Ao 56 009762
Ao 56 009762
Ao 56 009762
Received 29 September 2017; revised 8 November 2017; accepted 8 November 2017; posted 13 November 2017 (Doc. ID 308279);
published 7 December 2017
For both field and greenhouse crops, it is challenging to evaluate their growth information on a large area over a
long time. In this work, we developed a chlorophyll fluorescence imaging-based system for crop population
growth information detection. Modular design was used to make the system provide high-intensity uniform
illumination. This system can perform modulated chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics measurement
and chlorophyll fluorescence parameter imaging over a large area of up to 45 cm × 34 cm. The system can
provide different lighting intensity by modulating the duty cycle of its control signal. Results of continuous mon-
itoring of cucumbers in nitrogen deficiency show the system can reduce the judge error of crop physiological
status and improve monitoring efficiency. Meanwhile, the system is promising in high throughput application
scenarios. © 2017 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (120.1880) Detection; (120.4640) Optical instruments; (170.2945) Illumination design; (170.6280) Spectroscopy,
fluorescence and luminescence.
In the progress of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence
detection, the system should provide different lighting intensity
levels [9]. Meanwhile, a large imaging area, uniform illumina-
tion, and high light energy utilization are also critical. The
block diagram of our system is shown in Fig. 1. The system
consists of an optical system, an electronic control system,
and a data acquisition and analysis system. The detailed designs
of the subsystems are described below.
A. Optical System
The optical system is designed to have a large imaging area,
even illumination, and high light energy utilization. We chose
a high-power LED as the lighting source. In traditional illumi-
nation design, the irradiance at a target plane point is formed by
the irradiance sum of all units [21] or the neighboring units Fig. 2. Layout of (a) single lighting module and (b) simulated
[22,23]. As a result, illumination performance with both high irradiance distribution of the single module.
9764 Vol. 56, No. 35 / December 10 2017 / Applied Optics Research Article
B. Plant Material
Seedlings of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Jinyan no. 4)
were used. Seeds were germinated in a growth medium filled
with a mixture of peat and vermiculite (3:1, v/v) in trays in
a growth chamber. When the second true leaf was fully
expanded, seedlings were transferred to a nonheated green-
house (Department of Horticulture, Zhejiang University)
for further growth under natural conditions. The average
temperature is 30°C in the daytime, and 23°C at night, and
the relative humidity was 70% to 80%. When it is rainy or
cloudy, the plants were supplemented with an LED source
(200 μmol m−2 s−1 , 12 h/12 h light cycle).
C. Water Deficiency Treatment
Cucumber seedlings with two true leaves were transplanted
into plastic pots (15 cm diameter and 15 cm depth, one seed-
ling per pot) containing the peat and vermiculite (3:1, v/v) till
three true leaves. The stressed plant was stopped in supplying
water to control the growth medium with proper moisture con-
tent, which declines slowly over time. The last time watering Fig. 7. Chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics curves of cu-
was designed as on day one. cumbers in drought condition on (a) the first day and (b) the fifth day.
Research Article Vol. 56, No. 35 / December 10 2017 / Applied Optics 9767
Fig. 8. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of cucumbers under nitrogen deficiency. ΦPSII and F v ∕F m showed the decrease trend as nitrogen
deficiency degree deepened. The white rectangular box in the figure shows the area of 10 cm × 10 cm.
3 was replaced by Cl
in Hoagland’s nutrient solution). move to the direction of small numerical values as the degree of
The last time watering normal Hoagland’s nutrient solution nitrogen deficiency progresses and the distribution broadens.
was designed as on day one. The broadening is due to co-existence of both healthy and
diseased tissues. We can understand the nitrogen deficiency de-
E. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Kinetics velopment process quantitatively from the curves. Meanwhile,
large-area chlorophyll fluorescence images and parameter
With the lighting pulse controlled by the electronic signal, the
system can accomplish the measurement of the chlorophyll
fluorescence induction kinetics curve. From the curve not only
can we calculate chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, we can
also observe the process of fluorescence intensity being stable.
Except for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters calculated
based on the curve, the trend of the curve being stable can also
reflect the physiological status of the plants. From the experi-
ments with chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics curve
measurement of cucumbers in drought condition, we can
see how the drought affected the curve (Fig. 7). As the drought
degree deepens from the first day to the fifth day, ΦPSII de-
creases from 0.4 to 0.34. Meanwhile, the time that fluorescence
tends to stabilize becomes longer. The time that fluorescence
intensity declines to 60% has become about 150 s on the fifth
day from about 100 s on the first day. The drought condition
made cucumber photosynthetic efficiency and the ability to
adapt the light environment decrease. Chlorophyll fluorescence
parameters and the change trend of the chlorophyll fluores-
cence induction kinetics curve can help estimate the plant
physiological condition together.
F. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging
The system is useful in applications where we screen a large area
of crops. An illustration of such application is shown in Fig. 8.
Based on chlorophyll fluorescence imaging in a large area, we
can see the development progress of nitrogen deficiency of the
cucumbers. The chlorophyll fluorescence images of ΦPSII
and F v ∕F m showed a decrease as the nitrogen deficiency degree
deepens. Meanwhile, we can observe the heterogeneity of ΦPSII
and F v ∕F m .
From Fig. 8 we can see the abnormal parameter region di-
rectly, and from parameter distribution curves shown in Fig. 9
we can see the change of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fig. 9. Parameter distribution curves of cucumbers in nitrogen de-
from another angle. When the cucumber seedlings are in nitro- ficiency. Parameter distribution curves show the change trend of ΦPSII
gen deficiency condition, ΦPSII and F v ∕F m distribution curves and F v ∕F m more directly.
9768 Vol. 56, No. 35 / December 10 2017 / Applied Optics Research Article
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