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1.Name of Project : 10 heads SWINE-FATTENING PRODUCTION
2.Scale: 75 sq.mtr.
3.Start Up Plan:
i.The project will produce 10 heads of fattener pigs.
ii.The project will require 1 worker in its operational.
iii.The project will start upon the availability of funds.


1.Name of Proponent: JAY R. TECSON

2.Home Address:Purok 2, Sagbayan, San Miguel, Surigao del Sur
3.Contact No.:09300614042
4.Experience (Years):4 years on hands-on
5.Court Cases:NONE
6.Existing Loan:NONE

The produce will be sold to the meat vendors in different Public market and to those potential agents who
will go to the site and willing to buy.

1.The project location is already inspected and certified as suitable by the Municipal Agriculturist of San

2.Piggery will have basic inputs such as piglets, biologics/veterinary drugs and feeds. Proponent generally
sources these inputs from the nearest existing certified piggery (for piglets) and Agri-vet supply
establishment (for biologics/veterinary drugs and feeds).

3.The process would involve proper handling and care, good animal health practices to produce good
quality of meat.

4.The project site has no electricity and water. However, the proponent intends to apply for connection
both electricity and water for the structure since it is accessible from the source.

5.After application of connection it will be available all year round.

6.The project is accessible through the Farm to Market Road.

1.The proponent is an experienced individual in farming, thus knowledgeable in the project he’s engaging
as he has already raised backyard piggery.

2. The proponent has relevant skills in general management and marketing since he is also in furniture

3. There is not much technology that will be applied in the piggery as it will be run through proper care
and handling --- providing the needs of the pigs such us water, shelter, feeds and biologics/veterinary
4.Proponent is willing to attend trainings and seminar relevant to the project for additional knowledge and
acquire new methods/techniques.

1. Financial Requirements
i. Table below shows the Total Project Cost.
ii. How much we require for financing in relation to its Total Project Cost.

Particular Equity Loan Total

Fixed Asset Cost
a. Land 70,000.00 70,000.00
b. Piggery Building 100,000.00 100,000.00
Sub-total 70,000.00 100,00.00 170,000.00
Variable Cost
a. Piglets 25,000.00 25,000.00
b. Feeds 72,775.00 72,775.00
c. Biologics/Vet. Drugs 2,750.00 2,750.00
d. Brgy. Permits 1,500.00
e. Labor cost for Caretakers 4,500.00 4,500.00
of Pigs per month
f. Repair and maintenance 10,000.00 10,000.00
Sub-total 16,000.00 100,525.00 115,025.00
Sub-total A+B: 86,000.00 200,525.00 285,025
Total Project Cost 285,025.00

*Details and design of piggery facility (See attached files)

*Details of Feeds Expenses

FEEDS CONSUMPTIONS (Good for 4months)

Type of Feed No. of heads Consumption per Total no. Unit TOTAL
head (kg./day) of Days Cost COST

Hog Pre-Starter 10 0.5 15 60 4,500.00

Hog Starter 10 1.0 30 38 11,400.00

Hog Grower 10 2.0 40 35 28,000.00

Hog Finisher 10 2.5 35 33 72,775.00

Total feed cost 72,775.00

*Details for Biologics/ Veterinary Drugs Expenses

Description No. of Mode of Unit cost TOTAL COST
heads application
(times/per head)
De-wormer (injectable) 10 3 25.00 750.00
Vitamins (injectable) 10 4 25.00 1,000.00
Antibiotic (as needed) 10 1,000 1,000.00
Total Biologic Cost 2,750.00

*Details for equity

Particular Quantity Unit Unit cost Total cost
Fixed Asset Cost
a. Land 75 Sq. mtr 70,000.00
Sub- total 70,000.00
Variable Cost
a. Permit and Licenses
Building permit 1 Lot 1,500.00 1,500.00
Electrical permit/connection 1 Lot 5,000.00 5,000.00
Water permit/connection 1 Lot 2,000.00 2,000.00
b. Labor cost for caretaker 12 Months 4,500 54,000.00
c. Maintenance
Minor repair and maintenance 1 Lot 10,000 10,000.00
Electrical consumption 12 Months 350.00 4,200.00
Water consumption 12 Months 150.00 1,800.00
Sub-total 78,500.00
Total Equity Cost 148,500.00
2. Assets
Aside from the stated total project cost, the proponent also has the following assets that are not included
in the project.

1. House and Lot – 200,000.00
2. Lot (planted with falcata and abaca)- 100,000.00
3. Motor Vehicle- 108,000.00
4. Kia bongo 2 drop side- 320,000.00
5. Appliances - 25,000.00
6. Cash- 10,000.00
Total assets: 763,000.00
3. Liabilities
Currently, the proponent has no short- and long-term liabilities.

4. Sales/Income
Sales to be generated from the project for 5 years assumption operation.

Assumption: 3 Disposal /Harvesting per year

Assumption Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
No. of Heads 30 36 42 48 54
Average Weight per head (kg) 120 120 120 120 120
Farmgate Price (Php) per Kg. 120 125 130 135 140
Total Sales: 432,000.00 540,000.00 655,200.00 777,600.00 907,200.00

Proponent’s Current Source of Income

Assumption: Good for 1 year

Small Business Amount (php)

Furniture Shop- 200,000.00
Piggery- 80,000.00
Cock Backyard Breeding- 50,000.00

5. Expenses

Operating cost
Assumption: 1year Expenses

1. Piglets 75,000.00
2. Feeds 218,325.00
3. Biologics/Vet Drugs 8,250.00
Sub-Total: 301,575.00

Total Expenses from the project: (refer to the Projected Income Statement)

Household Expenses: 96,000.00 (8,000.00/ month)

6. Savings
The proponent used to have a monthly savings of one thousand (Php1,000.00) a month for future
purposes. Provided that the financing will be approved, the proponent is looking forward to save bigger
amount to stand alone for future finances and will not depend on financing windows with big interest rate.
Annual Saving: Php12,000.00

Production waste will be in accordance to the proper disposition of waste to avoid pollution. The
proponent also considers the possibility of converting the production waste into a more useful utilization
like making it as an organic fertilizer and biogas production of fuel. The proponent will adopt the Nature
Farming Technology (NFTS) as it is the solution to problems when it comes to waste disposal of swine
production without posing any harm to the environment.

The realization of this project promotes economic benefits among its constituents and would be a greater
help in food security in the locality.


1. Income Statement
Assumption: 3 Disposal/Harvesting per Year

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