Digital Divide

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Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?
Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?

• Expansion of economic growth

Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?

• Expansion of economic growth

• Generates prosperity by creating job opportunities
Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?

• Expansion of economic growth

• Generates prosperity by creating job opportunities
• Increase in transparency and efficiency of governments
Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?

• Expansion of economic growth

• Generates prosperity by creating job opportunities
• Increase in transparency and efficiency of governments
• Increase in percentage of annual GDP growth in some countries
Article: Philippines: Broadband Nation
1. What were the positive effects of having faster internet speed as shown
in the McKinsey Global Institute research?

• Expansion of economic growth

• Generates prosperity by creating job opportunities
• Increase in transparency and efficiency of governments
• Increase in percentage of annual GDP growth in some countries
• Enables growth for small and medium- size enterprises
2. Describe the internet connection status in the Philippines, in terms of
number of people with internet connection, the average internet broadband
download speed compared to other countries, and the average cost of
monthly Internet services.
2. Describe the internet connection status in the Philippines, in terms of
number of people with internet connection, the average internet broadband
download speed compared to other countries, and the average cost of
monthly Internet services.
• The Philippines has historically had strong affinity for new technology.
Despite the high average cost of internet access, lags and sudden internet
disconnections are still possible. The fastest internet is currently needed by
many individuals in order to communicate with others, especially in rural
areas where connections can be difficult. Although the average cost of
internet access is high, the Philippines is one of the nations with slower
internet speeds than other nations. As a result, even when using the internet,
you can expect to experience lag, slowness, and crucial difficulty.
3. How does the Philippines’ slow internet connection affect the SMEs? Do
you think a faster internet connection can promote better income for them?
Explain your answer.
3. How does the Philippines’ slow internet connection affect the SMEs? Do
you think a faster internet connection can promote better income for them?
Explain your answer.

Small- to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) compete in a business world

with advance technologies. Using of technologies give huge impact on the
growth and the results of the marketing. Because of poor internet
connection, the businesses struggles locally and internationally and is one
of the limitation in accessing the market. Strong internet connection enables
SMEs to reach potential consumers and may work in better pace.
Additionally, it is easy to adapt changes and maintain the business relation
of trust, authenticity, and consumers satisfaction.
4. Do you think commercial stores or offices should have websites? What
are the advantages and disadvantages that you can foresee?
4. Do you think commercial stores or offices should have websites? What
are the advantages and disadvantages that you can foresee?

If they are business owners or entrepreneurs, they should have websites so that
their customers can stay informed about their operations or products.
Creating a website for their business allows them to take advantage of the
growth and expand their businesses. Online websites helps entrepreneurs to
reach out customers all over the world even their business might be local, they
still have the potential sell their products or services to a wider market.
Additionally, it is easy to adapt changes and maintain the business relation of
trust, authenticity, and consumer's satisfaction.
4. Do you think commercial stores or offices should have websites? What
are the advantages and disadvantages that you can foresee?

The advantages of having an online websites for business is to let your

customers know that they can reach you easily. Having this information online
helps potential customers reach your offices. Having an online website makes
consumers feel more comfortable about dealing with your company. And this
will help to spread worldwide and potentially reach other and for market
4. Do you think commercial stores or offices should have websites? What
are the advantages and disadvantages that you can foresee?

The disadvantage is that they would have less time to interact with their
customers and solicit their opinions or replies. Employee morale may suffer as
a result of the poor internet connection because it delays the timely delivery of
services. Frustration at work may result from this in turn. The consumer
experience on the business website is impacted by a slow or inconsistent
internet connection as well.
The internet has given many people throughout the world access to a new world and
changed one person's style of living. In the present era, people are increasingly using their
mobile phones to surf the internet, research local businesses, and even make purchases of
goods and services. The development and effectiveness of marketing are greatly impacted
by the use of technologies and the internet, however, poor internet connections are a
barrier to entering the market for firms that are suffering both locally and internationally.
Internet also helps small and medium-sized businesses thrive by improving distant access
through online websites, making online marketing simpler, and increasing consumer
choice. One benefit of having an internet presence for your business, for instance, is that
it will allow your customers know how to get in touch with you. The drawback is that
they would have less time to converse with their clients and get their feedback.

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