7-Heredity & Evolution (Theory + Ex.)
7-Heredity & Evolution (Theory + Ex.)
7-Heredity & Evolution (Theory + Ex.)
Preadaptations :
Some of the neutral variations function as
Accumulation of variations during preadaptation to changing environment. For
reproduction example, heat wave may kill most bacteria except a
few which have a pre-adaptation or variation to
Significance of vairation tolerate high temperature.
Evolution :
Heredity Variations are raw materials for evolutionary
Mendelism processes. Picking up suitable variants by nature or
environment forms the basis of evolution.
Sex determination
Struggle for Existence :
Evolution Useful variation provide advantage to the
Speciation individuals in the struggle for existence and hence
survival in nature.
Individuality :
Variations provide a distinct identity to each and
every individual.
Variation is the degree of difference found in Artificial Selection :
morphological, physiological & other traits found
among individuals belonging to the same family Picking up of certain variations by breeders have
race & species. resulted in development of a number of breeds and
varieties of domesticated plants and animals
Most of the variation are due to mutations caused
by error in DNA replication.
S egregation
E gg Polle n
cells grain s
1 /2 R R 1/2
YR YR yr yr
F 1 G eneration
A ll R o und Ye llow
Yy Rr
YR Yr yR yr
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F 2 G eneration
o YR Yr yR yr Sperm s
+o M other's
YYRR YYRr Y yR R Y yR r Ova
Y R R ound R ound R ou nd R ound G am etes x Y
yellow yellow yellow yellow
YYRr Y Y rr Y yR r Y yrr
Yr R ound w rinkled R oun d w rinkled O ffsprings xx xy
y ellow yellow yellow yellow
Fem ale C hild M ale C hild
Y yR R Y yR r yyR R yyR r (G irl) (B oy)
yR R ound R ound R ound R o und
y ellow yellow g reen green
Y yR r Y yrr yyR r y yrr D eterm in a tio n o f S ex in H u m a n s
yr R o und w rin kled R o und w rinkled
yellow yellow green green
Embryological Evidences:
The study of embryo from variours organisms
reveals similarity in the early stages of embryo
development & this theory suggests that these
organism have evolved from common ancestors.
(C) Muscles of ear pinna
(D) Nictitating membrane
Q.1 Mendel worked on -
Q.7 The wings of bat, locust and pigeon are the
(A) Pisum (B) Solanum
example of -
(C) Lathyrus (D) Dolichos
(A) Homologous organs
Q.2 Father of genetics is - (B) Analogous organs
(A) Morgan (B) Mendel (C) Vestigial organs
(C) Darwin (D) Hutchinson (D) Exoskeleton
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Q.24 Explain the dihybrid cross as performed by
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