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General descrip on of the architectural design of the construc on drawing of the hotel in Myanmar

A building part

1. Design Basis:
1.1 The design scheme agreed upon by the user for many mes
1.2 The current relevant na onal architectural design codes and regula ons

2. The standard codes and regula ons followed by the design of this project

2.1 Uniform standards for civil building design

2.2 Fire protec on codes for building design
2.3 Design Standards for Energy Conserva on of Residen al Buildings in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Regions
2.4 Regula ons on the depth of prepara on of architectural design documents (2016 edi on)
2.5 Technical Specifica ons for Roofing Engineering
2.6 Barrier-free design specifica ons
2.8 Code for thermal engineering design of civil buildings
2.9 Technical Regula ons for Architectural Glass Applica on
2.10 Design Standards for Energy Conserva on of Civil Buildings in Yunnan Province
2.11 Specifica ons for hotel building design
2.12 Design Standards for Energy Conserva on of Public Buildings

The project is designed according to the current na onal design standards. In addi on to following this instruc on during construc on, it should
also meet the requirements of the design drawings and the current na onal standard atlas

3 Project overview
3.1 This project is: The construc on party is: Myanmar 10-story hotel
3.2 The project covers an area of 1406.07m², with a total construc on area of 13187.08 M and a building height of 58.50m for 11 floors
3.3 The building structure of this project is a frame structure building, which is classified as a mul -storey public building. The seismic for fica on
category of the building is Class C, and the reasonable service life is 50 years.
3.4 The fire resistance grade of the superstructure of this project is Class II. The seismic ra ng is Class II, and the seismic for fica on intensity is 7
(0.15g). The fire hazard ra ng of the third group of the design earthquake group is Class C
4 design eleva on
4.1 The design eleva on of the building is 0.000, which is equivalent to 750mm on the floor of the finished surface. It can be
adjusted according to the site condi ons during construc on
4.2 The marked eleva on of each floor is the eleva on of the finished surface of the building, and the eleva on of the roof is the eleva on of the
structural surface
4.3 The eleva on of this project is in m (meter), and other dimensions are in mm (millimeter)

5 Wall works
5.1 The wall is made of autoclaved aerated concrete block masonry mortar with strength grade M7.5 mixed mortar. The construc on quality
and construc on are strictly in accordance with the requirements.
5.2 The intersec on of the walls around the bathroom and the floor of the building is turned up 200 high, C20 fine stone concrete meets the
door and breaks. The intersec on of the roof and the outer wall is turned up 200 high. Open 5.3 Wall moisture-proof layer: The method of
external wall moisture-proof layer is detailed Southwest 18J112-50-2A The moisture-proof layer of the inner wall is detailed in Southwest 18J112-
50-3A (4A)) 5.4 The construc on can only be carried out a er checking the structural columns in the architectural drawing and structural
5.5 See Southwest 18J112-56-3 for treatment of external wall deforma on joints.
5.6 All reinforced concrete columns, beams, slabs and brick wall joints must be hung with a width of 300m, 8x0.8 steel wire mesh to prevent the
plaster from drying out.
5.7 Plastering works should be carried out in layers. When the total thickness of plaster is greater than or equal to 35mm, strengthening
measures shall be taken. For the plastering of the intersec ng surfaces of different material substrates, reinforcement measures shall be taken to
prevent cracking. When reinforcement mesh is used, the overlapping width of reinforcement mesh and each substrate shall not be less than

6, Piping well and exhaust duct

6.1 The back sealing material of all exhaust ducts and pipe well walls shall be gypsum perlite hollow strips with an extreme 60mm fire resistance
ra ng of 1.5h; the pipe wells shall be built a er the installa on of equipment and pipes is completed and passed the acceptance check
6.2 Each floor of the pipe sha (except the air sha ) shall be ghtly packed and separated by C20 fine stone concrete with the same thickness as
the slab. The two-way steel mesh is welded on the angle steel, and the double steel mesh is laid on it and concrete is poured),
6.3 Use C20 fine stone concrete at the junc on of the pipe sha wall and the floor slab to tamp 100mm above the floor, and along the wall:
00mm, apply 100mm, high waterproof ointment;
6.4 When all pipes pass through par on walls and floors, asbestos felt must be used to ghtly fill the surrounding area. A er sealing, it is
required to reach the fire resistance limit for one hour.
6.5 The inspec on door on the pipeline well shall be a Class C fire door.

7 Roofing works
7.1 The waterproofing grade of the roof of this project is Ⅲ level, the method is detailed in the decora on table
7.2 The roof is located at the turning point of the parapet wall, the turning point of the high and low roof, the rain outlet, the yin and yang
corners and other key waterproof parts. Before large-scale construc on, add two layers of waterproof glue
7.3 See the roof plan for the roof drainage organiza on, see the water drawing for the internal drainage rainwater pipe, and use PVC pipes for the
external rainwater drainage pipe.
7.4 The detailed water installa on of the solar water hea ng system shall be installed by a professional solar installa on company
7.5 In the plan view of the roof, when the rainwater from the high roof is broadcast from the rainwater pipe to the low roof, a
600mm×600mmx80mm fine stone reinforced concrete drip plate shall be laid under the rainwater pipe with 60200 two-way reinforcement.

8 Door and window engineering:

8.1 The selec on of door and window glass should comply with the relevant provisions of the "Technical Regula ons for the Applica on of
Architectural Glass" and the "Regula ons on the Administra on of Architectural Safety Glass" issued by Fa Gai Yun (2003).
8.2 The facades of doors and windows indicate the size of the opening, and the processing size of doors and windows should be adjusted by the
construc on party according to the thickness of the decora on surface.
8.3 For the selec on of materials, colors, and glass of doors and windows, see the notes to the door and window table

9 Exterior decora on works

9.1 Refer to the eleva on drawing for the exterior decora on design and prac ce index;
9.2 The construc on party conducts a secondary design of light steel structure decora ons, etc., and a er confirma on, provide the architectural
design unit with the installa on requirements for embedded parts;
9.3 The material, specifica on, color, etc. of the various materials selected for exterior decora on shall be provided by the construc on unit as
samples, and a er confirma on by the construc on and design units, the samples shall be sealed and accepted accordingly
9.4 Method of coa ng surface layer:
for brick base, please refer to Southwest 18-516-115-5312,
for concrete base, please refer to Southwest 18J516-115-531L. 5408.
10 Interior decora on works:
10.1 The interior decora on project implements the "Code for Fire Protec on Design of Building Interior Decora on"
GB50222, and the ground part of the building implements the "Code for Design of Building Ground" GB50037. The interior par ons,
commodi es, ceilings, and finishes should meet the requirements of the "Code for Design of Store Buildings" JGJ48-88 See interior decora on
prac ce table for general decora on
10.2 The materials, specifica ons, colors, etc. of the materials selected for interior decora on shall be provided by the construc on unit
as samples, and a er confirma on by the construc on and design units, the samples shall be sealed and accepted accordingly

11 Fire design
11.1 The front of this project is an open space, the back is a road, the le side is a road, and the right side is a road, all of which meet the
requirements of the fire protec on code, and the main building is a frame structure.
11.2 This project is a hotel. According to the building design fire protec on code, this project has 2 safety exits, which can lead directly to the
11.3 This project has a total of 10 fire compartments., the construc on area of the fire compartment is less than 2500m²
11.4 The maximum distance from the farthest point of the room to the evacua on door in this project is less than 22m. The evacua on distance
meets the requirements. The maximum distance from the evacua on door to the nearest safety exit in the room of this project is less than 40m,
and the evacua on distance meets the requirements.
11.5 The main structure of the building is a frame structure, and the external walls without injec on are all 200mm brick walls, and their fire
resistance ra ngs have reached the second-level fire resistance ra ng. Building components require single-layer steel structures to be fireproof.
All steel structure components should be coated with thin foam fireproof coa ngs according to regula ons The fire resistance
ra ng of the main components should not be lower than the code requirements (250 hours for columns, 150 hours for beams), and meet the
technical requirements of <<Technical Specifica ons for Fire Protec on of Steel Structures in Buildings, CECS200-2006), and the columns should
be coated with 30 thick fireproof coa ngs according to the specifica ons , Beams should be coated with 7 thick and thin foam fireproof coa ngs
according to the specifica ons.
Remarks: The thickness of the coa ng can be determined according to the actual product descrip on, but it must meet the minimum
fire resistance me requirements. lh 11.6 The exposed metal structural components (including steel ladders, etc.)
The thickness of the fireproof coa ng is: thin fireproof coa ng thickness 7mm, thick fireproof coa ng thickness 20mm, 11.7 This
project has been equipped with automa c fire ex nguishing system, automa c alarm system, mechanical smoke exhaust system and fire hydrant
system. Before construc on, it is necessary to review the fire protec on design to meet the local fire protec on regula ons before construc on.

12 Other:
12.1 For the painted part, please refer to Southwest 18J312-84-5102 for the method of pain ng the wood surface •For the method of pain ng
the metal surface, please refer to Southwest 18J312-82-5113 ·
12.2 The water sprinkling width of the house is 600mm, the slope i=3%, the method is detailed in Southwest 18J812-7-1
12.3 The prac ce of the outdoor drainage ditch of the house is detailed in Southwest 18J812-3-2a.
12.4 The method of building outdoor brick steps is detailed in Southwest 18J812-10-1c •
12.5 The outer walls are all 1:2 cement mortar founda on 20 thick.
12.6 During the construc on, civil engineering, hydropower and decora on work must cooperate with the construc on. It is strictly forbidden to
dig a er the fact, and use it under the design load. The standard drawing selected in the figure has embedded parts for the structural work,
and reserved holes such as steel railings, doors and windows on the stair pla orm. For building accessories, etc., the various holes and
embedded parts marked in this drawing should be closely coordinated with various types of work, and construc on can only be carried out a er
confirma on.
12.7 At the junc on of the walls of two materials, metal mesh should be nailed before finishing the decora on according to the material of the
decora on or
12.8 Add glass mesh cloth during construc on to prevent cracks. Pre-embedded wooden bricks and wooden surfaces of adjacent walls are
treated with an -corrosion treatment, and exposed iron parts are treated with an -rust treatment;
12.9 When the roof is sloped for the structure, please pay a en on to raising or lowering the corresponding column top eleva on during
construc on.

B Structural part Detailed

drawing <General descrip on of structure>
13. Special design instruc ons for barrier-free
13.1. This project is a public building, which implements the "Code for Barrier-Free Design" GB50763-2012 and the relevant regula ons of local
authori es.
13.2. The prac ce of barrier-free ramps at building entrances is detailed in 18J812-8-C.
Class Repair

interior decora on

layers room name category prac ce structure Remark

Plain earth rammed founda on soil

150 thick acrylic stone M5.0 cement mortar filling joints

150 thick C15 concrete cushion

Entertainment ground le floor

25 thick 1:2.5 cement mortar leveling layer
Hall Floor les
The method of pas ng an -skid and wear-resistant floor les on the surface layer is
detailed Southwest 180312-14-3124L and face
Code Room
Card baseboard Black les The method is detailed Southwest 18J515-196-1 Height: 100mm
Room Office Mixed mortar powder flat scraped The method is detailed Southwest 18J515-8-NO2 (change the spray paint to copper
the wall tempered porcelain (concealed
scraping customiz
ed by
White wear-resistant facing brick The method is detailed Southwest 18J515-11-N13C (dad height h=1.200m)
dado dado Party A

layer ceiling Mixed mortar powder flat scraped The method is detailed Southwest 18J515-67-P06 (change the spray paint to scrape steel
tempered porcelain
Plain earth rammed founda on soil

150 thick meat stone M5.0 cement mortar filling joints

150 thick C15 concrete cushion

ground le floor 25 thick 1:2.5 cement mortar leveling layer

bathroom The method of pas ng an -skid and wear-resistant floor les on the surface layer is
detailed in Southwest 18J312-14-3124L les,
1800mm high polymer waterproof membrane, fully pasted with dark
the wall Paste dark les facing
(concealed pa ern les, pa erns can be made, and the pa ern is customized by
the first party

top bar Plas c composite

The prac ce is detailed Southwest 181515-69-P12 (concealed
gypsum board
floor paved floor An -skid and wear-resistant floor les 18/312-14-3124L
private room

Monitoring room
The prac ce is detailed in Southwest 181515-196-1 Height: 100mm
baseboard Black les (concealed) Floor les,
Customer service
face les
consulta on The prac ce is detailed Southwest 18/515-8-NO2
the wall Mixed mortar powder flat
Office Staff (Change the spray paint to scratch tempered porcelain)
scraping steel chemical
Lounge | Storage The prac ce is detailed Southwest 181515-11-N13C
dado White wear-resistant facing
Room Open brick dado (Po height h=1.200m)
Dining Area Guest Mixed Mortar Powder Flat The prac ce is detailed Southwest 184515-67-P06
211st floor Room Scraped Tempered Porcelain
(Change the spray paint to scratch tempered porcelain)
floor les The method of pas ng an -skid and wear-resistant floor les on
bathroom the surface layer is detailed Southwest 181312-14-3124L

kitchen Floor les,

Within the height of 1800mm, polymer waterproof membrane
facing les,
the wall can be used to make full-faced decora ve bricks, pa erns can be
shower Paste dark les made, and the pa erns can be customized by Party A. Party A
locker room customizes

top bar Plas c Composite Paper The prac ce is detailed Southwest 181515-69-P12
Faced Gypsum Board Top Rail
ground paved floor An -slip and wear-resistant floor les on the surface layer 181312-14-3124L Floor les
and face
baseboard Black les (dumb paste) The prac ce is detailed Southwest 18/515-196-1 Height: 100mm
The prac ce is detailed Southwest 18J515-8-NO2 are
Mixed mortar powder flat scraped
the wall customize
tempered porcelain (Change the spray paint to scratch tempered porcelain)
Outdoor The prac ce is detailed Southwest 18J515-67-P06
d by Party
top bar Mixed mortar powder flat scraped A
decora on tempered porcelain
(Change the spray paint to scratch tempered porcelain

surface roof Waterproof The polymer membrane is EPDM rubber modified asphalt waterproof
Membrane waterproofing
layer membrane, the SBS modified asphalt waterproof membrane

exterior For brick founda on method, please refer to Southwest 18J516-114-5307.

the wall wall paint
wall For concrete method, please refer to Southwest 18/ used, and the
isola on layer is brushed with asphalt mas c. Details Southwest 18J201-45-1

Master Roof no roof

40 thick C20 fine stone concrete protec ve layer 20 thick cement mortar protec ve layer

4mm thick SBS modified bitumen membrane waterproof roof 4mm thick SBS modified bitumen membrane waterproof roof
detailed Southwest 18J201-45-1 detailed Southwest 18J201-45-1

20 thick cement mortar bonding layer 20 thick cement mortar bonding layer

60 thick rock wool, glass wool board 60 thick rock wool, glass wool board

20 thick cement mortar leveling layer 20 thick cement mortar leveling layer

concrete floor concrete floor

Remark: Building decora on materials should be non-combus ble or difficult-to-combus ble materials, and the use of materials that produce toxic and
suffoca ng gases during combus on is strictly prohibited.

Class A decora on materials should be used for the ceiling, wall and floor of the evacua on stairwell and the front room.
Door and window table

kind Hole size(mm)


Width Height

Double-leaf casement glass door with full window at the door

Class C fire door

Class A fire door

Class B fire door

Class A fire door

single leaf swing solid wood door Party A decides

Plas c steel door with shu er Party A decides

Double swing solid wood door Party A decides

Double leaf an -the door Party A decides

mother-in-law solid wood door Party A decides

Aluminum alloy soundproof windows, sill height 0 mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 1200mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 1200mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 1200mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 1200mm

Aluminum alloy casement soundproof windows, window sill height 1200mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

kind Hole size(mm)

Width Height

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

window Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 600mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Class A fire window 300mm

Aluminum alloy casement window, sill height 300mm

Class A fire window 300mm

Window type: ordinary aluminum alloy Low-E insula ng colored glass

(6 medium-transmi ng and heat-reflec ng colored glass+12A+6 transparent hollow colored glass)

Aluminum alloy window: 1.40mm thick silver-white frosted aluminum

Door and window cu ng needs to carefully check the size of the hole, and the unfilled door stack is 60mm

An -the railings for doors and windows shall be determined by Party A. All aluminum alloy windows shall be provided

with gauze fans. Safety glass shall be used when the glass area of a single window is greater than 1.5 square meters.

When the single window glass area is greater than 1.5 square meters, the aluminum alloy model is subject to the manufacturer

If the height of the window sill is less than 900mm, the height of the window balustrade shall be 1100mm

All windows need stoppers

The number and size of doors and windows need to be determined a er the decora on design part of the structure

The posi on and size of all windows should be combined with the water, electricity, hea ng, ven la on openings and pipe sizes to reasonably set the window type
Drawing table of contents

drawing number Serial Number

construc on general architectural design

Door and window table build table

building layout
Architectural floor plan large sample

Architectural floor plan large sample

Architectural floor plan large sample

Architectural floor plan large sample

Architectural floor plan large sample

building eleva on

Architectural floor plan large sample

Large drawing

Large drawing

Large drawing

Stair construc on drawing one

Stair construc on drawing two

Large sample of doors and windows

Combus on performance grades of interior decora on materials

Door and window opening lintel details

Classifica on of combus on performance of decora on materials

Combus on performance of decora on

Class materials





Combus on performance grade of decora on materials

Ceiling the wall cut off fixed Curtains other decora ve

furniture materials
List of structural columns and ring beams

name Sec on and Reinforcement Remark


Structural Pillars
of Judah
M5.0 cement mortar
Structural column

Structural column hinged sample

Each structural column is fired from the inside of each

beam, and the upper opening of the structural column is
hinged to the lower opening of each girder.

The 50mm joint at the hinge is filled with M5.0 cement


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