Chapter 4 Training and Develoment

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Chapter Four


1. To understand the concept of Training and Development;

2. To recognize the needs and types of training;
3. To identify the end-to-end Training Process;
4. To the cite relationship between Training and Development,
identify the Methods of Employee Development and the
Purpose of Training and Development
5. To conduct a Training Needs Assessment
“the organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose’. Training
refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on
for the primary purpose of helping members of an
organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills,
abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and

“Consists of planned programs undertaken to improve

employee knowledge, skills, attitude, and social
behavior so that the performance of the organization
improves considerably.”
Need for Training and Its
Specifically the need for training arises because of
following reasons:
1. Environmental changes:
Mechanization, computerization, and automation
have resulted in many changes that require trained staff
possessing enough skills.

2. Organizational complexity:
With modern inventions, technological upgrade and
diversification, most of the organizations have become
very complex. This has aggravated the problems of
coordination. So, in order to cope up with the
complexities, training has become mandatory.
Need for Training and Its
3. Human relations:
Every management has to maintain very good
human relations, and this has made training as one of
the basic conditions to deal with human problems.

4. To match employee specifications with the job

requirements and organizational needs:
An employee’s specification may not exactly suit to
the requirements of the job and the organization,
irrespective of past experience and skills. There is
always a gap between an employee’s present
specifications and the organization’s requirements. For
filling this gap training is required.
Need for Training and Its
5. Change in the job assignment:
Training is also necessary when the existing
employee is promoted to the higher level or transferred
to another department. Training is also required to equip
the old employees with new techniques and
Training and Development
Training is a program organized by the organization to
develop knowledge and skills in the employees as per the
requirement of the job. Conversely, Development is an
organized activity in which the manpower of the
organization learns and grows; it is a self-assessment act.

In training, the employees are imparted technical

knowledge and skills related to the particular job and
stresses on improving the abilities of each worker. In
contrast, development is a sort of educational process
which focuses on the growth and maturity of the
managerial personnel.
Types of Training
Some of the commonly used training
programs are listed below:

1. Induction training
2. Job instruction training
3. Vestibule training
4. Refresher training
5. Apprenticeship training
Types of Training Depending on the Type of
the Job
Technical training - addresses software or other programs that employees use
while working for the organization.

Quality training- is a type of training that familiarizes all employees with the
means to produce a good-quality product. The ISO sets the standard on quality
for most production and environmental situations. ISO training can be done
in-house or externally.

Skills training- focuses on the skills that the employee actually needs to know
to perform their job. A mentor can help with this kind of training.

Soft skills- are those that do not relate directly to our job but are important.
Soft skills training may train someone on how to better communicate and
negotiate or provide good customer service.

Professional training- is normally given externally and might be obtaining

certification or specific information needed about a profession to perform a job.
For example, tax accountants need to be up to date on tax laws; this type of
training is often external.
Types of Training Depending on the Type of
the Job
Team training- is a process that empowers teams to improve decision making,
problem solving, and team-development skills. Team training can help improve
communication and result in more productive businesses.

Improving communication
Making the workplace more enjoyable
Motivating a team
Getting to know each other
Getting everyone “onto the same page,” including goal setting

Safety training- is important to make sure an organization is meeting OSHA

standards. Safety training can also include disaster planning

Eye safety
First aid
Food service safety
Hearing protection
Training Process

Analysis Design

Evaluate Develop

Training Process
Analysis Phase

In the analysis phase, instructional problem is clarified, the

instructional goals and objectives are established and the
learning environment and learner’s existing knowledge and
skills are identified. Below are some of the questions that are
addressed during the analysis phase:
* Who are the audience and their characteristics?
* What are the identified new behavioral outcomes?
* What types of learning constraints exist?
* What are the delivery options?
* What are the online pedagogical considerations?
* What is the timeline for project completion?
Training Process
Analysis Phase

Training Needs Analysis

Training needs analysis is the process of identifying the
training and development needs of employees and volunteers
in an organization. It considers the strategic objectives of the
organization as well as the individual’s career goals to
determine training needs. It helps in the process of identifying
gaps between employee training needs and actual training
Training Process
Analysis Phase

Training Needs Analysis

Some of the methods which can be used to carry out a TNA

• Interviews with employees
• Surveys
• Appraisal to understand present skill levels
• Focus group discussions
Training Process
Design Phase

The design phase deals with learning objectives, assessment

instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson
planning and media selection. The design phase should be
systematic and specific. Systematic means a logical, orderly
method of identifying, developing and evaluating a set of
planned strategies targeted for attaining the project’s goals.
Specific means each element of the instructional design plan
needs to be executed with attention to details.
Training Process
Design Phase

Designing a Training Program

The next step in the training process is to create a training
framework that will help guide you as you set up a training
program. Information on how to use the framework is included
in this section.
Training Process
Design Phase

The considerations for developing a training program are as


Needs assessment and learning objectives

Delivery mode (how)
Delivery style (who)
Training Process
Development Phase
The development phase is where the developers create and
assemble the content assets that were created in the design
phase. Programmers work to develop and/or integrate
technologies. Testers perform debugging procedures. The
project is reviewed and revised according to any feedback
The Development stage starts the production and testing of
the methodology being used in the project. In this stage,
designers make use of the data
collected from the two previous stages, and use this
information to create a program that will relay what needs to be
taught to participants. If the two previous stages required
planning and brainstorming, the Development stage is all about
putting it into action. This phase includes three tasks, namely
drafting, production and evaluation.
Training Process
Implementation Phase

During the implementation phase, a procedure for training the

facilitators and the learners is developed. The facilitators’
training should cover the course curriculum, learning
outcomes, method of delivery, and testing procedures.
Preparation of the learners include training them on new tools
(software or hardware), student registration.
This is also the phase where the project manager ensures that
the books, hands on equipment, tools, CD-ROMs and software
are in place, and that the learning application or Web site is
Training Process
Evaluation Phase

The evaluation phase consists of two parts: formative and

summative. Formative evaluation is present in each stage of
the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists of tests
designed for domain specific criterion-related referenced items
and providing opportunities for feedback from the users.

Kirkpatrick Model: Four Levels of Learning Evaluation

The Kirkpatrick Model- is probably the best known model for

analyzing and evaluating the results of training and educational
programs. It takes into account any style of training, both
informal and formal, to determine aptitude based on four levels
Training Process
Evaluation Phase

Kirkpatrick Model: Four Levels of Learning Evaluation

Relationship between Training and

Training is a learning process in which employees get an Development is an educational process which is concerned with
opportunity to develop skill, competency, and knowledge as the overall growth of the employees
per the job requirement

Training is meant for operatives Development is meant for executives (Career Oriented)
(Job Oriented)

It is reactive process It is pro- active process

AIM: To develop additional skills related to the specific job AIM: To develop the total personality through conceptual and
general knowledge

It is short term process It is long term and continuous process

Focuses on the Present Focuses on the Future

OBJECTIVE: To meet the present need of an employee and to OBJECTIVE: To meet the future need of an employee and to
improve the work performance prepare for future challenges

Initiative is taken by the management Initiative is taken by an individual.

Motivations comes from the Trainer Motivation comes within one’s self
Three Methods of Employee
1) Employee Training help establish the basic knowledge
that all employees at certain levels

2) Effective Coaching is most frequently used to help train

employees to understand the impact that their behavior is
having on others

3) Leadership Mentoring focus more exclusively on the

expertise, experience, and network that mentors can share
with their mentees, professionals who are often younger
and less experienced than the person acting as a mentor
Guidelines for Effective Employee

1. Gain executive support

2. Involve management
3. Relate to performance management
4. Understand what the employee values
5. Know the desired outcome
Need for Training and Development

Training and development of employees is a costly activity as it

requires a lot quality inputs from trainers as well as employees.
But it is essential that the company revises its goals and
efficiencies with the changing environment.

• When management thinks that there is a need to improve the

performances of employees
• To set up the benchmark of improvement so far in the
performance improvement effort
• To train about the specific job responsibility and skills like
communication management, team management etc.
• To test the new methodology for increasing the productivity
Importance of Training and Development
For companies to keep improving, it is important for organizations
to have continuous training and development programs for their
employees. Competition and the business environment keep
changing, and hence it is critical to keep learning and pick up new

• Optimum utilization of Human resources

• Development of skills like time management, leadership, team
management etc.
• To increase the productivity and enhance employee motivation
• To provide the zeal of team spirit
• For improvement of organization culture
• To improve quality, safety
• To increase profitability
• Improve the morale and corporate image
Training and Development Process
Steps for training and development processes are:

1. Determine the need of training and development for individuals or teams

2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to be achieved

3. Select the methods of training

4. Conduct and implement the programs for employees

5. Evaluate the output and performance post the training and development

6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances and again see if more
training is required.

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