This document provides a list of 63 standards from the Welding Research Council (WRC) related to welding, materials testing, and fitness for service assessments. The standards cover topics like weld residual stress analysis, hydrogen cracking resistance of steels, fracture toughness testing, and guidelines for repair and inspection of pressure vessels and piping. Each entry includes the standard number, title, year published, and issuing organization.
This document provides a list of 63 standards from the Welding Research Council (WRC) related to welding, materials testing, and fitness for service assessments. The standards cover topics like weld residual stress analysis, hydrogen cracking resistance of steels, fracture toughness testing, and guidelines for repair and inspection of pressure vessels and piping. Each entry includes the standard number, title, year published, and issuing organization.
This document provides a list of 63 standards from the Welding Research Council (WRC) related to welding, materials testing, and fitness for service assessments. The standards cover topics like weld residual stress analysis, hydrogen cracking resistance of steels, fracture toughness testing, and guidelines for repair and inspection of pressure vessels and piping. Each entry includes the standard number, title, year published, and issuing organization.
This document provides a list of 63 standards from the Welding Research Council (WRC) related to welding, materials testing, and fitness for service assessments. The standards cover topics like weld residual stress analysis, hydrogen cracking resistance of steels, fracture toughness testing, and guidelines for repair and inspection of pressure vessels and piping. Each entry includes the standard number, title, year published, and issuing organization.
1 588 Development and Use of a Simple Test Method to Evaluate Reheat Cracking Sensitivity in the Weld Deposit Region of a 2021 WRC Submerged Arc Weld 2 589 Recognition of UNS K91201 (Grade T/P 921 9Cr-2Si-1Cu) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1and API Std 530 2021 WRC 3 576 Recognition of UNS K91060 (Alloy 115, aka T115) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530 2020 WRC 4 577 Constraint Effects on Fracture Toughness in the Ductile-Brittle Transition Region 2020 WRC 5 582 Recognition of UNS S34752 (Advanced 347 AP) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530 2020 WRC 6 584 Overview of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 With an Emphasis on Data and Inspection Requirements 2020 WRC 7 546 Guidelines for the Approval of New Materials in WRC Bulletin 541, API Std 530, and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2020 WRC 8 556 Repair Manual for Coke Drums 2020 WRC 9 558 Recognition of UNS S34751 (347LN, aka 347AP) Alloy in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and API Std 530 - 2nd Edition 2020 WRC 10 564 The MPC Lot-Centered Analysis Method for Determining High Temperature Strength Parameters 2020 WRC 11 537 Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External 2020 WRC Loadings for Implementation of WRC Bulletin 107 12 541 Evaluation of Material Strength Data for Use in API Std 530 - 3rd Edition 2020 WRC 13 489 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry 2019 WRC 14 503 Compendium of Temperature-Dependent Physical Properties for Pressure Vessels, Piping and Tankage Materials 2019 WRC 15 569 The Susceptibility of Process Equipment and Steels to Cracking in Aqueous Hydrogen Charging Environments 2019 WRC 16 554 The Valid Stress Range for the MPC Omega Model in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 and the Creep Rupture Model in 2019 WRC WRC 541 17 550 Standardization of Fatigue Methods for Use in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2019 WRC 18 575 Revisiting the Bree Diagram: Derivation with Temperature Dependent Properties 2019 WRC 19 572 Characterization of Crack Surface Morphology of Reheat and Hydrogen Assisted Cracks in Submerged Arc Weld Deposits 2018 WRC of 2-1/4Cr-1Mo-V (22V) Steels 20 573 Effects of Heat Treatment and Chemical Composition on High Temperature Hydrogen Attack Resistance of C-1/2 Mo 2018 WRC Steels 21 574 Compendium of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) Damage in C-1/2 Mo Steel 2018 WRC 22 570 Fundamental Studies of Hydrogen Attack in C-0.5Mo Steel and Weldments 2018 WRC 23 571 Incorporation of Structural Reliability Methods into Fitness for Service Procedures 2017 WRC 24 562 Recommendations for Establishing the Minimum Pressurization Temperature (MPT) for Equipment 2017 WRC 25 566 Guidelines for Repair Welding of Pressure Equipment in Refineries and Chemical Plants - Second Edition 2016 WRC 26 568 Current Concepts for Life Assessment of Pressure Vessels and Piping 2016 WRC 27 552 Calculation of Weld Residual Stresses and the Effects of Local Post-Weld Heat Treatment 2016 WRC 28 553 Weld Residual Stress Estimate for FFS Assessment and Evaluation of Local PWHT Procedures 2016 WRC 29 557 Buckling and Post Buckling of Plate Girders in Bending 2016 WRC 30 555 A Comparison of Criteria for Acceptance of Risk 2015 WRC 31 561 Finite Element Analysis of Stress Rupture in Pressure Vessels Exposed to Accidental Fire Loading 2015 WRC 32 539 Fatigue, Tensile, and Relaxation Behavior of Stainless Steels 2015 WRC 33 Development of Revised Weld Residual Stress Guidance for Fitness-For-Service Assessments in API 579-1 - ASME FFS-1 2015 WRC (2015) 34 540 Constraint Effects on Fracture Toughness in the Ductile-Brittle Transition Region 2014 WRC 35 538 Determination of Pressure Boundary Joint Assembly Bolt Loads 2014 WRC 36 542 Stud and Nut Structural Tension Capacity Matching 2014 WRC 37 543 Final Report - Laser Repair of Directionally Solidified Superalloys 2014 WRC 38 544 Material Specific Load Combination Factors for Option 2 FAD Curves 2014 WRC 39 545 Improvements in the Thinning Damage Factor Calculation Planned for the 3rd Edition of API RP 581 2014 WRC 40 536 Service-Like Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Characteristics of 1CrMoV Rotor Steel 2014 WRC 41 547 Fitness-For-Service Evaluation Procedures for Operating Pressure Vessels, Tanks, and Piping in Refinery and Chemical 2014 WRC Service 42 548 Fitness-For-Service Evaluation Procedures for Operating Pressure Vessels, Tanks, and Piping in Refinery and Chemical 2014 WRC Service 43 537 Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External 2013 WRC Loadings for Implementation of WRC Bulletin 107 44 541 Evaluation of Material Strength Data for Use in API Std 530 - 3rd Edition 2011 WRC 45 537 Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External 2010 WRC Loadings for Implementation of WRC Bulletin 107 46 533 The Role of Welded Joint Vulnerability and Various Damage Mechanisms Active in Process and Petrochemical Plants: 2010 WRC Reliability Analysis with Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Approach 47 528 Development Of Material Fracture Toughness Rules For ASME B&PV Code Section VIII, Division 2 2010 WRC 48 529 Development of Design Rules for Nozzles in Pressure Vessels for the ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, Division 2 2010 WRC 49 531 Development of Fitness-For-Service Rules for the Assessment of Hydrogen Blisters, HIC and SOHIC 2010 WRC 50 523 The Master S-N Curve Method: An Implementation for Fatigue Evaluation of Welded Components in the ASME B&PV 2010 WRC Code, Section VIII, Division 2 and API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 51 524 Modern Vanadium Steels for High Temperature Petroleum Reactors 2009 WRC 52 525 Fabrication and Repair of Low Alloy Steel Pressure Equipment 2009 WRC 53 526 Performance of Steels in Hydrogen Charging Environments 2009 WRC 54 527 Practical Aspects Of Hydrogen Attack 2009 WRC 55 520 Recommendations for Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and Components 2009 WRC 56 521 Development of Design Rules for Conical Transitions in Pressure Vessels for the ASME B&PV Code, Section VIII, 2009 WRC Division 2 57 532 Metallurgical Studies of Steels for Sour Service Environments 2009 WRC 58 530 Test Methods for Hydrogen Induced Cracking 2009 WRC 59 534 Studies of Cladding and Overlay for Pressure Vessel Service 2009 WRC 60 535 Toughness, Fracture and Fitness for Hydrogen Service 2009 WRC 61 Vol LXIV 1-2 Progress Reports 2009 WRC 62 Vol LXIV 3-4 Progress Reports 2009 WRC 63 Vol LXIV 5-6 Progress Reports 2009 WRC 64 Vol LXIV 7-8 Progress Reports 2009 WRC 65 Vol LXIV 9-10 Progress Reports 2009 WRC 66 Vol LXIV 11- Progress Reports 2009 WRC 12 67 Vol LXIII 1-2 Progress Reports 2008 WRC 68 Vol LXIII 3-4 Progress Reports 2008 WRC 69 Vol LXIII 5-6 Progress Reports 2008 WRC 70 Vol LXIII 7-8 Progress Reports 2008 WRC 71 Vol LXIII 9-10 Progress Reports 2008 WRC 72 Vol LXIII 11- Progress Reports 2008 WRC 12 73 Vol LXII 1-2 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 74 Vol LXII 3-4 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 75 Vol LXII 5-6 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 76 Vol LXII 7-8 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 77 Vol LXII 9-10 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 78 Vol LXII 11-12 Progress Reports 2007 WRC 79 518 Mechanical Properties of Cast Strengthened Nickel Base Superalloys 2007 WRC 80 519 Stainless Steel Weld Metal Prediction of Ferrite Content: An Update of WRC Bulletins 318 and 342 2007 WRC 81 508 Optimized/Harmonized Room Temperature Leakage Test Procedure for Generation of ASME & CEN Code Gasket Factors 2006 WRC - Analytical Phase 82 509 Weldability and Hot Ductility Behavior of Nuclear Grade Austenitic Stainless Steels 2006 WRC 83 510 Analysis of the Effects of Temperature on Bolted Joints 2006 WRC 84 511 High Performance Cast ' - Strengthened Nickel Based Superalloys - An Interpretive Report 2006 WRC 85 512 Creep and Creep/Fatigue Crack Growth Modeling and Testing Methods Relevant to Life Assessment of Cracked 2006 WRC Components 86 513 Effect of the Misalignment of Piping Systems and Non Parallel Flange Faces on the Tightness of DN200 PN40 Flanged 2006 WRC Joints 87 514 Improved Flange Design Method for the ASME VIII, Div. 2 Rewrite Project: Status of Present Design Methods 2006 WRC 88 515 Literature Survey of Half-Bead, Temper-Bead, Controlled Deposition Techniques for Improvement of Fabrication and 2006 WRC Service Performance of Cr-Mo Steels 89 516 3D-Finite Modeling of Bolted Flanged Joints and Development of a Transducer for Measuring Gasket Contact Stress: Part 2006 WRC 1 & Part 2 90 517 Examination of Mechanical Properties And Corrosion of High Temperature Alloys after Long Term Service under 2006 WRC Advanced Power Plant Boiler Conditions - The Eddystone Studies 91 Vol LXI 1-2 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 92 Vol LXI 3-4 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 93 Vol LXI 5-6 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 94 Vol LXI 7-8 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 95 Vol LXI 9-10 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 96 Vol LXI 11-12 Progress Reports 2006 WRC 97 Vol LX 1-2 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 98 Vol LX 3-4 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 99 Vol LX 5-6 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 100 Vol LX 7-8 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 101 Vol LX 9-10 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 102 Vol LX 11-12 Progress Reports 2005 WRC 103 504 Interpretative Report Hardfacing and Wear 2005 WRC 104 505 An Overview and Validation of the Fitness-For-Service Assessment Procedures for Local Thin Areas 2005 WRC 105 506 Half-Bead Temper-Bead Controlled Deposition Techniques for Improvement of Fabrication and Service Performance of 2005 WRC Cr-Mo Steels 106 507 Long Term Pressurized Graphite Gasketed Joint Tests: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 2005 WRC 107 498 Guidance on the Application of Code Case 2211 - Overpressure Protection by Systems Design 2005 WRC 108 499 Literature Survey of Half-Bead, Temper-Bead, Controlled Deposition Techniques for Improvement of Fabrication and 2005 WRC Service Performance of Cr-Mo Steels 109 500 Stress or Strain Criteria for Combined Static and Dynamic Loading 2005 WRC 110 501 Design of Torispherical and Ellipsoidal Heads Subjected to Internal Pressure 2005 WRC 111 502 Effect of Microfissures on Corrosion Performance and Mechanical Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metals 2005 WRC 112 490 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Fossil Electric Power Industry 2004 WRC 113 491 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis and Testing of Pressurized Components and Systems - Sixth Edition 2004 WRC 114 492 Piping System SIFs and Flexibility Analysis Criteria: Part 1 & Part 2 2004 WRC 115 493 Guidelines for Modeling Cylinder-To-Cylinder Intersections 2004 WRC 116 494 Fracture-Safe and Fatigue Design Criteria for Detonation-Induced Pressure Loading in Containment Vessels 2004 WRC 117 495 Test Protocol Guidelines for Gasket Materials 2004 WRC 118 496 Effect of Flange Rotation and Gasket Width on Leakage Behavior of Bolted Flanged Joints: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 2004 WRC 119 497 Large Diameter Ratio Shell Intersections: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 2004 WRC 120 488 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Pulp and Paper Industry 2004 WRC 121 489 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry 2004 WRC 122 Vol LIX 1-2 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 123 Vol LIX 3-4 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 124 Vol LIX 5-6 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 125 Vol LIX 7-8 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 126 Vol LIX 9-10 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 127 Vol LIX 11-12 Progress Reports 2004 WRC 128 Vol LVIII 1-2 Progress Reports 2003 WRC 129 Vol LVIII 3-4 Progress Reports 2003 WRC 130 Vol LVIII 5-6 Progress Reports 2003 WRC 131 Vol LVIII 7-8 Progress Reports 2003 WRC 132 Vol LVIII 9-10 Progress Reports 2003 WRC 133 Vol LVIII 11- Progress Reports 2003 WRC 12 134 478 Stress Intensity And Crack Growth Opening Area Solutions For Through-Wall Cracks In Cylinders And Spheres 2003 WRC 135 479 Simple Formulations to Evaluate Surface Impacts on Buried Steel Pipelines 2003 WRC 136 480 Effects of Phosphorous and Sulfur on Susceptibility to Weld Hot Cracking in Austenitic Stainless Steels 2003 WRC 137 481 The Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment and Notch Toughness on Welded Joints and on Normalized Base-Metal Properties 2003 WRC of A-516 Steel: Part 1 & Part 2 138 482 Special Finite Elements for Piping Elbows and Bends at High Temperatures with Creep 2003 WRC 139 483 Creep Crack Growth: Assessment of Defects in High Temperature Components 2003 WRC 140 484 Gasketed Joint Emissions and Leakage: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 2003 WRC 141 485 Suitable Heating Conditions in Local Post Weld Heat Treatment 2003 WRC 142 486 Indexing Fracture Toughness Data; Part 1: Results from the MPC Cooperative Test Program on the Use of Precracked 2003 WRC Charpy Specimens for T0 Determination; Part 2: Fracture Data Analysis using ASTM Standards E1921-97 and E1921-02; Part 3: Fracture Toughness D 143 487 PVRC'S Position on Environmental Effects on Fatigue Life in LWR Applications 2003 WRC 144 Vol LVII 1-2 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 145 Vol LVII 3-4 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 146 Vol LVII 5-6 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 147 Vol LVII 7-8 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 148 Vol LVII 9-10 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 149 Vol LVII 11-12 Progress Reports 2002 WRC 150 468 Leak Testing of a Raised Face Weld Neck Flange 2002 WRC 151 469 Crack-Starter Weld Bead Deposition for ASTM E-208 Drop-Weight Testing: Part 1 & Part 2 2002 WRC 152 470 Recommendations for Design of Vessels for Elevated Temperature Service 2002 WRC 153 471 Development of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions For Surface and Embedded Cracks in API 579 2002 WRC 154 472 A Review of Methods for the Analysis of Buried Pressure Piping 2002 WRC 155 473 External Bending Moments on Bolted Gasketed Joints: Part 1 & Part 2 2002 WRC 156 474 Master S-N Curve Method for Fatigue Evaluation of Welded Components 2002 WRC 157 475 Studies Of Local Differences In Material Creep Properties On Weldments: Part 1 & Part 2 2002 WRC 158 476 Recommendations for Determining Residual Stresses in Fitness-For-Service Assessment 2002 WRC 159 477 Design Of Pressure Vessels For High Strain Rate Loading: Part 1 & Part 2 2002 WRC 160 107 Local Stresses In Spherical And Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings 2002 WRC 161 458 Fracture Toughness Master Curve Development: Application Of Master Curve Fracture Toughness Methodology For 2001 WRC Ferritic Steels 162 459 Fracture Toughness Master Curve Development: Strategies For RPV Assessment 2001 WRC 163 460 High Temperature Cracking And Properties Of Stainless Steel Flux-Cored Welds And Effects Of Bismuth 2001 WRC 164 461 Experimental Leak Testing of 16-Inch Class 300 RFWN Flange with and Without External Bending Moment 2001 WRC 165 462 Commentary on the Alternative Rules for Determining Allowable Compressive Stresses for Cylinders, Cones, Spheres and 2001 WRC Formed Heads for Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 166 463 Standardized Flexibility Factor Method And Piping Burst And Cyclic Moment Tests For Induction Bends And 6061-T6 2001 WRC And SS 304 Transition Joints: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 167 464 Guidelines For Sizing Of Vessels By Limit Analysis 2001 WRC 168 465 Technologies for the Evaluation of Non-Crack-Like Flaws in Pressurized Components -- Erosion/Corrosion, Pitting, 2001 WRC Blisters, Shell Out-Of-Roundness, Weld Misalignment, Bulges and Dents 169 466 Behavior of Bellows 2001 WRC 170 467 Biaxial Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Response of SS-316 Structures 2001 WRC 171 Vol LVI 1-2 Progress Reports 2001 WRC 172 Vol LVI 3-4 Progress Reports 2001 WRC 173 Vol LVI 5-6 Progress Reports 2001 WRC 174 Vol LVI 7-8 Progress Reports 2001 WRC 175 Vol LVI 9-10 Progress Reports 2001 WRC 176 Vol LV 1-2 Progress Reports 2000 WRC 177 Vol LV 3-4 Progress Reports 2000 WRC 178 Vol LV 5-6 Progress Reports 2000 WRC 179 Vol LV 7-8 Progress Reports 2000 WRC 180 Vol LV 9-10 Progress Reports 2000 WRC 181 448 Part 1: Evaluation of Welded Attachments on Pipe and Elbows: Background & Suggested Revisions ASME Code Cases N- 2000 WRC 122-2 and N-318-5 Lugs on Straight Pipe; Part 2: Evaluation of Welded Attachments on Pipe and Elbows: Evaluation of Welded Attachments on Pipe 182 449 Guidelines For The Design And Installation Of Pump Piping Systems 2000 WRC 183 450 NPS 4 Class 150 Bolted Flanged Joints Subjected To Pressure And External Bending Loads 2000 WRC 184 451 Internal Pressure Design Of Isolated Nozzles In Cylindrical Vessels With d/D Up To And Including 1.00: Report No. 1: 2000 WRC Code Rules For Internal Pressure Design Of Isolated Nozzles In Cylindrical Vessels 185 452 Recommended Practices For Local Heating Of Welds In Pressure Vessels 2000 WRC 186 453 Minimum Weld Spacing Requirements For API Above Ground Storage Tanks 2000 WRC 187 454 A Literature Review on Characteristics of High Temperature Ferritic Cr-Mo Steels and Weldments 2000 WRC 188 455 Recent Progress In Analysis Of Residual Welding Stresses: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 2000 WRC 189 456 Heat Exchanger Flow Characterization - HXFLOW Software: Theory Manual And Users Manual 2000 WRC 190 457 Fracture Toughness Master Curve Development: Fracture Toughness Of Ferritic Steels And ASTM Reference Temperature 2000 WRC (To) 191 438 Intermetallic Phase Precipitation in Duplex Stainless Steels and Weld Metals: Metallurgy, Influence on Properties, Welding 1999 WRC and Testing Aspects 192 439 Part 1: Use of Low Carbon 1 1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo Weld Metal for Fabrication and Repair of Cr-Mo Components: Part 1 & Part 2 1999 WRC 193 440 A Synthesis Of The Fracture Assessment Methods Proposed In The French RCC-MR Code For High Temperature 1999 WRC 194 441 Development Of A Comprehensive Static Seismic Analysis Method For Piping Systems 1999 WRC 195 442 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Gasket Qualification 1999 WRC 196 443 External Pressure: Effect Of Initial Imperfections And Temperature Limits 1999 WRC 197 444 Buckling Criteria for Torishperical Heads Under Internal Pressure 1999 WRC 198 445 Plastic Pipe: Burst And Fatigue Testing Of PVC And HDPE Pipe: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 1999 WRC 199 446 Design and Repair of Buried Pipe 1999 WRC 200 447 Evaluation of Operating Margins for In-Service Pressure Equipment 1999 WRC 201 Vol LIV 1-2 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 202 Vol LIV 3-4 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 203 Vol LIV 5-6 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 204 Vol LIV 7-8 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 205 Vol LIV 9-10 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 206 Vol LIV 11-12 Progress Reports 1999 WRC 207 Vol LIII 1-2 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 208 Vol LIII 3-4 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 209 Vol LIII 5-6 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 210 Vol LIII 7-8 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 211 Vol LIII 9-10 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 212 Vol LIII 11-12 Progress Reports 1998 WRC 213 428 Unmixed Zone in Arc Welds: Significance on Corrosion Resistance of High Molybdenum Stainless Steels 1998 WRC 214 429 3D Stress Criteria Guidelines for Application 1998 WRC 215 430 Review of Existing Fitness-For-Service Criteria for Crack-Like Flaws 1998 WRC 216 431 Part 1: Summary of Gasket Steam Leakage Tests: Gasket Steam Leakage Tests; Part 2: Summary of Gasket Steam Leakage 1998 WRC Tests: Leak Tests Conducted on Graphite Gaskets; Part 3: Summary of Gasket Steam Leakage Tests: Long Duration Air and Steam Screening Tests 217 432 Fatigue Strength Reduction and Stress Concentration Factors for Welds in Pressure Vessels and Piping: Part 1 & Part 2 1998 WRC 218 433 Fatigue of Butt-Welded Pipe and Effect of Testing Methods: Part 1 & Part 2 1998 WRC 219 434 Design and Inservice Margins of Power Piping Systems: A Comparative Study of U. S., Canadian and European Codes & 1998 WRC Standards 220 435 Evaluation of Design Margins for Section VIII, Div. 1 and 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Part 1 & Part 2 1998 WRC 221 436 Evaluation of Small (r/R<0.5) Branch Connections with Through-Run Moments: Part 1 & Part 2 1998 WRC 222 437 Assessment, Sample Problems and Commentary on Design for Section III, Division 3 (NUPACK) of the ASME Boiler and 1998 WRC Pressure Vessel Code 223 418 Constraint Effects On Fracture Behavior: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 1997 WRC 224 419 Elevated Temperature Characterization of Flexible Graphite Sheet Materials for Bolted Flanged Joints 1997 WRC 225 420 Interpretive Report on Nondestructive Examination Techniques, Procedure for Piping and Heavy Section Vessels 1997 WRC 226 421 Welding Type 347 Stainless Steel - An Interpretive Report 1997 WRC 227 422 Fatigue of Welded Components 1997 WRC 228 423 Evaluation of Seismic Response Data for Piping 1997 WRC 229 424 Bibliography of the Welding Research Supplements of the Welding Journal from 1950-1996 1997 WRC 230 425 A Review of Methods for the Analysis of Buried Pressure Piping 1997 WRC 231 426 Differential Design And Construction Cost Of Nuclear Power Plant Piping Systems As A Function Of Seismic Intensity 1997 WRC And Time Period Of Construction 232 427 Leakage and Emission Characteristics of Sheet Gaskets: Part 1 & Part 2 1997 WRC 233 Vol LII 1-2 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 234 Vol LII 3-4 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 235 Vol LII 5-6 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 236 Vol LII 7-8 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 237 Vol LII 9-10 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 238 Vol LII 11-12 Progress Reports 1997 WRC 239 International Conference on Performance of Dynamically Loaded Welded Structures 1997 WRC 240 Vol LI 1-2 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 241 Vol LI 3-4 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 242 Vol LI 5-6 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 243 Vol LI 7-8 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 244 Vol LI 9-10 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 245 Vol LI 11-12 Progress Reports 1996 WRC 246 408 Bolted Flange Assembly: Preliminary Elastic Interaction Data and Improved Bolt-Up Procedures 1996 WRC 247 409 Fundamental Studies of the Metallurgical Causes and Mitigation of Reheat Cracking in 1 1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo and 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo 1996 WRC Steels 248 410 Evaluation of Design Criteria for Storage Tanks with Frangible Roof Joints 1996 WRC 249 411 An Experimental Study of Causes and Repair of Cracking of 1 1/4 Cr-1/2 Mo Steel Equipment 1996 WRC 250 412 Challenges and Solutions in Repair Welding for Power and Process Plants 1996 WRC 251 413 Development of Criteria for Assessment of Reactor Vessels with Low Upper Shelf Fracture Toughness: Part 1 & Part 2 1996 WRC 252 414 A New Design Criterion Based on Pressure Testing of Torispherical Heads 1996 WRC 253 415 Literature Survey and Interpretive Study on Thermoplastic and Reinforced-Thermosetting-Resin Piping and Component 1996 WRC Standards 254 416 Creep Crack Growth Behavior in Weld Metal/Base/Metal/Fusion Zone Regions in Chromium Molybdenum Steels 1996 WRC 255 417 Design Guide to Reduce Potential for Vibration Caused by Fluid Flow Inside Pipes - Review and Survey 1996 WRC 256 398 Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details 1995 WRC 257 399 The Influence of Consumable Composition and Solidification on Inclusion Formation and Growth in Low Carbon Steel 1995 WRC Underwater Wet Welds 258 400 Interpretive Report on Weldability Tests for Hydrogen Cracking of Higher Strength Steels and Their Potential for 1995 WRC Standardization 259 401 Underwater Wet Welding Of Steel 1995 WRC 260 402 Creep-Fatigue Damage Assessment in Type 316 Stainless Steel Under Uniaxial and Multiaxial Strain Cycling At 1150 1995 WRC Degrees F 261 403 Part 1: Metallurgical Characterization of the HAZ in A516-70 and Evaluation of Fracture Toughness Specimens and the 1995 WRC Effect of Shallow Cracks in Weldments and the Development of CTOD Criteria; Part 2: Comparison of the CTOD Fracture Toughness of Simulated 262 404 Fatigue Crack Growth of Low-Alloy Steels in Light Water Reactor Environments: Report 1, Report 2, & Report 3 1995 WRC 263 405 Effect of Heat Treatment on the Elevated Temperature Properties of a 2 1/4Cr-1Mo Submerged Arc Weldment 1995 WRC 264 406 Proposed Rules for Determining Allowable Compressive Stresses for Cylinders, Cones, Spheres and Formed Heads 1995 WRC 265 407 Reports on Heat Treatment of Steels Used in Boiler and Pressure Vessel Applications: Part 1 & Part 2 1995 WRC 266 Vol L 1-2 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 267 Vol L 3-4 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 268 Vol L 5-6 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 269 Vol L 7-8 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 270 Vol L 9-10 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 271 Vol L 11-12 Progress Reports 1995 WRC 272 388 Research in the U.S.S.R. on Residual Stresses and Distortion in Welded Structures 1994 WRC 273 389 Part 1: Vibration Damping of Heat Exchanger Tube Bundles in Two-Phase Flow; Part 2: Acoustic Resonance in Heat 1994 WRC Exchanger Tube Bundles 274 390 Failure of Welds at Elevated Temperatures 1994 WRC 275 391 Elevated Temperature Testing of Gaskets for Bolted Flanged Connections 1994 WRC 276 392 Part 1: Developing Stress Intensification Factors: Standardized Method for Developing Stress Intensification Factors for 1994 WRC Piping Components; Part 2: Developing Stress Intensification Factors: Effects of Weld Metal Profile on the Fatigue Life of Integrally 277 393 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis and Testing of Pressurized Components and Systems - Fifth Edition 1994 WRC 278 394 Simplified Methods For Creep-Fatigue Damage Evaluations And The Application To Life Extension 1994 WRC 279 395 Vanadium and Columbium Additions in Pressure Vessel Steels 1994 WRC 280 396 Research Report on Characterization and Monitoring of Cracking in Wet H2S Service 1994 WRC 281 397 Empirical Modeling for Real-Time Weld Process Control and Generator Monitoring 1994 WRC 282 Interaction of Steels With Hydrogen in Petroleum Industry Pressure Vessel and Pipeline Service 1994 WRC 283 Vol XLIX 1-2 Progress Reports 1994 WRC 284 Vol XLIX 3-4 Progress Reports 1994 WRC 285 Vol XLIX 5-6 Progress Reports 1994 WRC 286 Vol XLIX 7-8 Progress Reports 1994 WRC 287 Vol XLIX 9-10 Progress Reports 1994 WRC 288 Vol XLIX 11- Progress Reports 1994 WRC 12 289 Vol XLVIII 1-2 Progress Reports 1993 WRC 290 Vol XLVIII 3-4 Progress Reports 1993 WRC 291 Vol XLVIII 5-6 Progress Reports 1993 WRC 292 Vol XLVIII 7-8 Progress Reports 1993 WRC 293 Vol XLVIII 9- Progress Reports 1993 WRC 10 294 Vol XLVIII 11- Progress Reports 1993 WRC 12 295 378 Review and Evaluation of the Toughness of Austenitic Steels and Nickel Alloys after Long-Term Elevated Temperature 1993 WRC Exposures 296 379 Alternative Methods for Seismic Analysis of Piping Systems 1993 WRC 297 380 Recommendations to ASME for Code Guidelines and Criteria for Continued Operation of Equipment 1993 WRC 298 381 Non-Identical Flanges with Full-Face Elastic Gaskets 1993 WRC 299 382 Nuclear Piping Criteria for Advanced Light-Water Reactors Volume 1 - Failure Mechanisms and Corrective Actions 1993 WRC 300 383 Non-Destructive Measurement and Analysis of Residual Stress In and Around Welds - A State-Of-The-Art Survey 1993 WRC 301 384 Improving Steel Spot Weld Fatigue Resistance 1993 WRC 302 385 Joining of 6061 Aluminum Matrix-Ceramic Particle Reinforced Composites 1993 WRC 303 386 International Views on Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity 1993 WRC 304 387 White Paper on Reactor Vessel Integrity Requirements for Level A and B Conditions 1993 WRC 305 369 Nitrogen In Arc Welding - A Review 1992 WRC 306 370 Recommendations Proposed By The PVRC Committee On Review Of ASME Nuclear Codes And Standards 1992 WRC 307 371 Characterization of PWHT Behavior of 500 N/mm2 Class TMCP Steels 1992 WRC 308 372 Guidelines For Flow-Induced Vibration Prevention In Heat Exchangers 1992 WRC 309 373 Research on Modern High Strength Low Alloy Steel Welding 1992 WRC 310 374 Papers Presented At The Conference On "Life Of Pressure Vessels" Held By The French AFIAP In 1989 1992 WRC 311 375 The Significance Of The a/W Ratio On Fracture Toughness Of A-36 Steel 1992 WRC 312 376 Metal Fatigue In Operating Nuclear Power Plants 1992 WRC 313 377 Development of Test Procedures for Fire Resistance Qualification of Gaskets 1992 WRC 314 Vol XLVII 1-2 Progress Reports 1992 WRC 315 Vol XLVII 3-4 Progress Reports 1992 WRC 316 Vol XLVII 5-6 Progress Reports 1992 WRC 317 Vol XLVII 7-8 Progress Reports 1992 WRC 318 Vol XLVII 9-10 Progress Reports 1992 WRC 319 Vol XLVII 11- Progress Reports 1992 WRC 12 320 Vol XLVI 1-2 Progress Reports 1991 WRC 321 Vol XLVI 3-4 Progress Reports 1991 WRC 322 Vol XLVI 7-8 Progress Reports 1991 WRC 323 Vol XLVI 9-10 Progress Reports 1991 WRC 324 360 Stress Indices, Pressure Design And Stress Intensification Factors For Laterals In Piping 1991 WRC 325 361 Part 1: Improvements On Fatigue Analysis Methods For The Design Of Nuclear Components Subjected To The French 1991 WRC RCC-M Code; Part 2: Framatome View On The Comparison Between Class 1 And Class 2 RCC-M Piping Design Rules 326 362 Recommended Practices in Elevated Temperature Design: A Compendium of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987): 1991 WRC Volume I - Current Status and Future Directions 327 363 Recommended Practices In Elevated Temperature Design: A Compendium Of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987): 1991 WRC A Compendium Of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987): Volume II - Preliminary Design and Simplified Methods 328 364 Part 1: New Design Curves For Torispherical Heads; Part 2: Elastic-Plastic Analysis Of Shells Of Revolution Under 1991 WRC Axisymmetric Loading 329 365 Recommended Practices In Elevated Temperature Design: A Compendium Of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987): 1991 WRC Volume III - Inelastic Analysis 330 366 Recommended Practices in Elevated Temperature Design: A Compendium of Breeder Reactor Experiences (1970-1987): 1991 WRC Volume IV- Special Topics 331 367 Basis Of Current Dynamic Stress Criteria For Piping 1991 WRC 332 368 Stresses in Intersecting Cylinders Subjected to Pressure 1991 WRC 333 350 Design Criteria for Dissimilar Metal Welds 1990 WRC 334 351 Part 1: An Analytical Comparison Of Short Crack And Deep Crack CTOD Fracture Specimens Of An A36 Steel; Part 2: 1990 WRC The Effects Of Crack Depth On Elastic-Plastic CTOD Fracture Toughness; Part 3: A Comparison Of The J-Integral And CTOD Parameters For Short Cra 335 352 Independent Support Motion (ISM) Method Of Modal Spectra Seismic Analysis 1990 WRC 336 353 Position Paper On Nuclear Plant Pipe Supports 1990 WRC 337 354 Part 1: Failure Analysis Of A Service-Exposed Hot Reheat Steam Line In A Utility Steam Plant; Part 2: The Influence Of 1990 WRC Flux Composition On The Elevated Temperature Properties Of Cr-Mo Submerged Arc Weldments 338 355 Programming and Control of Welding Processes - Experience Of The U.S.S.R. 1990 WRC 339 356 Part 1: Finite Element Modelling Of A Single Pass Weld; Part 2: Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Pass Welds; Part 3: 1990 WRC Thermal and Mechanical Simulations of Resistance Spot Welding 340 357 Calculation of Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Metallurgical Plasmas 1990 WRC 341 358 The Effect Of Crack Depth To Specimen Width Ratio On The Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Of A High-Strength 1990 WRC Low-Strain Hardening Steel 342 359 Weldability of Low-Carbon Micro-Alloyed Steels for Marine Structures 1990 WRC 343 Vol XLV 1-2 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 344 Vol XLV 3-4 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 345 Vol XLV 5-6 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 346 Vol XLV 7-8 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 347 Vol XLV 9-10 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 348 Vol XLV 11-12 Progress Reports 1990 WRC 349 Vol XLIV 2-3-4 Progress Reports 1989 WRC 350 Vol XLIV 5-6 Progress Reports 1989 WRC 351 Vol XLiV 7-8 Progress Reports 1989 WRC 352 Vol XLIV 9-10 Progress Reports 1989 WRC 353 Vol XLIV 11- Progress Reports 1989 WRC 12 354 Interaction of Steels With Hydrogen in Petroleum Industry Pressure Vessel Service 1989 WRC 355 340 Interpretive Report On The Mechanical Properties Of Brazed Joints 1989 WRC 356 341 A Preliminary Evaluation Of The Elevated Temperature Behavior Of A Bolted Flanged Connection 1989 WRC 357 342 Stainless Steel Weld Metal: Prediction Of Ferrite Content 1989 WRC 358 343 Destructive Examination of PVRC Weld Specimens 202, 203 and 251J 1989 WRC 359 344 Part 1: Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Of PVRC 45 Degree Lateral Model 4 (d/D = 0.5, D/T = 40) Under Out- 1989 WRC Of-Plane Moment Loading On Branch Pipes; Part 2: Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Of 45 Degree Lateral Model 2 (d/D = 0.5, D/T = 1 360 345 Assessing Fracture Toughness And Cracking Susceptibility Of Steel Weldments - A Review 1989 WRC 361 346 WFI/PVRC Moment Fatigue Tests On 4 x 3 ANSI B16.9 Tees 1989 WRC 362 347 Part 1: Welded Tee Connections Of Pipes Exposed To Slowly Increasing Internal Pressure; Part 2: Flawed Pipes And 1989 WRC Branch Connections Exposed To Pressure Pulses And Shock Waves 363 348 Repair Welding of Service Exposed Cr-Mo Steel Weldments 1989 WRC 364 349 Part 1: Postweld Heat Treatment Cracking In Chromium-Molybdenum Steels; Part 2: Postweld Heat Treatment Cracking In 1989 WRC High Strength Low Alloy Steels 365 330 Part 1: The Fracture Behavior of A588 Grade A and A572 Grade 50 Weldments; Part 2: Effects of Long-Time Postweld 1988 WRC Heat Treatment on the Properties of Constructional-Steel Weldments 366 331 Metallurgical Investigation on Scatter of Toughness in Weldment of Pressure Vessel Steels, Part 1 & Part 2 1988 WRC 367 332 Part 1: Characteristics of Heavy Weight Wide-Flange Structural Shapes; Part 2: Data Survey on Mechanical Property 1988 WRC Characterization of A588 Steel Plates and Weldments 368 333 Bibliography on Fatigue of Weldments and Literature Review on Fatigue Crack Initiation from Weld Discontinuities 1988 WRC 369 334 Review of Properties of Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Processed Steels - Pressure Vessel Steels for Low-Temperature 1988 WRC Service 370 335 A Review of Area Replacement Rules for Pipe Connections in Pressure Vessels and Piping 1988 WRC 371 336 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components - Fourth Edition 1988 WRC 372 337 Experimental Validation of the Evaluation of Reinforced Openings in Large Steel Pressure Vessels 1988 WRC 373 338 Interpretive Report on Electroslag, Electrogas and Related Welding Processes 1988 WRC 374 339 Development of Tightness Test Procedures for Gaskets in Elevated Temperature Service 1988 WRC 375 Vol XLIII 1-2 Progress Reports 1988 WRC 376 Vol XLIII 3-4 Progress Reports 1988 WRC 377 Vol XLIII 5-6 Progress Reports 1988 WRC 378 Vol XLIII 7-8 Progress Reports 1988 WRC 379 Vol XLIII 9-10 Progress Reports 1988 WRC 380 Vol XLIII 11- Progress Reports 1988 WRC 12 381 Vol XLII 1-2 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 382 Vol XLII 3-4 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 383 Vol XLII 5-6 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 384 Vol XLII 7-8 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 385 Vol XLII 9-10 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 386 Vol XLII 11-12 Progress Reports 1987 WRC 387 Weldability of Steels 1987 WRC 388 321 The Dynamic Deformation of Piping 1987 WRC 389 322 Part 1: The Strain Aging Behavior of Microalloyed Steels; Part 2: The Fracture Toughness Behavior of ASTM A737 Grade 1987 WRC B and Grade C Microalloyed Pressure Vessel Steels; Part 3: The Fracture Behavior of ASTM A737 Grade B and Grade C Microalloyed Steel Weldm 390 323 Monograph on Narrow-Gap Welding Technology 1987 WRC 391 324 Investigation of Design Criteria for Dynamic Loads on Nuclear Power Piping 1987 WRC 392 325 Further Gasket Leakage Behavior Trends 1987 WRC 393 326 Submerged Arc-Welding Procedures for Steels Meeting Standard Specifications - Revised August 1987. (This revision is a 1987 WRC part of the WRC book, "Weldability of Steels-Fourth Edition") 394 327 Long-Range Plan for Pressure Vessel Research - Eighth Edition 1987 WRC 395 328 Part 1: Specimen Thickness Effects for Elastic-Plastic CTOD Toughness of an A36 Steel; Part 2: An Analytical and 1987 WRC Experimental Comparison of Rectangular and Square CTOD Fracture Specimens of an A36 Steel 396 329 Accuracy of Stress Intensification Factors for Branch Connections 1987 WRC 397 297 Local Stresses In Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings On Nozzles-Supplement to WRC Bulletin No. 107 1987 WRC (Revision I) 398 311 Assessment of the Significance of Weld Discontinuities; Effects of Microstructure and Discontinuities Upon Fracture 1986 WRC Morphology 399 312 Joining of Molybdenum Base Metals and Factors which Influence Ductility 1986 WRC 400 313 Computer Programs for Imperfection Sensitivity Analysis of Stiffened Cylindrical Shells 1986 WRC 401 314 Bolted Flanged Connections with Full Face Gaskets 1986 WRC 402 315 Stress Rupture Behavior Of Postweld Heat Treated 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo Steel Weld Metal 1986 WRC 403 316 Part 1: Technical Position on Piping System Installation Tolerances; Part 2: Technical Position on Damping Values for 1986 WRC Insulated Pipe - Summary Report 404 317 PVRC Centrifugal Pump-Piping Interaction Experience Survey 1986 WRC 405 318 Part 1: Factors Influencing the Measurement of Ferrite Content in Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal Using Magnetic 1986 WRC Instruments; Part 2: Measurements of Ferrite Content in Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal Giving Internationally Reproducible Result 406 319 Sensitization of Austenitic Stainless Steels; Effects of Welding Variables on HAZ Sensitization of AISI 304 and HAZ 1986 WRC Behavior of BWR Alternative Alloys 316 NG and 347 407 320 Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys 1986 WRC 408 Vol XLI 1-2 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 409 Vol XLI 3-4 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 410 Vol XLI 5-6 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 411 Vol XLI 7-8 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 412 Vol XLI 9-10 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 413 Vol XLI 11-12 Progress Reports 1986 WRC 414 Vol XL 1-2 Progress Reports 1985 WRC 415 Vol XL 3-4 Progress Reports 1985 WRC 416 Vol XL 5-6 Progress Reports 1985 WRC 417 Vol XL 7-8 Progress Reports 1985 WRC 418 Vol XL 11-12 Progress Reports 1985 WRC 419 301 A Parametric Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study of 45 Degree Lateral Connections 1985 WRC 420 302 Part 1: Postweld Heat Treatment of Pressure Vessels; Part 2: Relaxation Stresses in Pressure Vessels; Part 3: A Study of 1985 WRC Residual Stress in Pressure Vessel Steels 421 303 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components - Third Edition 1985 WRC 422 304 Experimental Limit Couples for Branch Moment Loads on 4-in. ANSI B16.9 TEES 1985 WRC 423 305 Part 1: Hydrogen Attack Limit of 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo Steel; Part 2: Embrittlement of Pressure Vessel Steels in High 1985 WRC Temperature, High Pressure Hydrogen Environment; Part 3: Hydrogen Embrittlement of Bond Structure Between Stainelss Steel Overlay and Base Metal 424 306 PVRC Flanged Joint User Survey 1985 WRC 425 307 Fatigue and Creep Rupture Damage of Perforated Plates Subjected to Cyclic Plastic Straining in Creep Regime 1985 WRC 426 308 Verification and Application of an Inelastic Analysis Method for LMFBR Piping System 1985 WRC 427 309 Development of a Production Test Procedure for Gaskets 1985 WRC 428 310 Damage Studies in Pressure Vessel Components 1985 WRC 429 291 Fracture Control of Pressure Vessels up to 2 1/2 Inches Thick 1984 WRC 430 292 PVRC Milestone Gasket Tests - First Results 1984 WRC 431 293 Current Welding Research Problems 1984 WRC 432 294 Part 1: Creep of Bolted Flanged Connections 1984 WRC 433 295 Fundamentals of Weld Discontinuities and Their Significance 1984 WRC 434 296 Fitness-For-Service Criteria For Pipeline Girth-Weld Quality 1984 WRC 435 298 Long-Range Plan for Pressure-Vessel Research - Seventh Edition 1984 WRC 436 299 Part 1: Engineering Aspects of CTOD Fracture Toughness Testing; Part 2: Three-Dimensional Elastic-Plastic Finite 1984 WRC Element Analysis of Three-Point Bend Specimen; Part 3: Failure Prediction of Notched Pressure Vessels Using The CTOD Approach 437 300 Part 1: Technical Position on Criteria Establishment; Part 2: Technical Position on Damping Values for Piping-Interim 1984 WRC Summary Report; Part 3: Technical Position on Response Spectra Broadening; Part 4: Technical Position on Industry Practice 438 Vol XXXIX 1 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 439 Vol XXXIX 2 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 440 Vol XXXIX 3 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 441 Vol XXXIX 4 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 442 Vol XXXIX 5 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 443 Vol XXXIX 6-7 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 444 Vol XXXIX 8 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 445 Vol XXXIX 9 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 446 Vol XXXIX 11 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 447 Vol XXXIX 12 Progress Reports 1984 WRC 448 Vol XXXVIII 1 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 449 Vol XXXVIII 2 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 450 Vol XXXVIII 3 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 451 Vol XXXVIII 4 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 452 Vol XXXVIII 5 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 453 Vol XXXVIII Progress Reports 1983 WRC 6-7 454 Vol XXXVIII 8 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 455 Vol XXXVIII 9 Progress Reports 1983 WRC 456 Vol XXXVIII Progress Reports 1983 WRC 11 457 Vol XXXVIII Progress Reports 1983 WRC 12 458 283 A Critical Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Measurement Techniques for Elevated Temperature Applications 1983 WRC 459 284 The External Pressure Collapse Tests of Tubes 1983 WRC 460 285 Part 1: Stress Indices and Flexibility Factors for Concentric Nozzles 1983 WRC 461 286 Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1983 WRC 462 287 Welding of Copper and Copper Base Alloys 1983 WRC 463 288 Fracture of Pipelines and Cylinders Containing a Circumferential Crack 1983 WRC 464 289 Hot Cracking Susceptibility of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metals 1983 WRC 465 290 Factors Affecting Porosity in Aluminum Welds - A Review 1983 WRC 466 274 Part 1: International Benchmark Project on Simplified Methods for Elevated Temperature Design and Analysis; Problem II: 1982 WRC The Saclay Fluctuating Sodium Level Experiment; Comparison on Analytical & Experimental Results; Problem III: The Oak Ridge Nozzle to S 467 275 The Use of Quenched and Tempered 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo Steel for Thick Wall Reactor Vessels in Petroleum Refinery Processes: 1982 WRC An Interpretive Review of 25 Years of Research and Application 468 276 A Summary and Critical Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions of Corner Cracks at the Edge of a Hole 1982 WRC 469 277 High Temperature Properties of 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo Weld Metal 1982 WRC 470 278 The Crack Arrest Properties of 9% Nickel Steels for Cryogenic Applications 1982 WRC 471 279 Part 1: Weldability and Fracture Toughness of Quenched and Tempered 9% Nickel Steel: Weld Simulation Testing 1982 WRC 472 280 The Varestraint Test 1982 WRC 473 281 Hydrodynamic Response of Fluid Coupled Cylinders: Simplified Damping and Inertia Coefficients 1982 WRC 474 282 Elastic-Plastic Buckling of Axially Compressed Ring Stiffened Cylinders - Test vs Theory 1982 WRC 475 Vol XXXVII 1 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 476 Vol XXXVII 2 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 477 Vol XXXVII 3 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 478 Vol XXXVII 4 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 479 Vol XXXVII 5 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 480 Vol XXXVII 6 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 481 Vol XXXVII 7 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 482 Vol XXXVII 8 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 483 Vol XXXVII 9 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 484 Vol XXXVII 10 Progress Reports 1982 WRC 485 Vol XXXVI 1 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 486 Vol XXXVI 2 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 487 Vol XXXVI 3 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 488 Vol XXXVI 4 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 489 Vol XXXVI 5 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 490 Vol XXXVI 6 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 491 Vol XXXVI 7 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 492 Vol XXXVI 8 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 493 Vol XXXVI 9 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 494 Vol XXXVI 11 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 495 Vol XXXVI 12 Progress Reports 1981 WRC 496 265 Interpretive Report on Small Scale Test Correlations with Klc Data 1981 WRC 497 266 Part 1: Weldability and Fracture Toughness of 5% Ni Steel-Part 1: Weld Simulation Testing 1981 WRC 498 267 Elastic-Plastic Buckling of Internally Pressurized Ellipsoidal Pressure Vessel Heads 1981 WRC 499 268 Review of Worldwide Weld Discontinuity Acceptance Standards 1981 WRC 500 269 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components - Second Edition 1981 WRC 501 270 Long-Range Plan for Pressure Vessel Research - Sixth Edition 1981 WRC 502 271 Part 1: Methods of Analysis of Bolted Flanged Connections - A review 1981 WRC 503 272 Part 1: Design of Beam Columns with Lateral-Torsional End Restraints 1981 WRC 504 273 Design Implications of Recent Advances in Elevated Temperature Bounding Techniques 1981 WRC 505 256 Review of Data Relevant to the Design of Tubular Joints for Use in Fixed Offshore Platforms 1980 WRC 506 257 Analysis of the Ultrasonic Examinations of PVRC Weld Specimens 155, 202, and 203 by Standard and Two-Point 1980 WRC Coincidence Methods 507 258 Part 1: International Benchmark Project on Simplified Methods for Elevated Temperature Design and Analysis: Problem I - 1980 WRC The Oak Ridge Pipe Ratcheting Experiment 508 259 Analysis of the Radiographic Evaluation of PVRC Weld Specimens 155, 202, 203 and 251J 1980 WRC 509 260 Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Pipes and Short Compression Members as Elements of Pipe-Whip Restraint 1980 WRC 510 261 Effects of Porosity on the Facture Toughness of 5083, 5456, and 6061 Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1980 WRC 511 262 Part 1: Derivation of ASME Code Formulas for the Design of Reverse Flanges 1980 WRC 512 263 An Annotated Bibliography on the Significance, Origin and Nature of Discontinuities in Welds, 1975-1980 1980 WRC 513 264 The Influence of Multiaxial Stress on Low-Cycle Fatigue of Cr-Mo-V Steel at 1000 degrees F 1980 WRC 514 248 Allowable Axial Stress Of Restrained Multi-Segment, Tapered Roof Girders 1979 WRC 515 249 Review Of Analytical And Experimental Techniques For Improving Structural Dynamic Models 1979 WRC 516 250 Generalized Yield Surfaces For Plates And Shells 1979 WRC 517 251 Comparison Of Three-Dimensional Finite Element And Photoelastic Results For Lateral Connection, WC-12B2 1979 WRC 518 252 Ultrasonic Evaluation and Sectioning of PVRC Plate Weld Specimen 201 1979 WRC 519 253 A Survey Of Simplified Inelastic Analysis Methods 1979 WRC 520 254 Part 1: A Critical Evaluation of Plastic Behavior Data and A Unified Definition of Plastic Loads for Pressure Components 1979 WRC 521 255 Experimental Investigation Of Commercially Fabricated 2:1 Ellipsoidal Heads Subjected to Internal Pressure 1979 WRC 522 107 Local Stresses In Spherical And Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings 1979 WRC 523 245 A Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of Flaws in Pipeline Girth Welds 1979 WRC 524 246 Interpretive Report on Dynamic Analysis of Pressure Components 1979 WRC 525 247 Corrosion Resistance Of Brazed Joints 1978 WRC 526 191 Suggested Arc-Welding Procedures for Steels Meeting Standard Specifications 1978 WRC 527 234 Effects of Lack-of-Penetration and Lack-of-Fusion on the Fatigue Properties of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Welds 1978 WRC 528 235 Part 1: Improved Repeatability in Ultrasonic Examination 1978 WRC 529 236 Determination of Stiffness and Loading in Bolted Joints Having A Circular Geometry 1978 WRC 530 237 Investigation Of Methods Of Controlling And Reducing Weld Distortion In Aluminum Structures 1978 WRC 531 238 Plastic Stability of Pipes and Tees Exposed to External Couples 1978 WRC 532 239 Review Of Fracture Mechanics Approaches To Defining Critical Size Girth Weld Discontinuities 1978 WRC 533 240 Hydrogen Embrittlement Of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal With Special Consideration Given To The Effects Of 1978 WRC Sigma Phase 534 241 Long-Range Plan For Pressure Vessel Research - Fifth Edition 1978 WRC 535 242 Fatigue Behavior Of 5000 Series Aluminum Alloy Weldments In Marine Environment 1978 WRC 536 243 Part 1: Effective Utilization Of Yield Strength Steels In Fatigue 1978 WRC 537 244 Part 1: Ultrasonic Soldering 1978 WRC 538 223 Hot Wire Welding and Surfacing Techniques 1977 WRC 539 224 Interpretive Report on Underwater Welding 1977 WRC 540 225 Resistance Seam Welding 1977 WRC 541 226 A Review of Minor Element Effects on the Welding Arc and Weld Penetration 1977 WRC 542 227 Part 1: Through Thickness Fatigue Properties of Steel Plate; Part 2: Reference Stress Concepts for Creep Analysis 1977 WRC 543 228 Statistical Analysis of Dependence of Weld Metal Properties on Composition 1977 WRC 544 229 Part 1: Dynamic Fracture-Resistance Testing and Methods For Structural Analysis 1977 WRC 545 230 Part 1: An Experimental Study of Elasto-Plastic Response of Branch-Pipe Tee Connections Subjected to Internal Pressure, 1977 WRC External Couples and Combined Loadings 546 231 Factors Affecting Weld Metal Properties in Carbon and Low Alloy Pressure Vessel Steels 1977 WRC 547 232 Through Thickness Properties and Lamellar Tearing (a Bibliography) 1977 WRC 548 233 Report of Gasket Factor Tests 1977 WRC 549 213 Part 1: Weldability of Niobium Containing High Strength Low Alloy Steel 1976 WRC 550 214 Stud Welding 1976 WRC 551 215 Part 1: Development of Design Rules for Dished Pressure Vessel Heads 1976 WRC 552 216 Preventing Hydrogen-Induced Cracking After Welding of Pressure Vessel Steels by Use of Low Temperature Postweld 1976 WRC Heat Treatments 553 217 Part 1: Through Thickness Fatigue Properties of Steel Plate; Part 2: Properties of Heavy Section Nuclear Reactor Steels 1976 WRC 554 218 Tests of Bolted Beam-to-Column Flange Moment Connections 1976 WRC 555 219 Experimental Investigation of Limit Loads of Nozzles In Cylindrical Vessels 1976 WRC 556 220 Metal-to-Metal Adhesive Bonding 1976 WRC 557 221 Part 1: Analysis of Test Data on PVRC Specification No.3, Ultrasonic Examination of Forgings, Revisions I and II 1976 WRC 558 222 The Significance of Weld Discontinuities - A Review of Current Literature 1976 WRC 559 Welding of line pipe steels 1976 WRC 560 202 Current Welding Research Problems 1975 WRC 561 203 Niobium-and Vanadium-Containing Steels for Pressure Vessel Service 1975 WRC 562 204 Friction Welding 1975 WRC 563 205 Fracture Toughness and Related Characteristics of the Cryogenic Nickel Steels 1975 WRC 564 206 Effects of Porosity on the Fatigue Properties of 5083 Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1975 WRC 565 207 Joining of Metal-Matrix Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials 1975 WRC 566 208 Review of Data on Mitre Joints in Piping to Establish Maximum Angularity for Fabrication of Girth Butt Welds 1975 WRC 567 209 Long-Range Plan for Pressure Vessel Research - Fourth Edition 1975 WRC 568 210 The Fabrication of Dissimilar Metal Joints Containing Reactive and Refractory Metals 1975 WRC 569 211 Stress-Relief Cracking in Steel Weldments 1975 WRC 570 212 Bibliography of Published Reports (Resulting from the Work of WRC Project Committees on Pressure Vessels, Structural 1975 WRC Steel, Fatigue of Welding Joints, Weldability, High Alloys, Aluminum Alloys, and Interpretive Reports) 571 192 Allowable Stress for Web-Tapered Beams with Lateral Restraints 1974 WRC 572 193 Basic Considerations for Tubular Joint Design in Offshore Construction 1974 WRC 573 194 Fatigue Behavior of Pressure-Vessel Steels 1974 WRC 574 195 Part 1: A Review of Bounding Techniques in Shakedown and Ratcheting at Elevated Temperatures 1974 WRC 575 196 Electron Beam Welding 1974 WRC 576 197 A Review of Underclad Cracking in Pressure-Vessel Components 1974 WRC 577 198 Part 1: Secondary Stress Indices for Integral Structural Attachments to Straight Pipe 1974 WRC 578 199 Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Alloy 5083 Butt Welds 1974 WRC 579 200 Analysis of Test Data on Branch Connections Exposed to Internal Pressure and/or External Couples 1974 WRC 580 201 Part 1: The Submerged Arc Weld In HSLA Line Pipe - A State-of-the-Art Review 1974 WRC 581 180 Elastic-Plastic Bending of a Constrained Circular Perforated Plate Under Uniform Pressure (Triangular Penetration Pattern) 1973 WRC 582 181 Effects of Porosity on the Tensile Properties of 5083 and 6061 Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1973 WRC 583 182 Brazed Honeycomb Structures 1973 WRC 584 183 Critical Literature Review of Embrittlement in 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo Steel 1973 WRC 585 184 Submerged-Arc-Weld Hardness and Cracking in Wet Sulfide Service 1973 WRC 586 185 Improved Discontinuity Detection Using Computer-Aided Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Techniques 1973 WRC 587 186 Part 1: Design Options for Selection of Fracture Control Procedures in the Modernization of Codes, Rules and Standards 1973 WRC 588 187 High-Temperature Brazing 1973 WRC 589 188 Part 1: Behavior and Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Moment Connections 1973 WRC 590 189 Hardness as an Index of Weldability and Service Performance of Steel Weldments 1973 WRC 591 190 Fluxes and Slags in Welding 1973 WRC 592 169 University Welding Research Directory 1972 WRC 593 170 MIG Welding and Pulsed Power 1972 WRC 594 171 Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1972 WRC 595 172 Part 1: Sensitivity of the Delta Test to Steel Compositions and Variables 1972 WRC 596 173 Design of Tapered Members 1972 WRC 597 174 Residual Stresses and Distortion in Welded Aluminum Structures and Their Effects on Service Performance 1972 WRC 598 175 PVRC Recommendations on Toughness Requirements for Ferritic Materials 1972 WRC 599 176 Long-Range Plan for Pressure-Vessel Research -Third Edition 1972 WRC 600 177 Comparison and Analysis of Residual Stress Measuring Techniques and The Effect of Post-Weld Heat Treatment on 1972 WRC Residual Stresses in Inconel 600, Inconel X-750 and Rene' 41 Weldments 601 178 Joining Ceramics to Metals and Other Materials 1972 WRC 602 179 Stress Indices and Flexibility Factors for Moment Loadings on Elbows and Curved Pipe 1972 WRC 603 158 PVRC Interpretive Report of Pressure Vessel Research, Section 3 - Fabrication and Environmental Considerations 1971 WRC 604 159 Welding of Maraging Steels 1971 WRC 605 160 High-Frequency Resistance Welding 1971 WRC 606 161 The Fabrication and Welding of High-Strength Line-Pipe Steels 1971 WRC 607 162 Unified Theory of Cumulative Damage in Metal Fatigue 1971 WRC 608 163 Part 1: Elastic-Plastic Deformations in Pressure Vessel Heads 1971 WRC 609 164 Part 1: Elastic-Plastic Deformations in Pressure Vessel Heads 1971 WRC 610 165 The Toughness of 2 1/4% and 3 1/2% Nickel Steels at Cryogenic Temperatures 1971 WRC 611 166 Part 1: Review of Service Experience and Test Data on Openings in Pressure Vessels with Non-Integral Reinforcing 1971 WRC 612 167 Laser Welding and Cutting 1971 WRC 613 168 Lamellar Tearing 1971 WRC 614 147 Transition-Temperature Data for Five Structural Steels 1970 WRC 615 148 Interaction Curves for Sections Under Combined Biaxial Bending and Axial Force 1970 WRC 616 149 Control of Distortion and Shrinkage in Welding 1970 WRC 617 150 Part 1: Recent Studies of Cracking During Postwelding Heat Treatment of Nickel-Base Alloys: Evaluating the Resistance 1970 WRC of Rene' 41 to Strain-Age Cracking 618 151 Further Theoretical Treatment of Perforated Plates with Square Penetration Patterns 1970 WRC 619 152 Influence of Weld Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Weldments 1970 WRC 620 153 Part 1: Interpretive Report on Oblique Nozzle Connections in Pressure Vessel Heads and Shells Under Internal Pressure 1970 WRC Loading 621 154 Electroslag, Electrogas, and Related Welding Processes 1970 WRC 622 155 Fatigue and Static Tests of Two Welded Plate Girders 1970 WRC 623 156 Part 1: Pilot Tests on the Static Strength of Unsymmetrical Plate Girders 1970 WRC 624 157 Significance of Fracture Extension Resistance (R Curve) Factors in Fracture-Safe Design for Nonfrangible Metals 1970 WRC 625 Methods of high-alloy weldability evalution 1970 WRC 626 Effects of minor elements on the weldability of high-nickel alloys 1969 WRC 627 137 Current Welding Research Problems 1969 WRC 628 138 Intergranular Corrosion of Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steels-Final Report 1969 WRC 629 139 Part 1: Stress Concentrations in Two Normally Intersecting Cylindrical Shells Subject to Internal Pressure 1969 WRC 630 140 Fracture Toughness Characterization Procedures and Interpretations to Fracture-Safe Design for Structural Aluminum 1969 WRC Alloys 631 141 Integration of Metallurgical and Fracture Mechanics Concepts of Transition Temperature Factors Relating to Fracture-Safe 1969 WRC Design for Structural Steels 632 142 Part 1: Experiments on Wide-Flange Beams Under Moment Gradient 1969 WRC 633 143 Cast Heat-Resistant Alloys for High-Temperature Weldments 1969 WRC 634 144 Long-Range Plan for Pressure-Vessel Research-Second Edition 1969 WRC 635 145 Part 1: Interpretive Report on Effect of Hydrogen in Pressure-Vessel Steels: Section I-Basic and Research Aspects 1969 WRC 636 146 Structural Stability Design Provisions-A Comparison of the Provisions of the CRC Guide and the Specifications of 1969 WRC AASHO, AISC and AREA 637 127 Girder Web Boundary Stresses and Fatigue 1968 WRC 638 128 Welding of Precipitation-Hardening Nickel-Base Alloys 1968 WRC 639 129 Elastic Stresses in Pressure Vessel Heads 1968 WRC 640 130 Advances in Fracture Toughness characterization Procedures and in Quantitative Interpretations to Fracture-Safe Design 1968 WRC for Structural Steels 641 131 Arc Plasmas for Joining, Cutting and Surfacing 1968 WRC 642 132 The Measurement of Delta Ferrite In Austenitic Stainless Steels 1968 WRC 643 133 Part 1: Proposed Reinforcement Design Procedure for Radial Nozzles in Spherical Shells with Internal Pressure (Phase 1968 WRC Report No. 1) 644 134 Procedures For Fracture Toughness Characterization and Interpretations to Failure-Safe Design for Structural Titanium 1968 WRC Alloys 645 135 Cyclic Pressure Tests of Full Size Pressure Vessels 1968 WRC 646 136 Creep-Rupture Properties of Quenched and Tempered Pressure Vessel Steels-A Data Summary 1968 WRC 647 119 Part 1: Interpretive Report on Pressure Vessel Heads 1967 WRC 648 120 Part 1: The Properties and Microstructure of Spray-Quenched Thick-Section Steels 1967 WRC 649 121 Part 1: Residual Stresses in "T-1" Constructional Alloy Steel Plates 1967 WRC 650 122 A Review of Some Microstructural Aspects of Fracture in Crystalline Materials 1967 WRC 651 123 Fundamentals of Heat Flow in Welding 1967 WRC 652 124 A Study of Perforated Plates with Square Penetration Patterns 1967 WRC 653 125 Analysis of In-Plane T, Y and K Welded Tubular Connections 1967 WRC 654 126 Part 1: Fracture Development and Material Properties in PVRC-Penn State Pressure Vessel 1967 WRC 655 111 Interpretive Report on Weld-Metal Toughness 1966 WRC 656 112 Improvement of the Fatigue Life of Spotwelds 1966 WRC 657 113 Part 1: Photoelastic Study of the Stresses Near Openings in Pressure Vessels 1966 WRC 658 114 Joining of Plastics 1966 WRC 659 115 Further Studies on the Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Steel Beam-Columns 1966 WRC 660 116 Long Range Plan for Pressure Vessel Research 1966 WRC 661 117 Static Tests on Longitudinally Stiffened Plate Girders 1966 WRC 662 118 Fatigue Tests of Large-Size Welded Plate Girders 1966 WRC 663 102 State Of Stress In A Circular Cylindrical Shell With A Circular Hole 1965 WRC 664 103 Welding Of Age-Hardenable Stainless Steels 1965 WRC 665 104 Bonding Of Metals With Explosives 1965 WRC 666 105 Arc Spot Welding 1965 WRC 667 106 Part 1: Stress Analysis Of A Circular Plate Containing A Rectangular Array Of Holes 1965 WRC 668 108 Part 1: Experimental Determination of Stress Distributions in Thin-Walled Cylindrical and Spherical Pressure Vessels with 1965 WRC Circular Nozzles 669 109 A Review of Diffusion Welding 1965 WRC 670 110 Part 1: Experiments on High Strength Steel Members 1965 WRC 671 093 Intergranular Corrosion Of Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel - Progress Report No. 1 1964 WRC 672 094 The Design Of Thick-Walled Closed-Ended Cylinders Based On Torsion Data 1964 WRC 673 095 PVRC Interpretive Report on Pressure Vessel Research, Section 1 - Design Consideration 1964 WRC 674 096 Part 1: Stresses Near A Cylindrical Outlet In A Spherical Vessel 1964 WRC 675 097 D. C. Welding Power Sources For Gas-Shielded Metal Arc Welding 1964 WRC 676 098 Part 1: Failure Analysis Of PVRC Vessel No. 5: A Study Of Materials Properties And Fracture Development 1964 WRC 677 099 Part 1: Experiments On Braced Wide-Flange Beams 1964 WRC 678 100 Electron Beam Welding 1964 WRC 679 101 PVRC Interpretive Report Of Pressure Vessel Research, Section 2 - Materials Considerations 1964 WRC 680 Fatigue of Welded Steel Structures 1964 WRC 681 084 An Experimental Investigation Of The Stresses Produced In Spherical Vessels By External Loads Transferred By A Nozzle 1963 WRC 682 085 Welding Of Reactive And Refractory Metals 1963 WRC 683 086 Welding Of Steel At Low Ambient Temperatures 1963 WRC 684 087 Part 1: Critical Factors In The Interpretation Of Radiation Effects On The Mechanical Properties Of Structural Metals 1963 WRC 685 088 Fracture Analysis Diagram Procedures For The Fracture-Safe Engineering Design Of Steel Structures 1963 WRC 686 089 Experimental Investigation Of Stresses In Nozzles In Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 1963 WRC 687 090 Part 1: A Critical Study Of The Solutions Of The Asymmetric Bending Of Spherical Shells 1963 WRC 688 091 Plastic Analysis And Tests Of Haunched Corner Connections 1963 WRC 689 092 Brazed Honeycomb Structures 1963 WRC 690 074 A Critical Evaluation Of The Strength Of Thick-Walled Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 1962 WRC 691 075 Aluminum And Aluminum Alloys For Pressure Vessels 1962 WRC 692 076 Gas And Oil Pipeline Welding Practices 1962 WRC 693 077 PVRC Research On Reinforcement Of Openings In Pressure Vessels 1962 WRC 694 078 Part 1: Nomographs For The Solution Of Beam-Column Problems 1962 WRC 695 079 Welding Ultra High Strength Steel Sheet 1962 WRC 696 080 Part 1: Analysis Of A Perforated Circular Plate Containing A Rectangular Array Of Holes 1962 WRC 697 081 Part 1: A Survey of Literature on the Stability of Frames 1962 WRC 698 082 Arc Welding Of Thick Cross Sections 1962 WRC 699 083 Arc Welding Of Magnesium And Magnesium Alloys 1962 WRC 700 066 Interpretive Report On Operating Conditions For Nuclear Pressure Vessels 1961 WRC 701 067 Strength of Thick-Walled Cylindrical Vessels Under Internal Pressure for Three Steels 1961 WRC 702 068 Part 1: A Coated Electrode For Fusion Welding AISI 4340 Steel For Ultra High Strength Applications 1961 WRC 703 069 Part 1: The Effects Of Internal Pressure On Thin-Shell Pressure Vessel Heads 1961 WRC 704 070 Inert-Gas Shielded Arc Welding Of Ferrous Metal 1961 WRC 705 071 Part 1: Research On Tubular Connections In Structural Work 1961 WRC 706 072 Thermal Fatigue - A Critical Review 1961 WRC 707 073 Copper And Copper Alloys For Pressure Vessels 1961 WRC 708 057 Some Observations On The Brittle Fracture Problem 1960 WRC 709 058 Strength Of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T4 Thick-Walled Cylindrical Vessels Subjected To Internal Pressures 1960 WRC 710 059 Part 1: Factors Which Affect Low-Alloy Weld Metal Notch-Toughness 1960 WRC 711 060 Part 1: An Experimental Investigation Of Stresses In The Neighborhood Of Attachments To A Cylindrical Shell 1960 WRC 712 061 Interpretive Report On Welding Of Nickel Clad And Stainless Clad Steel Plate 1960 WRC 713 062 Comparison And Analysis Of Notch Toughness Tests For Steels In Welded Structures 1960 WRC 714 063 Part 1: Welded Interior Beam-To-Column Connections 1960 WRC 715 064 Web Buckling Tests On Welded Plate Girders 1960 WRC 716 065 Feasibility Studies Of Stresses In Ligaments 1960 WRC 717 046 Observations of Strains Near Reinforced and Non-Reinforced Cone Cylinder Intersections, and Discussion - "Design 1959 WRC Formulas for a Thin Cylinder with Cone Shaped Ends" 718 047 An Experimental Investigation of Open-Web Beams 1959 WRC 719 048 Plastic Design of Pinned-Base Gable Frames 1959 WRC 720 049 Part 1: Stresses in a Spherical Vessel from Radial Loads Acting on a Pipe 1959 WRC 721 050 Part 1: Stresses In Spherical Vessels From Local Loads Transferred By A Pipe 1959 WRC 722 051 Part 1: Theoretical Stresses Near A Circular Opening In A Flat Plate Reinforced With A Cylindrical Outlet 1959 WRC 723 052 Part 1: A Review, Comparison And Modification Of Present Deflection Theory For Flat Perforated Plates 1959 WRC 724 053 Plastic Design of Pinned-Base "Lean-To" Frames 1959 WRC 725 054 Bending Of 2:1 And 3:1 Open-Crown Ellipsoidal Shells 1959 WRC 726 055 Fourth Technical Progress Report Of The Ship Structure Committee 1959 WRC 727 056 Interpretive Report On Welding Titanium And Titanium Alloys 1959 WRC 728 039 Plastic Analysis and Design of Square Rigid Frame Knees 1958 WRC 729 040 Design of a Thin-Walled Cylindrical Pressure Vessel Based Upon The Plastic Range and Considering Anisotropy 1958 WRC 730 041 Design of Thick-Walled Pressure Vessels Based Upon the Plastic Range 1958 WRC 731 042 Weld Flaw Evaluation 1958 WRC 732 043 Welding Type 347 Stainless Steel Piping and Tubing 1958 WRC 733 044 The Influence of Residual Stress on the Strength of Structural Members 1958 WRC 734 045 Ten Years of Progress in Pressure Vessel Research (1948-1958) 1958 WRC 735 032 Part 1: Graphitization of Steel in Petroleum Refining Equipment 1957 WRC 736 033 Further Studies of the Hot-Ductility of High-Temperature Alloys 1957 WRC 737 034 Computation of the Stresses from Local Loads in Spherical Pressure Vessels or Pressure Vessel Heads 1957 WRC 738 035 The Tensile Properties of Selected Steels as a Function of Temperature 1957 WRC 739 036 Ultra-High-Strength Weld Metal with Low-Hydrogen Electrodes 1957 WRC 740 037 The Value of the Notch Tensile Test 1957 WRC 741 038 Proof-Testing Pressure Vessels Designed for Internal Pressure 1957 WRC 742 Control of Steel construction to avoid brittle failure 1957 WRC 743 024 Nickel and High-Nickel Alloys for Pressure Vessels 1956 WRC 744 025 Bibliography on the Welding of Stainless Steels, 1926-1955 with Author Index 1956 WRC 745 026 Investigation of the Influence of Deoxidation and Chemical Composition on Notched-Bar Properties Of Ship Plate Steels 1956 WRC 746 027 Part 1: Mechanical Properties and Weldability of Six High-Strength Steels 1956 WRC 747 028 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for Pressure Vessels 1956 WRC 748 029 Development of Brazing Alloys for Joining Heat Resistant Alloys 1956 WRC 749 030 Oxidation-Resistant Brazing Alloys 1956 WRC 750 031 Stainless Steel for Pressure Vessels 1956 WRC 751 020 Part 1: High-Strength Low Alloy Steels 1955 WRC 752 021 Coating Moisture Investigations of Austenitic Electrodes of the Modified 18-8 Type 1955 WRC 753 022 Welded Tee Connections 1955 WRC 754 023 Cracking of Simple Structural Geometries 1955 WRC 755 017 A Critical Survey of Brittle Failure in Carbon Plate Steel Structures Other Than Ships 1954 WRC 756 018 Testing of Stainless-Steel Weldments 1954 WRC 757 019 Review of Welded Ship Failures 1954 WRC 758 015 Slag-Metal Interaction in Arc Welding 1953 WRC 759 016 Part 1: Third Technical Progress Report of the Ship Structure Committee 1953 WRC 760 010 Thermal Fatigue and Thermal Shock 1952 WRC 761 011 Investigations of Effect of Fabrication Operations Upon Pressure Vessel Steels 1952 WRC 762 012 An Analytical Study of Aluminum Welding 1952 WRC 763 013 A New High-Yield Strength Alloy Steel for Welded Structures 1952 WRC 764 014 Welding Processes and Procedures Employed in Joining Stainless Steels 1952 WRC 765 009 Copper in Stainless Steels 1951 WRC 766 004 Part 1: Testing Pressure Vessels 1950 WRC 767 005 Part 1: How Plastic Deformation Influences Design and Forming of Metal Parts 1950 WRC 768 006 Part 1: Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels: Practical Experiences 1950 WRC 769 007 Instrumentation for the Evaluation of the Stability of the Welding Arc 1950 WRC 770 008 Tests of Columns Under Combined Thrust and Moment 1950 WRC 771 001 Steel Compositions and Specifications 1949 WRC 772 002 The Nature of the Arc 1949 WRC 773 003 Burn-Off Characteristics of Steel Welding Electrodes 1949 WRC 774 Development of Superior Notch Toughness in High-Dilution Weldments of Microolloyed Steel WRC 775 Microstructure of a high-chromium, white-iron alloy which has been modified with titanium WRC Hercules Ebooks Institute +989141908737