Philippine Politics and Governance The Legislative Branch
Philippine Politics and Governance The Legislative Branch
Philippine Politics and Governance The Legislative Branch
Philippine Politics
and Governance
Quarter 1 – Module 10:
The Legislative-Roles and Responsibilities of the
Philippine Senate and the House of
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Politics and
Quarter 1 – Module 10:
The Legislative-Roles and
Responsibilities of the Philippine
Senate and the House of
Introductory Message
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Knowledge: Identify the roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the
House of Representatives.
Skills: List the current senators and district representatives in our province.
What I Know
Direction: Read each item carefully and use your notebook to write your answers.
2. The congress is composed of the Upper and the Lower house which is also
known as the _____ and ______ respectively.
What’s In
In the previous lesson, roles of executive branch were discussed, and this is
considered vital especially in making important decisions that can affect the country’s
progress and development. Executive powers alone are insufficient because it needs
constituents who are responsible for assisting the president. So, it is also important to
study about the Roles and Responsibilities of the Philippine Senate and the House of
What’s New
Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in your notebook.
1. Do you like the activity? Do you have difficulty in remembering our senators?
3. How about the congressmen in the province of Negros Oriental, who are they?
What are the primary roles of senators and congressmen?
What is It
b. Qualifications
The qualifications for Senators are the following:
1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines.
2. At least 35 years of age.
3. Able to read and write.
4. A registered voter.
5. A resident of the Philippine for not less than two (2) years
c. Term of Office
The term of office of Senators is six (6) years which shall begin unless
otherwise provided by law at noon on the 30th day of June after their election.
Term of office which refers to the period fixed by law/constitution during
which a member of congress or an elective official will hold office, should be
distinguished from tenure of office which speaks of the actual number of
years during which the official hold the office.
No Senator can serve for more than 2 consecutive term, and since the
term of office is 6 year then what is prohibited under the constitution is more
than 12 successive years. The purpose of this prohibition as to the number
of competent and deserving to be elected senator.
The Senate also elects a president pro tempore from the majority party, “an
honoric position” which presides when the Senate President is absent. The Senate
also elects a majority and minority floor leader. The party caucuses of ruling majority
party in the Senate elect the majority leader. He acts as the leader and spokesperson
of the majority party and its principal functions is to schedule the business of the
2. House of Representatives
The House of Representatives consists of men and women who are the
elected representatives of the Filipino people. We expect the members of the
House to represent our needs and aspirations and to carry our desire on
matters of national concerns.
a. Composition
The House of Representatives is composed of 10 times larger than the
membership in the Senate. It is composed of not more than 250 members
unless otherwise fixed by law. It consists of two kinds of members namely:
b. Qualifications
b.1. Qualification for district Representatives
The qualifications for District Representatives are:
1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
2. At least twenty - five (25) years of age
3. Able to read and write
4. A registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected
5. A registered of the district in which he shall be elected for not less
than one year.
c. Term of Office
Under the present constitution, the term of office of congressman is
reduced to three years and like a senator, shall commence at noon on the
thirtieth day of June unless otherwise fixed by law next following their
They can only be elected for three (3) consecutive years or a continuous
service of 9 years, however, like the Senators there is no limit as to the
number of years a person can hold office as congressman. They can still be
elected for the same office, provided there is an interruption after serving for
3 consecutive terms.
questions of order, refers bills resolutions, orders issued by or upon order of the
House, appoints members of joint committees and conference committees, and
exercises administrative functions over the house personnel.
The House also elects Deputy Speakers for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao who
assume the duties and powers of the Speaker when he is absent. Like the Speaker,
the Deputy Speakers are elected by a majority vote of all the members.
What’s More
Task 1: I. Multiple Choices. Read each item carefully and use your notebook
to write your answers. Write only the letter.
5. When is the regular election of the Senators and the Members of the House of
Representatives held?
A. Every 4th Monday of July
B. 2nd Monday of May
C. 1st Sunday of June
D. None of the above
7. Congressman of Negros Oriental who authored the bill “An Act Proposing
Amendments To Section 3, RA 10054, Otherwise Known as an Act Mandating All
Motorcycle Riders To Wear Standard Protective Motorcycle Helmets While Driving
and Providing Penalties Therefor”
A. Arnie Teves
B. Chiquiting Sagarbaria
C. Jocelyn Sy Limkaichong
D. None of the above
8. The branch of the Philippine government that authorize to make laws, alter and
A. Legislative branch
B. Judiciary branch
C. Executive branch
D. All of the above
II. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the options given inside the box. Write your
answer in your notebook.
Write your personal reflection about the lesson. Share your learning
Insights/reflection that would provide you an opportunity to reflect on and assess your
skills, knowledge and comprehension. Do this in your notebook.
What I Can Do
Task 2: Motivational
Direction: Read carefully the questions and write your answers in your notebook.
Directions: Read and answer the roles and functions of the legislative branch.
_______ 1. Approves the government’s budget
_______ 2. Overturn a Presidential veto
_______ 3. Make laws
_______ 4. Presiding officer of the Senate
_______ 5. Qualification for district Representatives. Give one.
_______ 6. Issue executive orders
_______ 7. Presides over the House of Representatives.
_______ 8. Elected through the party-system of registered national, regional and
sectoral parties or organization.
_______ 9. Senators term of office
______ 10. Differentiate district representatives from party-list representatives?
Additional Activities
Meriam Webster Dictionary