNMPv3, networkthen
occur in parallel, management software
no real reverse components,
engineering IPisrouting,
effort required.HPWeOpenview
view a Node
Manager, NMS software
linked overview components,
as the resulting among
knowledge other key from
emanating techniques andthe
following tools for managing
above four steps.
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Some vendors provide simultaneous releases of both NE firmware and NMS software. In
other words, NE and NMS development are inextricably interwoven.
Step 1 can be assisted using the RFCs on the IETF Web site [IETFWeb]. The other steps are
carried out in conjunction with the NEs themselves. Some examples of linked overviews now
Traffic is presented to an ATM switch and converted into a stream of 53-byte ATM cells.
A preconfigured virtual circuit dictates the route taken by the cell stream. Virtual circuits
can be created either manually or using a signaling protocol. If no virtual circuit is
present then PNNI can signal switched virtual circuits (SVCs).
The virtual circuit route passes through intermediate node interfaces and uses a label-
based addressing scheme.
Bandwidth can be reserved along the path of this virtual circuit in what is called a
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Various traffic engineering capabilities are available, such as dictating the route for a
ByStephen circuit.
B. Morris
This list provides an overview of ATM technology. It joins (or links) the principal components
needed for managing
Publisher: ATM. From this list, the essential ATM managed objects can be derived:
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
ATM nodes
Pages: 416
This is a good start on the road to defining managed objects for the support of ATM. It points
to the merit of studying documents from the ATM Forum and ITU-T Broadband ISDN. The
next stage (step 2) would be to experiment with the EMS of an ATM switch and see the above
objects in practice, e.g., creating PVCs and SPVCs. Next, we would examine the MIB objects
(step 3) [ATMObjects] involved in step 2, and then produce software (step 4) to read and
write instances of those objects.
IP header lookups are required at each hop (with the present line-rate technology,
lookups are no longer such a big issue. Routing protocol convergence may cause more
IP interfaces
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
IP subnets
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
IP protocols fromprotocols
(routed networking expert
such Stephen
as TCP/IP andMorris delivers
routing clear
protocols andasconcise
such OSPF and
IS-IS)on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS
Interior softwareProtocol
Gateway components, among(OSPF)
(IGP) areas other key techniques
or levels (IS-IS)and tools for managing
large network systems.
Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) autonomous systems
[ Team LiB ]
The next stage (step 2) would be to experiment with the EMS of an IP router (or an IP/MPLS
switch) and see the above objects in practice, for example, creating IP interfaces and
subnets, and configuring routing protocols. Next, we would examine the MIB objects (step 3)
involved in step 2 and then produce software (step 4) to read and write instances of those
Foundation releases
Implicit in allTable
• thisofisContents
the end user becoming a development partner providing valuable
operational feedback.
• Index The user receives regular, reliable releases, and the vendor sees fast
return on
Network development
Management, MIBsinvestment. AnotherDesign
and MPLS: Principles, benefit
that developers gain experience and
expertise with each of the minor releases.
ByStephen B. Morris
Minimizing Code
Publisher: Addison Wesley Changes
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Perhaps one0-13-101113-8
ISBN: of the most difficult software development skills to acquire is the ability to resist
changing code.
Pages: 416 This applies to good and bad code, old and new. A crucial skill for developing
NMS software is the ability to make small, focused fixes for specific problems without
introducing new bugs. It can be extremely difficult to resist making simultaneous changes to
neighboring code, but it is a vital discipline. Unnecessary code changes introduce bugs and
increase the
Network need for testing.
Management, MIBs andEvery codePrinciples,
MPLS: change should
Designbe fully
and tested as part of
Implementation a
is the
mandatory change control process.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
NMS Development
A typical scenario for a management system developer is the following:
• Table of Contents
• Using aIndex
browser-based GUI, the developer has provisioned onto the network a managed
Network Management,
object such as MIBs and MPLS:
an ATM virtualPrinciples,
circuit orDesign and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The developer wants to check that the software executed the correct actions.
Publisher: provisioning,
Wesley the developer verifies that the correct Java code executed using a
Java console and
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
trace files (similar actions can be done for C/C++ systems).
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
The database is updated by the management system code, and this can be checked by
running 416an appropriate SQL script.
The next step is verifying that the correct set of managed objects was written to the NE.
To do this, the developer uses a MIB browser to check that the row object has been
Network to the associated
Management, agent
MIBs and MIB.
MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This this type
in-depth of development
tutorial requires
from networking a broad
expert range
Stephen of skills.
Morris Other
delivers skills
clear andnot mentioned
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Data analysis—matching NE data to the NMS database schema
large network systems.
Data analysis—defining NMS-resident objects that exist in complex component form in
[ Team LiB ]
the network (an example is a VPN, as discussed earlier in this chapter)
Upgrade considerations for when MIBs change (as they regularly do)
GUI development
Data Analysis
MIBs are crucial components in a management system. Many vendors provide the MIB
modules for their NEs in the form of a number of text files. These files can then be
incorporated into an NMS and also used in conjunction with MIB browsers. MIBs contain the
managed object definitions of interest and are used to derive part of the database schema for
[the NMS.
Team This
LiB ] latter is the structure and definition of the data used as the basis of the NMS.
We assume the use of relational database technology in this book, and the model for this
consists of tables. Typically, the NMS database schema contains a great many tables; for
instance, there might be a table for storing the details of LSPs, another for PVCs, and so on.
The schema represents an overall data definition for the NMS, and the managed object data
is also defined here. This latter point means that there is a degree of duplication in that the
NMS has a schema and the MIB objects of interest are contained in it as well as in the agent
MIBs. This is what was meant earlier in the chapter when we mentioned storing the same
data in two different places. The NMS tracks and modifies the values of NE-managed object
instances and stores these in its own database.
While the MIBs can be used to form the basis of the management system information model,
there are additional elements needed in the NMS database schema. These are default values,
or the values used when the database is first built. Examples are –1 for integers and NULL for
booleans (i.e., neither true nor false). Later, we will see the need for sensible default values,
particularly for
Table objects that can be modified by the NMS.
of Contents
• Index
The database
Network product
Management, can
and any Principles,
of the excellent, general-purpose
Design and Implementation engines available, such as
Informix and Oracle.
ByStephen B. Morris
When MIBs
Publisher: Change:
Addison Wesley Upgrade Considerations
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Supporting different MIB versions is a recurring network management problem. Let's assume
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
that aPages:
given416network has 20 of the same ATM/MPLS switch model all running firmware
revision 3.2. Now, the network operator decides to upgrade five of the switches to firmware
revision 4.0 (in order to gain access to some new feature). Upgrading software like this can
be expensive if it results in any downtime due to software bugs. The cost can also be
Network if extra hardware
MIBs is needed,
and MPLS:such as a processor
Principles, upgrade,
Design and more RAMisorthe
Implementation flash
memory, or extra line cards.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The NMS can provide assistance during upgrades by downloading the new image to the
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
selected switches (and backing up the old image). However, the new features added to the
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
switches means that they now support extended and possibly also new MIB modules. The
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
NMS must continue to be able to interact with the devices not upgraded, so it must be able to
large network systems.
recognize both the new and the old MIBs. Following are guidelines for providing an upgrade
[path following
Team LiB ] MIB changes:
Deprecate old objects no longer in use—don't delete them from the MIB if at all
Keep the MIB object identifiers sequential; add new OIDs as necessary. It is not
uncommon for new columns to be added to MIB tables as NEs are enhanced. The old
objects should not be modified during any such enhancements in order to maintain
backward compatibility.
Don't change any existing OIDs in MIBs that are currently in use by the NMS. RFC 2578
provides guidelines for this.
Ensure that MIB files do not have to be changed in order to work with management
systems. Sometimes MIBs that successfully compile into agents cannot be parsed into
management systems. This can be caused by limitations on the part of the management
system or the agent parser. Whatever the reason, it is important that no manual
changes are needed in order to incorporate MIBs into an NMS. This underlines the
crucial role played by MIBs.
Following these guidelines helps provide a seamless upgrade path for the addition of new MIB
objects while at the same time maintaining support for existing ones. MIB objects should only
ever be removed with the utmost caution because there may be management system
software that relies on their presence. Non-existent MIB objects that are accessed by an NMS
LiBin] an SNMP exception propagating back to the NMS.
Adding new technologies to NEs is a major cause of significant MIB changes. This causes
additional problems for the management system because (as we've seen) it derives its
managed object model from the MIBs. New MIB objects that are needed in the database
require corresponding schema changes. These can be effected using either SQL scripts or
special-purpose code. Changing the management system schema is not without risk. Existing
application code is affected, and it can easily introduce bugs. The skills required to match MIB
changes to schema updates are very important.
UML allows for the development process to be opened up to a degree that is difficult to match
with older methods such as the waterfall model. It allows for the separation of requirements
Publisher: Addison Wesley
from specification and design decisions by the provision of different views including:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 classification (use cases, classes, components, and nodes)
GUI Development
An important aspect of management system development is the GUI. This is particularly so
when the client is thin. A well-designed GUI reduces the need for training and provides an
effective tool for managing networks. It provides the user interface and should be as generic
as possible. To this end, visual controls should be as technology-independent as possible, for
Team LiB using
] the words like connection instead of PVC or LSP/tunnel, or routes instead of
ATM designated transit list or MPLS Explicit Route Object (we describe these last two objects
later in the chapter—for the moment, let's take them as simple paths through a network).
The visual controls should also hide as much complexity as possible and provide sensible
default values that the user can override if required.
There are many excellent tools, such as Borland JBuilder, available for crafting GUIs. Often,
the GUI is the last item of a management system to be fully tested. So, the individual GUI
components should be fully tested using tools like JBuilder well in advance of full integration.
Developers' problem-solving skills should be focused on fully exercising as much GUI code as
possible to reduce delays in delivery.
The distributed nature of network management provides a good setting for the use of
CORBA-based software. One example is SNMP notification/trap management. When the
Network system receives
Management, MIBs anda trap from
MPLS: the network,
Principles, Designit can
and store the details in
Implementation is athe
and then notify another application such as a GUI client. This notification can
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.take the form of
This an object
in-depth in a
tutorial CORBA
from application
networking implemented
expert on thedelivers
Stephen Morris client machine.
clear andThis can also
be achievedon
instruction using technologies
networking such as
with MIBs, Java MPLS,
SNMP, Remote andMethod
much Invocation (RMI),includes
more. Coverage RPC, or COM,
but CORBA provides what is almost complete independence from the
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network underlying systemsNode
networks. This is an extremely powerful capability.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Team LiB ] Applications from Low-Level Code
Insulating applications from low-level code was briefly described earlier and illustrated in
Figure 3-4. It is very important that the various layers of management system software be as
technology-independent as possible. This is similar in concept to the way in which network
architectures are layered. Each layer is implemented independently. Only the services offered
to upper layers are exposed [Tanenbaum1996]. The implementation is encapsulated inside
the layer. In a similar fashion, low-level code that provides access to technology such as
SNMP, MIBs, IP, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) should be partitioned as much as
possible. Only a simple interface should be exposed to the layer above. This also aids
comprehension by other developers. We will see this technique in the MPLS case study in
Chapter 8.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Gigabit Ethernet
Publisher: technologies
Wesley such as SONET/SDH, DWDM, cross-connects, and multiplexers
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Traffic management
MIB browsing
[ Team LiBmanagement
Trap ]
Just as for developers, this is a complex skill set. Vendors can greatly assist network
operators by providing high-quality solutions in both the NEs and NMS. Network operators
should also try to keep up with new technologies by studying the relevant standards
• Table Switches
of Contents
• Index
We haveManagement,
Network made much mention
MIBs of the
and MPLS: migration
Principles, towards
Design a packet-based
and Implementationinfrastructure and its
relevance to enterprise
ByStephen B. Morris network operators. We have also noted that enterprise networks
usually contain much legacy equipment. Enterprise network operators typically want to:
MPLS provides a way of filling these needs in conjunction with multiservice switches. These
switches allow specified levels of QoS and traffic engineering for the following technologies:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
ATM tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
FR network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large TDM
network systems.
[ Team
IP LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ] protocols
Traffic engineering
As we'll see, the hardest way to manage MPLS networks is to not use signaling to set up
LSPs. Why would a user not want to use signaling? The NEs might not support signaling.
Another reason is control: The operator alone might want to dictate all the objects that get
provisioned in an unsignaled network. Some large service providers actually operate their
ATM networks in this way and might decide to do the same with MPLS. With no signaling
support, it is up to the operator to create all of the above objects—we will do just this in
Chapter 8 when we manually create an LSP. Another reason for not wanting signaling
protocols running in the network is the extra resources they consume. All networks are only
as strong as their weakest link, and with complex signaling protocols running in the
background, bottlenecks may suddenly appear unexpectedly. We don't necessarily agree with
running or not running any particular signaling protocols—we just mention the above as
possible explanations. One important point is that signaling is probably required as networks
become very large (tens to hundreds of thousands of nodes).
We describe LSP setup using the MPLS MIBs in some detail in Chapter 8.
Team LiBRoute
] Objects
An ERO is a list of layer 3 address hops inside an MPLS cloud. Similar to an ATM designated
transit list (DTL), it describes a list of MPLS nodes through which a tunnel passes. The path
taken by the tunnels in Figure 3-3 is an example of an ERO. The purpose of an ERO is to
allow the user to specify the route that a tunnel will take. In other words, it allows the user to
constrain the route. EROs can be either strict or loose. A strict ERO specifies all the hops in
the path. A loose ERO allows for intermediate networks in the path, such as another cloud
(e.g., an SP network). EROs are stored in a MIB table on the originating node and can be
used by more than one tunnel originating on that MPLS node. EROs are not used in the
manual creation of LSPs.
EROs are used by signaling protocols (such as RSVP-TE) to create tunnels. The path specified
in the ERO must be realizable (i.e., links must exist between the designated nodes) and any
required bandwidth
• resources (described in the next section) must be available.
Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Resource Blocks
ByStephen B. Morris
MPLS permits the reservation of resources in the network. This provides a means for network
Publisher: Addison Wesley
operators to deterministically carve up their bandwidth and allocate it to specific LSPs.
Pub Date:
Resource June 20,
blocks 2003
provide a means for recording the bandwidth settings, and they can then be
assigned to0-13-101113-8
ISBN: specific LSPs. The components of a resource block include:
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
MPLS-encapsulated packets enter the tunnel, pass across the appropriate path, and exhibit
three important characteristics:
Forwarding is based on MPLS label (rather than IP header) lookups (this is no longer an
advantage enjoyed by MPLS nodes, as IP routers can now forward at line rate).
Resource usage is fixed, based on those reserved at the time of connection creation.
The path taken by the traffic is constrained by the path chosen in advance by the user.
Tunnels and LSPs provide reachability for traffic with specific destination IP addresses.
[Routing protocols
Team LiB ] direct packets onto specific tunnels and LSPs in order to reach the
appropriate IP destination.
Cross-connects are objects that associate in- and out-segments together. The MPLS node
• Table of Contents
uses the cross-connect settings to decide how to switch traffic between the segments. The
• Index
cross-connect table supports the following connection types:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
A Pages: 416
cross-connect entry has both an administrative status and an operational status. The
administrative status indicates the state required by the operator, whereas the operational
status indicates the actual state of the cross-connect in the node. Operationally down cross-
connects will not forward packets.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Routing Protocols
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
MPLS incorporates
Manager, standard
NMS software IP routingamong
components, protocols such
other keyas OSPF, IS-IS
techniques andand BGP4.
tools This is done
for managing
because these protocols
large network systems. have been used and proven over the course of many years.
Incorporating them into the MPLS standards improved the chances of widespread deployment
] engineering extensions added to the routing protocols means that they can
advertise and distribute both routing and resource (e.g., link bandwidth) details. This is
crucial for facilitating the creation of route-constrained LSPs (i.e., tunnels). This ultimately
allows the user requirements to influence the path taken by IP traffic through an MPLS cloud.
Signaling Protocols
As we've seen, the creation of LSPs and tunnels can be achieved either manually (similar to
the way ATM PVCs are created) or via signaling. Signaled connections have resources
reserved, labels distributed, and paths selected by protocols such as RSVP-TE or LDP.
Label Operations
As MPLS-labeled traffic traverses an LSP or tunnel, it is forwarded based on its encapsulated
label value. The IP header is no longer consulted while the packet is inside the MPLS domain.
MPLS labels can be stacked in a last-in-first-out fashion; that is, more than one label can be
applied to a packet. Labels can be stacked (if the hardware supports it) up to the limit
allowed by the layer 2 protocol. The label counts as part of the layer 2 message size. The
outermost label (i.e., the last one pushed on the stack) is the one used for forwarding the
packet. If more than one label is on the stack, then stripping off (or popping) the topmost
LiB ] the next label down. Forwarding is then carried out based on this label. This is
illustrated below with an MPLS-encapsulated packet that has a stack containing two labels.
The current MPLS node uses Label2 when forwarding this packet. The operations that can be
executed against labels are:
Lookup: The node examines the value of the topmost label. This operation occurs at
every node in an MPLS cloud. In our example, lookup would occur using Label2.
Typically, a label lookup results in the packet being relabeled and forwarded through a
node interface indicated by the incoming label.
• Table of Contents
Swap: This occurs when an MPLS node replaces the label with a new one.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Pop: This occurs when the topmost label is removed from the stack. If the label stack
has B.
ByStephen a depth of one, then the packet is no longer MPLS-encapsulated. In this case, an IP
lookup can be performed using the IP header.
Push: Addison
Publisher: This occurs
Wesley when a label is either pushed onto the label stack or attached to an
Pub packet.
Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
InChapter 4, "Solving the Network Management Problem," we will see that the MPLS shim
Pages: 416
header contains a bit field called Stack. A value of 1 in the stack field indicates that this is the
last remaining label in the stack; the value zero indicates that other labels are pushed
beneath the current label. The value of the Stack field changes appropriately as labels are
pushed and popped. An important point to note is that the MPLS labels have local significance
only. TheManagement, MIBslabels
contents of MPLS and MPLS: Principles,
can also assist inDesign and
the QoS Implementation
scheme is this
(we will see the use of
definitive guidedetail
labels in more to managing and4).
in Chapter troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
MPLS Encapsulation
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
FR and ATM can accommodate MPLS labels in their layer 2 headers. Other technologies use a
Team LiB ] for the label. This is a mini-header (more than one is allowed because stacking
is supported) that sits beside the IP header. FR uses the data link connection identifier (DLCI)
field, and ATM uses the VPI/VCI fields. ATM has another field called cell loss priority (CLP)
that is used for QoS support. This field is used to mark cells for two service levels: Cells with
a CLP of 1 are discarded (if incoming traffic levels are too high) prior to cells with a CLP of 0.
Cells with a CLP of 0 are not guaranteed to be forwarded, but they will have precedence over
cells with CLP of 1.
0 – IPv4 explicit null that signals the receiving node to pop the label and execute an IP
1 – Router alert that indicates to the receiving node to examine the packet more closely
rather than simply forwarding it
3 – Implicit null that signals the receiving node to pop the label and execute an IP
When an MPLS node operates in SIN mode (ATM and MPLS running simultaneously), there
may be additional constraints on the label range, but this is platform-specific.
[ Team LiB ]
QoS and Traffic Engineering
The Internet currently offers a single default service level: best effort. Many enterprises also
offer just best-effort QoS for IP traffic but on an overengineered underlying network.
Bandwidth in the LAN is relatively cheap and can be augmented as needed using switches.
This means that the excess bandwidth helps avoid congestion, but this is a blunt instrument
that doesn't scale well and is prone to congestion during very high bursts of traffic. In effect,
overengineering passively avoids congestion but doesn't proactively prevent it. It's not
unknown for the developers of NMS software to inadvertently flood their local LAN with SNMP
traffic. Without proactive QoS and traffic engineering in the network, the enterprise network
manager often has to resort to restricting access to the network to avoid such problems. A
better solution would be to provide specific chunks of bandwidth (via MPLS LSPs) to the
developers. WAN links normally have strictly limited bandwidth and provide an even stronger
case for QoSTable
• management.
of Contents
• Index
Traffic engineering
Network Management, is setand
MIBs to become a mandatory
MPLS: Principles, element
Design and of converged
layer 3 enterprise
networks [MPLS&Profits]. MPLS provides resource advertisements in its routing protocols
ByStephen B. Morris
(extended from the regular IP operation). Link bandwidth states are included as extensions of
the standard IP routing protocols such as OSPF and IS-IS. These are traffic-engineering
enhancements, and the modified protocols are referred to as OSPF-TE and IS-IS-TE. The
Publisher: Addison Wesley
purpose of the enhancements is to allow MPLS routers to construct a complete link-state
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
database of the network, including available/allocated bandwidth.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
The need for definable levels of QoS is due to the increasingly mission-critical, real-time
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
applications being deployed on enterprise and SP networks. Overengineering of the core gets
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
you only so far, but the WAN may then become a bottleneck (remember that a network is
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
only ever as strong as its weakest link). Once the overengineered cores become depleted,
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
there is a need for IP QoS. The issue of SP core depletion is interesting and slightly
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
controversial because it is estimated [TimesMarch2002] that between 1998 and 2002, service
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
providers invested about $500 billion in fiber-optic networks and that only four percent of the
large network systems.
new fiber is in use. The bulk of the fiber is idly sitting underground. Quite possibly, core
Team LiBis]therefore not an immediate issue for service providers, but this is not the case for
An allied problem is due to the way in which enterprise and SP networks are inextricably
interwoven. When an enterprise wants to send, say, email, Web, FTP, and VoIP traffic
through an SP network, then a number of approaches can be taken by the enterprise:
Unfortunately, most enterprises choose the first option. This may be because:
The enterprise equipment is not capable of marking traffic passed to the service
Whatever the reason, this causes a downstream problem for the service provider because
there may be no easy way of differentiating the incoming traffic streams. In practice, it
matters little if an email message arrives at its destination one minute or one second after
[sending it. The
Team LiB ] same would not be true of real-time, delay-sensitive traffic such as voice or
video. As traffic levels increase, these issues become more pressing for service providers,
prompting the need for QoS to be applied in both the enterprise and SP networks. Service
providers often deploy (and manage) customer premises equipment (CPE) to execute such
There are essentially three approaches that can be adopted for providing different levels of
network service [CrollPackmanBW]:
Another approach to service provision is fine granularity QoS of which the IntServ model is
an implementation. The IntServ model allows path (called microflow) reservation across the
Publisher: Addison Wesley
network, and traffic is pushed into these paths in order to get to its destination. The paths
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
have toISBN:
be explicitly reserved, and they must also be periodically refreshed. IntServ
Pages: 416
have two elements of overhead made up of path handling and refreshing.
The third approach is coarse granularity QoS, and it uses the technique of traffic marking.
This is the model used by DiffServ. It is often considered to be more scalable than IntServ
because no microflows are required. Packets are marked (at the point of origination or by a
NE such asMIBs and MPLS:
a customer edgePrinciples, Design
router) with and Implementation
a specific value. This valueis the
is then used
definitive guide
as the packet is to managing
forwarded and troubleshooting
through the network. For enterprise
values provider
are called networks.
Codein-depth tutorial each
Points (DSCP), fromofnetworking expert Stephen
which corresponds to a givenMorris delivers cleartreatment.
traffic-handling and concise As the
instruction on networking
marked traffic makes its waywiththrough
the network, it is much more.
processed at Coverage
each nodeincludes
in accordance
SNMPv3, network
with its DSCP. Themanagement
DSCP specifies software
what iscomponents,
called a behaviorIP routing, HP Openview
aggregate; Network
that is, all packetsNode
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools
with this DSCP fall into the same category. Each category represents a distinct class of for managing
large network
service. When systems.
a router receives a packet marked for a given class of service, it imposes what
is called a per-hop-behavior (PHB) on the packet. This is the way the packet is treated by the
Team LiB ]
The PHB consists of queuing strategy, policing (dropping the packet or remarking it),
shaping, classifying, and so on. It has two main functions:
Scheduling refers not to how packets are stored in the queues, but how they are pulled from
the queues by the scheduler. The QoS experienced is the final result of all this activity as this
packet (and associated packets) makes its way through the network.
InChapter 4 we will see how these models are used in the context of MPLS. For the moment,
we illustrate how IP packets are marked with DSCPs in the Differentiated Services (DS) field
(formerly known as the Type of Service) in the IP header. This is illustrated in Figure 3-5,
where the IP header DS field is located in the second octet position. The value assigned to
this field can be used to provide specified forwarding treatment for the packet as it traverses
the DiffServ domain.
RFC 3260 provides an update, clarifications, and new elements of DiffServ. Among other
• Table of Contents
• It clarifies that the DSCP field occupies only the first six bits of the DS field.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
The other two bits will be used for Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
ByStephen B. Morris
[DavieRehkter2000], as can be seen in Figure 3-5.
Downstream switches and routers then take the DS value as the cue for special
Publisher: Addison Wesley
treatment—that is, differentiated services. Packet service metrics can include:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 allocation
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Jitterguide to managing
(variation in delay)and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The value inonthe
instruction DS field can
networking withbeMIBs,
used SNMP,
to dictate these
MPLS, andmetrics. Clearly,
much more. the nodes
Coverage traversed by
the marked
SNMPv3, packets
network must know the
management meaning
software of the DSCPs.
components, This is HP
IP routing, an Openview
important Network
part of Node
DiffServ: the
Manager, NMS mapping
softwarebetween DSCP among
components, and theother
forwarding treatment.
key techniques Ultimately,
and this is
tools for managing
large in thesystems.
network end-user service level.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 3-6 shows the objects contained in the mplsTunnelTable. The mplsTunnelTable is
made up of instances of MplsTunnelEntry, as seen by arrow 1 in Figure 3-6.
Each entry in this table should be seen as a column in a row; for example, mplsTunnelIndex
can be considered a key value (in the relational database sense). This is depicted in Table 3-
1, where some of the columns are arranged and assigned specific values. The exact meanings
of the entries in Table 3-1 are explained in Chapter 8. For the moment, a short description is
[ Team LiB ] Table 3-1. MPLS Tunnel Table Excerpt
The column mplsTunnelIndex provides a unique key value for each tunnel on the node in
question, starting at 1 and increasing with each entry added to the table (tunnel instances
are described in Chapter 8). The column mplsTunnelHopTableIndex provides an index into a
• Table of Contents
hop table that describes the path taken through the MPLS cloud by the tunnel. The column
• Index
mplsTunnelIngressLSRId is the designated ingress node for the tunnel and has the value
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
LER A for all the tunnels listed in Table 3-1. This column would most likely be either an IP
address B. a
router ID, but a name is chosen here for simplicity. The column
mplsTunnelName is simply a text descriptor for the tunnel. One notable feature of Table 3-1 is
that there is no entry for index 4. This can occur when the user deletes the fourth entry. The
Publisher: Addison Wesley
table entries are not then moved up to fill the gap.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
This table
ISBN:can typically include millions of rows (as mentioned earlier in the Light Reading
Trials). Let's416
Pages: assume that each row is roughly 300 bytes in size. That means the overall size
of the mplsTunnelTable for an SNMP agent containing 3 million LSPs is 3,000,000 * 300, or
just under 9MB. This would assume a network containing possibly tens or hundreds of
thousands of MPLS nodes. It is not practical to try to read or write an object of this size using
SNMP. Unfortunately, such an operation might be necessary if a network is being initially
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
commissioned or rebalanced after adding new hardware. Also, many NMS provide a
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
connection discovery feature that must retrieve all virtual circuits (ATM/MPLS) from the
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
network and figure out details for each circuit, such as traffic resource allocations and links
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
traversed. One way to assist in improving scalability is to indicate in the MIB which objects
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
have changed. A scheme for this would be to provide a second table called a tunnel-change
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
table linked to the tunnel table. The tunnel-change table could have summarized boolean
large network systems.
entries for a block of tunnel table entries. Let's say we have 1,000,000 tunnels and we assign
[a Team
block size
LiB ]of 10,000 to the tunnel-change table. This means that any changes in the first
10,000 tunnels are reflected in the first entry in the change table. Any change in the next
10,000 tunnels are reflected in the second change table entry. With a block size of 10,000 we
would then have 100 entries in the change table, or 100 * 10,000 = 1,000,000 tunnels. The
NMS could then consult the change table in order to see which blocks in the tunnel table have
changed. This would help avoid the problem of reading back all the tunnel table entries.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
There are some serious problems affecting network management. Bringing managed data
and code together is one of the central foundations of computing and network management.
Achieving this union of data and code in a scalable fashion is a problem that gets more
difficult as networks grow. MIB tables expand as more network-resident managed objects
such as virtual circuits are added. Our first MIB note (on scalability) records a useful object
that can help in managing additions to large (integer-indexed) MIB tables. The increased size
of networks is matched by ever more dense devices. The latter both help and hinder
• Table of Contents
The designers
• of management systems need a rarified skill set that matches the range of
Network embedded
Management, MIBs in
andNEs and
MPLS: networks.
Principles, More
Design emphasis
and is needed
Implementationon solutions than on
technology, particularly as the components of the technology are combined in new and
ByStephen B. Morris
complex ways, for instance, in layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs. Solutions should try to hide as much
of the underlying network complexity as possible. NMS technology can help in hiding
unnecessary complexity.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
One data
Publisher: model
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Distributed servers
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 network management
Directory-enabled networking
Solutions engineered with zero-defect software are the ultimate goal. These solutions should
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
enable end users to efficiently and economically operate their network. Little if any recourse
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
should be needed to the use of NE-level, command-line interface (CLI) utilities such as telnet.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The NMS should fit seamlessly into the business processes and workflows of its enterprise or
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SP customer. These issues are described in the following sections.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
[ Teamnetwork
LiB ] systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
Managed objects
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Management software
ByStephen B. Morris
Arriving at these requires a broad range of skills. Linked overviews can help to identify the
key elements of a managed technology (such as MPLS). A comprehensive understanding of
all aspects
Publisher: of the technology,
Addison Wesley while useful, is rarely needed for providing management
solutions. In spite of this, solution engineers will tend to acquire a deep understanding of the
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
managed ISBN:technology
0-13-101113-8as they work with it. The key elements of the managed technology can
be used to determine
Pages: 416 the associated managed objects. If a MIB has been supplied for the
technology, then the main challenge lies in incorporating the relevant objects into the NMS.
In solution engineering, the overall focus is not on a single item of work, such as producing:
Network Management,
A complete MIBs and
GUI feature MPLS: Principles,
consisting Design
of one or more and Implementation
screen pages is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from
The provisioning codenetworking expert
for a feature such Stephen Morris
as IP traffic delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
A topology
SNMPv3, networkbackend combined
management with fault
software management
components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large Performance monitoring software
network systems.
[Each of LiB
Team these
] is important, but it is the combination of all the NMS components that forms
the overall solution seen and experienced by the end user. For this reason, solution
engineering considers the end-to-end solution even beyond the needs of the current software
release. Project work on a specific feature, such as adding Gigabit Ethernet management, is
continuously viewed with questions such as the following:
How will the other features, new and old, be affected by this one?
In fulfilling the release requirements, can anything else be added to the feature to
marginally exceed the remit (i.e., the required development work)?
The second-to-last point is essential for maintaining continuity of existing function in the
NMS. Adding new features always risks breaking existing code and, for this reason, solution
engineering encourages broader vision and attention to risk so that unnecessary breakages
are minimized. This is a persuasive reason for minimizing changes to existing code (as
mentioned in Chapter 3).
It is perhaps the last point that most clearly characterizes solution engineering: trying to
• andofsafely
Table exceed the requirements within an agreed timescale. This is
as development cycles become shorter because it allows for the
grouped releases (starting with the foundation release as described in Chapter 3) to dovetail
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
into each other. If requirements A, B, and C are needed in the full release, then add A and B
ByStephen B. Morris
in the first release. In the second release add part of C, and finish it in the final release along
with enhancements that have emerged during development.
test cycleAddison Wesley for foundation releases should be short—a truncated version of that
required forJune
Pub Date: a major release. This pushes responsibility for testing the foundation releases
20, 2003
onto the developers,
ISBN: but it helps to streamline the process. If possible, a skeleton QA team
can assist
Pages:in testing the foundation releases. The emphasis should be on successful, short
work cycles achieved using a combination of careful software engineering and lightweight
development processes. Major releases, on the other hand, should use the full test cycle and
heavyweight development and test processes.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
As an example of solution engineering, let's look at adding third-party support to an existing
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
NMS feature, such as MPLS. This consists of adding software to manage not only the vendor's
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
MPLS NEs but also those of other vendors. This is a contentious and interesting issue because
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
adding support for any device tends to add value to it as well as to the NMS. So, many
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
vendors may be a little unenthusiastic about supporting and effectively enhancing
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
competitors' NEs. While this is an important issue, we note in passing that enterprise
large network systems.
networks tend to be multivendor environments, so third-party support may be mandatory. An
Team LiBpoint
] about the MPLS standard MIBs is that NMS support for compliant third-party
NEs may be relatively easy to implement.
MPLS equipment vendors recognize the need for compatibility and interoperability because
trials take place regularly in various independent test sites, such as Isocore and the
University of New Hampshire. [1] In these trials, vendors get a chance to competitively test
their MPLS implementations. The reasoning is that if all the NEs are demonstrably
compatible, then there is little reason for network operators to fear deployment of MPLS
devices from different vendors. A consequence of this is the need for NMS to support more
than just one vendor's hardware. So, if vendor X decides to add support for its own MPLS
devices to its proprietary NMS, then a good solution would also add at least limited third-
party support at the same time. This can take the form of allowing the user to create
LSPs/tunnels that:
The MPLS Forum also carried out interoperability tests in 2002 involving traffic engineering (using
explicit routes), RFC 2547 VPN, and Ethernet over MPLS.
This means that while the network hosts multiple vendors' NEs, the MPLS content is driven by
vendor X devices. However, the limited third-party support should enable the vendor X NMS
to auto-learn (discover) NEs from other vendors. It should also be able to process traps from
LiB ]
We mention in passing a further objection that may be raised to adding third-party device
support: It competes with standard NMS such as HP OpenView Network Node Manager.
Considerations like these show why adding this type of support is contentious. Existing
development resources may already be stretched in providing support for the vendor's own
NEs. So, why use precious development time in supporting other vendors' NEs? One reason is
that third-party support can greatly assist end users in running their networks. Similar
considerations apply to processing traps from third-party NEs because such facilities help
users to manage their networks more effectively.
Adding special-purpose NMS software infrastructure for in-field use, such as tracing facilities
that can be turned on and off by the end user, can also be beneficial. This is particularly
useful when software problems occur on user sites. The user can generate trace files and
email them back to the developers for analysis. Alternatively, the developers can dial into the
site and generate
• Table ofthe trace files themselves. This helps avoid the need for developers to
• and can result
Index in fast problem identification and accurate resolution. If the developers
have taken
Network ownership
Management, MIBsand
andinserted meaningful
MPLS: Principles, trace
Design messages, then most problems can be
and Implementation
quickly resolved.
ByStephen B. Morris
Developer Note:
Publisher: Addison WesleyTraining for a Solution Mindset—Key Abstractions
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
There are
ISBN:many ways of adopting a solution engineering mindset apart from the ones already
mentioned. (Experience is perhaps the best teacher, but this section describes some
Pages: 416
additional approaches). Another way of becoming used to solutions in general is to gain
expertise in as many as possible of the excellent general-purpose, desktop software packages
available, such as those for:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Web browsing
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Virus detection
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
Document components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Software development
[ Team LiB ]
These are powerful, increasingly GUI-based applications that are applicable across a wide
variety of uses, including network management. Identifying and learning the constituent
components usefully leverage the intellectual property freely available with these
applications. This is beneficial because many of the components have become standard
desktop objects, such as:
Pull-down menus
Dialog boxes
Task bars
The more standard the look and feel is for an NMS, the easier it is to use. Ease of use
translates into time, effort, and money saved in managing networks.
Most standard applications do not provide source code, so they can be used only to learn the
visual and processing paradigms. But even this can help to ensure that the NMS developer
adheres to known usability guidelines. The Open Source community [OpenSourceWeb],
however, does provide access to source code, which potentially opens up a treasure trove of
[standard components
Team LiB ] for developers. Interestingly, some NMS products [NMSOpen] are now
open sourced. [Linux continues to pose a significant threat to the big commercial software
vendors (i.e., Microsoft and Oracle, among others) and server vendors (such as Sun
Microsystems)]. Many organizations now deploy Linux on cheap PC-based platforms. It
remains to be seen whether Open Source will have a large impact on enterprise and SP
network management products. It certainly can't be ignored.
Apart from the visual aspect, just about every application supports some type of document-
view architecture [MicrosoftWeb]. A document in this context is the application data stored in
some persistent format, such as disk files or a database. The view is the application
infrastructure (GUI, command consoles, etc.) provided for looking at, creating, and modifying
the data. This is a useful abstraction for NMS development in which the persistent data is
distributed between databases, disk files, and SNMP agent MIBs.
Another important aspect of solution engineering is the ability to think in chunks. We saw this
earlier in ourTable
• ongoing discussion on MPLS, but it can be extended to other areas of
of Contents
• It represents a form of abstraction similar to the way strong chess players
think during
Network chess games—in
Management, certain
MIBs and MPLS: positions
Principles, specific
Design patterns of pieces
and Implementation need not be
considered individually because they are seen as interrelated chunks. In a similar fashion,
ByStephen B. Morris
rather than looking at the overall NMS and trying to think about it in its entirety, it is better
to break it up into chunks. The chunk of interest at any given time is then selected out of the
set Publisher:
of possibilities, while the others are temporarily left out of consideration. The different
Addison Wesley
layers of an NMS (mentioned earlier) are a good example of these types of chunks.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
We mentioned that it is a good idea to (as far as possible) decouple technology-specific code
(for provisioning,
Pages: 416 auto-learning, and trap handling) from other components. This
modularization is not only good practice, it also illustrates what might be called chunk
orientation. Technology-specific code can be organized into a backend block. This can take
the form of (among others):
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth dynamic-link libraries (DLLs)
from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Unix shared libraries
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Java NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
C++ classes
[ Team LiB ]
C modules
The form taken is not so important; the key is the functional demarcation. This backend code
can then present a simple interface to the rest of the software and also to standalone test
programs. These simple test programs can then be used to exercise all of the backend code
well in advance of full database and system integration.
The backend chunk then assumes an identity of its own. It can be modified and
independently tested, and as long as the interface does not change, the rest of the system
need not change. Modifications to the backend can then be assigned to different developers,
and if it is reasonably well-structured, it should be easy to learn. Chunks like this serve to de-
mystify the NMS software codebase and impose a known structural pattern on it.
The industry has embraced object orientation as a healthy move away from monolithic
(procedural) systems development. Component development is a further refinement of this
concept in which software products are made up of reusable objects. An important aspect of
components is that they should model real-world objects as closely as possible, including
relationships to other objects. To illustrate this concept, we now look at a multisite VLAN
implemented using an intermediate SP ATM/MPLS cloud.
LiB illustrates
] an Ethernet service provided by a central site joining two branch offices
of an enterprise. The two branch offices could be in the same VLAN or in two different VLANs.
However, the WAN link (provided by the SP) allows for traffic to pass between the two sites
as required. The links between these two sites are transparent to the end users. This type of
arrangement is called Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS).
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
We have created an LSP (called LSP A) in the SP cloud that connects the ingress and egress
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
interfaces X and Y. The label that corresponds to this LSP is Label2. So, traffic at interface X
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
that is MPLS-encapsulated with Label2 can then get to interface Y. However, we have a
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
problem because interface Y may be shared by more than one client (i.e., sites other than the
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
New York VLAN might also use interface Y). So, some means has to be found to determine
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
where to send the traffic at interface Y. The TLS solution is to use a second label (Label1) for
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
this purpose. This means that traffic landing on interface X pushes both Label1 and Label2
large network systems.
during MPLS encapsulation. This gives us a label stack depth of two with the outermost label
LiB ] The value of Label2 is then used to forward the traffic from interface X to
interface Y, at which point Label2 is popped off the stack. We now have a label stack depth of
one with Label1 as the outermost (and the only) label. The LER at interface Y pops Label1
and uses it to forward the traffic on to the New York VLAN site. One merit of using two labels
like this is that it reduces the number of LSPs.
The VLAN traffic must be mapped to Label1, for example, by mapping the associated IEEE
802.1Q VLAN ID to Label1. The following components are needed for this model:
Figure 4-1 illustrates only half of the story—that is, getting traffic from Dallas to New York.
To get traffic sent in the opposite direction, we would need two more interfaces, another LSP
with a VLAN ID mapping.
To manage this type of Ethernet interworking it is necessary to combine all of the above
elements using an NMS. The overall managed object set is four ports, two outer labels, and
two label-to-VLAN ID mappings. The components should be easy to combine, provision, and
monitor so that the appropriate relationships are maintained between the two enterprise
Team LiBhave
also ] other components that add value by being as loosely coupled as possible,
such as:
Scheduling facilities
NE configuration database backup and restore, including network inventory details like
port configuration settings, IP addresses, protocol settings, and virtual connections
Network operators often perform certain actions at specific times. If the NMS scheduling
facilities are freestanding and not tied to one particular application feature (such as
connection management
• or backup), then the user does not have to use external software
Table of Contents
• as running
Index UNIX cron jobs to schedule NE configuration database backups). Instead,
the NMSManagement,
Network can provide a scheduling
MIBs function Design
and MPLS: Principles, for all and
such operations. In other words, the user
benefits because scheduling is implemented as a loosely coupled NMS component. This allows
ByStephen B. Morris
for executing the scheduled operations in a secure and controlled fashion (rather than using
telnet). For operations that are repeated regularly and for which a permanent record is
required, it is generally better to use the NMS.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 Cooperation
The complexity of NMS software development is such that many different people are
generally involved in its production, including:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Sales and marketing executives
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking
Specification with planning
and release MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
Designers components,
and domain experts among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
QA/Test personnel
End users, through alpha and beta test sites, which can provide valuable initial end-user
response to the system about look-and-feel, function, and so on
The efforts of these groups can assist in improving the quality of the end product. GUI
developers can combine their visual controls as early as possible (rather than waiting for the
integration phase) in order to call into the backend or middleware layers. QA can also assist
in the early stages of development by first testing paper models (based on design
documents) and later testing stubbed software builds. These builds provide the skeleton of
the end system with much of the function not yet implemented. This is in advance of
receiving fully functional builds. An early cycle of tests can provide useful feedback and at the
same time helps QA become conversant with the new software. Regular cycles of such
releases help all parties (including developers) in a project become accustomed to new
features. This is somewhat related to the release early, release often model
[OpenSourceWeb] that has been an important part of the development of Linux. Another
important partner in the development process is IT. The setup and maintenance of modern
NEs increasingly require professional system administration skills. The contribution that IT
can make to this is significant, particularly when many users are sharing the NEs. They can
Team resolve
LiB ] issues such as NEs suddenly failing because a signaling protocol has been
inadvertently disabled. IT staff are well used to managing complex devices as part of their
day-to-day work, and this skill can be leveraged by development.
Software developers can also assist crossfunctional cooperation by actively moving around
the different areas of development and avoiding excessive specialization. As mentioned
earlier, chunk-orientation in software structure helps to achieve this. Ownership and moving
around the development environment need to be balanced against the needs of the
developers (some will like to move around more than others). These areas include:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris facilities for software installation and upgrade
The last area mentioned is noteworthy because it is sometimes perceived to be the least
Publisher: role. Deployment
Addison Wesley software (such as those based on InstallShield or UNIX scripts)
is the first thing the end
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 user sees during installation of a given NMS. Traditionally, the bulk
of project development
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
effort goes into feature coding and testing, so a good implementation
of deployment infrastructure is essential to the overall solution. Deployment is a very
Pages: 416
interesting and challenging area because it requires not only intimate knowledge of the
product but also an excellent understanding of the host environments. Following are
guidelines for successful deployment:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Easeguide to managing
of use— and troubleshooting
the NMS should install/upgradeenterprise
easily. and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on deployment should
networking with be fast,
MIBs, SNMP,minimizing
MPLS, and downtime.
much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, deployment
NMS software should, ifamong
components, possible, not key
other require any downtime
techniques asfor
and tools new code is
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ] it should be possible to verify that new code has been successfully (or
unsuccessfully) deployed.
A short stay (of a month or two) in QA can also greatly assist developers in understanding
the overall software development business processes. QA test plans can be written based on
the content in software design documents—this is an interesting and useful perspective for
developers to acquire. This last point is particularly important, since testing can amount to
nearly half the total cost of a complex project.
Developers' moving between different areas helps spread knowledge and expertise around a
team. This can then improve the accuracy of design and implementation because decisions
are informed by broad experience. The cost of a given developer learning a new area in this
way can be offset against the acquired expertise.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Smarter NMS
There is always scope for improving technical software products, and NMS are no exception.
NMS must increasingly support high levels of
Availability— failover for the entire system or just a critical component such as the
• Table of Contents
Maintainability— the software should be written to easily support future extensions
• Index
Much canManagement,
be done toMIBs and MPLS:
improve NMSPrinciples, Design
so that they and Implementation
consume minimal NE resources:
ByStephen B. Morris
When the NMS user issues commands that result in network-bound SNMP messages, it may
be advantageous
Network to create
Management, MIBsbatches.
and MPLS:These are condensed
Principles, SNMP
Design and messages that is
Implementation seek
minimize the overall number of gets and sets by aggregating MIB objects. So, rather
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. than
This ten getRequest
in-depth tutorial frommessages to one
networking NE,Stephen
expert it is more efficient
Morris to send
delivers one
clear message
and concisewith
ten MIB object
instruction bindings. Awith
on networking specific
MIBs,NMS middleware
SNMP, MPLS, andlayer would
much execute
more. this function
Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
When static data is discovered, there may be a large number of gets sent to the network.
large network systems.
Rather than an expensive (and ongoing) rediscovery of all data, the MIBs should allow for the
Team LiBof] modified objects. This allows the NMS to rediscover only data that has changed
(similar to the way disk backup software can apply incremental backups of only files that
have changed rather than of all files). This reduces the cost of maintaining parity between the
network and the NMS.
Deterministic performance is another important NMS aspect. This requires a fully profiled
codebase so that adding 100 new NEs to the user network adds a known load to the NMS. To
a large extent it is almost impossible to know the exact resources required for supporting a
given NE. Any device can suddenly suffer a failure (e.g., several port cards failing at the
same time) and start to emit large numbers of notifications. Likewise (in the opposite
direction), provisioning operations may start to time out because the NE/agent is heavily
loaded, the network is congested, or timeout thresholds have been set too low.
Visual representation
An interesting aspect of MPLS is that it will allow enterprise network cores to become more
generic. Regardless of traffic type (layer 2 or 3), it will be transported over LSPs/tunnels. A
• Table of Contents
more generic core allows for more easily offering different service levels.
• Index
Network Management,
Multiservice MIBs
switches and
help MPLS: Principles,
facilitate this typeDesign and Implementation
of arrangement by allowing
easy cross-
ByStephen B. of technologies
Morris such as Ethernet, FR, and ATM into an SP core. This is illustrated
inFigure 4-2 with a range of access link types terminating on the edge of an SP network. The
various links terminate at multiservice switch ports and are then cross-connected into the
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Figure 4-2. SP core network with cross connections.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Service management still involves connections in the underlying network, but this is
deliberately obscured (or abstracted away) by the NMS in order to simplify the network
picture. A number of issues arise if scalable service management is to be offered because NEs
must provide:
Service-level traps
Once the network becomes service-aware (with multidomain signaling, PWE3, etc.), its NEs
can then emit service-level traps. In Figure 4-2, a multiservice connection starts as Frame
Relay, crosses an MPLS core, and exits as Frame Relay again. If a node or link in the path of
this connection fails, then only one trap is needed by the NMS. The head-end node at the
point of origination of the Frame Relay service can emit this trap. It is not absolutely
necessary for
• all affected
Table nodes to generate traps for this. Reducing the number of traps
of Contents
particularly if the traps accurately describe the problem and its location.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
NMS Structure
Most NMS are
Publisher: vertical
Addison applications. Generally implemented in what is often called a stovepipe
fashion, data flows are up and down the paths illustrated in Figure 4-3.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 Figure 4-3. NMS stovepipes.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Each application in Figure 4-3 tends to be distinct, sharing some data (such as node details)
about the network but essentially being standalone. There is little, if any, horizontal
communication between the stovepipes because they are both database- and NE-centric and
fulfill specific FCAPS functions.
Figure 4-3 illustrates the baseline FCAPS structure. Real NMS tend to have additional
software for facilities, such as
NE configuration data is also vital because it dictates how the features operate in the
network. Many
Table provide the ability to backup and restore configuration data.
of Contents
• Index
Topology management can take the form of supporting a pictorial representation of the
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
network. Often, this is implemented against a geographical background showing the location
By B. Morris
NEs relative to their physical location. This is illustrated in Figure 4-4 for a hypothetical
three-site enterprise called Acme IBG Corporation located in Ireland. This enterprise has a
central site (HQ), and WAN connections go from it to the branch offices. The intersite links
SP-owned. Addison
of the nodes, links, and clouds in Figure 4-4 can become faulted:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Nodes can go up (operational) as well as down (nonoperational)
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Faults can be visually indicated by means of changing the color of some GUI object. Topology
components may contain subordinate objects. For example,
Above the level of abstraction associated with a node are clouds. Clouds can contain any
number of subordinate network objects (including other clouds). An important consideration
for reflecting network status in a topology application is the way in which faults are visually
rendered. If a topology application is displaying just network clouds—that is, the topmost
level of the hierarchy—then a node fault (notification) in one of the clouds should be visible.
• Table of Contents
Normally, the fault results in a color change in its container cloud. As usual, the quality of the
overall NMS Index
dictates the speed with which the fault is registered. The user should be able to
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
select (using a mouse or other pointing device) the faulted cloud and drill down to see the
By location
Stephen of the problem. Some NMS may employ additional methods of announcing
B. Morris
faults, for example, by sending mobile telephony short text messages, pager alerts, or email
to operators.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Usually, an June
Pub Date: NMS20,deployed
2003 inside one of the clouds monitors and controls the NEs in Figure 4-
4.Chapter 5, "A Real NMS,"
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 examines the components of a commercial NMS.
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Smarter MIBs
MIBs represent a shared name space between SNMP agents and managers. They allow an
operator to leverage the management facilities deployed in the network. Because of their
central role in network management, MIBs should be as well written as possible. The
following MIB notes provide some guidelines.
Our MIB notes are primarily intended to promote NE manageability (one of the four M's
mentioned in the preface). High levels of NE manageability offer a number of benefits:
• Table of Contents
The NE is easier (and cheaper) to incorporate into a network and an NMS.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
The specific NE features are easier to access and manage.
ByStephen B. Morris
End-user confidence levels are raised with regard to the vendor.
The NEAddison
Publisher: acquires a
Wesley degree of product differentiation.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
The enterprise networking market is highly competitive with tight margins. If a given NE is
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
easy to install, configure, and operate in an NMS environment, then that is a considerable
Pages: 416
advantage for the vendor. If the NE feature set (e.g., MPLS, Frame Relay) is easy to access
(via both the EMS and SNMPv3), then the cost of integration and ownership are reduced.
Happy end users are likely to upgrade or purchase new equipment. All of these are good
things from the vendor's perspective, particularly in an industry where NEs are increasingly
similar. WeManagement,
now describe MIBs andaspects
some MPLS: of
MIBs thatDesign andmanageability.
improve Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
MIB Note: Avoid MIB Object Semantic Dependencies
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large A surprisingly
network difficult thing to do in SNMP is create new rows in MIB tables.
The problem lies in having to understand the semantic relationships between
[ Teamthe table
LiB ] columns. If a table (such as the MPLS tunnel table from Chapter 3)
has, say, 37 columns, then not all columns have to be set in order to create
valid entries. Loose coupling between columns is a good thing because the user
knowledge burden is lower. A good way of coupling together blocks of related
MIB objects is to provide multiple tables (similar to relational database
normalization). This is particularly so when the tables can be reused (e.g., as in
theMPLS tunnel hop table for EROs and the MPLS tunnel resource table for
bandwidth reservations. These two tables can be reused by many tunnels, so
by not including their objects in the tunnel table, the overall data set is less
Additional tables can then be linked into the parent table using integer indexes.
The external tables can then be shared (e.g., more than one tunnel instance
can share the same ERO).
MIB table column semantic dependencies complicate provisioning code because the NMS
software has to understand the columnar relationships. Another problem is that they also
complicate the database schema when the columnar relationships have to be duplicated. The
latter point illustrates the problem of modeling the NE MIBs in the NMS. Since the NMS must
track the state of the NEs, it has to store NE data usually in a relational database. It is in the
schema of the latter that it is often required to duplicate the MIB data. Intercolumn MIB
Team LiB ] make for a more complex database schema.
Default values can be given to extraneous MIB objects (column objects that are not needed in
a given SNMP operation), for example, mplsTunnelIncludeAffinity in the MPLS tunnel
table. This object
• isContents
Table of used when creating a tunnel in which the user wants to constrain the
• path through
Index an MPLS cloud so that it uses only a specific type of interface on each
hop. This
Network type of tunnel
Management, MIBs may reflect
and MPLS: a higher
Principles, (or lower)
Design class of service reserved for certain
and Implementation
end users—in short, much of the time, this type of tunnel may not be required, so the
ByStephen B. Morris
mplsTunnelIncludeAffinity object will, in many cases, not be set. Providing a default
value for this and similar objects can help to prevent agent exceptions caused by the
insertion of bad values; these can occur if the sender inadvertently uses an invalid value for a
Publisher: Addison Wesley
given column but the agent tries to interpret the value anyway and generates an exception.
ThisPub Date: June 20, 2003
guideline indicates that only mandatory columns are set; the rest are given safe, default
values.ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
To illustrate this, the allowed values of mplsTunnelIncludeAffinity are integer bitmasks;
each bitmask represents an interface color code value, for example, 0x00001 for gold,
0x00010 for silver, and 0x00100 for bronze. The network operator must configure these
colors onManagement,
Network all NEs whereMIBscolorand
MPLS:will be used.Design
Principles, In Chapter 3,Figure 3-3, the
and Implementation is nodes
the LER
A, LSR D, LSR E, LSR F, and LER B could be configured to support the colors
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. silver and
This on their
in-depth ingress
tutorial interfaces.
from Thenexpert
networking a tunnel could Morris
Stephen be created withclear
delivers a path
concise to
use only interfaces
instruction with the
on networking colors
with MIBs,silver
by setting mplsTunnelIncludeAffinity
much more. Coverage includes
to 0x00110.
SNMPv3, The tunnel
network so created
management would components,
software follow the pathIP described.
routing, HPThis is another
Openview example
Network Node
of traffic engineering, where the path is reserved in advance by special
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing actions on the part of
the network
large network operator.
[A Team
] value for mplsTunnelIncludeAffinity (and its associated objects) could
be 0 to indicate non-use of this MIB object. Since the default provisioning value has been
chosen to match the MIB default value, there is no need to validate before updating the MIB.
This reduces the size of the provisioning code layer. New MIBs should always be written to
include default values for all objects.
Issues like the above MIB notes provide good reason for the developers of NMS maintaining
the MIBs to work in close cooperation with the NE developers. In other words, authority and
Team LiB ] for MIBs should be shared between the main interested engineering parties.
Poor-quality MIBs can result in unnecessarily complex NMS software and possibly even NEs
that are difficult if not impossible to properly manage.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The NMS must try to maintain data parity and, at the same time, minimize NE access.
The database model (or schema) should be a superset of the MIB. All the applications in
Figure 4-3 Management,
could benefitMIBs
fromandtheMPLS: Principles,
deployment of a Design and Implementation
single data model. This applies is the
definitive guide to managing
to the bidirectional andthat
applications troubleshooting
both read from enterprise
and write andto service provider
the network. Thenetworks.
single data
modelin-depth tutorial
allows for from networking
flow-through expert
to and from theStephen Morris
user if MIBs aredelivers
This and
to keep the
device-access on networking with
layer thin and MIBs,
fast SNMP,
because all MPLS, and much
(or almost all, if more.
access Coverage
is needed includes
to an object
SNMPv3, network management
likemplsTunnelIndexNext, software
mentioned in components,
Chapter 3) the IPrequired
routing, data
HP Openview Network Node
for NE write
operationsNMS can software components,
be gathered among other
from the database and key techniques
written and tools
to the network. for managing
There is then no
large network
need for systems.processing at the device-access layer.
Team LiBwith
issue ] the stovepipe structure is that the FCAPS applications are written to share a
single data repository hosted on one server. This can give rise to database contention
between the applications and possibly even deadlocks where multiple applications update the
same tables. Careful code and data design is needed to avoid this. Another problem closely
allied to this is host resource contention between the applications. This occurs when the
applications are written to run essentially independently of each other on a single host
machine. The result can be an unbalanced host machine with high levels of CPU and disk
activity. This can be improved using either some scheme for interapplication cooperative
multitasking (rather than depending on the host operating system) or by distribution
(discussed in the next section).
NMS can also be operated in redundant mode. This consists of deploying a primary server
with one or more backup servers. Failure of the primary results in a switchover (or failover)
to a secondary server. This allows for the entire NMS to be backed up in a number of
Warm standby: The secondary takes over with some data loss.
Hot standby is used for critical systems that require 99.999% (the five 9s) uptime. A good
• Table of Contents
example of this is an SS7 protocol stack used for signaling in a mobile (or fixed) telephony
• Index
network. Two copies of the SS7 stack run in parallel, but only one of them writes to the
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
database and network. If the primary system fails, then the standby takes over. This primary
By secondary
Stephen configuration often provides a convenient means for applying software
B. Morris
upgrades. When the operator wants to upgrade both primary and secondary, the primary is
stopped, which causes a changeover to the secondary. The primary system software is then
Publisher:and started
Addison up (to back up the secondary). Then the secondary is stopped, causing
a switch back
Pub Date: to20,
June the original primary. Then the secondary software can be updated. Some
vendors, such as Oracle and Informix, also provide standby support in their products.
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Smarter NEs
The scalability issues associated with NEs discussed in Chapter 3 require more agent
intelligence. This is because NEs are becoming denser, essentially compressing what have
been entire networks into firmware. When a device can host millions of virtual connections,
the issue of trap generation becomes problematic because a device or high-capacity link
failure (such as a fiber cut) can result in a storm of traps. Rather than many NEs generating
traps in parallel, one dense device may not generate as many traps. This is a limitation of the
processing speed and computational resources allocated to an agent on one of the new high-
end devices. However, in time it is likely that the number of traps emitted by the next
generation of
• NEsofwill
Table probably exceed that of an equivalent set of low-end devices. Trap
• can cause
Index network and NMS congestion (blocking). There is therefore a need for traps
to be aggregated,
Network Management,buffered, and possibly
MIBs and MPLS: even
Principles, compressed.
Design For this reason, denser NEs
and Implementation
require more preprocessing at the agent level before emitting traps to the NMS. In the
ByStephen B. Morris
opposite direction, the provisioning operations initiated by the NMS must increasingly push
more complex settings onto the NEs in order to support the increasingly advanced network
Publisher: Addison Wesley
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
Policy console
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Policy repository
ByStephen B. Morris
Policy server/decision point (PDP)
Policy Addison
Publisher: enforcement
Wesley point (PEP)
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 Figure 4-5. PBNM architecture.
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Policy consoles are employed to manage user-generated policies. The user creates, deletes,
and modifies policies, and these are saved into the repository. The PDP or policy server is
responsible for pushing (or installing) policies onto the various NEs. PEPs are NEs (such as IP
routers, switches, or MPLS nodes) that execute policies against network resources like IP
traffic. Policies can be installed by the PDP without any prompting from PEPs; alternatively,
PEPs may initiate requests to the PDP to download device-specific policies; for example, if the
[PEP is an
LiB ] node, then it can download traffic engineering policies. The architecture in
Figure 4-5 is flexible enough to support both modes of operation. The PDP retrieves policies
from the repository using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). COPS-PR is the
protocol used to move policy configuration from a PDP to a PEP. A simple protocol is used for
policy manipulation by PEPs consisting of these messages: REQ(uest),DEC(ision), and
RPT(report)—as illustrated in Figure 4-5.
The PBNM elements in Figure 4-5 form an adjunct to (not a replacement for) the NMS we
have discussed so far. Policies installed on NEs provide a very fine-grained control
mechanism for network operators.
ByStephen B. Morris
A trigger or condition in the network
An action
Publisher: to Wesley
Addison take when the condition occurs
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
are 0-13-101113-8
in widespread use in computing. A simple example is that of IP router table
control. A network of IP routers is a dynamic entity because nodes and links in the network
Pages: 416
can go up and down, potentially resulting in changes to the paths taken by traffic. All of the
routers try to maintain a current picture of the network topology—similar to the way an NMS
tries to maintain a picture of its managed objects. Figure 4-6 illustrates an autonomous
system (AS) comprised of four interior (intra-AS) routers and two exterior (inter-AS) routers.
A real ASManagement,
could containMIBs and MPLS:
hundreds Principles,
or thousands Design and Implementation is the
of nodes.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with4-6.
SNMP, autonomous system.
and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
The next hop for a packet, destined for, at router is illustrated in Table
4-1 as The administrative weight (or cost) of getting a packet from to is the sum of the intermediate link weights; this is the sum of link weights for D
and G, or 4.
• Table of Contents
When a change
• occurs in the network topology, the routers detect this and initiate a process
called convergence.
Network If link
Management, MIBs DMPLS:
and in Figure 4-6 fails,
Principles, then
Design the shortest path
and Implementation to (from is recalculated
ByStephen B. Morris to yield B-F-H. Table 4-1 would then be updated so that the next
hop in the direction of is with a cost of 8. It is actually the interface that
leads to A number of steps precede this:
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 retires the original route to once it discovers it to be invalid.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 passes (advertises) the new route on to consults its import policy to decide if the new route to is to be
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
This is the way in which the routers update their picture of the network. Routing information
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
exchanges can also be encrypted, though many core Internet routers do not employ this
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
facility, which leaves them open to attacks [CERTWeb]. The Routing Policy Specification
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Language [RFC2622] provides a specification for this.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS of
Our discussion software components,
IP routing among
has left out someother key techniques
important and tools
details. Figure for managing
4-7 illustrates an
large network systems.
extract from the route table for a Windows 2000 host with the IP address To
see this on a Windows machine, just open a DOS command prompt and type netstat –r.
[ Team LiB ]
C:\>netstat -r
Route Table
Active Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 1 1 1 1 1
The Network Destination column indicates the IP destinations reachable from this host.
The Netmask column is used to isolate the network number in the IP address (IP
addresses are made up of the combination of network number and node number, so by
multiplying the IP address by the netmask, we isolate the network number).
The gateway indicates the IP address of the next handler for a packet, with the address
shown in the Network Destination column.
The Interface column indicates the outgoing interface on the host machine that will be
used as the next hop for a packet with this network destination.
When the ICMP request packet arrives at the host (, the route table is searched
for the longest match. This is row four in Figure 4-7, shown in bold. The packet is relayed to
the loopback interface—this has the effect of sending the packet back to the local
host (we will see the loopback interface again in Chapter 7, "Rudimentary NMS Software
Components,"Figure 7-9). The local host then responds to the ping request with four
Other interesting information on the various TCP/IP protocols can be gleaned using related
DOS commands such as arp and tracert.Appendix B, "Some Simple IP Routing
Experiments," has some details.
[[ Team
Team LiB
LiB ]]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Give traffic from IP address a.b.c.d the highest priority forwarding treatment.
ByStephen B. Morris
Protocols—signaling and routing
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Networkwide settings
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Each of these
Pages: 416ultimately translates into some action or set of actions at an NE. Policies allow
a far more abstract view of the network than is possible with NMS that simply allocate virtual
connections. With abstraction comes increased operational power because it is then possible
to express complex rules, such as those above, and to combine these into business objects
such as service
Network level agreements.
Management, This isPrinciples,
MIBs and MPLS: a type of Design
fly-by-wire way of running a isnetwork,
and Implementation the and
it is entirely possible for policies to conflict—for example, two policies that attempt
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. to allocate
the same
This bandwidth
in-depth tutorialtwice
from or erroneously
networking assign
expert an unsupported
Stephen forwarding
Morris delivers behavior.
clear and conciseThe
power of PBNM
instruction must be used
on networking withwith
SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
High-level policies, such as those above, will generally be reflected in some type of NE
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
configuration changes:
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Priority settings for a given IP traffic stream
Security levels
Communication of policies to PEPs can be made using SNMP, COPS, telnet, and so on. Once
the policies have been installed in the PEP, they can then be locally executed when the
associated conditions have been met.
InFigure 4-5 we see NEs that are policy-enabled; that is, they can directly host COPS
policies. This need not be the case. Policies can be expressed in any NE technology; the
Team LiBis ]COPS-based, but even SNMP tables can be used if required (as we'll see below).
This is particularly the case if existing NE products already use SNMP.
1. Module definitions
2. Object definitions
3. Notification definitions
5. Conformance definitions
• Table of Contents
The COPS equivalent to Structure of Management Information (SMI) is called Structure of
• Index Information (SPPI) and is based on SMI. Apart from notifications, SPPI
Policy Provisioning
uses all Management,
Network items in theMIBs
list above to create
and MPLS: Policy
Principles, Information
Design Bases (PIBs)
and Implementation [RFC3084]. PIBs are
By similar
Stephen to MIBs:
B. Morris They specify a name space that is common to both the PDP and PEP
(MIBs specify a name space common to both managers and agents). A PIB is a tree-
structured name space containing provisioning classes and provisioning instances. PIB
module definitions
Publisher: [RFC3159] provide a starting point for PBNM. Because PIBs and MIBs are
Addison Wesley
based on SMI, it is relatively easy to convert a PIB into a MIB. An extension to COPS—called
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
COPS-PR—is used to
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
configure policies on NEs.
Pages: 416
Network Processors
Network Management, is increasingly
MIBs and MPLS: aPrinciples,
problem not of bandwidth
Design but of managing
and Implementation is the mixed
traffic types.
definitive Network
guide management
to managing is driven by the
and troubleshooting need to be
enterprise andable to manipulate
service network
provider networks.
This so that
in-depth all traffic
tutorial types receive
from networking the required
expert Stephenforwarding treatment.
Morris delivers Thisconcise
clear and is assisted
by the development
instruction of network
on networking processor
with MIBs, SNMP,products frommuch
MPLS, and organizations such as includes
more. Coverage Intel and IBM.
These arenetwork
SNMPv3, network-facing devices
management that support
software advanced
components, IP features
routing, such as the following:
HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Classifiers identify a packet stream and steer it to a traffic conditioner for special
[ Team treatment.
LiB ]
Meters measure the timeliness of packets against an agreed arrival rate profile.
Markers set the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP, described in the previous
chapter and also at the end of this chapter) of packets.
Queue mappings move a packet stream into a specific hardware queue for special
forwarding treatment.
Shapers introduce some delay in a packet stream in order to make it comply with a
profile. Delay is applied using buffers; if the buffers fill up, then packets may be
dropped if they are still out of profile.
MPLS labelers apply MPLS labels to packets in advance of pushing them into an
appropriate LSP/tunnel.
Network processors form an important part of the migration towards the use of policy. PBNM
systems can define networkwide policies for connection management, QoS, and traffic
engineering, and then push these onto all relevant devices in the network (including network
processors). Typically, devices such as routers and switches can be equipped with the new-
Team LiB network
] processors.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. attributes,
Class Morris such as location, owner/operator
Class methods, such as delete a specified node or monitor a specified node for
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: relationships—for
0-13-101113-8 example, a node that owns connections that originate on it and
terminate on other nodes
Pages: 416
A technology-independent
[ Team LiB ] information model
A directory system for storing policies, the object model, and its instantiation (the
network, its devices, users, services, etc.)
This is an ambitious undertaking combining products from a range of vendors. We now briefly
discuss the principal elements.
CIM is an object-oriented model that describes how a system and its components may be
managed. A central tenet of CIM is the presentation of a consistent view of the managed
Team LiBindependent
] of any protocols (such as SNMP) and data formats supported by NEs.
CIM is a layered model that starts with generic classes. These classes can be built upon and
refined (e.g., starting with devices at the top level, a router is a refinement of the basic
device type, as is a switch). Some CIM model components are:
By describing these objects in a standard fashion, NMS designers can leverage existing work.
This avoids the task of inventing a vendor-specific information model. The use of a standard
• Table of Contents
model can also assist in interworking with other products.
• Index
Network Management,
DEN is an extensionMIBs and MPLS:
of CIM. Principles,
It describes theDesign and Implementation
physical and logical characteristics
of NEs,
ByStephenand the policies
B. Morris used for their management. DEN provides a mapping of the
information to a format that can be stored in an LDAP-based directory system.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Maximum allowed bandwidth
[A Team
LiBof] approaches can be adopted in the provision of IP QoS (i.e., a domain that offers
more than best-effort service):
IntServ provides an end-to-end QoS model using microflows between specified endpoints.
The routers in the path must maintain state information. IntServ provides a coarse-grained
approach to traffic management. The RSVP protocol implements the IntServ model. Incoming
traffic is pushed into a given microflow based on its destination address. The need for state
maintenance and path reservation is often raised as a scalability concern with the IntServ
DiffServ (as we saw in the previous chapter) adopts a divide-and-conquer approach. Traffic is
marked (with a DSCP) prior to entering the QoS domain, and routers apply specific per-hop-
behavior (PHB) based on the marked values.
Team and
] can be used in conjunction to create LSPs. Also, MPLS can use DiffServ to
provide more advanced QoS capabilities (often in conjunction with special-purpose network
processors) by the use of:
Packet classification
DiffServ allows a useful separation between traffic conditioning and service provisioning
functions from the forwarding behaviors implemented in the network. The end-user IP traffic
• Table of Contents
is marked with a DSCP in the DS IP header field (as we saw in Chapter 3,Figure 3-5). The
• Index
DSCP corresponds with a specific set of downstream traffic handling criteria. Scalability
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
concerns dictate that there are a limited number of forwarding behaviors associated with the
ByStephenThis reduces the amount of QoS-related decision-making needed in NEs. In fact, the
B. Morris
six bits provide for 64 (26) different DSCP. Out of these, 32 are set by the standard (RFC
2474), 16 are reserved, and 16 are available for experimental use. Each one corresponds to a
PHB—expedited forwarding,
Publisher: Addison Wesley assured forwarding, and so on. The standard PHBs consist of:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Default— No special forwarding treatment, that is, best effort.
Pages: 416
Expedited forwarding (EF)— Packets should be forwarded with minimal delay and low
loss. RFC 2598 indicates that the EF PHB DSCP is 101110 (this value is written into the
DS field of the IP header, as seen in Chapter 3,Figure 3-5).
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide
Assured to managing
forwarding andPackets
(AF)— troubleshooting enterprise
are forwarded basedand service provider
on queuing class andnetworks.
This in-depth
precedence;tutorial from networking
for example, packetsexpert
marked Stephen
AF11 andMorris
would clear and concise
be pushed into the
same on networking
queue. However,with MIBs,
packets MPLS,
are moreand much
likely more.
to be Coverage
dropped includesoccurs.
if congestion
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Figure 4-9NMS
Manager, illustrates twocomponents,
software enterprise sites called
among Headquarters
other (Chicago)
key techniques and for
and tools Branch Office A
(Boston) joined by
large network systems. a 10Mbps leased line (SP Link).
Mail Server— SMTP traffic on its way to a mail gateway in Chicago for distribution
The Chicago site acts as the termination point for both Internet and telephony traffic. The
three traffic types (originating in Boston) must cross the intersite link to get to Chicago, and
to achieve this we use three virtual circuits (or connections):
• Table of Contents
• VLAN1 Index
traffic passes over a pair of layer 2 LSPs.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen Morris passes over a pair of layer 3 LSPs (specifically E-LSPs, as described below).
bandwidth reservation, and the allocated value has been derived by IT. This allows for the
link bandwidth to be carved up for use by the applications in both sites. If the bandwidth
calculations are correct, then there is no need for overengineering. We note in passing that
Network Management,
this is referred MIBs
to as static and MPLS:
traffic Principles,
engineering (i.e.,Design
analyze and Implementation
traffic patterns, set is the
the allocated
bandwidth, guide
and to managinglater
reconfigure and if
troubleshooting enterprise
required). Dynamic trafficand service provider
engineering attemptsnetworks.
to modify
This in-depth
resources tutorial
on the fly. from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Traffic from
SNMPv3, VLAN1management
network is forwarded software
from Boston to Chicago
components, IP(and vice HP
routing, versa) acrossNetwork
Openview the Layer 2
LSP pair. One
Manager, NMSof the LSPcomponents,
software pair handles among
traffic from
otherBoston to Chicagoand
key techniques while thefor
tools other handles
large in the opposite
systems. direction. VoIP traffic passes over the Layer 3 LSP pair. Finally, SMTP
traffic passes over the SPVC.
[ Team LiB ]
The only real-time traffic passing between the two sites is VoIP telephony, and we assume
that all such traffic is marked to receive DiffServ EF forwarding. The DSCP in the IP header of
these packets is then mapped into the EXP bits of the associated MPLS label (as in Figure 4-
10). This ensures that when the VoIP packets are MPLS-encapsulated, they are pushed into
the LSP where they receive the required PHB. Because the LSPs use the contents of the EXP
field for scheduling priorities, they are referred to as E-LSPs. The E-LSPs in Figure 4-9 are
dimensioned to carry 10 uncompressed voice channels of 64Kbps each.
Once the virtual circuits have been created and are carrying traffic between the two sites, the
NMS can examine
• Table ofthe statistics MIB tables to verify correct operation. This consists of
checking that
• packets are not being dropped excessively, bandwidth levels are adequate, and
so on. Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
MPLS nodes use the label as the packet travels across an LSP. For an E-LSP, when the
associated IP packet crosses the boundary of the MPLS cloud, the value of the DS field is
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
mapped into the MPLS label EXP field. This field then dictates the PHB for the packet as it is
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
forwarded through the MPLS cloud. The S bit dictates the position of this header in a
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
hierarchy of LSPs. The topmost label in the stack is the one used for making forwarding
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
decisions, and this is indicated by a value of zero in the S bit. Labels lower down the stack
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
are used only when the ones above them have been popped. The TTL (Time to Live) field is
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
used to ensure that the number of hops in the MPLS cloud has some meaningful value. Its
large network systems.
value may be decremented at each hop, and once it reaches zero, the packet may be
Team LiBThe
] standards also describe another option that uses the entire MPLS cloud as a
single hop.
Where the scheduling behavior is derived solely from the label value, the LSP is known as an
L-LSP. This type of LSP can be used on links (such as ATM) that cannot encode the entire
label structure. There will be one L-LSP for each supported PHB, and the drop precedence can
be encoded in the link layer header (e.g., in the cell loss priority bit field for ATM). RFC 3260
contains more information on these topics.
Denial of service
Theft of service
If a network provides a limited set of PHBs, then denial of service can occur if a user
Team LiB ] marks his or her traffic with a higher level of service than the one allocated. This
may cause the network to consume more of its resources in handling the fraudulent traffic.
This in turn can cause a denial of service to legitimate users by reducing the available
bandwidth. The fraudulent marker is also guilty of theft of service in this case. More detail on
the growing threat of network attacks can be found at [CERTWeb].
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We covered a lot of ground in this chapter. Network management problems can be solved.
Creating NMS that incorporate standard GUI paradigms is very important for increasing
usability and reducing end-user training time. Providing NMS that incorporate well-
engineered solutions is a useful guide to developers. Components form a useful abstraction
for building durable management features. Components should provide ease of use for
developers, and relationships between them should match those found in real-world objects,
such as Frame Relay interworking across ATM, virtual connections, and EROs. The broad
range of expertise in NMS vendor organizations can be leveraged to produce high-grade
solutions. NMS
• Tablecan themselves be improved to support increasingly popular features like
of Contents
• services,
Index particularly when standards like PWE3 emerge (an important point
about PWE3
Network is that MIBs
Management, it is edge-to-edge but enables
and MPLS: Principles, end-to-end
Design and services and QoS).
ByStephen B. Morris
The stovepipe structure of many NMS was described along with some consequences of the
fact that FCAPS applications usually share a database and a host machine. MIBs can also
stand some improvements in the shape of default values, loose column coupling, and
Publisher: Addison Wesley
centralized features. The merits of a single data model were enumerated, with an unexpected
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
benefit being thinner (simpler) provisioning code. Less code helps in speeding up
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Distributed NMS applications provide some advantages in the form of less heavily loaded
hosts, but this may be at the expense of more network traffic. Raising the intelligence of
network devices is another good way of improving overall network function and
Network This involves
Management, getting
MIBs and NEsPrinciples,
MPLS: to do more work,and
Design including preprocessing
Implementation (or
is the
aggregating) traps and supporting policy-based management.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
PBNM was introduced as an emerging model for management. By pushing policies onto NEs,
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
the philosophy of PBNM is to treat the network as a type of computer. This allows for a more
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
fine-grained management model than is available using a connection- and node-based
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
approach. The QoS mechanisms in the IP and MPLS networks were discussed. Policies were
large network systems.
described prior to introducing COPS and COPS-PR for policy distribution between clients and
Team LiB ]
An increasingly advanced range of network processors is helping to encourage adoption of
PBNM by allowing advanced traffic management functions. PBNM can be leveraged to the
greatest extent when it is deployed in conjunction with DEN. This is a powerful means of
modeling and controlling the managed network.
Integrated and Differentiated Services were described in the context of IP and MPLS. Layer 3
QoS is efficiently enabled using these technologies. Attacks on networks continue to pose a
substantial risk, and this is perhaps even more serious with DiffServ networks.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Connection
Table management
of Contents at layers 2 and 3
• Index
Network layers
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network migration to layer 3
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Development skills needed for producing high-grade NMS
Pages: 416
MPLS support
Policy support
Integration with other software, for example, data export/import, trouble ticketing, and
Programmability, for example, adding additional software for new features such as
In this chapter we leave the design and development domains, and look more closely at the
way organizations actually use real network management products. A good description of this
and many other SNMP management features can be found in [EssentialSNMP]. Following
these sections is a description of the typical business processes and workflows in enterprises
and how these are facilitated using NMS.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Collection of information from NEs via SNMP notifications/polling
Table of Contents
• Index
Processing and archiving in a database
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris to registered applications
For large networks, there can be more than one management station, and these can
exchange information
Publisher: with one another. A management station can also delegate NE data
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 stations. The latter connect to NEs and collect status and
to collection
configuration data, which is then passed to the management station. Typically, HP suggests
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
that a single management station can handle 5,000 managed objects. Up to 60,000 objects
Pages: 416
can be managed if collection stations are deployed along with the management station
[HPNNMScale2002]. This type of distribution helps to reduce the load on the NMS. In its
default-installed state, NNM provides the following main features:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide and
Discovery to managing
mapping and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, processing
NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Data warehousing
As these are quite generic NMS facilities, each of them is discussed in general terms in the
following sections. Each section is then followed by an NNM-specific description. These
facilities are all based on manually retrieving or asynchronously receiving data from the
network. Pushing data onto the network can be achieved only by using special-purpose,
third-party, add-on software. In this sense, NNM is a platform on which additional software
can be layered in order to achieve full-featured network management. This again reflects that
network management is complex and requires a range of software applications that go
together to make up an overall solution. As networks grow, they can be effectively managed
only using advanced software.
An interesting aspect of managing modern networks is that there is no single solution to all
the network management needs. This is similar to the fact that there is no single desktop
software application that satisfies all possible needs (word processing, email, Web browsing,
spreadsheet, etc.). Desktop user workflows and business processes are generally too complex
and varied for it to be feasible to produce one application capable of handling them all.
Instead, a range of software packages are deployed and used. In the same way, the many
Team LiB ]network management tools go together to make up a continuum of packages.
This then forms the basis for the management solution. Substantial teams of people are
needed in vendor organizations to service the ongoing (and changing) needs of large
enterprise customers.
Before looking at NNM, we take a brief detour into the important area of mediation.
Once we start to look at the way NMS are used in practice, the area of mediation becomes
relevant. This is another type of layering, similar to the ones we have mentioned in previous
chapters. Mediation software exists to protect application layer software from proprietary
configuration data. Figure 5-1 illustrates a multivendor network operating in conjunction with
a mediation Table
• layerofthat feeds network-originated data into a set of NMS applications. Raw
• is processed
Index by the mediation layer and passed up to the applications for further
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 5-1. Mediation in a multivendor network.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Typically, the NEs generate billing data in a proprietary format, and this must be transferred
[from theLiB
Team network
] into the mediation layer. The processed data emitted by the mediation
software is presented in a standard format such as Billing Automatic Message Accounting
Format (BAF) that can be handled using a standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
accounting package.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Initial discovery occurs when a device is encountered about which nothing is known by the
NMS. Its details are read by the discovery application and recorded in the database.
Examples of such details are:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
IP address of thefrom networking
SNMP expert
agent on the Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
IP address
SNMPv3, networkofmanagement
the device interfaces
software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large Device
networktype; for example, for multiservice switches, this might be some combination of
SONET/SDH, DWDM, ATM, MPLS, Frame Relay, and so on
[ Team LiB ]
Inventory details, such as configured software and cards deployed in the device
Protocols and technologies running on the device, such as ATM PNNI, MPLS, X.25, IS-IS,
and so on
The results of discovery are extremely useful, but even automated, it can be a time-
consuming and expensive operation requiring SNMP (not all NEs support SNMP, e.g., many
optical devices use the OSI management protocols for historical/technical reasons)
messaging, and much database activity. Discovery provides the information needed for the
other functional areas of management (such as provisioning, fault handling, performance
analysis, and billing), but it should try not to do this at the expense of the overall solution. A
balance is needed between supporting all the FCAPS features and the computational
discovery effort required in trying to maintain parity between the actual network and the list
of discovered entities.
[A Team
LiB ] feature further processes the discovered NEs and attempts to understand
and depict the logical (and sometimes geographical) interconnections between them.
Knowing the interconnections allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the network
ByStephen B. Morris
Network-level connectivity
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
This grouping allows NNM to create logical maps of the NEs and to graphically indicate
operational status using a color, such as green for up, red for down, and so on. An icon
representing a network can be expanded to show the constituent nodes. Similarly, nodes can
be viewedManagement, MIBsinterfaces.
in terms of their and MPLS:InPrinciples, Design
other words, and Implementation
containment relationshipsis are
the depicted
definitive guide
clearly and to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Updates to on
instruction thenetworking
topology database occur
with MIBs, continuously
SNMP, MPLS, and asmuch
a result of information
more. received from
Coverage includes
managed network
SNMPv3, nodes. These are nodes
management that arecomponents,
software specially designated by HP
IP routing, theOpenview
network operator
Network for
regular polling.
Manager, Both status
NMS software and configuration
components, changes
among other keyare recordedand
techniques for tools
such for
nodes. On the
other network
large hand, the operator must explicitly initiate on-demand, polling of unmanaged nodes.
These are nodes deemed to be either relatively unchanging or not as important (from a
Team LiB ] perspective) as their managed counterparts. This reduction in the number of
managed nodes assists in improving scalability of both the network and the NMS.
Monitoring is the process of recording temporal changes in the status of managed objects
such as:
Ethernet VLANs
Status changes can be simple transitions such as link/interface up or down, or more complex,
such as when an LSP path is being signaled through the network. In the latter case, a
complex and dynamic state transition is occurring. Many such status changes can have an
important bearing on the service received by the associated end user. An example is when an
Team LiB that
] is part of an ATM PVC goes down. The interface is no longer able to handle
traffic. Such a status change may be service-affecting if there is no backup connection. For
this reason, monitoring functions are an important part of an NMS, and the faster they record
changes, the better.
The same process that carries out discovery also executes NNM monitoring. This is
convenient because both discovery and monitoring can use the same set of objects—lists of
NEs, interfaces, links, connections, and so on. Status changes are reflected back into the
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Notification Processing
Notification processing is an important part of network fault management—this is the F
(fault) part of the FCAPS areas—arguably the most critical part of any NMS because faults
generally reflect problems in the network. Network problems can in turn affect end users.
Notifications are the means by which SNMP agents asynchronously communicate problems
with their NMS. From a scalability perspective, notifications provide a cue for remedial action
from the NMS in response to some change in the network. This reduces the need for polling
by the NMS. A number of issues arise in relation to SNMP notifications:
• Table of Contents
Notifications are not acknowledged by the NMS (unless they are informs).
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Notifications are transported using the UDP protocol and hence are unreliable.
ByStephen B. Morris
Faulty NEs can generate many notifications.
Publisher: Addison services
Wesley that become faulty can result in notification storms.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
New hardware being added to (or reconfigured in) a network can produce notification
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
When an NMS receives an SNMP trap over an unreliable transport, it never acknowledges it.
This is in the interests of scalability and keeping the management protocol as lightweight as
possible. It also helps avoid exacerbating situations such as network congestion. When an
Network Management,
agent detects a problem, MIBs and MPLS:
it sends Principles,
a best-effort Design and
notification Implementation
message and delegatesis the
definitive guide toproblem
of the underlying managing to and troubleshooting
the NMS. Networks are enterprise and service
often designed provider
to leave networks.
an absolute
This in-depth
minimum tutorial
of about 25 from networking
percent bandwidthexpert
free Stephen Morris
to allow for delivers
routing, clear and
signaling, andconcise
management on protocols
networkingto with MIBs,
continue toSNMP,
at alland much
times. more.
If this Coverage
is adhered to,includes
then in theory
SNMPv3, network management
agent notifications should always software components,
get through IP routing,
to the NMS. HP Openview
This enables the latterNetwork
to carryNode
Manager, NMS software
some meaningful remedialcomponents,
action. among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Faulty NEs can generate large numbers of notifications; for example, if a node interface is
Team LiBup ]and down, then each status transition results in a new notification. The NMS user
should quickly try to resolve this by downing the associated link or resolving the underlying
problem with the interface.
Aggregated services, such as layer 2 VPNs (as we saw in Chapter 3, "The Network
Management Problem," Figure 3-2), may have thousands of underlying connections. If a
major fault occurs, such as a fiber cut, then the originating node for each affected connection
may legitimately emit a notification. This can result in a great many notifications, particularly
for the increasingly dense next-generation NEs (described in Chapter 3). If the NEs are aware
they are participating in a VPN, then it should be possible to intelligently reduce the number
of notifications, as discussed next.
A MIB table that expressed membership of aggregated services like VPNs could
[ Team LiBprevent
] such notification storms. MIB indexes of members (e.g., virtual
circuits) could be entered in the table, and the NEs could then negotiate overall
service status before issuing notifications. This would have the effect of
pushing more intelligence into the network and reducing the burden on the
NMS. Given the trend towards increasingly dense NEs with more complex
component objects (such as layer 2 and layer 3 VPNs), this type of issue may
become more important.
An NE sends a notification.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub notification
Date: is
June 20, 2003 received by NNM and logged.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
NNM then distributes the notification to applications that registered for it.
Pages: 416
NNM allows notifications to be paired so that notification A indicates a problem (e.g., link
down) and notification B indicates problem rectification (e.g., link up). Not all notifications
are symmetric like this; for example, if an LSR receives an MPLS-encapsulated packet with an
Network Management,
invalid (or MIBs and is
unknown) label—this MPLS:
calledPrinciples, Design and
a label fault—then Implementation
there is the
is no correction for this. It
definitive guide
is a once-off, to managing
hopefully andtype
transient troubleshooting enterprise
of error. Paired and service
notifications assist provider
a network networks.
This in-depth
because tutorialthose
they reflect from situations
networking expert
when theStephen
networkMorris delivers
self-heals. clear and
Likewise, whenconcise
instruction on networking
corrective notification doeswith
not MIBs,
then theMPLS,
faultand muchactive.
remains more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
NNM also supports eventcomponents,
correlation inamong
which other
a givenkey techniquesisand
notification tools for
processed managing
before it is
large network
forwarded to onesystems.
of the applications. This helps in situations where the same notification
keeps recurring. As mentioned in the previous chapter, a very useful NE facility would be one
Team LiB ]for notifications to be staggered or paced in order to avoid flooding the network
with unnecessary traffic. This is particularly relevant during network reconfigurations. Some
MIBs support notification throttling (RFC 1224) by using a sliding window of a specific
duration (in seconds) and limiting the number of notifications allowed in this window.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Reporting is one of the most important features of an NMS. Data is retrieved from the
network and presented in a specified report format. This can include:
Deployed NEs
NE configuration
• Table of Contents
• Links Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen connections
B. Morris
[ Team LiB ]
Configured/viewed using a standard browser
NNM comes configured with standard reports that can be used immediately or extended.
Examples of such reports are:
Historical details
Real-time details
Trend analysis
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Data Warehousing
NMS provide a persistent repository, typically, a commercial database product such as
Informix, Oracle, or Ingres. It is this database that the NMS tries to keep synchronized with
the network state. This is also the database used by remote management clients. By storing
most of the managed data centrally, the outlying components of the NMS can be made as
thin as required, even hosted on standard COTS applications such as Web browsers. It also
facilitates data security to a degree because the database can be hosted in a secure location
with access granted only to authorized clients.
Once a network
• Tabletopology has been discovered and stored in the database, the user can
of Contents
execute management
• Index operations against it such as:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Viewing the configuration of a given node
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
NNM Data
definitive guideWarehousing
to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
NNM provides
instruction an embedded
on networking relational
with database
MIBs, SNMP, into
MPLS, which
and muchit stores
more. its management
Coverage data.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
[ Team
large LiB ] systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Configuring NEs is also an increasingly nontrivial task as more and more technologies and
protocols areTable
• packed into devices. Once the NEs have been configured and are operational, it
of Contents
• important to be
Index able to back up the settings—often called a configuration database. As for
the firmware
Network case, the
Management, MIBsconfiguration detailsDesign
and MPLS: Principles, can then be restored if necessary. In providing
and Implementation
the backup and restore capabilities, equipment vendors can use protocols such as File
ByStephen B. Morris
Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP).
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Java is Table
of Contents
• Index
Java provides built-in security.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen a multiplatform programming language.
[Java allows
Team LiB ]for full compatibility across these platforms: Code written for NT should run
unmodified on the others. This can help reduce development and testing time.
As NEs deploy increasingly advanced features, it is often necessary to upgrade deployed NMS
components. Java provides an elegant means for doing this by the use of packages. These
are logical Java code and data entities that can be signed for security and swapped in and out
of systems as required. Packages also provide many advantages for developers, such as
encapsulation and interfaces.
Node status
[ Team LiB ]
The Java interface exports much of the management station function onto desktop systems
equipped with little more than standard browsers. This is a very powerful use of COTS
software and illustrates the merit of thin clients based on standard browsers. It allows for
easy remote access to NNM. Remote operation provides several advantages:
Geographic distribution
• means that network administrators do not have to be located close to
Table of Contents
the management
• Index station. They can dial in and access the functions and features. This raises
an important
Network issue of
Management, security.
MIBs Network
and MPLS: topology
Principles, Design details are sensitive
matters from the
and Implementation
perspective of security, infrastructure protection, and commercial advantage.
ByStephen B. Morris
Offloading management station functions is useful for freeing central resources. This can
facilitate deployment of more advanced third-party software features on the central server.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This Note: tutorial
from Managed Objects
networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network managed
managementobjects in acomponents,
software MIB should IP berouting,
Openviewand marked
Network Node
for easy
Manager, NMS inclusion in an NMS. These
software components, among MIB
otherobjects reflect the
key techniques and core
tools management
for managing
large features supported by a host NEs, and ease of inclusion facilitates importing
network systems.
new NEs into existing managed networks. (This point was made in the
[ Team LiB ]
If the mandatory objects are marked (or tagged), then this can also facilitate
automatic parsing. A sample marking could be a simple MIB comment like "--
M" placed just before the mandatory object with "--/M" just after it. Coupled
with default object values, this serves to improve the device manageability.
TheMPLS MIBs already include this with MODULE-COMPLIANCE clauses. RFC
2580 provides useful SMIv2 conformance guidelines; for example, related
objects can be indicated using the OBJECT-GROUP macro.
It was mentioned in Chapter 1, "Large Enterprise Networks," that not all NEs deployed in a
network will necessarily host the same firmware version. In some cases, later firmware
revisions may require extra memory or even special-purpose hardware. This reflects the
ongoing problem of feature cram as NEs become more complex. Denser NEs require more
RAM, flash, and more powerful processors to support higher levels of intelligence. So, it is a
fact of life that a given network operator may not have a common firmware revision on all its
NEs. Since the MIB set is generally compiled into the executable firmware image, it follows
that there may then be numerous versions of the same MIB deployed in the network. This
adds up to a broader range of managed network objects. The NMS must be able to support
all deployed MIB versions. Providing this support can be difficult, particularly when (as is
often the case) there exist substantial differences between the various MIB versions. MIB
authors (and implementers) can greatly reduce the burden on NMS developers and users by
following guidelines such as those in RFC 2578. Examples of the latter include the
DESCRIPTION clause and not using reserved keywords (some MIB compilers may not
Team LiBabout
] reserved keywords),
Where entire MIBs have been deprecated or the associated managed objects are no longer in
use, it is useful to be able to retire them from the NMS. This helps to free up resources and
can take the form of unloading the relevant MIB files—the reverse process of manually
loading MIB files.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
MPLS Support
MPLS operates at the network level; that is, the managed objects relevant to MPLS involve
more than one node. MPLS nodes have a number of managed objects, the status of which can
change over time:
Routing protocols, such as OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP4, can be operational or disabled.
• Table of Contents
Signaling protocols, such as RSVP-TE and LDP, can be operational or disabled.
• Index
Network Management,
Forwarding MIBs
table and MPLS:
entries canPrinciples,
be activeDesign and Implementation
or inactive.
ByStephen B. Morris
LSPs can be up or down.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
All of these are highly relevant to managing MPLS; for example, LSPs may span any number
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
of MPLS nodes and can be built using EROs, resource blocks, and cross-connects. Providing
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
MPLS support requires software for managing these and other objects.
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large MPLSsystems.
Team LiB ] no special support for MPLS but can be extended to use the appropriate MIBs.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Policy Support
Chapter 3 introduced PBNM in the context of automatic traffic engineering and explained
some of its advantages. In general network management terms, policies can be used to
automatically solve recurring problems, such as certain types of failures or other important
events. A simple example is traffic thresholds. The user can set a threshold on an interface
for the number of packets received. If the threshold is exceeded, then a notification is
generated and the NMS can divert some of the traffic. A simple rule is defined to achieve this
based on the setting and crossing of a traffic threshold.
• Table of Contents
NNM Policy
• IndexSupport
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Apart B. some
from Morris
fairly basic policies (such as issuing emails in response to certain events),
NNM requires third-party products to implement policy handling. Policy-based applications
provide features such as
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Application prioritization, that is, certain key applications are assigned a specified level
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
of service
Pages: 416
according to business priority.
Service-level mappings, such as those provided by technologies like IEEE 802.1p and IP
Network Management,
DiffServ, MIBstoand
can be used MPLS:
deliver Principles,
consistent Design
quality of and Implementation
service is the
across the network.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
User-based frompolicies
security networking expert
similar Stephen
to the Morris
user-based delivers
security clearof
model and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
networkLDAP, SNMP, and
management so on. components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
An example
large network of systems.
a third-party application providing such features is Avaya CajunRules Policy
Manager. We mention this product for reference only in order to assist further research into
[this important
Team LiB ] area.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Reliability Features
System reliability is an estimate of the probability of failure. There are a number of ways of
improving reliability using backup facilities. In the case of NMS, this can take the form of
protecting the central database. Failure of the database is usually fatal, and for this reason,
many database vendors provide a failover capability. The user can deploy a backup version of
the database that runs in parallel with the primary system. Failure of the primary results in a
full switchover to the secondary.
NNM Reliability
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
NNM collection stations can be configured to failover to remote management stations. This
allows forB.continuous
Morris monitoring of the network.
[ Team LiB ]
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Data export of network topology/inventory data for business asset analysis— for
leaseback arrangements, departmental billing, and so on.
• Table of Contents
Data export to software-based modeling packages— traffic analysis, network design,
• Index
and capacity planning.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen generation—
B. Morris trouble tickets, audible/visual, email, mobile telephony text
message, pager, phone, and so on.
Publisher: analysis—
Addison Wesley the number of packets, frames, and cells transported in a given
period by a node,
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 interface, link, or connection.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Billing— reports generated using call detail records and other data, such as connection
Pages: 416
type, class of service, and bandwidth consumed.
Security— distribution of keys, user account names and passwords, digital certificates,
encryption settings, authentication, and so on.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide tounsignaled
managing virtual connections, such
and troubleshooting as ATMand
enterprise PVCs, require
service manual
provider (or
This in-depth creation.
tutorial from A workflow
networking expert system
Stephenexternal to the NMS
Morris delivers may
clear andprovide
instruction bynetworking
handling task
MIBs, SNMP,tracking,
MPLS, and
and completion.
much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Business asset
Manager, NMS analysis
softwarecan be used for
components, depreciation
among studies,
other key lifecycle
techniques andmanagement, and
tools for managing
department billing.
large network systems. NEs are expensive items that need to be recorded, managed, and
maintained from initial deployment through decommissioning. Issues like upgrade and
Team LiB ] have an important bearing on the network operator.
Specialized software applications can be used to carry out offline traffic analysis. A snapshot
of the discovered topology can be exported into a modeling package, and the user can
execute what-if scenarios, for example, increasing the bandwidth on a given link. The effects
of any such changes can be viewed offline before making a change in the network. Modeling
packages may also allow new topology details to be exported back into the NMS.
Alarms generated by the network can be routed via the NMS to trouble ticket applications.
This allows for recording and directing any remedial work required to clear the fault. Another
method of alarm annunciation is the simple audible variety, such as sounding a bell or a
computer speaker. Visual indication can be a GUI topology object color change. Routing a
message to an email recipient (or a short text message to a mobile phone or pager) can be
used to indicate text-based fault indication. It is even feasible that a voice phone call could be
initiated by the NMS to indicate a particularly serious fault.
[ Team LiB ] technologies
Mediation software can process PDRs to produce data ready for export to reporting. This is
similar to billing. Billing is already a critical SP business requirement, particularly as IP
service billing becomes increasingly important [IPDR-ORG]. Enterprises also need billing as
SLAs become more common.
Many NEs generate call detail records (CDR) that are preprocessed by mediation software
prior to export to billing. The raw NE data blocks in Figure 5-1 are generally CDRs and/or
Security is an issue of grave concern to the owners and operators of all large networks. The
distributed nature of managed networks provides possible targets for attack:
The B.
ByStephen network
Morris joining the NEs and the NMS can be broken or spied upon.
The data passing between the network and the NMS can be stolen, modified, or
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Security is required at all levels of a managed network, and this may require additional
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
specialized software, such as directories for secure storage of relevant data.
Pages: 416
Networks generally do not remain static, and changes need to be applied in a controlled
manner. Workflow systems can help achieve this by tracking and managing the tasks
required for running a network. This is discussed in more detail later in the chapter.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
NNM Integration
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Many third-party
Manager, applications
NMS software can be integrated
components, among otherintokey
NNM: This is one
techniques andoftools
its great strengths.
for managing
This includes Microsoft
large network systems. Systems Management Server (SMS), which can be launched via the
pull-down NNM menus. The reason for integrating applications in this way is to assist in
Team operational
LiB ] problems. Clearly, it is a matter for the network operator to decide if such
close integration is required. For example, if an enterprise application starts to misbehave by
continuously sending out network messages (e.g., an NMS auto-discovery application), then
the operator could locate the offending machine and then launch SMS to remotely remove the
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The facility of adding software to an NMS can greatly extend its usefulness. This can include
anything from MPLS/ATM/SONET provisioning to special-purpose NE monitoring. Open source
NMS are a relatively new phenomenon and represent what might be called the ultimate in
end-user configurability—actually changing the base software itself. Network management
requirements are unique to every network, so programmability is an important addition.
NNM Programmability
• Table of Contents
• Index
NNM allows for user-software to be added to enhance the base functions. Examples of this
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
can be in any of the FCAPS areas. NNM allows for geographical map-level integration
ByStephen itself
between B. Morris
and third-party applications. In this, a user can select an NNM map node (such
as a router) and launch third-party software to carry out operations on that device. This can
include reporting, alarm and event processing, and other applications. The merit of the
Publisher: Addison
integration Wesley added to NNM and the ease with which the third-party software can
is the value
be accessed from
Pub Date: June 20,the
2003operational context.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
NE deployment,
Publisher: upgrades,
Addison Wesley management, and (proactive) support.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Trouble ticket-based (reactive) workflows; typically, an NE breaks or needs service
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
(e.g., a VLAN link becomes congested), and an IT engineer fixes it in conjunction with
Pages: 416
details entered in the trouble ticketing system. The lifecycle of the problem is recorded
in the ticketing system. Using an NMS helps in recording the details of the repair work.
PABXs/soft switches
The types of issues that crop up in managing enterprise networks with devices like these are:
Performance analysis
An enterprise uses its network to carry out its day-to-day activities rather than as a means of
generating revenue. However, network downtime can be very costly. Also costly is the
maintenance of multiple incompatible management systems. Consolidation of these is a
useful enterprise network management goal.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Applications of NMS
Increasingly, NMS are required to assist in rapidly bringing up, keeping up, and downing
large networks. One application of this is when a network is rebalanced after a significant
hardware addition occurs, such as a new multiservice switch. The operator wants to execute
this as smoothly as possible, and this may involve:
Managing VLANs
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
NE configuration details
• Table of Contents
• Index details
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen details
B. Morris
Security settings
Publisher: Addison Wesley
NE Faults
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
The merit of this is that all such device-resident data is completely up to date because it
exists Pages:
in the416network. The problem with retrieving this data is that there is so much of it.
Getting the requisite data from the network for processing by an NMS requires expensive and
possibly lengthy device retrievals. As we've seen, most NMS struggle to close the gap
between their snapshot of the network and the real picture.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
When dataguide
definitive is discovered fromand
to managing thetroubleshooting
network, it is important that
enterprise andit service
is accurately reflected
provider in the
This This cantutorial
lead tofrom
anomalous results
networking whenStephen
expert NEs support multiple
Morris deliverspersonalities, such as for
clear and concise
instruction on discussed
networkingearlier, SIN provides
with MIBs, support
SNMP, MPLS, andfor bothmore.
much MPLS Coverage
and ATM at port level on
the same network
SNMPv3, NE. Should this node be
management described
software as an MPLS
components, IPor an ATMHP
routing, entity? Whatever
Openview solution
Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managingthe
is found, the NMS should respect the data stored in the network, because in this context,
large is the systems.
network true database.
[[ Team
Team LiB
LiB ]]
[ Team LiB ]
The network boundary problem is also seen in multiservice networks that contain numerous
clouds of different technologies, including:
• Table of Contents
• Index
ATM switches
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. switches
One last point about this is that even when the boundary has been carefully and correctly
Network the traffic introduced
Management, MIBs and MPLS:by network management
Principles, may
Design and be too high.[1]is
Implementation Inthe
this case,
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and suit
it is important to be able to pace the management operations to the provider
service availablenetworks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
[1] This is a little like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. By managing a network, its characteristics are
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
modified. Each action that pushes data into the network instantaneously reduces the bandwidth and
SNMPv3, network
changes the dynamicsmanagement software
of the affected NEs. components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
[ Team network
LiB ] systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The theory and practice of network management are separate and distinct. Effective network
management requires a broad range of software tools. Two approaches can be taken: Build
one all-encompassing system or divide and conquer via a number of packages. The latter is
the philosophy adopted in NNM and reflects the fact that computing power is increasingly
inexpensive. Specialized software can be employed for areas such as mediation, billing, and
performance analysis. The cost of ownership and development can be significantly lowered by
the use of standard COTS packages. Java-based software can facilitate the use of standard
browsers for (thin client-based) network management. Discovery, mapping, and monitoring
are often inextricably
• interwoven, and along with fault management, these are the big
Table of Contents
• from the
Index network. They are the means by which the NMS attempts to keep pace
with changes
Network in the MIBs
Management, network.
and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Minimizing the gap between the network situation and that perceived by the NMS is crucial
and provides a baseline for defining the quality of a given NMS. Provisioning both writes to
and reads from the network as it executes the user's commands. Fault management can
Publisher: Addison Wesley
perhaps be considered the most crucial of all NMS facilities. The workflows associated with
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
enterprise and SP networks share some similarities, but the financial cost of downtime may
be moreISBN: 0-13-101113-8
keenly felt in the latter. We briefly explored the reasons why it is often said that the
network is the
Pages: 416 database. All NMS have a boundary, particularly those that encompass more
than one service or technology.
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Server-side components
Publisher: Addison Wesley asynchronous
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 synchronous
Pages: 416
Database access
Network components
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth components
tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, representation, such as
management XML components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Northbound interface (NBI)
large network systems.
This rounds out the theoretical and practical discussion of NMS in preparation for the case
[ Team LiB ]
study in Chapter 8, "Case Study: MPLS Network Management." Some of the above are
illustrated in Figure 6-1; the rest are described later in the chapter.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The out-of-band channel is noteworthy because it allows for network management traffic to
Network Management,
use a separate channel MIBs
from and MPLS:
the one Principles,
used for data Design and Implementation
(conceptually is thesignaling
similar to the way
definitive guide to
is implemented managing
in SS7 and troubleshooting
networks). This helps avoidenterprise and service
the twin problems of: provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network
Network management
management software
traffic causingcomponents,
congestion inIPthe
routing, HPnetwork
service Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large Service
networktraffic congestion starving off the management channel
Team components
LiB ] are the prime movers or workhorses in an NMS, performing the bulk of
the workload. Typical servers provide the following functions:
Issuing provisioning operations, such as writing to agent MIBs (inserting table entries,
updating/deleting existing objects)
All of these server-side functions can result in database access. The database forms the glue
that ties together the major components of:
[ Team LiB ]
Thin clients tend not to use the database directly and instead rely on the servers to manage
the database, for example,
As we saw in previous chapters, thin clients can be based on standard Web browsers. Since
there can be many such clients (potentially hundreds for large networks), where to carry out
the bulk of the processing is an important design decision. If the principal requirement for
client software
• is of
Table fast execution, then as much as possible of the MIB and database access
• be carried
Index out by the client rather than the server. This is a good way of offloading
server capacity,
Network Management, butMIBs
it does
and require more secure
MPLS: Principles, Designclients. Similarly, if the client software is
and Implementation
required to be simple and intuitive to use, then it should be designed to be as generic as
ByStephen B. Morris
possible. Generic software hides complex network data as much as possible and presents
simple visual objects providing default values where appropriate. An example of this is
terminal-server interface configuration (mentioned in passing in Chapter 1, "Large Enterprise
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Networks"), as illustrated in Figure 6-2.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Figure 6-2. Terminal-server interface management.
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large networkthe
Let's assume systems.
user wants to access the text-based menu system provided by the digital
cross-connect on a remote site. A digital cross-connect is a device that allows incoming TDM
Team LiBto]be groomed into higher or lower bandwidth circuits. Figure 6-2 illustrates an
incoming T3 out of which a T1 and two concatenated T1s are extracted and transmitted
onward in another direction. In this example, the digital cross-connect is a legacy NE that
provides a simple serial interface for management using a text menu system rather than
SNMP. It can be reached via modem X connected to Interface A on the local terminal server.
The user connects to Interface A using telnet and can then start sending commands to
modem X, for instance, dialing out to modem Y. However, before Interface A can be used, it
must be configured. Some terminal servers allow the use of SNMP to set and get the
configuration of their serial interfaces. So, let's assume the user wants to configure Interface
A. Typically, this involves setting the MIB object values for:
Bit rate
To facilitate this, the NMS should present the user with a dialog that is as generic as possible
and provides defaults for most of the above objects. The user can then apply the required
[changes and
Team LiB ] set the appropriate row in the terminal server agent MIB. If other interface
types (beyond the serial variety) are set using the NMS, then the software should try to make
them all look as similar as possible. This example also illustrates the way a flexible NMS, by
incorporating extra infrastructure like terminal servers, can add value to (and extend the
lifespan of) NEs that do not themselves host facilities like SNMP agents.
Middleware components provide a convenient means by which clients can communicate with
server software. CORBA-based products are an example of middleware technology, though
there are others, such as Java RMI, RPC, and even Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Very
often, client software may consist of Web browser-based Java applets. This approach
leverages desktop COTS software (i.e., browsers) and the Java programming language. On
the other hand, client software may consist of full-featured C/C++ standalone applications.
We now start the discussion of the FCAPS server components with the Fault Server.
• Table of Contents
[ Team LiB ]Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Fault Server
The purpose of the Fault Server is to process NE notifications. It faces into the network and
seeks to maintain parity between the NMS picture of network faults and the real situation in
the network. In many ways this is the most critical element of an NMS because it ultimately
determines if real problems exist. A Fault Server will generally provide the following features:
Database update takes the form of either inserting a new record or updating an existing
record in a fault table. Updating registered clients consists of ensuring that the new fault is
propagated to any users viewing network faults. This can take the form of a topology section
changing color and/or a new entry appearing in a fault listing. This is illustrated in Figure 6-3
with a combined topology view and a fault listing. As faults occur on the network, they
appear in the listing window and in the topology view. Some systems may also provide a
geographical map background for the topology.
• Table of Contents
• Index
As we've observed before, the faster the latter occurs, the better. This last task can be
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
nontrivial (involving temporarily locking out some database changes) if many clients are
By B. Morris
Figure 6-4 illustrates a possible Fault Server with its constituent software components.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
SNMPv1 traps
SNMPv3 notifications
Incoming messages pass into the SNMP stack, which listens on port 162 for all such
messages. Once received, messages are processed by the stack and passed upwards into the
Fault Server. If the fault is new—for example, if it indicates that LSP x has become
operational—then a new entry is inserted in the fault table to this effect. Other affected tables
Teamalso be] updated at this point, in this case, the LSP table, as illustrated in Figure 6-4.
Alternatively, a message could be sent to the monitoring server (described later) expediting
rediscovery of LSP x. If the LSP has become operational, then it is ready to receive IP
traffic—this can be communicated to an external application that wishes to send IP traffic.
Alternatively, once the LSP is operational, the IP traffic may start to flow across it
immediately with no need for external communication. So, the simple case of an LSP
becoming operational can result in IP traffic landing at our MPLS network boundary. This in
turn can result in the sender being billed for the MPLS resources used.
The preceding discussion again shows the way the different areas of network management
are often inextricably interwoven. All of our examples are carefully chosen to illustrate simple
network changes and the aftereffects; real networks may present hundreds of distributed
changes occurring in quick succession. The NMS in general struggles to keep up. One
additional point about this is that a change in LSP operating status from down to up is
perhaps not exactly a "fault"; it is more of an event. For this discussion, we assume that
faults and events
• are
Table of treated essentially in the same way even though in practice this is likely
not to be theIndex
• case.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Two other items in Figure 6-4 relate to fault and duplicate suppression. During certain
ByStephen B. Morris
periods of reconfiguration or fault, the operator may wish to inhibit processing of
notifications. This is in order to avoid overwhelming the NMS or filling up database fault
tables. Also, if a given fault is recurring at an unreasonable rate—for instance, a given pair of
Publisher: Addison Wesley
link up/down notifications—then it may be desirable to not process (i.e., to suppress) the
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
faults until the problem is resolved.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Another class
Pages: 416of fault is the paired variety in which only two states are possible, such as a
power supply that is either outside or inside its allowed operating temperature range. If a
fault occurs to indicate that a power supply has exceeded its allowed temperature range,
then when the device returns to the normal operating range, a second fault should be issued.
This second
Network fault shouldMIBs
Management, clearand
first one—there
Principles, should
Design not
andbe two unrelated faults.
Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Fault Server on networking
Database with Tables
MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Basic fault storage can take the form of one or more relational tables keyed by node ID
large network systems.
(unique number attached to every node in the NMS). Examples of columns in a fault table
Team LiB ]
Origin: The originating NE (processor, card, fabric, etc.) for the fault
Status: Active, cleared, acknowledged (the user knows about the fault but has not
cleared it)
Color: Red for active, blue for acknowledged, green for clear
As described in the previous section, rows containing all of the above columns are created or
updated as incoming faults are processed.
Topology Update
Clients looking at faults generally want to see new notifications propagated into their views
as quickly as possible. As mentioned earlier, there are many ways of achieving this:
Java RMI
• RPC Table of Contents
• Index
Network update
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
In order to use a CORBA-based solution, the Fault Server can simply alert registered clients
by calling an appropriate remote object method. The topology update object can reside on
each registered
Publisher: client
Addison and provide a method (or function call) called by the Fault Server to
indicate the arrival of new faults. The client can then synchronize with the database for the
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
new faults. It is even possible for the faults to be provided as parameters in the object
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
method. Similar facilities can be provided using J2EE if, as may be the case with CORBA-
Pages: 416
based systems, there is no need to bridge different programming languages and
environments. Java RMI and RPC provide a lower level interface for achieving remote
synchronization. Alternatively, the clients can be relied upon to regularly poll the database
for newly updated and inserted faults.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
[ Team LiB
definitive ]
guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Configuration Server
The purpose of the Configuration Server is to execute client-initiated directives made against
NEs. Like the Fault Server, it also faces into the network but operates in a less open-ended
way because it is not required to process asynchronous NE-originated notifications. However,
the complexity of the Configuration Server lies in the way it can both write to and read from
the network. As we'll see, the bidirectional nature of this SNMP traffic puts additional
demands on the Configuration Server software.
Many NMS do not provide a configuration feature and instead restrict their baseline functions
to fault management
• and discovery. A full-featured NMS will include a Configuration Server
Table of Contents
• a key component.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Let's assume that a client user creates an LSP as was shown in Chapter 2, "SNMPv3 and
ByStephen Management,"
Network B. Morris Figure 2-7. As we've seen, this involves the creation of an entry in
the MPLS tunnel table (Figure 2-5). Depending on the type of LSP, this may require other
tables to be updated as well, but for simplicity let's assume that the LSP is:
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management,
We also assume that noMIBs and
route MPLS:
object Principles,
is needed Design
because and
the Implementation
ingress is the
LER computes the
definitive guideSo,
required path. to managing and troubleshooting
the NMS must create a new rowenterprise
in the LER1andMIB
MPLSprovider networks.
tunnel table. The
user in-depth
specifies tutorial from data
the required networking
for thisexpert
row, asStephen
shown Morris
in Tabledelivers
6-1. clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Table 6-1. LSP Configuration Data
[ Team LiB ]
LER1 LER2 LDP Best-effort None
This data is written to the database and submitted to the Configuration Server as a type of
job, and from there it must be translated into a form suitable for the MIB of LER1. The
Configuration Server must therefore translate the Table 6-1 items into one or more SNMP
setRequest messages. One possible structure for a Configuration Server is illustrated in
Figure 6-5.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Secure User
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Since the end user can access NE data, it is essential that security is in place. This may be
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
required if many users can remotely connect to the Configuration Server. For SNMPv1/v2c,
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
the security amounts to read and write community strings. For secure SNMP operations
(version 3),416
the user may be required to supply security credentials (authentication and
encryption) if these are not automatically supplied by the NMS. For SNMPv3, the security
settings can be:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
No authentication
definitive and no
guide to managing encryption
and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Authentication and no encryption
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Authentication and encryption
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
If authentication, encryption, or both are specified, then the client user may be requested to
supply corresponding passwords. In addition, if authentication has been specified, then it is
[ Team LiB ]
necessary to indicate the required authentication protocol: MD5 or SHA1.
The user may also be required to specify the SNMP timeout value (e.g., 5 seconds), the
number of retries, and the port numbers to use (normally 161 for sets/gets and 162 for
Securing the user (i.e., ensuring that the user has security clearance to execute the required
operations) can be achieved in two steps:
The NMS imposes security against the client requests (i.e., user name, passwords, etc.).
The NEs impose SNMP security against the data sent by the NMS.
After this, the network has been secured against an insecure user.
Trace Files
During software development, trace files are an indispensable means of tracking software
execution paths. They can help in locating problems such as:
[ Team LiB ] bugs
SNMP timeouts, such as a third-party NE that has a slightly slow (or heavily loaded)
Bad values in MIB operations, such as trying to write an illegal value to a MIB object
It is very useful to be able to switch tracing facilities on and off even in deployed systems.
ByStephen B. Morris
MPLS LSPs (signaled and unsignaled)
FR cross
Publisher: connections
Addison Wesley into an MPLS core
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
SONET paths
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
The user is 416
Pages: allowed to select the endpoints for the connection, resources needed, and the
route to take, and this data is then written to the database. In this way, there is a complete
logical separation between the GUI and the provisioning backend (described next).
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing
Create Network Objects and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Once the requisite connection objects have been stored in the database, they must be written
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
to the network. For signaled connections (ATM or MPLS), this may require just writing to the
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
MIB of the originating node. This is relatively simple. For unsignaled connections (e.g., ATM
large network systems.
PVX), the provisioning code may have to write data to each node in the path. This is a more
[complex exercise,
Team LiB ] particularly if errors occur. The latter raises difficult questions: Should the
entire operation be aborted and rolled back, or should the partial data be left on the network
and the user notified? One approach is to leave the network clean (roll back any MIB sets if
all operations do not succeed) and flag the problem to the user visually and in a log file.
Topology Update
As for the Fault Server, many configuration changes will be of interest to clients, and again it
may be necessary for a topology update to occur after important changes such as:
These changes are made in the central database and then applied to the network. Any
registered, viewing clients will subsequently see the changes reflected in their topology GUI.
Generic connection tables: These contain data relevant to all connection types keyed by
index value or origination/destination node IDs.
Operations log tables: These are for recording all configuration changes.
Operations result log tables: These are for recording all configuration change results.
The generic connection tables may be split into a number of technology-specific sub-tables.
Common elements of all connection types (e.g., source and destination nodes, resources
used) can beTable
• stored in one table, while the technology-specific settings are stored in other
of Contents
These tables
are updated as configuration changes occur.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Configuration Server MIB Support
Since the Configuration
Publisher: Addison Wesley Server interacts directly with NE MIBs, it must support possibly many
Pub Date: June 20,of
versions the same MIB and a variety of other MIBs. This should be transparent to
the end user.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Issues such as MIB holes should also be handled as transparently as possible. A MIB hole
occurs when a given column in a table has no value, as illustrated in the extract from the
MPLS tunnel table shown in Table 6-2.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
on networking with MIBs,
6-2. MPLS SNMP,Table
Tunnel MPLS, and much with
Extract more. Coverage
a MIB Holeincludes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
MPLS systems.
large network MPLS MPLS MPLS
[ Team LiB ]
1 3 0 0
2 2 1
3 1 5 7
Before we describe the MIB hole, let's briefly review the way MIB object instances are
accessed. Scalar objects have only a single instance value within a MIB. The object instance
of a scalar is distinguished from the underlying object type by appending a zero to the OID.
MIB table object instances, however, are accessed by appending the index value.
The columns in Table 6-2 are referenced by using a notation made up of the value of the
mplsTunnelIndex and the column name; for example, mplsTunnelSignallingProto.3 has
the value 1. We'll see more of this type of indexing in Chapter 8.
The shaded entry in Table 6-2 is a MIB hole. A get-next request on the object
mplsTunnelSetupPrio.1 will return the value 5, that is, the value of
mplsTunnelSetupPrio.3. If the request is part of an NMS NE MIB query, then this may not
be what was intended. It is up to the NMS software to either return, say, –1 or to give some
indication that a hole was found. Also, a get request on mplsTunnelSetupPrio.2 will result
in a No Such Name exception. Holes can cause similar problems when trying to perform row-
based operations.
The details of avoiding problems with MIB holes and retrying failed operations (e.g., due to
LiB ] are all buried in the Configuration Server software. Keeping clear (layered)
lines of demarcation between the various technologies helps to maintain a degree of
simplicity in the software. In other words, it is generally a good idea to keep issues relating
to SNMP access out of application code. This helps reduce clutter in the latter by isolating
complexities such as retries in the event of timeouts or other exceptions. A clean API into the
SNMP access code can help fulfill this need.
• Table of Contents
Supporting many clients:This may give rise to multiple simultaneous NE operations. Not
• Index
all NEs support multithreading, so the NMS may have to implement queuing.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Supporting many MIBs and different versions of the same MIB.
Keeping the different technologies separate—SNMP access code, database access code,
Publisher: code,and so on. SNMP access code makes calls into an SNMP API (e.g.,
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: Visual
June 20,C++)
2003 that ultimately results in sending messages to and receiving
messages from NEs. Database access code makes calls into a database API (e.g., Java
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
JDBC). Provisioning
Pages: 416 code is concerned with the reading and writing of data to and from
NEs. All three of these layers tend to have interactions, so clear separation is important
(using APIs) to cater for software upgrades (e.g., SNMPv1 upgraded to SNMPv3).
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Accounting Server
Accounting and performance software share a number of similarities. The Accounting Server
faces into the network and receives data records periodically generated by NEs. Often, the
data records are emitted based on a preconfigured time. It is also possible for an Accounting
Server to poll MIBs for specific data. Ultimately, accounting data is concerned with billing
users for network resource consumption. As usual, our discussion concerns connection-
oriented resources, such as:
virtual circuits
of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By forB.connection-oriented
Stephen Morris networks can present a number of difficulties, such as when a
connection is rerouted because of a path failure. The original connection is automatically torn
down, and a new one is created to replace it (hopefully not losing any data). The Accounting
Server mustAddison
Publisher: recognize
Wesleythat a new connection is in place and ensure that the billing details for
connections are aggregated. Similar issues affect multicast connections, such as a point-
Date: June 20, 2003
to-multipoint video transmission
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 network—a multiparty connection with billed clients
potentially at
Pages: 416each endpoint.
There is no reason why users can't be billed for the use of other objects such as:
routers MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Traffic landed
This in-depth onfrom
tutorial SP router ingress
networking interfaces
expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Nodes from
SNMPv3, some vendors
network generate
management call detail
software records (CDR),
components, as illustrated
IP routing, in Figure
HP Openview 6-6.Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Figure 6-6. Accounting Server components.
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Figure 6-6 illustrates a managed network with one LSP. Let's assume that the LSP traverses
five NEs, each of which generates associated CDRs that pass into mediation. Typical details
Team LiBin] CDRs are:
Correlation ID: unique large integer for tying together the connection segments
Ingress node
Ingress interface
Egress node
• Table of Contents
• Egress Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Cells/packets/frames received, transported, and dropped
ByStephen B. Morris
Class of service
purposeAddison Wesley
of this data is to characterize the network resource consumption made by the
Pub Date: connections.
underlying June 20, 2003 If the nodes do not generate such accounting data automatically,
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Mediation ison networking
the process ofwith MIBs, SNMP,
analyzing the rawMPLS, and much by
data generated more.
to produce includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
format billing details for downstream use by third-party applications (from organizations
Manager, NMS software
such as ACE*COMM). components,
It is among
not necessary other
to use key techniques
standard formats ifand
the tools
billingfor managingis
large network
proprietary. systems.standard formats have the merit of allowing different third-party
applications to be swapped in as required. Mediation may contain two additional steps:
[ Team LiB ]
aggregation and correlation (described next).
This is the process by which separate CDRs are combined. An example is an ATM PVC that
spans a number of NEs (or the rerouted connection example described above). A given virtual
circuit has certain performance parameters of interest:
Number of cells transported per second (if the circuit is an ATM connection)
Aggregation merges related data records so that they are tied to one billing entity, such as
an LSP or an ATM connection.
Team LiB ]
Correlation is the process of combining multiple units of aggregated data with the details of
the ultimate bill recipient, that is, one customer. Let's take an example of an enterprise that
has a 5Mbps ATM link to a service provider with one virtual circuit joining the enterprise's
CPE to the SP network. Aggregate data on this circuit is collected across the network and
then correlated with the associated enterprise user for billing. This can support usage-based
billing rather than a flat-rate model. In the usage-based model, the committed traffic dictates
the price.
Clearly, aggregation and correlation may be performed in a single step, but we separate
them here for clarity. The billing elements can be details such as:
of cells sent to or received from the SP network
of Contents
• Index
Bandwidth used in transporting the data across the ATM link
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By reflect
Stephen a pay-as-you-go
B. Morris billing model. Correlated data can be saved into the database
in readiness for reporting and bill generation.
Network of objects,
Management, MIBssuch
andas LSPs Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
The average
This in-depth andfrom
tutorial peaknetworking
numbers ofexpert
IP packets transported
Stephen by the clear
Morris delivers LSP and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
The network
SNMPv3, bandwidth consumed software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Reports may be viewed by the network operator and may be accessible to customers via the
large network systems.
Web. Actual bills can be based on report content.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Performance Server
The purpose of the Performance Server is to analyze network data in order to:
ByStephen B. Morris
The Performance Server faces into the network and receives asynchronously generated NE
data. It can also proactively retrieve from MIBs data such as the level of bandwidth
consumption. Performance
Publisher: Addison Wesley data, for example, the number of IP packets received by an LER,
may change very rapidly. For this reason, performance data is often automatically generated
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
and emitted by NEs rather than being polled. The number of IP packets landing at an MPLS
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
LER ingress interface may be hundreds of thousands per second. For data such as this, the
Pages: 416
NE generally periodically creates a data record and emits it to a listening application (in this
case, the Performance Server).
In this discussion, we focus on the data issued by the NEs and the way this is processed and
used by the
Network Performance
Management, Server.
MIBs Also, SLAs
and MPLS: are introduced.
Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This 6-7 illustrates
in-depth tutorial a possible
from structure
networking for aStephen
expert Performance
delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network Figure 6-7. software
management Performance Server
components, components.
IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
We introduced mediation in this chapter and the previous one in the context of billing. It is a
process of analyzing the raw data generated by NEs to produce standard format billing
Team LiBMediation
] can also be applied to performance data to produce sanitized details for
downstream use by third-party applications.
This is the process by which separate performance data records are combined. An example is
an ATM SPVCC that spans a number of NEs. A given virtual circuit has certain performance
parameters of interest:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
Multiservice cross connections—Ethernet-to-MPLS, FR over ATM, and so on
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depthlogically
Aggregation tutorial joins
from up
networking expert
the separate Stephen Morris
performance data delivers
records soclear and
that theconcise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
managed objects can be analyzed. An example is a count of all the cells transmitted includes
by an
SNMPv3, network
ATM interface; management
at time software
T1 the number components,
of cells IPand
may be x, routing,
later HP Openview
at time T2 theNetwork
cells may beNMSx+ software components,
y. Aggregation links among
this dataother key techniques
together and storesand
it. tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
The aggregated data is then correlated with the associated managed objects in readiness for
reporting. Examples of correlated data are (for a single customer):
These data should help give a clear picture of the performance of the underlying objects.
Reports are the means by which end users can view the performance details. Examples of
reports are:
[ Team LiB ] of managed objects, such as interfaces, links, nodes, and virtual circuits
Reports may be viewed by the network operator and may be accessible to customers via the
Web. Important aspects of performance reports are:
• Table of are
Baseline measures Contents
essential for effective performance management. This is a set of
• Index
readings taken from the network during normal operation. As the network changes—for
Network due to linkMIBs
Management, failure, variations
and MPLS: in traffic
Principles, Designmix, or increased traffic—the
and Implementation baseline
ByStephen with it. The
B. Morris extent of the deviation is important for planning changes or additions to
the network. It may also help to pinpoint problems before they become service-affecting.
Pub Alerts
Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
It is very 416
important for enterprises to avoid violating SLA terms because there may be
financial penalties—particularly when the network management processes have been
outsourced. SLA alerts can be issued based on ongoing analysis of trends in an effort to pre-
empt violations before they actually occur. An example SLA is illustrated in Table 6-3.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Table 6-3.
SNMPv3, network management software An IPIPSLA
components, routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Source IP Address
Team LiB ]
Port 444
Jitter No
Round Trip Delay 30ms
This SLA indicates that IP traffic from port 444 will land in the SP network on a
10Mbps link destined for port 445. The interpacket arrival time is specified to be
no more than 1 millisecond with no packets arriving out of order. A tunneling technology such
as MPLS or L2TP could be employed to achieve the latter. An SLA alert might be raised in the
Performance Server if the link bandwidth increased up to or beyond 9.9Mbps.
Topology Update
[ Team LiB ]
Performance Server data changes (such as detection of a congested link) will be of interest to
clients, and it may be necessary for a topology update to occur after changes such as the
When a virtual circuit is being presented with excessive traffic—it may be necessary to
add extra bandwidth to the circuit
These are important because, left unattended, they can have a serious impact on the
• Table ofServer
Contents Database Tables
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Performance data can be related to the associated managed object; for example, there can
By separate tables for each of the following:
B. Morris
NodesAddison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Virtual connections
Each of these
Network tables can
Management, haveand
MIBs separate
MPLS: columns forDesign
Principles, the relevant performance data,
and Implementation is thesuch as:
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Number of incoming and outgoing packets, cells, and frames
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network
Bandwidth inmanagement
use software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large SLA
network systems.
rowsLiB ] columns of these tables are populated by the components of the Performance
Server. Alternatively, the other servers can share the above tables.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Security Server
If there is one area of network management that has moved to the very top of the operator's
agenda, it is security. There are many aspects to security provision; for example, IPSec can
be deployed to protect the underlying managed network if all nodes implement it. All
management traffic on such a managed network is then protected. There are other aspects to
securing NMS, and we now study the elements of a Security Server from a number of
Access Table
application: SNMP, telnet, Secure Shell, Web, console (serial port)
of Contents
• Index
Authentication: Password, community string, Kerberos, user-based security, Remote
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Access Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
ByStephen B. Morris
Privilege level: Superuser, Read-only, and User
Publisher: views:
Addison WesleySpecific objects and sources
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Each of the above is described in the following sections. Up to this point we have tacitly
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
assumed that all management interaction with NEs go via the NMS. In many cases this is not
Pages: 416
what may occur in practice as operators use a range of access methods to achieve the
following tasks:
NetworkNE configuration
Management,using MIBs a
andCLIMPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Fault access
This in-depth andfrom
tutorial analysis
networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
These operations
SNMPv3, networkmay be made directly
management softwareon the NEs themselves.
components, There
IP routing, are advantages
HP Openview NetworkandNode
disadvantages to the use of direct NE access. However, it should be noted that
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing there is a
large minimum
network number of steps—such as IP address assignment and SNMP
enabling—needed in order to configure an NE. In most cases, this set of steps has to be
Team LiBdirectly
] on the NE using a serial interface.
Access Applications
Access applications are the software facilities used to gain entry to the NMS. Depending on
the design, the user can gain access either by direct connection to the NEs or via the NMS.
Configuration using a CLI is a quick and generally easy way of bringing up a network.
However, it presents a few security hazards:
On the other hand, configuration carried out via the NMS can be piped to a comprehensive
logging facility. Also, scripts can be maintained in the NMS for subsequent reuse (HP
OpenView NNM provides this). In addition, a good NMS may provide extensive context-
sensitive help or automated assistance to the user.
Secure Shell
The different versions of SNMP provide the means by which an NMS can conveniently access
NE MIB objects. Telnet is a simple method of gaining access to the CLI of a given NE. Secure
Shell provides a secure method of accessing the NE CLI. Web access uses HTTP (or possibly
the secure version of HTTP) for gaining access to a mixed textual and graphical management
interface. Console access is essentially the same as telnet except that connection is made
directly to a Table
• serialofinterface
Contents on the NE. These are typical applications for gaining access to
• and in the
Indexnext section we look at ways in which degrees of security are added to them.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Once the access application has been chosen, some means of authenticating (or checking and
Pub Date: June
authorizing) the20, 2003must be selected. The most basic level of security is none—that is, the
user isISBN:
given unrestricted access. Moving up the security food chain, passwords provide a first
level of protection
Pages: 416 against unauthorized access. The SNMP community string is essentially a
password that has to be supplied in the SNMP messages sent to remote agents. If the
community is not correct, then the message is discarded. SNMPv1/2c community strings are
clear text embedded in SNMP messages sent over the wire. They are open to interception and
Network don't really provide anyMPLS:
MIBs and protection. Kerberos
Principles, provides
Design stronger security
and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service that
mechanisms in the form of a secret key network authentication protocol allows
provider a user to
This using a from
in-depth tutorial DES-encrypted
networkingtelnet session.
expert StephenThe SNMPv3
Morris framework
delivers provides
clear and the
user-based on
instruction security modelwith
networking (USM). This
MIBs, consists
SNMP, of authentication,
MPLS, and much more. privacy, andincludes
Coverage timeliness
(protects network
SNMPv3, against the replaying of
management a captured
software message).
components, IPRADIUS
a client/server protocol
Openview Network for
the authentication of users trying to connect to a system via various access
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing applications.
large network systems.
Team LiB ] Levels
Some security schemes provide different levels of authority to users, such as:
Read-only access allows only MIB gets; user-level allows gets and some sets; superusers
canget and set all appropriate objects.
Permitted Views
It may be required to restrict the set of objects accessible to a given user. Two ways of doing
this are:
An access control list contains the source IP addresses allowed to connect to an NE. This is
similar to the access control lists used in IP routers. Permitted object views specify a subset
of MIB objects accessible to a given NMS user. Both access control lists and permitted object
views are stored on NEs. However, the NMS can either retrieve (or discover) them from NEs
or provision them in the first place.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Other Servers
The FCAPS servers form what may be considered a baseline for NMS products. Some NE and
NMS software vendors tend to add extra servers for product differentiation and to enhance
NE manageability. We now briefly describe some of these.
A Discovery Server exists to keep up with the details of the deployed NEs. Discovery can be
• Table of Contents
considered an extension of our Configuration Server and typically tries to maintain parity
• Index
between the deployed NEs and the NMS. Discovery may keep track of objects such as the
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub and
Date: June 20, underlying
2003 stacks
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Virtual connections
Discovery software can make use of both the management and control planes, for example,
SNMP and IP routing tables.
A Monitoring Server processes managed objects that change value in some fashion; for
example, it monitors interface operational status. This is a facility by which the following can
be achieved:
Typically, discovered objects are subsequently processed by Monitoring. Consider the case of
an LSP initially discovered in the operationally down state. On the next cycle, Monitoring
[detects no change
Team LiB ] in the LSP state. Next, the user sets the administrative status of the LSP
from down to up, and this is written to the MIB of the associated NE. Assuming there are no
problems with the LSP (NEs are configured correctly, connectivity exists, etc.), the
operational state then changes to up. When Monitoring comes around to the node again, it
will note that the state has changed and mark up the associated database entry. In this way,
Discovery can offload some of its processing. This process may be improved by making it
notification-driven. In this, an NE sends a notification, such as a link up: This is processed by
the Fault Server that in turn signals Discovery.
NE Software Distribution
NE software changes must be installed on deployed devices. This can be achieved using a
variety of methods:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Proprietary download mechanisms
Using an NMS
Publisher: Addison Wesley
SomePub NMS
Date: provide a means of distributing NE software. Typically, this can involve a number
June 20, 2003
of steps:
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network traffic around
Management, anyMPLS:
MIBs and nodesPrinciples,
to which downloads
Design andare pending
Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth the transfer
from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Handling rollback if the transfer fails
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Verifying the transfer succeeded
large network systems.
Starting up the new NE software (rebooting, copying the image from FLASH to RAM,
[ Team LiB ]
Once the NE is ready, the transfer can start. Errors—for example, a loss of connectivity or an
image that has become bad and will not allow a successful restart—must be catered to both
during and after a transfer. The latter may require manual intervention. Rollback of the
previous version is important for getting back to a working firmware build. Some NEs may
provide sufficient FLASH to store the old image—this can be deleted if required, or left
onboard. In all cases, the NMS should record the detailed results of the software distribution
operation, for example,
[ Team LiBversion
] of NE software
An important point about this is that an NMS may carry out multiple simultaneous software
distribution operations. This might be required for upgrading a large network, and it makes
the operation quite complex.
• Table of Contents
• Index
NE Configuration Database Backup and Restore
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Just as for firmware distribution, NE configuration data is increasingly important, particularly
as device complexity increases. Some reasons for the importance of backing up configuration
data are: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
New firmware builds may upgrade the configuration, making rollback difficult
Pages: 416
Disaster recovery
[ Team LiB ] where the appropriate configuration data files are located
The guiding principle here is that the NMS should help the operator to quickly and efficiently
execute the task.
Network operators don't like losing data, so when the network management software is
updated, it is important that existing data is retained. In other words, upgrade is an
Team LiBaspect
] of software releases. The NMS software vendor must take great care to
maintain an upgrade path for user data.
Configuring NEs
The increasing complexity of NEs makes their configuration more difficult as technologies are
added and entire networks are compressed into them. An MPLS LER will generally be
connected to a minimum of two technologies: IP and MPLS. It may also be connected to a
number of additional technologies, such as FR, SONET, or dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM). In this example we assume just IP and MPLS. Let's assume that our
LER has incoming links from three high-speed IP routers and outgoing links to two MPLS
LSRs, as shown in Figure 6-8.
• FigureTable
6-8. The problem of configuring multiservice networks.
of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
thesoftware components,
MPLS nodes amongtypically
in this network other key techniques
consists of theand tools for
following managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Assigning the interface IP addresses
These steps may be necessary for each of the MPLS nodes in Figure 6-8.
In many cases, configuration of networks is done using CLI scripts. An NMS can achieve this
relatively easily by the use of software-driven wizards. This applies particularly to the case
where IP addresses are assigned in blocks (as is the case in Figure 6-8). Starting with the
LER, we can assign seed addresses and just decrement in order to calculate the neighbor.
The commands to set up the various protocols and routing objects can also be executed by
the Configuration Server.
Middleware is that part of an NMS that allows communication between the clients and
servers. There is a broad range of software technology choices for achieving this, including
RPC, Java RMI, CORBA, J2EE, and Microsoft .NET.
RPC and RMI allow the realization of simple distributed objects in a fairly low-level fashion.
The developer must understand a lot about the mechanisms in order to use these facilities.
However, they are very powerful. CORBA offers a more abstract interface and allows code in
multiple languages to use a shared set of objects on any platform that has an Object Request
Broker (ORB) available. CORBA provides a migration path—a compelling reason for
• using
Table legacy languages to continue doing so. In other words, CORBA products
of Contents
• help to defer
Index the decision to invest in a new and perhaps relatively unproved technology
such as Management,
Network (possibly) J2EE
MIBsand Microsoft
and MPLS: .NET.Design
Principles, However, for NMS, CORBA may have issues in
and Implementation
getting past firewalls.
ByStephen B. Morris
Data Representation
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
an increasingly
0-13-101113-8widely deployed metalanguage for data representation. It can be used
to encode
Pages: 416 type of data in a platform-independent fashion, including:
Network Management,
Fault MIB objects MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
XML in-depth
is used intutorial from networking
the OpenNMS expert Stephen
product mentioned earlier.Morris
SOAPdelivers clear and
is a relatively newconcise
exchange andon networking with MIBs, based
messaging framework SNMP,on MPLS,
XML and
HTTPCoverage includes
is not a high-
data management software
protocol, but it components,
can be used as an NMS IP routing, HP Openview
client/server transportNetwork
Manager, NMS
also has the software
merit of notcomponents,
being blockedamong other key
by firewalls. It istechniques
likely that and
Simpletools for managing
Object Access
large network
Protocol (SOAP)systems.
will come to have an important bearing on NMS technology, particularly as
the concepts of Web Services permeate the area.
[ Team LiB ]
Northbound Interface
Integration between an OSS and an NMS is facilitated with an NBI [Telcordia]. There are
many possible forms for this software interface:
The importance of the NBI cannot be overstated. It allows for data and commands and
responses to flow between an OSS and the underlying NMS. A fully instrumented NBI allows
an OSS to automate all the exposed major features of the NMS, including:
Somewhat confusingly, the Telcordia Web site refers to the latter as an EMS when in fact it is
generally an NMS because it has a broader context than just one NE (as is the case with an
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Object oriented
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
support field-replaceable packages
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The implementation of NMS software can take the form of servers. These are high-
performance software objects that can support interactions with both external clients and
NEs. It is essential that servers are resilient and designed so that they are unlikely to fail
except in exceptional circumstances. They form the intermediate layer through which end
users can securely communicate with NEs.
We reviewed a variety of such servers that implement the FCAPS areas of network
management. We also discussed other servers, used for tasks such as firmware distribution,
that can enhance
• the
Table of experience of managing networks.
• Index
The need for generic software components is growing with the increasing deployment of
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
dense, multiservice NEs. Generic software attempts to abstract complex NE data as much as
ByStephen and
possible B. Morris
present simple GUIs applicable across a broad range of devices. An example
was briefly described of terminal-server interface configuration, and multiservice switch
configuration was described as well.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Software toJune
Pub Date: implement
20, 2003 the FCAPS areas generally does not consist of standalone, isolated
components. Instead, there is often a need for server interaction; for instance, a faulty link
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
may be of interest
Pages: 416 to the Performance Server because it directly impacts an SLA. All the
servers make use of the high-performance data storage and retrieval services of a central
database engine product such as Oracle or Informix.
On the client side, GUI views are often depicted as network topologies accompanied by fault
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
listings. It is a major challenge for the NMS software to keep these views synchronized with
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
the network. It is always hard to escape from legacy NEs, and for this reason it is often
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
necessary for server components to be SNMP multilingual, that is, able to use any of
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv1/2c/3. Security is an increasingly important aspect of managing networks, and it is
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
essential that NMS accommodate this trend. It is possible that security considerations may
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
even have a bearing on the way networks are configured and commissioned—it may be
large network systems.
required in the future to set up networks only via the NMS rather than via a CLI. Depending
on the implementation, this could:
[ Team LiB ]
Help the operator achieve the configuration task via automatic help facilities
Enhance security
However, the NMS and its underlying host must be secure. The choice of middleware is
important, dictated by needs such as:
XML provides an increasingly popular data facility. The NBI is a crucial component of an NMS
because it allows for automation. Finally, Java offers many advantages, and it is interesting
to note that its use for NMS development is growing. The platform-independent security
model offered as part of Java may be one of the most compelling reasons for its adoption.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The first item of prototype software we look at is a small program called snmpmgr.exe,
Publisher: Addison Wesley
written using the Microsoft Visual C++ V6.0 SNMPv1 API. This program provides the
Pub Date:
following June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Sends a GetRequest/SetRequest to a specified SNMPv1 agent
Network Management,
Performs a walk ofMIBs and MPLS:
a specified agentPrinciples,
MIB table Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
a Trap from networking
PDU from expert
a specified Stephen
SNMPv1 Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
The program
SNMPv3, is written
network so that itsoftware
management can be run from the command
components, line
IP routing, HPwith the user
Openview specifying:
Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
The remote SNMP agent IP address or DNS name
[ Team LiB ]
The remote SNMP agent community name
To receive traps, the user just presents the word TRAP on the program command line. This
registers the program to receive traps from an agent. The agent in question must be
configured to send its traps to the host running the program. The configuration steps will be
The ability to run from the command line allows for the program to be incorporated into a
batch file (i.e., a script file) so that many SNMP-based operations can be executed.
We hope that the source code examples will help to solidify some of the concepts introduced
in the book so far. In order not to restrict the user to a PC (running Microsoft Windows)
platform, we also provide a short sample of similar capability using the Sun Microsystems
JDMK toolkit. Because the latter is built using Java, it has multiplatform capability. A
noteworthy aspect of JDMK is the brevity of the example program.
All source code provided in this chapter is available for download on the Prentice Hall Web
site: [PrenticeHall] in the location provided in the Preface.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
SNMP manager
• Table of Contents
SNMP agents
• Index
We nowManagement,
Network focus on building the
MIBs and barePrinciples,
MPLS: essentials of the
Design andfirst component
Implementation only, the SNMP manager.
By manager
Stephen can
B. Morris target specific SNMP agents on any IP-reachable (and SNMP-reachable)
machine for which the appropriate community rights exist. MIB objects are accessible to the
manager by specifying an OID on the program command line. The program we construct in
section Addison
can beWesley
seen as the first step to producing a more complete NMS. For this reason,
we don't provide a database
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 facility but instead use the program command line as our data
source. Similarly, the data sink is just the console output rather than a GUI or database. The
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
examples use the standard SNMP services provided with the Windows NT/2000 platforms.
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The rights for the community name can be changed from here. If the SNMP Service is not
present, then
Publisher: it can
Addison be added as follows: double-click the Control Panel Network icon and
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 Next, click the Add button, and then scroll down to the SNMP Service
the Services tab.
item. Click OK to add the service—it may be necessary to insert the NT/2000 installation CD.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
On Windows 2000, the Services are accessed by double-clicking the Control Panel
Administrative Tools icon. Double-click the Services icon, then right-click the SNMP Service
and select the Properties option; this allows for the community rights to be set appropriately.
On both NT and Windows 2000, the agent can be configured to send SNMP traps to a
specified Management, MIBsdestination
address. The trap and MPLS: for
Principles, Designshould
our purposes and Implementation is the
be set as the host PC IP
address (orguide
managing and troubleshooting
machine on which the enterprise and service
sample program provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
[ Team LiB on
instruction ] networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
On both of these platforms, the TCP/IP protocol stack was functioning with the SNMP Service
configured. The agent used was one both local to and remote from the host running the
manager. Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
[ Team
B. ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The program snmpmgr.exe was built using Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0. To build the source code, the
simplest method is to search Visual C++ for an SNMP example program called snmputil. Our example
was originally based on this Microsoft sample program (our source code is a completely rewritten version).
Open the Microsoft example and delete the C and header files (one of each), and then select Add Files and
choose our two files (snmpmgr.c and snmpdefs.h). Change the target executable to snmpmgr.exe. The
project should then build successfully.
To run the example (without building it), copy snmpmgr.exe into a directory called debug located
immediately underneath the location of the above files. If the program is built using Visual C++, then the
debug directory should be created automatically along with the target executable. In either case, the batch
files should run successfully.
Figure 7-2 snmpdefs.h: The API for our rudimentary management system.
Snmpdefs.h Lines 1 to 5
Section 1 provides five symbolic constants for SNMP operations, comprised of the following:
Line 1: Timeouts occur when an operation (such as a GET) is executed and for some reason no
response is received. There are many reasons for this; for example, the agent or network may be
down, or the message may have been rejected due to incorrect security information. Timeouts are
used to allow the manager to close down an operation rather than wait indefinitely.
Line 2: Retries are needed for situations in which a message is lost or rejected due to some
temporary problem. An example is a busy agent. Another is a lost message—remember that SNMP
[ Team LiBUDP,
] an unreliable datagram service. Typically, retries work in conjunction with timeouts, as
we'll see in Figure 7-11.
Snmpdefs.h Lines 6 to 16
Section 2 provides global variables. It is not necessary for many of these to have global scope, but they
are made global in this example for simplicity. Some of the data objects are specific to the Microsoft SNMP
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network 6: Operation
Management, MIBsindicator
and MPLS: to store the
Principles, SNMP
Design andoperation type (GET,SET,
Implementation etc.).
ByStephen B. Morris
Line 7: Operation array to store the SNMP operation name, (GET,SET, etc.).
Line 15: Request type global variable for storing the required SNMP operation type.
Line 16: SNMP error offset value—tells us the variable bindings offset with which the problem is
Snmpdefs.h Lines 17 to 31
Section 3 lists the available function calls and is comprised of the following:
Line 18:deallocateResources() deallocates memory, destroys the SNMP session object, and frees
up the variable bindings structure.
Line 19:prepareForOp() calls the allocateResources function and prepares for the specific
operation (GET,GETNEXT, etc.).
[ Team LiB20:
] prepareDataForOperation() sets up program mode for the required SNMP operation.
Line 21:prepareSetOperation() indicates to the API to expect a SET operation and populates a
variable bindings object ready for transmission to a remote SNMP agent as part of a SET operation.
Line 24:dispatchOperation() issues the final call to the API for the required operation.
Line 27:executeRequest() is the final port of call—the SNMP API is entered, and SET/GET message
• Table of Contents
traffic is sent across the network.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Line 28:displayMIBInstanceValue() presents the retrieved data to the user, showing the
ByStephen type, data type, and value.
B. Morris
Line 29:executeMibWalk() carries out a lexicographic MIB walk using the supplied OID as the root.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date:30:
20, 2003 prepares the program for receiving incoming traps and displays them as
they occur.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Line 31:startupRoutine() parses the command line for program mode and any required
parameter strings.
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
The first function validates the command-line parameters and determines the program mode (GET,SET,
etc.). The second
function executes the required operation. The full source code listing is included in
Table of Contents
Appendix A, "Terminal Server Serial Ports."
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The Supported Operations
operations are
Addison allowed with this manager:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
TRAP on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
The required operation is specified on the program command line. Overall, the external API provided by
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
this program is a single function called:
large network systems.
[View full width]
[ Team LiB ]
int doSnmpOperation(enum Operations reqOperation, LPSTR agentName, LPSTR community, char
*objectIdentifier, char *objectValue)
The program is invoked for a GET operation on the ipInReceives object value as follows, with a three-line
response (commands typed by the user are shown in bold; system responses are delimited by angle
NULL: value for SET; not required for GET, hence the value is NULL
The remote (or local) agent responds to the message and the data sent back to snmpmgr.exe is presented
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network 1.Management,
We use justMIBsa single SNMPPrinciples,
and MPLS: community string
Design called
and public. Normally,
Implementation is the you can expect to
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider and
see at least two community strings—one for gets, called public, one for sets, called
This in-depth We
tutorial omitted
from this to
networking reduce
expert the complexity.
Stephen Changing
Morris delivers the
clear and batch files for this
instructionwould be a good
on networking withexercise because
MIBs, SNMP, it and
MPLS, would also
much be required
more. Coverageto create the private
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network capability.
community string in the agent configuration and to assign read-write Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
2. Only one change is required—the user must supply the IP address or DNS name for the
large network systems.
SNMP agent host in each of the supplied batch files. For example, in the batch file
[ Team LiBGet.bat
] (see Figure 7-5), replace the word myHostPC with the IP address or DNS name
of your SNMP agent host.
3. The required platform for running the program is either Windows 2000 or NT.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network GET MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This the batch
in-depth tutorial fromfile Get.bat (or
networking running
expert it from
Stephen a command
Morris line) and
delivers clear should result in a display simila
instruction on networking
to that shown with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
in Figure 7-5.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Figure 7-5 NMS GET
software components,
operation among other key techniques
on system.sysContact.0 . and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Debug\snmpmgr.exe GET myHostPC public
< SNMP Operation Type GET >
< MIB Object Instance = system.sysContact.0 >
< Type and Value = String StephenM >
Figure 7-5 illustrates a GET operation on a specific instance (zero in this case) of a columnar object from th
standard system table—in this case, system.sysContact. We must specify the instance explicitly by
appending a zero. The value of the returned object is illustrated as StephenM.
Double-clicking the batch file GetNext.bat (or running it from a command line) should result in a display
similar to that shown in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6 illustrates a GETNEXT operation on the sysContact object. Instead of returning StephenM, as in
the last example, we receive the host system name. This is the lexical successor to the sysContact object,
can be seen from Figure 7-4.
We now move to a different category of SNMP operation, that of setRequest. This pushes data into the MIB
of the remote agent. Interestingly, providing a set capability like this is often considered controversial
because of security
• fears. These fears are generally well-founded, but we present sets here only in order to
Table of Contents
• the principles,
Index leaving aside any political issues. In this example, we set the value of the
sysContact name to be StephenMorris. Recall from the GET example above that the value of this object is
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
currentlyStephenM. Double-clicking the batch file Set.bat (or running it from a command line) should resu
ByStephen B. Morris
in a display similar to that shown in Figure 7-7. We can verify that the operation succeeded by simply
runningGet.bat again.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Figure 7-7 SET operation on the system.sysContact.0.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
[View full width]
Pages: 416
Suppose we want to get an idea of the MIB objects supported by a given agent, starting at a specific point
the tree. An SNMP walk provides this capability by traversing the MIB tree leaf objects until the end of that
branch is reached. This is useful for retrieving tables (of unknown extent). Double-clicking the batch file
Walk.bat (or running it from a command line) should result in a display similar to that shown in Figure 7-8
This is achieved by a dialog between the manager and the agent in which the former keeps sending GETNEX
messages until the end of the MIB table is reached.
Figure 7-8 illustrates a WALK of the system table. Referring to Figure 7-4, it can be seen that all the column
in this table are retrieved up to and including the last object, sysServices.
The manager program can also be configured to listen for SNMP traps. This is illustrated by running the bat
• Table ofThis puts the manager into listening mode, as can be seen in Figure 7-9. Next, we must
• a trap.
IndexThis can be done by simply stopping and starting the SNMP service, which results in the
agent sending
Network threeMIBs
Management, traps,
andas illustrated
MPLS: in Design
Principles, the bottom half of Figure 7-9.
and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 7-9 Listening for and receiving SNMP traps.
A Security Violation
Security is increasingly important in network management. We now acknowledge this with a specific examp
of a simple security violation by using the wrong community name. This is equivalent to entering the wrong
password during a login procedure. Modifying the community name in one of the batch files achieves the
[desired result.
Team LiB ] The remote agent should do two things:
Discard the message so that no reply should occur—this gives no clue to a hacker that he or she has
supplied an incorrect community name.
Emit an authenticationFailure(4) trap—this informs the NMS operator that an intruder alert has
In a real network with stronger security (such as SNMPv3), the intruder might be attempting more
sophisticated actions, such as replaying a captured message into an agent. In this case, the security system
in the agent would rely on more advanced protection facilities, such as message timeliness checking.
However, we illustrate the simple (wrong community string) case just to give a flavor of what might occur i
a real network.
To see this, we must configure one session of the program to listen for traps and another to issue an
• Table of Contents
improper SNMP Get. Figure 7-10 illustrates the GET with a modified (and invalid) community string of
• Index
public1 (instead of public).
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 7-10 Security failure and associated actions.
InFigure Management,
7-10, we see aMIBs and MPLS:
Microsoft VisualPrinciples,
C++ SNMP Design and Implementation
API error is thea problem with the
value of 8, indicating
submittedguide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
If we initiate
instruction onanother instance
networking with of the program
MIBs, SNMP, MPLS,in trap
much (before
Coverage theincludes
Get in Figure 7-10), we see
an interesting
SNMPv3, sequence
network of events,
management as illustrated
software in Figure
components, 7-11. Four
IP routing, HP traps are received
Openview Networkfrom
Nodethe loopback
address. So,
Manager, NMSwhat's happening
software here, and
components, amongwhyother
do wekeyseetechniques
four traps?and tools for managing
large network systems.
Figure 7-11 Security violations and retries.
[ Team LiB ]
Debug\snmpmgr.exe TRAP
< snmputil: listening for traps... >
< snmputil: trap generic=4 specific=0 from -> >
< snmputil: trap generic=4 specific=0 from -> >
< snmputil: trap generic=4 specific=0 from -> >
< snmputil: trap generic=4 specific=0 from -> >
Recall from Figure 7-2 that the program implements a retry mechanism (the RETRIES symbolic constant in
snmpdefs.h). A maximum of three retries is allowed. So, the first GetRequest is sent to the agent. This
message has an invalid community string and is discarded. The agent also issues a trap with a generic code
of 4 (indicating an authenticationFailure). This explains the first trap. Our manager code is not very
sophisticated and fails to correlate the authentication failure trap with the bad GetRequest message. Havin
failed to get the expected response, the manager then transparently (via the SNMP library code) retries the
operation a total of three more times; this results in three more traps before the manager code finally gives
up. This explains the sequence of four traps in Figure 7-11. One final point about Figure 7-11 is that the
timeout mechanism is also initiated as a result of the (attempted) security breaches. Again from Figure 7-2
we note that there is a timeout defined as 6,000 milliseconds or 6 seconds. This is the time between retries
and explains the small delays between the occurrence of the traps in Figure 7-11.
[[ Team
Team LiB
LiB ]]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
A Note On Security
The preceding discussion leads into another very important area: that of attacks against
networks and management system components. The sheer quantity of attacks against
networks is surprising—thousands are independently recorded annually. An entire book could
be dedicated to this subject. Networks can be subjected to the following types of attacks,
among many others:
Publisher: replay:
Addison Capturing
Wesley and then resending messages
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
It is surprising how unprotected many networks are [CERTWeb], and the emphasis on
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
security is certain to increase. Protection must be applied throughout the network from the
Pages: 416
very top of the management system software pyramid (introduced in Chapter 1) to the NEs
and agents deployed in the network.
We now move onto our second sample program, this time using Java.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
[ Team LiB
definitive ]
guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
In effect, this is a cutback version of our earlier Visual C++ program. JDMK programs can interact with
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
either the JDMK sample agent provided by Sun or with any other legacy agent. To illustrate this
ByStephen B. Morriswe use the standard Windows 2000/NT SNMP agent as the target of our JDMK SNMP
Get/GetNext messages (rather than using the JDMK sample agent). This is an interesting illustration of
the mature and standard nature of SNMP technology in general. The full source code for the Java program
is located inAddison
Publisher: Appendix
WesleyB, "Some Simple IP Routing Experiments."
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Just asISBN:
for the C++ sample, we provide companion DOS batch files to simplify use of the program.
Pages: 416
Installing JDMK
A numberManagement, MIBs andsoftware
of Sun Microsystems' MPLS: Principles, Design
applications and Implementation
are needed is the
for our Java example. The following
definitive guide
installation stepstowere
managing and
followed troubleshooting
(for Windows NT) enterprise
in order toand
set service
up JDMK: provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
1. Install
Manager, NMSthesoftware
Java Development
components,Kit among
(JDK): other
We usedkey the Java 2 SDK
techniques and Standard Edition v1.3.1_02.
tools for managing
large network systems.
2. Install JDMK: We used JDMK 4.2 for JDK 1.1.8.
[ Team LiB ]
3. Install JDMK: We used JDMK 4.2 for Java 2 Platform.
Installation of JDMK involves running two downloaded batch files called Setup.bat—this extracts the JDMK
class files (jdmk42_nt_12.class and jdmk42_nt_11.class, respectively).
Next, the environment variables must be set. We created one variable ( JDMKPATH) and modified two others
for this:
To use the NT SNMP agent, make sure to apply NT Service Pack 6a. Also, ensure that the SNMP agent has
two configured community strings (the Visual C++ program used just one community string):
public (read-only)
private (read-write)
It should be Table of Contents
possible to successfully run the examples once these steps have been taken. Please note that
• Index were run only on a Windows NT Workstation (Version 4.00 Build 1381) with Service
the two managers
Pack 6a.Management, MIBs was
Windows 2000 and MPLS:
used Principles, Design
only for the and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
[ Team LiB ]
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
The purpose
Network of these
Management, files
and now briefly described:
Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Once the Java class files are created in the next section, it is possible to run the batch files.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
To Build on
instruction the Java Program
networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
Two commands components,
are required among
to build the Javaother key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
1. mibgen
[ Team LiB ] -mo -d . mib_II.txt
2. javac -d . *.java
The first command builds a file called The second command
creates the bytecode file SynchronousManager.class. The latter is the binary (executable)
file for the examples that follow.
To run the program, double-click on Get.bat to invoke Java and execute a GetRequest
operation. This should result in a display similar to that shown in Figure 7-13.
To run the program, double-click on GetNext.bat to invoke Java and execute a GetRequest
operation. This should result in a display similar to that shown in Figure 7-14.
The Structure
Network Management, of the
MIBsSynchronous Manager
and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
The Java tutorial
program fromsimple
is very networking expert
indeed. All ofStephen
the codeMorris deliversinclear
is contained andthat
one file concise
in turn
contains a Java
instruction class called
on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, The
SynchronousManager. and command-line parameters
much more. Coverage are
SNMPv3, and themanagement
required operation type
software is recorded IP
components, as routing,
either GET
HPorOpenview The next
GETNEXT.Network Node
nine lines NMS software
prepare the APIcomponents,
for making among otherThe
SNMP calls. keyactual
SNMPand toolsisfor
request managing
made in the
[ Team LiB ]
public static void issueRequest(SnmpPeer agent, String operation,
SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpSession session,
String host, String port)
It is this method that issues the message and processes the agent response. Any exceptions
that occur are caught in an overall try/catch block.
Our examples are all synchronous in nature in order to illustrate the software components in
as simple a fashion as possible.
[ Team LiB ]
Comparing the Visual C++ and JDMK 4.2 APIs
Table 7-1 shows a brief comparison between the Visual C++ and JDMK APIs.
By interesting exercise
B. Morris in interoperability is to mix and match the operation of the two
programs, for example,
To compare
Network the performance
Management, of the
MIBs and two Principles,
MPLS: APIs, a new batchand
Design file Implementation
can be written toismake
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise andThe
multiple calls (e.g., 10 GETs) to one of the example batch files. system
service time can
provider be
This at the tutorial
in-depth beginning and
from end of theexpert
networking new batch file, Morris
Stephen and from this, a
delivers veryand
clear simple idea of
the overall on
instruction execution time with
networking can be derived.
MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
In this case, the agent is (happily) communicating with two entities, one written in C++ and
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
the other in Java. Though a relatively trivial test, this shows the platform-independent power
large network systems.
of standardized protocols.
[ Team LiB ]
Our two efforts are far from being production-standard code! There are many ways in which
they both can be materially improved:
Move the parameters off the command line or provide them in encrypted form.
Allow multiple OIDs in one PDU—this reduces traffic for multi-object operations.
Move all SNMP API code into a separate module or even a separate server. The latter
would help to thin down the client programs.
Support SNMPv3.
It is better to fulfill the above from the ground up, that is, before writing any code. The
examples were written purely to try to make concrete some of the major SNMP concepts.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
A fault server that listens for traps from the managed network
A configuration (or provisioning) server that executes SNMP SET and GET operations
• Table of Contents
An accounting server that can apply rules (such as quotas or limits) to specific MIB
• Index
object counters, such as setting an upper limit on the value of ipInReceives
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
A performance
ByStephen B. Morris server that can perform mediation and also read the various counters
supported in the NE MIBs
A security
Publisher: server
Addison Wesleythat
can be used to manage community strings, access control rights,
encryption, and authentication
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 details
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Figure 7-15 illustrates one such arrangement with a central NMS server and multiple clients.
Pages: 416
Each client is dedicated to a specific network management function that it executes using the
services of the central server. Client 1 is tasked with SLA reporting; that is, it retrieves data
from the network relevant to SLAs. This data is then presented as reports, for instance, in
HTML format. Client 2 configures the managed NEs by issuing requests (via the central
server) toManagement, MIBs andobjects
set and get managed MPLS: Principles, Design
in the network. and Implementation
Client is the
3 provides a billing/accounting
definitive guide tothis
function—usually managing
to troubleshooting enterprise
reading many objects. and2service
Clients provider
and 3 access networks.
the server
IPSec, andtutorial from
Client networking
1 uses HTTPS; expert Stephen
all the clients Morris
are delivers
employing clearcommunications.
secure and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, Figure
network management
7-15. Extendedsoftwaresnmpmgr.c
components, IP routing,
handles HP Openview
multiple Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
The important point to note about Figure 7-15 is that it is relatively straightforward to build a
complex management system once the basic agent and manager entities are in place.
Additional server components are:
[ Team LiB ]
Topology manager to handle icons, network maps, and device status
The last two points move us out of the SNMP domain and are included just for completeness.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We've now seen two simple programs that were used to interact with the Windows NT/2000
SNMP agents. Written in Visual C++ and Java, respectively, these programs provide what
might be considered the low-level bricks or widgets that can be brought together to form a
more complex product. The latter could in turn be built upon to become an NMS. The choice
of programming languages was driven by considerations such as multiplatform support
(Visual C++ is restricted to Windows, Java is multiplatform), the version of SNMP that can be
used, and so on. It is surprisingly straightforward to produce such software programs. Once
written, the two example programs can be combined using the target SNMP agent as a type
of programming
• Table language-independent
of Contents traffic cop; for example, set the C++ program to
• traps, then
Index send a bad getRequest from the Java program, and the agent will send
an authentication
Network Management, failure trap
MIBs and message
MPLS: to the
Principles, C++and
Design program. In effect, the agent is indifferent
to the sending program just as long as the messages it receives conform to the SNMP
ByStephen B. Morris
We saw a security violation caused by the use of an incorrect community string. The receiving
Publisher: Addison Wesley
agent discards the message and emits an authentication failure trap. The manager should not
thenPub Date: June 20, 2003
resend the erroneous message because the same failure will occur. In a sense, this
could beISBN: 0-13-101113-8
construed as a type of unintentional attack on the agent.
Pages: 416
The example programs can be extended and made into more complex NMS components that
use, for example, database services and a multiclient GUI. An important design goal is
providing support for SNMPv3—JDMK allows this.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
[ Team LiB ]
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Look more closely at the IETF MPLS MIBs
Publisher: howWesley
Addison the MIB elements relate to MPLS in general
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Explain how to combine these MIB elements in an operational MPLS network
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Without further ado, let's get started on these MIBs.
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
Manage the low-level MPLS objects, such as interfaces, cross-connects, and segment
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Create LSPs
Manage the high-level MPLS objects, such as traffic-engineered tunnels, EROs, and
Publisher: blocks
Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
These ISBN:
two MIBs are now described. The LSR MIB objects include tables that describe:
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Label stacks
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Traffic parameters
[ Team LiB ]
Performance parameters
These objects are described in the following sections. Similarly, the TE MIB objects include
tables that describe:
Traffic-engineered tunnels
Tunnel resources
Tunnel paths
MPLS Devices
MPLS devices are NEs on which MPLS technology is deployed, and they can include:
IP routers
[ Team LiBswitches
] operating in SIN mode
Multiservice switches
MPLS technology may be added as a firmware upgrade to such devices, or it may be included
as a standard product component. This reflects the migration approach adopted for MPLS
deployment: It can be switched on/off and used on an as-needed basis. In other words, a
network operator can phase in the use of MPLS in conjunction with existing technologies such
as ATM and FR. As the deployment (and planned deployment) of MPLS increases, the ability
to smoothly (and slowly) apply its use in production networks is very useful. This is
illustrated in Figure 8-1, where a multiservice switch supports a number of different
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
The multiservice from
switch networking
in Figure expert
8-1 can Stephen
originate andMorris delivers
terminate clearofand
a range concise
service types,
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
such as Ethernet, X.25, TDM, IP, FR, and MPLS. Clearly, the switch is part of a broaderincludes
SNMPv3, network
network that management
supports software
these services. components,
Over IP routing,
time, it is likely HP networks
that such Openviewmay Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
to just IP or possibly IP and MPLS. For this reason, it is important that the switch be capable
large network
of moving oversystems.
to supporting just these service types without the need for expensive
hardware upgrades. So, MPLS NEs implement the MPLS technology in firmware, and access
[toTeam LiB ] through MPLS interfaces. The latter are described in the next section.
it is made
MPLS Interfaces
An MPLS interface is one on which MPLS has already been configured and may include the
An IGP routing protocol with traffic engineering extensions, such as OSPF-TE, IS-IS-TE.
An IGP routing protocol is not mandatory—static routes can be used instead.
Possibly an EGP protocol if the node faces out of an autonomous system. Typically, IGP
and EGP protocols are not used on the same interface. This is to avoid leaking routing
information between adjacent networks.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Figure 8-2network
SNMPv3, illustrates a four-node
management MPLS network
software that shares
components, a boundary
IP routing, with anNetwork
HP Openview IP network.
The MPLS network forwards real-time VoIP and non-real-time SMTP (email) traffic
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing from one
edge of
large the IP systems.
network network in the direction of an adjacent subnetwork containing two gateways.
Both sets of traffic are terminated on the latter devices. An LSP and a traffic-engineered
LiB ]been configured in the MPLS network between the two edge nodes (LERs) with
the core routers (LSRs) acting as transit nodes. The tunnel (called TE Tunnel in the diagram)
is created using the TE MIB and the LSP is created using both the TE MIB and the LSR MIB.
The TE Tunnel has been allocated sufficient bandwidth (640kbps) to simultaneously carry 10
uncompressed voice channels in its path. The LSP has no reserved bandwidth and offers a
best-effort service level. Later in this chapter we show how the MIB is manipulated to create
these entities.
A noteworthy item of interest about the LSP and tunnel is that they originate and terminate
inside the LERs rather than on the external interfaces. Each of them serves a destination IP
address (or prefix). Incoming IP traffic lands on the Edge Router 1 and is then pushed into
the appropriate tunnel or LSP. Which one should be used? That depends on the nature of the
IP traffic; if it has been marked to receive better than best effort (hop-by-hop) forwarding,
then it may take the path provided by the tunnel. The ingress LER makes the decision about
the path taken by the packet by encapsulating it with an appropriate MPLS label—one label
for the LSP and another for the tunnel. The labeling decision may also be made based on any
or all of the following:
The contents of the IP header DS field (and even the two Explicit Congestion Notification
The important point to note is that the labeling decision can be based on a rich combination
of parameters. In the example of Figure 8-2, we take the most basic option because IP traffic
is pushed into either the tunnel or LSP based only on the destination IP address. The policies
that dictate traffic treatment are generally the network operator's responsibility.
Each of the MPLS interfaces A, B, C, and D has a corresponding entry in the MIB table
mplsInterfaceConfTable. The same is true of the unmarked interfaces in the lower half of
Figure 8-2. The latter are not annotated in order to reduce clutter. An MPLS node would
automatically populate this table with a row for each MPLS-capable interface. An entry in this
table is illustrated in Figure 8-3. Please note that the MIB excerpts in the rest of the chapter
take the form of SEQUENCEs of objects. These are ASN.1 constructs and are copied straight
from the MIB definitions. The listed objects should be visualized as columns in a table
(conceptually similar to a spreadsheet or a relational database table). Index objects are
commented Table
• and appear in bold.
of Contents
• Index
Network a description
Management, MIBsof the
and MIBPrinciples,
MPLS: tables, we illustrate
Design how the tables
would be manipulated
and Implementation
to create the LSP and tunnel objects in Figure 8-2. The software provided in Chapter 7 could
ByStephen B. Morris
be extended to achieve this—that is, instead of addressing single MIB objects, the programs
could address entire tables.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Figure 8-3
Pub Date: JuneThe MPLS interface MIB table.
20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
MplsInterfaceConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
mplsInterfaceConfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, -- Index
mplsInterfaceLabelMinIn MplsLabel,
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxIn MplsLabel,
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles,
mplsInterfaceLabelMinOut Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxOut enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert
mplsInterfaceTotalBandwidth Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs,
mplsInterfaceAvailableBandwidth SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
mplsInterfaceLabelParticipationType BITS } IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
network management software components,
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
There is a relationship between the MPLS interface table and the interfaces.ifTable. This
Team LiB ]is provided by the value of the mplsInterfaceConfIndex object. The range of
MPLS label values that this interface can receive is indicated by the
mplsInterfaceLabelMinIn and mplsInterfaceLabelMaxIn objects. The range of MPLS label
values that this interface can send is indicated by the mplsInterfaceLabelMinOut and
mplsInterfaceLabelMaxOut objects. The MplsLabel object is represented by four octets.
Bits 0 to 19 represent the label with values supported, as we saw in Chapter 4, "Solving the
Network Management Problem," Figure 4-10—for example, Explicit Null (0), Router Alert (1).
The remaining 12 bits encode the Exp, Stack, and TTL fields.
An in-segment is the ingress leg of an LSP segment on a given MPLS NE. This is an object
Team controls
LiB ] the forwarding of packets into the LSP. Each of the in-segments on an MPLS
node has a corresponding entry in the MIB table mplsInSegmentTable. An entry in this table
is illustrated in Figure 8-4.
ByStephen B. Morris
This table is indexed by a combination of the ifIndex of the incoming interface and the
topmost label, that is, mplsInSegmentIfIndex and mplsInSegmentLabel. The number of
labels to pop Addison Wesley by the value of mplsInSegmentNPop; if this value is 2, then the
is indicated
Date: two
June labels
20, 2003off the stack. The mplsInSegmentAddrFamily gives the Internet
Assigned Numbers
ISBN: Authority (IANA) address number; for instance, IPv4 has the value 1 and
IPv6 isPages:
2. The416cross-connect associated with this segment is provided by the
mplsInSegmentXCIndex. This is an index into the mplsXCTable. The mplsInSegmentOwner
identifies the entity that created and owns this segment. The
mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr indicates the entry (if any) in the mplsTrafficParamTable
that contains the traffic details for this segment. The mplsInSegmentRowStatus is used when
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
creating, modifying, or deleting an entry in this table. Its type is RowStatus, and the ways it
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
can be
This used are
in-depth described
tutorial from later in the section
networking where weMorris
expert Stephen createdelivers
an LSP.clear
andthe storage
type for the segment is described by mplsInSegmentStorageType. If this object has the
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
valuereadOnly(5), then a setRequest cannot delete or modify it.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
An out-segment is the egress leg of an LSP segment on a given MPLS NE. This is an object
that controls the forwarding of packets along the path of the LSP. Each of the out-segments
on an MPLS node has a corresponding entry in the MIB table mplsOutSegmentTable. An
entry in this table is illustrated in Figure 8-5.
ByStephen B. Morris
Cross-connects are used to create associations between LSP segments. These associations
Publisher: Addison Wesley
serve as instructions for the MPLS NE to switch between the specified segments. The LSR MIB
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
supports point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-to-point connections (we
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
consider only point-to-point). Each of the cross-connects on an MPLS node has a
Pages: 416 entry in the MIB table mplsXCTable. An entry in this table is illustrated in
Figure 8-6.
Entries in mplsXCTable can be created based on index values obtained from the
mplsXCIndexNext object. The unique index value is assigned to mplsXCIndex. The
mplsXCTable has an index made up of the first four objects in Figure 8-6. The object
mplsXCInSegmentIfIndex represents the in-segment interface index for LSPs not originating
on this node. For LSPs originating on this node, mplsXCInSegmentIfIndex is zero. The
incoming label value on the cross-connect is mplsXCInSegmentLabel. The object
mplsXCOutSegmentIndex is the out-segment index for LSPs passing through this node. For
LSPs terminating on this node, mplsXCOutSegmentIndex is zero.
The LSP to which this cross-connect belongs is indicated by the value of mplsXCLspId. The
objectmplsXCLabelStackIndex indicates an entry in the label stack table. This indicates the
label stack that should be pushed onto the MPLS label. If this cross-connect must be restored
after a failure (e.g., a faulty port card or a switch power failure), then the value of
mplsXCIsPersistent should be set to true(1). The value of mplsXCOwner identifies the
LiB created
] and owns this cross-connect. The mplsXCAdminStatus object dictates the
required administrative state of the cross-connect: up(1) means that packets can be
forwarded. The value of mplsXCOperStatus is set only by the NE to indicate the actual
operational status. If a failure occurs, then the value of mplsXCOperStatus should reflect it.
This means that if an IP port card fails, then the LSP can no longer forward packets and the
operational status should change to from up(1) to down(2).
Label Stacks
ThemplsLabelStackTable specifies the label stack to be pushed onto a packet. Entries to
this table are referred to from mplsXCTable (via the mplsXCLabelStackIndex object). The
topmost label is the one used by MPLS NEs for forwarding treatment. Labels beneath the
topmost label become accessible when the topmost one is popped. This is useful when
hierarchical routing
• behavior is required for a given packet; for example, let's say our label
Table of Contents
• has two labels,
Index label X and label Y. An IP packet arrives at MPLS Edge Router 1 in
Figure 8-2.
Network At this point
Management, the MPLS:
MIBs and packet is MPLS-encoded
Principles, and two labels are pushed, first X and
Design and Implementation
then Y. The MPLS packet then proceeds to the next NE, but only the topmost label (Y) is used
ByStephen B. Morris
for forwarding treatment—X remains unchanged. When the MPLS packet reaches the edge of
our domain at MPLS Edge Router 2, the topmost label is popped and the remaining label (X)
can then be popped and used for additional routing. This type of hierarchical arrangement
Publisher: Addison Wesley
could be used when routing packets across transit SP networks, such as Interexchange
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Carriers (IXCs). An entry in this table is illustrated in Figure 8-7.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Figure 8-7 The MPLS label stack MIB table.
Traffic Parameters
This table specifies the characteristics of traffic parameter objects for in-segments and out-
segments. An entry in this table is illustrated in Figure 8-8.
The LSR MIB includes a number of performance counters. One of these is the
• Table of Contents which provides an entry for every interface on the LSR capable of
• Index This table augments the mplsInterfaceConfEntry discussed in Figure 8-3.
supporting MPLS.
An entryManagement, MIBs
in this table and MPLS: Principles,
is illustrated in FigureDesign
8-9. and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 8-9 The MPLS interface performance MIB table.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
MplsInterfacePerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
mplsInterfaceInLabelsUsed Gauge32,
Pages: 416 Counter32,
mplsInterfaceOutLabelsUsed Gauge32,
mplsInterfaceOutFragments Counter32 }
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive object counts the
guide to managing and troubleshooting number of
enterprise andlabels that
service are in use
provider at this
This in time on this interface
tutorial in the incoming
from networking direction.Morris
expert Stephen The object
delivers clear and concise
on networking with MIBs, counts
instruction SNMP, the number
and much packets
more. that have
Coverage been
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Networkwas
received on this interface and were discarded because no matching cross-connect entry Node
found. Each
Manager, such
NMS occurrence
software is commonly
components, called
among a label
other fault. The object
key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems. counts the number of top-most labels in the outgoing label
stacks that are in use at this point in time on this interface. The object
Team LiB ] counts the number of outgoing MPLS packets that required
fragmentation before transmission on this interface.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Configuring in-segments (via the mplsInSegmentTable) on LSRs and egress LERs (not
needed on ingress LERs).
• Table of Contents
• Index out-segments (via the mplsOutSegmentTable) on LSRs and ingress LERs
Network Management,
(not needed onMIBs and MPLS:
egress LERs).Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Setting up the cross-connect table to associate segments and/or to indicate connection
origination and termination (mplsXCTable).
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Configuring a tunnel object to point to the cross-connect on the ingress LER.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Optionally specifying label stack actions (mplsLabelStackTable).
Pages: 416
Optionally specifying segment traffic parameters (mplsTrafficParamTable).
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We can fulfill these requirements by creating a best-effort, unidirectional LSP segment that
originates in a tunnel on the MPLS Edge Router 1 in Figure 8-2 and exits on interface A via an out-
segment. This
• is not
Table a complete LSP (in the end-to-end sense) but rather an LSP segment. Similar
of Contents
• must
Indexbe created in the MIBs of the neighboring devices in order to create the full end-to-
end LSP. As can be seen from Figure 8-2, interface A has an ifIndex value of 6. The configuration
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
is carried out in three steps. It is important to note that LSPs can be signalled (this takes away
ByStephen B. Morris
many of the manual steps we now describe).
A cross-connect
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
An out-segment
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
A tunnel tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
We now create
SNMPv3, onemanagement
network of each of these entities
software in turn on Edge
components, RouterHP
IP routing, 1.Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Edge Router 1 Cross-Connect Creation
[ Team LiB ]
A cross-connect entry is required between the tunnel and out-segment objects, respectively. In
mplsXCTable, we insert the following values:
AnmplsOutSegmentTable row must now be created to point to the appropriate device interface
(interface A in Figure 8-2) and any associated traffic parameter (not relevant for our best-effort
Our cross-connect and out-segment objects are now logically associated with each other. To link
this aggregate object to the IP domain, we now need a tunnel.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Edge Router 1 Tunnel Creation
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
To associate IP traffic with our LSP,we must now create a tunnel. In mplsTunnelTable, we create a
row with the following values:
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
{ mplsTunnelIndexIndex = 1,
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
mplsTunnelInstance = 1,
Pages: 416
mplsTunnelIngressLSRId =,
mplsTunnelEgressLSRId =,
mplsTunnelName = "LSP",
mplsTunnelDescr = "Best-effort for SMTP",
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, = true Design
(1), and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The following
instruction on setting assigns
networking the
with cross-connect
MIBs, 1, ingress
SNMP, MPLS, interface
and much more.0, ingress label
Coverage 0, and out-
segment 1network
SNMPv3, to the mplsTunnelXCPointer
management software column. The LER
components, then decides
IP routing, which tunnel
HP Openview to use.
Network NodeLabel 0
indicates that unlabeled IP traffic is to be received.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ] = mplsXCIndex.,
mplsTunnelSignallingProto = none (1),
mplsTunnelSetupPrio = 0,
mplsTunnelHoldingPrio = 0,
mplsTunnelSessionAttributes = 0,
mplsTunnelOwner = snmp (1),
mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse = false (0),
mplsTunnelResourcePointer = 0,
mplsTunnelInstancePriority = 1,
mplsTunnelHopTableIndex = 1,
mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance = 0,
mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity = 0,
mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity = 0,
mplsTunnelExcludeAllAffinity = 0,
mplsTunnelRole = head (1),
-- Mandatory parameters needed to activate the row go here
mplsTunnelRowStatus = createAndGo (4) }
This completes the configuration required for the creation of an originating LSP on the MPLS Edge
Router 1 in Figure 8-2.
We now move to the next node in line, Core Router 1 (Figure 8-2).
[ Team LiB ]
Step 2: Core Router 1 Segment and Cross-Connect Tables
We must now create an in-segment, out-segment, and cross-connect on Core Router 1.
In the MIB on Core Router 1, we set the following values in the mplsInSegmentTable:
Core Pages:
Router 416 1 Out-Segment Creation
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting
{ mplsOutSegmentIndex = 1, enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking
mplsOutSegmentIfIndex = 8, expert Stepheninterface
-- outgoing Morris delivers
C clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP,
mplsOutSegmentPushTopLabel MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
= true(1),
SNMPv3, network management software
mplsOutSegmentTopLabel = 0, --components, IP routing,
outgoing label HP Openview
explicit null, 3Network Node null
= Implicit
Manager, NMS software components,
mplsOutSegmentAddrType among other key techniques and tools for managing
= IPv4(1)
large network systems.
mplsOutSegmentNextHopIpv4Addr = '05050701'H, --, -- Figure 8–2
mplsOutSegmentXCIndex = mplsXCTable.6, -- Please see Cross-connect section
[ Team LiB ]
mplsOutSegmentTrafficParamPtr = 0, -- Best effort
mplsOutSegmentRowStatus = createAndGo(4) }
A cross-connect entry is now created, thereby associating the newly created segments together. In
mplsXCTable, we insert the following values:
{ mplsXCIndex = 6,
mplsXCLspId = '05050601'H, --
mplsLabelStackIndex = 0, -- only a single outgoing label
mplsXCIsPersistent = false (1),
mplsXCRowStatus = createAndGo(4),
mplsXCAdminStatus = up(1) }
This completes the configuration required for the creation of a transit LSP segment on the MPLS
Core Router 1 in Figure 8-2. We now create the last remaining segment on Edge Router 2.
[ Team LiB ]
Step 3: Edge Router 2 Cross-Connect and In-Segment Tables
We must now create a cross-connect and in-segment on Edge Router 2.
{ mplsXCIndex = 8,
mplsXCLspId = '05050701'H, --
mplsLabelStackIndex = 0, -- only a single outgoing label
• Table of Contents
mplsXCIsPersistent = false (1),
• Index
mplsXCRowStatus = createAndGo(4),
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
mplsXCAdminStatus = up(1) }
ByStephen B. Morris
{ mplsInSegmentIfIndex
Network Management, MIBs and= MPLS:
9, -- Principles,
interface (D) index
Design value for the
and Implementation terminating LSP
is the
mplsInSegmentLabel = 0, -- incoming label value from Core Router 1
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This = 1, --expert
in-depth tutorial from networking default value
Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction = IPv4(1)
on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
mplsInSegmentXCIndex = mplsXCTable.8,
SNMPv3, network management software components, -- Please see Cross-connect
IP routing, section
HP Openview Network Node
mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr = 0, -- Best effort
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems. = createAndGo(4) }
[ Team LiB ]
The first two objects—mplsInSegmentIfIndex and mplsInSegmentLabel—are set to the values 9
and 0, respectively, to tie in with the out-segment configuration on Core Router 1.
This completes the configuration required for the creation of a terminating LSP on the MPLS Edge
Router 2 in Figure 8-2. After these steps, the LSP looks something like that illustrated in Figure 8-
1. A packet with destination IP address arrives at Edge Router 1 ingress interface.
3. Tunnel 1 serves this IP address via the LSP illustrated in Figure 8-10.
By8. The B.
Stephen label value
Morris of 22 is used to direct the packet to Core Router 1 interface index 8. The label
value of 22 is then replaced with a new label value of zero (explicit null—some MPLS devices
may use 3 for implicit null).
Publisher: Addison Wesley
9.PubThe MPLS
Date: packet
June 20, 2003 arrives at Edge Router 2 interface index 9 with a label value of zero. The
latter is a signal
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8to Edge Router 2 to strip off the label and perform a normal IP lookup.
Pages: 416
10. Edge Router 2 forwards the packet to its original destination, the SMTP Gateway at
We now turn to the TE MIB to take a look at the traffic-engineering MPLS objects.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
Traffic-Engineered Tunnels
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, differs
NMS from the
software LSR MIB in
components, a number
among otherofkey
ways. The TE MIB
techniques and provides a model for a
tools for managing
large network systems.tunnel through an MPLS cloud; in other words, it provides an end-to-end picture.
The LSR MIB deals only in terms of segments and cross-connects, and lacks an end-to-end
Team LiB ](though use of a signaling protocol, such as LDP, can compensate for this). The only
real difference between a tunnel and an LSP is that the former is explicitly routed. Both can reserve
resources and (depending on the implementation) both may support IntServ, DiffServ, and any
other QoS models.
Tunnels can be created at the head-end (or originating) node (Edge Router 1 in Figure 8-2), and
the MIBs for all nodes in the path are automatically updated via a signaling protocol (such as
RSVP). This is a powerful facility because it provides a simple way of managing tunnels, using just
a few MIB tables. The end result is a traffic-engineered tunnel that traverses an entire network.
Tunnels can also be created with or without the assistance of a signaling protocol (such as LDP or
RSVP-TE). The TE MIB supports five tables that are used for creating tunnels:
Tunnel hop tables for the specified, actual, and computed route (mplsTunnelHopTable,
mplsTunnelARHopTable, and mplsTunnelCHopTable) for strict and loose source routed
The tunnel hops indicate the exact route that will be taken. We now describe these tables.
[The mplsTunnelTable
Team LiB ]
16 mplsTunnelResourcePointer RowPointer,
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting
17 mplsTunnelInstancePriority enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP,
18 mplsTunnelHopTableIndex MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management
19 mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components,
20 mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
21 mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance MplsTunnelInstanceIndex,
[22Team LiB ]
mplsTunnelPrimaryTimeUp TimeTicks,
23 mplsTunnelPathChanges Counter32,
24 mplsTunnelLastPathChange TimeTicks,
25 mplsTunnelCreationTime TimeStamp,
26 mplsTunnelStateTransitions Counter32,
27 mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
28 mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
29 mplsTunnelExcludeAllAffinity MplsTunnelAffinity,
30 mplsTunnelPathInUse MplsPathIndexOrZero,
31 mplsTunnelRole INTEGER,
32 mplsTunnelTotalUpTime TimeTicks,
33 mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime TimeTicks,
36 mplsTunnelRowStatus RowStatus,
37 mplsTunnelStorageType StorageType }
[Because this
Team LiB ] is a large table, we inserted line numbers to make the description a little easier to
follow. The objects are described as far as possible in related groups.
Each row in the tunnel table has a unique index identified by mplsTunnelIndex. This (in
conjunction with the value of mplsTunnelInstance) is how each tunnel is differentiated by the
NMS. For tunnel configurations that require protection (or load sharing), a tunnel instance can
represent a backup copy of another tunnel. The object mplsTunnelInstance is used for this
purpose. The latter then refers to another completely separate entry in the tunnel table. Multiple
tunnel instances can also be used for load sharing. Each such tunnel instance can have its own path
and reserved resources. The tunnel is also identified in the network by the
mplsTunnelIngressLSRId object. The egress router for this tunnel is identified by
• Table of Contents
The tunnel name is mplsTunnelName and is useful (in conjunction with
mplsTunnelIndex) for differentiating between many tunnels on a given node. Other information
• Index
about the tunnel can be stored in mplsTunnelDescr.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Zero is the lowest value that can be assigned to mplsTunnelInstancePriority. This object can be
Teamto LiB
] between groups of tunnel instances; for example, if all instances have the
same priority value, then they can load-share traffic with the same destination address.
ThemplsTunnelHopTableIndex indicates the entry in the hop table used by this tunnel. This
indicates the administratively defined, required route for the tunnel. The
mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex indicates the entry in the actual hop table used by this tunnel (this
indicates the real route through the network taken by the tunnel). The mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex
indicates an index into the computed hop table.
The overall
Network number of tunnel
Management, state
MIBs and transitions
MPLS: (e.g.,
Principles, administrative
Design and operational
and Implementation is thestatus changing
from up to down) is recorded in mplsTunnelStateTransitions.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Tunnel Table
SNMPv3, networkLines 27 to 29 software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network
To provide systems.
finer control over which links a tunnel traverses, the mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity
constraint can be employed. Links are administratively assigned constraint values (often called
Team LiBThe] tunnel uses a given link only if either the constraint is zero (i.e., no constraint) or the
link fulfills at least one of the specified constraints. For example, in a tunnel that uses only links
that have any of the colors gold and silver, any links that have either gold or silver can be included
in the tunnel. The object mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity is similar except that it specifies the
colors that a link must have for inclusion. For example, in a tunnel that uses only links that have all
of the colors gold and silver, any links that have both gold and silver can be included in the tunnel.
The object mplsTunnelExcludeAllAffinity has similar semantics to
mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity except that it indicates the constraints that must not be fulfilled.
For example, a tunnel that uses only links that do not have all of the colors gold and silver,
depending on the implementation, link coloring may only apply to computed-path tunnels. These
are tunnels with paths that are ultimately dictated by the network rather than by the values in an
Service providers could use colors to differentiate service—for instance, gold service can mean a
higher level of service in terms of bandwidth, latency, jitter, and delay.
The value of mplsTunnelRole reflects the role played by the host node in the overall tunnel—an
originating tunnel has mplsTunnelRole set to head(1), a transit tunnel has the value transit(2),
while a terminating tunnel has the value tail(3). The aggregate up time for all instances of a
tunnel is indicated by the value of mplsTunnelTotalUpTime. Similarly,
mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime indicates the up time for this tunnel instance.
The administratively assigned operational status of the tunnel is indicated by the value of
mplsTunnelAdminStatus. This can have values such as up(1),down(2), or testing(3). The actual
operational status of the tunnel is indicated by the value of mplsTunnelOperStatus and can have
values such as
• Table down(2),testing(3), and unknown(4).
of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
The mplsTunnelResourceTable
ThemplsTunnelResourceTable is used to indicate the resources (bandwidth, burst size, etc.)
required Management, MIBs When
for a given tunnel. and MPLS: Principles,
the tunnel Design
is created and Implementation
across the network, theisrequired
the resources
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
are explicitly reserved for its use. An entry in this table is illustrated in Figure 8-12.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Figure network
SNMPv3, 8-12 The MPLS TE
management tunnel
software resource
components, IPtable.
routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
MplsTunnelResourceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
[ Team mplsTunnelResourceIndex
LiB ] Unsigned32, -- Index
mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate MplsBitRate,
mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate MplsBitRate,
mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize MplsBurstSize,
mplsTunnelResourceMeanBurstSize MplsBurstSize,
mplsTunnelResourceExcessBurstSize MplsBurstSize,
mplsTunnelResourceFrequency INTEGER,
mplsTunnelResourceWeight Unsigned32,
mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus RowStatus,
mplsTunnelResourceStorageType StorageType }
The mplsTunnelHopTable
LSPs can be given pre-assigned routes or paths. These are referred to as Explicit Route Objects
(EROs) and serve to indicate a set of hops that is traversed by a tunnel instance. An entry in this
table is illustrated in Figure 8-13.
ThemplsTunnelHopType indicates if this tunnel hop is routed in either a strict (every hop is
configured) or loose (where not all hops are configured—the path may include other networks)
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Since this is a traffic-engineered tunnel, we must specify both the resources and the nodes required in the
path. This is done next. Strictly speaking, the mplsTunnelTable entry would be created after the resources
have been specified and the hop list created.
{ mplsTunnelResourceIndex = 5,
[ Team LiB ] = 640000, -- 10 * 64kbps voice channels
mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate = 640000,
mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize = 2000,
mplsTunnelResourceRowStatus = createAndGo (4) }
All five of these objects could be included in an SNMP setRequest message variable binding list. In our
examples in Chapter 7, we included just a single object, but it is possible to include many objects in a singl
message. The last object to be set is the row status. This is an indication to the remote agent that the
operation is a row creation. The value 4 is called createAndGo and indicates that the row is to be created
with a status of active; that is, the row is to be ready for service.
[View B. Morris
full width]
{ mplsTunnelHopListIndex = 1,
mplsTunnelPathOptionIndex = 1,
Publisher: Addison Wesley
mplsTunnelHopIndex = 1,
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
mplsTunnelHopAddrType = 1,
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 =, -- Node IP address of Edge Router 1
Pages: 416 = 9,
mplsTunnelHopType = strict (1),
mplsTunnelHopRowStatus = createAndGo (4) }
{ mplsTunnelHopListIndex = 1,
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: =
mplsTunnelPathOptionIndex 1,
Principles, Design and Implementation is the
mplsTunnelHopIndex = 2,
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth = 1, Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
tutorial from networking expert
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS,--
mplsTunnelHopIpv4Addr =, Ingress includes
and much more. Coverage interface IP address on
Core Router 2
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
NMS software components, among = other
9, key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems. = strict (1),
mplsTunnelHopRowStatus = createAndGo (4) }
[{ Team LiBmplsTunnelHopListIndex
] = 1,
mplsTunnelPathOptionIndex = 1,
mplsTunnelHopIndex = 3,
mplsTunnelHopAddrType = 1,
mplsTunnelHopIpv4Addr =, -- Ingress interface IP address on
Edge Router 2
mplsTunnelHopIpv4PrefixLen = 9,
mplsTunnelHopType = strict (1),
mplsTunnelHopRowStatus = createAndGo (4) }
This ERO can then be incorporated into the tunnel by setting mplsTunnelHopTableIndex = 1.
The packet processing for the traffic-engineered tunnel is, in fact, very similar to that shown in Figure 8-10
The main differences are that:
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
By4. If the
Stephen B. tunnel
Morris type is selected, then the GUI should allow the creation of an ERO.
5. Optionally request a path computation (trivial in Figure 8-2 but more difficult when
Publisher: thousands,
Addison Wesley or even hundreds of thousands of nodes are involved) between
the two end nodes.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
6. Select the required resources (bandwidth, maximum burst size, etc.).
Pages: 416
7. View the computed path and modify it if necessary.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
We've now seen a detailed description of two of the IETF MPLS MIBs, indicating how these
MIB objects might be manipulated by an NMS in order to create LSPs and tunnels. These
MIBs differ in the level of abstraction offered—the TE MIB provides a useful tunnel metaphor.
The LSR MIB requires that up to three tables be manipulated on each agent in the LSP path.
These are the in-segment, out-segment, and cross-connect tables respectively, with the
addition of the tunnel table on the ingress node. Manipulating just one head-end (or ingress
LER) agent can achieve the same result with the TE MIB. The tables used in the latter case
consist of a tunnel table, a hop table, and a resource table. The user of an NMS would
generally notTable
• see of
the detailed manipulation of these MIB tables. Instead, the NMS would
• a simple
Index interface that offers a limited set of choices, for example, either an LSP or a
tunnel as
Network the required
Management, connection
MIBs type. Simplifying
and MPLS: Principles, such
Design and operations is one of the many merits
of effective NMS products. The many tables needed for MPLS provisioning underlines the
ByStephen B. Morris
importance of good table insertion discipline. This is particularly so in multiclient provisioning
situations. The merit of vendor adoption of standard MIBs is considerable because NEs
become easier to manage and to understand.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
[ TeamISBN:
LiB 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
MIBs—how careful design can greatly assist management (nextFreeIndex, single table
on originating node, and default values).
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date:and
June scalability—the
20, 2003 size of emerging NEs may generate a need for some form of
compressed MIB data.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Decision-making in the network—pushing more decisions out of the NMS and into the
network. We examine the MPLS FTN MIB to see an example of this; also, Policy- Based
NetworkManagement (PBNM) is useful in this context.
Network Management,
Pushing FCAPS into MIBs
theand MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial realized
Generic objects from networking expertabstraction.
using software Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
The network
SNMPv3, increasing need for end-to-end
management software security.
components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large Shrink-wrapped
network systems. solutions or consultancy buy-in.
[ Team LiB ] with OSS layers.
We start with yet another MIB-related detour: The issue of storing policies in MIBs is
introduced, followed by a description of intercolumn relationships.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
MIBs Again
InChapter 8, "Case Study: MPLS Network Management," we studied in some depth the
structure and use of two of the IETF MPLS MIBs. These MIBs have been well-designed; for
example, a signaled traffic-engineered tunnel created using the mplsTunnelTable can be
managed with reference just to the originating node MIB. In other words, it is not necessary
to browse every node in the path of the tunnel, because the necessary details are stored in
the originating node. This helps improve the manageability and scalability of the MPLS
network. In effect, the NMS can manage such tunnels via the LERs in an MPLS network. This
has other benefits: LERs are often more powerful devices than the LSRs in the core of the
network, so Table
• they of
are potentially more able to withstand large bursts of management plane
• for instance,
Index when the tunnels are being discovered. Another important point is that
the pathManagement,
Network taken by the tunnels
MIBs through
and MPLS: the network
Principles, is Implementation
Design and also stored in the LER in the (optional)
mplsTunnelARHopTable. If this table is supported, then the originating node knows the path.
ByStephen B. Morris
This again avoids the need for delving into the transit LSR MIBs.
All of the MIBs we've studied so far have been essentially passive in nature; that is, they
Publisher: Addison Wesley
serve to record details of the managed network. There is another use that can be made of a
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
MIB: policy storage. In this, the MIB is used to store rules and actions. Policies consist of
conditions 0-13-101113-8
rules) and actions that should be taken when the conditions are met. Later in
this chapter,
Pages: 416we study the FTN MIB because it provides a framework for storing policies that
can be used to manage IP traffic as it enters an MPLS network.
TightlyManagement, MIBs and MPLS: Dependencies
Coupled Intercolumn Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
An important area of MIB design is that of intercolumn dependency in which the value of
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
column X provides a context for column Y, or vice versa. An example is where a tunnel
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
instance is a backup for a primary tunnel as illustrated in Figure 9-1.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Figure 9-1. A primary tunnel with a backup instance.
[ Team LiB ]
InFigure 9-1, we see an MPLS network with two tunnels. One is a primary and the other is a
backup. This can be brought about by creating two entries in the mplsTunnelTable, one of
which is an instance of the other. By instance, we mean a copy in all things except the path
taken. The two tunnels can be configured to share the same set of resources, such as
bandwidth, or they can each duplicate the resources. The primary tunnel follows the path
{LER1, LSR1, LSR2, LER2}, while the backup follows the path: {LER1, LSR3, LSR4, LER2}. In
Figure 9-1, we also see an excerpt from the mplsTunnelTable in LER1. The primary tunnel
has the value 1 in both mplsTunnelIndex and mplsTunnelInstance. In other words, it is the
first entry in the mplsTunnelTable and is not an instance of another tunnel (i.e., it is an
Team LiBof itself).
] The backup tunnel, however, has the value 1 in mplsTunnelIndex and 2 in
mplsTunnelInstance. This means that it occupies the second entry in the mplsTunnelTable
and is an instance of mplsTunnelIndex 1. In other words, it is a backup instance of the
primary tunnel.
Let's consider the steps that must be taken to bring this about using SNMP. To create the
primary tunnel, we set the values of mplsTunnelIndex and mplsTunnelInstance both to 1
(as well as setting other mandatory columns, as was seen in Chapter 8). It is likely that we
will have looked up the value of the mplsTunnelIndexNext object to get the next free
mplsTunnelTable index. To create the backup tunnel, we must consult the MIB (or an
external database) for the value of mplsTunnelIndex that corresponds to the primary
tunnel—in this case, 1. We then create another entry in mplsTunnelTable with the
mplsTunnelIndex and mplsTunnelInstance values 1 and 2, respectively.
This is an example of intercolumn dependencies in which the value of one column depends on
the value of another. In the case of backup (or load-sharing) tunnels, the value of
Publisher: Addison Wesley
mplsTunnelIndex has the same value as mplsTunnelIndex from another row in the
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
mplsTunnelTable. The two entries are differentiated by the value of mplsTunnelInstance.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Such dependencies contribute some complexity to the MIB. For example, should we be
allowed to delete
Pages: 416 a primary tunnel before deleting the backup? Usually not, because the
backup generally exists only to protect the primary tunnel. So, the agent on LER1 should
enforce this, and the NMS should follow suit.
As with many
Network engineering
Management, MIBsdecisions,
and MPLS: thePrinciples,
best way to implement
Design this is with clear
and Implementation is rules,
the such
as precluding deletion of a primary tunnel until all instances have been deleted.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. The agent
This enforcetutorial
in-depth these rules
from along with the
networking NMSStephen
expert (e.g., if Morris
the user attempts
delivers to and
clear delete a primary
tunnel before
instruction on deleting the with
networking backup).
is a bad practice
MPLS, and for
NMS to rely on the
Coverage agent to
enforce such
SNMPv3, rules—the
network agent may
management erroneously
software permit IP
components, inconsistencies. For this reason,
routing, HP Openview NetworkitNode
better for the NMS to infer relationships like tunnel instances and enforce
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing rules concerning
the order
large of deletion
network systems.without relying on the agent.
[Another important
Team LiB ] issue is that of providing default values for MIB objects. This can have an
important impact on the complexity of the SNMP-handling software in an NMS, as we'll see in
the next section.
SNMP-handling software code in the NMS must check the value of Y before setting X.
Not setting the value of X (e.g., when Y is zero) may give rise to holes in the MIB.
Having to check the value of an object makes the SNMP code unnecessarily complex. It
makes flow-through operations more difficult to achieve because the incoming data has to be
validated—this should already have occurred at the user interface layer. It also introduces
Team cases
LiB ] into the NMS software. If such intercolumn relationships are necessary, then it
should be possible to use default values in the MIB object definition via the DEFVAL clause.
Once this is done, the values of X and Y are irrelevant to the SNMP (provisioning) code: It
simply sets the values passed to it regardless of whether or not they are defaults. This is so
because the values will either be defaults or valid settings.
The issue of holes is important. These can arise if a SET operation is completed on a table row
without setting all the columns. It is up to the agent to provide some default value if it deems
it necessary. The problem with MIB holes (as we saw in Chapter 6, "Network Management
Software Components") is that a getRequest on a MIB hole can result in an exception;
likewise a getNextRequest on a MIB hole results in getting the lexical successor to the
specified object skipping any holes. This can result in unexpected data being presented to the
NMS. Providing default values can also help in avoiding MIB holes. When holes are avoided, it
becomes easier to navigate around a MIB.
An allied problem
• Table ofoccurs in the use of relational database products (e.g., Informix, SQL
Server) when
• null values have been written into tables. Retrieving such null data using Java
can result
Network in exceptions
Management, MIBs being thrown.
and MPLS: This Design
Principles, can beand
highly inconvenient
Implementation because it then
becomes necessary to catch such exceptions.
ByStephen B. Morris
An added difficulty is that exception handling in languages such as Java can be quite slow.
Just as for MIBs, it is generally better practice to avoid the problem altogether by the use of
Publisher: Addison Wesley
default (i.e., not null) schema values in the table definitions.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
MIBs and Scalability
The crucial role played by MIBs in network management has been stated many times. MIBs
are in fact so crucial that they can greatly simplify both the structure of the NMS and the ease
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
with which the network can be managed.
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
The scale of emerging NEs is such that SNMP may be approaching a physical
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
limit—navigating tables with millions of entries is almost certainly not a practical proposition.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
MIB designs must incorporate this trend and allow for possible techniques such as data
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
compression. Compressed PDUs could use standard data compression techniques (e.g.,
large network systems.
LZ77) in order to manipulate larger amounts of data. In effect, larger PDUs could be used
because each field could be compressed. On the downside, this would complicate PDU
[ Team LiB ]
handling and make for slower NE responses because of compression overhead. A more
permanent solution to this is to push more management decision-making capability into the
NEs themselves, as discussed in the next section.
The full title of this MIB is a little unwieldy: MPLS FEC-To-NHLFE Management Information
Base. An understanding of this MIB should help us gain a deeper appreciation of the MPLS
examples described in Chapter 8. It will also illustrate a way of storing policies in MIBs.
These policies are created by the NMS user and executed by the NE (usually in conjunction
with special-purpose network hardware). Before starting to describe the MIB, we define the
term Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC).
[A Team
a group
] of IP packets that receive the same forwarding treatment. A FEC dictates
that packets follow the same path through the network and experience a defined quality of
service. A FEC might correspond to a destination IP subnet or address prefix (e.g.,
10.81/16), but it also might correspond to any traffic class that a given Edge-LSR (or LER)
considers significant. For example, all traffic to a given destination with a certain value of IP
DS field might constitute a FEC.
• Table of Contents
FEC Definition
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
At the point of ingress to an MPLS network, packets are assigned to a
ByStephen B. Morris
forwarding equivalence class or FEC. A FEC is a group of IP packets that are
forwarded in the same manner, that is, over the same path, and with the same
traffic-handling treatment. In conventional IP routing, FEC assignment occurs
Publisher: Addison Wesley
at each hop; in MPLS it occurs just once at the ingress. Once a packet has been
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
assigned to a FEC, it is labeled. The labeled packet is then ready for MPLS
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Once an IP packet has been labeled, the MPLS node must decide where to send (or forward)
it. The next hop label forwarding entry ( NHLFE) is used for this purpose and contains the
following details:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
The next hop for the packet—an LSP or a tunnel
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking
The operation with MIBs,on
to be performed SNMP, MPLS,
the label and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Recall fromNMS software
Chapter components,
8 that among
an LSP is an objectother key using
created techniques and
the LSR tools
(and TE)forMIB.
large network
encoded systems.
packets pushed onto an LSP then follow the path associated with that LSP. Similarly,
the next hop can be a traffic-engineered tunnel (created using our old friend, the MPLS tunnel
Team LiB ]The label stack operation can be one of the following:
Replace the label at the top of the label stack with a specified new label.
Replace the label at the top of the label stack with a specified new label, and then push
one or more specified new labels onto the stack.
The next part of the FTN MIB concerns the association between the packet-handling rules and
specific NE interfaces. The last table in the MIB provides performance-related
statistics—useful for checking the speed of packet handling, throughput, and so on.
This is the broad functional description of the FTN MIB; we now look at the details of the
following three tables:
1. mplsFTNTable
2. mplsFTNMapTable
[ Team LiB ]
3. mplsFTNPerfTable
ThemplsFTNTable is used to store mappings between FECs and NHLFE. Each row defines a
rule to apply to incoming IP packets and an action to take if the rule applies. The criteria for
rule construction can consist of the following objects:
Source port
Destination port
• Table of Contents
DS value
• Index
These are
Network all fields in
Management, theand
packet header,Design
Principles, as weand
saw in Chapter 3,
"The Network
Management Problem,"
ByStephen B. Morris
Figure 3-5. Another object, called the action pointer, serves to point
at an entry in either the LSR MIB (mplsXCEntry) or the TE MIB (mplsTunnelEntry).
Finally, the mplsFTNPerfTable provides performance counters for each FTN entry on a per-
interface Management,
Network basis. BecauseMIBs LERsand
located at the boundary
Principles, of IPImplementation
Design and and MPLS networks,
is the the
traffic levels can be very high (e.g., an SP boundary connected to a large corporate
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. site), so
This is a needtutorial
for high-capacity counters
from networking in order
expert to avoid
Stephen 32-bit
Morris counters
delivers clear wrapping
and concisearound
(although wraparound
instruction on networking is clearly still possible).
with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Examplenetwork systems.
Using the FTN MIB
[ Team LiB ]
This example illustrates the FTN MIB setup required for pushing MPLS-encoded IP traffic into
either an LSP or a tunnel. Figure 9-2 illustrates two IP traffic streams feeding into an MPLS
LER (Edge Router 1). One IP source is sending voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephony traffic, and the
other is SMTP (email distribution). We want to push the SMTP traffic through the LSP and the
VoIP traffic through the tunnel. The VoIP traffic has real-time requirements, so let's assume
that we have created the tunnel with adequate bandwidth and an appropriate assigned QoS
(as we saw in Chapter 8). The SMTP traffic requirements are less stringent, so we use an LSP
for this purpose, with no bandwidth resource allocation and a best-effort QoS. The tunnel,
however, has to carry real-time telephony data, so we assume that the tunnel has dedicated
resources (e.g., 640kbps as we saw in Chapter 8).
• Table of Contents
• Index
The LSPManagement,
Network and tunnel MIBs
are capable ofPrinciples,
and MPLS: transferring MPLS-encapsulated
Design and Implementation IP
packets through the
core network and delivering them as IP at the point of egress (Edge Router 2).
ByStephen B. Morris
In this case, we have two IP destinations: the SMTP Gateway at IP address and
a VoIP Gateway at, respectively. The setup we illustrate in Figure 9-2 is
Publisher: Addison Wesley
unidirectional (a telephony application would require bidirectional connections); to complete
the Pub
VoIPDate: June 20, 2003
picture, we would need another tunnel (or LSP) to forward traffic in the opposite
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
As can be seen in Figure 9-2, the egress MPLS label used by the core router has the reserved
value 0. This value is called Explicit Null and is used in order to indicate to the next MPLS
node (Edge Router 2) that the MPLS data must be stripped off the packet and a normal IP
lookup performed.
Network Management,In other
MIBswords, the label
and MPLS: value of
Principles, 0 tells
Design theImplementation
and next node that the packet
is the
must be returned to the IP domain. The following example illustrates how the different
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks. IP
This types are
in-depth pushed
tutorial intonetworking
from either the expert
LSP or Stephen
tunnel. Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Setting NMS
Manager, Up the mplsFTNTable
software for LSP
components, among other Redirection
key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
In order to push IP traffic into the LSP in Figure 9-2, an entry is required in the
[ Team LiB ]
mplsFTNTable. The LSP setup requires the network administrator to know in advance the
values of the following objects at each hop:
Figure 9-2 illustrates the MIB objects needed for setting up the mplsFTNTable. These objects
are required only for Edge Router 1 and consist of the following:
The incoming label is not applicable because IP traffic lands at the ingress interface (and
hence has no attached MPLS label)
Given these details, we now have enough information to populate a row in mplsFTNTable:
[ Team LiB ]
{ mplsFTNIndex = 1,
mplsFTNDescr = "FTN-ENTRY-1 for IP subnet",
mplsFTNMask = 0x01, -- Look up destination address only
mplsFTNAddrType = ipv4,
mplsFTNDestIpv4AddrMin =,
mplsFTNDestIpv4AddrMax =,
mplsFTNActionType = redirectLsp,
mplsFTNActionPointer = mplsXCLspId. }
The value of mplsFTNActionPointer indicates the LSP to which packets should be redirected.
It is set to point to the first column object of the XC entry that corresponds to this LSP. This is
mplsXCIndex., which represents the following mplsXCTable entry:
• Table of Contents
{ mplsXCIndex
• Index= 5,
Network Management, MIBs and = 0, --
MPLS: originating
Principles, Design andLSP
mplsInSegmentLabel = 0, -- originating LSP
ByStephen B. Morris
mplsOutSegmentIndex = 3, -- pointer to a row in mplsOutSegmentTable
mplsXCLabelStackIndex = 0 }
Publisher: Addison Wesley
IP packets with the destination address are now redirected into the LSP as
{ mplsFTNIndex = 2,
mplsFTNDescr = "FTN-ENTRY-2 for IP subnet",
mplsFTNMask = 0x01, -- Look up destination address only
mplsFTNAddrType = ipv4,
mplsFTNDestIpv4AddrMin =,
mplsFTNDestIpv4AddrMax =,
mplsFTNActionType = redirectTunnel,
-- We assume that the ingress and egress LSR IDs are and
-- respectively for this tunnel as seen in Figure 9–2
mplsFTNActionPointer = mplsTunnelIndex. }
[ Team LiB ]
InmplsTunnelTable, we have the following row with index 4:
{ mplsTunnelIndex = 4,
mplsTunnelInstance = 0, -- primary tunnel
mplsTunnelIngressLSRID =,
mplsTunnelEgressLSRID = }
{ mplsFTNMapIfIndex = 1,
mplsFTNPrevIndex = 1,
• Table of Contents
mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 2 }
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
By packetsB. with
destination address are now redirected into the traffic-
engineered tunnel as required.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
One solution to those problems was to use local intelligence in networked controllers (similar
to SNMP agents). The latter would then use local sensors and low-cost processing power
wherever it was
• Tableneeded rather than in a central location. These distributed controllers then
of Contents
• reported serious
Index problems back to a central supervisory management system. This
Network freed the
Management, MIBscentral management
and MPLS: system
Principles, Design andto perform more complex (and
centralized) calculations, such as scheduling production runs and reporting on scrap.
ByStephen B. Morris
It is increasingly likely that a similar approach will be needed for NMS, that is, more and
more agent intelligence. PBNM provides a basis for this by allowing for NEs to take some
Publisher: Addison Wesley
control responsibility. The FTN MIB provides an SNMP-based example of policy usage.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
[ TeamISBN:
LiB 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Asset management
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Usage-based billing
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Capacity planning and forecasting
In other words, as FCAPS capability is pushed into the network (along with policy-based
facilities), we may see some OSS (or possibly business management system) facilities being
pushed inManagement,
turn into the MIBs
NMS.and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
[ Team
This LiB ] tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Managing these
• Tablecomplex services is a major challenge, and doing so in a scalable fashion
of Contents
remains oneIndex
• of the biggest problems faced by the industry. It is possible that new MIBs will
be needed
Network to represent
Management, MIBsthese aggregate
and MPLS: objects,
Principles, Design and realizing them
in the network may well
and Implementation
require new signaling protocols. An example scenario might be when a service provider
ByStephen B. Morris
wants to add a customer site to a VPN. The steps might include the following:
Map the QoS characteristics of the incoming traffic to the provide core.
Ensure that this traffic goes to a specified set of destinations inside the VPN.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive a verifiable
guide to managingSLA and
to the customer.
troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction onbefore creating
networking the
with service,
MIBs, ensure
SNMP, that
MPLS, encryption/authentication
and is in place.
much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
The NMS will
Manager, NMS almost certainly
software be called
components, upon to
among provide
other this type ofand
key techniques multitechnology solution.
tools for managing
large network systems.
[[ Team
Team LiB
LiB ]]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
All code written to access specific technology should also be as generic as possible; for example, it is
better to name a class method (assuming the code is written in C++ or Java) getLabelValue() than
getMPLSLabelValue() because the former can be used for a number of label-based technologies, such
as ATM, MPLS, FR, and Pseudo-Wires, whereas the latter is tied to MPLS. In a similar vein, code used to
create virtual connections should use naming conventions such as createConnection() rather than
createFrameRelayConnection(). The latter is again tied to one technology, whereas the former is
more flexible and can be extended to support other technology types as they arise. Parameters in these
function calls (or Java methods) can be used to distinguish the underlying technology types. So, we
might have a top-level provisioning code method (with an abbreviated parameter list), such as:
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Even without reduction in numbers, skill set specialization also has its own problems when
adopting solution engineering, such as:
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Not taking
ISBN: an end-to-end or customer-type system view—for example, a developer
creates a Frame Relay virtual circuit, verifying that the data is written to the database
Pages: 416
but not the network (a customer generally sees the network as the true database and is
more interested in verifying that the connection is created in the network).
A better deployment model results if NMS products are well-designed with characteristics
such as:
Generic software components, such as GUIs that allow the management of generic
connections rather than technology-specific objects, whether they be optical light paths
or Frame Relay virtual circuits
We believe that products fulfilling these requirements have a much better chance of fitting
into enterprise networks, workflows, and business processes, and standing on their own
merits. In other words, incorporating such products into large enterprise networks should not
be such a daunting and expensive task as is perhaps the case at present.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
The investment required in introducing the NBI layer in Figure 9-4 is worthwhile because of
the ease with which OSS integration can occur.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Thin software strikes a balance between form and function—the code size and complexity are
minimized while the overall function is optimized. Code size is minimized by the use of details
meaningful default
Addison Wesley database values and flow-through provisioning. These in turn help
avoid spaghetti code because, for example, the data sent for provisioning is valid for passing
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
directly into SNMP setRequest messages. That is, the provisioning code does not need to
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
validate the data it receives; instead, it can be written straight out to the network. The same
Pages: 416
applies where the NMS carries out extensive reads from the network, for example, during an
IP discovery procedure. MIB objects are read from NEs and these match expected column
values in the database. So, in the same way as for provisioning, the discovery code does not
have to carry out large amounts of validation and data manipulation.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
[ Team LiB ] tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Engineers who focus on products rather than individual projects tend to take the time to
master their chosen area. This can be any or all of the FCAPS areas, for example. A product is
a freestanding body of software that exists as either a substantial element of a product or as
a productManagement,
in its own right.MIBsAnand MPLS:of
example Principles, Designisand
such a product an Implementation is the that
accounting subsystem
allows for guide
IP packet and troubleshooting
traffic, enterprise
ATM cell traffic, andProduct
and so on. service engineers
provider networks.
tend to
adopt in-depth
a broadtutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network tend
Project engineers management software
to focus on components,
many small, IP routing,
well-defined piecesHP
of Openview
work, andNetwork Node
they often
Manager, NMS software
play an extremely usefulcomponents,
role in gettingamong other
software key techniques
releases andout
successfully tools
to for managing
Productnetwork systems.
engineers differ in enjoying the strategic context of several release cycles and use
this to inform their implementation decisions. Product engineers generally produce the best
Team LiBAn ] added bonus of product engineers is that they can also materially contribute to
strategy groups.
Facilitating a solution engineer can consist of little more than interviewing them and asking
them about their desired work area and preferred working method. We regard product and
solution engineers as being essentially the same.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
A Final Word
It is increasingly difficult for enterprises to countenance throwing out all of their legacy
hardware and management software in order to install the latest device offerings. There is a
need for allowing such users to migrate slowly and steadily towards the packet-based
networks of the future. The cost of hardware is falling, and for this reason good-quality NMS
provide a degree of vendor product differentiation.
The B. Morris
central role of MIBs in network management has been a major theme of this book, and
we hope that MIBs now hold no surprises for readers. Vendor and standards organizations
can do much to promote manageability by creating well-designed MIBs. Wherever possible,
Publisher: Addison Wesley
standard MIBs should be used.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
Pushing more
ISBN: intelligence into NEs can be readily accommodated with MIBs such as the FTN
MIB discussed
Pages: 416 in this chapter. It is possible that specialized networking hardware such as the
network processors from Intel and IBM may be required for such MIBs. However, the pattern
is clear: NEs will become increasingly sophisticated and capable of autonomously executing
highly complex management functions. This will help to improve the scalability of networks
that encompass many (i.e., hundreds or thousands) such devices.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
The running example used in this book was MPLS. This was done to provide an interesting
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
backdrop for the NMS discussions and also for a number of other reasons:
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
MPLSNMS software
allows components, amonglayer
for a connection-oriented other
3 key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Phased migration of layer 2 technologies (such as ATM) to layer 3 becomes feasible.
[ Team LiB ]
Layer 2 skills can be de-emphasized.
Emerging standards such as PWE3 and Ethernet over MPLS pave the way for generic
cores, moving complexity to the network edge.
Even if MPLS is not deployed in a large enterprise network, the benefits of NMS are
NMS provides centralized management rather than using numerous EMS and
proprietary products.
It becomes possible to proactively manage the network using policies, that is, damage
prevention rather than damage control.
The need for solutions in network management technology is a challenge for software
developers. It becomes necessary to acquire a working knowledge of many different
technologies, including IP, MPLS, ATM, Frame Relay, and SONET/SDH. The linked overview
technique described in Chapter 3 may be of assistance in rapidly getting a handle on these
Team LiBareas.
] While there is rarely a substitute for experience, a willingness on the part of
software developers to learn new technologies quickly can help vendor companies in shoring
up skills shortages. This should have a direct and positive impact on product revenues.
On the commercial side, the global economic downturn (that started around March 2000) has
forced most enterprise/SP network operators to assess their options. Investment does not
tend to occur unless there is a proven return to be made.
As vendor organizations return to the path of profitability, it will become essential for them to
produce good-quality differentiated solutions. This will translate into products that generate
the cash needed to provide training for crossfunctional cooperation. It is only the latter that
will permit the long-term solution development and maintenance capability needed for the
emerging NEs. Customers may be able to assist in this process by providing some of their
own engineering capability, thereby extending crossfunctional cooperation outside the vendor
organization. The creation of value is the difference between the cost of producing and selling
solutions. Table of Contents
• Index
Network 7, we sawMIBs
Management, howand
MPLS: Principles,itDesign
is to rapidly create NMS
building blocks. The
and Implementation
available development tools (e.g., Visual C++ and JDMK) are very easy to use and are
ByStephen B. Morris
supplied with reasonably good sample code. These provide base-level components that can
be incorporated into larger bodies of NMS function—that is, FCAPS. The really hard problems
are, as usual, related to scale, though usability and generic software are also crucial.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
While Date: Juneand
20, 2003
enterprises have their problems, we also should not forget SP operator
ISBN:The TeleManagement Forum [TeleMgmtForum] has reported that adding a new NE
to an SP network
Pages: 416 can cost in excess of $20 million. This is most likely due to some
combination of:
NMS changes required for the new hardware and associated NMS modules
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing
Interoperability and
problems troubleshooting
with enterprise and service provider networks.
existing devices
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking
Firmware bugs in thewith
newMIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
Integrating components,
management for the among
NEs intoother key techniques
existing and and
OSS workflows toolsbusiness
for managing
large network systems.
Similar costs apply to large enterprise networks. Many technologies, such as MPLS, are
Team LiB ] long before the standards are complete. This is a necessary part of vendors
keeping up with their competitors. Competitive advantage may go to those vendors whose
products match the adopted standards. SNMP is an established standard that is widely
deployed. Developers of NMS and NEs can use standard tools such as UML and SDL in
conjunction with standard programming languages to create increasingly open systems. By
open, we mean that UML and SDL allow for the development process to be opened up to all
stakeholders. This can result in a better mapping between user requirements and deployed
Security is critical to successful network management, and SNMPv3 facilitates this. The
SNMPv3 security model allows for extensions if necessary. It is likely that 3DES, AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard), and their eventual successors will be required.
Network management is a very broad, exciting field. The trend toward favoring solutions over
technology puts network management in a prominent position. The industry equation is
simple: Good-quality NMS technology will help network operators to provide reliable, high-
performance networks that meet organizational needs.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index RFC1155-SMI
Network Management,
transmission MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
FROM RFC-1212;
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pubthis is 20,
Date: June the2003
MIB module for RS-232-like hardware devices
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
rs232 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 33 }
Pages: 416
rs232AsyncPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"A list of asynchronous port entries. The maximum
entry number is given by the value of rs232Number.
Entries need not exist for synchronous ports."
::= { rs232 3 }
rs232AsyncPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Rs232AsyncPortEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"Status and parameter values for an asynchronous port."
INDEX { rs232AsyncPortIndex }
::= { rs232AsyncPortTable 1 }
Team LiB ] ::=
rs232AsyncPortIndex INTEGER,
rs232AsyncPortBits INTEGER,
rs232AsyncPortStopBits INTEGER,
rs232AsyncPortParity INTEGER,
rs232AsyncPortAutobaud INTEGER,
rs232AsyncPortParityErrs Counter,
rs232AsyncPortFramingErrs Counter,
rs232AsyncPortOverrunErrs Counter }
This MIB provides all of the above objects for use when managing serial devices. Each entry in the table
corresponds to a serial interface, and the other columns provide access to configuration data such as the
number of bits in a data word (rs232AsyncPortBits), the number of stop bits
• Table of Contents
(rs232AsyncPortStopBits), and the port parity (rs232AsyncPortParity). A network management
system reads
• the values of all entries in the rs232AsyncPortTable and sets the values of the port
Network as required.
Management, An example
MIBs and wouldDesign
MPLS: Principles, be an and
appropriately configured 10-port terminal server,
which would have
ByStephen B. Morris
10 entries in this table. By sending a block of SNMP GetRequest messages, the entire
table can be retrieved. If required, the user can also send a block of SNMP SetRequest messages in
order to modify the rows in rs232AsyncPortTable. The following is the complete definition of the
columns of Addison
Publisher: this table:
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
[View full width]
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
rs232AsyncPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
Pages: 416
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"A unique Management,
value for MIBs
eachand MPLS:Its
port. Principles,
value Design
is the and Implementation
same is the for the port."
as rs232PortIndex
::= { guide to managing and troubleshooting
rs232AsyncPortEntry 1 } enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking
rs232AsyncPortBits with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SYNTAX network management
INTEGER (5..8) software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
ACCESS NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
Team LiB ] number of bits in a character."
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 2 }
rs232AsyncPortStopBits OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { one(1), two(2), one-and-half(3),
dynamic(4) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The port's number of stop bits."
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 3 }
rs232AsyncPortParity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), odd(2), even(3),
mark(4), space(5) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The port's sense of a character parity bit."
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 4 }
rs232AsyncPortAutobaud OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
ACCESS read-write
[ Team LiB ] mandatory
"A control for the port's ability to automatically sense input speed. When
rs232PortAutoBaud is 'enabled', a port may autobaud to values different from the set
values for speed, parity, and character size. As a result a network management system
may temporarily observe values different from what was previously set."
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 5 }
rs232AsyncPortParityErrs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"Total number of characters with a parity error, input from the port since system
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'."
• Table of Contents
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 6 }
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS:
rs232AsyncPortFramingErrs Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen Counter
B. Morris
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
Publisher: Addison Wesley
"Total number
Pub Date: June 20, 2003of characters with a framing error, input from the port since system
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'."
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
::= { rs232AsyncPortEntry 7 }
Pages: 416
rs232AsyncPortOverrunErrs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
Network Management,
STATUS mandatory MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
"Total numbertutorial from networking
of characters with expert Stephen
an overrun Morris input
error, deliversfrom
and port
since system
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much
re-initialization and while the port state was 'up' or 'test'." more. Coverage includes
::= network management software
{ rs232AsyncPortEntry 8 } components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
C:\netstat -r
Route Table
Interface List
0x1 ....................
• Table of Contents MS TCP Loopback interface
b0 d0 16 48 97 ... 3Com EtherLink PCI
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Active Routes:
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Dest Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 1 1
Publisher: Addison Wesley 1
Pub Date:
Default June 20, 2003142.159.65.17
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Persistent Routes:
Pages: 416
[ Team LiB
Network ]
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
B.2 Ping
Ping is an indispensable tool for determining if specified IP interfaces are up.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
B.3 Traceroute
Traceroute is very useful for determining the route taken for a specified IP destination. Try
the following and substitute something like (or an IP address internal or
external to your intranet) to see the IP route traced to the destination.
C:\>tracert localServer
Trace complete.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date:
[ Team LiB ]June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
D.1 snmpdefs.h
This is the header file that provides symbolic constants and function declarations for the main
C file.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
D.2 snmpmgr.c
This is the main C file that provides function definitions and the implementation of the program.
ByStephen B. Morris
INT _CRTAPI1 main(
IN int argumentCount,
IN char *argumentVector[])
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 (argumentCount, argumentVector);
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 argumentVector);
return 0;
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
* This routine
This in-depth checks
tutorial from the command
networking expert line parameters
Stephen and issues
Morris delivers a concise
clear and
usage statement
instruction if there
on networking withare insufficient
MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, entries.
and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
int startupRoutine(int
Manager, argc,among
NMS software components, char other
techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
int loop;
[ Team LiB ]
programMode = 0;
switch (argc)
case 2:
programMode = TRAP;
// printf("Program Mode is TRAP %d\n", programMode);
case 5:
programMode = GET;
// printf("Program Mode is GET %d\n", programMode);
case 6:
programMode = SET;
// printf("Program Mode is SET %d\n", programMode);
[ Team LiB ]{
printf ("usage: %s <Mode> <Agent> <Community> <Object ID>
[<Value>]\n", argv [0]);
exit (0x01);
* Prepare for the user-requested operation including traps
int prepareForOp(enum Operations reqOperation, LPSTR agentName,
LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier, char *objectValue)
if (reqOperation != TRAP)
• { Table of Contents
• Index
allocateResources(agentName, community, objectIdentifier);
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and
prepareDataForOperation(reqOperation, Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
return 0;
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
* The following function is for a complete SNMP Agent operation.
Pages: 416
* The syntax for its use is as follows:
* (i) reqOperation may have the value GET/SET/TRAP
* (ii) agentName is the IP address or DNS name of the agent
* (iii) community is the name of the SNMP community
* (iv)Management, MIBs and MPLS:
objectIdentifier is Principles,
the OID Design and Implementation is the
of interest
* (v) guideobjectValue
to managing isandthe
value of the enterprise
OID forandsetservice provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs,
int doSnmpOperation(enum SNMP, MPLS,
Operations and much more.
reqOperation, Coverage
LPSTR includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier, char *objectValue) Network Node
{ NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
prepareForOp(reqOperation, agentName, community,
objectIdentifier, objectValue);
[ Team LiB ]
switch (reqOperation)
case GET:
case SET:
case WALK:
case TRAP:
[ Team LiB ] break;
return 0;
* The following function copies the parameters into
* the corresponding member variables. It does the following:
* (i) Copies the SNMP Agent name into a private data member,
* (ii) Copies the SNMP community name into a private data member,
* (iii) Converts the object name into the correct OID format,
* (iv) Sets up the variable bindings structure
• Table of Contents
int allocateResources(LPSTR agentName,
• Index
LPSTR community, char *objectIdentifier)
{ Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B.AsnObjectIdentifier
Morris reqObject;
variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].name =
reqObject; // NOTE! structure copy
variableBindings.list[variableBindings.len - 1].value.asnType =
• } Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
* The
ByStephen following
B. Morris function frees these parameters:
* (i) The SNMP Agent name,
* (ii) The SNMP community name,
* (iii)
Publisher: TheWesley
Addison object name,
* (iv) The variable bindings structure
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
* (v) The SNMP session
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
int deallocateResources()
// Free any dynamically allocated memory objects
Network Management,
{ MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide SNMP_free(SNMPAgentName);
to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking
SNMPAgentName expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction }on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network { systems.
[ Team LiB ] SNMPCommunity = NULL;
* Prepare for the required request
int prepareDataForOperation(enum Operations reqOperation,
unsigned char *newObjectValue)
int returnValue = FUNCTION_SUCCESS;
[ Teamswitch
LiB ] (reqOperation)
case GET: {
case GETNEXT: {
case SET: {
case WALK: {
• Table of Contents
• } Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
case TRAP: {
ByStephen B.break;
default: {
Addison Wesley = FUNCTION_FAILED;
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
}Pages: 416
return returnValue;
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
* Prepare for a Set request
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
int prepareSetOperation(unsigned char *newObjectValue)
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
requestType = ASN_RFC1157_SETREQUEST;
large network systems.
// Request that the API carry out the desired operation.
[ Team LiB ]
variableBindings.len = 1;
* Prepare for a Get request
int prepareGetOperation()
requestType = ASN_RFC1157_GETREQUEST;
* Prepare for a GetNext request
int prepareGetNextOperation()
* Create a session with a remote agent
• Table of Contents
• Index
int createSNMPSession()
{ Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
if ((SNMPsession
ByStephen B. Morris = SnmpMgrOpen(SNMPAgentName, SNMPCommunity, timeout, retries)) ==
Addison Wesley on SnmpMgrOpen %d\n", GetLastError());
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
* Execute a MIB walk
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
int executeMibWalk()
This in-depth
{ tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction //
on networking
Walk is a with MIBs,
common SNMP,
term MPLS,
used and much that
to indicate more.all
Coverage includes
MIB variables
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP
// under a given OID are to be traversed and displayed. This Openview Network
is Node
Manager, //NMS a software components,
more complex among
operation other key tests
requiring techniques
and and tools for
looping in managing
large network
// to systems.
the steps for get/getnext above.
AsnObjectIdentifier root;
[ Team LiB ]
AsnObjectIdentifier tempOid;
SnmpUtilOidCpy(&root, &variableBindings.list[0].name);
if (!SnmpMgrRequest(SNMPsession, requestType, &variableBindings,
&errorStatus, &errorIndex))
// The API is indicating an error.
printf("error on SnmpMgrRequest %d\n", GetLastError());
// The API succeeded, errors may be indicated from the remote
// agent. Test for end of subtree or end of MIB.
&root, root.idLength))
printf("End of MIB subtree.\n\n");
[ Team LiB ] }
// Display resulting variable binding for this iteration.
char *string = NULL;
SnmpMgrOidToStr(&variableBindings.list[0].name, &string);
• Table of Contents
printf("Variable = %s\n", string);
• Index if (string)
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
printf("Value = ");
Publisher: Addison Wesley
} // end if()
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
// Prepare for the next iteration. Make sure the returned oid is
Pages: 416
// preserved and the returned value is freed.
SnmpUtilOidCpy(&tempOid, &variableBindings.list[0].name);
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guideSnmpUtilOidCpy(&variableBindings.list[0].name,
to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service&tempOid);
provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris =delivers
variableBindings.list[0].value.asnType clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network
} //systems.
end while()
[ Team LiB
//] Free the variable bindings that have been allocated.
return 0;
* Execute the required SNMP operation
int executeRequest()
// Request that the API carry out the desired operation.
if (!SnmpMgrRequest(SNMPsession, requestType, &variableBindings,
&errorStatus, &errorIndex))
// The API is indicating an error.
printf("error on SnmpMgrRequest %d\n", GetLastError());
[ Team LiB ]
* Display the retrieved OID instance value and type
int displayMIBInstanceValue(enum Operations reqOperation)
// Display the resulting variable bindings.
char *string = NULL;
DWORD dwResult;
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
E.1 synchronousManager.Java
The following is a listing of the Java program:
* Publisher:
To use Addison Wesley
the SNMP agent provided as part of JDMK, use port 8085. */
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
publicISBN: 0-13-101113-8
class SynchronousManager {
Pages: 416
* The main entry point. When calling the program, the command
* line must contain:
* 1) operation: GET, GETNEXT.
Network 2)
* target: IPMIBs
Management, address or DNS
and MPLS: name of
Principles, the remote
Design agent
and Implementation is the
* 3) community: string for the operation
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
* 4) OID:
This in-depth thefrom
tutorial OID networking
of interest
expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
* 5) on
instruction value: Object
networking instance
with value
MIBs, SNMP, (forand
MPLS, setmuch
more. Coverage includes
* 6) port: port number to use
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
*/ NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
public static void main(String argv[]) {
[ Team LiB ]
final int numParameters = 6;
if (argv.length != numParameters) {
try {
/* Initialize the JDMK SNMP Manager API.
Specify the OidTable containing the SNMP MIB II data.
Use the OidTable generated by mibgen after compiling MIB II. */
SnmpOidTableSupport oidTable = new RFC1213_MIBOidTable();
ByStephen B. Morris
// Issue the required SNMP request and wait for the result.
issueRequest(agent, snmpOp, list, session, host, port);
Publisher: Addison Wesley
// Destroy the session
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 java.lang.System.exit(0);
} catch(Exception e) {
java.lang.System.err.println("Exception occurred:" + e );
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive }
guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
} tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
/** network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software
* Return commandcomponents,
line usageamong
of theother key techniques and tools for managing
large network
*/ systems.
public static void usage()
[ Team
{ LiB ]
java.lang.System.out.println("java SynchronousManager <op> <host> <community>
<OID> <value> <port>");
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-op: required SNMP operation.");
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-host: hostname or IP address of the SNMP agent.
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-community: string for the operation.");
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-OID: required object instance identifier.");
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-value: of the object instance (for set only).");
java.lang.System.out.println("\t-port: port number for the remote agent.");
* Issue the required SNMP message.
public static void issueRequest(SnmpPeer agent, String operation,
SnmpVarBindList list, SnmpSession session,
String host, String port)
final String GEToperation = "GET";
final String GETNEXToperation = "GETNEXT";
final String SEToperation = "SET";
[ Team LiB ] request = null;
try {
// Make the SNMP request and wait for the result.
if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase(GEToperation) == 0)
request = session.snmpGetRequest(null, list);
if (operation.compareToIgnoreCase(GETNEXToperation) == 0)
request = session.snmpGetNextRequest(null, list);
• Table of Contents
java.lang.System.out.println("Unknown operation. Exiting...");
• Index
Network Management,
} MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
java.lang.System.out.println("Sent " + operation + " request to agent on " +
host + " port " + port);
Publisher: Addison Wesley completed = request.waitForCompletion(10000);
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
// Check for a timeout of the request.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
if (completed == false) {
Pages: 416
java.lang.System.out.println("Request timed out. Check reachability of
// Print request.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
java.lang.System.out.println("Request: is the
" + request.toString());
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
} from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management
// Check if thesoftware
contains IP anrouting,
error.HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMSint software components,
errorStatus among other key techniques and tools for managing
= request.getErrorStatus();
large network if
(errorStatus != SnmpDefinitions.snmpRspNoError) {
java.lang.System.out.println("Error status = " + SnmpRequest.
Team LiB ]
java.lang.System.out.println("Error index = " + request.getErrorIndex());
} catch(Exception e) {
java.lang.System.err.println("Exception occurred:" + e );
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[Alcatel2001] R. Uebele & M. Verhoeyen, "Strategy for Migrating Voice Networks to the Next-
Generation Architecture,"Alcatel Telecommunications Review , 3rd Quarter, 2001.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 IP
Pages: 416
[ComerStevens] Douglas Comer, & David Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP , Vol. 2,
Prentice Hall, 1993.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing
[DavieRehkter2000] and troubleshooting
Bruce Davie & Yakov Rekhter,enterprise and service
MPLS Technology andprovider networks.
Applications ,
This in-depth
Morgan tutorial
Kaufmann from networking
Publishers, 2000. expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
[DMTF1999] network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network
systems. Design and implementation of IT organizations.
Team LiB ] Douglas R. Mauro & Kevin J. Schmidt, Essential SNMP, O'Reilly & Associates,
[JavaDev] Clifford Berg, Advanced Java Development for Enterprise Applications , Prentice
Hall, 1998.
• Table of Contents
[Juniper2001]"Profile: Scott Kriens, CEO Juniper,"The Euronet, December 2001.
• Index
Network Management,
[LightReading] MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
[MIBPerkins] David Perkins & Evan McGinnis, Understanding SNMP MIBs, 1st ed., Prentice
Hall, 1997.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
[MPLS&Profits] "MPLS Is Key to Profits," March 21, 2002. Available:
Pages: 416
[NovellSAN] Novell NetWare 6—SAN and Clustering Technical White Paper. Available:
[RFC2748] RFC2748, "The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol." Available:
Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This Dan Sweeney,
in-depth tutorial "The Hard
from networking Sell Stephen
expert of Softswitches" America's
Morris delivers Network,
clear Dec. 2001.
and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
[Tanenbaum1996] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1996.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[Tanenbaum2003] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.
] Research Section
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
ASN.1 Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Abstract Syntax Notation One is a formal language for the abstract (platform-
independent) description of messages exchanged between machines. It is used to
Publisher: and Wesley
Addison decode messages in a wide range of applications, including SNMP. Objects
such as integers are encoded in a manner called tag-length-value (TLV) that is
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
independent of any processor architecture, such as big or little endian. The tag
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
indicates the object type, the length is the object size, and the value is the encoded
Pages: 416
object. ASN.1 also allows structured (or nested) definitions.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
An Autonomous
This in-depth System
tutorial from is an IP network
networking controlled
expert Stephen by one
Morris administrator
delivers clear and on behalf of a
instruction administrative entity
networking with (such
MIBs, as a MPLS,
SNMP, university, a business
and much more.enterprise, or a business
Coverage includes
networkAlso referred to as
management a routing
software domain, an
components, IPautonomous system is assigned
routing, HP Openview a
Network Node
globally unique number called an Autonomous System Number.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
The Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 is an exterior gateway protocol used for routing
between different autonomous systems. It is mainly used for providing reachability
between administrative domains that use different routing and protection methods.
Interior gateway protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS, are used inside autonomous
Call Detail Records are created by NEs when a call setup (e.g., a Q.931 ISDN SETUP
message) message is received. CDRs reflect NE resource consumption such as calling
and called parties, bandwidth used, and processing time. CDR data fields are fully
populated when the underlying call/transaction ends. At this point, NEs with CDR data
can often be configured to emit their records for capture and processing by an external
billing system. NEs may buffer some CDRs after transmission, but if call volume is high,
then data may be quickly overwritten. Many PABXs create CDRs for use in billing
Team LiB ]
Common Information Model is a model for describing overall management information
in a network environment. It is a vendor-independent, conceptual information model
for describing management data. CIM consists of a specification and a schema. The
specification defines the details for integration with other management models, while
the schema provides the actual model descriptions. It allows for the interchange of
management information between management systems and applications.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial
Component from
Object networking
Model expert Stephensoftware
is a Microsoft-specific Morris delivers clear and
architecture that concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
applications to be built from binary software components. COM is the underlyingincludes
SNMPv3, network management
architecture that forms thesoftware components,
foundation for higher IP routing,
level HP Openview
software Network
services such as Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
support for compound documents, custom controls, interapplication scripting, and data
large network
[ Team LiB ]
Customer Premises Equipment is the term used to describe SP-owned equipment that
is deployed on a customer's premises. Typically, CPE may consist of a switch or a
router. In many cases, the service provider manages the CPE and the enterprise merely
pushes its traffic into the device. This helps to reduce the workload on the enterprise IT
staff and replaces this with a fixed monthly outlay. Another merit of CPE from the SP
perspective is that it makes it a little hard for a customer to change from one service
provider to another.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Computer Telephony Integration is a technique by which computers control telephony
ByStephen B. Morris
systems such as PABXs. Call centers are a good example of CTI—calls are queued up
and routed to agents based on criteria such as caller ID and called number. A less
obvious example of CTI is the way in which computers are used to control the operation
Publisher: Addison Wesley
of mobile telephony networks.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Data Link Connection Identifier is a field in a Frame Relay link layer header. It is used
as part of the addressing data for forwarding frames.
Designated Transit List is a set of hops (or a path) in an ATM network used in creating
a virtual circuit. A DTL is similar to an MPLS ERO.
Emulated LANs can be created using ATM LAN E(mulation) technology to join together
existing LANs running protocols such as IP, Novell IPX, AppleTalk, and DECnet. ELANs
leverage existing underlying ATM technology to provide connectivity.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Element Management Systems are often hosted on NEs and offer various configuration
options such as where to send traps and notifications. In many cases, the EMS is a
front end to an SNMP agent. Also, once a device is powered up for the first time, the
Publisher: Addison Wesley
user can configure it using the EMS to assign IP addresses, subnet masks, and so on.
20, also
2003 be hosted on an external computer system and used to manage NEs
ISBN:provide only a simple CLI. Somewhat confusingly, EMS is also the term used by
Pages: 416 to describe what is often in fact an NMS.
FCAPS Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security are the OSI functional
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
areas of network management. In the Fault area, network problems are found and
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
corrected. Root cause analysis may be used to give an exact reason for a given fault. In
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
theConfiguration area, network operation is monitored and controlled. Hardware and
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
NE software changes are recorded along with an inventory of deployed equipment and
large network systems.
firmware. In the Accounting area, resources are shared out fairly among network
[ Team users.
LiB ] This area ensures that end users are billed appropriately. The Performance area
is involved with managing the overall performance of the network. The Security area is
used to protect the network against hackers, unauthorized users, and physical or
electronic tampering.
Forwarding Equivalence Class is a group of IP packets that are forwarded over the
same path and with the same traffic handling treatment. An FEC can be a destination
IP subnet or a traffic class that the LER considers significant.
FEC-to-NHLFE is a MIB table that maps FECs to a next-hop label-forwarding entry. The
[ Team LiB ]is used for labeled packet forwarding and contains the next hop, the label value
to be replaced, and the label stack to be added. This MIB controls the transition
between the IP and MPLS domains and contains rules for MPLS-encoding IP packets
and pushing them into LSPs or tunnels.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is an organization that was responsible for the
allocation of IP addresses, port numbers, character sets, and so on. This work is now
Publisher: Addison Wesley
performed by an organization called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Integrated Services is a model used for providing traffic forwarding service levels in
IP/MPLS networks. It allows for microflows to be created with reserved resources (such
as bandwidth) and other traffic handling characteristics (maximum packet size,
maximum burst size, etc.). Traffic is pushed into these microflows in the direction of
the required destination. The disadvantages of IntServ are that the microflows must be
explicitly traced and reserved, and thereafter they must be refreshed. This adds traffic
[ Team LiBthe
] network and can cause scalability problems.
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Date: June 20,Service
2003 Digital Network is a set of CCITT/ITU standards for digital
transmission. There are two levels of service: the Basic Rate Interface (BRI), intended
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
for home
Pages: 416 users and small to medium enterprises, and the Primary Rate Interface (PRI),
for larger users.
ISP Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth
Servicefrom networking
Provider is an SPexpert Stephen Internet
that provides Morris delivers
access. clear
ISPs and
can concise
also offer
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and
more than just Internet access—for example, VoIP. much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Information Technology represents a group of people dedicated to maintaining the
technical infrastructure in an organization. Infrastructure includes switches, routers,
PABXs, servers, hosts, and so on.
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, takes advantage of many features of the Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition, such as portability, JDBC for database access, CORBA
support, and a security model. J2EE adds support for Enterprise JavaBeans, JavaServer
Pages, Java Servlets, and XML.
Java Development Kit contains all the software and tools needed to compile, debug,
and run applets and applications written using Java language. It can also be seen as a
software layer that resides between Java applets (and Java applications) and the
underlying platform.
Team LiB ]
Java Development Management Kit from Sun Microsystems provides a set of Java
classes and tools for developing SNMP-based, management software (agents and
managers). Programs can be created, deployed, updated, enhanced, or removed in real
Just-in-Time is a type of Java compiler that operates after reading in a class file for
interpretation. It passes the class file to the JIT, which in turn compiles the bytecodes
into native code for the platform. It may be faster to do this than to just interpret the
bytecodes. The JIT is an integral part of the Java Virtual Machine. Some environments
• allow aTable of Contents
choice whether or not to permit JIT code.
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
The Java Virtual Machine is the cornerstone of the Java programming language. It is
Publisher: Addison Wesley
the component of the Java technology responsible for crossplatform delivery. The JVM
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
is an abstract computing machine and (just like a real computing machine) has a
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
defined instruction set. The JVM knows nothing of the Java language, only of a
Pages: 416 file format, the class file format. A class file contains JVM instructions (or
bytecodes) and a symbol table, as well as other required information.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction Directory
on networking Access
with Protocol
MIBs, SNMP, is a protocol
MPLS, used more.
and much for communicating with a
Coverage includes
directory product.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Team LiB ]
The Label Edge Router is a router that sits at the boundary between an IP network and
the MPLS domain. IP traffic is presented to an ingress LER, labels are pushed, and the
resultant packets are forwarded over an LSP. LSRs carry the encoded packets and
labels are swapped. At the egress edge of the MPLS domain, another LER removes all
the MPLS encoding data, performs a normal IP lookup, and forwards the packet into
the IP network.
Label Switched Paths are often also referred to as tunnels. LSPs are used to transport
data, such as IP packets, across an MPLS network. An LSP is a set of hops across a
number of MPLS nodes. At the edge of the MPLS network, the incoming traffic is
[ Team LiB ] in an MPLS frame and the latter is then routed, using the embedded label
for addressing. The path traversed by an LSP can be specifically engineered for traffic
so that different incoming traffic streams receive different service levels.
Label Switching Router. In this book, an LSR is considered as a core device—that is, a
node that resides inside the MPLS domain boundary and does no IP forwarding. An
LER, on the other hand, performs the edge function: It applies the initial label to the
packet after performing a conventional longest-match prefix lookup on the IP header.
After the packet is labeled, the intermediate LSRs forward it using only the label. LSRs
usually replace the label on an incoming packet with a new value as they forward it;
thus, the forwarding mechanism is based on label swapping.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Mobile Application Part is a protocol that utilizes SS7 to allow roaming and other
mobile telephony capabilities, such as text messaging.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
MD5 Pages: 416
Message Transfer Part is the part of a common-channel signaling system (such as SS7)
that transfers signal messages between network nodes and performs functions such as
error control and signaling link security.
Mobile Virtual Network Operator is a relatively new breed of operator that uses the
infrastructure of another operator to provide a competitive service. Unused capacity in
the host network is sold to the MVNO and cross-selling of services may be possible.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
A Network
ByStephen Access Point is an Internet interconnection point that is used to tie all the
B. Morris
Internet access providers together. NAPs provide switching facilities
Next-Hop Label Forwarding Entry is a table that contains the next hop, the label value
to be replaced, and the label stack to be added to an MPLS-encoded packet.
Team LiB ]
Network Interface Card is a term used to describe a peripheral circuit board or card
installed in a computer that facilitates connection to a LAN. NICs may implement
networking technology such as ATM, Ethernet, or token ring. NICs connect to some
shared medium, such as an Ethernet cable, or they may connect to a switch.
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Addison Wesley
Operations Center. A NOC is a location where a telecommunications or data
Date: Juneis managed.
20, 2003 Enterprises with large networks as well as service providers may
use the
ISBN: services of a third-party NOC. This shifts the burden of management onto the
third party
Pages: 416 and serves to explicitly define the financial outlay required for managing the
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from
Object Identifiers arenetworking expert Stephen
strings of numbers Morris
organized in a delivers clearfashion.
hierarchical and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage
object in a MIB has a unique OID. The Internet OID is The dot notationincludesis an
SNMPv3,IETFnetwork management
invention, but the ITU software components,
preferred IP routing,
a notation using spacesHPand
braces, Network Node
with optional
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and
text labels, so that would look like any one of the following: tools for managing
large network systems.
{iso(1) org(3) dod(6) iana(1)}
[ Team LiB ]
{1 3 6 1}
Object Request Broker is the software that functions as a broker (or intermediary)
between a client request for a service from a distributed object or component and the
completion of that request. Providing ORB support in a network means that client
programs can request remote services without needing any knowledge concerning the
location of the associated server. Likewise, it is not necessary for the client to have
details of the interface to the server program.
[ Team LiB ]Shortest Path First OSPF is an IP routing protocol used inside autonomous
systems. OSPF is controlled by the IETF as one of several Interior Gateway Protocols
(IGPs). With OSPF, a host that detects a change to its routing table (such as an
interface going up or down) immediately transmits the information to all other OSPF
hosts in the network. What then follows is a process called convergence in which all
OSPF hosts try to build the same routing picture of the network. Routing and network
management are conceptually similar in that both try to maintain parity between
external dynamic entities. In the case of routing protocols, the external entity is
network topology. In the case of network management, the external entity is the set of
remote SNMP agents.
• Table of Contents
Open Systems Interconnection is a complete suite of routing protocols developed by the
• Index
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). OSI protocols include
Network Management, MIBs
Intermediate and MPLS: Principles, Design
System-to-Intermediate Systemand (IS-IS),
End System-to-Intermediate
ByStephen (ES-IS), and Interdomain Routing Protocol (IDRP). Two important OSI
B. Morris
networking terminology terms are nonrouting network nodes or end systems (ES) and
routers or intermediate systems (IS). These two terms form the basis for the ES-IS and
Publisher: OSI protocols.
Wesley The ES-IS protocol enables ES and IS to discover each other. The
IS-IS protocol provides
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 routing between IS.
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Operations Support System refers to the system that handles workflows, management,
Network Management,
inventory details,MIBs and MPLS:
capacity Principles,
planning, Design
and repair and Implementation
functions is the
for service providers.
definitive guide to
Typically, an managing
OSS uses and troubleshooting
an underlying NMS toenterprise and service provider
actually communicate with thenetworks.
This in-depth
devices.tutorial from
It is also networking
possible for an expert
OSS toStephen Morrisdirectly
communicate deliverswith
clear and concise
devices. In like
instruction on networking
fashion, with MIBs,
the OSS is itself SNMP,
often used byMPLS, and much
the business more.system.
support Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Policy-Based Network Management technology provides the ability to define and
distribute policies to manage enterprise and SP networks. Policies can reside either on
devices themselves or in the network management system and exist to control essential
network resources such as traffic engineering, bandwidth, and security.
Policy Decision Point is an entity in a policy-based system where decisions are made.
PDPs can be devices such as routers carrying out traffic handling.
Performance Data Record (similar in concept to CDR) describes a block of data emitted
by a network device to indicate some aspect of performance—for example, the number
of IP packets sent or received. PDRs can be aggregated by external software to provide
an overall picture of performance.
Team LiB ]
Protocol Data Unit is an expression that describes the basic information element of a
given protocol; for example, SNMP has various PDUs, such as get and get-next. The
latter describe protocol operations and are encoded in the form of messages before
being sent to another protocol entity.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Per-Hop-Behavior is a way of describing the forwarding treatment experienced by a
ByStephen B. Morris
packet at each network node in a DiffServ domain. A bit pattern in each IP packet
header, in the IPv4 TOS octet or the IPv6 Traffic Class octet, is used to mark a packet
to receive a particular forwarding treatment, or per-hop behavior. The IETF has
Publisher: Addison Wesley
standardized a common layout for a six-bit field, called the DS (or Differentiated
PubServices) field.
Date: June 20, RFC 2474 and RFC 2475 define the architecture and the general use of
ISBN:within the DS field (superseding theIPv4 TOS octet definitions of RFC 1349).
Pages: 416
Network Management,
Policy InformationMIBs
is aMPLS:
repositoryDesign and information.
for policy Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
PLC network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Programmable Logic Controller is a device used to automate monitoring and control of
industrial plant.
[ Team LiB ]
Private Network-To-Network Interface is an ATM Forum protocol that supports QoS and
hierarchical operation in ATM networks. It supports routing and signaling in
multivendor ATM networks. PNNI hierarchy is provided via peer groups—any nodes that
share a given peer group ID elect a peer group leader, which then represents the peer
group in the next level of hierarchy. Each PNNI node has a topology database that
represents its view of the network. Signaling is used to create connections (e.g.,
SPVCCs) across the network.
Public Switched Telephone Network PSTN is the complete set of global voice-oriented
public telephone networks. Often referred to as the Plain Old Telephone Service
(POTS), the PSTN is a vast aggregation of circuit switching telephone networks that
spans the globe.
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Permanent Virtual Connections are software-created logical connections in a network
suchB. as
ATM or Frame Relay. PVCs are generally created link-by-link and node-by-node
in a set of manual steps. Once all the required PVCs have been created, it is possible
for traffic to flow through the overall connection.
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
PVX Pages: 416
This is the generic name for all Permanent Virtual Connection types. For ATM, these
include PVPs and PVCs.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
QA in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network
Quality management
Assurance software
is a group components,
of people dedicatedIP
torouting, HP Openview
testing software Network
releases. OftenNode
Manager, NMS software
amounting to half components,
the total cost among other key
of a complex techniques
project, testing and
is a tools forfunction.
critical managingWith
large network systems.
development budgets increasingly squeezed, QA is often the last line of defense before
customer releases.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ] Access Dial-In User Service is a combination of a client/server protocol and
software that enables remote access servers to communicate with a central server for
the authentication of dial-in users, virtual private network users, and wireless network
users. RADIUS allows for the storage of user profiles in a central database for sharing
by remote servers. A central service also makes the collection of statistics and usage
data for billing easier to manage.
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: for Wesley
Addison Comments is a series of notes maintained by the IETF concerning the
Internet. RFCs cover
Pub Date: June 20, 2003 a broad range of topics with the principal focus on network
protocols, procedures,
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8 programs, and concepts. RFCs are an indispensable tool for
Pages: 416
about Internet technology.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide
Remote to managing
Method and provides
Invocation troubleshooting
a means enterprise andthe
for invoking service provider
methods networks.
of remote Java
This in-depth
objects.tutorial from
The caller networking
must expert
first acquire Stephen Morris
a reference deliversobject,
to the remote clear and
for concise
example, by
instruction on itnetworking
looking withbootstrap
up in the RMI MIBs, SNMP, MPLS,
naming and much
service or by more. Coverage
receiving includes
a reference as an
SNMPv3, network
argument ormanagement software
a method return value.components, IP routing,
Using the object HP Openview
reference, a call can Network
be madeNode
Manager, NMS software
the remote server components, among
object. The server other
can keybe
in turn techniques
a client ofand tools
other for managing
remote objects.
large network systems.
RMI technology uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters
between method calls; it does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented
[ Team LiB ]
Remote Procedure Calls are made by software to functions hosted on remote machines.
An RPC acts just like an ordinary function call except that it results in remote
computation that occurs across a network in a transparent fashion. Parameters to the
function call are passed across the network (a process called marshalling) to the called
function; the remote function executes and returns a result. The result is then passed
back across the network to the caller. All of this occurs in a transparent fashion.
Storage Area Networks are a means of separating storage from both host machines and
corporate networks. SANs deploy storage inside the boundary of a dedicated, high-
speed network. A boundary device then manages (reads and writes) the storage. Some
commentators feel that once an organization's storage needs pass the terabyte mark, it
is time to start using SAN technology.
Team LiB ]
Signaling Connection Control Part is a component of the SS7 protocol suite that
provides additional functions to those of the message transfer part (MTP). SCCP
provides both connectionless and connection-oriented network services to transfer
signaling information across telecommunication networks, such as GSM.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
SIN in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3,Ships-in-the-Night allows for
network management ATM Forum
software and MPLS
components, control planes
IP routing, to bothNetwork
HP Openview run Node
Manager, on components,
NMS software the same hardware
amongbut isolated
other from eachand
key techniques other; that
tools foris, they do not
large network The label space may be divided between the two technologies. SIN allows a
single device to simultaneously operate as both an MPLS node and an ATM switch. This
[ Team LiBbe
can ] important when migrating MPLS into an ATM network.
Short Message Service is a service for sending text messages to GSM mobile phones.
GSM and SMS service is primarily available in Europe. SMS is similar to paging, and in
some countries paging networks have been replaced by SMS. SMS has experienced an
amazing upsurge in popularity in Europe and is used extensively by young subscribers.
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
Simple Object Access Protocol is a lightweight protocol for exchanging information in
ByStephen B. Morris
decentralized, distributed environments. It is an XML-based protocol and consists of
three parts: an envelope for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a
set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined data types, and a
Publisher: Addison Wesley
means of representing remote procedure calls and responses.
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416
Service Providers are companies that provide data and telecommunications services to
end users. SPs sell an increasingly broad range of services, including products for
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
access, aggregation, and transport. An interesting trend for SPs is the provision of
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
software application infrastructure, SANs, content delivery networks—putting servers
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
near the network edge to minimize the effects of congestion in the first mile (server-to-
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
backbone), backbone, peering points (between carriers), and in the last mile (network-
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
to-end user). These relatively new service offerings move SPs out of the simple
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
bandwidth reselling area into a more diverse and complex marketplace. The amount of
large network systems.
(and diversity of, i.e., non-real time, time-constrained) traffic crossing SP networks is
[ Team increasing
LiB ] all the time. Many of the larger SPs are planning for a single packet-based
network, and MPLS is an excellent contender for helping fulfill this.
This is the generic name for all Switched Permanent Virtual Connection types. These
can be SPVPCs, SPVCCs, and so on.
ByStephen B. Morris
Publisher: Capability
Addison Wesley Application Part is an SS7 protocol layer and allows applications
Pubto invoke
Date: software
June 20, 2003 procedures at remote locations in an SS7 network. TCAP provides
transaction and component handling capabilities as well as load sharing between
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
Pages: 416 instances of the same application.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing
Transmission and troubleshooting
Control Protocol enterprise
(RFC 793) is used and service
as a reliable provider
protocol networks.
between hosts in
This in-depth tutorialcommunication
packet-based from networking expert Stephen
networks. TCP is a Morris delivers clear and
connection-oriented, concise
instruction on protocol
reliable networkingthatwith MIBs,
sends andSNMP, MPLS,
receives and much more.
variable-length Coverage
segments includes TCP
of information.
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview
is conceptually located between the end user on one side and IP on the other Network
side. Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for
Users can push and pull segments via TCP in a reliable fashion with flow control.managing
large network systems.
Multiplexing and demultiplexing is provided using a socket abstraction. TCP also allows
the creation of connections between processes (similar in concept to the connections
[ Team LiB ]seen in this book).
[ Team LiB ] LAN Service describes a method of providing a LAN service from one
enterprise customer site to another through an intermediate SP cloud. The technology
inside the SP is irrelevant to the enterprise users because their focus is using the LAN
service. The latter is supplied transparently via the SP.
Publisher: A
Addison Wesley
logical or business model
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: A functional
0-13-101113-8 model
Pages: 416
A set of standard interfaces
Type of Service (RFC 1349) is a single-byte field in an IP packet header that specifies
the service level required for the packet. It is now called the DS field and can have the
following values:
• Table of Contents
• Index
USM Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
User-based Security Model is an administrative framework (or security model) that
defines the mechanisms used to achieve a defined level of security for management
protocol interactions (gets, sets, notifications, etc.). The USM for SNMPv2 defines a
Publisher: Addison Wesley
security model for this administrative framework that includes an access control model.
June 20, 2003 of access rights requires the means to identify the user who generates
network request. Data integrity protection is provided via a message digest
Pages: 416 Authentication is provided via a secret value inserted into and appended to
the message. Protection against message replay or delay is provided by time indicators
and request-id counters.
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
VCI in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
Virtual Channel Identifier is one of the header fields in an ATM cell. The VCI is assigned
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
during the virtual connection setup and used by each switch for forwarding.
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
Virtual Local Area Network is a very flexible type of LAN in which machines located in
the same physical area are not necessarily on the same LAN broadcast domain. VLANs
can be implemented using sophisticated switches. Individual workstations are
connected to switch ports (e.g., 10/100/1000Mbps), and it is the job of the latter to
create the broadcast domain. VLANs can be of different types: port-based, MAC-based,
or IEEE 802.1p/Q-based. Port-based VLANs relate to the switch port on which the end
device is connected. MAC-based VLANs relate to the MAC address of the end device.
802.1p/Q-based VLANs use the contents of a 2-byte tag in the layer 2 header. Three
bits are reserved for priority, and 12 bits are used for encoding VLAN IDs.
Voice-over-IP is a telephony term describing the facilities for managing the delivery of
voice using IP. It involves sending voice information in some digital form in discrete
packets rather than in the traditional circuit-oriented format of the PSTN. One
advantage of VoIP is toll bypass—that is, avoiding the tolls charged for ordinary
telephone service. Many organizations use VoIP internally over WAN links to reduce
telephony service costs. Another cost saving is that VoIP leverages existing IP
infrastructure and reduces the need for traditional telephony equipment (PABX, TDM
phones, etc.).
[ Team LiB ]
Virtual Path Identifier is one of the header fields in an ATM cell. The VPI is assigned
during the virtual connection setup and used by each switch for forwarding.
ByStephen B. Morris
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
VCI 2nd
VPI 2nd
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
ATM contract
overengineering 2nd 3rd 4th
Billing Automatic Message Accounting Format (BAF)
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
CLI 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
loose coupling
COTS 2nd
CPE 2nd
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
assured forwarding
DSCP 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
expedited forwarding
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
difficulties 2nd
networks 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st
42nd 43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th 51st 52nd 53rd 54th 55th 56th 57th 58th 59th
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Five 9s
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
HP OpenView
Network Node Manager (NNM)
product family
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
MPLS MIB tables
autonomous system
ipInReceives 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
loopback address 2nd
IPX 2nd
• Table of Contents
• Index
[ Team LiB ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Legacy Technologies
ATM 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th
Ethernet 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
Frame Relay
IEEE 802.1Q 2nd
LAN 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Linux 2nd
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
MIB 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd
central role of
columnar relationships
compressed object
default values 2nd
object instances
• Table of Contents
RFC 2578
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
CORBA 2ndB. 3rd
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
RMI 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
MPLSPublisher: Addison
2nd 3rd 4th Wesley
5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
25thJune 20, 2003
shim 0-13-101113-8
cloudPages: 416
control plane
creation of LSP
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
ERO 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
forwarding equivalence class (FEC)
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
forwarding technology
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB2nd
IP/MPLS boundary 2nd
label stack
LER 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
link coloring
LSP 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th 40th 41st 42nd
43rd 44th 45th 46th 47th 48th 49th 50th 51st 52nd 53rd 54th 55th 56th 57th 58th 59th 60th 61st 62nd
63rd 64th 65th 66th 67th 68th 69th 70th 71st 72nd 73rd 74th 75th 76th 77th 78th 79th 80th 81st 82nd
83rd 84th 85th
LSP path computation
LSR 2nd
managed objects 2nd
resource block
LDP 2nd
SIN 2nd 3rd 4th
TE MIB 2nd
tunnel instances
[ Team LiB ]
Multiservice Switches
access link types
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Network Management
fault detection
fault indication
FCAPS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd
• Table of Contents
root-cause analysis 2nd
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
the problems 2nd
ByStephen B. Morris
Accounting Server
Publisher: Addison
client/server design Wesley
Pub Date: June
Configuration 20, 2003
ISBN: 0-13-101113-8
deterministic performance of
development skills
Pages: 416
Fault Server
generic software
GUI 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
managing higher-level services
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
network discovery 2nd 3rd 4th
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
networkwide perspective
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Performance Server
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
quality of an
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
stovepipe 2nd
thin clients
as a platform
backup and restore
data warehousing
discovery and mapping
Java interface
logical maps
managed nodes
monitoring 2nd
notification processing
remote administration
unmanaged nodes
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
and IP
network intelligence
Policy Information Bases (PIBs)
• Table of Contents
PWE3 2nd 3rd
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
[ Team LiB ]
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
QoS 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
decision making
DiffServ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
EXP field
Explicit Congestion Notification
IP best effort
• Table of Contents
[ Team LiB ]
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
SAN 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
aggregate objects 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
next free index
tunnel-change table
Service provider
networks 2nd 3rd 4th
Signaling 2nd
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
RSVP-TE 2nd 3rd 4th
SLA 2nd 3rdB. Morris
4th 5th 6th 7th
enterprise and SP
SNMP 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
24th 25thAddison Wesley
26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th
Pub Date: June 20, 2003
ISBN: on
configuring 0-13-101113-8
development with JDMK
Pages: 416
notification 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
OID 2nd 3rd
problems with
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
security violation
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 32nd 33rd 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 39th
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
Team LiB ]
community string
SNMPv3 elements
access control subsystem
applications 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
authentication 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
message format 2nd
message subsystem
privacy 2nd
security subsystem
components 2nd
business processes
component development
domain experts
exceeding the remit
foundation releases 2nd
institutional memory
linked overviews
mobile developers
task orientation
[ Team LiB ]
thin software layers
think in chunks
trace files
UML 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Spanning Tree Protocol
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
voice, video, and data
Traffic engineering 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
MPLS killer app
path creation
Trouble ticketing
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
VLAN 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd
23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th
broadcast domain
label-to-VLAN ID
enterprise technology 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
real time
access, connecting sites 2nd
layer 2
• Table of Contents
layer 3 2nd 3rd
• Index
N2 problem
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
[ Team B. ]
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
[A] [B] [C ] [D] [E] [F] [H] [I ] [L] [M] [N] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W]
Web browser
NMS component 2nd
Windows 2nd
service pack 6a
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]
[ Team LiB ]
Brought to You by
ByStephen B. Morris
Network Management, MIBs and MPLS: Principles, Design and Implementation is the
definitive guide to managing and troubleshooting enterprise and service provider networks.
This in-depth tutorial from networking expert Stephen Morris delivers clear and concise
instruction on networking with MIBs, SNMP, MPLS, and much more. Coverage includes
SNMPv3, network management software components, IP routing, HP Openview Network Node
Manager, NMS software components, among other key techniques and tools for managing
large network systems.
[ Team LiB ]