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The Global Journal of Energy Equipment

Novembe r/Decembe r 2021 • VOL . 62 no.6

Compressor Trends
IN Oil & Gas

Also in this issue:

Turbine Sensors • Chemical Cleaning • Refinery Controls • Overhauls
Turbines • Software & Controls • Compressors
Components & Auxiliary Systems • Maintenance & Repair
Flawless Execution

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C O M P R E S S O R S | T U R B I N E S | C R Y O D Y N A M I C S® | G L O B A L S E R V I C E
November/December 2021

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24 34 36


COMPRESSORS IN TRAIN CONTROLS Hydrogen is top of mind at
OIL & GAS Operation of an integrated control system. Solar Turbines, a mainstay of
Nabil Abu-Khader the turbomachinery landscape
The latest products, services, and trends for many decades.
including hydrogen compression,
Drew Robb
carbon capture, and bigger machines. GAS TURBINES
Measuring rotating temperature
COMPRESSORS and strain in gas turbines. 38 GAS COMPRESSION
24 ELLIOTT OPENS NEW Joshua McConkey Boosting capacity at a compression
CRYOGENIC FACILITY plant without adding
MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS an extra compressor.
Turbomachinery International
attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony 34 CHEMICAL CLEANING Talal Al-Rashidi & Hamad K. Al-Ruzihi

for Elliott’s new cryogenic plant. Cleaning of lube oil and hydraulic

Drew Robb systems increases uptime.
Bernardo Sequeira & Oystein Haldorsen 40 SIEMENS
Siemens Energy talks decarbonization,
hydrogen, and the future
of  gas turbines.
Joseph McDonald & Drew Robb


In the last 10+ years there has been
a significant increase in the technology
and instrumentation used on dry gas
seal systems to monitor seal condition.
Michael Forsthoffer

Cover Image: A low pressure syngas compressor by Mitsubishi Compressor for

an ammonia plant in the USA.

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 3

November/December 2021

Hydrogen-fired gas turbines may well be
the future, but the market is still in its
8 very early stages. For now, a bigger
opportunity is staring the industry in
the face - hydrogen compression.
HANDBOOK 2022 • VOL. 62 NO. 6

Drew Robb


• DOE funding for carbon HANDBOOK

capture projects TURBO TIPS 2022

• German compressor station 12 TACKLING REAL
• Green hydrogen feasability study
• Rolls-Royce launches MTU
hydrogen solutions Real-world operational turbomachinery
• Bently Nevada/SABIC alliance problems can be challenging. Fast SPECIFICATIONS
Gas Turbines
Steam Turbines
Worldwide Gas Turbines
U.S. Power Outlook
Suppliers & Service Providers

• Regal Beloit and Rexnord decision making is often required.

Compressors & Expanders Product Categories

deal completed Questions like “what do we do now?”

• Siemens Energy digest can be difficult to answer during live
• Capstone digest operation. It is important to FIND MORE DETIALS
• GE digest be prepared.
• Mitsubishi digest Amin Almasi
• Atlas Copco acquisitions
• Pratt & Whitney working with NASA SPONSORED CONTENT
• MTU signs deal with Petrobras
• Baker Hughes’ APM offerings 22 COMBINED CYCLE
• Digital transformation survey OVERHAUL WITH
• Research into hydrogen innovation OUR ONE-STOP SHOP
• UK carbon storage project
• Opra signs distributor agreement with Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis
Silent Power recently completed an overhaul at Contact
a combined-cycle plant.
• Sulzer opens service center Bob Maraczi
John Durkee
• Rotating machiney acquisiton
• Exergy appoints new CEO [email protected]
• New wireless turbine sensor CARBON DIOXIDE IS
• CamClose air filter ALWAYS PUMPED
• Simplified filter selection
• Rotating machinery With the onset of the hydrogen
maintenance manual economy - and the significant cost and (203) 513-1073
• Speed measurement bookazine logistical advantages of blue hydrogen
• Metrix smart signal conditioner over green - comes the need for added
and switch new compression of CO2 from hydrogen
• Voith releases TurboGuide Mobile production for transport and
• Sentry G3 protection system sequestration injection.
• TurboTides update Klaus Brun and Rainer Kurz
• Cloud-based data analytics solution

4 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


lot has been said of late about enabling gas VARIED ISSUE
turbines to be able to operate on hydrogen. Beyond the cover story and the Elliott grand
All of the OEMs are going to great lengths opening, we have a varied issue in store for you.
to discuss their hydrogen capabilities, their There are articles on: sensors in challenging hot
roadmaps to 100% hydrogen fuel, and how they gas path and turbine blade locations; a case study
are surmounting the various challenges – particu- about a gas compression plant that needed to
larly surrounding combustion. It is possible that this expand its capacity but wanted to avoid adding
may one day represent the future of the gas turbine. another compressor; a dry gas seals mainte-
But the market is in its very early stage. And in nance tip; a show report on a recent Siemens
any case, there isn’t the availability of hydrogen or
the pipeline infrastructure to feed gas turbines. It
may not be until the end of this decade or into the Turbomachinery OEMs are confident they can
next before the picture materially changes.
A bigger opportunity, however, is staring the provide whatever equipment is needed to serve
industry in the face – hydrogen compression. the hydrogen compression market.
Centrifugal compressors are already well estab-
lished in the hydrogen marketplace. Some OEMs
have been providing compressors for hydrogen Energy summit; a description of how to safely
service for many decades. In other words, it is a conduct chemical cleaning of lube oil and hydrau-
mature marketplace that can easily evolve to take lic systems; an article on the controls needed for a
in additional duties such as supporting hydrogen power recovery train; a story on applying stone-
electrolysis, liquifying hydrogen for transportation, wall control to a turboexpander; and a vendor
as well as in various of aspects of a low-carbon showcase on Solar Turbines. Meanwhile, our col-
future such as carbon capture, utilization, and stor- umnists delve into: Technical challenges of CO2
age (CCUS). It certainly looks like the market for compression; and a case study about how to deal
hydrogen compression is going to get bigger fast. with issues surrounding a centrifugal compressor
Our cover story, Compressor Trends in Oil & with side stream. Plenty for everyone.
Gas, offers input from all large turbomachinery On the good news front, we are looking for-
OEMs. Almost all of them are talking up hydro- ward to seeing you all at two upcoming shows.
gen compression. They are confident that they The Turbomachinery Symposium in December
can provide whatever equipment is needed to in Houston, and the PowerGen International
serve this space. In many cases, the equipment is show in Dallas. Come by the booth, say hello, and
already available. It can easily be customized for pick up your copies of our annual
specific areas of the hydrogen ecosystem – wheth- Turbomachinery Handbook as well as our
er pipeline compression, liquefaction, carbon stor- November/December issue. ■
age, and more.
As a case in point, we recently attended the
grand opening of a new Elliott Cryogenic testing
facility. A tour of the new plant, in tandem with
their extensive existing facilities, demonstrates that
they are prepared for whatever the hydrogen
economy or the carbon-reduction trend throws at Editor-in-Chief
them. You can read about the new facility inside.

6 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

G. Renfrew Brighton and R. Tom Sawyer NORTHEAST, MID ATLANTIC, WEST COAST U.S.A.
Mike Tracey, 732-346-3027 485 F Suite 210, Rt. 1 South
[email protected] Iselin, NJ 08830
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tel: 732-853-6321
Drew Robb, 323-317-5255
[email protected]
Bob Maraczi, 203-513-1073 485 F Suite 210, Rt. 1 South
[email protected] Iselin, NJ 08830
Tel: 201-600-3846

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Wuppertal, D-42389, Germany
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Tel: 65-6337-0818
Shari Lundenberg
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Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 7



Bently Nevada and Saudi Basic Industries
Corporation (SABIC), have announced a
strategic framework alliance agreement for
the supply of asset performance manage-
ment services. This five-year alliance in-
cludes the delivery of Bently Nevada’s
plant-wide condition monitoring and ma-
chine asset protection services across
1,200+ assets at 16+ SABIC sites in Saudi
Arabia. The alliance with SABIC will deliv-
er localized maintenance and support,
along with access to Bently Nevada’s hard-
ware, software and services, including the
System 1 platform. System 1 delivers oper-
Calpine Deer Park Energy Center. Image courtesy of Calpine. ational efficiencies, extends asset lifecycles,
and reduces non-productive downtime. 
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced funding for 12 projects to ad-
vance point-source carbon capture and storage technologies. These projects aim to REGAL BELOIT AND
capture at least 95% of carbon dioxide emissions generated from natural gas power REXNORD DEAL COMPLETES
and industrial facilities that produce commodities like cement and steel. As well as Regal Beloit and Rexnord have combined
carbon capture research and development, they encompass engineering-scale testing the Process & Motion Control Business of
of carbon capture technologies and engineering design studies for carbon capture sys- Rexnord with Regal. This means Regal
tems. DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will manage the se- changes its name to Regal Rexnord and
lected projects. Rexnord changes to Zurn Water Solutions.


Friedrich Vorwerk, a supplier of energy Four Japanese companies, Iwatani, Siemens Energy is supplying its HL-class
infrastructure, announced an order for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kansai gas turbine technology to Greece for a
the Legden compressor station. This is Electric Power, and Marubeni signed a new combined cycle power plant in
part of the Zeelink project, a German memorandum of understanding with Komotini in the northeast of the country.
energy infrastructure project playing a two energy infrastructure companies It will have a capacity of 877 MW. Terna
role in the transition from low-calorific headquartered in Australia: Stanwell is building the plant for Thermoilektriki
to high-calorific gas. The main features and APT Management Services, for a Komotinis. Commissioning is scheduled
of the plant include two turbocompres- feasibility study of the Central for mid-2024. It will be fired by natural
sor units in combination with a gas tur- Queensland Hydrogen Project. This gas and is designed as a multi-shaft plant,
bine station with a mechanical output of project will produce hydrogen on a with one gas turbine and one steam tur-
approximately 13 MW each. For a pos- large scale using renewable energy, liq- bine each driving their own generator.
sible additional stage, the station can be uefy it at the Port of Gladstone, The Siemens Energy scope includes a
extended by a compressor unit and cor- Queensland, Australia, and export the power island consisting of an SGT5-
responding connecting lines. Work will liquefied hydrogen to Japan. The proj- 9000HL gas turbine, an SST5-5000
start as early as the last quarter of 2021. ect has set goals of producing at least steam turbine, an SGen5-3000W genera-
100 tons of hydrogen per day around tor for the gas turbine, an SGen5-1200A
2026, and 800 tons of hydrogen per day generator for the steam turbine, the
ROLLS-ROYCE LAUNCHES from 2031. heat-recovery steam generator, and the
MTU HYDROGEN SOLUTIONS The Aldoga site (235 hectares), a hy- SPPA-T3000 control system.
Rolls-Royce is further developing its mtu drogen production base secured by Siemens Energy and Voith have
gas engine portfolio for power generation Stanwell in the Gladstone region, will be agreed that Voith will take over Siemens
and cogeneration to run on hydrogen. considered for the project, and a site of Energy’s 35% stake in the joint venture
Gensets powered by mtu Series 500 and about 100 hectares in Fisherman’s Landing Voith Hydro. The parties have agreed
Series 4000 gas engines can be operated is to be acquired as a hydrogen liquefaction not to disclose the purchase price, and
with 10% hydrogen. Beginning in 2022, and loading base. The project will also con- the transaction is still subject to the ap-
25% will be possible. sider supplying green hydrogen. proval of authorities.

8 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International



Capstone Green Energy continues to Pratt & Whitney has been selected by NASA to develop advanced high pressure tur-
secure microturbine contracts: bine technologies that will reduce fuel consumption and emissions for next generation
A Caribbean resort redevelopment single-aisle aircraft. The Hybrid Thermally Efficient Core (HyTEC) project is part of
project ordered 2.4 MW of C800 NASA’s Sustainable Flight National Partnership, which intends to help accomplish
Signature Series microturbines. the aviation industry’s goals to reduce CO2 emissions by 2050.
An order from DTC Ecoenergía for Pratt & Whitney will leverage its recently opened ceramic matrix composites (CMC)
a 5-bay C800 Signature Series micro- center of excellence in Carlsbad, California, and collaborate with Raytheon Technologies
turbine system. Research Center on the project. The technologies targeted by HyTEC include next gen-
A contract for three 200 kW microtur- eration CMC materials capable of operating at higher temperatures than current CMCs,
bines to provide a 600 kW power system to environmental barrier coatings, and advanced cooling and aerodynamic approaches.
a hotel in Cartagena, Columbia. The tri-
generation system will use high-pressure
natural gas to provide energy as well as
both chilled and hot water for the complex. ATLAS COPCO ACQUISITIONS
A contract for two C1000S microtur- Atlas Copco acquired HHV Pumps, an Industrial Vacuum Division within the
bines for an industrial grow operator’s Indian provider of vacuum pumps used Vacuum Technique Business Area.
Maryland cultivation and processing facili- for chemical and pharmaceutical indus- Atlas Copco also acquired AEP, a
ty. The microturbines will use their waste tries, electrical power equipment, general French distributor of compressors and
heat for two exhaust-fired absorption industry, and rotary vane pumps used for provider of service. It becomes part of the
chillers that will produce 880 tons of chilled manufacturing refrigeration and air-con- Service division within the Compressor
water to be used for space conditioning. ditioning. It becomes part of the Technique Business Area.

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Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 9



APM OFFERINGS Whitetail Clean Energy has appointed DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENT
Baker Hughes has formed an alliance global civil engineering firm Atkins to sup- Opra Turbines has entered into a dis-
with Augury, a machine health solution port the development and implementa- t r ibut ion a g r eement w it h S i lent-
provider, to deliver an expanded set of tion of its proposed 300 MW NET Power Power, making the OP16 turbine the
asset performance capabilities, provid- station at Wilton International, Teesside. core technology for Econimo’s prod-
ing connected data, analytics and in- The plant will capture and store carbon uct in the >1MW range. Silent-Power
sights into energy and industrial assets. emissions in secure geological formations specializes in Zero Carbon combined
This builds on Baker Hughes’ existing deep under the North Sea. Atkins will be heat & power (C H P ) u s i ng g reen
asset performance management owner’s engineer through the design Met ha nol a s f uel. W h i le of fer i ng
(APM) capabilities. phases to financial close. Atkins will also t ur n key CH P solut ions, t hey a lso
Augury’s machine health technology provide an on-site presence to monitor, g u a r a nt e e a lon g- t er m s uppl y of
will integrate with Baker Hughes’ supervise and manage the construction methanol at agreed rates providing an
System 1 and includes sensors, artificial and commissioning phase. alternative to fossil fuel.
intelligence diagnostics, and a cloud-
based platform. Augury brings domain
expertise in BOP, including experience
from the pulp and paper, pharmaceuti-
cals, chemicals, and food & beverage in-
dustries. Baker Hughes will take a
minority stake in Augury and will also
assume a seat on Augury’s board.

An Aveva-commissioned survey re-
vealed that 85% of businesses plan to in-
crease their investment in digital
transformation over the next three
years. Nine out of ten industrial compa-
nies see combining advanced technolo-
gies such as the industrial internet of
things (IIoT), AI, and cloud as key to
driving better performance.
Sustainability-led demands will conse-
quently drive innovation across the val-
ue chain, 85% of companies say. 89% Sulzer’s new service center in the UK.
are committed to achieving net-zero
Located in Birmingham Business Park, UK, Sulzer’s latest service center has been designed
to optimize workflows. It ensures customers receive quality service and speed of repair.
RESEARCH INTO HYDROGEN Sulzer invested in 50-tonne overhead cranes and constructed an overspeed balancing pit.
General Electric, GRTgaz, Ineris,
McPhy, and the network of universities ROTATING MACHINERY EXERGY APPOINTS CEO
of technology in France have established ACQUISITION Exergy, a provider of new-generation
a hydrogen research framework for Rotating Machinery Services (RMS) ORC power plants, has named Dario
power generation. A research cluster acqu ired A x is Techn ica l Ser v ices Puglisi as Chief Executive Officer. Puglisi
based in France will evaluate the con- (ATS). ATS offers technical field ad- has a degree in Engineering obtained
crete application of hydrogen as a fuel visors, rotating equipment planners & from Politecnico di Milano University
for gas turbine power generation. In ad- schedulers for turbine, compressor and has worked at major corporations
dition, it will model their operation, de- and generator repair, overhaul, in- such as Tecnimont and Techint. At
velop accessories and specific spection, and installation. ATS and Techint he held positions of increasing
components, and address safety and cer- R MS have worked a longside each responsibility over the years, both in
tification of systems. other for years. technical and management functions.

10 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

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Centrifugal Compressor With Side-Stream

eal-world operational turboma- around 3.5 times the main suction flow. The lesson learned from this event:
chinery problems can be chal- During operation at night, a malfunc- When the side-stream flow is consider-
lenging. Fast decision making is tion in the gas drier system raises gas ably higher than the main flow, the
often required. The questions temperature around 40°C compared to suction temperature alarm requires
such as “what to do now?” and “how do normal operation. The compressor careful attention since there could be a
we deal with this issue?” during live oper- experienced a sharp increase in suction possibility that internal temperatures
ation can be difficult to answer. It is temperature. As a result, compressor reach a high level and pass the limit
important to be prepared. vibration increased by around 10%, while the final discharge temperature
requiring operation team and may only show a small rise due to the
machinery engineer attention. cooling effects of the incoming large
TEMPERATURE LIMITS A large flow of gas with a relatively volume of side-stream flow.
Temperature limits inside a compressor low temperature came from the side-
are dependent on compressor design, stream nozzle and cooled the compressed
material selection, and component gas at the mixing section inside the For an alarm case when
manufacturing and process gas proper- compressor. The suction temperature
ties. Mechanical considerations usually sharp rise caused an increase of about all operating parameters
differ from compressor to compressor. As 9°C at the discharge. Gas temperature are still within allowed
a rough indication, temperature limits increased at the discharge of the first
associated with mechanical design could section (before the mixing section) inside limits, the general
be about 210°C. However, sealing the compressor.
elements and non-metallic components Based on measured data, operating
recommendation is not to
might limit the gas temperature to parameters were not beyond limits shutdown machinery.
around 175°C. But some gases should be except for the suction temperature.
kept lower than these temperatures based However, there was a concern about
on process requirements. high temperatures inside the For an alarm case when all operating
For example, polymerization could compressor. An operator recommended parameters are still within allowed limits,
be a concern for some gases. If gas tripping the compressor to prevent the general recommendation is not to
temperature passes the limit, polymeriza- damage due. The trip was not approved shutdown machinery. In the case of
tion can result in fouling or unbalance by the machinery engineer and the shift increased gas suction temperature for a
masses on impellers which could cause operation leader. Their assessment was short time when no parameter passes its
performance deteriorations, long-term that the internal temperature had not limit, the recommendation is to continue
vibration, and operational problems. For passed the limit and any trip could cause operation unless there is a reasonable
some process gases, the process limit on a thermal shock in the compressor inter- evidence of the need for a shutdown. ■
temperature could be somewhere nals. It would also interrupt production.
between 80°C and 140°C. The operations team acted quickly and
corrected the problem in the gas drier
system within seven minutes. Suction Amin Almasi is a Chartered
CASE STUDY temperature and vibration levels Professional Engineer in Australia
A centrifugal compressor with a high- returned to normal with no sign of and U.K. (M.Sc. and B.Sc. in
flow side-stream was located at the damage or malfunction. Additionally, it mechanical engineering). He is a
downstream of a complex gas drier was confirmed that process gas was senior consultant specializing in rotating
system. The side-steam flow was not polymerized. equipment, condition monitoring and reliability.

12 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

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The Latest Products, Services, And Trends Including
Hydrogen Compression, Carbon Capture, And Bigger Machines.

entrifugal compressors lie at the heart of oil
and gas and industrial operations. They
represent one or the most vibrant areas of
the turbomachinery landscape and are
supported by a thriving vendor community. These
include Baker Hughes, Howden, Siemens Energy,
Elliott Group, Atlas Copco Gas & Process,
Kobelco, Mitsubishi Compressor, Man
Energy Solutions, Ingersoll Rand, and Sundyne
Let’s hear from each of them concerning the
latest trends, products, and services.

“The energy supply chain, including natural gas and
hydrogen, requires varying levels of compression, de-
pending on the type of gas and the application,” said
Leonardo Baldassarre, Executive General Manager,
Engineering, And Platform Leader, Compressors,
Pumps And Expanders, Turbomachinery & Process Baker Hughes High Pressure Ratio Compressor.
Solutions, Baker Hughes.
Accordingly, Baker Hughes provides centrifu-
gal compressor and pumps as well as reciprocat- “The energy transition is spawning unprecedented
ing compressors. Its portfolio spans from
horizontally split machines to barrel type. They demand and interest in green and blue
can range from almost atmospheric compressors
to very high pressure (up to more than 820 bars hydrogen production and supply
for centrifugal or above 2000 bars for reciprocat-
ing compressors) and from a few hundred cubic
management as well as carbon
meters per hour to several hundred thousand capture, utilization, and storage,” said
cubic meters per hour flow. They can also
accommodate any type of gas, from H2 to heavy Leonardo Baldassarre, Baker Hughes.
refrigerating gases and from almost inert gases to
very corrosive ones.  high-performance stages for various applications,
For example, the Baker Hughes High Pressure including hydrogen. These compressors can spin
Ratio Compressor (HPRC) is a high-speed impellers at very high speeds, thus reaching high
rotor-compressor with a small footprint and pressure ratios while handling very large flows. 

14 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


“Today, we are working to leverage this archi- process stages; up to 10 impellers per casing; inter-
tecture to increase impeller tip speeds, particu- cooling, side streams, and extractions; standard oil
larly for H2,” said Baldassarre. “This requires the lubricated or active magnetic bearings; optional
development of high strength alloys coupled with adjustable inlet guide vanes (IGV); and ultra-low
an aero and mechanical impeller design aimed to temperature service.
minimize stresses.”
Typically, components are tailored to cus-
tomer needs and applications. The OEM “A standardized package design offers
designs each compressor with a mix of custom shorter delivery times, common spare
and standardized components for a specific
plant and for a specific gas composition, flow, parts, and is easier to maintain,” said
and pressure.
  In addition, the company is focusing on how
Scott Tackett, Siemens Energy.
to maximize the use of any energy cascade
through optimized bottom cycles like sCO2. Pipeline compressors with features such as:
Another area of attention is connected to energy Flange sizes (20’’, 24‘’, 30’’, 36’’, 42’’); max inlet
storage either associated with compressed gas or flow rates of up to 106,700 m³/h); maximum
with batteries.  working pressure of up to 2250 psi; Up to five
stages; and a maximum power rating of up to
75,000 BHP / 56 MW)
SIEMENS ENERGY   Custom-designed compressors covering perfor-
Siemens Energy offers: mance requirements outside the above ranges such
Single-shaft centrifugal compressors with fea- as those required for compressor head stations and
tures such as: dry gas sealing systems; up to four natural gas storage and withdrawal operations.


Event Overview
This webinar
webinar discusses
discusses thethe various
various applications
applications andand technical
technical challenges
challenges for for
thethe turbomachinery
Thursday, September
September 9, 2021
9, 2021 required
required for for carbon
carbon capture.
capture. TheThe presentations
presentations include
include discussions
discussions about
about hydrogen
hydrogen compression,
| 8am| 8am
| | hydrogen
hydrogen combustion
combustion in gas
in gas turbines,
turbines, carbon
carbon dioxide
dioxide compression
compression separation
separation andand injection
injection as well
as well as as
| 5pm| 5pm CEST
associated infrastructure
infrastructure needs
needs andand impacts.

Key Learning
Learning Objectives
Director of R&D
of R&D • How
• How thethe reduction
reduction of the
of the carbon
carbon footprint
footprint willwill require
require thethe capture
capture of CO
of CO from
from combustion
combustion processes.
Elliott GroupGroup
• The
• The combustion
combustion of hydrogen
of hydrogen or hydrogen-natural
or hydrogen-natural gasgas blend
blend fuels
fuels in gas
in gas turbine
turbine combined
combined cycle
cycle power
plants hashas potential
potential as aasroute
a route to reduce
to reduce greenhouse
greenhouse gasgas emissions
emissions in the
in the electric
electric power
power industry.
Rainer KurzKurz • Power
• Power plant
plant post-combustion
post-combustion carbon
carbon separation
separation turbomachinery
turbomachinery willwill be required
be required to compress,
to compress,
Manager for for
Systems Analysis
Systems Analysis
transport, andand inject
inject thethe carbon
carbon dioxide
dioxide intointo permanent
permanent geological
geological storage
storage formations.
SolarSolar Turbines
Turbines Incorporated

Who Should
Should Attend
• Turbomachinery
• Turbomachinery engineers,
engineers, manufacturers,
manufacturers, researchers,
researchers, andand designers
Robb Robb
• Power
• Power plant,
plant, oilgas,
oil & & gas,
andand industrial
industrial facility
facility owners,
owners, operators,
operators, andand maintenance
maintenance personnel
Turbomachinery • Turbomachinery supply chain
Turbomachinery • Turbomachinery supply chain andand aftermarket
aftermarket partners

Sponsored by by Presented
Presented by by
Register for for
today tothis
this free
free a webcast
webcast at:
For questions
For questions or concerns,
or concerns, email
[email protected]
[email protected]

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 15


Integrally geared compressors: Multi-shaft

machines (several pinion shafts with two impellers
each are arranged around a central bull gear). For
each pinion shaft a combination of shaft speed
and impeller size must be realized. All impellers
are of overhung design and can be fitted with
adjustable inlet guide vanes in front of each impel-
ler. Inter-stage cooling of the gas stream can be
done after each impeller discharge. The combina-
tion of these features allows for high volume flows,
energy efficiency under part load, and a compact
design. For small- to medium-size compressor
sizes, Siemens Energy offers a package design.
The package includes the compressor, driver, pro-
cess gas coolers, lube oil console, process piping,
and all tubing and wiring. This design leads to
reduced on-site installation time. For large-size
units, all main train components are delivered
separately on site and installation is on a
concrete foundation.
HOFIM compressor by MAN Energy Solutions.
The RF compressor product line, for example,
is strong in the midstream pipeline market and
comes in a variety of frame sizes. They are avail- MAN’s High-Speed Oil-Free Integrated
able in beam-style (RFBB) and axial inlet (RFA) Motor compressor (HOFIM) has a high-speed
configurations. Components such as casings, bear- motor, driving a one or two multi-stage centrifu-
ings, shafts, dry gas seals, and the interface with gal compressor levitated by active magnetic bear-
package hardware are standardized. The flowpath ings. The unit is hermetically sealed and
is customized for each project’s specific process encapsulated. Due to the modular concept, it pro-
conditions to achieve high efficiency. The RFA vides flexibility in component and process configu-
model’s single impeller design limits internal flow- ration. Components usually seen on conventional
path losses. The VIGV option is also available to topside compressor solutions such as gearbox,
change the operating map as process conditions lubrication oil system, instrumentation, and valv-
change. Another feature is single dry gas seals; this ing are not required. This results in a compact
feature can cut fugitive emissions in half com- design that facilitates fast installations. The motor
pared to the standard bearing design. power has a range from 1 to 18 MW, depending
The company is seeing three major trends in on which frame size it is used.
the market right now: decarbonization; methane HOFIM units are used in subsea compression
reduction; and standardization. With the focus on applications as well on platforms, or onshore
decarbonization, there is more attention being applications. The technology is also used in the
given to train efficiency because it has a direct electro-thermal energy management system MAN
impact on compressor efficiency: a more efficient ETES (Electro-Thermal Energy Storage). MAN
compressor burns less fuel. For methane reduc- ETES is a tri-generation energy management sys-
tion, using dry gas seals with the RFA compressor tem that uses i.e., surplus renewable electricity to
model can slash primary vent leakage. generate heat and cold for storage in insulated res-
“We also offer a capture and recompression ervoirs. For this use case, the electrothermal pro-
solution, which is more economical with the RFA cess allows the distribution of the generated heat
model due to low leakages,” said Scott Tackett, and cold to users according to demand and mar-
Sales Director, Midstream Compression for gins, but also offers the option of converting it
Siemens Energy Industrial Applications Business. back into electricity. The HOFIM compresses the
CO2 working fluid to its supercritical state at 140
bar and around 120°C.
MAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS MAN has delivered two subsea HOFIM units
MAN offers a wide range of horizontally and ver- for Equinor’s Åsgard subsea compressor station in
tically split centrifugal compressors, radial iso- Norway. Since operation start in 2015, they have
therm compressors, gear-type compressors, and performed with an availability of above 99%.
integrally sealed compressors. “Subsea compression requires an extremely

16 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


reliable remotely operated compressor on the sea- non-geared compressors for main air handle flow
floor,” said David Kodz, Solution Manager volumes of up to 500,000 m3/h, with a maximum
Subsea & Unmanned Compression + ETES at input power of 30 MW.
MAN Energy Solutions. “The compression unit is
qualified for wet gas operation and significantly
reduces the process complexity by eliminating liq- “The overarching trend in the industry is
uid separation. The technology allows for fully decarbonization, which impacts many areas of
remote and unmanned operation.”
Beyond subsea, MAN operates in many other centrifugal compression and is driving advancement,”
markets. In CCUS, MAN supplies the compres-
sion technology for purifying CO2 and storing the
said Ulrich Schmitz, Atlas Copco Gas and Process.
CO2 in a depleted oil field or a saline aquifer. It
also operates in liquid air energy storage (LAES) For hydrogen transportation, the company
and molten salt energy storage (MOSAS). already has a cryogenic (-253°C) integrally geared
compressor solution for hydrogen carrier vessels.
For applications where the hydrogen content is
ATLAS COPCO GAS AND PROCESS 100% and the gas is non-cryogenic, compressor
Atlas Copco Gas and Process provides both inte- suppliers are focusing a lot of their R&D efforts on
grally geared and non-geared centrifugal turbo- developing efficient compression technology, said
compressors for hydrocarbon processing, power Ulrich Schmitz, Marketing Manager at Atlas
generation (both renewable and conventional), Copco Gas and Process.
and industrial gases. The integrally geared com-
pressors cover pressures up to 205 bar (up to eight
stages), flows up to 500,000 m3/h, and have max- ELLIOTT GROUP
imum input power of 35 MW. The Compander is Elliott Group provides the following centrifugal
also integrally geared: Here compressor and compressor lines:
expander functionalities are installed on one single
gearbox and skid. The Compander is used in
many hydrocarbon processing applications, “In all of our market segments we are
including small-scale LNG, chemical/ petrochem-
ical, as well as supercritical CO2. seeing a push toward reducing the
For the non-geared compressors, Atlas Copco
Gas and Process provides solutions for polyole-
carbon footprint,” said Ronald
fines and main air, respectively. These compres- Josefczyk, Elliott Group.
sors for PP/PE handle flows up to 65,000 m3/h,
with a maximum input power of 10 MW and
maximum pressure of 45 bar. The company’s Single-Stage: Elliott’s TC and PH compressor
product lines are single-stage overhung compres-
sors. Their typical application is in services that
require lower head requirements than that of a
multi-stage between-bearing compressor. The low
maintenance design with axial flow inlet and ability
for rear pull rotor removal make these compressors
a good fit for processes in dirty and corrosive appli-
cations such as petrochemical plants, refineries, nat-
ural gas processing, coal gasification, and ethylene
oxide/ethylene glycol (EOEG). To further expand
peak operating range, adjustable inlet guide vanes
can be installed to improve performance for chang-
ing conditions or partial load operation. Single-
stage compressor designs are standardly available
with inlet flows up to 90,000 ACFM and an 800
PSI discharge rating.
An eight-stage integrally geared Multi-stage: The M and MB compressor prod-
turbocompressor for high-pressure CO2 duty by Atlas uct lines are between-bearing centrifugal compres-
Copco Gas and Process. sors. They are typically used in hydrocarbon

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 17


“Bearing and seal systems are being improved

to reduce fugitive emissions and reduce or elimi-
nate lubricating oil,” said Ronald Josefczyk,
Director of Global Engineering for Engineered
Products, Elliott Group.
He also noted that many processes are focus-
ing on casing and footprint reduction. Single large
trains of equipment have lower efficiency losses
per volume and points for fugitive emissions than
parallel compressor configuration. Further, Elliott
continues to extend the flow capacity of its prod-
uct lines through full 3D high-flow stage design
Large Elliott centrifugal compressor facilitating economy of scale improvement.
in petrochemical service.

markets including oil & gas production and pro- MHI COMPRESSOR
cessing, petroleum refining, petrochemical process- MHI Compressor Group manufactures and ser-
ing, cryogenic refrigeration, and industrial gases. vices API 617 beam-style and integrally geared
Elliott’s M line of compressors are horizontally split (Part 2 & 3) centrifugal compressors at its
while the MB product line is a vertically split con- Hiroshima, Japan and Pearland, TX facilities. It
figuration. M-line compressors are typically applied offers a range of custom designed compression
for lower pressure and fouling services. The
MB-line is better suited for high pressure and clean
gas service. Both of these compressors share major “Globally we’re seeing a rise of energy
components of rotor design, bearing and sealing
options, and aerodynamics staging, ensuring reli-
transition related projects that support
ability. While utilizing many standard components, various decarbonization objectives,”
each is engineered to order based on customer
specifications to optimize aero performance, rotor- said Clayton Jurica, MHI Compressor.
dynamics, and reliability. Elliott Group’s M and
MB line of compressors provide compression solu-
tions for inlet flows from 1700 to over 850,000 acfm
and pressures up to 10,000 psi.
The EDGE M-line compressor is the most
commonly applied compressor in Elliott’s product
line. This model is available in 15 standard frame
sizes. The horizontally split casing makes this
compressor a good fit for dirty, corrosive or foul-
ing services that provide maintenance challenges
to vertically split compressors. The frame size uses
standard casing and endwall designs, while the
aerodynamics components are custom tailored to
the application. The EDGE compressor design
uses a fully scalable aerodynamics flow path to
allow scaling across all frame sizes. Stage line ups
are available in straight through, sideload, iso-
cooled, back-to-back, and double flow configura-
tions. Advances in stage and nozzle design have
increased flow coefficients beyond 0.25 and
increased capacity per frame with the largest dou-
ble flow compressor capable of volume flows in
excess of 850,000 cfm. M-line compressors allow
end users to achieve greater capacity without the
typical frame increase of previous generation com-
pressors without negatively impacting reliability An MHI Compressor low pressure (LP) syngas compressor
or serviceability. for a large-scale ammonia plant in the U.S.

18 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


varying from low pressure / high flow compressors “This covers the entire energy value chain
(horizontally split) to high pressure / low flow com- such as carbon capture at new and existing facili-
pressor (vertically split). This includes upstream, ties as well as plants utilizing electrolysis,
such as FPSOs and CO2 reinjection, to mid and Autothermal Reforming (ATR), and/or Methane
downstream in NGL processing, LNG, ethylene, Pyrolysis to produce hydrogen and ammonia,”
ammonia, propane dehydrogenation (PDH), car- said Clayton Jurica, Director of New Unit
bon capture, refining, and power generation. Equipment at MHI Compressor International.
In addition, the company is strong in syngas
compression. Synthesis gas, a relatively low mole
weight gas mixture, plays a key role in many pet- INGERSOLL RAND
rochemical plants such as ammonia and metha- The Ingersoll Rand Turbo-AIR and MSG inte-
nol. Based on the low mole weight and grally geared centrifugal compressor product lines
compression ratio capabilities, there is a require- provide flexible, high-performance oil-free com-
ment for many stages of compression, sometimes pressor technology for industries powered by air
handled in multiple compressor bodies along with or gas. Since they are oil-free, they are a good fit
intercooling, in order to provide adequate dis-
charge pressure and temperature for the overall
process requirements. In North America, the “The cost of power over the life of
company reports positive momentum on several
blue ammonia projects in which the owner intends the compressor will dwarf the capital
to export the ammonia to utilize as a fuel or as a cost in most cases,” said Sam Gooldy,
carrier for hydrogen. There is also more interest
in energy transition and decarbonization.” Ingersoll Rand.

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 19


The Howden Centrifugal Compressor group
includes brands such as Turblex, HV-Turbo,
Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch, Bryan Donkin, CKD,
and Roots. Each brand offers single-stage and
multi-stage centrifugal turbocompressors. Dual
vanes are available on many of the single-stage
models, and several have the option for both inlet
guide vanes and variable diffuser vanes for process
power optimization. A few typical applications
include process air for environmental processes
like wastewater, combustion air, compression for
sulfuric acid plants, mechanical vapor recompres-
sion (steam compression), and process gas com-
Ingersoll Rand MSG Turbo-AIR NX 5000 pression. These models can be configured to meet
oil-free compressor. API-617 and API-672 specifications.
The Roots OIB single-stage centrifugal com-
for industries that need to avoid oil contamination pressor, for example, has its beginnings in the
for product safety or quality. They are equipped early 1930’s. It can handle a wide range of appli-
with features to reduce energy expenditure and cations from standard industrial to high specifica-
other costs. tion API type process requirements. The OIB
• Maestro Controllers continuously optimize the
operation of the compressor by monitoring
operating parameters and adjusting discharge “Digital solutions are critical to these plants, as they
pressure and outlet flow to match the user’s
demand for a given application. gather, interpret and analyze rotating
• VIGVs offer efficient flow control.
• Non-contacting seals ensure energy efficiency
equipment data using preventative
does not diminish over time. maintenance to solve problems before
• A pinion bearing, gear design and stainless-steel
compression elements deliver durability. they occur,” said David C. Hokey,
Howden Roots Turbo Product Leader
For example, the Ingersoll Rand MSG Turbo-
AIR NX 5000 is an oil-free air and nitrogen com-
pressor that provides optimized energy efficiency
and operational flexibility. It generates oil-free air
or nitrogen that meets IS0 8573-1 standard. The
VIGV design enables a 35% turndown range,
enabling it to be used in various demand scenarios
to compress air or nitrogen for a process. During
periods of low or fluctuating demand, the opera-
tor can adjust production without the need to shut
it down or deploy energy-wasting blow-off.
While reliability measured in decades as an
absolute, we see today’s compressor owners focus
more and more on efficiency as the first among
equals. As power costs seem to be on a perpetual
march ever higher, we don’t see this changing any
time soon.
Sam Gooldy, Senior Global Product
Manager at Ingersoll Rand, said that a couple of
years ago, a typical 7,500 cfm compressor dis-
charging at 125 psig would require about 1500hp
of power at full flow. The Turbo-AIR NX can The Howden Roots OIB handles the main process gas compressor duty in
achieve that same flow and pressure, but it only a metals industry application that operates in a corrosive gas environment.
consumes 1400hp. The two OIB compressors shown have 8 MW drive trains.

20 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


standard design features hydrodynamic tilting pad

radial bearings and a double acting tilting pad
“When it comes to hydrogen processing, CCUS
thrust bearing along with a variety of seal options. applications, and supporting cleaner
According to David C. Hokey, Howden Roots
Turbo Product Leader, many companies are manufacturing processes, the industry is
exhibiting interest in digital solutions for plant at the beginning of the story,” said
equipment partly due to the need for crews to look
ahead to schedule maintenance. Grégory Junot, Sundyne’s Compressor
Howden Uptime serves the need for digital
services such as the digital twin. Using physics
Product Line Manager.
data on how customer equipment operates and
responds to the environment, as well as data pro-
vided by the sensors, the digital twin is used to single gearbox, provid-
analyze and simulate real world conditions, ing: Flows to 10,000
including response to changes, and how to acfm (17,000  am³/hr);
improve operation. maximum working
pressure 5,000 psi (350
bar); maximum speed
SUNDYNE of 42,000 RPM (60
Sundyne offers four different centrifugal compres- Hz), 42,000 RPM (50
sors. These are single- and multi-stage designs for Hz); and temperature
API 617 as well as fit-for-purpose applications in oil range -200 to +500oF The Sundyne LF 2000
& gas production, natural gas processing, power (-130 to +260 o C). multi-stage centrifugal compressor.
generation, hydrocarbon processing, and chemical The Sundyne LF
processing. Each model is custom-built to provide 2000 multi-stage centrifugal compressor (known
pulsation- and vibration-free operation, and to as a Pinnacle) has been deployed for midstream,
deliver oil-free process gas with zero emissions. hydrocarbon processing, and chemical manufac-
The Sundyne LMC vertical integrally geared turing applications. This includes fuel gas boost
process gas compressor is a fit-for-purpose design for power generation, hydrogen recycle, mole
that offers single-stage compression with: Flows to sieve dehydration, regeneration of demethanizers,
3,550 acfm (6,000 am³/hr); maximum working pres- waste gas, and specialty chemical production. Its
sure 1,440 psi (100 bar); maximum Speed: 34,200 horizontal configuration features a modular base-
RPM; temperature range -200 to +500oF (-130 to plate that simplifies skid packaging and installa-
+260 o C); and a design that is 25% the size of recip- tion. Packaging and instrumentation are
rocating, barrel, or rotary screw compressors. customizable. Sundyne Pinnacle machines are
The Sundyne BMC integrally geared process built to run continuously for up to 7 years without
gas compressor is an API 617 horizontal sin- interruption. These machines are being deployed
gle-stage compressor that provides: Flows to 3,550 as feed gas compressors for amine scrubbing
acfm (6,000 am³/hr); maximum working pressure applications to reduce CO2 from flue emissions.
1,440 psi (100 bar); maximum speed: 34,200 With Amine scrubbing, CO2 and other sour
RPM; and a temperature range of -200 to +500oF impurities in the gas require stainless steel or
(-130 to +260 o C). NACE-compliant corrosion-resistant materials.
The Sundyne LF 2X80 base mounted integrally Flash conditions due to heating and cooling pro-
geared multi-stage process gas compressor can be cesses require high head. Pinnacle compressors
outfitted to meet API standards or engineered as a meet these requirements.
fit-for-purpose compressor. It has one-to-four stages The company has observed an increase in inqui-
of centrifugal compression on a single gearbox and ries and business for single- and multi-stage compres-
delivers: Flows to 6,000 acfm (10,200  am³/hr), sors in transportation of green hydrogen (with
maximum working pressure 1,440 psi (100 bar); producers in the Middle East and Africa with large
maximum speed: 32,000 RPM (60 Hz), 32,000 solar infrastructures), cleaner synthetic fuels and
RPM (50 Hz); and temperature range of -200 to feedstocks (with companies in Europe to process
+500oF (-130 to +260 o C). hydrogen), CO2 and methanol to make fuels for
The Sundyne LF 2000 API 617/ISO 10439 industrial vehicles and cleaner feedstocks for chemi-
base-mounted, integrally geared, multi-stage pro- cal manufacturing. Finally, Sundyne expanded its
cess gas compressor is API-compliant. It features testing facilities to mimic the specific manner in
one-to-six stages of centrifugal compression on a which a machine will operate once it’s deployed. ■

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 21




echanical Dynamics & Analysis (MD&A) MD&A’s scope included a 7EA gas turbine
recently completed an overhaul at a major with a gas turbine rotor inspection and
combined-cycle plant consisting of gas assessment in its St. Louis repair facility. Upon
and steam turbine majors, a steam tur- incoming inspection, the aft coupling patch ring
bine generator minor inspection, and a gas tur- migrated, leading to galling on the aft f lange
bine generator major inspection. The customer’s coupling no. 12 bolt hole, galling in forward-flange
combined scope was the largest single project coupling no. 10 bolt hole, wear groove and
implemented at the site since the combined-cycle scratches on no. 3 journal, and circumferential lines
plant was commissioned. and scratches on no. 2 journal. Our experts
M D& A sent all three rotors—the steam removed the damaged patch ring, manufactured
turbine, gas turbine, and gas generator—to its and installed a new ring, and machined the ring fit.
one-stop-shop, which was a huge selling point for Incoming runouts and low-speed balance
the customer. MD&A was able to leverage the full checks were performed on the gas turbine rotor
capabilities of its state-of-the-art 250,000 square- with no runout issues found.
foot turbine-generator repair facility, centrally The M D& A team obser ved t he coat ing
located in St. Louis, MO to inspect and repair the peeling from S1 buckets. They measured dovetail
major components all under one roof. wear and bucket rock and found them to be well
To ensure the success of this large project, within the MD&A acceptable range; therefore,
coordination between all MD&A divisions was dovetail coating was not recommended. Bucket
critical, in addition to constant communication rock is often caused by cycling power plants that
with the customer. MD&A assigned a dedicated spend a considerable amount of time on a slow
project manager responsible for all on-site roll or turning gear, and the result was wear
services, including subcontractors, parts supply, between the wheel and the buckets, which often
and shop services. abrade the fir tree surfaces, causing a loose fit.

22 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


M D& A performed an S1- S3 bucket cracked and deformed main lead copper tops-on/tops-off internal alignment on
replacement during the repair portion leaves. The field was rewound with new the gas turbine.
and conf irmed f inal assembly w ith creepage blocking, the main lead was A long w it h hav ing access to
a low-speed balance. Its fuel nozzle replaced, and the company’s experts M D& A’s t u rbi ne- gener ator repa i r
s e r v ic e s d i v i s io n a l s o p e r for m e d incorporated an end-winding blocking facility, the customer also benef ited
a 7E A dual-fuel dr y-low NOx modif ication to optimize the f ield’s from choosing MD&A to execute the
Sy s t e m 1. 0   ( D L N1) pr i m a r y a n d future reliability. out age by hav ing a single point of
secondary refurbishment. contact for multiple services across the
The steam turbine major included entire combined-cycle platform.
removal of the rotor and shipping it to Single point project management
our steampath division for L-0 and L-1 allowed for coordinated scheduling of
buc ket r e pl a c ement s . D u r i n g t he concurrent work on-site and in-shop,
incoming inspection, MD&A experts leading to an optimized execution that
found heav y damage to the Stage 2 was achieved on schedule. The project
buc ket s: T he y, t o o, ne e de d t o b e manager had clear and responsive
replaced, which the end customer agreed communication with the elimination of
to. T he M D& A tea m removed t he multiple vendor interfaces and provided
buckets and performed a rotor-blast daily div isional job activ ity reports
cleaning to include the affected wheels. directly to the end customer. With the
It reverse-engineered and manufactured elimination of multiple vendors, there is
the Stage 2 buckets and covers, and clear warranty responsibility, which
installed L-0 buckets. It also reamed for gives peace of mind to the customer.
new pins, machined to fit the wheel, and Lastly, the customer was able to derive
installed L-1 buckets. Lastly, the final After rewind, the field was balanced sig n i f ica nt va lue from hav i ng one
N DE and a low-speed ba lance in its modern high-speed balance facility vendor supply ser v ices, pa r t s, a nd
were performed. in its repair. The high-speed balance repairs due to the inherent efficiencies
bunker can excite the field while at speed of this approach. ■
to ensure no shorted turns when oper-
ating at load.
O n - s i t e , M D & A’s g e n e r a t o r
specialist performed a test and inspec- MD&A is a full-service combined-cycle provider
t ion on the gas turbine’s generator and OEM-alternative—services, repairs, and
stator, which included a visual inspec- parts for your gas or steam turbine or generator.
tion, ending winding inspection, bore- For every job, large or small, the speed and effec-
s c op e i n s p e c t ion , a nd b or e c r awl tiveness of its response team are matched only by
through and inspection. The electrical the depth and breadth of its engineering exper-
testing consisted of winding insulation tise. Call MD&A today for your combined-cycle
“megger” testing, polarization index outage at (518) 399-3616.
(PI), winding resistance, DC leakage
testing, and RTD testing. The specialist
also per formed a wedge-tap test to
determine tight and loose wedges to
produce a wedge tightness map in addi-
tion to a thorough cleaning. A minor
In addition, the scope included a full inspection was also performed on the
rewind on the 7A6 gas turbine generator steam turbine’s generator.
field. After the field was removed from Lastly, MD&A’s alignment division
the stator, it was shipped to MD&A’s performed a topless laser alignment on
repair facility’s generator clean room. the steam turbine that eliminates the
Upon incoming inspection, the team reassembling of the turbine for “tops-on”
found Nomex ® tab-style end blocking measurements, sav ing hundreds of
with broken and torn tabs, damage to man-hours and labor per turbine section.
the original creepage blocking, and Its experts per formed a traditional

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 23




urbomachinery International vis- redundant in-line heat exchangers, ves-
ited Jeanette, Pennsylvania to wit- sel-mounted tube bundle heat exchang-
ness the opening of Elliott Group’s ers, and insulated vessels. In addition, its
new $60 million Cryodynamic liquid storage tank farm houses a
Products test facility. Construction kicked 60,000-gallon liquid nitrogen (LN2) tank,
off in December of 2019. The ribbon a 60,000-gallon liquefied natural gas
cutting ceremony in late October of 2021 (LNG) tank, and a 36,000-gallon lique-
included industry representatives as well fied petroleum gas (LPG) tank.
as county, local, and company officials. There are two cryogenic pump test
The speakers were: Toichi Maeda, stands. Test train 1 has three vessels (two
Chairman and Director, Ebara Corp., pump and one dedicated to expander
parent company of Elliott; Curtis testing) with a maximum pressure of
Antoniak, Mayor of Jeanette, PA; and 2,160 psig and a maximum flow of 4,000
Mike Lordi, CEO Elliott Group, who M3H. It has a 5 MW medium-voltage
ended the formalities with a toast. drive (range of 2,300 to 6,900 volts) and a
1 MW low-voltage drive (380 to 690
volts). Test train 2 has two pump vessels
A TOUR FOLLOWED: with a maximum pressure 3,600 psig and
The new complex includes six buildings, a maximum flow of 1,300 M3H, as well
with about 30,000 sq. feet under roof on as medium- and low-voltage drives with
the 13-acre campus. It will generate the same specs as test train 1.
approximately 100 jobs. The test loop The dedicated cryogenic liquid
features two cryogenic pump test stands expander test stand has an easily configu-
and a dedicated cryogenic expander test rable test loop, standardized loop designs
stand. As it is indoor and enclosed, for upward or downward flow, and can
(Left to right):  Michael Lordi, CEO, Elliott
weather conditions have no impact test pumps while setting up the expander Group; Toichi Maeda, Director, Ebara
on testing. test loop. Its modular piping design can Corporation; Toshihiko Miyashita, Deputy
“We can test a full range of cryogenic deal with inlet pressures up to 2000 psig. CEO, Elliott Group.
pumps and liquid expanders, from the Babyak said a few pumps had been
smallest units, to units larger than those tested as trial runs and that the facility
currently available in the industries we would shortly go into full production. On ongoing. That means far more tests can
serve,” said Mark Babyak, Vice President the agenda are major tests for pumps and be done, the size of unit that can be
of Cryodynamic Products and Industrial expanders destined for LNG projects tested has doubled, testing times are
Products at Elliott. “We can test units around the world. decreased, and delivery schedules can be
with liquid nitrogen, natural gas, or pro- “We can test both column-mounted brought forward. The electrical load lim-
pane, depending on their specific appli- and vessel-mounted units,” said Babyak. itations of the older facility have also
cation, and we’re equipped with the The company’s previous testing facil- been eliminated.
latest instrumentation technology.” ity was not completely enclosed so “The size of liquefaction plants and
The facility has its own dedicated 25 weather such as strong winds often expanders continues to grow,” said
kV electric utility service, a 25-ton crane delayed tests. Further, only one test loop Babyak. “Hardly anyone else on the
with a 10-ton independent auxiliary was available. Now with two test loops, planet can conduct such tests, and our
hook, an energy-efficient cooling system, Elliott can carry out lengthy setup proce- facility is much larger and more modern
vacuum-jacketed insulated piping, dures for one test while another test is than any other.” ■

24 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


Operation of an Integrated Control System

ower recovery trains (PRTs) are available, and possibly to convert expander inlet and bypass valves. The
common to industrial processes, excess process steam to rotating power recovered by the expander is
such as fluidized-bed catalytic energy that the generator will then regulated by the main control loop
cracking units (FCCUs) in refiner- convert to electricity and deliver to (primary or alternate), which manipu-
ies and nitric acid sections of ammonia the grid. lates the expander inlet valve to keep the
fertilizer plants. Their purpose is to expander flow equal to the process fluid
recover energy from a process regenera- production rate. The expander inlet and
tor’s flue gases and convert it into INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEM bypass control applications use the same
mechanical energy to produce power; An integrated control system has been process setpoint (SP) for both loops.
subsequently reducing the consumption developed to drive, protect, and sequence Typically, if the inlet valve control appli-
of traditional energy sources. the entire PRT. Speed, performance, cation uses a local SP, it passes that SP
A typical PRT includes a flue-gas expander, and anti-surge control applica- to the bypass valve control application.
expander, a main air blower, and a syn- tions run continuously to coordinate the The bypass valve is kept closed as much
chronous or inductive motor/generator. control of the expander inlet and bypass as possible to maximize energy recovery.
Some also include a steam turbine (ST) valves to maintain the proper flow and Flow is shifted from the inlet to the
or an auxiliary motor-driven air blower pressure for a catalyst regeneration pro- bypass valve in certain circumstances
for starting the unit. A PRT integrated cess. Excess energy developed by the sys- including when a limit loop is beyond its
control system provides automatic con- tem is applied to an electrical grid acceptable range.
trol during various operating conditions. through the hot gas expander and
PRTs are commonly employed in the generator.
FCCUs, in which: A PRT control system should regu-
• Catalytic pellets circulate between a late the air flow and pressure in the The purpose of power
cracking reactor and a regenerator, regenerator by manipulating the air
where the carbon deposits that form blower inlet guide vanes (IGVs) and recovery train is to recover
during cracking are burned off. expander inlet and bypass valves. It energy from a process
• Compressed air from the blower should also manipulate the blow-off valve
passes to the reactor and regenerator, to protect the air blower from surge and regenerator’s flue gases and
where it oxidizes the carbon deposits control the rotational speed when the
on the catalyst pellets and maintains generator is disconnected from the utility
convert it into mechanical
the fluidization of the bed. grid by manipulating the turbine energy to produce power.
• Hot flue gases from the regenerator governor and expander inlet valves.
pass to the expander, which converts Additionally, it should adjust the
the energy into mechanical power to expander or turbine power output if the
drive the train. generator breaker unexpectedly trips to Control system stability is essential in
• If the expander delivers more rotating reduce the power and prevent the unit maintaining a constant delta-pressure
energy than is needed to drive the air from over-speeding. However, it must between the reactor and regenerator, as
blower, the excess is converted to also maintain an adequate air flow to the well as a proper flow of air through the
electrical energy and delivered to the reactor and regenerator to prevent the catalyst. This prevents hydrocarbon
local electrical bus or public utility catalyst bed from collapsing. vapors or liquids from entering the regen-
grid. If not, the generator will motor Here is how it works: The regener- erator and causing an explosion and, at
(draw power from the grid). ator pressure is controlled by an inter- the same time, avoiding the ingress of air
• The optional ST is used to drive the acting pair of PRT expander control into the reactor which might lead to
air blower when insufficient flue gas is applications that manipulate the a major equipment damage.

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 25


The FCCU PRT developed by Compressor Controls Corp. (CCC) consists of the following units on a common shaft: A hot gas expander (TK-50)
which uses the energy developed by the regeneration process; an axial air blower (K-50) supplying air to a catalyst regenerator; an ST
(TK-50A); and a two-pole synchronous generator. The control applications for this train consists of: A speed controller (SC-501) which controls
the speed of the turbine during start-up; a steam flow controller (PRT-03) which controls the steam flow and discharge temperature limit
(measured by TT-536) for the turbine during normal operation; a performance air flow controller (FC-050) for the axial air blower, which
maintains the air flow to the catalyst regenerator by modulating the IGVs; an anti-surge controller (UC-051) positions the blow-off valve to
protect the air blower from surge; a performance inlet controller (PDC-070A), which controls the expander inlet valve (PV-050) to maintain the
proper delta-pressure between the reactor and regenerator; and a performance bypass controller (PDC-070B), which controls the bypass valve
(PV-070) to assist the inlet valve controller in maintaining the proper delta-pressure between the reactor and regenerator.

PRT START-UP USING AN ST synchronous speed with the breaker open configurable amount to immediately put
PRT start-ups using an ST are per- and no load. some load on the generator. Control of
formed using the speed control applica- When the breaker is closed to connect the turbine governor valve then switches
tion automatic start-up and warm-up the generator to the electrical grid, the from the speed to the steam flow control
sequences avoiding critical speed ranges. steam flow control application typically application, which maintains the flow of
This ramps the turbine up to the steps the governor valve open by a steam to the turbine blades. The air

26 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


blower is also loaded to begin supplying power (to reduce the load on the train) if This integrated control system can
compressed air to the reactor and regen- the PRT was generating power, or begin run a PRT in an FCCU, safely overcom-
erator. The performance control applica- producing enough power to continue ing breaker trip incidents by utilizing the
tion controls the mass air flow to the air driving the train if the generator was load-shedding algorithm. The control
blower by modulating the IGVs. The motoring. The system will also begin system also maintains a proper flow and
anti-surge control application modulates controlling the speed of the train, which is pressure for a catalyst regeneration pro-
the blow-off valve as necessary to protect no longer fixed by the grid frequency. cess under different conditions. Other
the air blower from surge. features like loop decoupling can help to
Once the air blower is supplying com- eliminate cyclic interactions between
pressed air to the reactor and regenerator SUMMARY controller applications. The technology
and the process is stabilized, the PRTs require precise and reliable control described is equally applicable to PRTs
expander can be loaded. This initiates over a broad range of operating condi- found in other processes. ■
the flow of hot flue gases through the tions to maximize FCCU availability.
inlet valve and transitions the control of FCCUs are operated continuously for
the main process variable from the long periods, with the main goal of maxi- Nabil Abu-Khader, Ph.D.
bypass valve to the inlet valve. As the mizing feed cracking. Occasionally, refin- Training Manager and
expander is loaded, the steam flow to the eries are forced to operate production Global Training Specialist at
turbine is reduced, and the PRT will shift units at reduced rates because of machin- Compressor Controls
from motoring to generating mode. ery or process issues, downstream bottle- Corporation (CCC), Abu-Dhabi, UAE.
If the electrical breaker trips during necks, upstream process unit trips, For more detailed information about
normal operation, the PRT control system seasonal factors, market economics, and the CCC control system developed for
will react quickly to either shed the excess feed availability. the PRT, [email protected]

Editors’ Series
Hydrogen Blending at Compressor Stations
Event Overview
This webcast will discuss the primary considerations when blending hydrogen in pipelines and compressor
Aired: stations. Above concentrations of 10%, the properties of the blended gas begin to significantly change the flow
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 capabilities of the stations. Compressors may not be able to meet delivery requirements without modification.

Presenter Key Learning Objectives

• Discover the factors limiting centrifugal compressor performance when operating with hydrogen blends
• Discover the factors inhibiting the speed, horsepower, and flow capacity of reciprocating compressor
operating with hydrogen blends.
• Find out the compressor modifications needed to operate safely and efficiently with concentrations of
hydrogen above 10%.
Sarah Simons
Senior Research Scientist
Southwest Research Institute Who Should Attend Presented by

• Engineers
Moderator • Pipeline operations
• Repair and maintenance personnel
• Oil & gas facility owners, operators, and maintenance personnel
• Turbomachinery manufacturers and designers
• Turbomachinery supply chain and aftermarket partners
• Control and software vendors and operators Sponsored by

Drew Robb
Turbomachinery International

Watch today
thefor to watch
replay free a replayat:
at: webcast on-demand at
For questions or concerns, email
[email protected]

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 27


Measuring Rotating Temperature and Strain in Gas Turbines

s market forces push towards de-carbon- cracking and intra-grain conductivity failures in a
ization and lower cost of operation, effi- short amount of time. In gas turbine operational
ciency and reliability of gas turbines have conditions, a lifetime of less than 20 hours is typi-
become key differentiators among compet- cal. Adding 5% and 20% or 0% and 13% rho-
itors. For Brayton Cycle machines, those effi- dium to the platinum leads to create a Type R
ciency gains mostly come via higher combustion thermocouple can increase functionality to
temperatures, lower volumes of cooling flows, and 1,730°C for hundreds of hours. However, rho-
larger blades. As those parameters are pushed to dium costs >$2,000 per ounce in recent years. By
new limits, this also puts pressure on comparison, platinum is less than $1,000/oz.
component reliability. Type R also has a much lower sensitivity than
Intimate knowledge of component temperatures most other thermocouple types, at only 10µV/°C.
and strains is key to designing around this complex Most thermocouple manufacturers recom-
series of trade-offs. But as these components are mend that the long-term operating temperatures
made of materials that can survive ultra-harsh envi- of Type S and Type R thermocouples only inter-
ronments within high performance gas turbines, mittently approach 1,600°C, with continuous use
sensors must be able to mechanically survive the limited to below 1,400°C. Regardless, thermocou-
temperatures and g-loads inside turbines while also ples are the most widely used instrumentation
performing electrically or chemically. within the hottest parts of gas turbines. They are
often also installed on rotating parts.
The thermocouple wires are routed along the
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS rotor to get to a cooler, exposed section of the
Platinum thermocouples (Type S) are the only rotor where active electronics on the rotor take in
way to get accurate real-time measurements on the thermocouple signals, converting them into
the most extreme stationary hot gas path tempera- short-range wireless signals. These electronics can
ture readings. Technically, they can function up only work up to 230°C, so are typically installed
to about 1,800°C. But effective lifetimes above on the rotor between the turbine compressor and
1,650°C are limited as foreign material diffusion, the generator. Thermocouple wires are thus
annealing, and other material failures lead to routed from the hot turbine section through the

The differences
Thermal Infrared Filtered Rayleigh
Feature Sensatek Thermocouples Thermal Paints Crystals Cameras TDLAS Scaltering
Continuous Temperature Range (◦C) 0-1700 0-1650 200-1500 500-1700 300-1700 600-1800 200-1800

Accuracy Uncertainty <1% <1% 1-4% <1% 2-6% <1-2% <1-2%

Sensitivity <0.25% <0.25% <1% <0.25% 1% <1% <1%

Installation Cost Low Low High High High Unknown High

Setup/Use Effort Low High (Wiring) High High Medium High Medium

Time to Obtain Data Real Time Real Time Months Months Real Time Real Time Real TIme

Comparison of existing turbine hot gas path temperature sensing technologies.

28 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

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entire compressor. Each disk must be machined to

allow the passage of the wires as they route along
the rotor along a large proportion of the rotor.
While this can be done on a fielded engine, the
intrusive nature of the installation and the impacts
on disk and rotor lifetime usually limit the use of
rotating thermocouples to lab or test bed use.
For temperatures on the much cooler com-
pressor, thermocouples are a useful, long-duration
option. Wiring down the rotor and through multi-
ple blade disks is still a tedious and expensive engi-
neering task, but much more tractable the closer
the instrumented blades are to the compressor
inlet. Compressor blades are more sensitive than
turbine blades to mass loading, so the thermocou-
ple installation must be as low-mass as possible to
prevent unwanted or unrepresentative vibration
modes. On smaller and warmer compressor
blades near the outlet, the size of the bonded ther-
mocouple and its wiring are of aerodynamic con-
cern. In these cases, thin film resistive devices are
sometimes used. These wired sensors have low Hot gas path temperature measurements can be complex,
difficult to implement, and expensive.
profiles and are becoming available at
higher temperatures.
Accuracy is a concern for temperature indicating
paints. Some studies show accuracy is on the order
THERMAL PAINTS of +/- 0.5% of reading, while others show errors
Temperature Indicating Paints (thermal paints) on the order of +/- 5%. Some vendors have pat-
are used in hot gas path surface temperature mea- ented formulations that change color above these
surements. They provide large surface tempera- temperatures, but they generally keep these paints
ture indications rather than point measurements. in-house. Heavy metals such as lead and chro-
They change the chemical and thus optical prop- mium used in many paints present a health haz-
erties of coatings. These changes are a function of ard. The fragility, cost of running dedicated, short
temperature and time. Changes are exponential, engine tests requiring tear-down, health concerns,
with temperature and usually quite fast in time. questionable accuracy, and long lead times for
For a typical lead-, cobalt- or chromium-based measured data are among the disadvantages of
thermal paint, activation times at temperatures of these paints.
interest (e.g., 1,200°C) are usually five to seven
minutes. Longer exposures muddy the reading
because the color changes of a paint at 1,200°C CRYSTALS AND CAMERAS
for 7 minutes are the same as they are for 1,150°C Thermal crystals are sub-millimeter grains of sili-
for an hour. Thus, the paints cannot be left in the con carbide that have been neutron-activated to
engine for a run longer than 60 minutes or read- have certain distributions of different sizes of crys-
ings lose accuracy. Further, these paints are tallographic dislocations within each grain. These
applied in thin coats and are not sintered onto the grains are embedded in the surfaces of turbine
blades. Therefore, adhesion can be poor after components, and the engine is run for 100 to
more than a few minutes. If paint flakes off, infor- 200 hours. Components are then removed from
mation is lost. Thus, an engine campaign of only a the engine, and thermal crystals are de-embedded
few minutes must be performed with painted hot from the components, carefully labelled, and sent
gas path parts, then the engine must be shut down back to a laboratory for analysis.
and partially disassembled. Parts must be removed In this analysis, x-ray diffraction is used to read
so painted parts can be analyzed and temperature the size distribution of the remaining crystal dislo-
maps created. Analysis takes from one to cations. As a particular grain sees higher tempera-
10 months. tures, different sizes of dislocations within it
The maximum temperature of commercially become healed, meaning the dislocations are
available thermal paints is usually below 1,530°C. annealed or re-crystalized back into near-perfect

30 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


atomic order locally. By analyzing the before and heat transfer with the blade. A fixed antenna
after size distribution, an inference of maximum inside or outside the hot gas path pings the sensor,
temperature is established. While this seems to be which resonates at a frequency representing its
a complex method of measuring maximum temperature. They work above 800°C in the field
exposed temperature, vendors claim accuracy at on blades and up to 1,700°C in laboratory set-
temperatures around 1,400°C +/- 3°C. tings. The antenna is available in forms that
Thermal crystals have cost and testing incon- intrude into the hot gas path, if desired. The
venience disadvantages. The longer the test, the antenna and flexible cable can withstand tempera-
more ambiguous and inaccurate results become tures up to 800°C. Non-flexible versions work up
as dislocation relaxation is a function of tem- to 1300°C. Each antenna can read up to 5 sensors
perature and time. A long engine test at 1,100°C simultaneously. No external cooling is required on
may give the same result as a short engine test at the antenna or cable probes, which are 2-7mm in
1,200°C. Embedding and carefully removing diameter. The wireless range is 4-5cm in fielded
crystals is laborious. It can take months to obtain systems, though 15-30cm range versions are possi-
the results. ble at lower temperature applications.
Alternatively, infrared cameras can be used for
hot gas path measurement. This technique offers
2D temperature measurements of turbine surfaces
in real time, unlike thermal paint or thermal crys-
tals. The components glow with blackbody radia-
tion based on surface temperatures. The camera
looks at a range of infrared colors, and attempts to
rebuild the Wein displacement graph of that item.
If this can be done, the uncorrected temperature
of the item can be known. But a correction must
be applied based on wavelength, temperature, and
the material’s emissivity.
Unfortunately, the emissivity of the materials
within a gas turbine varies greatly, and there is
a lot of reflection of infrared light. Coatings, too,
inhibit accuracy. Finally, infrared camera lenses
have sensitivity to contamination, vibration, tem-
perature, and thermal expansion. These reasons
combine to make the use of infrared cameras in
turbine hot gas paths somewhat rare.
Further methods for measuring air tempera-
tures in hot gas paths are Filtered Raleigh mea-
surements and Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Sensatek recently commercialized passive wireless RF technology based on
Spectroscopy (TDLAS). They provide optical high temperature electrical resonators.
measurements of different molecular absorptions
and reflections of the hot gas itself. While they
show promise, they are expensive at this time.

Passive wireless RF technology based on high
temperature electrical resonators is a new
approach. These sensors can be braze-bonded or
Rockide-bonded to turbine blades. Typical sensor
sizes are 10mm x 8mm x 0.3mm, resulting in
a  mass below 0.3 grams and a bonded profile
height of less than 0.4mm (16 mils), which help
maintain expected blade mass loading and lami- Multiple sensors can be read simultaneously from the same antenna. Two sensors at
nar flow across the blade surface. The sensors slightly different blade radii that are both within 5 centimeters at their closest
require no attached antenna, as they are their own approach to the antenna can be read simultaneously, as shown (where two resonant
antenna. They are bonded in a way that has high humps are visible).

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 31


The system can provide real-time blade metal

temperatures across a range of 0-800°C. These
sensors can also be used in air temperatures much
higher than 800°C, and on early turbine blade
rows. They can be read through an overcoat of
flame-sprayed thermal barrier coating. Wireless
range limits blade metal temperature readings to
blade tips with a non-intrusive antenna or the use
of an intrusive hot gas path antenna if the sensor is
more than 5cm from the hot gas path inner cas-
ing. Up to five sensors on five different blades at
the same radii can be read by the same antenna.
Sensatek has recently developed and commercialized wireless static strain gages
with a radius of less than 3 cm.
Strain gages provide blade design feedback.
These small resistive devices change their electri- can range in price from $40 to $200 each, and
cal parameters linearly as a function of how the signal conditioners are typically $1,500-
much they have been stretched in a certain direc- $3,000 each. While these prices are not low,
tion. As they are fundamentally electrical, they pale in comparison to the cost of installing
response times can be fast, allowing for blade the strain systems on rotating equipment. To
vibration monitoring. For larger blades, vibra- mitigate this, some attempts have been made to
tion modes need to be characterized across fre- perform optical wireless measurements of strain
quencies from 50 to 1000 Hz in most cases. For on rotating blades and disk. Differential Speckle
smaller blades, dynamic strain frequencies need Photography and other systems have been
to be read up to 20,000 Hz or even 100,000 Hz attempted with varying success.
for smaller aviation turbines. A recent addition is Digital Image Correlation,
Static strain is also important for turbomachin- which is coming down in price. It uses stereo-
ery. Slower measurements of strain (1-10Hz) are scopic cameras to view a sample as it changes over
used to infer linear strain that changes with rota- time, and directly measures strain in a non-con-
tion speed or shaft power. This enables the char- tact method by comparing the positions of the
acterization of blade disks, which much carry the minute surface variations over time. Two cameras
centripetal load of up to 60 blades rotating at high are usually necessary. However, no robust ver-
speeds, generating tremendous radial loads. sions are commercially available for use in the
As efficiency goals become more aggressive, harsh environments of turbomachinery.
reduction of disk mass is targeted. Strain gages Wireless static strain gages offer an alternative.
can confirm new designs function safely over dif- They are conformable and can be shaped to fit
ferent speed and temperature regimes. Rotor shaft snugly onto rotating parts, with an effective con-
tension in the axial direction can be measured formability radius of less than 3 cm. They report
with strain gages, and shaft power can be inferred strain by resonating at different frequencies and
from looking at the strain in the circumferential can be read from 5 cm at high rotation speeds.
direction of the surface of the shaft. These applica- They are limited to temperatures of less than
tions require the wiring through multiple blade 150°C and can only be read up to 10 times per
disks and along the rotating shaft. But wire breaks second. This is a limitation of the electronics, not
and changes in line impedance can cause loss or the system; electronics systems are under develop-
drift of measurement values. ment to enable true wireless dynamic strain. ■
Dynamic strain signal conditioners power the
sensors and read their resistance changes. New
vendors have strain sensors and signal condition-
ers available now for less than $200, but many in
the turbomachinery industry report that these Joshua McConkey is Chief Technology
less expensive options simply don’t work, or are Officer at Sensatek Propulsion
unreliable at this time. Staid suppliers of Technology, a maker of wireless strain
dynamic and static strain gages and signal condi- gauges and passive wireless RF
tioners are currently the suppliers that most sensors. For more information, visit
Instrumentation Engineers trust. Those gages or call 850.321.5993

32 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

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Lube oil system overhaul.

Cleaning of Lube Oil and Hydraulic Systems Increases Uptime

perators of larger rotating machin- In the past, it was common practice If varnish is detected at an early stage,
ery are often confronted with var- to replace the oil. The new oil dissolved it is possible to increase the solubility of
nish deposits on journal bearings. most of the remaining varnish from inter- the lube oil using additives for several
Varnish is an oil-derived deposit nal parts. However, lube oils used nowa- months before a planned oil replace-
based on machine operating conditions, days have low solubility. Oil replacement ment. An ESP (electrophysical separation
the formulation of the oil, and contami- only helps for a short period before prob- process) filtration unit can also be used to
nation. It is responsible for continuous lems return. remove the existing varnish. On heavy
temperature increases on journal bear- OEMs and lubricant vendors tend to contaminated systems, though, this
ings as it acts as an insulator, preventing recommend a flushing oil to clean out the becomes inefficient as the ESP filters can-
the lubricants from performing one of system. But the use of a flushing oil with high not handle high amounts of varnish since
their most important tasks: cooling. This solubility and high temperature makes it they saturate quickly.
can lead to unplanned machinery down- necessary to continue flushing for at three or The most effective solution is a chem-
time and bearing damage. more weeks to dissolve all varnish deposits. ical cleaning between oil changes. Most

34 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


service suppliers specialized on chemical

cleaning use the same approach as they
do when cleaning a heat exchanger, a
vessel, or a tank. This can lead to prob-
lems such as the wrong chemistry or left-
over residue of chemistry in a lube oil
system, which can have catastrophic con-
sequences for the system and adjacent
machinery. Poor cleaning results has
given the practice a poor reputation.

Here is a high-level summary of best
practices for chemical cleaning:
Effective chemical cleaning of a lube
oil or hydraulic oil system begins at the
planning phase. It is important to pre-
pare a complete mapping of the system
and walk visually through it to verify that
Inspection of journal bearings for varnish.
piping and instrumentation diagrams are
correct. Also check flange sizes as there
are often flanged connections that do not enough. Otherwise, chemical cleaning 10-micron filters use five-micron filters
follow normal industrial standards. is performed. for commissioning to ensure all particles
Flushing loops in the system should When the system is ready, the com- are removed. Begin the oil circulation
be planned based on Reynolds Number pressor deck has to be cleared for half pump system and continue until particle
calculations, and on minimizing the an hour to do a pressure test of the sys- levels are continuously on a low level.
number of bypasses and blinds needed. tem. This is the time to fix potential Chemical cleaning of oil systems is
That makes it possible to calculate the leakages when only water is in the sys- the most effective way to remove all var-
correct pump size to guarantee turbulent tem. For a typical two- to three-week nish deposits and prevent contamination
flow and chemical flowrate. Choice of overhaul, flushing is done during night of new oil. The complexity of this pro-
chemical depends on temperatures that shifts when no one is working on the cess, however, requires high-level knowl-
can be achieved, time constraints, envi- compressor deck. edge on chemistry, fluid dynamics,
ronmental constraints, construction Flushing with water removes chemi- and filtration. ■
materials of system, and other factors. cal residues. Thus, it is important to use
During the execution phase, the oil chemicals that are soluble in water.
system is drained before installing the Water flushing takes one day on average.
flushing equipment. Close out or dis- Afterwards water is drained, and flushing Bernardo Sequeira is Global
mantle equipment that cannot be skids are disconnected. Development Director Rotating
exposed to chemicals. Remove oil filters The auxiliary oil pump can now be Equipment Services at Bilfinger
from casings. put into operation and the system filled SE, an industrial services provider
Manually cleaning of oil tank inter- with the minimum amount of oil needed that offers consulting, engineering, manufac-
nals can be performed if the tank is big to test run the system. A short oil flushing turing, assembly, maintenance, plant expan-
removes any remaining water then drain sion as well as turnarounds and also includes
the system again and do a manual clea- environmental technologies and
nout of the bottom of the oil tank. digital applications.
It is now time to introduce new oil
through a 10-micron filter to remove par- Oystein Haldorsen is Technical
ticulate. Chemical cleaning can leave Director Rotating Equipment at
behind solid particles that were suspended Bilfinger Nordics.
in varnish. Therefore, it is recommended
to install a high-volume circulation filter For more information please contact:
on the oil tank to remove them. [email protected]
Prior to start up, install new oil filter +49 172 1029525 or Oystein.haldorsen
Mesh filters for bearings. cartridges. If the system usually runs with +47 920 87 108

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 35


Hydrogen Top of Mind at Solar

olar Turbines, a Caterpillar Company, has Solar Turbines. “Solar is committed to continue
been a mainstay of the turbomachinery increasing our H2 capabilities and investing in H2
landscape for many decades. It offers a technology, offering energy solutions that are clean,
wide range of products including centrif- safe and reliable.”
ugal gas compressors and packages, mechanical
drive packages, and gas turbines for oil & gas and
power generation. Solar Turbines has been providing solutions for
It offers a series of gas turbine lines such as the Hydrogen-rich fuels since 1985.
Titan, Taurus, Mars, Mercury, Centaur, and
Saturn. These range from 1 to 23 MW. Solar
dominates the market for small gas turbines. Within pipeline gas applications, H 2 will
displace some portion of the natural gas in the
pipeline. It is expected that the H2 content of the
HYDROGEN gas will not exceed 20% in the near future. But
Solar Turbines has been providing solutions for within the industrial process market, H2 content is
Hydrogen (H2) rich fuels since 1985. It has logged already greater than 20% and as high as 100%.
over two million hours of operation, some units This market may include fuel gas with significant
today using as much as 80% H2 content. levels of other gases than methane, leading to
H 2 in gas turbine operation enables carbon careful consideration of safety, especially for high
reduction opportunities across a broad range of carbon monoxide. The best candidate today for
applications and industries. This will become this market and fuel type is a conventional
increasingly more important as renewable pene- combustion system.
tration rises and gas turbines are needed to
provide stable baseload and renewable support.
“Increased global usage of H2 is needed to meet SOLAR’S H2
increasing energy demands from customers as well TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE
as carbon reduction targets set by companies and Solar has extensive experience in high H2 tech-
countries,” said Wade Willden, a spokesperson for nology. It has 46 generator set packages operating

SoLoNOx Conventional

First TitanTM 130 46 high-H2

First high H2 U.S. refinery runs high-H2 generator generator sets
experience Centaur© 50 set commissioned reach 2M
40% H2 (wet) at 100% H2 in China at 60% H2 operating hours

SoLoNOxTM Titan 130 Partnered with Expanding

introduced SoLoNOxTM DOE for high-H2 Capabilities:
at 9% H2 rig testing Up to 20% SoLoNOx,
and analysis 100% conventional

Solar Turbines has been involved in hydrogen turbomachinery since 1985.

36 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

United States Postal Service
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Solar Turbines SoLoNOx combustor can accommodate Preceding 12 Months Nearest to Filing Date
up to 20% hydrogen. a. Total number of Copies (Net press run) 9,690 9,612
b. Legitimate Paid and/or
Requested Distribution
currently with nearly two million hours of accu-
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note is a propane dehydrogenation application in (2) In-County Paid/Requested Mail
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over 40,000 hours and up to 37% H2 in a conven- Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and
0 0
Other Paid or Requested Distribution
tional combustion system. Outside USPS
Solar’s SoLoNOx dry low emissions combus-
(4) Requested Copies Distributed by Other
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Solar’s gas turbines, packages, and compres- Outside the Mail)
sors are available for H 2 fuel blends for both (1) Outside County Nonrequested Copies
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with a development program leading to 100% on PS Form 3541

capability on SoLoNOx by 2030 or earlier. (3) Nonrequested Copies Distributed

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It should be understood that the percentage of Mail
H2 blended with natural gas can have an impact (4) Nonrequested Copies Distributed
on the gas turbine’s emissions signature. For Outside the Mail
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mined on a project-by-project basis. For g. Copies not Distributed 90 12
SoLoNOx combustion systems at the 15 ppm
h. Total (Sum of 15f and 15g) 9,690 9,612
NOx (and higher) warranty level, H2 concentra-
i. Percent Paid and/or
tions up to 20% should not impact the Requested Circulation
53.14% 48.97%
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Solar Turbines provides support for customers to
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ensure success with package upgrades, controls Requested/Paid Electronic Copies
14,902 14,087
retrofits, and engine and compressor modifica-
d. Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation
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Solar’s Fleet Assessment Services (FAS) provide a Publication of Statement of Ownership – Will be printed in November/December 2021 issue of
consultative assessment and recommendation for this publication.
hydrogen blend and carbon reduction fleet oppor- 16. I certify that all information on this form is true and complete. Signature and title of Editor, Publisher,
Business Manager, or Owner – Jonathan Severn, Circulation Director, 9-30-21
tunities and asset optimization. ■

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 37


Boosting Capacity at a Compression Plant

wo multistage 16,000 HP electrical centrifugal compressor performance.
motors are used to drive two The required system polytropic head and
onshore gas compressors feeding a differential pressure are indirectly pro-
gas plant commissioned in 1984 portional to molecular weight. Generally,
(Figure 1). These compressors needed to centrifugal compressors operating at
produce gas at a higher capacity. higher molecular weight than design can
Unfortunately, the existing units were deliver higher actual volumetric flow rate
unable to meet the new demand. One at the new gas condition. But at a lower
option considered was purchasing and molecular weight, more head needs to be
installing an additional compressor. developed. Therefore, the inlet flow rate
Engineers also evaluated the possi- would need to be decreased, moving to
bility of utilizing the available capacity the left on the Head-Flow curve, to sat-
of adjacent offshore compressors. Figure 1: Onshore compressor skid. isfy higher head requirements. In fact,
Although onshore and offshore gas com- varying centrifugal compressor operating
pressors are located on the same plat- number of online producing wells. conditions result in different dynamic
form and discharge to a common Understanding the effect of changes in behavior which in adverse cases become
header, they were designed to process gas molecular weight can enhance per- impossible to accommodate.
different gas molecular weights due to formance prediction and capacity control To assess existing compressors for the
separate feeds for onshore and offshore of centrifugal compressors. new conditions, a site performance test
units (Figure 2). The challenge was to The original 1980s design assumed a was conducted. It revealed that the
ensure that offshore compressors could molecular weight of 32 g/mole. But recent onshore compressors could handle an
handle not only the new capacity but simulations and forecasts predicted a additional 5% capacity. When added to
the new gas conditions. 12-18% reduction. This simulation was offshore compressor capacity, this
As the plant receives gas from two validated through test samples that enabled the facility to meet the new
associated crude oil fields that produce showed a molecular weight of 27 g/mol. requirements by expanding an existing
different API oil grades, changing gas In addition, inlet temperature and jump-over line that connects the feed
molecular weight is prevalent due to the pressure have significant impact on stream header.

Trap Onshore

Onshore 250 PSIG

trap gas Pipeline
Dew point trains

Refridgeration To gas plant

Existing proposed 1100 PSIG
525 PSIG
16” jump-over line
from trap to offshore New proposed 16”
compressors jump-over line from
trap to offshore Offshore
Offshore compressors
trap gas

Figure 2: Compressor flow schematics.

38 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


MORE HEAD REQUIRED and the lower the system head pressure CONCLUSION
During the conducted site performance required from onshore compressors. The The current onshore compressors at an
test, the inlet conditions differed from the compressor was operated at five different average molecular weight of 27 g/mole can
originally designed inlet parameters in flow rates but stopped before the choke exceed the required new flow demand.
terms of high pressure and low tempera- region as the targeted flow was achieved Therefore, instead of an additional com-
ture. This change had a positive impact and to prevent any negative impact on the pressor, the plant fully utilized existing
on compressor capacity and developed downstream compressor performance compression capacity at adjacent units.
head. This is mainly attributed to the fact (Figure 3). The new rated point per each compressor
that onshore compressors are operated To estimate the impact of molecular has conservatively 5% more capacity avail-
within different compression stages which weight changes in the available compres- able than the design point. Also, the motor
allow for better control of any compres- sor flow, a correlation formula was has enough horsepower to run at the new
sion stage inlet conditions in case of any devised between flow element design capacity and molecular weight. ■
compression stage poor performance. conditions and the measured gas condi-
It is evident that differential pressure is tions. Compensation or correction of
not maintained due to increased gas rates. flow measurements are common pitfalls
The more pipeline compressors operating, that can be major sources of errors in site Talal Al-Rashidi is a compressor
the lower the required differential pressure tests (Figure 4). and steam turbine engineer for
Saudi Aramco. He holds an M.S.
degree in Mechanical Engineering
Onshore compressor field performance test from Drexel University. For more information,
Polytropic head lbf-ft/lbm

Hamad K. Al-Ruzihi is currently

a turbomachinery engineer and
vice chair of Saudi Aramco’s
Compressors, Gears, and Steam
Original Turbines Standards Committee. He earned
curve a bachelor’s degree in mechanical
engineering from Colorado State University
New and a master’s degree from Texas A&M
curve University. Al-Ruzihi is responsible for
providing support to Saudi Aramco
operating facilities and projects on various
Inlet flow-ACFM turbomachinery applications. He is a certified
machinery lubricant analyst I, vibration
Figure 3: Performance test plot. analyst category II, and taproot analyst.

Onshore gas compressor capacity vs. molecular weight

Compressor capacity (MMSCFD)






26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Molecular weight (g/mole)
100% new 110% 100% original

Figure 4: Plot of onshore compressor capacity showing the corrected flow of the onshore compressor based on the corrected flow measurement
correction and molecular weight changes.

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 39


Siemens Energy Talks Decarbonization, Hydrogen, and
the Future of Gas Turbines

iemens Energy hosted a roundta-
ble in advance of its recent North
America Energy Week event. Tim
Holt, member of the executive
board, began by saying that half the com-
pany’s portfolio is decarbonized. The
company is spending more than a billion
Euros annually on R&D to heard toward
the goal of zero-emissions power genera-
tion. It targets carbon neutrality by 2030.
Holt believes that plans to produce
hydrogen from renewable energy via
electrolysis may not be the most efficient
way forward. He characterized it as turn-
ing an electron into a molecule and back
to an electron.
He pointed out that the lifespan of a Siemens intends to have its gas turbines 100% hydrogen ready by 2030.
gas turbine plant is around 25 years.
That ties in with many projections on Take the case of Germany. With gov- on 100% hydrogen. Currently, the com-
how long it will take to achieve carbon ernmental policy making it a challenge to pany commits to 50% hydrogen in its
neutrality and eliminate of fossil fuels. He build or operate gas turbine plants, the largest model.
suggested that investment in such facili- unforeseen circumstance was that the “The challenge is how to produce,
ties made sense. However, customers country fell back on burning lignite. CO2 store, distribute, and utilize hydrogen at
need reassurances about longevity. emissions are now higher than they were scale,” said Voorberg.
“Many customers want to know that 10 years ago. How do you sell in a market where
the turbines they are evaluating can “You have to ensure you achieve the everyone wants hydrogen power but a)
eventually run on 100% hydrogen,” said right balance that offers a sensible transi- the turbines are not quite there and b)
Holt. “They want to be sure they do not tion,” said Holt. “Storage is not develop- hydrogen is not available in quantity and
end up with a stranded asset.” ing fast enough. Gas is the best choice.” at a low cost?
Statistically, emissions currently from
power generation in the US are a third of
Holt added that the discussion has shifted Richard Voorberg, president of Siemens can boast such progress. Yet Public
markedly from a year ago. Suddenly, there is Energy North America, acknowledged Utility Commissions, grid operators and
momentum behind hydrogen and decarbon- that 51 utilities have set the goal of universities don’t want to even consider
ization in the U.S. However, there is a need decarbonizing by 2050. But when it gas as an option.
for balance. As it is impossible to achieve net comes to shifting from burning natural “At the end of the day, they need
zero overnight. Holt said natural gas will be gas to hydrogen, he believes the gas tur- power; we have to explain that you can’t
the transition fuel. Even today, 40% of global bine is the easy part. By 2025, all the run a grid only on renewables,” he said.
power is generated by coal. That represents a company’s turbines will be hydrogen “We need some rolling mass there and
big opportunity for natural gas. capable. By 2030, all will be able to run natural gas generation provides that.” ■

40 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International



How to Implement Proactive Monitoring

Primary vent
Secondary vent

To safe place To safe place

FIT FE Blowout Blowout FE FIT

FO disc 3 disc 3 FO
2 2
Oil Oil
trap Black pressure trap
control valves with
position indicators

Low point drain Low point drain

To flare header

Figure: Using a back pressure control valve in the primary vent as part of the monitoring of secondary seal condition in a dry gas seal.

n the last 10+ years there has been a high enough for the user to be able to set By trending the position of this valve,
significant increase in the technology a low-pressure alarm and trip (if one can predict at what point the valve
and instrumentation used on dry gas required), indicating the secondary seal will no longer be able to control the pres-
seal systems to monitor the condition has failed. This pressure should probably sure. If the valve position stays relatively
of the seals. Most notable has been the be set somewhere between 15-25 psig, as steady throughout a run on a compres-
call to monitor secondary seal condition this will provide a good differential pres- sor, it is not recommended to change the
– there have been significant failures of sure across the secondary seal and dry gas seals. However, if it has changed
the secondary seal without any issue improve its lifespan by slightly increasing by more than 20% over a run time, it
with the primary seal. The majority of the gap between the faces (less wear). would be recommended to do so. ■
these failures have been due to oil By using a positioner (wireless posi-
migration across the separation seals. As tioners are available) on the back pressure
the oil is not drained out, it accumulates control valve, a user will be able to be pro-
around the secondary seal, fills the active in determining if the secondary or Michael Forsthoffer is President of
grooves, and causes the secondary seal primary seal is going to fail. For example, Forsthoffer Associates (FAI), a
faces to contact. if the valve is normally set at 60% open Rotating Machinery Consultancy
There are various approaches to and it starts to open more, this could indi- that focuses on optimal machinery
monitoring secondary seal condition. cate excessive primary seal leakage reliability in projects and during the life of a
Probably the most beneficial is utilizing a (assuming if intermediate nitrogen is being plant. FAI conducts site-specific training and
back pressure control valve in the pri- supplied, the flow has not increased). condition assessments/ troubleshooting glob-
mary vent (Figure 1). This sets the pri- Likewise, if the back pressure control valve ally for machinery of every type of applica-
mary vent at a pressure below the begins to close more, this could indicate tion. For more information, contact michael@
primary seal gas supply pressure, but excessive secondary seal leakage.

42 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International

U M M A #2 S
P S CH 2
YM NE 11

As one of the only OEM’s to have a compressor test stand performing PTC 10 Type 2 testing in the Gulf
Coast region, this local offering allows the customer access to timely explanation of shop test results. Our
teams boast competitive project delivery by minimizing schedule risks and offering simplified logistics
to site for installation. The new test stand will offer substantial capacity to conduct performance and
mechanical tests on small to mid-sized API 617 centrifugal compressors, enabling MHI to manufacture,
assemble and test all in the USA. Contact [email protected] for questions

MCO-I Pearland Works

14888 Kirby Dr.
Houston, Texas 77047
Tel: 1-832-710-4700


Part 1 of the revised ISO 29461 standard
defines the decisive criteria for air filter
intake systems for the protection of
turbomachinery. It also specifies how the
corresponding performance parameters
of static air filters used in such systems are
determined and classified. The 13 filter
classes of the ISO 29461-1 standard
create transparency, allowing filter
performance to be objectively compared.
The new filter classes start with T1 to
T4 for coarse dust filters, while classes T5
to T10 cover fine dust filters. Classes T
11 and T12 refer to EPA filters and class
Elliott wireless sensor for single-stage steam turbine. T13 corresponds to a HEPA filter.


Elliott Group has released a new turbine wireless sensor specifically designed for Elliott ROTATING MACHINERY
single-stage (YR) steam turbines. The YR turbine wireless sensor collects and trans- MAINTENANCE MANUAL
mits vibration and temperature data that can be analyzed in real time from a desig- A new book by William Forsthoffer aims to
nated PC in a control room or set location. It is installed on turbine bearing housings provide a blueprint for rotating machinery
using Elliott bearing housing adapters. A communications gateway is mounted on the best practices for entry-level personnel.
factory floor near the equipment being monitored, and monitoring software is Forsthoffer’s Proven Guidelines for Rotating
provided for PC installation. The sensor collects data on demand or in timed intervals Machinery Excellence focuses on developing
and transmits it securely from the gateway to the designated PC via Wi-Fi or a hard- rotating machinery awareness and leverage
wired Ethernet cable. The sensor can be installed on new and existing Elliott YR that knowledge into improving safety and
turbines. For non-Elliott equipment, Elliott can work with plant personnel to design reliability. It also contains detailed func-
the correct adapter. tional analyses of key rotating machinery components as well as a guide on
performing a root cause analysis.
Forsthoffer, President of Forsthoffer
Associates, has over 60 years of experi-
CAMFIL RELEASES CAMCLOSE AIR FILTER ence in the rotating machinery industry
Camfil Power Systems has and has published 6 books on the subject.
released its new genera- Forsthoffer has worked for Siemens and
tion CamClose product. It ExxonMobil, among others.
is a panel air filter,
designed to extend the
service life of the final
filter. Adding a CamClose SPEED MEASUREMENT
pre-filter in front of a final BOOKAZINE
filter improves overall Istec’s new bookazine, Speed, covers speed
filtration efficiency. measurements as it relates to turboma-
Features include: chinery. The book contains articles
Patented built-in pressure pertaining to speed measurements on
drop port monitors filter rotating machinery, overspeed protec-
pressure drop across each tion, and functional safety. It also features
filter stage separately; a best practice guide for system and
plastic clips allow for close maintenance engineers. Some of the arti-
CamClose air filter by Camfil.
coupling to the final filter; cles that can be found in Speed are:
high burst strength > • Sensors for speed measurements.
6250 Pa (25” w.g.); lowest pressure drop in the G4 panel filter class; proper sealing for • How to get an accurate speed signal
water and contaminant handling; and low and stable pressure drop. for contactless speed sensors. • What causes overspeed?

44 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International



Metrix has announced the release of a new The TurboGuide Mobile app by Voith Sensonics released its Sentry G3
5580 smart signal conditioner and the aims to assist with the management of machinery protection system. It is
SW5580 dual channel configuration switch constant-fill fluid couplings. App users can compliant to API 670 and meets IEC
(The SW5580 includes optional dry or conveniently view all relevant data on the 61508 up to SIL-3 standards. Features
solid-state relay contacts). Product high- filling quantity of include vibration, position and speed
lights include: A low-cost alternative to the coupling via parameter trending facilities, including
rack mounted monitors; available in a smartphone or log and view of up to 60 days of data,
single or dual channel enabled configura- tablet. Moreover, ‘look back’ at trends and alarms, plus the
tion; can accept signals from machine the app provides ability to download data for further anal-
casing mounted velocity sensors, acceler- access to operating ysis in Excel. It is also now possible to
ometers, or shaft observing proximity manuals, tutorials, directly view proximity probe gap and
probe systems; Produces a 4-20 mA output troubleshooting, vibration transducer bias voltages, to
proportional to the measured variable and a n d t h e V o i t h Voith TurboGuide Mobile. verify correct transducer operation
an amplified raw signal; Turbo Webshop. and calibration.
provides a configu- TurboGuide Mobile also helps provide an The G3 has up to 24 measurement
rable signal input overview of the existing coupling fleet. channels housed in a compact 3U x 19”
Image courtesy of Metrix.

type for one or two Users can access coupling data by scanning rack mounted format. Multiple outputs
independent chan- a QR code or entering a serial number. are available on the back of the rack for
nels, plus the ability The app will then present data for the up to 3  alarm levels and 2 analogue
to scale output either specific coupling like filling volume, filling outputs per channel. Dual redundant
to peak or RMS units, angle, power, speed, or operating fluid. Modbus communications to a module
and an LED indicates The app is available from Google Play and level provide a robust communication
alarm levels. the Apple App Store. system. It also features an LCD display.

Compressor technology
with a digital advantage
Howden offers unparalleled expertise in every application
where reliable, round the clock operation is paramount.

With Howden’s digital solution Uptime and our in-depth knowledge

of compressor technology, we can increase compressor reliability,
predict maintenance requirements and optimize performance on demand.

For more information contact:

7204 Harms Road, Houston, TX 77041, USA
t: 1-800-55-ROOTS (76687) e: [email protected]

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 45



ith the onset of the hydrogen energy psi operating pressure. At 2000 psi, CO2 is well
economy, and the significant cost and above its critical point in a supercritical (dense
logistical advantages of blue hydrogen phase) state for all ambient temperatures. Fluids in
(hydrogen derived from fossil fuels with a dense phase share both some physical properties
carbon sequestration) over green hydrogen, comes of liquids, such as very high density, and of gases,
the need for added new compression of carbon such as compressibility (albeit very low) and the
dioxide (CO 2 ) from hydrogen production for fact that they expand in space to fill voids.
transport and sequestration injection.
Every pound of blue hydrogen produced
through steam reforming or partial oxidation
Every pound of blue hydrogen produced through
gasification creates about 10 pounds of CO2. This steam reforming or partial oxidation gasification
CO2 must be compressed from near atmospheric
conditions to pipeline operating pressure. It then creates about 10 pounds of CO2.
must be transported in the pipeline, and finally
compressed to geological formation storage pres- The advantage of transporting CO2 at super-
sures for long-term sequestration. Compression is critical pressures is its very high density and low
also required for CO2 derived from power plant viscosity, allowing for efficient transport. This
post-combustion flue gas separation. The pressure significantly reduces the power demand for the
of CO2 gas from this process depends on the type pumping or compression stations along a CO 2
of separation process used and can vary from pipeline. The disadvantage of operating at these
slightly above atmospheric to several hundred psi. high pressures is the added compression ratio
In addition, there is significant uncertainty required at the pipeline header station and the
about the injection pressure required by the significantly higher costs for materials to build a
geological formation since it is contingent on the pipeline designed for maximum allowable oper-
type of formation and its drilled depth of injection. ating pressure well above 2100 psi. This also
A generally accepted rule for storage in geological means that very few natural gas pipelines can be
formations is that for every mile of depth of injec- converted for CO2 transport.
tion, about 1800 psi of gas pressure is required. However, transport at 2000 psi is not required
Since many of the geological formations consid- for all applications. The actual transport pressure
ered are relatively shallow, injection pressures well of CO2 depends on the separation process outlet
below 2000 psi are often sufficient. pressure, the distance the CO 2 must be trans-
Thus, carbon capture and sequestration in ported and the geological sequestration injection
most power plant applications require these new pressure (often well below 2000 psi). Since the
compression duties: CO2 available from separation is usually at low,
1. Compression from the separation processes near atmospheric pressures (<100 psia), the pipe-
(membrane, thermal or chemical) to pipeline line header station must always use a compressor.
pressure Specifically, a 2000 psi CO2 pipeline requires
2. Pipeline boost compression a high-pressure ratio header compressor with
3. Injection for sequestration storage in a geolog- many intercooled stages that can handle the signif-
ical reservoir icant volume reduction. But for this case, in the
pipeline beyond the header station, the gas is
transported in dense phase, either by pump or by
SUPERCRITICAL STATE compressor. On the other hand, if a lower pres-
Further, new power plant cycles such as sCO 2 sure CO2 pipeline is used, conventional compres-
cycles, or oxy combustion, are gaining acceptance. sors are preferred for the header station and More Myths?
The generally accepted industry convention for re-compression along the line. Clearly, selection of Hover your phone’s
camera over the smart
CO2 transport is that CO2 should be transported transport pressure depends on the carbon seques- code for more latest news.
as a supercritical fluid in pipelines at 2000-2200 tration application, but it is not always

46 November/December 2021 • Turbomachinery International


advantageous to go to the pressure Proven machinery solutions for

needed for a supercritical CO2 pipeline. compression and pumping of CO 2 are Oil Mist Separators
In general, CO2 is a heavy gas that is commercially available. Nonetheless, it is for your rotating equipment
relatively easy to compress with centrif- still important to be aware of these issues
ugal compressors from a compressor and to recognize that CO2 compression
stage thermodynamic perspective. But it and pumping comes with technical chal-
presents some other technical challenges lenges that must be individually
that need to be addressed to make the addressed for all new carbon sequestra-
overall compression or pumping process tion technologies. ■
efficient and reliable:
• Most equations of state for CO2 and
CO2 mixtures are inaccurate at high
pressures and temperatures. Klaus Brun is the Director of
• E v e n i n d e n s e p h a s e , C O 2 i s R&D at Elliott Group. He is
compressible. also the past Chair of the
• CO 2 is a heavy gas that results in Board of Directors of the
amplified rotor dynamic and impeller ASME International Gas
dynamic forces, and it has strong Turbine Institute and the IGTI Oil & Gas
thermodynamic path dependence and applications committee.
multi-phase behavior. Reliable · Efficient · Low-maintenance
• Carbonic acid is formed in the pres- Rainer Kurz is the Manager • 99.9% filtration efficiency for oil mist
ence of water, driving corrosion, and of Gas Compressor • Quality of lube oil remains constantly high
• long-term stability of filter cartridges
CO2 is soluble in elastomeric mate- Engineering at Solar
• 1-5 mg/m³ residual oil after filtration
rials, which can lead to rapid decom- Turbines Incorporated in
• customized design for every Oil Mist Separator
pression failures. It selectively leeches San Diego, CA. He is an
certain elements from common metals. ASME Fellow since 2003 and the
• When rapidly expanded, CO2 quickly past chair of the IGTI Oil and Gas
forms liquids and dry ice, which can Applications Committee.
become a potential problem for Franke-Filter gmbh
shaft seals. Any views or opinions presented in this Wiedhof 9
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
+49 (0) 5064 9040
[email protected]
• Aerodynamic concerns come from its article are solely those of the authors Germany

low sonic speed, which can result in and do not necessarily represent those
high Mach numbers, causing shock of Solar Turbines Incorporated,
losses and a reduced operating range. Elliott Group, or any of their affiliates.

American Air Filter Concepts NREC 9 Mechanical Dynamics & Rotoflow 33
Company, Inc. 15 Analysis, Ltd. 22 Elliott Company CV2 Sohre Turbomachinery,
Atlas Copco - Gas & Mitsubishi Heavy Inc. 7
Process Division CV4 Franke-Filter GmbH CV3 Industries Compressor International (MCO-I) 43 Rotating Machinery
Camfil Power System 19 Services, Inc. 5
Howden North America 45 Praewest 7

Cincinnati Gearing Sulzer Ltd. 27

Systems, Inc. 41 Koch Engineered Regal Beloit
cincinnatigearingsystems. Solutions 13 America, Inc. 11 Waukesha Bearings 29

Turbomachinery International • November/December 2021 47

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