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The potential of video cassettes exists for providing hosts for learning a wide range of
motor. Intellectual, cognitive and interpersonal skills and affective skills as well. These are
significant aspects which printed materials cannot deal with adequately. The facility could be
particularly useful where distance education programs are involved with updating skills and
techniques of workers in the field.


Besides the advantages of educational television, there are added advantages.

 The control of equipments and the learning process is placed in the hands of the
learner through control over the mechanics of the machine.
 The capacity to order the sequence of events controls the rate of learning and
facilitates practice sequences.


Equipment cost cannot always be kept down by using quality equipment

Video production for education purpose calls for new techniques different from the
entertainment modes producers, script writers and directors should be
acknowledgeable and learning.
A compact disc (CD) is a small, portable, round medium made of moulded polymer for
electronically recording, Storing, and playing hack audio, video, text, and other information
in digital form.

.Initially CD were read-only, hut newer technology allows users to record as well a newer
technology. The digital versatile disc (DID), stores much more in the same space and is used
for playing back movies.

Some variations of the CD include:

 CD-i
 CD-W
 Photo CD
 Video CD

Compact discs have a wide range of advantages in educational media.

 Storage of data and recordings pictures files documents graphics stereo sounds and
 Educational television in modern world uses CD to store films documentaries
informational films which present facts in a realistic way.
 The facility could be particularly useful where distance education programs are
involved with updating skills and techniques of workers in the field.
 Computer software programs tired store and shared through CD
 Easily portable and easy to handle for high storage capacity .
The epidiascope is an instrument which can project images or printed Or small opaque
objects on a screen or it can project images of a 4" multiply 4” side with the help of
epidiascope. Any chart diagram, map, photograph and Picture can be project on the screen
without tearing it off from the book.

The word epidiascope is defined as an optical projector which is capable of performing
both transport and opaque objects.


 It works as epidiascope when it is used to project on opaque object

 If works us a diascope when it is used Io project slides.


Epidiascope can be made with a good projector lens surface
mirror and a fan undo box to hold them. Bright light is used to illuminate the pagers and a
fan is therefore used to regulate the amount of heat in the box. A Surface mirror is important
as it prevents from one getting a ghost reflection.


No slide is required for this purpose. It works on the

principle of horizontal straight line projection with a lamp, plane mirror and projection lens.
A strong light from the lamp falls on the opaque object. A plane mirror placed at an angle of
45 degree over the projects reflects the light so that it passes through the projection lens
forming a magnified image on the screen.

Epidiascope can play an important role in the teaching and learning of various school
subjects in the following manner

 Various slides related to the subject material can be easily shown by projecting
on The screen in there enlarged forms with the help of this device.
 The major advantage of epidiascope lies in its ability to directly project non
transparent or opaque objects available in their real form on the screen in an
enlarged size. Consequently various types of useful material related to teaching
contents may be successfully presented for the proper view of the entire class
such as material may include.
 Graphic and pictorial materials like pictures, chart, maps, diagram, timelines,
cartoons, posters, graphs etc.
 Ail type of printed material
 Handwritten material, drawing and sketches

 The room should be complete dark

 Delicate pictures or objects such as preserved specimens should not
Be opened of the head lamp far a longer duration
 Practical training is required to insert slides on horizontal platform
Of the machine and to put slides in an epidiascope


 The original color of the picture of photograph con he projected

 The projections on the screen can he held for sometime till the teacher explains
the concept.


 It required electricity.
 It is a very bulky machine, so it is difficult to transport.
 It demands total darkness of the room for clear projection
 It is very expensive.

The overhead projector (OHP) is mostly used in all audio-visual aids and it projects
transparent with brilliant screen images suitable for use in a lightened room. The teacher can
write and draw diagrams on the transparency while be teaches these are projected
simultaneously on the screen by the OHP.


 To develop concepts and sequences in a subject matter area

 To make marginal notes on transparencies for the teacher’s use that can
carry without exposing them to the class
 To test student performances while other classmates observe.
 To show relationships by means of transport overlays in contrasting colour
 To give illusion of motion in the transparency.

 Transparencies are a popular instructional medium. They are simple and easy Io
prepare and easy to operate with the OHP which is lightweight.
 A 10 x I0 inch sheet with printed, written or drawn material is placed on the
platform of the projector and a large image is projected on the screen.
 the projector is used from rear to the front of the room with the teacher standing or
sitting beside the projector, facing the student.

Guidelines for making effective transparencies

 Have one main idea on each transparency.
 Include only related figures and diagrams.
 Ensure that all transparencies are as simple as possible as easy to read.
 Avoid loo much information on any single transparency.
 Use a simple letter style is writing.
 Do not use till capital letters.
 Do not over crowed the transparency with written content,
 Use diagram in proportion Io its lettering.
Advantages of an OHP

 Permits the teacher to stand in front of the class while using the
projector. Thus enabling her to point out features appearing on the
screen by pointing to the material at the projector itself and at the same
time to observe the students' materials at the projector itself and at the
same time, Jo reaction to her discussion

 Gain the students' attention.

 Permits face to face interaction with the students.
 Can be used in daylight with a slight darkening of the room

 Can present information in systemic developmental sequences.

 Easily available

Limitation of OHP:

 Cannot be used in situations of power supply interruptions.

 Require careful handling as OHP bulbs are very sensitivity to power
 Preparing transparencies is a time-consuming process and requires good

handwriting abilities.

A film strip is a continuous strip of 35 mm non inflammable film consisting of individual
frame of picture arranged in sequence, usually with explanatory title.

The film strip based on direct projection. The ray of light directly comes from the projection
lamp or some other source of light pass through the heat filter condensers lens the object
(film strip) the compound object lens and finally the enlarged image appears on the screen.

Preparation of Filmstrip:
Film strip can be prepared by employing photographic method or by drawing picture by
hand on the film itself. The steps are
 Select a Suitable Topic
 Prepare a detailed script describing the content of each frame
 Make rough sketches of the figure on paper
 Draw sketches in suitable sizes on while draw on paper
 In the Subject Chosen requires exact reproduction of the original, photograph must
be taken on the subject and must be enlarged them.
 Suitable for large group
 Magnification 2X times
 Portable
 Easy to operate
 Relatively cheap
 Permits reverse movement
 Permit desired spaced.

 Software Expensive
 Needs efficient operation
 Needs Darken room
 Hardly possible to take notes
Introduction: A slide projector is an auto mechanical device to view
photographic slide. Slide projector become common since 1950 as a form of
entertainment. Family members and friends would gather to view slide show. In
home photographic slides and slide projector have been replaced by low cost
paper printer digital camera, DVD media, Video display monitor and video

Elements of Slide Projector: A Projector has four main elements. They are-

 Bulb-A slide projector uses an intensely hot. high-powered halogen

lamp in order to project the slide. There are many types of bulbs due
to different manufacturers of slide projectors and different models
from each manufacturer as well. They are designed to last for at least
SO hours of use in normal circumstances.

 The Fan- An electric motor drives a small Jim inside of the slide
projector which blows air across the bulb in order to cool it. There
are vents on the outside of the slide projector, and from these both
the intake of air and exhaust of air occur—not the same one vent
doing both of course

 The Lens- A slide is placed in a tray that attaches to the slide

projector. This tray can be rectangular in shape, moving the slide to
be viewed from front to hack, or circular, moving the slide to be
viewed in an arc.

 The Slide Tray- A slide is placed in a tray that attached to the slide
projector. This tray can be rectangular in a shape. Moving the slide
to be viewed in an arc.

Features of Slide Projector-

i. Magazines to load up - to 120 slides with manual or automatic

advance .backward movement or skip facility
ii. Remote control switches for the above as well us focusing and
iii. Automatic timing device to show the slides, either at a regular intervals or all
desired present differential intervals.
iv. Synchronized slide projection with recorded sound commentary.
v. Can be arranged for hack serene projection . i. e it can he placed behind the
serene and the image Is projected backwards onto an inclined mirror and
then reflected on the screen from the back.

Advantages of Slide Projector

1. Inexpensive to Use
2. Better Quality
3. Focus of Attention
4. Assist in lesson development
5. Re view instruction
6- Facilitates student teacher relationship

Disadvantages Of Slide Projector

1. Slides have maximum impact when the room completely dark.
2. Slides can jam. The remote can break. The bulb can burn out.
3. Slide preparation requires a lot of predevelopment work
4. It requires significant amount of imaginative and creative skill.
5. Slides can easily get dirty and smudged with finger prints.


A LCD projector is a type of video projector for displaying video images

computer data on
a screen or other flat surface. The LCD projector was invented by the
New York inventor
Gene Dolgoff in 1984. LCD Projector are increasingly being used in
meeting training
sessions, class room, education and visual entertainment. They appeal to
all the sensors
organs and the impact always greater than simple speech.


According to their size and probability LCD projectors are classified in

the following

 Ultralight portable projectors

 Conference room projectors
 Fixed installation projectors

Guidelines for using LCD Projectors

The following guidelines must he followed while using the LCD projector
for educational
 PROJECTION SURFACE: While projecting. the surface should lie a
neutral colour and
best suited for natural colour tones
 SETTING UP THE SYSTEM The flowing steps must he followed to set
up the LCD
projection system.
 The LCD projector must he placed 5-15 feet away from the projection
screen, either with
a permanently fixed ceiling or placed on a stable surface.
 Computer laptop cable should he connected al the back of LCD
projector on a video pot
and computer laptop and projector should he effectively connected
 The power cable of the projector should he connected to the three-way
electrical port
which is grounded.
 Then the lens cap of the projector should be removed.
 The projector should be switched on by pressing the power button on
the lop of projector
Which will lead to a flash of light followed by the projection of image
 The content to be projected should be dearly projected on the projection
screen If
projection is not dear then the focus of projection should be fixed using the
rings on the lens
 Further projection may be adjusted by manipulating the fool of the
projector on bottom at
from and hack.
Advantages of LCD projectors:

It is a technologically advanced audiovisual aid. It can be used for

presentation of still slides as well as video Slide show and video can be
together and customized in a single presentation.
 It is considered very interesting and visually attractive for the audience.
 Back and forth movement of presenting content can be easily carried out
for reinforcing or recapitalizing the whole presentation.
Limitations of LCD projectors

 It is quite tin expensive electronic gadget that is not easy to afford.

 Teachers and faculty.

 They require technical skills of compiler and PowerPoint presentation

while using LCD projector.

 In case of power failure or technological failure, it may cause a lot of

problems, which are very difficult to manage at the last minute.

A field trip is defined as any teaching and learning excursion outside the
classroom. It is an educational procedure by which student studies first-hand
objects and materials in their natural environment
Purpose of Field Trip
 To make a connection between reality and theory -hands on.
 Can be toed as an introduction to a unit or a culminating actively.
 To provide an authentic learning experience.
 Provide opportunity for students to gel to meet and interact with
 They can experience ad jive senses, see. touch, feel, smell, taste.

Guidelines To Plan for A Field Trip

 It should be planned and effectively organized.
 Ensure that the field trip fulfils the educational objectives.
 Prepare a checklist to ensure that all tasks are completed and have
the administrator sign the checklist once completed.
 Ensure students have necessary background knowledge prior to the
field trip.
 Plan on route activities to enrich their experiences during the field
trip. Be sure to visit the site ahead of time. In order to plan for
safety, resources, and resource personnel, facility.
 Plan post-trip activities that build on knowledge gained in partaking
in the field-trip. (Example: reports, displays, photos, graphs.

Advantages of Field Trip

> They furnish first-hand information to supplement and to enrich the
classroom instruction.
> They correlate and blend college life and outside world, providing
opportunity to interact with the persons and community situations.
> They create situations which help lo develop observation and keenness.
> It provides opportunity to apply that which has been taught, to verify
which has been learnt.
> They provide actual .source material for study.
> They provide motivation by arousing interest and vitalize instruction.
> Students remember field trips because they learn using different


Computer-based education (CBE) and Computer-based instruction (C BI) are the

broadest terms and can refer to virtually any kind of computer use in educational
settings. Computer- assisted instruction (CAI) Computer Aided Instruct ion (CAI)
is a narrower term and most often refers to drill-and-practice, tutorial, or
simulation activities. Computer-managed instruction (( Ml) Computer-managed
instruction is an instructional strategy whereby the computer is used to provide
learning objectives, learning resources, record keeping, progress tracking, and
assessment of learner performance. Computer hosed tools and applications are
used to assist the teacher or school administrator in the management of the learner
and instructional process.

A self-learning technique, usually offline online, involving interaction of the
student with programmed instructional materials.


1. Text or multimedia content

2. Multiple-choice questions
3. Problems
4. Immediate feedback
5. Notes on incorrect responses
6. Summarizes-students' performance
7. Exercises for practice
8. Worksheets and tests.


1) Drill-and-practice
2) Tutorial
3) Games
4) Simulation
5) Discovery
6) Problem Solving


 One-to-one interaction
 (Great motivator
 Freedom to experiment with different options
 Instantaneous response immediate feedback to the answers elicited
 Self pacing - allow students Io proceed at their own puce
 Helps teacher can devote more time to individual students
 Privacy helps the shy and stow learner to learns
 Individual attention
 Learn more and more rapidly
 Multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through approach
 Self directed learning - students can decide when, where, and what to

 May feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available

 Over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content
 Learning becomes loo mechanical
 Non availability of good CAI packages
 Lack of infrastructure

Selection Of Audio Visual Aids

Most common audio-visual aids are non-self-instructional. When used without
proper selection and preparation the effective power of such aids is lost. In
different situations certain teaching aids are more effective than others. Also a
combination of teaching aids is more desirable than a single aid variety m
teaching aids is the soul of an effective lesson

Criteria Selection of Audio Visual Aids

 Subject relatedness- The audio-visual aids should he closely related

to the lesson topics. These aids should give the feeling of
entertainment and amusement alone.
 Supplementary rote- The audio visual aids must be selected in a way
that they assist the classroom instructor to supplement die classroom

 Accuracy- It should have accurate details as incorrect information

conveyed by them can cause a lot of harm.

 Accessibility- It should he easily accessible and available to the


 Variety-A large number of A I aids should he used for teaching as use

of 3 single aid can cause monotony.
 Cost-effectiveness- The AV aid should he used frequently for a large
number of students so that it becomes cost-effective.

 Pre-viewing- For selecting AV aids for classroom situation, they must

be previewed and appraised.

 Utility- Only those audio-visual aids which are frequently useful for
classroom instruction should he selected.
Only a skilled teacher can use the audio-visual instruction aids effectively for
classroom teaching.
During a class lesson audio-visual aids have to be used in right manners and al a
right lecture. Studies prove that a lesson which uses a combination of audio-visual
aids is invariably efficient and effective. The main reasons for this are the novelty,
psychological appeal and multisensory involvement of students.


For different teaching points, different aids are optimally effective:

1. Chalkboard
2. Charts
3. Cartoons & comic strips
4. Objects, specimen, exhibits
5. Field trips


1) The teacher must show more and talk less. This is only possible if enough
and a variety of teaching aids are used during the lesson.
2) The teacher should be enthusiastic about his lesson and dramatize as and
when possible.
3) Keep constant eye contact with your class.
4) Control the pitch, loudness, pace and modulation of your voice. The teacher
should also use descriptive and figurative language in a clear tone and speak
5) While using leaching aids, the teacher should position himself in such a way
so that he talks to his class and no! his aid if you turn your back it breaks
contact and shutters attention.
6) While introducing an aid to illustrate a point, use a stick a brief introductory
remark to arouse curiosity.

The word aid is vital to a correct understanding of their use. This will provide us
great support to classroom teaching. So to teach effectively and for effective
communication we seek to help of audio-visual aids. These gives us an idea about
the need of use them during teaching. We should make the best use of things
available in the class room or in the locality. It must be kept in mind that a more
collection of audio visual aids cannot make reaching effective and meaningful.

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