Rhodonite II
Rhodonite II
Rhodonite II
Rhodonite stabilizes your emotions. It soothes and brings order to feelings that
are scattered, imbalanced, or ungrounded. Through its steady upliftment, Rhodonite
gradually transforms your emotional foundation, making it more solid and secure.
When your emotional foundation is improved, your body and emotions can find harmony
with each other and respond to life situations in appropriate, healthy ways.
Rhodonite forges a connection between your body and emotions in two ways. First, it
energetically connects your physical spine with its counterpart in your emotional
aspect. This awakens your physical spine's cells and allows more oxygen to enter
your sacrum, resulting in a phenomenon called "sacral breathing." This vitalizes
the organs near your sacrum, nourishes and heals the reproductive organs, and
encourages greater synchrony and cooperation between your body and emotions.
Second, Rhodonite builds an energetic matrix between your body and emotional
aspect. This matrix supports the building of a stronger, healthier, and lasting
connection between your body and emotions.
The construction of this matrix is also the first step in transforming your
emotional foundation. The matrix forms the basis of a new, more solid foundation in
which emotions can become more organized and grounded. When a mason lays a brick
patio, he places boards on their edges to create a form in which he places the
bricks. These boards are like Rhodonite's energetic matrix, and the bricks are like
your emotions. Rhodonite builds its matrix in great detail, creating a mold for
each individual emotion, or "brick."
However, when your foundation is improperly laid, your emotions tend to float
around like balloons with no place to "land," and emotional imbalances occur. These
ungrounded emotions fly, sometimes wildly, in the winds of your emotional aspect.
Such balloon-like emotions are anxious to be expressed. Therefore, people whose
emotional foundation is not laid properly and who have many ungrounded emotions
tend to react before getting all the information they need. They frequently lash
out with anger, jealousy, or impatience; they may also be hypersensitive or cry
Rhodonite rebuilds your emotional foundation in a way that allows all your emotions
to find their proper places in your emotional being. Rhodonite energy seeps into
your emotional foundation, where it dissolves old "mortar" and loosens and frees
the bricks that are improperly placed. Then, as the Rhodonite energy builds the
energetic matrix that will become your new foundation, it starts to give your
balloon-like emotions ballast. When your new matrix is completed, Rhodonite
encourages disorganized, ungrounded, and balloon-like emotions to fall to their
proper places in your new foundation and behave like proper bricks.
During the process of grieving, emotions become like unruly balloons. They fly
around wildly, overwhelming your sense of balance. This is natural. When you have
lost a loved one or have experienced a major change in your life, your emotional
foundation must adjust, because your essential life circumstances will have
changed. The bricks that once comprised your emotional foundation must rearrange
themselves to suit your new circumstances.
Health professionals recognize four stages in the grieving process: shock, protest
and denial, disorganization, and recovery. This painful but necessary process
dissolves the mortar between the bricks in your emotional foundation. It also
temporarily transforms the bricks into balloons, so that they can be rearranged.
As the grieving cycle is completed, the balloons fall to the ground again, where
they find new places in your emotional foundation. This is why it is necessary to
experience all stages of grieving fully -it prevents you from dragging an old
foundation into the future and allows you to forge a new foundation on which to
build a new life.
Rhodonite can support the process of grieving by ensuring that you experience all
its stages as quickly and comfortably as possible. While it cannot completely avert
the pain of grief, it can accelerate the rebuilding of your emotional foundation.
Its energy does much of the work that would normally be done by the emotions
themselves. By wearing Rhodonite, you will not have to suffer the same intensity of
emotion that would otherwise be required to build a new foundation.
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Rhodonite can be especially helpful for people who are consciously working to
become heart-oriented. For such people, a clear physical-emotional connection is
particularly important. Unfortunately, many people who are striving to become more
heart-centered are incorrectly interpreting "heart-centered" to mean "emotionally
centered." They wrongly believe that their emotions are the source of truth, and
they base decisions solely on how they feel. Wiser decisions can be made by giving
equal weight to input from the body, emotions, mind, intuition, and spirit.
Rhodonite helps people master the shift to a more heart-oriented view by helping
them put their emotions into proper perspective.
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Emotional rebuilding takes time. It also takes time for Rhodonite to construct its
energetic matrix. Therefore, it is important to maintain continual contact with the
Rhodonite for at least three weeks by wearing it during the day and keeping it
within three feet of your body at night. This will probably allow enough time for
the matrix to be built and for some emotional rearranging to occur.
After wearing Rhodonite for these initial weeks or months, you will enter the
second, and equally important phase, of Rhodonite therapy. In this phase, your
emotional aspect will have become strong enough to start working on its own.
You will know you've entered this phase when you feel that you need to take a break
from Rhodonite. Then it will be time to remove the Rhodonite and wear it only
intermittently. Ideally, during this time, you should keep the Rhodonite exposed to
the air in your bedroom. This will allow you to maintain an energetic connection to
the necklace at night while you are sleeping. Depending on the size of your home,
this connection will probably remain intact during the day as you move about your
house, and it will disengage when you leave. Do not put the Rhodonite in plastic,
because that will cut off the connection.
Rhodonite is different from most other therapeutic gemstones, in that different
qualities of Rhodonite produce different benefits. All therapeutic Rhodonite
contains areas of rich, medium- to dark-pink. Some has clearly-defined streaks and
patches of black, and some has softer areas of white and yellow. None of the non-
pink colors make the pink appear muddy.
Each of these four colors - pink, black, white, and yellow - corresponds to a
mineral element in Rhodonite, and each has a specific job in producing Rhodonite's
effects. Pink Rhodonite highlights your emotional aspect and establishes the
physical-emotional connection through the spine. It is primarily responsible for
sacral breathing. The yellow and white elements work together to rebuild the
emotional matrix; specifically, yellow dissolves old "mortar," and white builds the
new matrix. Black grounds your emotions and helps bring them into the new matrix.
In this category, the black element covers as much as 50 to 75 percent of each
sphere. The spheres also contain enough well-defined pink areas to maintain a good
emotional-physical connection. The pink is clearly visible, and some white and
yellow may also be present. This category of Rhodonite is deeply grounding and
therefore helpful for stabilizing imbalanced, volatile, or out-of-control emotions.
In this category, the black element covers 30 to 50 percent of each sphere. The
remainder is predominantly pink with traces of white and yellow. This Rhodonite
puts equal emphasis on grounding the emotions and rebuilding a new emotional
foundation. It is useful for people who are emotionally strained and having
difficulty maintaining their balance, but who can also afford to place some energy
on starting to rebuild a new emotional foundation.
This Rhodonite is predominately pink and contains 15 to 30 percent black. The pink
element is brightest and richest in this category and brings healing energy to the
emotions. The black element is still a significant force, but the emphasis on
grounding isn't as strong as in Category 2. This Rhodonite is appropriate for those
who are emotionally struggling, yet coping. It helps reestablish emotional
stability as it rebuilds a better emotional foundation.
The Rhodonite spheres in this category are also predominately pink but contain only
3 to 15 percent black. They display more white than yellow, and the white element
is obvious to the eye. This category builds a strong bridge between the emotional
and physical bodies, so that emotions can be expressed more fully and clearly. The
white element helps stabilize the desirable emotions in the newly-developing
emotional foundation. The yellow element dissolves whatever has been holding
undesirable emotions in the old foundation. This category has just enough black to
settle down unsteady emotions so that they can become established in the new
foundation. Category 4 is recommended for people who are not currently overwhelmed
by any emotions but who wish to make some significant changes in their emotional
In this category of Rhodonite, the spheres are almost entirely pink, with only
occasional traces of black. Hence, it provides no additional ballast to the
emotions. The amount of white and yellow can be similar to that of Category 4. In
this category, these colors also support the new structure of the emotional
foundation and keep it in place. The pink nurtures the emotions and maintains a
strong connection between the physical and emotional bodies. This allows feelings
to come through cleanly, purely, and with control. This Rhodonite is most
appropriate for emotionally healthy people who wish to improve the emotional
foundation they already have.
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